Behind The Pulpit | Bishop Tudor Bismark

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the ring you [Music] the remnant querida [Music] well welcome behind the pulpits and today we have an incredible guest here one of the greatest men of God on the planet right now bishop tiro bismarck welcome apostle nikki is going to be here could you be with you I'm so humbled that you are you know and today we're going to speak to him behind the pulpit who's the man behind the pulpit and it's gonna be an incredible incredible session and I want you to stay tuned shaders of your people because this is gonna be life-changing Bishop let's start with where you were born where you grew up and tell us about your family your children beautiful wife well born January 1st 1957 in a town in Zimbabwe back then was Rhodesia in oil my mother is one of 13 kids they just lost their one sister but they were all still alive and they grew up Muslim my dad was one of a cluster of 17 and grew up in their own world they met married in 56 I was born and then I'm the oldest of ten and dad worked on the railways I went to school in government school back then in a place called romance and then when my dad was transferred to Botswana to work on the railways there by then my mom and dad had seven kids they they never put us in a boarding school because prior to that I was staying with one auntie and uncle my sister was staying with another and then some was staying with a granny and the kids were too fragmented so our parents didn't put us in a boarding school a Catholic school called in Berkeley and Berkeley mission and it was there that I had my first introduction to Christianity because in a more formal sense it was mandatory for us to go to Mass they used to do morning and evening the evening was either the evening was fallen the morning was voluntary the evening was mandatory and then everybody had to do Mass on Sunday and I then began to feel a little something and then the Catholic bishop had come in to give the children they First Holy Communion because there was catechism training and then Holy Communion because of our religious background I was not allowed to do catechism and I was not allowed to participate in the things in in the mass but I had such a desire and when the priest who did the Holy Communion he preached from Matthew 9 the laborers are few you know and something exploded in me I now describe it like a light ignited in me the furnace was lit I started burning inside and that year I went home and asked my mother I said I want to be a priest I want to be trained as a priest allow me to take communion and he was no you can't do that but I was allowed then formally I got a letter to give to the headmaster and the priest where I could take care of kids in classes and my sister behind me wanted to be a nun because she felt the same thing and so we started taking catechism classes but were not allowed to take communion but I then served as an altar boy and yeah I then my mum and dad were having challenges you know had another child and so in 1969 my mom was leaving my dad my dad and to get his head together went to Malawi to his sister and I was 12 back then and while my dad was in Malawi my mom was getting a hit together he's here together the twins were born Matthew and Mark and my brother Mark is here in Joburg Tommy's got a church but my mum was the most spiritual had a one-on-one encounter with we now say the Holy Spirit but with some voice she called her friend and told her said Shirley Muslim name was sharifa but he quoted by a Christian named Shelly he's going to have two boys they twins they're not identical their names will be Matthew and Mark and this will be a step towards spiritual awakening in your life you and your husband will be fine one day you'll understand more but you need to move to Rhodesia and so while my dad was getting his head around their life and marriage and maybe divorce my mum had moved came to blue area where we they were from found a piece of property and took money that she'd been hiding and brought the piece of property and then went to speak to form be somebody to build a house my dad came back to Botswana my mother has started making that move and he was just told I'm leaving you sort yourself out I'm taking my children and I'm building a house and so my dad was forced to come back to Zimbabwe because my mom was brought in the house and in that time my mother was then seeking and found an anglican bishop to get us trained to take communion and so on but in that journey you know my dad was working at a railway project for the railways intibucá and storm us behaving of course drinking a lot tried to put his band back together that he had years and that wasn't working too well but he'd eaten the railway canteen and there was a white brother there by the name of Louis Lowe and originally from South Africa was working on the railways there and Louis would always say prayer before he'd eat and my dad's kind of like you know take a little charity my dad's not an unkind person and then Louie then began to witness to my dad he said I am I was the his Bible puncher and so the day my mom was leaving Louie Lo and an American missionary Robin Faris came to the house and she said to my mom you know and dad they won't invite us to a service on a Saturday night and my mother felt something and forced us to all go we did and my dad with us and he was a Pentecostal service I was like what are we doing here these people don't have any they were shouting clapping saying Amen jump in and there was missionary for the carpenter was singing at the top of his voice you know and there was another brother their brother cloutie you know he now he's in Cape Town he was clapping so loud I want to punch him and it was a multiracial meeting the guys were shouting a man without a year with the preacher was saying but the fireman that fire felt that eight hit me in my spirits I want to punch my mom because she started telling our business nah thank you for having this meeting I'm leaving my husband I'm like and then they prayed for us and then Robin Fehr I started picking this up for church hmm Robin and Sue Faris ooh still alive they were from Weston Texas from world of Pentecost whoa and they were hippies and they were in a street evangelism service that they got saved Robin was the part of this Hari Krishna movement in a war orange and they were selling Julie on the street they were high on LSD drugs and brother Philips was still alive that church has preached a lot of missionaries Randy his son is part of a singing group Phillips Craig indeed they produce a lot of missionaries and Palin renege Morris who lead TB and praise and worship back then they part of that church in this part of my TBN journey so anyway this couple came in preach to us and miraculously our family started serving the Lord and Robin Farris was the one that identified there was a preacher well and I preached my first message in 1974 under his tutelage and so in 1974 I started officially my history Wow that is incredible yeah pretty journey all my brothers and sisters are nine ministry all of us are preachers all of us my sisters are married to pastors you know that is an absolute powerful testament I want to ask you this when did you feel the call to start the church well narration well part of a journey in 74 Zimbabwe was in the war 77 I had to go to the army and I was preaching to the soldiers I got a lot of guys that are still Christians today many are pastors from my experience teaching and preaching in the army years was tough and then I got hurt in the bush they wouldn't send me home I went to Harare Salisbury back then and the first person I met that day was an American missionary from the same organization I bumped into him in town by absolute mistake captain man fell off our truck we were taking him to the Royal Hotel he was so hard he fell off the truck I jumped off injured to try to help him and as I was trying to lift captain man I hit this white guy and thinking back then it was a positive answer no sir oh I'm sorry and he was on missionary that I only met for five minutes a few months before and he recognized me well invited me to live with him I really couldn't at that time because I was still in the army and then eventually I did and he was burning a church and long story short I'm a cheetah that night ooh and a very long story short I was assisting him because his sons had to go to back to the States so I helped him when Miami deal was over my dad wanted me to go to Paulo way to happen with this church and I didn't I couldn't and I stayed to help the missionary there and then out of the blue one day when teach and I got married I said I wanted to start a church in another town and he said no this church we've built I bought it for you I couldn't and then he came back from the states this was 1982 late 1982 and he said to me dude I'm gone in ten days this is your church and so teaching I just as kids were left with the church and people and it was part of the organization and then the organization gave me a lot of challenges because we were very insular isolated but I wanted more I wanted to do more and be outside of that strict group we weren't allowed to mix with anybody mmm 85 Reinhard Bonnke comes to town he had a crusade in Bulawayo and my dad was helping him with that with these choir and I couldn't let my choir because he wanted our choir because the organization wouldn't allow it and so Ryan that had the fire conference in Harare hmm and that fire conference changed Africa no I was there snuck in Rhema Crowley put me on the floor listening to him I mean in me it was like a smoking furnace I had no money I had nothing but there was a smoking furnace Robert Shula rain Ralf Mahoney Kenneth Copeland was the one that but just said my whole deal in that fire conference well and as they were prophesying I feel it now I just I feel it as I talk about it the miracles the signs the one is because I was working in that you know in my early years but that's fire confidence and many of my friends in Africa were there it changed all of us and I didn't have money and help brother Copeland took an offering my missionary had given me a watch and I sold my watch because brother Copeland said somebody here will have Church in this conference center and you're gonna go around the world and blah blah well we all knew it was us and everybody that was there I knew it was me but so did everybody else and I gave my watch and when they prayed it was like a wind came in and I said I'm not falling you know and thirty minutes later when I was trying to get up as everybody else is trying to get up I knew this was it and that week I started the prayer discipline where today we have thousands of people we pray every day all day I started mourning day and morning lunchtime and evening prayers and then because of my association with these guys the UPC kicked me out of the organization and so in 1989 I started our church well started our church this is the 30th anniversary to use but that church systematically began to plant churches and to where we're now around the world yeah that's amazing yeah so Bishop so the first time he preached in 1974 we in 2019 that's 45 years later still preaching the gospel 30 years in a church what is the key to sustained ministry for this generation you know we deal with a different generation different mindsets different viewpoints on ministry some of them are just unit 4 for the show the money whatever some of our in it really by the call of God what is the sustainable key for any ministry today well they have to be in my view the non-negotiables of ministry you know God calls and anybody that's in ministry would make the claim that God does call there are many that are in ministry that not necessarily in one of the five foreign ministry giftings right slummin is that i in ministry respectively submitted should literally close their church and serve a leader they're not going to do that you know but there's a fire for ministry gifting and they are apostles prophets evangelists teachers I discovered in 1990 that I meant that I was an apostolic gifting rod but he was at a time when it was not a terminology that could be used you know but for apostles that I now work with in Africa most of us went through all the five for ministry expressions so in the 80s I was a strong evangelist I mean I was preaching like I was going crazy and I had I was drawing people miracle signs and wonders and then after the fire conference and I was leaving that organization it shifted I thought I was back slidden because it all happened at the same time I began to function more on a pastoral and teaching level well hits the 90 to 93 the prophetic gift set on me and the word of knowledge prophecy he was stunning and then coming towards 97 when I was turning 40 that's when the apostolic clock came on me but he came on me to learn the function of the hustle when that was all done I then became a whole apostle good and our ministry began to lead now it isn't some individuals who are apostles that haven't had that fifl ministry experience but you know etcetera etc but the non-negotiable for ministry all my years number one is intercessory prayer mmm-hmm number two you have to be true to the word study study study and use the forms of interpretation that are reliable because without faith it's impossible to please God faith comes by hearing hearing comes by the word so it's prayer it's the word personal consecration there has to be personal consecration and from there other ministry things begin to formulate and come dr. Joe will tell you prayer prayer prayer and once you start building your church strong administration those goes for ministry right you know the spirit of excellence integrity those things are second and third-tier things that need to come you know but for the non-negotiables ministry prayer the word personal consecration which is prayer and praise worship in your heart you know those are the non-negotiables and then on the next year you have to be accountable they has to be an accountability structure somebody that you're accountable to what you know and those come as time goes on right so so I want to ask you this question on legacy of succession what would you call it I'm a very firm living legacy bossing down the bed better moving it on in my life looking back over my life my dad that was a very big evangelist traveling with Ryan bunker to those conferences in Harare and stuff when he died he left nothing in material values so we did not get any policies or houses or anything he left a legacy of the anointing the spiritual side naturally nothing and it took many years to restore the name number one I said to my son's recently as well because of one bad decision it took us 20 years literally to restore the night to get it back in integrity get it back on track now I'm in that age that my sons are now coming after me and how do I develop or how would a person in our in our lifetime develop a right legacy plan succession plan for the generation after us and not least the DNA of yourself the supernatural the power of God or teaching whatever it might be what would you say that while you are alive what must you transfer to them and is it difficult to let go it is if you don't have a plan to do it it sometimes never gets done one of the things we have to recognize and understand is that generally our sons and daughters coming behind us especially for founders we're founders we've done everything by faith we started with no money no saddle but no people started with no name bro and then we build this and our children then under pressure to see what they've found their parents have built and we have shared the Lions part of the ministry and so they year us they see us and then they get to see the friends and gifts and people that we work with that come in you know when I travel with our sons he's Bishop Jake's Kenneth Copeland the lady long blahblah the list goes on and on and I'm not realizing that it's impacting their lives because in their world is like are we ever gonna get to be where daddy is right and so what we have to do then is realize that we are a big tree Marko's it in mark for a mega Dendera you know we are a big tree and we have to start beginning to accommodate that so generally in succession there's five things that I recommend there has to be the man firstly or the woman so we'll just use man for the purpose of a man there has to be the method there has to be the mission that mandates the mission the money 5ms because a lot of individuals talk about succession you know we look at the late great Myles Munroe he was talking about it he had a method didn't have a man his son was so young because we thought we'd live forever right in Zimbabwe two of my very very best friends died Charles Terry Sarah he's my age in an accident had an idea of succession but we're gonna live forever and so do the possible Kaymer exactly and it along and the list can go on so we have built I've been on succession since 2001 mm-hmm because I was going to hand over were in 2007 when I turned 50 and then do something differently epistolary because I was rising but I'm strong enough success and so we have now identified the man we have the method it's a simple document on how to how to run together how to manage anointing etc the mandate my mandate is Africa our sons are coming in under that running our ministry I've already handed over part of our international ministry that's all handed over the raw succession plan somebody leads that all over the world I mean it I'm part of it but I'm not in the decision-making mechanism and we encouraging other leaders in Africa to do so what is tough to give to somebody is anointing that comes from God but what we can give someone is organization right we can give someone money we can give somebody gifts that's gifted people so everyone in greens team that's coming now son every one of them have college degrees master's degrees PhDs in my team there's nobody they went to school so there's a lot that we know the Arab food so but what he doesn't have is my ministry style you know and that's not necessary really it helps if you use the Joel Osteen example and stuff like that they find their way their niche and then the church and the world has changed we are now reaching more people speaking to more people so they have that they understand that yesterday they were trying to explain to me again how whatsapp works you know and our phone actually works but drain now is already doing the technology piece is addressing tens of thousands of people in a Sunday through that the YouTube platforms so they have that you know it's the anointing that breaks the yoke you know but they are anointed to do that and in that anointing they will be fine mmm that's powerful like in closing what do you perceive God's gonna do in this endtime move of the Holy Spirit and all we imitate are we approaching it well you know we Paul said to the disciples that he wrote to in Thessalonica the dating Christ shall rise first and then he said we who are alive and remain so Paul actually thought that Jesus was coming while he was around and he actually thought that that was the last days back then right so we've always had generations that felt it's the last days I think we are more pointed and directed that these are the last days if you go to Daniel 12 Way says that in the last days there'll be an acceleration of knowledge there's been no time in the history of the family of man where we've had the acceleration of knowledge as we have right now technology is changing every second ideas are coming every second more people are educated yadda-yadda-yadda one message can be received by 4 billion people like that wrote you CNN sky so this is the last days so what we have to now deal with is the dynamics of church mm-hmm we have hundreds and hundreds of people in our church that don't come to church physically on Sundays because they're watching it online and the Bible does say forsake not the assembling of themselves forget together you know the laying on of hands is a doctrine mm-hmm the talk of the laying on of hands Communion and so we're looking at when we take communion we have families that are part of our ministry around the world that are kneeling down in their homes watching a television in different countries who are consecrating through the tale in the community taking and receiving Communion and then winning themselves so we have to deal with that you know in terms of laying hands on leaders and so on we have to organize that in a more careful way but the church of the future Marie girls are taking place as we preach I preached several times a year to crowds in Africa of over two hundred four hundred last year million people you know they still gather one auditorium is three kilometres long by three kilometers long and they fill it so those dynamics are still there but we have to then begin to look at the church for the future and what technology does what will and must continue will be the fight for ministry you know because that's the church that is we are booked on the foundation of apostles and prophets Jesus Christ Himself the chief Cornerstone definitions are changing methodologies are changing we change with them but we must make sure we have theological correctness non-negotiables of the scripture the blood of Jesus is non-negotiable right etc so these are the things that we help manage and that's through relationships and coalition's but for the Church of the future should we be talking to tens of millions of people in East all kids will be and your job is to impart the supernatural South Africa needs the supernatural Zimbabwe needs a supernatural the Zimbabwe contingency needs the church America needs the supernatural so we impart that as we go through you know and we teach that as we go and we encourage that as we go and so I'm really optimistic about the 21st century church he's not going down the tubes Jesus is building the church no man and he'll keep it together and we got to stay together right thank you so much I want you to close off by giving the viewers well we've actually spoken to leaders now what is your daily habits for success let me give well you have to have a routine I'm a routine person Sundays I get to the office gun debt in over 25 years I get to the office at 2:00 a.m. room every Sunday this week I was at the office at 20 to 1 and you need to go to bed a little earlier but to do that for Sunday's but I leave the house every day at 5:00 not later than 5:00 and it's prayer Bible reading in my own way look message reading when I'm on the road I didn't do that today I run in the mornings when I'm up at 5:00 or run in pray so I'm staying physically fit I'm 63 years old and you still run oh yes after I marry to teach I have to run and but the thing is that I'm looking at the dynamics of my ministry and effectiveness possibly not 20 years from now I'll be 82 I have to be strong I have to be fit and so on and so I don't eat dessert because I can't afford to add stuff on me so on and so forth so those habits are important there are certain books that are mandatory reading you have to read I read almost every second day theology and stuff like that to eat myself a breast so today is some date where I travel and then I'm speaking to over 9,000 bishops you know so you have to be current and so on and on global things and so you have to routine is news headlines of what's happening in the world how we respond to those who's who in the world because you have to be global especially if an apostle sure those kinds of so those are my routines and non-negotiables and then Monday is New Life Covenant Church the reports from some day when I'm at home Tuesday meeting with the chairman bowling program those are routine meetings financed and so on Wednesday is preparing for church Bible studies Thursday's is internet making international calls we don't make international calls as it pertains to ministry outside of thursday/friday our preparation days for ministry messages what we're doing including different reading Saturdays is our data room for family it's etc and if you don't have that people will suck you in take from you I can't counsel people I can't do hospitals Sunday we dedicated our first baby the education was 200 babies because the church is growing but I'm not kissing babies every Sunday you know so you if you don't have a routine especially for ministries that now we have subsidiaries like the University in the hospital school and so on you actually have good teams but you can't be involved in your primary anointing his puzzle and leading a great church so my routines around that sure that's also tell us quickly about the new building that you're building in Zimbabwe and what's happening way far are you became independent in 1980 on the 18th of April teach and I decided we're going to live in America you know Zimbabwe was going to be too volatile Mugabe was freedom fighter we we thought he'd do it some other Michelle did and the Holy Spirit spoke to me I had an in gellick visitation with a vision of a promise that I should go to Zimbabwe and that from there level global ministry and part of that promise was the Lord showed me this building that would see 10,000 but he didn't tell me back then it's only going to be built in 2018 mmm you know and so we thought he was going to be done by 1988 long story short that buildings been in my spirit now and so a long journey a very very long journey it's a whole Bible study really we started with broke ground on the 12th of August last year and right now they're putting in a thousand and eighty-eight pylons in the ground Zimbabwe is in a freefall economy 90 percent unemployment money stuff but we paid huge money for the land the land alone was 35 million rand just for the land and we acquired the piece of land next to it which is 80 million rand I'm trying to work math inmate as I'm speaking it's 2.5 million u.s. 6 million u.s. for the next piece of land the building so far has cost us it's costing us 10 million u.s. which is 170 million in Zimbabwe and we're doing it yeah this pressure but you know we just remind God of what he told us exactly you know and it's a walk by faith but yeah the east pressure because we have real people outside contractors that don't walk by faith they walk by is so the building's out now the pylons are coming out and it's coming now towards getting phase one of a superstructure and that phase what two or phase one will start probably in June we're hoping to be in the building at the end of 2020 and that's a 10,000 suit what we've done is because our children's ministry has grown so immensely we we've dedicated in the last seven years probably maybe 3,000 babies no and so the original building and would have a shopping mall alongside it but because we acquired the land next door to build millennium more we've now accommodated children's ministry so we've crunched the auditorium to just under six thousand he's more like five five and made provision but the other space for children's ministry and yeah so and with multiple service format we do three services on a Sunday now we still will be doing that many services the Android but what we are also doing with Kingdom Cathedral we are then we're also going to start multiple venues in the city where we're running satellite churches we can't do that now because we're trying to keep everyone together for purposes of raising money and concentrating the money there thank you Thank You bishop for for this time I really appreciate it and you know for you that are watching and you feel you want to sow into bishops project you know I really believe God can can supply all the money for you in Jesus name and I really want to address you if you want to really so into the kingdom Cathedral yeah it's you will have ministries in Zimbabwe whatever the Lord lays on your heart you know you're watching this from America and the UK and you're in Africa all your currencies are valuable it's appreciated bishop TIROS Bismarck's details are on the screen right now go to his website and sow into his building project and become a kingdom financier let's build us Kingdom together in Jesus name well thank you for watching thank you for spending your time with us god bless you and we release the blessing of God upon your life and upon your family until next time this is Nicky far away the Wyndham [Music] the remnant querida [Music]
Channel: Nicky van der Westhuizen
Views: 3,615
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: finances, wealth, power, bishop, tudor, bismark, apostle, nicky, van der westhuizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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