Seeing in the Spirit Realm - Andrew Magrath // Anointed to See

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well today I want to talk to you about three things that the Holy Spirit does in our lives so you ready not the only things but three things three great things and as I share this today what I want you to do is to lean in and believe that as I'm speaking that the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit is coming and is doing a profound work in your life revelation is coming to you ships are coming to you God's doing that profound work so it's all about faith faith apprehends what the word of the Lord promises so as I'm sharing these things I want you in your heart to say that's mine that's my reality I'll take that today I'll have a double portion of that today is there anyone like that today see here's the thing you can never approach the Word of God without the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit's the one that makes it come alive to us so there's one there's one thing for me to be anointed and I'm anointed today just in case you're wondering but there's another thing to be anointed listener to press into to say Holy Spirit all these things are being shared you've got to come and make that a reality my heart I mix my faith with your ability and I want you to quicken the word of the Lord to my heart today amen so can you do that passion and enthusiasm a great keys in the kingdom passions more important than perseverance passion and enthusiasm is what gives you perseverance the first point today is the Holy Spirit comes delivering Silas that's it yeah well that just hype no no no God responds to passion and enthusiasm David danced with all his might before the Lord and his wife despised him but David knew that when we open our heart to the Lord with passion enthusiasm God meets us because he's a passionate God he's a passionate lover so see if I was to tell my wife today I love you darling and I've just bought you a new a new house and she sat there and just looked at me and said it's like really I'll expect her to get excited and enthusiastic or as I think I'd marry the wrong woman and so God comes then he speaks profound revelation to us and sometimes we miss it because we think we've heard it before but here's the thing if it's what you hear is not mixed with faith you never heard it just what the Bible says it didn't profit them in the Old Testament because the word wasn't mixed with faith what's faith spelt like it's belt with this PA SS IO in faith and so if we don't create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement and passion it hinders the work of the spirit to bring revelation to our life Holy Spirit dwells in me ezekiel 36:26 a new heart I will give you thank you and I will put a new spirit within you and I will put my spirit in you it's a two-fold blessing that ezekiel prophesies over every believer he says god's gonna put inside you a brand new spanking lovely crystal clean spirit takes out the old and he places a brand new spirit inside you and he says not only will i do that but after i put a new spirit in you Chloe then the Holy Spirit says now that there's a new spirit I am gonna come and live inside you that is a profound thought that once we were didn't and lost in our sin and by the sacrifice of Jesus by faith we took he sacrificed for us and that was an open invitation upon the blood of Jesus upon our life and our acceptance in our faith in him for the Holy Spirit to come and regenerate us and put a brand new spirit inside us and then the Holy Spirit says now I can come and live in you for God to dwell on us he must have a habitation a temple so before God could come upon Adam he made a body obviously and then he breathed in him God created the body for Adam and then he came it's the way God works he creates something to dwell in and then he moves in in Israel for God to be with the people he created the tabernacle and then he comes and he moves in God's put a new spiritus he says that which is born of the Spirit his spirit that which is born of the Spirit is spirit the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit so he puts a spirit in us his he renews us he creates a tabernacle that he says now I'll come and I will fill that tabernacle and that's what he did with you he created a new spirit within you why am I saying that because to fellowship with Holy Spirit you've got to look inside with either our innermost being there is this tabernacle where the Spirit of God has come to live this is profound because if my conviction is most of us spend most of our time unaware that deep within us Holy Spirit has come to live and we're looking see the kingdom of God doesn't come with observation looking out there but the kingdom of God is within you and so we have to learn how to dial inside deep into our spirit to connect with and to talk to and to fellowship with the Holy Spirit this is why many Christians say my faith my Christianity doesn't work because you know why because the kingdom of God doesn't come with observation you're looking for God in all the wrong places it's created a tabernacle and he's come to live inside you and you're trying to draw from sources where the Holy Spirit doesn't live see the Bible teaches us wherever God dwells he hides himself really what if what if I can't find God you look for him in the hidden places God hides himself in nature Romans tells us that but many people walk through the through the hills they go on long walks they go to Hawaii they go to all the wonderful places of the world but they don't find God there because he's hidden himself in nature he hid himself when he appeared the Old Testament Saints oh so it was after the event that that patriarch said God is in this place and I didn't know it Jesus came to reveal God and even his own disciples didn't recognize him have I been with you this long because they said show us our Father and you know and we'll believe he's like really a being we did it three years and he asked me after three years to show me the Father it's like COD you see because God dwells in the hidden places so deeper than the sold the mind the will the intellect in the depths of our spirit the Holy Spirit comes to dwell and he is recognized by faith even when I can't see him even when I can't recognize him at work in my life I must believe that in my spirit dwells the Holy Spirit by faith there's a look inside myself I be by faith I say my body is the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost I am a carrier of the presence of God he has recreated my spirit and in my spirit dwells the Holy Spirit in his fullness what a profound thought in writing to the Corinthians Paul said to the most weakest unfaithful believers anyone don't put your hands up but you may feel like you're the most disqualified you might feel like you've blown it this week you might feel like you've done this this and this and this and this and the enemies kept all these records of how you've blown it all week we've all blown it this week was anyone that hasn't blown it this week you just put your hand up I'm playing it this week I'll bring to the football yesterday and I yelled at the umpire I wasn't it's taken out there was one man that was taken out but I yelled nice things I just just encouraged him to get new glasses we've all blown it we've all had our stuff to deal with I've got home and it was really funny just as a as a segue I looked at my watch in it it was quite worried I'm gonna have an Apple watch and it said to me warning warning you've been stationary for X amount of minutes but your heart rate was 100 and whatever beats for a minute you know that's a sign that you could be having you know a heart attack but it wasn't it was my anxiety levels were up because I was sitting there watching my football team lose we can all blow it but Paul says to the weakest most unfaithful believers do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit it's a profound thought isn't it to think that God would come and dwell in us that he's made his home in us and so I need to meditate on this thought and it would do you good this week and every week to do this to meditate on the thought the Holy Spirit has come to make his home in my heart to confess that each day I carry Holy Spirit in my life the devil wants you to confess a whole lot of stuff about how you've blown it how you're not anointed how God's he wants to use everyone but you but here's the truth do you not know Paul says that you today carry the Holy Spirit inside you and it's our faith and acknowledging the truth of God's Word that activates or that God has for us and the more we acknowledge the Holy Spirit lives in me the more awareness we have the more we begin to partner with the more we begin to hear his voice and understanding the reason many of us don't flow more in the Holy Spirit is because we don't acknowledge that he lives within us I don't hear God's me it looks like that - there's a reason it's not because God's God's angry with yours is right that one I'm gonna give them four years in the wilderness just to teach them to live by faith no it's because we don't acknowledge Holy Spirit in our lives he has recreated our spirit ezekiel says i'm going to give you a new spirit so that means listen the fact that you have a new spirit means that you have the capacity to fellowship with holy spirit the same capacity that i have the same whoever is joined to the lord is one spirit we carry the same ability to hear the holy spirit that Kathryn Kuhlman did that the great men of God did than anyone that you can think he is from godly and profound might you have the same capacity the same ability to hear the voice of Holy Spirit there are no excuses it's not that God's not speaking it's just that we're not acknowledging that we have a renewed spirit and that renewed spirit has the ability to communicate with Holy Spirit and to be filled with Holy Spirit he's not outside there he's inside here so that means we need to slow down and develop the ability to look within and that takes a lifetime I don't have time for that well then you'll live a life without the Spirit we relate to God through the tabernacle model and God relates to us through the tabernacle model we approach him from the outer Court to the inner court God comes into our spirit man and he begins to flow out so his equal says he saw a river flowing from the throne of God and as we fellowship with Holy Spirit spirit to spirit he begins to flow out through our emotions our will our mind through our physical body here's a little thought not all so that misquote me a bit a lot of our issues with our emotions our mind and our will would be dealt with if we found where the river flowed from the river doesn't flow from the holy place it flows from the throne of God which is spirit to spirit the life flows from the spirit so you can't get adjusted in your mind without first stepping back and making sure there's a flow of the spirit to sustain the adjustments that come to your mind the life flows from the throne of God holy spirit flows from the deep parts of your spirit person true transformation comes spirit - spirit flows out of the the Holy Ghost holy place through our soul through our body and this river then flows to all the places of the world bringing life to everything that's dead that's the Holy Spirit inside you and as we fellowship with him he begins to flow out of our spirit to spirit transactions into our soul changes our mind said because we can't understand the Word of God without the spirit you read the Bible without the Holy Spirit you wasting your time sorry he's the Spirit of Truth it's like reading the letter thinking you understand it but not knowing the owner and so we read the Bible there's a reason you you've again you've you've approached the kingdom through the soul and not the spirit and the Holy Spirit breathes life on the word of God it brings revelation that transforms us you and I have met people that know the Bible better than you and it pains they can quote you the Bible but there's no spirit to it there's no transformation to it because that which is of the Spirit is from the spirit so Holy Spirit comes to dwell and me and we become very conscious of his presence which is an amazing thought I want you to say with me Holy Spirit dwells in me my spirit is filled with his spirit and I'm gonna acknowledge he's spirit inside me every day that's a great confession isn't it number two so the first point is what's Holy Spirit doing but the first thing he's doing he's he's making his home in my heart he's come to dwell inside me it's a profound thought the Holy Spirit lives in me think about it just before he MoveOn the goal of the universe the one that when when the word was spoken brought into being has come to live in me the odds are stacked in your favor he knows everything the beginning in the end has all ability is a creative one is the master of the universe and he's living inside me number two Holy Spirit is filling me unto all the fullness of God I'll repeat the words because the phrase is important Holy Spirit the second thing he's doing he is filling me unto all the fullness of God let's turn to Ephesians 3:16 this is a great point you ready friesan 3:16 says for this cause I bow my knees and to the father from whom every family in heaven on earth is named Paul prays that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory that you would be strengthened with power through his spirit in the inner man that Christ would dwell would settle down deep in your hearts through faith to the end that you would be rooted and grounded in love may you be strong to apprehend with all the saints what is the breadth the length our height and the depth and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge you ready that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God there's a number of different translations here but I'm reading my favorite one that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God the work of the Holy Spirit is to form Jesus inside you that's why it's called the Spirit of Christ he comes inside you and his job is to forming you the fullness of who Jesus is that you would be formed and filled unto all the force of God's Holy Spirit comes and it begins to work in you to create a replica of Jesus inside you that's his job filled unto all the fullness of God the translators of the authorized versions are version staggered and what Paul said now why can't happen too hard so they want to turn it down they translated this passage passage filled unto all the fullness of God into to be with the fullness of God it sounds very similar filled unto the fullness of God too filled with all the fullness of God to be filled with all the fullness of God is easier matter because it's like getting the bucket it's past we got a cup there it's like taking a cap and dipping it into the ocean and filling the cup that cup is now filled with all the fullness of the ocean would you agree just play games with me imagination I've put the cup into the ocean and now it's filled with all the fullness of the ocean it's amazing it's a film filled cup quite profound that's what the authorized versions is filled with all the fullness of God hmm the revised version says filled unto all the fullness of God so what they're saying is have taken the ocean I put all the ocean in my cup are you getting this filled with all the fullness of God and got a cap full from some of the ocean or I can be filled out to the fullness of God and get all the ocean and I put it in my cup and that's what Paul says he's prairies for you that he would take all of God and stick it inside you that's what the Holy Spirit's doing he's taking that which is of God and shoving it inside you it's a pretty big job to take all the ocean and put it in the cup would you agree but it's a far bigger challenge to take all of God and put it inside of you to be filled up to all the fullness of God this is our destiny as our air of God the Holy Spirit would take up the vastness of God and put it in me and then he repeats the cycle rinse and repeat takes more of God and he's putting inside me God does not come in portion sizes spiritual infancy settles on portions this is that this is one of the challenges of the church is that we live in a portion mentality we do that with finances we have a PI mentality all right I can't be rich cuz that would make you poor God's owns a pie-making Factory you don't have to cut the pie there's more there's all if you just haven't you'll created here's the endless supply everything about God is more than enough so you take the loaves and the fishes multiply is that everything about God is that portion size but its abundance spiritual maturity occurs when we expand ourselves to accommodate the fullest of God so we do that in our spirit we begin to see that God doesn't just want to fill me but he wants to fill me aren't you all the fullness of himself now I thought to myself that sounds like a heresy that can't be right was I suggesting that it could be like God then you could be God that Holy Spirit would take all of God and put it in me then I would be exactly like God Wow that'd be neat but then I thought about it hmm the problem of that is that God's not an ocean an ocean has its limits you can if I keep pouring out the ocean one day even if it's a cup of time it could take a hundred billion years but it'll come to an end but here's the thing about God he's eternal he's immortal he's constantly expanding and so the Holy Spirit for the rest of our lives will take the cup of God and dip it into who he is and pour it into my spirit and I will be constantly expanding but I'll never catch him because he's God are you getting this and this is what the Holy Spirit has promised us that he would fill us unto all the floors of God and so we would no longer have a portion mentality do you think that that's all I can have I've got my deposit of the Holy Spirit thank you very much but the crisp of the believer is to be constantly expanding and to all the fullness of God the Holy Spirit is at working you between larger to expand you said the way of the wise winds upward just constantly growing the Bible says 30 60 100 fold not a hundred 60 30 10 because God is constantly expanding so that means that my mind is expanding my finances are expanding my health is getting better everything about my life is increasing because I'm being filled by the Holy Ghost and to all the fullness of God so I'm aware that he's in me and now that I'm aware that he's got his cup and he's pouring it into my spirit every time I pray in the spirit everyday Thank You Holy Spirit you're in me thank you that you'll fill me unto all the fullness of God and you open your mouth and He pours in some more writing to your spirit and it constantly getting bigger and bigger not decreasing but increasing what full of the Holy Ghost what full of the fullness of God more full of the nature of God thinking greater thoughts not degrade decreasing but increasing if you're an old believer in the Lord you should be mega big increasing increasing not stagnating but filled unto all the faults of God and God saves through his people catch me if you can take as much as you like because you'll never catch me cuz I am I am the god with all any limits he's the ocean that never runs dry and we keep deepen deepening Deeping any what the more we discover of God the more the reason and I thought I had you cornered and covered and then you surprise me with more MORE all right here's the third point and there I know you'll be ready Holy Spirit has promised to lead me I want to be led by the spirit Galatians 5:25 says this is in the Living Translation if we are living now by the spirit's power let us follow the Holy Spirit's leading in every part of our life every part so I want you now to turn with me this is our last point - Luke - what verse 41 this is a great passage Luke 241 when you now Jesus parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover and Jesus when he became 12 went up there according to the custom of the feast their parents are returning from Jerusalem after spending the full number of days there and the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem I remember as a young kid going home one night because we live remember mom next door to a church we had a man school mats named of a house next to a church at the pastor lived in and I remember hearing the almighty scream at night was pitch black because one of the people had left their kids at church and church to being locked up and everyone gone home and the kid had woken up and thought the rapture had come but his parents were totally unaware that Jesus had stayed in Jerusalem verse 44 they supposed that he was in the caravan not one of the out caravans but Caribbean and so they went on a day's journey imagine that a whole day totally unaware that Jesus is not with him we can't be good at everything Camry that gone a day's journey and I realized that Jesus wasn't there verse 45 and when they did not find him they looked around all their relatives they went back to Jerusalem and they looked for him in Jerusalem verse 46 then after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers listening to them and asking questions and all who heard Jesus were amazed that he's understanding these answers when they saw him they were astonished and his mother said to him son why have you treated us this way jesus said chill out man Mary said Behold your father see it's never changed you wait till your dad gets home behold your father and I have been anxiously looking for you and Jesus said why is it you're looking for me didn't you know how it should be about my father's house College spirit wants to lead us so what have we deduce from this number one Holy Spirit had said stop and wait jesus knew because he stopped and wait waited but Mary and Joseph had gone out on their own not understanding that was in the timetable of God to remain whenever you get ahead of God you were going to end up agitated and upset I can tell you that whenever you get ahead of God whenever you don't listen to the Holy Spirit whenever you say right time's up we're outta here I'm going home I've been here enough I've waited long enough I'm moving on moving jobs I'm quitting I'm moving here and God hasn't told you to move you end up anxious and upset and blaming everyone in your life and the real issue is you didn't follow the leading of Holy Spirit he hadn't said to go yet you got a bit antsy there's things to do dishes to wash when we get home got a plant the veggie patch come on Jesus rally Mary and Joseph was still legally his parents but in a sense the presence of Jesus had gone so you can be loved by God chosen by God kept by God saved by God apart from any of the works so we're not saying see Mary and Joseph was still legally his parents the relationship hadn't dissolved but there was separation of presence so we're not talking here today that that that the Holy Spirit's gonna leave you and fly away and you're gonna be on your own no the Bible says never will I leave you never will I forsake you but there's a sense that of presence being separated that you're not aware you're not functioning each day conscious of his presence and almost then you wake up one day and think hang on it's been a whole week and I haven't been listening to the voice of Holy Spirit I've been doing all this amount and I'm out of step has anyone ever felt that it's been a long time I'm out of step with God Paul says the team is he could have guard the good deposit given to you of the Holy Spirit you got a guard that you can protect it to make sure that you're staying close to the Holy Spirit being led by him so just a couple of points on this story as we close about Holy Spirit leading me when you miss him you will start to miss him too many voices too much busyness whole day's journey they'd missed the leadership of the Holy Spirit and all of a sudden they wake up one day and they have think how is Jesus they're starting to miss him when he miss his leadership you'll miss his presence they went one day's journey but it took three days to find him ever thought about that one day's journey how long should it take to find him another day back so the back at Jerusalem they still can't find him took two days in Jerusalem to find Jesus I thought about that there's probably a whole lot of reasons far beyond what I can see it but one thought is three days to find him three is always a picture of the outer court the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies they got back to Jerusalem but they still know didn't know where to look for in Jerusalem where else would he be it wasn't that Joe's Cafe having the cappuccino it wasn't doing a coffee crawl or you know the real estate looking for a a good deal he was about his father's business in his house so we missed the Lord and was there gone maybe I should go back to church again but getting back to Jerusalem but you won't find the Holy Spirit in the church per se you will find him in the secret place where do we find him where he's always been and when they did not find him Luke 244 they went back to Jerusalem and they began to look for him so when you sense his presence not what it should be you studied in missing look for him look for him son of Solomon's the bridegroom said come the bride said now I like my bed it's a great show on tonight I'm not coming that's what she said I need my bed I thought leaving I got my blanket on my dinner on he says come on this gonna have an adventure let's climb some mountains together she said now now I I've got my sleepy time in the chocolate royal aren't leaving and we do the same and all of a sudden he left and she realized sleepy times are overrated I'm feeling the bed I'm missing him I miss what I used to have she went out she began to look for him and she found him and she held on to him and she would not let him go I imagine her scouring in the town she finds this handsome young man looking a little bit like myself she says there is she runs after him she grabs him by the legs and says I ain't letting you go and we do the same as Holy sprit we look for him again he's not hard to find he's in the secret place he's hidden within you we mean to look for him and we find him and we say you know what Lord I'm not letting you go again this is good I'm not going anywhere I don't go another day without your presence this is what you know and you're like this you put your music on you listen to some worship and you feel the presence of Holy Spirit come upon you and you think to yourself this is amazing why didn't I do this earlier it's only ever felt there it's like III need to do this again you're a meet tomorrow anything these are their most profound moments and yet we don't look for them as much as we should after three days they found Jesus in the temple courts sitting among the teachers listening to them asking questions Holy Spirit lead me said of being rushed by people like Mary and Joseph was jesus is sitting there asking questions sitting at the feet of the wise talking sharing backwards and forwards Holy Spirit teach me today leave me today take the position that Jesus did John 16:13 says when the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all the truth there is no truth without the Holy Spirit then bother reading your Bible it sounds really harsh doesn't it but if you're really in your own strength sometimes it does more damage than good really and rude well look at the scribes and Pharisees they were the hardest to reach because they knew the most and Jesus said if you're blind you would see that because do you think you see you're blind that's why jesus healed so many people of blindness one because he loved them but two you're saying to the Pharisees you're blind all of Israel you're blind I'm here and you want to crucify me so we come to the spirit of truth and say Holy Spirit unless you breathe on this word today I can't get it I'm not designed to get it help me direct me lead me there's a whole job of the Holy Spirit two leaders if I leave myself he will move back into the depths of my spirit and sit there that's what's happening if you open up your Bible if you make your own decisions he doesn't leave you he moves back into the depths of your spirit and remains here silent think about that think about a treasure call Holy Spirit living inside you Chloe with all the resort he knows the possible it's amazing he knows you knows everything about it it's profound isn't it you've got Holy Spirit living inside you he's just waiting to speak to direct everything Brill have ever said every book I've written that's good any any sense of profoundness in it is only because and I can 100% say because I've been praying and asking constantly Holy Spirit I need your revelation and wisdom and I'll be reading the Bible and all of a sudden bang this thought comes I remember one day sitting on a park and the Holy Spirit came upon me and all of a sudden I got the revelation for the gospel calling to Noah I saw the three layers of the ark boom boom boom boom it all came from the Holy Spirit's like just just hold that thought I'd begin to write down why because he just gave me a little glimpse of the ocean poured it into me so there's much more Sun but if I go into it in my own strength I can read the Bible and I've done this days where I've read it closed it and I think what was that about thank you I'm being disciplined I know sometimes discipline is overrated if you keep doing the same thing and getting nothing out of it now this is not a sermon that safe stop reading your Bible it's saying no read your Bible but read it in the spirit one chapter in the spirit is worth a whole book out of the spirit because the object of the Bible stop to finish it it's to take the Bible and live it his words are spirit and they are life it's to integrate the living we are living epistle as I'm reading the word it's I am becoming part of what the word is I become the word and the word becomes me if I teach myself he will just go back to the recesses of my spirit and said when you're ready for some help let me know if I comfort myself and not let him comfort me he will just go back to the recesses and say all the best self-medicate all you like but when you've done all the drugs and talked to all the people out there come back to me I've got all the answers I can lead you out of every problem every every negative word every lie all the insecurities I can get you out of that I am the teacher I'm the leader so unlike Mary and Joseph and you know this is not a Mary and Joseph beat-up day there were amazing people but their story is an illustration to us that we can all miss what the Holy Spirit's doing and go down a step and sometimes one day out of step with the Holy Spirit can have monumental consequences it took three days to find him so I want a walking tune I've made decisions out of the will the Holy Spirit that's had consequences that I can't fix in a day I want to be led by him so we've learned today the Holy Spirit dwells in us then he fills us unto the force of the Lord and then he comes to leaders and teachers these are three things of a multitude of things that the Holy Spirit does he's amazing Holy Spirit is amazing say it again the Holy Spirit is amazing Holy Spirit is amazing he is God God in three persons coming to live in us the God of the universe that created me the created all will I sit at the fully and I look at all the funny people that with you made that one in that one you could and he built them in you put a purpose in a plan but each person what an amazing God you are and you've humbled yourself to come and live inside me I'd call him the unfair advantage in a life so we welcome Holy Spirit today we're conscious of his presence benny hinn wrote the book good morning Holy Spirit and the key takeaway of all that book is just to say good morning be aware welcome him acknowledge him that's the key begin to be aware that he's with you and he wants to lead you and he wants to speak to you you might say wait and right I'll ever know you talked about this deep hidden some things are all mystical can I make it really clear it's not hard if anyone makes it hard the Bible says that you enter the kingdom as a child if a kid can't do it I don't want to know about it it's gonna be an easy entry point now the kingdom is full of mysteries when we enter as a child and it's the Bible says be still and know I am God so what do you what do I mean when I say find the Spirit of God within slow down stop for me I close my eyes so I'm not distracted and I begin to acknowledge Holy Spirit you said that you've recreated my spirit and that you live inside me so even with my imagination I'm gonna drill down to the depths of who I am and just be conscious that you are inside me and I'm gonna begin to thank you for that and I'll slow down and listen and even if I don't hear anything the first time I'll come back and do it again I'm beginning to deal with all the external noise of my soul my mind my will immersions and I'm drilling down deep into who the Holy Spirit is it's a craft you learn so people do it want to get my chair right i rated really so your father put you on a bike the first time and you wrote to Queensland no you fell over he held you you practiced and then you can ride a bike it's the same this spirit we learn the art of silence and stillness and tuning in his voice is a spontaneous flow it's like a river that flows from the throne of God talks about a flow he's like a wind that the analogies is movement there's flow it's uncontrolled was like a fire that moves so holy sprit is inside us and has we tuned into spontaneity we begin to hear house you speak that's how he speaks it's a Spirit of God it begins and we begin to get the thoughts and flows and sometimes the flow comes after we wait you'd be walking down the street and I thought will come so I was sitting on a park bench I remember where was it knocks ozone and a thought came from the Holy Spirit and with that thought a whole book I knew was him he just bang all over me Doolittle began to talk and one thought from the Holy Spirit can take hours days months years to unpack with one thought there's so pregnant that thought that we take what one thought is in their spirit and to unpack that is immense you get a knowing in the spirit from one thought that that knowing that comes from the spirit to the soul takes ages to unpack us that's what the spirit the spirit supersedes the natural one thought from God and the spirit has no bounds so a whole book that I wrote was from one glimpse does it make sense and that's how the Spirit of God works it begins to flow through us so we tune in we'd learn the art of fellowshiping from the spirit he dwells in me he fills me he leads me if you're listening to my voice whether you're in the building YouTube Facebook whatever means and you've never accepted Jesus as your Lord the first thing to connect with Holy Spirit is to receive Jesus Holy Spirit rest on the person of Jesus you invite him into your life you ask him for forgiveness of your sin you take by faith all he did on the cross and make you make it yours and say Jesus come into my life forgive me of my sin make your home eNOS and the Bible says that when you by faith receive the work of the Cross Jesus sacrifice on your behalf the Bible says that you're a new creation the Holy Spirit comes immediately upon your confession regenerate your spirit makes it new gives you the ability to fellowship with him and he comes and lives in your spirit he's the Spirit of Christ he manifests the son and the father to the role the Holy Spirit is to make known to you the fullness and to all the fullness of the father and the son as he's a continual work to lead you to cause you to become a son of God where you would cry out Abba Father he takes the love of the father the son and he fills it side us so if you've never accepted Jesus do that right now and for those that have accepted Jesus why don't we write in our acknowledged Holy Spirit he loves you he knows when we miss it we know he's he's not temperamental [Music] and as we reach out we look for him he says I'm here come let's fellowship and start afresh let's go deeper so we welcome your Holy Spirit to do what you want to do this day we acknowledge your work we acknowledge your activity in our life we thank you that you've filled us we thank you that you live in us we thank you that you lead us we are men and women of the Holy Spirit spirit led beings filled with his life and he's made and he's Power Holy Spirit we say you are welcome in this house you are welcome in our lives we give you the authority to lead us and to guide us to speak to us quicken us now by your spirit in Jesus name we ask Lord quickened us quickness quicken us we pray in the name of Jesus thank him today for all that he's done won't you thank him just thank him we thank you Holy Spirit lift up your voice now Thank You Holy Spirit thank you
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Keywords: hope, city, church, grace, encounter, pentecostal, love, joy, Pastor, Karen Magrath, Andrew Magrath, 3136, Jesus, Hope, Super Natural, Holy Spirit, Signs and Wonders, radical, prophetic, heaven, champion, soul, detox, dream, visions, angel, Church (Type Of Place Of Worship), Peace, Gospel, Praise, Rest, Happiness, Truth, Ministry, Youth, Life, Lord, Preaching, Ministries, Unity, Fellowship, United, Community, Harmony, Light, Freedom, Happy, Smile, World, Fun, Rest Peace, Respect, Compassion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 9sec (3129 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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