Jarrod Cooper || When God Walks Into The Room

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so we Vicki and I lead a church in the north of England it's a it's a multi-site Church it's in eight sites across a region and our pact is six hundred thousand people in our region and our passion is that every single one of them needs to know about Christ I'm not trying to build a big Church I'm trying to reach six hundred thousand people and then we do ministry around the world and we have fun if you let me get the plugging out the way if you want to stay connected there's just a postcard that's all we've brought today on reception and it's a way through our website we've got all kinds of resources courses video audio from everything from leadership to the prophetic to depression to miracles it's all on there have a little look pick up a postcard that's the end of the plug is that the way all preachers should do it short and sweet right there's no such thing as a bad short sermon did you know that so think it through I always tell me if you're not that good just make sure it's short then everyone will tolerate you so I'll turn 50 next year you're supposed to say what really you can't believe it honestly it must be the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit anivia that's what it is just keeps me going keeps me young okay I am looking more and more Haggard the more I lead Church but anyway let's just keep keep going don't start but I've been going to church since I was 10 days old we used to go five times on a Sunday we were that family there's always one family that would turn about everything right so we would go so I I have sat through thousands of services and I've heard thousands of sermons any of you you've got that look on your face a little bit glazed over you've you kind of you heard it all before and it's amazing there's two kinds of service that I remember the first one that I remember that a very memorable service so I grew up in an Assemblies that God Pentecostal Church in the 70s I mean you know we were still wondering where the drums were of the devil it's that era okay we had an organ and a piano and and but I remember we would take communion I don't know how you guys do communion but do you do them in the little cups this big like the thimbles like Russian shot glasses do you know what I mean and you see when you look at it you go well my cup runneth over if you spat in it it would run over do you know what I mean it's well thank you for your generosity Lord and it's not even wine it's Ribena what you're doing to us you know what I mean what's going so I grew up in a Pentecostal church and every single Sunday at the same time in the service the pastor would get up and read the same scripture saying take say the same words and there's maybe six or seven hundred people in this in this church and and all and it all used to be left in the pews so at the same time 600 tongue talking Pentecostals would lift up 600 little thimbles of Ribena to their lips and take it all together this one Sunday it came to the moment when you would take the Ribena and they all lifted it and and and began to drink the Ribena and my mum was the was was the first we used to sit at the front we were that family used to sit at the front and my mum drank it and then screamed I was too young to take him in at this point I would have been about six years old she just screamed and then ran and the toilets were out the front and down some stairs so she ran out the front and down the stairs and she was screaming in in a horror as she ran down the stairs thinking pastor is gonna kill me and she's running down but all of a sudden she realized there's 600 Pentecostals running after her and they run down into the toilets there's five Pentecostals in each cubicle puking into the toilets there's Pentecostals gathered around each sink being sick this false teeth gathering in the sink the guest speaker is lying on the platform with bubbles coming from his mouth somebody had put bleach in the communion wine no it's fantastic it's about the only service I can remember because I don't know but I don't know about you I have a very low boredom threshold when I read the book of Acts and I look at the early church I kind of get the idea that God comes to church miracles signs and wonders take place God breaks out in society the church is meant to be causing riots not having nice little meetings that no one can remember we're supposed to be out changing and transforming society and having an effect I don't know about you I'm 50 years old I've been to thousands of services I love it when God comes to church we have a saying in our church our church only feels right when it's riding on a move of God the only time we feel okay everything's in place why cuz at the center of it God is moving and I don't want the only services I remember the only times I remember to be when things go wrong I want it to be when God comes to church turn to psalm 42 let's read some Bible because if your heart is like mine I long do you have this saying over here for those read latter days those days that you circle in your diary your journal and you go that was extraordinary you see Church our greatest danger is not immorality its dullness it's that we do this cultural thing called church and never encounter God as the Bible says there is supposed to be glory in the church amen so can I just be honest for a moment I'm a pastor and I get bored at church somebody look at your neighbor and go thank God for that do you know why the last song in church is always the happiest because we're gonna go and watch the football or the Grand Prix or whatever it is you watch over here right I admire the faithfulness of people that will come to the most boring church services in the world I've got a feeling they're not like that here just every other Church right I want God to sweep into my world I believe in moves of God I don't believe God is a Jedi force that just you tap into you know it's kind of just all he's just there I believe God is a person that walks into rooms and you know it psalm 42:1 of the my favourite verses and a real cry of my heart verse 1 says as the deer pants for streams of water everything begins with longing you have no longing you'll have nothing as the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants not for church not for songs not for stuff not even for sermons my soul pants for you you know you can go to church and yet you've still you walk out with hunger pangs for God still and say that didn't satisfy me the sermon didn't do it for me the song didn't it's not the pastor's fault sometimes it's where we're looking my soul pants for you O God my soul thirsts for the Living God when can I go and meet God can you get the heart of the psalmist there I don't want to meet church I don't want to meet the temple I don't want to meet the songs I don't want to meet the paraphernalia of ministry when do I get to do the God bit when does God breathe into church and I go God is in this place it's your heart like my alarm for those moments when God is in this place and here the psalmist is right where my heart lives most of the time God I'll do all this stuff for you it's right to do it's good to do it's healthy to do but God I'd much prefer if you breathed into church than tonight then that I got to preach my sermon God I want you to walk into this room and the psalmist who's obviously going through a darlin struggling in difficult time the verse goes onto one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible maybe for some of you it's yours too in about verse 5 he's saying why are you dying cast o my soul why disturb within me put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him my Savior and my God my soul is downcast within me therefore I'll remember you from the land of Jordan to the heights of Hermon here we go verse 7 deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls all your waves and breakers have swept over me something deep in me connects with something deep in God we're in the roar of the waterfall now I've stood at the at the top of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe where they they call it the local name means the smoke that thunders there's a roar around a waterfall and as you stand there and the waters cascading down you hear a roar and then I've been out on the made in the mist in Canada at Niagara Falls and as you you head out towards the vault and now you're not at the top you're at the bottom where the roar actually happens and there you are getting closer and closer to this vertical body of water that's crashing down and spray is hitting you in the face and and I'm looking up at Niagara Falls and I'm thinking okay this is what it's supposed to be like to meet God God isn't some tidy little song God is God and suddenly there you are and it feels like you're five meters you're probably a hundred meters but you feel so close because it's so powerful and there you are listening to and looking at the roar of the waterfall and I remember this scripture deep calls to deep in the roar of the waterfall I want to ask you this morning are you in the roar of God's waterfall what is a waterfall it's when a higher body of water it's a lower place and there's a roar that takes place do we know that an acts in Acts chapter 2 there was a higher body of power and the Holy Spirit and a river from heaven that was poured out and suddenly the church began to roar as the waterfall hits their hearts there's a place we can live in the roar of God's waterfall and for me it's the only place that satisfies my heart I believe so many Christians live in drought trying to do religion from Earth to heaven and they forget that actually all this started in God's mind and if we can put us oh I've just got an old song lirik come to mind get under the spout where the glory comes out come on it's a good one all you younger guys are like what is he on about come on any old panties in this room get under the spats with a girl get into the roar of the waterfall with those deep things in you that sometimes you don't even know why you feel like you do you know some people backslide over their God hunger pangs because they do not know what to do with it and they can't find a church that satisfies it it's because church can't do it we can we can provide it but we have to put ourselves in the roar of God's waterfall where the outpouring of the Spirit begins to touch our lives but some of us are so used to doing religion so dry it's coming out of our minds not out of our hearts but listen we have a God that wants to bring atmosphere to the church we sang about it this morning divine climate change where God changes the atmosphere I believe this is an atmosphere church that's why I feel connected immediately because I go to some churches and unlike well there's lots of people there's lots of songs lots of sermons and it's all good I'm not I'm not saying it's not good I think it's wonderful there's some incredible moves of God that have very little presence but my heart was just wired to go where is God manifesting his presence and turning up and doing those incredible things you see in history taketake revival think of the Wesley's the Wesley's who started the Methodist Church we remember the statistics of the revival and the fact they transformed the nation and in Great Britain it was actually the Wesleyan revival a few hundred years ago that gave us our middle classes because poor people stopped gambling and drinking and suddenly became richer can you imagine that a move of God that creates a whole new class in society so we remember the statistics and we remember the fruit and the result but often we forget the atmosphere when it was a field preacher they threw him out the church because he was too radical so he would stand in the fields and they would say that maybe sometimes five ten twenty thousand people in the fields as he preached and they would say to the young men young man I know it's a long way to see to the front but don't get in the trees because when Wesley starts to preach you won't stay in the trees and then young men being young men they just ignored him they used to get in the trees so imagine it while Wesley preaches and the glory of God hits the field as he preaches in the background why because glory was there didn't only transform society let's just begin at the beginning let's go back to the raw we'll come to the result in a moment let's come back to the raw we need to be a church that knows what it is to have the divine atmosphere of heaven there was a headline during the Welsh revival on the front page of The Times it said something from another world is at work in Wales there was a Welsh miner he'd been in mining explosions and he said the Welsh revival was like a mining explosion in the sense of he knew what it was to have the the air filled with the dust of an explosion he said Wales it was like a divine explosion there was divine debris in the air you could drink the sense of heaven that was in the air because God has the capacity to not only walk into a room but to walk into a nation come on somebody grunt a little bit in our church we don't say Amen we grunt right these are the days they think that slightly more contemporary I think Kathryn Kuhlman when she would walk through her local airport there be bodies lying around everywhere because she walked through the airport in the end her local airport said miss Coleman because she was a revivalist that carried the presence of God miss Coleman don't come to the airport we will send a car to pick you up from your home and drop you at the steps of your plane do not walk through the airport is too much chaos how's about that come on somebody but when members of this church go somewhere they say whoa oh just calm down calm down it's just you guys are just a bit too wild I remember being in write it with Reinhard Bonnke in Africa and once he was trying to to set up a large crusade and he wanted to put the stage next to a church with a cemetery on this huge waste ground and the local officials said to Ryan had no no no Reiner you cannot put the stage by the cemetery because when you preach the graves will open that people will get out can you imagine having that reputation no you must put the stage away from the cemetery because it's just freaky when people rise from the dead house about atmosphere Finney was right in passed a factory he was just riding past and as he rode past the glory of God hit the factory workers began to fall to their knees under the conviction of the Spirit why because there was a zone of atmosphere it's like Peters shadow things just happen around you why because God is not just a set of principles a good way to live a moral code a better way of thinking he is all those things but he is also a person and you can get into the raw of his waterfall and be transformed Wow my heart's prayer this morning is that the roar of the waterfall visits this place again do it again Lord come on anybody anybody up for another ride come on ha yabba-dabba-doo Wow you know have you heard of Tommy Tenny yeah well he he he's a revivalist if you don't know him and he's seen some incredible moves of God and his family 300 years ago built a chapel about two miles from our house so Tommy comes and stays near us quite a bit and we end up doing driving him back and forward to and from the airport and stuff like that and so I like no I'll Drive you Tommy I wanna I'm on two hours in the car with Tommy right and I'm like okay Tommy tell me stories of revival and then that's it then I just drive and I just listen and he was telling me of a of a story where Ed Miller the Argentinian revivalist visited a church where there had been revival decades before but nothing was now happened in this church an ad mellow turned up at this conference and when it came to be his moment to speak at the conference he just got up on the stage stood looked up the people didn't say anything then just look up above their heads as if he could see something and then he just said these words are you still there and suddenly out of the heavens drop this amazing move of God that no one in the room had been able to see but the man who understood what the presence was like and suddenly the roar of the waterfall filled the church and a revival began again just work with me Christianity is not something we do out of our flesh we're seated in heavenly places and there is a move of God right now pregnant in the heavenlies and it's for us to take a little Stanley knife a little razor blade knife and get right Shh come on God how do we do it well here's a good verse book of Hosea chapter six and verse three says this let us acknowledge the Lord let us press on to acknowledge him the word acknowledge there if you go to the root of it it means experience everyone say experience let us press on to experience God that's our worship our prayer our it's a rare thing these days not many people even know what to do with this phrase but when's the last time you could say I sought the Lord I'm seeking his face and we press on to acknowledge and experience God and then it says when we do that through our worship and our prayer and our seeking something begins to happen it says as surely as the Sun rises he will appear he will step out of the invisible into the visible he will step out of the theoretical into the practical he will step out of principle and suddenly you will have glory among you as surely if you press on to experience God he will appear listen to this he will come to us like the winter rains like the spring rains that water the earth I mean it's almost like a waterfall it's God falling out of the sky and the atmosphere changing how do we open the heavens press on to experience him a few years ago we were going through something that we do quite regularly we have 21 days of prayer and fasting or 40 days of prayer and fasting with our church and we were just in the beginning of season of a 40-day seeking God and I was driving our youth for a conference and I I i turned up to pick some of them up from the conference and take them back home and when I got to the outside of this conference there lying outside the conference room was six of our youth completely overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit now I don't mean there was a little bit of the spirit and they were kind of waving around a little bit or doing courtesy drops you know anything like that no I mean they were absolutely done and dusted drunked and dasta's 'old in the Holy Spirit gone so I'm like what's happened to you guys and and they can't even talk so eventually I peel the one off the tarmac that I need to take back dump him in the front of my car and drive home and halfway home he kind of comes around enough and I'm like what was going who was ministering in this and ah it was no one ministering in there they threw us out so because there's there hundreds and hundreds of youth but the Holy Spirit fell on six of our youth to the point that they were completely incapacitated rolling around through the chairs so they threw them out the youth meeting and I'm driving home thinking what's this God you see many of us seek God for seasons right we put aside time to seek God we have sabbaticals we take timeout we do a week of Prayer four weeks of Prayer six weeks of Prayer well we do all kinds of different things why to press on to acknowledge him but who knows that not every time is it extraordinary but I'm looking at it going what's this a week later we'd planned a conference and it was called this God will come like the rain now I've discovered over time that God often reads the advertising to conferences seriously okay that's what you want we'll do that that sounds good God swept into our church people outside the venue were crawling in on their hands and knees I'm not into long meetings personally I think the shorter the better but we had nine hour meetings as the glory of God hit the church congregation members were coming to me saying you must open the church all week because we want to come and pray people would come in lay their children around the walls and just seek God through till midnight why it's I had leaders that said I thought I was born again but I feel like I've been born again again others were saying I thought I was filled with the Holy Spirit but this is filled with the Holy Spirit I had business men that would just lie there fire fire fire we had guys who had to take days off work as the presence of God swept through on the Tuesday after the weekend we had a staff meeting it's normally about 15 minutes long and I walked in there was already three staff members on the floor as I walked in the moment I saw them I fell on the floor every other staff member that walked through the door fell on the floor they moment they walked into the room where we were meeting and two hours later I'm there guys we really do need to do some work as the glory of God rolled in but the amazing thing the exciting thing for me is presence at some point always turns into miracles presence has to turn into miracles as God begins to touch lives and there were people in our church that had needed miracles listen to this carefully needed miracles for years and we had prayed every way imaginable do you know when someone's really sick one of our ladies she'd broken her back and she'd been in agony and I mean agony for six and a half years no medical help could alleviate it her husband is the chair of our directors he's the vice president of a large multinational pharmaceutical company so she had the best care the medical profession can bring and she was still in agony and we'd prayed for her every way you can imagine we'd made a repent of everything she'd ever done and even things she hadn't done just in case you know what I mean you just you just go for it all we prayed like we'd prayed quiet we'd poured oil and we prayed right Beno we've done everything we could do nothing was working to heal this woman but then when the climate changed sometimes we think we need to change our prayers no you need to change the climate you need to change the canopy you're operating under and then you're gonna find all these things you learn from the Bible actually work don't try and get cleverer prayers Jesus never taught it that way it's extremely simple to pray you just have to create the right environment for the kingdom to come and when he comes well I remember this one night and there's maybe like 70 people in the room and we got to this point in to meet and I'm like well let's pray for some sick people and she just stood there Sandra and we just I don't know about half a dozen of us reached out our hands like we'd done a thousand times well that might be a slight exaggeration a hundred times before and as we reached out I just felt the Spirit of God say and the power of God was present to heal the sick I didn't even say it but immediately she fell to the ground now remember her back was her problem so she hits the floor and I'm looking at her husband going and we stand over like this just waiting for it to open her eyes thinking is this good or bad we don't know and and then she opened her eyes and we like you okay Sandra she looks at her she says I can't feel a thing I don't like well that's either good not so good and then she bobs up and she grabs her husband she said quick let's go home and I'm thinking I'm no we offended her she jumps in the car with a husband and it's just right let's drive home but instead of the 30 miles an hour missing every pothole that you can I want you to drive fast and he tries home fast come on you wimp drive faster and they hit a pothole and she has a little wiggle nothing there and he hits another pole she has a little wiggle nothing yet she is completely healed after six and a half years just because the roar of the waterfall had arrived it all works in the roar of the waterfall incredible things happen she was completely can you imagine her husband and children had done the cleaning for six and a half years so the house needed a really good clean that week she hired a skip would you call it a skip a big thing to put rubbish in and she's literally picking up furniture and chucking it in the skip herself she's completely healed in his so today and the BBC reported on in a healing when the roar of the waterfall arrives God begins to break hang those little prayers and we think why don't me work it's because the climate hasn't been changed that's why a lot of people prayed nothing's happening and said okay you need to take control of the climate it should be pregnant with heaven then you're gonna find all these things work that we did we preached it back and talk about Jesus carried his own atmosphere it was a zone where miracles were right the way around him that's who he was there's a young man called Michael Lockwood and he had had a stroke and was profoundly deaf in both ears and it was it was a wielding a healing service again and nobody prayed for more meeting and then he got quite irritated because he wasn't noticed at the back of this meeting there's maybe maybe a thousand people in this me and so at the end he's really grumpy and he comes to the front he talks to our operations manager nobody prayed for me none of the ministry team and our operations manager said well I'll pray for you so he picks the guy out of his wheelchair he immediately falls over and his earring aides fall out and I okay well let's try again he stands him up again within a few minutes the man begins to walk not only or his legs heal but his hearing becomes completely healed he's had it tested since completely healed but here's the amazing thing you see I want you to grasp this that miracles are not phenomena they're not something for mad charismatic to get excited about because well that's interesting miracles are love if you ask Sandra and the ask Stuart and their four kids so what's happened now now Sandra's healed they'll say ah I got my mum back I got my wife back after six and a half years Michael Lockwood when he had married his wife he was a disabled man in England we have a tradition that when she were married and you you head to your home the man is supposed to pick the wife up and carry her over the threshold you know that tradition right he'd never done that so two hours after being completely healed he picks up his wife and he carries her over the threshold that's what miracles are you ask that man what does it mean he'll says I can play football with my sons I could cook a meal for my wife I have my dignity back God's glory is not about phenomena it's his love made manifest on the earth now one of the other most now there were loads of miracles literally the BBC would come and report on the miracles people were coming and they would come to the church before going to do you call it a any accident an emergency your emergency unit I remember people walking in walking up to the front I can see this wrecked hand in front of me a lot what are you doing here and the family said well we thought we would come here before going to A&E because you would see as quicker come on we need that in our churches right Oh jetlag brain come back oh one of the most amazing things and I want you to catch us when the climate changes it's less about amazing men of God and women of God and it becomes about the glory of God resting on the church one of the most amazing things that we saw that we saw our youth soar about forty to fifty deaf ears open we stopped counting at 50 because we were becoming inaccurate they saw about a hundred and fifty people saved on the streets we stopped counting because it became inaccurate as 15 year olds who would one minute be arguing whether Justin Bieber was better than Justin Timberlake then they'll turn around say okay take your hearing aids out let's pray for you and deaf ears were opening my mum was sat in a hairdressers one day having her hair done and woman sat next to her says oh you know I used to be deaf she just came out with it I used to be deaf really well what happened while I was walking through town and a couple of 15 year-olds came up to me and said you've got hearing aids in can we pray for you and so these people they took my hearing aids act so lord help me gonna be sued one day they took my hearing aids out but I've been completely ill and I've just been to the hospital this week and had it tested my hearing is completely recovered through 15 year olds who will pick their nose one minute then lay their hands on you the next hallelujah see when the climate changes I was figure I get invited places to teach on miracles and stuff like that and I was looking I go I don't really know much about miracles all I know is if you build a culture that revolves around God actually being in the church we call it a presence culture miracles are the natural result they will be everywhere they'll be with your four-year-old your 40 year old your busy people your full-time people miracles will take place my son who's not there now he's Jonah cases through there when he was five years old one of his schoolmates who was four years old so in reception class she broke an ankle she went to the hospital had an x-ray they put a temporary cast on it she came back to school Zac when he was five would it be five maybe six and a few other friends gathered around this little girl and they pray dear Jesus heal Elisha our men the next day she was due to go for a second x-ray and a more permanent cast put on when she had the second x-ray there was no break she came back to school and took part in the sports day that day four year old five year old six year olds listen when the climate changes when we get into the roar of the waterfall god breaks act and we realize all these simple prayers we pray they worked God's atmosphere is in the church and suddenly it becomes thick with who God is we make a little radio show it's an edited 23 minute teach out of an hour-and-a-half service two hours service I remember a couple of visitors coming in the back and it was the prayer meeting before the service and and they were stood at the back shaking violently and I could see their visitors so I walked up and said hello are you yeah you new yes yes we listen to you on the radio one of them was saved one of them wasn't saved and there was shaking like this and that all right so you listen to us on the radio she said yes it's not like this on the radio is it unsaved shaking under the power of the Holy Spirit presence always turns into miracles but ultimately the move of God always sends us to the last one of our churches the main campus used to be in quite a rough area you know they would shoot at the building while we were worshiping sometimes which always gets the worship going really well people dance really well when the windows are being shot at you know and one of our lads went out onto the estate and and wanted to evangelize to some 15 year olds he walked up and said can I tell you about Jesus they said something Greek and Hebrew ending in off do you know what I mean and and they said no and he noticed one guy didn't need a word of knowledge one guy had a bad leg he said so if God heals your leg can I talk to you about Jesus for two minutes and before the guy could answer he slap his hand and his shoulder said Jesus heal him and he left off his bike and he began to hold his tummy and shake his leg and he said what's inside me what have you done to me there's something inside feels good he said well that's the Holy Spirit but how's your leg my legs completely healed there were a little news about six or seven of them the other guy said what's going on as he then stood and began to shake under the power of the Holy Spirit on the street and he said well it's just the Holy Spirit he's feeling what God feels like and God's saying hello so these other fifteen-year-old completely unchurched from a rough rough background said so can we have some so they'd never been to church stand in a line put their hands out in satellite dish position just like you would and he prays and they begin to shake under the power of God then a group of seven eight nine year olds walk up what's going on the one on the end goes just to power of God and they say can we have some so they line up put their hands out seven eight nine year olds they get pray for begin to shake under the power of God a policeman walks up he says what's going on here and our friend says it's just a power of God do you want some he said no I got a job to do when he disappeared that night they brought some friends twenty lads came to the church that night and gave their lives to Christ because the river sends us out the river sends us out and now as the years roll on with the river and the move of God here's the last thing I'm discovering as I'm coming to a close here's the last thing I'm discovering what begins in presence and falling in love with Jesus and falling in love with the sense of the Spirit living in the roar of the waterfall living in the rain of his presence turns into miracles signs and wonders and prophesy and dreams and visions but then it begins to turn into sending us to the last to go and reach you're hurting people otherwise there's no need for the river we'll just sit here as a reservoir and have spiritual fun but let me tell you it dies among us in order to have the spirit moving among as we must be facing the last in the world but now I'm finding as I track it I didn't invent this stuff I'm just articulating what I've seen God do here we are now a few years on and I can see it's changing into something else it's changing into kingdom come guys that were in the roar of the waterfall and now getting elected to office guys that were in the roar of the waterfall and now are influencing education and media two of our guys oversee the education of 40 percent of the population in one region in Britain they were in the roar of the waterfall people affecting media the BBC common film and report on stuff that's going on in the church why they the BBC think where the miracle place and I'm like we didn't even do miracle we just do raw but raw always ends up in miracles and miracles always end up in kingdom come and lies being touched you see when you follow the river the genuine river of God he will lead you to a place called kingdom come it's his plan we've heard it once today already one day the kingdoms of this world will pre presented before God as the kingdoms of our Lord and our Savior and so we are now picking up education saying God here's a school here's a school here's some medicine here's the arts here's the media God send us out his influences to touch the celebrities and the voices and the media of the world God take this river and turn it into something that sees your kingdom come in the world and it all begins back in the raw and had you make the raw gun press on to experience him and surely might not even come I remember Eduard men of the old Argentine revival is saying you know I dug a well and found nothing and I dug a well found nothing so I dug another well and found nothing and what he meant was each time he was doing a forty day fast and prayer and seeking God and then he said in one day I dug a well again and I found the Argentinian revival you press on to experience him until he comes like the rain
Channel: Hope City Church
Views: 2,648
Rating: 4.710145 out of 5
Keywords: hope, city, church, grace, encounter, pentecostal, love, joy, Pastor, Karen Magrath, Andrew Magrath, 3136, Jesus, Hope, Super Natural, Holy Spirit, Signs and Wonders, radical, prophetic, heaven, champion, soul, detox, dream, visions, angel, Church (Type Of Place Of Worship), Peace, Gospel, Praise, Rest, Happiness, Truth, Ministry, Youth, Life, Lord, Preaching, Ministries, Unity, Fellowship, United, Community, Harmony, Light, Freedom, Happy, Smile, World, Fun, Rest Peace, Respect, Compassion
Id: tE8C07jrLvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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