Blake Healy - Seeing in the Spirit

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[Applause] oh thank you thank you thank you awesome all right all right so how many of you were here with us last night awesome how many of you were not here with us last night awesome some of you didn't raise your hands for either not sure where you were but we'll be praying for you awesome awesome yeah if you if you weren't here last night uh you'll catch up quick um yeah i'll talk about my books briefly just because i was encouraged to do so i normally don't like talking about my stuff it's a little bit embarrassing for me but i um i do have three books i only have my my most recent book available uh today just because i had a little shipping problem with our with my publisher but um my my first book is called the veil and um it was really my first attempt just to kind of write share share my personal experience with regard to seeing the spirit uh having grown up seeing angels demons and other spiritual things and it's kind of a longer form version of some of what we did last night it was kind of unpacking the the journey of learning about that gift learning how to grow in that and it's funny i i wrote that book three times before i was i was happy with it um the first time i was really trying to make it a a um an outline a structural explanation of how the spirit realm works and how we can understand it and what this means and what that means and it was so boring um and it didn't carry any of the the essence of the experience and the heart that i felt when i when i would actually see in the spirit and so this the the version that i ended up putting out and this kind of theme runs through all of my books is my goal wasn't really to answer questions or to explain every detail but to really try to invite people into the experience of seeing what's going on in the spirit spirit realm and so that's that's what the veil is all about my second book is called profound good and is is my favorite book and i will i will say here it's my least selling book which always makes me a little bit sad um uh not not because i wanted to sell a whole lot but because i think that sometimes we as christians when we talk about the goodness of god it's just kind of this thing we just easily agree with god is good all the time all the time god is good and i like that sentiment that's great if you do that i'm not i'm not mad at you but um the the the it's sometimes uh belies the the depth the magnitude the the the the holiness the the the tremendous uh depth of god's goodness to kind of view it just from that surface level just just just as a mere characteristic um and so in that book i try to share stories that have to do with really unpacking and delving into the the reality and the depth of god's goodness and so it's it's my favorite book that i've written the third one's good too that was actually about spiritual warfare and just about how we can um not just pray against demonic stuff or or be overly focused on it but actually learn how to build our life in a healthy way that actually makes our life repellent to the things of the enemy and invite the things of god into into our life which is uh my favorite method of spiritual warfare the one where you don't have to worry about that stuff trying to bother you at all does that sound good so anyway that one's available uh out in the lobby um so today i wanted to just take some time to really kind of dive into how we can practically pursue this gift of seeing the spirit if you were here last night you heard me say that as soon as i learned that what i was experiencing was the result of a gift i was immediately convinced that it was something that was meant to be available for every christian now again at the time i couldn't have given you a good reason why it was just it was just there it was inherent and so because of that i was always willing to pray for an impartation for anyone who wanted it and so from the age of 12 to the age of 21 i prayed for probably at least 300 people to receive the gift of seeing in the spirit and out of those 300 people uh two started seeing in the spirit which is terrible from a statistics perspective uh that is less than one percent if that was my batting average they would kick me off the team um so and it was funny just because again those two people they got it all the way i prayed for them and they started seeing in the spirit started seeing angels with their physical eyes and that was that was awesome that was encouraging but man everyone else zero success whatsoever and that was although that was disheartening it didn't really do anything to dissuade this conviction that i had that it was something that was meant to be available for every christian and especially you know as i grew older and learned more and saw throughout scripture the the uh encouragement to pursue gifts of the spirit why would why would we be encouraged to pursue gifts of the spirit if it's something that's only available to certain people or if only per certain people have access to certain gifts and and things like that and so again this conviction only even though i didn't necessarily see the results that that value only strengthened now when i was 19 i went to be part of the bethel school of supernatural ministry in in reading california and i had an experience there with growing in a gift that i had not seen very much success in and in doing that it kind of gave me some keys and helped me understand some of the ingredients that i was missing with regard to imparting this gift to other people now i from the age of 12 and up i was at a church that believed in healing believed in the gift of the spirit but honestly we didn't see that many healings happen maybe one maybe two in in a year if if that and even though that's amazing and that's something to be grateful for it wasn't something that we just saw on the regular and quite honestly when i heard about all these testimonies that were coming out of this this church in reading uh i was a little bit skeptical i was like wow that seems like a lot that's that's just seems like too many miracles it seems you know that's all together two minutes which is you know weird if you read the gospel but anyway um it's that lens that you have for whatever reason you know and so i i went up there and very quickly you know started seeing miracles happen with either by my friends praying other people and quickly realized that there was some differences in the way that they pursued this gift in comparison to the to the way that i had done it before now beforehand i would you know we would only occasionally pray for people to be healed it would just happen from time to time and anytime we did it was always sort of this awkward at least it was for me of course go over to the person you know lay my hands on there's been some kind of word of knowledge maybe of like just back problems or whatever else and um walk up lay my hands on them pray for them do you feel any different no uh okay goodbye you know may the lord heal you later um you know didn't really know what to what to do with that and so i noticed in in writing there were some kind of key differences first of all they they prayed for a lot of people i i prayed for more people to be healed in my first uh three months at school there than i had my entire life before that and so they basically forced you to do it um not quite literally but um so there was lots and lots of opportunities to learn to grow to practice and i started hearing testimonies of of different people who had sometimes prayed for a thousand people before they saw their first healing even though that seeing healing was now a regular part of their life and so there was this idea of pursuit of pushing of going after it and not not letting a lack of success convince you that that's something that you just don't have um the other thing that i noticed was uh my best language for this is that they stewarded uh each uh time they prayed for healing really well it wasn't just this let me lay hands on you yes no kind of then back away thing they would pray two or three times they would ask do you feel a little bit better do you feel the same uh did you feel any kind of maybe if you didn't feel a healing did you feel some kind of manifestation of god's presence you know and it wasn't just this one two thing it was something they were kind of working out together and again i would look back at the scripture and see things that just had never stuck out to me for some reason before where even jesus prayed for a blind man and after the first time he prayed he said he could see people like trees or like shadows like there was this um this partial partial restoration of a sight jesus prayed again and the guy's sight was completely restored just this idea that oh man if jesus had to pray twice then maybe you'll have to pray two or three times occasionally you know very helpful yes um and so uh again just this kind of shifting perspective shifting the expectations of of how to pursue this gift and i began to see more healings than i'd ever seen in my life as well as my my friends around me and so as time went on i i wanted to figure out how to apply these principles that i was learning to the gift of seeing in the spirit because i realized that i was making some of the same kind of mistakes as i was before where whenever i would pray for an impartation of seeing the spirit i would you know lay my hands on the person pray a prayer and say okay open your eyes do you see anything no okay bye because honestly i just didn't know what to do from from there you know and so after after kind of learning about a little bit more about healing i realized okay i'm missing something here and the thing that i heard the holy spirit tell me is you're not giving people anything to steward it's this simple it happened or it didn't kind of kind of moment and so i came back from my second year of school of ministry there really hungry to see kind of get breakthrough in this area and so me and my roommates had a little home group that we led together and i wanted to teach them about uh seeing in the spirit and so i um i i saw this picture now these pictures some people love this picture and some people think it's just very confusing so if you're if you're the former group then hooray if you're the latter group just take a quick nap for a second but i um i saw this picture and it made so much sense to me i saw this picture of a map and this map was of an island that was the shape of a person's hand and it was like one of those old world war ii documentaries where you see like the map colored in red over here and blue over here and territory moving this way and that way is you know different lines and stuff and area uh territories conquered and all that and for whatever reason in this particular picture the um the thumb part of the map represented the gift of seeing the spirit the index finger represented the prophetic and all the other fingers represented different gifts of the spirit and i saw a picture of an a hand that represented my map and i saw that this area of the prophetic in this area of seeing the spirit were all filled in and there was these other territories that i hadn't quite conquered yet and he heard the lord say this is you and then he showed me another map another hand and in that one all these other fingers out here were filled in but the thumb area was completely blank and he said this is what you're trying to do and i saw arrows going to the very tip of the thumb he said you're trying to get people to dive right into a gift that they've never experienced before and then i saw instead a picture of the territory that was over on the index finger just kind of slowly moving over to this thumb area and he said have them start with the gifts that they're already comfortable with and something occurred to me that just never occurred to me before this time where lo if if the lord could give someone a word of knowledge could give someone a prophetic word if the lord could tell someone information about what's going on in someone's life or could talk to them about their future or anything else why couldn't the lord simply tell us what's happening in the room in the spirit at any given time i know it's kind of obvious but it just hadn't occurred to me before and so i thought okay let's give this a try so i had my little small group and i shared a bit of my testimony i prayed for everyone i said okay we're going to practice sing in the spirit but if if you and you know i want you to look with your physical eyes first but if you don't see anything in the spirit with your physical eyes then i want you to ask the holy spirit to tell you what's going on in this room when he was just in in our apartment and so we took a few minutes we did that we went around the room and i was absolutely and completely stunned because even though no one saw anything with their physical eyes eighty percent of the people that shared around the circle described seeing in their minds eye getting an impression uh you know whatever else of something that i was looking at with my physical eyes now again this is stunning to me because i'm going from a less than one percent success rate to 80 percent in one go and then the amazing thing was is some of those people just a handful of weeks later started seeing in the spirit with their physical eyes as well and so i thought okay there's something here and so for the last 13 years i've been part of the bethel school of supernatural ministry in atlanta and so i've had lots of guinea pigs to practice with thanks guys um and and the amazing thing is i've seen this this uh this cool consistency in that when people will be willing to kind of start from this place of i'm just trusting holy spirit tell me what's going on in this room that they'll practice that kind of exercise that muscle not only do they start to hear from the lord about what's going on in any given space they're in i find that later they oftentimes start to see in the spirit with their physical eyes as well and so you know there's something about stewarding what you have that makes room for what you don't have yet and so i'd like to if if you guys are okay with this if not there's several exits and you can make a run for it here in just a moment but um i'd like to take the opportunity to practice with you guys a little bit is that is that okay cool all right i know there's like a covid stuff and so please don't do anything that's not comfortable for you but to the best of your ability if you could uh get up and get into kind of a group of three a group of three yes this is totally happening a little bit more practically than you may have expected but students if you wouldn't mind kind of spreading yourselves around in the group a little bit can help out some that way you might have to talk to someone you don't know yet i apologize i'm an introverted person as well i know how that is but you can do it again covet stuff don't do whatever you're comfortable with all right so yes go ahead and get get comfortable groups of three if we need to make a group of four here and there that's okay but preferably groups of three all right if you're looking for a group just kind of wave your hand and look look around if you see more than one couple people with their hands up that might be your group right there all right all right and if you're looking for a group just kind of wave your hands in the international i'm drowning kind of symbol there looks like we're okay awesome if you're still looking for a group just jump into a group and make it a group of four and say surprise here i am um and if you don't mind i'd love it if you would uh sit down for just a moment because i'm going to kind of lay this out and you can get comfortable wherever whoever is preferred for you all right so when it when it comes down to it you know pursuing any gift of the spirit it's it's um there's there's not a formula there's not a a you know trick um this is something that's meant to be led by the spirit that we kind of cooperate with him on that now uh me just saying hey let the holy spirit lead you one two three go it's a little terrifying for most people so i i do have a little bit of a method that you can try i do want to be clear though there's no there's no magic to this method there's no you know secret trick to this this is really just a framework for you to try something is that does that make sense you know i like to compare it to it to a date you know like when you're when you're going on a date it's the first time advice for your future uh or your current depending um it's nice sometimes to have a structure of like hey we're gonna go see a movie we're gonna go to dinner and then want to go for a walk in the park everyone knows what to expect and then you don't have to think about it and you can just interact and have a good connect time you know makes sense the formula is not the date but sometimes having a framework makes us a little bit more comfortable yeah cool all right so with that said what we're going to do is we're going to take a moment to ask the holy spirit to show us what's going on in the spirit in this room right now now there's plenty of things going on trust me uh there's everyone's got an angel with them there's angels that are still hanging around from worship there's stuff there just uh is here because of uh what what's what's done and uh what the lord does here at this church and so there's plenty of opportunities for for stuff um and i'm gonna give you this kind of simple three-step process to do so first very simply just ask the holy spirit where to look simple should i should you look on the stage did you look near the exit sign should you look in the sound booth so did you look up should you look down should you look this way should you look at that just ask the holy spirit where to look and look there with your eyes open i wouldn't think i'd have to say that part but sometimes people forget i i did this uh workshop one time where there was uh this woman who we started this very exercise and immediately she closed her eyes right at the beginning now you know how if you had your eyes closed and someone's shown a bright flashlight right in your eyes you could still see the light through your eyelids you know well the second she closed her eyes she saw this bright light move in front of her and she snapped her eyes open real quick and there was nothing and she immediately heard the holy spirit say be ready for me to do more than you expect and so i always encourage people start with your eyes open you can close them later in the process if you need to concentrate for a second but start with your eyes open um so ask the holy spirit where to look look there with your eyes open one more little tip you know if this is really new for you and you missed your chance to run out of the exit while everyone was finding a group um it would have been a good time but it's too late now um the um uh and you're like uh holy spirit which way i don't know it's a uh the just pick a spot just pick a spot this is this we're exercising a muscle where we're practicing and it's better to try and have no success than to get so caught up in the details that we don't try at all does that does that make sense so ask the holy spirit where to look look there if you're feeling stuck on that spot just pick a place and look there then ask the holy spirit to show you what's there look for big things look for small things you know there was one time i did this exercise this lady had come to to my workshop her friends had brought her she had never been to any kind of gifts-oriented meeting never prophesied in her life this was completely new to her she went to a cessationist church that taught that the gifts had died with the original apostles and um so we did this exercise the second we started the exercise she looked up and with her physical eyes saw the ceiling crack open saw an angel come down holding the scroll it opened the scroll in front of her and on it was a handwritten love note from the father to her that she read out loud with tears streaming down her eyes as she shared with the whole group so that might happen it's had things like that happen several times so look for that um again tends to be a little bit obvious but look for that but also look for small things sometimes people will just see an outline like like a like these lights are kind of bright but if you like look at a bright light you can kind of see this you know outline of light around it almost just looks like the vague shape of a person that's made out of that kind of glaring light some people might just see what looks like heat distortion or sparkles or a quick streak of light um lots of times even even to this day the first time i see an angel or a certain kind of angel it will look blurry to me the first time and then the next time i might be able to see it's its feet in its hands clearly but the rest of it's still blurry and the time after that i can see its body in its hands but not its face and the time after that i can see the whole thing clearly and what it's doing oftentimes these things unfold in layers and so again to this day there are things that the first time i see them they'll be a little bit blurry and so again look for big things look for small things if you don't see anything with your physical eyes then ask the holy spirit to show you in your heart you might get a picture in your mind's eye just like a snapshot that just shows up in your mind you might get an impression um there's kind of a feeling of of peace or a feeling of joy or whatever else you might just suddenly some people call them downloads or knowings where all of a sudden i didn't really get a picture but i just know that there's an angel standing right there holding a sword you know something like that um i've had people get just uh scripture addresses that just show up in their mind they look it up and find that it's an account of an angel and so again there's all these different ways that the lord wants to speak to us there's all these different ways that he makes himself known to us so again if you don't see anything with your physical eyes just ask the holy spirit to show you what's what's in that spot last and most important is ask the holy spirit what he has to say about what you saw no matter how big or small it is ask the holy spirit what he has to say about it ask him some questions if you felt an impression of joy ask him is okay is that joy that's like being released here or is that something that this place just just carries naturally you know is this a joy that heaven's releasing or is this something that's been cultivated here you know why is this angel standing here as opposed to here just kind of asking questions let your curiosity lead you because again seeing angels is awesome it is valuable in and of itself but like we talked about last night the whole purpose is understanding how it relates to the lord how it relates to jesus and using it as an opportunity to know him more does that make sense and so developing that conversation life with the holy spirit about the things that we see is of utmost importance yeah so that process one more time just very simply is ask the holy spirit where to look and look there with your eyes open look for big things look for small things if you don't see anything with your physical eyes then ask the holy spirit to show you and then ask the holy spirit what he has to say about those things make sense okay we're going to go ahead and do this right now i know we're only 20 minutes into this morning but gotta do it before you can overthink it um one last question before we dive in who feels just a little bit terrified of doing this awesome okay five honest people great um so i i i travel to a lot of different churches and teach about the prophetic and seeing the spirit and i i can understand and even respect the the trepidation that we might have when pursuing these things especially if they're new to us and oftentimes it comes especially with regard to the prophetic with this value of i don't want to make a mistake i don't want to miss here i don't want to misunderstand you know i don't want to be wrong and and that's good because we want to hear accurately we want to represent the lord accurately and and all of that however that's one of the reasons it's so important to create safe environments like this where we all know hey we're practicing we're trying we are we are stretching our muscles a little bit and because of that there is there's a safety there is the person that you're sitting next to the person you're about to share what you see with they know that you're practicing they know that you're trying and it's so therefore it is okay to kind of stretch out a little bit and say hey i'm not sure about this this is a guess or this is this is what i think i see i'm not sure what this means but this is what i felt um i wouldn't encourage you to do that if you're like on the street ministering to someone who's never heard the gospel before you know that's that's a different circumstance but that's why it's so healthy to create safe environments like this for us to learn and to grow you know i have five kids and i i you can't really teach kids how to walk you know you could try get down there and be like here you go this is how you do it you know but honestly that's probably going to scare them off of walking wait but what you can do is create a safe environment for them to discover how to walk does that make sense when it comes to the gifts of the spirit the prophetic seeing in the spirit these are things that we're built to do we're designed to do god fundamentally designed us to to see him to know him to see what he's doing and so this isn't so much about learning how to do a process or learning how to do something correctly it's about that that process of discovery the way that we learn how to ride a bike the way that we learn how to walk you know if you want me to teach you how to ride a bike it's a five-minute conversation and then either a day a month or a week of practicing and discovering does that make sense and so this is very much the same and so again this is a safe environment this is a safe space we all know that we're practicing and so it's okay to say hey i'm not sure about this but i think or i feel um and i want to say that because one thing i do see common commonly both in pursuing this and the prophetic is it can be easy to kind of sneak behind the shield of i didn't see anything and just leave it at that um and that's that's fine and i don't want you to force yourself to say something that that you didn't perceive or didn't see but i also don't want us to be tempted to kind of turtle back you know to that safe spot and not be willing to take the risk of hey i'm not sure about this but this is kind of what i felt does that make sense to everybody so encouraging to give it a shot and it's okay we're all we're all practicing so once again what we're going to do here um is i'm going to give you oh four minutes four minutes that's longer than usual so you're welcome um [Laughter] i'm gonna give you four minutes to do this very process we discussed ask the holy spirit where to look look there with your eyes open um if you don't see anything with your physical eyes that's the holy spirit to show you um look for big things look for small things and then ask the holy spirit what he has to say about whatever you saw we're gonna do that for four minutes and i'm gonna have you share with your little uh group about what you saw what you sensed what you perceived and what you felt the holy spirit had to say about that now for some of you this is very natural or some of you you've done this before i'm going to politely request that for those four minutes uh please or just remain silent just because uh some other people are going to want every single second of that four minutes and i don't want to kind of disrupt them does that make sense so i'll let you know when four minutes is up i'll let you know when we're halfway through and after that i'll let you know when it's time to start sharing sound good two people great awesome um if you would just wherever you're at just put your hands out in front of you lord i just thank you so much for these people who are willing to to just engage with this challenge to to take a risk to do something that they may have never experienced before or might be very new to them again i thank you for these hungry people who will give up a chunk of their saturday just to pursue more of who you are and right now lord i just ask that you would just fulfill that hunger i just release the gift of seeing the spirit into this room lord i just activate that that that heavenly design of every single one of our eyes that we and release the truth that we are fundamentally designed to see and know what our father is doing and so i just release every eye in this room to just come into alignment with their original heavenly design that we will see in the spirit and that everything that we see will draw us into a deeper and more personal relationship with you in jesus name amen awesome so i'm gonna put four minutes on the clock up here and i will let you know when when time is wrapping up on your mark get set go [Music] [Music] so so i got about two minutes remaining we got two minutes remaining oh um um all right believe it or not it's been four minutes so you can uh flip a coin and do rock paper scissors whatever way you want to determine who goes first and just share what you saw sensed or perceived during that time um um um foreign um um uh is was um it's already he was in the middle of talking and i was getting all this stuff still talking uh all right how many of you need a little bit more time if your group needs a little bit more time just wave a hand at me all right try to wrap it up in about two minutes if you can two minutes [Applause] so all right guys i'm sure there's a lot more to share but i want to make sure we have time for everything else that we've got going on uh so you're welcome to share more show more afterwards but i'd like to get at least a little survey of the room so how many how many of you saw something with your physical eyes no matter how big or small your hands up high into the air awesome cool how many of you maybe didn't see something with your physical eyes but felt reasonably confident about something that you were sensing or perceiving or hearing from the holy spirit about what's going on in the room awesome cool how many of you are like i don't know maybe awesome cool now i it's good you know this this isn't about a one-time you know shabam you just received something now it's perfect and easy all the time you know this is this is a process this is about learning this is about developing a language of vocabulary around the things that we see and how we understand them so i just want to encourage you guys if this if this is something you know we only have time for a little bit of practice today but i just want to encourage you you can you can exercise this anytime you know i i often times will just take a couple minutes in worship you know i don't want to necessarily use the whole time to do it because i want to focus on you know just worshiping the lord but um if you um you know you just take a few minutes just ask the holy spirit what's what's going on in the room ask the holy spirit where to look look there with your eyes open this this whole little process of just talking with the holy spirit about what's going on when you feel a shift in a room when someone's preaching you know when you feel just kind of something land just pause from on there holy spirit what's going on you know what's what's what's happening in this room what shifted just now you know um and again i very much encourage you to do this in groups to get a couple friends together and just get together after church and say what did you see you know um i want to take just a moment here to kind of talk about how this gift can grow and to share a couple stories of just different ways it happens you know one of the trickiest things that people say is you know well blake i can practice if you're around because you can tell me if i'm right or wrong you know which feels very weird for me but um i get it you know but uh there there's honestly even better ways to to kind of build a confidence around your your discernment i really kind of see it in in three pieces that all point to the same kind of goal where first of all and this this principle really applies to any spiritual gift is obviously we need to just be growing our conversation life with the holy spirit the more that we can talk to him that we can confidently have a conversation about what we're seeing what we're doing what we're pursuing the the easier this is going to be and so just exercising that in your prayer time in in the the study of the word in in um in in worship and all these things it's it's you know just super important and foundational um in and also just being in community with other people you know if we're just alone if we're just isolated then we are so terribly limited in our perspective but when we have brothers and sisters who are running beside us who can give us inputs who can be kind of buffers because even if we're seeing something with our physical eyes we still have a tremendous capacity for misunderstanding misinterpreting or or you know just um not not seeing the fuller picture of of what we're seeing so we need brothers and sisters to provide perspective does that does that make sense yes no okay knows an okay answer if it doesn't um and then again we i kind of alluded to this earlier but we do need to need a rock-solid foundation of god's nature and being in a community of believers or studying the word helps us understand who god is so that we can make sure that we're accurate in the way that we're interpreting these things that we perceive and you know this this and this all kind of points to the same principle and i have a i have a friend who's works in the banking system and she told me that you know the bankers they don't they don't study counterfeit bills you know there's certain investigators that that do but your average banker doesn't study counterfeit bills because the methods that are used to counterfeit bills are changing all the time there's so many different ways to do it and it would just be pointless because it's just changing all the time and so instead what they do is they study the real thing they study authentic bills they they know what new bills feel like what old bills feel like and everything in between they've some become so familiar with the texture with the feel with the weight with with everything to do with with authentic bills that even a an average banker can take a stack of bills this thick and thumb through that entire stack and pull the one counterfeit that's in that stack every single time not necessarily because they can describe exactly how it's counterfeit or exactly what's wrong with it but because they're so familiar with the original that anything that diverges from that original immediately sticks out does that make sense and this is how we build healthy discernment inside ourselves with regard to accuracy and that we're pointing things in the right direction is if we are so familiar with our father's nature with with the character of the way that he speaks with who he has been throughout history and who he is now to to see that story played out through scripture and in our lives and in the lives of others then we will be so familiar that anything that diverges from that will stick out or again as a wonderful backup will stick out in one of our brothers and sisters around us does that does that make sense because if we uh if if we don't uh operate in the gifts of the spirit within the context of a community it's way easier for them to get weird you know what i mean for it to become no longer centered on what it's supposed to be centered on make sense okay so that's something that we want to do but with that knowledge with that security with that then there's a lot of freedom to just pursue to practice to grow to to to stretch that that anchor that foundation that center point creates so much safety in just pursuing growing more does that does that make sense um now i just want to encourage you because some of you maybe felt like you had great success some of you maybe felt like and all those other sounds that i made um now i've i've had every kind of experience where where peop some people have like i shared earlier you know receive this gift immediately some people they they pursue it really hard doing exercises like this every day for a week and then boom they start singing the spirit i've had people uh earnestly pursue it for for three weeks for a month for a couple months and then boom it starts happening i remember there was this one guy he was a student and this i remember the second second or third day of class he came to me and said blake i heard you can see in the spirit and i said yes that is true and he said i've always wanted to see in the spirit i'd can i you know can i work with you can i practice with you you know can we i just really have always wanted this gift and i said sure no problem and so every worship set we'd have in school he'd come up to me with a little list afterwards he's like hey i felt like i saw this i sensed this and kind of perceived this and i said okay yeah sure didn't see that didn't see that didn't see that sorry and okay i'll see you tomorrow he'd come the next day and have his list he wasn't seeing anything with his physical eyes but just getting these impressions you know exercising this muscle and every single time no no no no a couple weeks in you know it gives me a list i was like okay no no no actually i did see something kind of like that over on that side of the room during the second song during the second song yeah over there yeah that's awesome that's exactly where i thought it was that's so cool i'll see you tomorrow he did that all through his first year of school all through his second year of school and halfway through his third year of school until one night halfway through his third year he called me at like 10 30 at night a little rude but that's okay um [Laughter] makes for a good story he gets on the phone he's freaking out and he's like mike blake i'm at this i'm at this conference and he he was leading a ministry trip with some uh uh you know first-year students to a to a church and he's like but like i walked in and all of a sudden i saw these angels walking the back of the room and they're carrying these stone tablets and this cloud end of the room and stone tablets have prophetic words written down on them for people in the room and i'm seeing it all with my eyes blake what's going on and i said i think it's working good night and he's seen the spirit with his physical eyes ever since and so again i've had people to get breakthrough right away i've had people who for for whom it takes a long time but i've also noticed that when when we make seeing angels the the secondary goal in this pursuit and make getting to know our father and what he's doing the primary goal that not only do those people tend to grow more quickly in in the in breakthrough with regard to this gift they also tend to enjoy the journey a lot more because whether you're seeing a lot or seeing a little this this is about interacting with our father does that does that make sense one other quick story before we go to the go to the next thing um i remember i i had our school of ministry i do a five-week seeing in the spirit class as an elective that people can choose to take and um i remember there was this one guy his name was mike and he was really hungry to see in the spirit just really really wanted it but man just no breakthrough week one week two week three just nothing we'd get to you know practicing time and do you see anything with your physical eyes no okay close your eyes and ask the holy spirit to show you do you see anything i see beige just you know nothing just no no impression just zero you know sweet guy good attitude you know but it's nothing get all the way to week four and we're doing an extra size kind of like this where people are seeing what's going on in the room and you know it's a more of a classroom setting so we're people are sharing kind of taking turns you know talking about that and we get to we get to mike i'm like hey mike did you did you see anything no did you sense anything an impression no nothing nothing and now i want to give them a boost i wanted them to you know feel good and so i'm like okay mike just just guess just guess where you think an angel might be in this room and i'm thinking you know every single person in here has a personal angel this is the room where we do our worship and stuff so there's angel's still hanging out he might just point at one you know he might just happen to hit one there's a decent chance you know and so he's he's in the front row you know he's like ah is there an angel there and of course he points to like the one spot in the room there's not a single angel of any kind and i'm opening my mouth to tell him that no i don't see an angel there when all of a sudden an angel that was hanging out on this side of the room zips over to be exactly where he's pointing and it's so suddenly and in the middle of my sentence that i stumbled over my words and was like no i yes and i was able to tell him him the story and it it made him it was so encouraging and i like to share that story because it's an excellent reminder that that heaven is on our side with this stuff god god doesn't hide things from us he hides things for us he he he understands the power of discovery he is not distant in his mystery he is actually close in his mystery and is inviting us in to discover more of who he is to discover who we are in him and to be deeply engaged throughout that process and so if we remember that we have a very engaged father even if we're not experiencing breakthrough or clarity it can change the way that we pursue him this is something i also really encourage people who have a who just have a hard time studying the bible they find it dry they find it hard to engage with you know remember that this isn't you trying to figure out how to get to him this is you and him together on this journey of discovery of growth of him him literally fathering you and so it's the same thing with this if we shift our perspective to he he is with us in this then again i i tend to see those people get breakthrough much more quickly and also i find that they have a much less disappointing time along the way does that make sense so again if this is something you'd like to grow in your life i would encourage you to pick two or three times a week where you're just going to practice and if you want to have a little group of folks you're just going to kind of share with one another i think that provides an opportunity for growth as well make sense okay i'd like to for our last little bit of time just because we're um i'd like to whenever i have a you know a shorter amount of time to try to make sure i'm hitting things that are pertinent to what you guys are looking for um i'd love to have a little bit of time of a question and answer is it okay if people just kind of yell at things or do we want to run a microphone or whichever sorry i didn't figure out the plan i see people moving so i'm trust that's going to be happening um so this this can be a this can be a question about just seeing the spirit in general it can be a question about pursuing the gift of seeing the spirit or um you know tip tips along that way i will say too i've been talking about this publicly for uh over 10 or gosh yeah 14 years now and so none of your questions are going to freak me out they might freak out your neighbor but i'm really comfortable if i have an answer to a question i'll give it if i don't i'm happy to say that i don't know but i would be very impressed if anyone here made it on my top 10 weird questions list um and honestly if you did i'd be excited to have a new question for that list so does anyone have a question about anything that we've discussed thus far you can just pick whoever you'd like you know that way i'm not responsible hi um i was wondering um do you feel like when you see in the spirit when you see angels and demons that you know um is it kind of a neutral thing like this like seeing in the spirit or do you have experiences like i'll i'll share an experience i had recently i guess i was at a hospital and um i was just sitting there kind of praying trying to hear from the lord and i looked around and i just saw like rows and rows and rows of demons in the in the room and i thought to myself you know god are you or holy spirit are you showing me this for a reason or are the are the demons showing themselves to me to like intimidate me and then what do you do in that situation totally excellent question really good question um so i think it's important and this is my opinion i've heard different opinions on this that i wouldn't i wouldn't say you're wrong and i'm right but this this is i got the microphone so here's my opinion um uh i do believe you know the scripture does tell us that the gifts of god are irrevocable and so i do believe that there are gifts that god gives us it's like me giving my son a hammer as a gift i wouldn't do that to any of my children right now but you know let's just say in theory that hammer is designed to build things to to help take things apart so they can be reconstructed it is designed for good things it can also be used to hit someone over the head it can also be used foolishly that causes you to hurt yourself and all these things the intent the purpose of that gift is good and is even relational of like i want to work together um however i do believe it is neutral in the sense of that is a tool that i've put in your hand and and so i do think it's important for us to recognize that there is a difference between me seeing something discerning something and hearing something and god showing me something telling me something and revealing something to me does that make sense yeah there is a difference between me seeing something hearing something or discerning something and god showing me something telling me something and revealing me something this is very important for those of you who are discerners because just because you're discerning something doesn't mean you have yet heard what god has to say about it and this is very very very important because even when we discern negative things until we have heard what god has to say about it we don't have the full picture that might be accurate information that we're discerning but we we if apart from the perspective of god that's it's why i kind of did the talk i did last night of jesus being the center the foundation the compass by which we navigate all of this is with without that even something good we can misperceive or misunderstand and so um i wouldn't now again i i wouldn't presume in your exact situation that that was one thing or the other it might simply just been i'm discerning what's going on here um especially with negative stuff and demonic stuff that is where we most need to be sure that we are seeing uh hearing what god has to say about it because the enemy by necessity he's a defeated enemy and so you can just look throughout history a defeated enemy needs to use guerrilla tactics and if you study guerilla tactics there are tactics that are used that are designed to make you seem like a bigger force than you are that these random attacks and and different things it's all designed for deception to make you seem bigger than you are the enemy has to do that he doesn't have any other options and so because of that he will try to arrange things in such a way that make him look big because he desperately needs you to believe that otherwise he's got problems so it is it is very important that we recognize the difference between the enemy trying to scare us with something us just seeing something that the enemy is doing and the lord revealing to uh it to us and talking to us about it and again we can usually tell by our own response it is normal for us in a in the human seat you know to feel fear if we're seeing those things but until we've kind of felt when when the lord's talking to us about that stuff we feel comfort we feel clarity or we feel a um we don't always know what to do necessarily but we do at the very least feel the peace because again none of it scares him and so just a few tips on that was a very good question all right who's who's next all right um i kind of have two questions i guess one do you find your ability to see demons if you were to cast them out because if they know that you can see them are they more likely to leave or does it affect does the does the ability to see them affect whether or not they would leave or not so this is once again a um uh i have my opinions there's other people have different opinions that i i wouldn't necessarily disagree with but um yeah that again i i would not think that my my gift let me put it this way i do not think that any gift would do any great measure of uh benefit more than the blood of jesus has already done if that makes sense and so that can sometimes bring some more clarity as in i understand maybe a little bit more of what's going on with this person um but the the authority comes from christ in christ alone and that is thankfully a gift that we've all been given for free um and again i believe the gifts of the spirit are given for free as well but that is one that we that we walk through as we enter the kingdom you know that that we are covered in the blood of jesus and so if i'm not seeing a change or a shift or release then the question then becomes more in my mind i don't necessarily want to go into a whole thing here but just for a moment is um by what authority is this thing still here now if i'm trying to cast a demon out of someone or off of someone usually those things are there by permission that's us agreeing with mindsets belief systems i believe that more often than not demons are not the problem they are symptomatic of the problem um i've seen someone with an uh what i would call like a rage demon a demon of anger on on them it is not so much that that demons showed up and took over their life and made them an angry person it's that they grew up with an abusive father who used to you know hit on them and um and when that person became a teenager they learned how to fight back and they learned an incorrect lesson of oh anger makes me powerful and that incorrect lesson built up over time to where the only way one of the only ways this person knew how to feel powerful was in through anger now the enemy came and partnered with that idea reinforced it and even would try to build influence with that but again the root issue is a wrong lesson that was learned and again that god wants to walk through healing with that and so um so yeah the authorities through christ alone and again this is just uh the way i see it thing of uh every time jesus cast out a demon it went away and it was a pretty short situation you know it was uh not very long and so it doesn't mean it's gonna be easy for me every time but it does mean i have a certain way that the lord represented that and i want to kind of move towards that because he knew his authority and it and it happened pretty clearly in that in that regard that's one more question when it comes um sometimes often i've had a lot of god-oriented dreams and a lot of times like when i've seen in the spiritual with my physical eyes open often it is sometimes when i'm awake but coming out of a dream um and i'm curious this one particular time i woke up and there was like one whole section of a room was completely transformed and like you know where there's a wall or window but when i woke up there was it was like someone had been watching me and there was a door like i physically saw a door and it's like they were trying to be quiet like they turned the the door handle they were like trying to quietly shut the door but i knew they had been watching me while i slept and my heart started racing i was panicking and i was like oh my gosh and i was like someone's in my house and it was i was terrified and then all sudden it hit me there is no door right there like there's no door in my bedroom right there and i'm staring at it and i know it's there i mean i can see it but i know that it doesn't exist until it fades and it went away my question is if i were to see something like that is it just in the spirit it's like someone had been watching me or is there like in a spirit like almost a literally like a literal door that almost always exists in that place like in the physical place or is it something that just is a representational totally yeah creepy visit sure little creepy visit that's a funny way to put it um i so i wouldn't presume to to assume uh the exact nature of that particular situation however i've definitely seen situations where i've been in someone's house and seen like a hole or an opening or a oh there's some kind of axe demonic access here and again i don't want to overemphasize the demonic stuff um but that's usually again same kind of thing a belief system an idea a i remember i think in one of my books i talked about how i was dealing with a kind of a fear of financial stuff and i saw like that that fear had kind of slowly been created creating a little pathway a little open spot on a spot that the enemy knew that he could get me now again uh on the flip side what the enemy the authority that we have in christ is clear the enemy will try things to try to convince us that that authority is in question and one of those things i love the way you put it is a little creepy visit is a let me try to that's it and that's very that's how everything that i experience as a child that fear stuff from 9-12 that's what that was that was a little creepy visit that started to build faith that the enemy could harm me could could could attack me and that faith was an open door you know now it started as a little creepy visit an illegal attempt to convince me of a lie and one thing we do have to recognize and it's it's hard is and i had to go back to this with my experiences realizing like you know people say things that are good good intended but i think actually kind of build a little bit of a bad belief system of like oh you know higher levels higher devils and if you have a call in your life the enemy's going to come against you you know it's like why would i prophesy that over my life the enemy has one modus operandi steal kill destroy he will steal as much as he can kill as much as he can and destroy as much as he can regardless of who you are and what you're doing he does not care he just wants to do those things um and so if and so that the enemy will try stuff with everybody and i had to come to the realization that i didn't experience that fear because i had a big call in my life i experienced that fear because i was tricked into believing a lie that that the enemy had access to me and that's that's painful that's disappointing that it maybe removes more of the purpose but behind that but that's just the truth i was tricked into believing a lie and and um and that's again that's actually good because i can not get fooled again you know and realize like okay you don't have any special access to me that is not covered by the blood of jesus you know that there is no nothing that is superior now i can i can make belief systems i can make choices that do open doors but i can once again close those in an instant you know a wonderful pastor named michael maiden in a phoenix put it really well you know just kind of a broad statement about this concept he said you know a thousand witches could do a thousand rituals against a church and one little church lady praying the blood of jesus over that church has instantaneously undone everything that they did that's that's the proportion of power we're talking about with the blood of jesus and so it's good to remember that so that we understand what we're dealing with you know all right who else has a question okay in addition to practicing seeing into the spiritual what else would you suggest for someone um so if you're looking for so again practice is is the the best part of it of just trying attempting and again creating a context of uh working with other people is is even better it's good to read books hear messages from other people who are experiencing it because that's just kind of builds faith builds understanding builds testimony another just kind of side thing i would strongly suggest is i think the prophetic and seeing the spirit are very closely tied together and certainly growing in the prophetic is a wonder wonderful way to develop not only the skills of ministering to others but hearing the lord's voice for yourself and developing that conversation life with with him um and so i would strongly recommend the as a kind of cross training if you're if you're you know looking into that of developing the prophetic there's a lot of great teachers about that but some of my favorites are uh graham cook sean bowles and chris valatin you know they're just big fathers in in my life with regard to the prophetic and tons of wonderful teachings books and and things like that and so that's a wonderful way to kind of cross train that stuff i also tend to think that every gift of of the spirit kind of reinforces the others you know it's like um you know any form of athleticism is going to improve other forms of athleticism you know learning maybe i'm a football player but if i do some gymnastics that's actually going to improve my my football playing in different ways you know it's the same kind of concept that that they're all interlocked in that way awesome all right any other questions as a parent how would you encourage uh children to practice seeing in the spirit and how do you balance sort of maturity of age and seeing in the spirit totally yeah it's um you know whether it's the prophetic seeing the spirit or anything with with kids one thing good that's good to recommend is there they're still going to be kids you know which means that anytime you practice the prophetic depending on what age they are you know you're likely to get between you know maybe 40 profound 60 silly you know and that's okay that is normal they're building their understanding of the way that the world works and we don't want to we want to guide that we don't want to over correct that you know especially again depending on their age um and you know i i generally recommend with parents is just keep it really simple you know the main things we're trying to kind of guide them on is again to focus on jesus to focus on the good and so hey what do you what what do you see the holy spirit doing do you see any angels in the room do you see jesus doing anything trying to teach them to orient to that especially if you have kids who are in a situation where there is fear involved or it's they're kind of struggling with nightmares night terrors that kind of thing same thing the the goal is to get them to anchor everything to jesus to to have that be the perspective by which they're experiencing everything else um and again just keeping it really really simple it doesn't need to be the the center of their life or anything but i just you know i'll do it with my own kids hey do you see any angels in the room right now oh what are they doing you know sometimes they'll say something that shocks me it's so profound and other times it's silly it might actually be something that they're seeing because angels can be silly to sometimes um but they also just might be looking for a good time you know if i don't what's helpful i've found is if i don't if i emphasize it correctly i don't over emphasize it or under emphasize it then they don't feel that compulsion to perform like you know that i'm going to show you how awesome i'm because i'm getting attention when i'm doing this if it's just kind of part of everything else and they're getting good attention from multiple places then they won't feel like compulsion to kind of overdo it you know and yeah just make it part of the conversation life you know had the lord tell you anything today you know they will tell you stunning things because they have fewer of the hang-ups that we kind of have to trip over and learn learn our way through i was just joking a moment ago that i you know i teach the prophetic to adults it's about at least 90 minutes of teaching before people are comfortable practicing you know with kids it's about three minutes you know they're just ready to go um and that's a beautiful part of who they are so i hope that gives you a couple keys to to go after that all right any other any other questions yes about five or six years ago i started praying to see in the spirit and um since then i always i feel like up until now it's been getting more and more active but it's always something in the corner of my eye and it's enough to make me want to look but i never see it yeah and those things are usually black and um when i'm watching tv i'll see these brilliant little pin flashes of brighter than white or like a cobalt blue again it's just here out of view and i'll look and it's gone could that be god opening a door for me or what do you think about that yeah i think all those little things are again imitations and indications that you're you're going in the right direction again i've had a lot of that where people see something out of the corner of their eye when they turn and look they can't see this clearly but they can still kind of see it in the corner of their eye streaks of light flashes and things like that um i have found that if you're if you feel a little stuck there like it's plateaued a little bit where it's like it's not going to more exercising these other muscles of okay just holy spirit i may not be seeing with my eyes but what what is that thing like and lord give me a picture of what that was you know start asking him some questions if i kind of exercise those other parts it seems to make room for more um even in my own development um it happens a little bit less now but so often i would um i would see something blurry for the for sometimes months you know and i could tell that it was an angel i could tell that it was doing something that had to do with worship or ministry time or whatever it was but i would just keep asking questions and the funny thing was is sometimes i'd get an uh easy example i shared last night about how i had that conversation about um this protection angel you know that i had seen were you here last night for that yeah um and that revelation i had about an ambassador and kind of just understanding a little bit more about how that works well this one angel that i would see all the time during ministry time after i got that revelation i started seeing this other angel more clearly and so i feel like the more we understand of god's kingdom the more we understand of how it works it makes room for us to understand even more you know and so so if there's a spot where i'm feeling a little stuck a little plateau then i'm just going to start working on these other areas and hearing what he has to say about these other things because that often you know it's like building a foundation sometimes you have to understand these pieces before you can even lay down these next pieces you know and so hopefully that's a little bit helpful for for that situation probably time for about one or two more i think all right um just a couple questions um one i don't know some of what you talked about last night um about your childhood um made me i guess rethink what i was seeing as a child um i think my lens had been why did god not save me from the things showing up in my room sure yeah um but i don't really see very clearly very often now sometimes just when giving a prophetic word i'll get more like in my mind's eye picture so i'm wondering um if it's possible that i kind of shut that down out of fear and what would you say to encourage someone like what are some steps you would suggest to um to remedy that shutdown totally now at first i would say it's very very normal i've i've met hundreds of people who for one reason or another had had shut that gift down whether it was fear whether it was a very negative response from other people you know and and everything in between and um you know the amazing thing is i've found as people just kind of exercise that muscle doing doing some of these exercises doing some of their own it it's like it grow it's not like it's starting back at zero and growing it's like it kind of is accelerated to kind of catch up as if that development has gone in the background almost you know and so i think it's it really is as simple as exercising that muscle you know of of just kind of regaining comfort recontextualizing it you're much much more mature in the lord now and it's it's important not to give ourselves too much of a hard time with with that stuff because we were you know we were in a different place and how could we you know even me like i talked about a moment like i was tricked into believing a lie and experienced unnecessary pain because of it but i i couldn't have told you that back then i couldn't have told you anywhere near that you know and so we definitely need to give our younger selves a break from time to time um and but also recognize like i can even go back to some of those memories and recontextualize them and hear what the lord has to say about them sometimes that can bring some healing to to those moments i'm sure you've done some of that already but again it's really as simple as exercising that muscle that you'll it'll just start developing quickly and then um also my husband was telling you that that he sees and um i i was wondering like what advice you would give to a wife who because i mean it happens a lot and um i don't we don't always know when it's gonna happen um and so just i don't know any advice for walking that out because i mean it's not like i have 20 friends who you know their husbands are having the same experiences at least not yet so um just curious yeah we could call my wife you want and you can uh you guys can say how weird it is to be married to these weirdos but um it's uh i would say this even in general like uh again i believe every gift is available to every christian but we also all tend to have natural tendencies natural places that not even just natural ability but areas we're naturally drawn to that we want to focus on that we want to grow in more you know my wife has seen in the spirit a lot you know a lot of times but she and she likes it but she's a she's a counselor she wants to get into people's lives and grow health and that's that's where her passion is that's where her drive is and so that's what she does and so um and the cool thing is is we can and i'm not making any presumptions about the two of you but we can make the mistake of really any gift of kind of setting it as higher or better or more important or more accurate or more viable than another and that's that's a big mistake because someone who's sensing something is not less accurate or less clear less profound than someone who's seeing something with their with their eyes you know it's just a different gift and we're meant to value one another again first corinthians 12 is all about this of of you know the i can't tell the hand i don't need you you know and the foot and so on like it's it's we need each other and so learning how to operate in that partnership even if you have two people who can see in the spirit two eyes are gonna operate a little bit differently and and be kind of focused on different things and so remembering that we're learning to cooperate and um again not saying the two of you are doing this but if we get into this space of like i'm very strong in the prophetic and this person is over here very strong in you know inner healing or things like that if we get this attitude of like oh if they just understood this wrong attitude to to have of uh we're meant to cooperate with one another and that's that's like you know the eyes seeing treasure over here and the feet and we're walking here in the feeder saying ah really rocky really rocky sharp sharp rocks right here you just don't see what's over here you know it's like you don't see that we're bleeding down here when you are stomping through these sharp rocks let's go that way that way's longer no let's get to the treasure it's like no we're going you know we're meant to work together to to integrate these different gifts together and if we have this superior attitude and again not presuming any of that anyone would do that here um but if we have this superior attitude we we can um i'm just gonna ring this bell for a second then run away but if if we if we take anything that doesn't agree with our experience and say oh that's just old religion you know we're not partnering gifts one to another and this this goes both ways you know with these things but but again we need the teachers who are going to say i don't know how biblical that is you know we don't if we can't score in that we need to work together with that you know we get the pastoral people like this is going to hurt people it's going to affect people and the prophetic people say i don't care it's what god says let's do it you know all meant to work together all meant to work together in cooperation to to pull to have tension to to have disagreement but to cooperate and build a whole body you know does that does that make sense and so and that's that's not something you do overnight that's something we learn to do piece by piece bit by bit over and over and the other thing i would just say too briefly as we wrap up here is um you know it's maybe weird to say but obviously my experience was somewhat extreme you know i uh i experienced a lot of this gift early on without um and uh you know there's different ways that god develops things sometimes you have a lot and it's more learning how to manage it and it's more or it's growing a bit by bit by bit and um one of the best things that my parents did i don't know if they did it on purpose or or what but my parents engaged me with this gift they asked questions my mom they would gently push me to to grow to develop but it did not at all become the center of our relationship the center of my life and the center of my development they made a lot of room for me to still be a kid to still be developing to still be maturing and that's something that we all need to do is um i'll tell you this one story it's a little bit side note then we'll wrap up but um i remember when my wife and i were were i don't remember engaged yet if we were just dating but i remember we were in a disagreement um sometimes happens with people in a relationship i know that doesn't happen to you but sometimes it happens to me um we're in this disagreement and i remember it was frustrating we're talking in circles you know and so just kind of reached out with some discernment was like maybe if i just understood what was going on in her head a little bit i could more clearly represent what i'm trying to say you know and i kind of reached out with that and just it felt like it hit a brick wall yes and i heard the lord say i did not create the prophetic to replace communication i said oh okay um the gifts of the spirit are meant to be part of our normal life our everyday life for sure but they're not meant to they do not because i have this prophetic word doesn't mean i don't have connection responsibilities relational responsibilities all these things it's god made it all and it's all part of the beautiful gift of of everything that he has for us in life and so to to say that one precludes the other or superior to the other is a misunderstanding of how he wants this stuff to all be connected to the whole does that does that make sense and so yeah awesome all right uh we're gonna wrap up here on time but i just want to um pray for you guys real quick if you if you'd stand up where you are and again i really want to encourage you if this is something that you're here that you really want to see this gift grow in your life this isn't about just a snap or just a moment this is about developing something um eric johnson has this wonderful illustration of how the gifts of god work he he said that the you know a gift of the spirit is like if i gave you a piano like that one over there every note that that piano can play is already there it's already in it every sound that piano could ever make every song it could ever create is already in there it's in that piano is a free gift to you but learning how to get that sound out learning how to hear something in my head and just pull it out and and release it and play it the way that i want to and get all the beauty out of that that does take time it does take discipline it does take practice we we don't work or practice or do or use discipline to earn a gift of the spirit it's it's a free gift it's already been given to you we do however use discipline use practice use use intentionality to develop our mastery our comfort our familiarity with that gift does that does that make sense and so again if this is something that you would like i would encourage you to start treating it like an instrument to to try to learn how to pull everything that's there out of it not to try to earn it not to try to um you know make it so that we deserve it but so that we're learning how to use the tools that are in our hands make sense all right so lord i just thank you so much for these hungry people i thank you that they're just here willing willing to go after them more willing to to push for what you have for them i just release the the fulfillment of their hunger lord i release again just an impartation of seeing in the spirit that they will begin to see with their physical eyes that every single thing they see will draw them into a deeper and more personal relationship with you and wherever they're at on their journey if they're already seeing a lot if they're still waiting to get their first breakthrough i just pray that this would that this would be an act of intimacy an act of connection an act of just just growing closer to you and i just um i just released that revelation that the gift has already been given the gift has already been released and i would encourage them just with that that that motivation to begin developing that gift lord we just asked you to remind us to hey what's going on right now hey what just happened in the spirit hey what did what just shifted in worship what just shifted during this prayer time what just shifted during that message lord what are you doing and that we would be invited into deeper understanding deeper wisdom and deeper familiarity with everything that you're doing in jesus name amen awesome thanks guys
Channel: The Gathering Place Church
Views: 10,809
Rating: 4.9300699 out of 5
Id: m2koOiGmT08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 13sec (5173 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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