Spirit and Truth Webinar with Graham Cooke

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[Music] never wondered every time God shows up with people the first thing he says is don't fear and it's not because he's scary or anything he's showing up in all of his love saying okay first things first no need to fear because I'm here that's relational learning what he's doing is saying everything that's happening to you in life is always about me and you and how we walk together how we connect how we live in the same space it's about what I'm creating in you because you've got that situation yeah so nothing happens to us in life that he doesn't know about and he's already got a purpose he's like it isn't it doesn't organize situations to teach us something I mean that's really weird that's weird theology right there like he's some kind of weird Batman figure who's like you know well I want to get you to go through this so I can teach you this is test that is really squirrelly and it's the spirit of squirrel right there yeah it's totally mad what he does is he's not in control of everything because he doesn't want to be I mean think about it if God is in control who's the in your life who's the person that's made control that would be you yeah mm-hmm then there's no freedom if you're being controlled so God doesn't want to be in control but he will be in charge and he's in charge especially when you get it wrong he's in charge of helping you reconnect learn what you're supposed to be learning and grow up in him so but all of learning is fluid based around our situations and circumstances so I have low Ivan loads of situations where there have been very difficult for me but they've all been absolutely brilliant because I have developed more through walking with God in my life style issues then I have through trying to be this not picking the scripture out and trying to do this and to become that so the thing I like about relational learning is it's so restful it's so relaxing because it's just about him right the unserious person I know hmm I mean if you want scary my sister is scary I adore her honestly I sometimes think I'm more scared of her than I am of God she knows only now is it we talked up we talked about it all the time in green Ian but man she's strong and she's scary and I love it but God isn't he's powerful he's majestic but on our level he's like so beautiful so loving he's the kindest person I've ever met yes the sunniest disposition of anybody I know and he has a great sense of humor because I mean think of it 2.3 billion Christians that's an awful lot of raw material looks at being just laughs and says I can't believe you just said that that is the funny if they got let's just replay that and I'll bring the Holy Spirit in so we can hear everything with him is I'm gonna make you like me what does that mean he's not afraid of anything he has no fear he never gets anxious when I started learning relational learning 20 years ago I was as anxious as anybody else but honestly I can't remember the last time I was anxious I'm pretty sure it's probably 16 17 years ago that I had any anxiety about anything because he's so his his identity in us is so compelling why would I choose anxiety when peace is so beautiful that's the whole point of relational you know why would we choose anything negative when he knows all the possibilities about everything I love the fact that it's in those times that we all shy away from those are the times he's teaching us the most about who he is and so you know how he's going to show up with you if you're faithful he'll show up in love if you're anxious you'll show up as the Prince of Peace because that's what he's like so relational learning is all about that it's all about becoming so out beholding him and it's about becoming buiiet yeah yeah yeah Oh gorgeous that's good yeah I love what you say sometimes about how like I heard you talk one time about Gideon which is that's one of my favorite stories on how Gideon is basically like hiding he's and the the angel of the Lord comes and says the Lord is with you mighty warrior is calling him a mighty warrior even though Gideon's not good you know yeah because the Lord is he's off he's at all points across but reject three at the same time and like I love that because he's already he already sees who were becoming you talking about becoming and he's already there anybodys but he's so committed like he's these are committed to the journey with us that's why our relationship with him he's always prophetic because he's always present and future he knows who you are now but he also knows who you're gonna be next right we have to relationship to them one in the present on one in the future it's like when you walk down the street you know you do two things with your eyes one you look at your feet you look in the direction you're going present and future you know the word of the Lord is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path so we're always like looking up looking down looking up and we're always present this is Who I am now but this is you I get to be next so when God shows up with Gideon and says hello Gideon you mighty man of Valor he wasn't messing with his head he was just saying that's who you gonna be whom get through this so he always has an intention and an objective about everything he knows what he wants to be for us and he knows who we get to be next in him and he's totally committed to the to who you are now and who you're going to be next so he's not bothered if you're not doing well right now because he knows who he is right though so he will embrace who you are now and empower you out of that beyond that into how he sees you he'll show up and say hey this is how I see you it's like you know when you get a prophetic word it's like the Lord say no need to worry about this because this is who you're gonna be hmm I was prophesying over a guy years ago in a conference and I know that he'd come to the conference because he had six months to live so I pick him out and and I bring a platform and I start talking to him about the next ten years of his life in Africa like slowly coming out of his ears and he's turning there because he's totally annoyed in the end he stops and he calls me a clown which is funny you know you clown I come here because I'm dying and I need a word for my life and you're telling me about my ministry I throw in wow you're right here am I is the doctors giving you the word of death and I'll just put ten years on your life in you're mad with me so dude I've just given you a prophetic word which means you're at least going to live beyond the next six months I just put 10 years on your life you know you should kiss me on both cheeks I knew anyway in thought about it and so what he did which was really smart is he went and he enrolled in a year-long mission why because he's got faith in the words that God gave him right and then seven months eight months later he really woke up one day and realized he was a month beyond decel by day he should have died a month ago and he's still 20 years ago and he's still around got three kids mm-hmm so God that whole present future thing is so important to the Lord you know when he gives you a word whether it's a scripture whether it's a dream whether it's a prophecy what is telling you is you have a future beyond where you are right now I was committed to that as I am - who you are right now so he accepts as new we are but he has all these plans to change us which is just that's what he's like though just gorgeous wait like absolutely special so good Wow oh my gosh well if good okay so if you're just joining us y'all welcome we're glad you're here with us and please share this link on your Facebook page leave us a comment let us know where you're watching from Graham's got a lot of great more great things to share with us tonight I'm gonna ask him another question now and this one is actually about so so this is this this is about this is for all this is for all the doers out there because one of the things that really impacts impacted me that heard you say has to do with that with you said about you know their people in ministry they have a great working relationship with Jesus but a lousy friendship with him and that where were met where human beings were called human beings because were meant to be beers but sometimes so many of us and I and I'll go ahead and say people who are involved in worship and music maybe even in the arts there's it's there can be that tendency sometimes to get it wrong where our identity gets in mesh with what we do or how well we do it or I hate to sin or performance but how we prove and I'd love for you to speak to us on that concerning true identity and identity in the kingdom and how to get that sorted out in our lives I'm Sam yeah I think our primary identity is who Jesus is in us yeah that's always my question every time something happened it's my first question to the Lord is what is it you want to be for me now I've got this situation by the way thanks for this what is it you want to be for me appreciate it cuz I know he shows up in everything and he allows in his wisdom what he could easily prevent by his power so if something happens he's there saying this is not a problem to me let's not make it a problem to you then your services are not the problem your perception of your circumstances is the problem and my perception is I am with you I'm not leaving you I'm not forsaking you I'm not failing you so he loves to step into our low places so that he can bring us to a higher level and I love that about God absolutely I used to say to him so if you're living in me where are you living right now he would say I'm living in everything that you're not as your promise so I'm here and I want to help you with everything that you struggle with so I'm standing right next to your current struggle this is me waving entity is who Jesus is in us and how the identity gets upgraded is when I realize Who I am in him yeah so everything is about who Jesus is so my question therefore is what is it you want to be from you now well if I could if you're in me if I were looking through your eyes right now how would you see this person how would you see this situation and what is it and with difficult people what is it you want me to be for them but they can't be for themselves so everything is learning and everything is relational all the time so identity is who you are regardless of circumstances it's bringing about Christ in you and what he provides and it's about you in Christ and how you respond so an identity therefore is not just about who you are as a son or a daughter of God it's about who you are in the role that God is calling you to do so it is about being and doing has priority as God's making you like him right when you learn to live with him and be like him you'll find yourself doing those things he's called you to do a much better way mm-hmm that's good how what would you say to to someone like as far as when we talk about practicing the presence of God and also like really learning to know the voice of the Holy Spirit how would you encourage someone to grow in the in those areas I love the fruit the spirit because I think the fruit of the Spirit is like it's more powerful than the gifts of the Spirit if the fruit of the Spirit is about the nature of God and the thing I love about all the fruits love joy peace patience gentleness and all that is every one of them has a voice so we're all learning how to speak like God so there are times when God is going to show up and you've just messed something up he'll come with one of his fruits you'll come with gentleness which means he'll talk to you in a really gentle way yeah and if is the seventh time you've messed this up in three weeks he'll come and use patient voice and if you'd like if you can't even spell scripture at that point in time it just come to you and probably just laugh I think God loves laughing with us but I think mostly he laughs sadist how many times have we talked about this if you still don't get it so this is why I love you Graham you're my buddy so his his nickname for me is Winnie the Pooh I'm just a silly old bear I love that because so often I just say so do I call you Christ now or Chris Christopher Robin so I have this image of him walking down a path holding this ratty tatty little bear that's me yeah the thing is God likes me as I am as well as having plans to change me you have no idea how gracious is how kind how low peaceful for me I'm joyful that I can be with God in all of my insecurities and inadequacies as long as I'm trusting him to be himself to me you know when it comes to the fruit of the Spirit there's one fruit in the fruit of the Spirit you think what the heck is that doing that I mean love joy peace patience gentleness kindness goodness yes but self-control yeah what is that doing in there and this is the way he explained it to me is they bring thought self-controlled the back because self-control is the trunk of the vine it's not a branch and I said so okay so how do I use self-control and he said so when you're watching a soccer game on TV or a movie and you need a body break what do you do as well I put TV on pause said right self-control self-control is the pause button that gives you like a few extra minutes of grace to think about this before you below that your lid off about someone so you press the pause button and you put something on hold and then you go away and do something else and then you come back here's the thing self-control operates like that in your life someone's being really irritating and everything in you want to you know kill them and FedEx and to Jesus or to [Laughter] buy yourself a gun but that's the moment to press the pause button on yourself so that you don't explode because if you winced load everything gets worse then everything has to be sorted out and then somewhere at the end of it you have to apologize so self-control actually saves you an awful long time well what self-control does is you press the button on yourself so that you can hear from the Lord so that you can say I'm just going to shift my negative emotions right now I really need to hear from you quick oh you can press the pause button on somebody else and sometimes I've just said lord help me out here and they're shouting at me and suddenly I can't hear anything you know this is rad and like this so I can't hear a thing they're saying and so but suddenly this peat rises up on the inside of me mhm and just takes a hold of Who I am just like God saying I've got your identity right here yeah yeah nice I settle into that peace suddenly the sound comes back on and and they're saying are you even listening to me I said no I was just listening to the Lord well what's he saying well he just told me four things he likes what he just told me four things that he likes about you so what do you want to do it you want to keep shouting at me I mean that really helps you I'm going or do you want to hear four things that God loves about you wow I want to hear those things that's as real as the presence of God gets yeah the presence of God he's not doing well it's mostly for the days when everything is going pear-shaped and you've got difficult people and the Lord is saying you know I'm Lord in this situation too so but let me press the pause button on new Graham so that we don't have this nuclear explosion and and we can actually retrieve this situation and do something he is that engaged yeah I love that all the fruits of the spirit they all have the voice they all have a sound like that so when we were learning prophecy 120 years ago you know you have to prop you have to speak in the context of what you're saying so if the objective of the prophecies to bring peeps someone you know says the Lord be at peace in this peaceful way why his peace yeah we've all you know I've done it with all my children my grandchildren you know when I want them to calm down and be peaceful I talk to them in a peaceful was right when I want them to be gentle and stop trying to kill the cat you know I talk to them in a gentle voice yeah I love that everything with God is visual and it's vocal it's very is incredible in the way that he talks to us no blame no shame no judgment no condemnation isn't any of those things you know they're not in the kingdom they're not part of his nature and they're not part of ours so he'll never talk to us like that you'll never say to us what's wrong with you because he knows that there's nothing wrong with us and everything that was wrong and Jesus took it away nailed it to a tree yeah the question is not what's wrong with you the real question is what's missing what's missing God doesn't look at you and say you know what's wrong this is wrong he looks at you and says ah this is what's missing mm-hmm so when God you know when God puts his finger on a part of your life that's not working wrong he's inviting you to the site of your next miracle he's saying hey let's deal with this next yes this is what's missing here and I'm going to give you what's missing Jesus dealt with what was wrong Andy wall said all right so we're always empowering you to grow up in all things in Christ so I love the language with the kingdom a lot of passion of God in it all so I think is worship leaders those are some of the things you know that it's not just the words that were singing it's sometimes when were writing a song is how do I sing you know what is God's objective in this song in worship right so we're learning actually out of him multi visual and vocal in that in the context of God's passion for us you know he's absolute delight in us I have not I've been walking in God's delight for over 15 years and we don't together we don't do anything out of discipline because discipline is an outcome it's not part of the process processes delight we what we do because we love it and because we love it we are careful to do it properly which means discipline is the outcome of our tonight mm-hmm yeah but the process is always about joy about enjoyment about passion about desire about delight yeah are you sure if I said to my wife Theresa you know I just want you to know darling that I'm really disciplining myself to love you I wouldn't wake up in the morning with you guys because she's party and she spent yes I would not go so well for you I don't think Hugh dispersant ever I said that to a man a lie happy visiting the dentist for like three months well I love what you're saying well first of all that that God's not he's not mad he's not disappointed in us because I know I I myself there was an area I had to learn to overcome some there's areas of negativity in my life including that feeling that he was disappointed in me which is a lie but but I just think that's so powerful was so liberating and also what you were hitting on I've also heard I believe it was Mike Bickle who says something similar about when it comes to like what we do so ministry when I'm ministering out of a place of like well when I'm when I'm doing that because out of love and out of delight like you're talking about delight a lover I will outwork a worker you know like when you're it's out of it when you're working out of the right spirit out of that place of delight and joy as opposed to like I have to live up to an expectation or if I don't like he's gonna be disappointed in me or I'm gonna fail or something like that that's what you're really saying there he studies like me when we think things like that we're making God in our image yeah yeah he's by cars he's gonna get mad he's gonna be annoyed you know he's not like us and he's already proved it by sending Jesus today you don't send your your son to die for the sins of humanity and then put their sins up in their face yeah something wrong you can't call them on doing something wrong what you're doing is you're saying there's something missing let me help you mmm-hmm accountability with God is not calling you out on your stuff it's calling you up to your identity it's like Graham you don't need to be doing that because this is who you are right let's take care of that and something missing let me give it to you what that means is in every area of growth is a gift mm-hmm so what if the gift what if we get focused on the gift how fast could we grow then if we're focused on resolving a problem and when God doesn't see a problem he sees the possibility mm-hmm if we're focused on something negative then we're actually holding up what God wants to do hmm you know because it's a pity is like cancer literally I mean they both kill something vital on the inside of us mm-hmm kills your cells it kills your vital organs that it's destructive it's toxic it's an enemy to life liberty kills or trust the faith your identity your relationships your fellowship with God your solace it with other people it creates philia it's less it makes you a victim it's so toxic and destructive you know but there's nothing negative about God in any way at all and the very idea that God would punishes or get annoyed with us means that he will be treading under thought the cross of Jesus what he's me what he means is he doesn't trust what Jesus really did so he's just gonna crack us upside the head because we deserve it he will not do anything that will call into question sacrifice of Jesus come on this is how important this is when we say that God's like this he must be mad with me you must be frustrated with me he's like looking at you going I don't need to do any of that because Jesus got rid of all those things so none of those reactions are necessary we're not reacting to what you're not doing we are responding to you according to how we see you yeah I know it's a big mineshaft right well but if that's the truth that sets us free yeah anything that calls us out on our stuff might be true but it's not the truth yeah so if you're dealing with your state and Jesus is talking to you about your standing one of you has a disconnect yes who your state is how you see yourself yeah see yourself was weak you see yourself as a victim you see yourself as incapable of helpless or hopeless or whatever that's your state mm-hmm Jesus only ever talks to you about your standing and so does the Father and so does the Holy Spirit not just for looking if you don't but Jesus is in you yeah no Graham but Jesus is in you Graham there's only one way we're thinking about this but Jesus is in here and you're in Christ this is gold this is amazing let's get going on something mm-hmm you know so no victim thinking that's right on we have to think we're learning how to think and see and speak like doctors and that's the I think is the most gorgeous thing it's the nature of God you know for years and years and to know that you start every day you know new with him because he said you could write he bugs me why do people accumulate negativity so I was in a situation two months back and he was going on for several days and into several weeks and the Lord and I was getting stressed and so on and the Lord said so what are you doing I said what do you mean what am i doing he said what's all that said all that he said what do you call it in the world when you're under high pressure and so what you mean stress a stress that's what it is what what what are you doing with all of that why do you have that I said because this situation keeps on going isn't yeah but you can be new every day Graham why are you accumulating stress well why are you accumulating unbelief or negativity anxiety when it can be new every morning lamentations through you every day is the goodness of done yeah I went okay talk to me about that and he said well at the end of each day just walk with me you only have to live with me one day at a time trust me I am rejoicing that I only get to live with you sometimes volunteered I realize that that's what makes me funny he's still doing that stuff he does you know we love him okay so well you can be renewed every death there's a spirit of restoration on your life his name is Jesus it's a spirit of renewal on you in you his name is Jesus so I'm making you like him so you're always renewed you're always refreshed and you have we met every day so sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof you only need to keep it there for a day and then at the end of the day you hand it all back you say Lord can you take all this and can have a good night's sleep I want to wake up in the morning I want to really kill I thought about you you only think he's not gonna do that hmm he's done that with me hundreds of times I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes is like three o'clock and he thinking lord I was thinking more like seven we could have this habit server he said I you know I think he needs a cup of coffee I was asleep you're not now when he's ready to talk I'm not staying in bed but then when we finished talking he just says okay God a bit and he just puts me out and I wake up at 7:00 and I'm refreshed that's why he's like wow so he's that real yeah he's that real he's that engaged he's that personal so I love that I love the fact that he knows exactly what we need and he knows exactly how to come at us in that place of need and the rest of the time he's the he's looking at us fondly why because we're in Jesus that's what he sees that's what he sees all of heaven is attracted to Jesus in you yeah that's why everything's a possibility that's why we never have to deal with problems again we get to turn them into possibilities yeah that's why I called my ministry brilliant perspectives as I wanted to have something perfect we teach all of our staff like guys I don't pay you to deal with problems I pay you to turn them into possibilities and come and talk to me so Jenny my personal assistant and she's very theatrical after this training session two days later my office door crashes in she jumps into my room and she goes we have three exciting possibilities that's what I'm talking about right there so we talked about three possibilities and we just say Lord which one do you want it's how no you choose we'll do that one so we chose the one we liked and it really worked I'm thinking oh my gosh we have now suddenly I think we've crossed the Jordan and were in the land of promise we're in a place that works we're in a territory that actually serves us that's amazing talk more about what you're doing so I know you have those two new books there's the nature of freedom and then was the other one all the newness advantage advantage yeah yeah we've been talking we've been teaching on the new man for a long time you can't do anything from from a place of the flesh because that is fear negativity anxiety all that stuff and that's the old man that Jesus came to kill off yeah we bad to be cleanse we had to be crucified Jesus didn't just die for us he died as us so when he died we bowed yeah it's amazing permission Romans 6:11 to consider ourselves to be dead to sin and I like to that so we started this whole thing of looking at the new man from God's perspective and then we produced you know these great training packages to help people understand who they really are as opposed to who they religion says they might be and so then we and then the bad part of that was I wanted to put so we have all this new man teaching in teaching form and I wanted to put it in prophetic form so we started a I wrote a book we started a series of books called letters from God and the whole idea is that the whole idea is that if you were to get a letter from God in the mail not email actually in your post box what would he say to you hmm what would he most want you to know about who you are how he sees you and how your life to be and so we did all that all the all the teaching on the new man we rewrote it as prophetic words hmm come what I'm saying to people is there are seven letters here and they're all prophetic words about your identity in Jesus to be Aurelia what I'm asking people is give me your devotional life for a year I'll change it forever I'll totally radically change it or you get your money back you gotta prove that you're not a Pharisee this is the nature of freedom okay beautiful it's just everything that God wants you to know about Jesus in you and this one is called the newness advantage and this is about all the benefits of that freedom this is about what you can do in the Lord what he's gonna do in you how he's gonna be with you how he's gonna cause you to prosper how he's gonna get you to overcome how he's gonna cause you to grow up no matter what is happening and now you can stay close to him and watch him and learn from him and learn to see him and think about him in the way that he thinks about you one of my favorite actors in this book is called dying to self and having a wonderful time to God the whole dying to self thing is the most fun he's where you get to say bye see ya never gonna be you again say hello to Jesus dying to self is like the best it's the most fun it's where you meet the love of God and the grace of God in huge huge abundance awesome so those are available on brilliant if they go to brilliant perspectives calm they can find out it really and uh they can get it from brilliant book house look how my book else brilliant book house now then we have all the training for this on brilliant TV yeah yeah is that where they do think is it they're like a is there something they could sign up for like a subscription type thing you know yeah it costs it's about the same cost as a decent cup of coffee for a week for the 461 awesome that's a good latte on the left coast happy cheaper on the East Coast I wouldn't know I don't drink coffee anymore no you know saved people no I'm just I just wait there hurted see I feel like I'm more of I drink mostly tea I think coffee I didn't one cup of coffee in the morning and just to shock myself into yeah well I was gonna ask you you owe us I have another question for you this is kind of specific but I really wanted to get to this one if we could and this would be like for young I'm the young people out there who get a prophetic word over their life like when I was a teenager it was a per the first personal word of prophecy that I ever experienced was very pivotal in my life and it concerned you know like my call about calling in and in terms of worship and so what would you say to someone let's say he was received like a prophetic word concerning like worship or becoming a worship leader but they're not they're not walking in that right now like how do they journey through that what do they do with that prophetic word now you know like as their you know where did that what should they do probably learn to play guitar well yeah okay let's get practical yes you know what they should go to access worship International back home and take our prophetic word in 1976 or something about being a writer and and I shared it with my mother and she just laughed at me she said Graham but you never went to school you just used to meet the other kids on the way home he said you were reader I don't know if you're a writer thanks mom that was deeply helpful right I say here's the thing God doesn't call you to something you can do hmm he calls you to something he can do in you yeah so the calling comes the training so I talked to one of my mentors and I said I don't know about this you know I mean I've never written anything I don't think I've even written like a grocery store list or anything yeah he said have you written a postcard I said oh yeah written the postcard it said okay well go on buy some and write something for your friends and they over I said honey should I do which they do about 400 it'll take you a while so I wrote to all my friends I just said and I wrote them and just saying I was praying about you today and I feel like the Lord is saying this or something that I really liked about them or whatever and what I was doing was as I was writing something was starting to happen inside of me you know I saw my friend and I wanted I wanted to say something in the best possible way and I got a little bit frustrated because my vocabulary wasn't that way and so my mentor called me and we arranged to meet and he gave me a dictionary and a thesaurus he said every day I want you to learn a new word and I want them to learn all the other meanings that it has and I've been doing that for 40 30 40 years so my vocabulary now is huge you know so I started writing these postcards and getting all this great feedback and then he said so why don't you you can't keep doing that so why don't you do like a little newsletter for your whole circle of friends and so I wrote I was started writing blogs before they were events it these short things just to say I was thinking about this and and then suddenly the whole thing kind of grew and and I got to a point where I realized I can write I might not be a writer but I can write and then it's just a progression and I've written 21 books you know so and they're all bestsellers which I'm totally blaming Jesus for so the thing is you have to start acting in line with it when you get a prophetic word you've got to write it out okay you've got to look at the key promises that are inner and the key words and if certain words use more than once you need to put them down on one side of the page because these are keys for you in terms of who you are identity and what you'll be doing and so out of that then you begin to understand these are the things that I need to develop in me and that's what the process is for most people just get a prophetic word and then they're waiting around for it to be fulfilled yes the prophecy is not primarily about the outcome it's about the process that you go through that takes you to another level that guarantees the outcome I've known people who buy the same prophetic word for 20 years but they've never interacted with and so there was far away from it being fulfilled now than they were 20 years ago to partner with the processor yeah I support a lot of the time is is if you're here and the prophetic word is up here then one of the things is going to have to happen is your character your integrity your personality is going to have to come up to the same level and when your growth in Jesus comes to the same level as the prophecy something's going to happen with what the Lord has said you know and that's what he loves he loves the partnership with us yes every step of the way he's so engaged on partnering with us jesus said take my yoke upon you as a partnership if you let me become like me you need to get in the partnership and prophecy is like the best partnership ever because it doesn't matter who you are when you receive that prophecy it matters what happens when you partner with it that's present future again so all I was practicing I was moving towards fulfillment mm-hmm right that makes total sense the partnership what would you say about as far as like worship and specifically corporate ship times like when we gather together congregationally to worship the Lord how does how does corporate worship help us like together how does that bring us into you like alignment with like the purposes of heaven we don't we worship God because we are aligned with him mm-hmm worship to prove that we don't we have in order to be aligned right what happens is we start writing songs from a point of disability hmm you know we write songs from the point of view of faith and trust not because of God belief about myself so I'm aligned with Jesus because he's in me and he paid a price to be there so all the old me is gone I'm a new person learning how to walk with Him yes you write songs that say this is who you are I think we need more prophetic worship songs you know we need if your church has got some prophetic words over them I do some churches I've worked with for years and one thing they're really good is every time they get a new corporate word everyone in the church gets a copy they talk about it in their home groups and then the worship team actually sits there and looks at it and sometimes they can write 3 or 4 songs out of that prophetic word so when you're singing them you're singing prophetically and so you're building the atmosphere yeah yeah an environment for the Word of God and for faith and trust arise leaders of worship singers songwriters they have a unique place you know and he can't just be about we need great worship before the speaker comes up it's really about they set the tone for everything that God is teaching us and for what God is declaring to us in our worship we declare it back right I think we need a lot more of that that would be smart yeah and I think that that's so that's so good because like I mean I talk I teach a lot about prophetic worship and of course there is the the aspect of that that's the spontaneous kind of thing that we do and there's a lot of talk and teaching about that but but you actually like what you're saying when when the when the house when the body when the that your local church or whatever is receiving a prophetic word and like actually writing a song about that then can everybody because with music is singing that's the way that like everybody can come into agreement because you're saying the same thing at the same time that's where melody there's nothing like singing that gets everybody singing your own future yeah you know I love a the thing too is if all you have is spontaneity then you're gonna be small mm-hmm because you have no alternative you see in the in the Bible is crafted it was written down beforehand mm-hmm prophets had secretaries and they would dictate words as they heard them yeah when I came to wild love for example I'd had I'd written that prophecy probably six weeks before because I was asking the Lord so what is it that people what is it you want me to teach about and so we talked about a bunch of things and then he said how about we don't teach how about we prophesy it to them yeah as a declaration of our intent so I came with a crafted prophetic word and I'd prayed about it I'd fasted about it we did all the prep work for it me and Jesus we were tight we were set you know and that's why it's had you know the emphasis of its head it's why people are all over it because it's crafted you know it's written down it's intentional and and I love that never lose when I'm doing a conference and there might have four sessions feeling like the third sessions teaching wise have created a platform and then I'm saying the Lord I don't feel and I wrote this talk and I can use it another time they said something else you want to do and you would go yeah I think you should practice your prophecy why don't we just get them all to sit or lay on the ground and we'll just prophesy to them and we'll just say them don't try and write it out just listen with your spirit because I'm gonna feed your spirit right now and I'm just going to supercharge something I think was happening while of people were laying all over the place you don't like a slaughterhouse he's everywhere and I love that people were walking around doing this like this you know and it was gorgeous just the just the the engagement people were having with the voice and the heart of the world yeah spontaneous prophecies doesn't always do that for you sure yeah but when you've got a crafted word and you know how your voice actually should modulate so I think we went through half a dozen you know different fruits of the spirit in wild love in terms of voice and structure and yeah I mean ended up being a gorgeous experience for everyone yeah so that's the law that's good I think we'll keep him around he's good and stable that's so good well I was I asked are you earlier to be willing to do this if you would just pray it sorry I've already been an hour yeah but if you wouldn't mind just praying over those who are watching or and we'll be watching you know in future whatever that whatever the Lord urge you to pray all right cool father I thank you no one loves us like you loves us no one sees us like you see us no one talks to us the way you talk to us so I pray father I pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you and I ask that you would extend your grace to cover every part of our life so that we can relax get our bearings take a deep breath and focus on who you really are you're the kindest person I've ever known in half his verse that I know he's so peaceful and loving and gracious and gentle weird and you're faithful so I ask you Father would you begin to introduce everyone who's listening to all those attributes in the fruit of the Spirit that we may actually fall in love with you all over again and would you bring us to a place of rest an especially Lord would you just gently make war on our negativity so that it leaves us and and I know you're gonna do that by bringing joy and peace and all of those things into our life but I pray that we would think about ourselves the way you think about us and that we would understand who we are in the context of how much you love us and then Lord let nothing stop us from introducing somebody else to your nature in your character so I ask Lord for a spirit of renewal I ask for goodness and mercy to follow us every single day I ask you to give us a place of renewal and restoration constantly and continuously until we break out of this place where we are and we break through and we break in to all that we offer us and all that you want to give us father I bless you bless you for who you are feel buted you're the most beautiful person I know and so I ask that your beauty would always shadow us and that you'd cause us to yield that we are the beloved of God and I ask it to Jesus sake father because he deserves a people like that so in his name I was so cool thank you so much for inviting me yeah thanks for being with us and everybody thanks for watching we will our next spirit of truth webinar will be on August 2 6 Tuesday night August 2 6 same time same place so we'll see you then have a happy 4th of July same to you Graham and your family and everybody have a great holiday and we just we love you Graham and everything that you're doing and everything you're teaching you're releasing everybody go - brilliant perspectives calm all right take care Graham and everybody we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Access Worship International
Views: 15,319
Rating: 4.8800001 out of 5
Keywords: access worship international, worship leader, worship, kelanie gloeckler, christian, worship teams, access, jesus, holy spirit, songwriter, praise, spontaneous worship, prophetic worship, prophetic, interview, music, webinar, graham cooke, graham cook, brilliant, brilliant perspectives, kingdom of god, identity in christ, relational, learning, devotional, mind of christ, fruit of the spirit, walking in the spirit, favor, soaking, crafted prayer, the newness advantage, the nature of freedom
Id: YuxID9TBeZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 30sec (3390 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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