Filled with Holy Spirit - Andrew Magrath // Anointed to See

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so we welcome you Holy Spirit John 14:16 I will ask the Father and He will give you another helper say another helper for it very good that he would be with you forever that's a long time that is the Spirit of Truth or the spirit of reality whom the world cannot receive because they do not see him or know him but you every person that has Jesus in their heart you know him did you hear that you know him why because he abides with you and he lives in you is that amazing I can't get over that fact that the third member of the Trinity God in the spirit Holy Spirit has chosen to live in me we I'm sure none of us have totally aware of the enormity of the fact that Holy Spirit lives inside us last week we talked about the twofold blessing that when you get born again Holy Spirit comes inside you and he renews your spirit that was dead to God and he makes it alive to God the moment you get born again you get a brand new spanking spirit it's made alive the old nature is booted out and the new naturists come you have a new spirit that is fully functional with all the options power mirrors heated seats that's got the whole works and your spirit is totally the moment you're born again fully functional and able to commune with Holy Spirit you don't need an upgrade you don't get a half an hour poverty package we caught in the car industry you get a fully optioned spirit every single person whoever is joined to the Lord is one spirit you have the same reborn spirit that I have that Dean has same spirit and that spirit is made alive and then the Holy Spirit then comes and says now I can live in you he rebirth our spirit and then he comes and lives in our spirit what an amazing thought say with me Holy Spirit lives inside of me if you said that every morning when you got up you'd have a great day just the awareness that Holy Spirit lives in me and it says in verse 16 and he will give you another helper that he would abide with you forever that word another means one exactly like the first one that's what it means he says I will give you another exactly like the first one who is the first one so that if you have another you've got to have the first one and that first one is obviously Jesus we had a first help here on earth 2,000 years ago his name was Jesus what an amazing helper he was if he had a problem he was the answer if you had a withered arm and he came to Jesus he would lay hands and I would pop out that's pretty cool if you had brokenness in your heart and you're demon-possessed like Mary Magdalene all sorts of trauma you could come to Jesus and he would speak a word of deliverance that would totally transform your life what an amazing thought the most troubled person could find help in Jesus of Nazareth he would never cast me what I'd never say no no no the woman calling the doctor II she been sleeping around with every man everybody knew it but Jesus saw something different in her he saw a future and a hope he saw what God had created her to be and he spoke a word that totally changed her life he was a helper don't you believe that but Jesus says I'm gonna send you another helper Jesus was the helper in the flesh on earth but he says now I'm gonna send you another helper and that helper his name is who the Holy Spirit and he would be a helper in the spirit as Jesus was a helper in the flesh did you hear that another helper of the same kind but of a different composition Jesus helped us in the flesh on earth Holy Spirit has come exactly like that to help us in the spirit what an amazing thought I've got a dollar here this dollar is a physical coin and if I wanted to give that to Josh today I have to see him in the flesh and I have to walk up to him and he'd have to take it and he does it very quickly Jesus was a helper in the flesh transactions could occur only if I was in the vicinity of Jesus yes he could speak a word but but by and large people would change because they came into the presence of Jesus and a physical transaction took place if I want to bless Josh with that coin I've got to give it to him he's gonna be in my vicinity to grab ahold of that it's easy to go to someone in the flesh and say have mercy on me Jesus because I can see him and I can see there's a transaction but now we've got someone that Jesus has left us and we can't see him but he's still a helper like Jesus so what Jesus does in the flesh Holy Spirit does in there that's it no less no more the same in a different form Romans 8:9 says that Jesus re Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ and of God so that means all that God is all that Jesus was in the flesh the Holy Spirit is to you in the spirit now just bear with me as I log on to my Commonwealth Bank app so I'm gonna now go from the flesh to the spirit or the digital world and if I go into my Commonwealth Bank app I can press this thing called pay someone and I press this thing called mobile number and I'll look up i type in Joshua Williams and it says please wait and then it says pay ID Joshua James Williams has registered for pay ID I press ok I put in $1.00 I've got to find an account that his money first description gift I press gift and now I press pay and off it goes into the world of the unknown have you got it yet Josh it's coming this is called pay ID it's arrived no now you know he could be in Africa he could be in any place in the world and he can instantly get the same as if I gave him this in the flesh equal value that is the same as what I gave Josh digitally same value pay ID in the spirit it's called ready positioned and yielded identity positioned as a son of God so I'm positioned to receive see without Josh's mobile number I can't give to him but when I become a son or daughter of God I am positioned he has my number I am one with Christ and the only thing then is I have to be yielded to him and he can make deposits in the spirit the same way Jesus made in the flesh that's how the spirit realm works one in the natural see I'd have to be with Josh to give him a dollar coin but now he can go anywhere anywhere in the world and at any time I can give Joshua one dollar donations at any time I was going to give that donation to Keith where's Keith but he had a flat phone he wasn't yielded he was positioned I had his number in my phone but he's not yielded to the spirit he hasn't kept his phone charged and I believe it's actually a work of the Spirit that you did that today is a great example that when we don't charge our phone when we not yield to the spirit there can be no donation given and the truth is if Jesus was here today physically it would be an inferior ministry to you than who the Holy Spirit is to you today he says I will give you and now they help us say another helper Parakletos help her help her what an amazing thought he'd give us another helper another helper another helper say with me another helper wasn't that beautiful this is the Ministry of the Holy Spirit three things he does if you're taking notes write this down with me you ready this is what the Holy Spirit's doing in the spirit number one Holy Spirit comes to stand alongside us Parakletos another helper he never leaves us we are always to be conscious of his presence John 14:16 says I will ask the Father he will give you another helper new King James says and he will abide with you forever there's not a day that will go by that Holy Spirit is not in you and with you not a day David said that I can go to heaven I go to hell there's no way I can flee from your presence what an amazing revelation he had even before the Holy Spirit was given he was able to see into the future the reality of living in the spirit verse 17 of John 14 says the Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth do you know what that word truth means it means reality Holy Spirit makes real to us the person of Jesus and the father and he's constantly with you to make that happen the world cannot receive the Holy Spirit if their dicks writ is dead to God they never neither see him or know him but you know him for he dwells with you and he will be in you isn't it amazing I will not leave you as an orphan orphans have separation anxiety and that's what the devil did to all of mankind when Adam and Eve fell the devil as many of you know is a was a covering cherub his role was to cover that which was close to God's heart he was to create a hedge or a fence of protection around somebody that's valued and loved so he was assigned to cover both the father and those close to the father's heart see Moses talks about that we are hidden under the shadow of his wings that the wings are the covering cherubs we were see the enemy got got really ticked off because we mankind was created to leave in between the covering cherub and the Father's heart and so when he lost his position because he wanted what we had he wanted to have that that place of authority that we had he was kicked out of heaven and instead of being a covering cherub he became one that uncovers one that causes us to distrust the father's heart he was created I believe to reassure us the father was a good God he was a covering hedge of protection when he was kicked out of heaven he now goes to uncover to cause you and I to feel totally insecure all the time distrusting the goodness of God but the Holy Spirit Romans 8:15 says we didn't receive a spirit of fear or bondage and that's what happens the enemy comes in he causes us to be afraid is God with me does God love me has he got a great plan for my life the Holy Spirit is not a spirit of fear but we've received the spirit of adoption whereby you and I cry out Abba Father he's reassuring us if we would just spend time and he would speak to you and say father loves you father is with you father believes in you this is a role of Holy Spirit as the Advocate Jesus came to earth to tell mankind about a good father yeah nobody had heard that God was good all they heard that God was angry so Jesus comes and he comes to reveal to mankind how good god is that's why he tells a parable of the lost son and the father what's he doing he's repainting the picture of the father to a world that's filled with an orphan spirit Holy Spirit comes in the same way that Jesus comes to reassure us that we have a father that is absolutely committed to us what an amazing you the Holy Spirit comes to us to shed abroad in our heart the love of the Father whenever you feel that the father doesn't love you you have misunderstood the Holy Spirit's role he doesn't come to beat you up to condemn you so you know that scripture the Holy Spirit comes to convict the world of sin and righteousness and judgment so we think that sir all the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin to tell us how unrighteous we are and then to judge us and beat us up yeah Holy Spirit thank you that you're with me no no he comes to convict the sinner of their sin and their need for a savior yeah that's his role he was his Jesus is the answer to your sin in your pain then he comes to the newborn believer and he convicts us or reminds us or shows us that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that's his next work so he comes to the sinner and says you need a Savior he comes to the saint and says you need to be reminded that you're a son then he comes to Satan says you're almost done that's where we convicts that's where he comes to judge he comes to judge all the works of the enemy through us this is who Holy Spirit is what an amazing thing hey what did you give the Holy Spirit a great hand is one that comes to stand alongside me you know on my baddest darkest days I have to remind myself the Holy Spirit is with me and even when things go wrong I just say somehow it's gonna work itself out coz I've got someone in me that is so mighty and powerful he lives in me and he lives in you today he's not a force he's not some abstract you know electricity thing going across the air he's a person his name is Holy Spirit he lives in you yeah well let's win but remember the coin you also the coin I can feel that it's real it's tangible but is it any more real does that have any less effect in Joshua's life then when I digitally transferred a dollar do they not have the same value one you can't see one is a is no doubt an act of faith he has to believe that that dollar sign his bank is good as the dollar coin in his hand but we know now by experience that he can take that money to the bank and cash it in or $1 worth he's in you and he's with you number two Holy Spirit is one that's called to intercede on our behalf we don't know what to pray and in fact many of our prayers are very dangerous if God gave us all that we desired sometimes we end up in the wrong place at the wrong time Romans 8:26 says in the same way Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness anyone feeling weak today don't know how to pray don't know what to do you I often feel that way I don't know how to pray I don't even know which way to go it says because we don't know how to pray as we should but spirit does the one inside you always knows how to pray every prayer praise is always perfect and he wants to intercede through you with groanings too deep for words and he who searches the heart whose heart your heart he knows what the mind of the Spirit is because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God and we know say so we quote this last verse but it's in context to all of read and we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and those are called according to his purpose here's what Holy Spirit does he wants to pray in me all the plans that he heard when he sat by the side of the Father that's what he wants to do it's pretty cool God planned your life before you were born way before you're born and Holy Spirit sat beside the Father and listened to what father had in mind for your life the perfect plan for your life and as I pray in the spirit Holy Spirit aligns my heart with the heart of the Father and he removes every contrary plan there's an alignment taking place if you ever felt that your life is out of alignment you're going this way bits crunchy and there's it's hard to push through as I pray in this spirit he is aligning my heart to the heart of the father I don't know about you but the older you get the less that you want to waste time living going down decisions that are not in father's heart I'm learning more and more to hold everything loosely God if you're not in this I don't want it I don't care how pretty it looks with ribbons and bows and how much money comes I don't want to touch it if you're not in it I want your plan for my life he aligns my heart with his heart and all of a sudden I begin to receive the plans of God they come like lightning so quickly that's the spirit realm I said you before that last week that we can receive one encounter with the Holy Spirit as a spiritual seed and they can come into our heart and it goes off like a tornado and in that one moment that one thought in a spirit can take his weeks and months and years to unpack because God is light and in him there's no darkness light travels I believe it 186 miles but a second so I can do this and I'm on the other side of the earth how amazing it travels 900,000 times faster than the speed of sound so it tells you the dimension that the Holy Spirit works in the Bible says God is light and you're children of the light so live in the light so we enter into a dimension that is far superior than an earthly dimension where the Holy Spirit wants to pray through us and lift us into a realm that is way superior than our natural understanding I want to align my heart with the father's heart and he wants to intercede and pray through me not just in my own head knowledge but he wants to pray in the spirit to unlock all that the father has for me it is exciting give the Lord a hand I'm glad someone's excited more can be accomplished in one minute praying in the spirit and a hundred years praying in the natural limited reasoning without praying in the spirit I'm releasing mysteries I've been talking about it's a bit more in the next point but the Holy Spirit is communicating with my spirit telling me all the things that father has to me he's anchoring my soul in reality I've said there's so many times to you you should be able to parent phrase it you should be able to do this in your sleep but it's true identity is a spiritual issue if you heard me say that do understand what that means identity is a spiritual issue no man no woman no TV show nobody can tell you who you are except father in heaven he planned your life he created your life and that's why many people are living a false life and illusion somebody else's you know their father their mother whoever somebody else has created life you've taken on a persona and it's not even you you think I'm shy on this on that who told you that who told you that who's living this life with that's what in the who told you but when we hear the father's heart for our life his plan bro life everything changes he's the Spirit of Truth he comes from beside the Father to reveal to us reality so our prayer is Holy Spirit as I pray in the spirit revealed to me all that doesn't belong wash it out bring the father's plan put it inside me so I know that I Know Who I am and what I'm called to do and he will intercede for us with groanings it's like we're giving birth to who we truly are Wow I don't want to get to heaven remember I've told you this the Bible says we'll all go through fire and that fire is that God removes everything that's false because nothing false can exist in heaven so everything that's not who we are gets burned up in the fire not just your works but who you think you are and if you're living alive my friend that will be burnt up that's why it says Enoch could walk with God one day stepped into heaven because who he was in heaven is who he become on earth will see him face to face and we will know him and we'll know ourselves and so Holy Spirit's job is to bring the reality of who we truly are and the intercedes for us how amazing and not only that this is a side note Jesus is interceding for us in heaven we get a two-for-one deal we get fries with our burger it's amazing Holy Spirit is interceding on everything on earth Jesus in the city in heaven Jesus intercedes to reinforce our position Holy Spirit is interceding on earth to reinforce our condition it's called the divine yes and amen Jesus says it's a yes they're a son they're a daughter Holy Spirit says I'll Amen that and I will bring out all that that means on earth or that you've secured Jesus in heaven that your blood bought I am at work to bring that out in the flesh wow that's a holy harmony you can't lose if you know that Jesus is before the father pleading your case reminding the father not the father's like saying ah I'm not sure about this there's there's a holy alignment in heaven that that's seen over your life Jesus sings about the Brethren before the father these are my brothers and sisters father all of heaven rejoices they are absolutely assured that you're in the Jesus is interceding and their holy spirit is saying I'll take that and I'll make it a reality on earth so when you begin to pray in the spirit that's what he's doing he's bringing alignment between heaven and earth a yes and an amen the yes the Amen means so be it so be what the yes has said he's doing that in your life today you can't lose say Thank You Holy Spirit number three Holy Spirit is the one who is called to strengthen and build us so he's with us he prays and intercedes through us and there is committed to build us the mighty language of the Holy Spirit one of the reasons that there's so much contention about the baptism of the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues is because the devil is threatened by it two particular things the devil goes after in church you ready for what they are money and tongues money is another subject but there's a reason it's one of the greatest spiritual forces on earth but tongues is another great force that the enemy detest training the Spirit builds me up it creates an edifice like a house inside me that holds a capacity to bring the revelation inside of me to the world around me as I pray in the spirit something is being built in me a capacity to house Who I am and who God's called me to be it's a powerful thing I don't know if you've seen this but there's a connection between Pentecost in the Tower of Babel I know if I've shared this before building to share it again Genesis 11 verse 1 look at this Genesis 11:1 says the whole earth had one language say one language and one speech it wasn't Hebrew and it wasn't English Hebrew hadn't been invented then and it wasn't English that's for sure I don't know what it was but I have a feeling it was some sort of heavenly language the Adam and Eve community communicated with father that Noah had communicated to father and that somehow there was some form of spiritual language that's my theory don't say Andrew said it's totally I think that's what it was and we'll see as we go forward it was something unique and verse to it they came to pass as they journeyed from the east they found a plane and they said okay we're going to drill their verse three and they said we'll make bricks and then I brick for stone and they made mortar and I said in verse four this build let us build let us build right we're talking about Holy Spirit building let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heaven let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered this tower was a physical picture of what Satan was building in the spirit realm they said let's come up with a plan let's come up with the resources think about it a plan resources let's build something in the kingdom of God God has a plan the plans in the spirit and God has all the resources you need and they're in a spirit - it's a law of the universe there's one of the law of the universe is called the principle of opposites if there's a male there's a well done if there's a tower of babel as a pentecost in the tower of babel of the human spirit was the driving force in the in the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit is the driving force in the Tower of Babel it's about man's plans man trying to get resources in the in the day of Pentecost it's about the Holy Spirit's plan and his ability to get resources to us in both cases they use language to achieve their purpose verse 5 and the Lord came down to see the city in the tower and it said these are one people and they have the same language listen to what he says and this is what they begin to do and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible it's an astounding verse one of the most amazing verses in the Bible he says because they all have the same language they can build anything they want and there's no limit to what they can do in the natural come let us the Holy Trinity go down and confuse their language gods saying I better take away this language because with this language all things are possible now - with me - Zephaniah three nine Zephaniah 3 9 says for then I will restore to restore means you're not creating it means you're restoring something that's already being yes 4 then I will restore to the people a pure language that they may all call on the name of the Lord to serve him with one Accord EX to 1 they're all together in one place and in one Accord Zephaniah prophesying that it's coming the day where God's going to reunite the people under one language in one Accord I'm going to restore what man is lost and when I restore it it's going to enable them to build in the spirit a mighty tower up to heaven and nothing that they want to do shall be impossible for them are you getting this what they knew in Genesis 11 that they had dabbled in in the wrong spirit out of trying to build themselves up rebellion against God Nimrod was behind that he was a rebellious man defiant against God God says I've got to take these people out I've got to confuse their language because they have accessed something in the spirit realm I don't know what the language was but in that language I don't like ting the ability to get resources and to build and build and God says nothing that they do shall be impossible now he says through that prophet that I'm going to release that language again I'm going to bring them into one Accord reunite them with my heart they're going to go back to what was done in the garden and they're going to build and build and build in the spirit and nothing will be impossible that's what the Holy Spirit does he begins to speak inside us with the language of the Spirit as we pray in the spirit a tower as it were begins to building side us to house the revelation of God the resources of God something powerful is happening as you pray in the spirit these people knew about it 1 Corinthians 14:2 says whoever speaks in tongues does not speak to men but to God so when I'm praying the Holy Spirit I'm saying Holy Spirit everything that doesn't belong in my life I'm very conscious of the fact that still at the age of 53 I know it's amazing that there's things that I have accepted about myself about Who I am that God says I don't see that it's called deception now my prayer is lord I don't want to get to heaven and discover that you had something for me that I didn't know I was leaving somebody else's life not your plant so he intercedes for me as a praying spirit and he begins to take away things that aren't right because when we live a lie God is is it's like we tie his hands for the destiny see he's waiting for us to believe who we are so it brings the right things into our life does that make sense because if you're not living who you are God can't bring what belongs to you I say that again if you're not leaving who you are God can't bring what belongs to you because if you idiot you'll be a thief so if I own a car if I buy a car the car can be brought to me because I'm the rightful owner if I try to get somebody else's car it doesn't belong to me and God it's not a thief it's not a robber the enemies were rubber he will match you up with things that don't belong to you because that's his nature he's a rubber he's a thief but God's not like that he will only match it was what belongs to you so if you don't have what belongs to you it's because you're living someone else's life it's that making sense so the first thing is to find out who you are before you get what you need because if you holding someone else's stuff you have no power to keep it so very quickly before we finish how do we respond to the Ministry of holy spirit this is really quick but it's really important because we know what he does but how should I respond 2nd Corinthians 13 verse 14 says the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of our Heavenly Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us so Holy Spirit is different to the father who is different to the son we receive from Jesus by grace we receive everything the father has for us through love and everything the Holy Spirit wants to give to us is via the means of Communion and fellowship so with that in mind three things that we do in response to his ministry very quickly number one respect his personality as I said before he's not a force he's not a he's not even a gift he's a person I've prayed to the Holy Spirit in some bizarre ways I'm sure you haven't done that but you know sometimes I'm bombard in heaven Holly and I listen to myself pray sometimes and I think that's really weird you wouldn't talk to someone like that you keep repeating yourself for yelling and screaming he's a person sometimes I and maybe just me because I'm bit quirky but I'll be saying holy sprit you're amazing you're amazing amazement because of produce don't even think about what I'm saying and imagine if I spoke to a person like that John you're amazing you're amazing you're amazing you're amazing that's God talk to him like a person he wants to fellowship with you so when you talk to him imagine in your mind that you're talking to the Spirit of Christ you're talking to a real can seem but remember the coin and Pai 8id positioned and yielded to him even though I can't see him I know he's in me and he's as real as Jesus but just in a different dimension so talk to him like he's real just because he's not in your dimension doesn't lessen the reality of who he is the understanding this so respect him as a person he's not a force remember I said the other week it's not something likely we've thrown around is that something that you know cascades across the sky he's not electricity he's a person now his effects can be like electricity we saw that last night he's a person and when we're getting these presents we feel electricity he's not electricity to receive his ministry all the things I said he's in us heater seats are us he builds us up to receive the ministry of the heart of Holly spirit we have to see Holly spirit as a person and commune with him and love him and be aware of him and if you haven't done that don't beat yourself up there it's the start today start simple just start in the morning saying good morning Holy Spirit I can't see you I don't know where you are but I know you're inside me I know you're with me and even though I can't see you by faith I acknowledge that you are here and today you're gonna walk with me and speak to me just up to that and throughout the day you may just want to repeat that I know you still with me thank you for being with me I'm about to go into X Y Z thank you that you're gonna empower me and strengthen me giving me revelation I thank you Holy Spirit you're amazing the same way number to obey his prompting so respect his person and by his prompting his promptings aren't always immediately obvious as to why he prompted we learn obedience in preparation for greater things so sometimes he's an easy example in church and Holy Spirit whispers inside you you know it'd be good if you've raised your hands now it's happened to me I remember as a young kid I felt this urge to push my hand like I knew Holy Spirit was saying worship me go for it run around the building do something sing shout it's like no it's not cool I don't do that people think I'm silly silly yeah so we have this war because he's prompting us so as John said it could be giving it could be worship and so we lift up our hands in obedience and we may not always see the result then but let me tell you every time you obey his prompting we see the out working in our life obeys prompting Elijah Tolley sermon coming look for it with the rain well there's no rain go back again seven times namin going deeper in the river seven times obey the promptings but I've dipped and there's no change go back again listen to the voice of Holy Spirit even when it doesn't make sense because namin got healed and Elijah fie on the rain all because they obeyed Holy Spirit if he's saying don't go there go there if you walk into a room and you sense darkness get out of the room if you're in a relationship and you feel that the the quenching of the spirit the grieving of the spirit move yourself out I said I went to I got a job when I was in Bible College I think it was or early Marin I can't remember because in a a petrol station and and I thought it was great because I need some money and I'm working away and I felt the quickening of the Holy Spirit because a policeman came in he was in it he was disabled and he bought some stuff in the survey that he probably shouldn't have shouldn't have and I felt the grieving of the Spirit you don't belong in here and you shouldn't be selling people's stuff that's crippling their lives get out I needed the money but I said Holy Spirit if I'm grieving it I'm out of here when I resigned on the spot but the thing is you don't always know why what but you have to be obedient and believe and down the track Holy Spirit led me into jobs where I got amazing money just divine opportunities but they come from moments of the billions to him his ministry means that we recognize his person and we are bathed prompting I have grieved the Holy Spirit he said I and I've picked B and I tell you what it's not good and I've seen so I've grieved him and and and what he does he doesn't leave David pray to take not your spirit he doesn't leave he just takes a back seat he goes into the very deep recesses of our spirit and as it were hides there in the darkness until we repent and invite him again to have a lordship of our life and if we keep repeating the same cycles of disobeying him he never never takes takes off he doesn't you know he doesn't leave you or forsake you but he will be grieved and he will wait for you to come back but the prodigal son until you come to your senses and say I've had enough leaving my way so we obey his prompting thirdly lastly we depend on his power how do I respond to his ministry I respect him I obey him and I depend on his power remember what I said last week this is my last point that Paul prayed Ephesians 3 that you and I would be filled and to all the fullness of God remember 1 that translated so that you'd be filled to the fullness of God which is the picture of a cup that goes into an ocean and the ocean fills the cup and now the cup is full it's been filled by the ocean but the ocean still has a lot to go Paul prays that you would be filled and to all the fullness of God in other words you take all the ocean and you put it in the cup 1 is the cup is full but there's a whole lot left that's immaturity in that in the life of the believer it's called portion living that says this is all I can believe for just enough just a small portion just a piece of the pie but God says I'm gonna fill the ocean take the ocean I'm gonna plead in your cup and the role of Holy Spirit is to continually take up the vastness of God and shove it inside you and he will do that for all of eternity and guess what the ocean will never run dry the galaxies that continue to expand our picture of the greatness of God that we will be continually filled for the rest of eternity and still not even begin to scratch the surface of the vastness of God get that inject cranium it's mind-boggling so we had to be depend on his power because his power is limitless and he wants to fill us with his fullness what does that mean about your finances your health your relationships inventions creativity to be filled to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to take of all the fullness of God and place it inside you in Roger as we respect him and obey his promptings that causes the enlargement that increases our capacity obedience creates greater capacity greater capacity invites Holy Spirit to take more of God and place it inside us that's how we responded his ministry don't you love the Holy Spirit amazing so lift up your hands with me today and we're gonna welcome Holy Spirit he rests on the person of Jesus if you've never received Jesus and you're listening on livestream youtube podcast or here today Holy Spirit will only rest on the person of Jesus and if Jesus lives in you Holy Spirit rest on the person of Jesus you are filled with him if you don't know Jesus ask him today to come into your heart receive his salvation ask him to cleanse you say Jesus I receive you as my savior the one that paid for my sin coming to my heart be my Lord and Savior and the moment you pray that prayer in faith Jesus will come inside Holy Spirit will recreate your spirit and then come and live inside you and your having you the greatest person in all of the planet living inside you the greater one the overcoming one so we surrender now to your Holy Spirit to your work your ability is profound you know all things you have solutions to every problem you're the creative one the powerful one and we just want to say today thank you for your ministry thank you that you're with us thank you that you intercede on our behalf thinking that you build us up as we pray in the spirit so we just want to honor your person we honor you today we want to obey every prompting of your spirit and where we've disobeyed we to say that we're sorry teach us how to be obedient that nature of Jesus that was totally obedient let that grow in our lives and teach us now to access all the power enlarged our capacity to be filled with the spirit in Jesus name come and fill us Holy Spirit every person here today I release a new dimension of the power of the Holy Spirit be filled be filled be filmed let it come a river of life that flows in and out let the presence of the Holy Spirit be so powerful on you today receive it now grab ahold of it reach out for it's a Holy Spirit I want more you I want a greater dimension of your work in my life I want a greater understanding of who you are it's one thing I've desired I want to know you I want to fellowship with you I want to walk hand-in-hand with you in agreement with you believe out your life through me I ask in Jesus name show the world the reality of Jesus through my life anoint me with the Holy Ghost and power by praying Jesus name let healing virtue flow that miracles flow the gifts of the Spirit flow let the power of God flow through me I pray and I'm hungry for you in Jesus name Jesus name we'll be praying Thank You Holy Spirit for this week that as we go out into all the world and work study and communicate we think that you are with us we thank you for your presence a body on us we thank you for these things in the mighty name of Jesus
Channel: Hope City Church
Views: 758
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hope, city, church, grace, encounter, pentecostal, love, joy, Pastor, Karen Magrath, Andrew Magrath, 3136, Jesus, Hope, Super Natural, Holy Spirit, Signs and Wonders, radical, prophetic, heaven, champion, soul, detox, dream, visions, angel, Church (Type Of Place Of Worship), Peace, Gospel, Praise, Rest, Happiness, Truth, Ministry, Youth, Life, Lord, Preaching, Ministries, Unity, Fellowship, United, Community, Harmony, Light, Freedom, Happy, Smile, World, Fun, Rest Peace, Respect, Compassion
Id: rV5V0x7350g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 34sec (2914 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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