How to Lay Hands on the Sick - Richard Roberts Healing Service

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let's stand to our feet let's just honor this prophet of God that's come to our church tonight brother richardroberts [Applause] [Music] well give it to Jesus hallelujah father we bless you tonight and praise you and give you honor and glory in this place for this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad and it thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and thank you Lord that even now as I'm beginning your healing someone's right knee a right knee is being healed whoever has pain in your right knee wave your hand at me in Jesus name pain is leaving someone's right knee right now and if you'll just begin to jump up and down and hop on that knee you're gonna find the knee is being healed right now somebody give praise to the Lord I don't know yeah hallelujah Wow can you say Wow say it backwards Wow god bless you you can be seated pastor Jack thank you so much for this opportunity to be here tonight and to be in the beautiful metropolis of Houston where it never gets cold I live in Dallas that unfriendly city up north you know that the Texans beat up on this year and on Monday it was 79 and on Wednesday it was 25 Kartik God let's move to Hawaii praise God I'm glad to be here tonight i ministered this morning could you take this down just a little bit it's a little bit too hot thank you I was in I was administered this morning for my longtime friend pastor Roy love over at praise Chapel on the other side of the state that's on the other side of Houston you know you know cuz you got to go through 14 Turnpike's just to get over to this side of town yeah this is the biggest city I've ever seen oh it's huge but anyway had a wonderful service there were lots and lots of miracles this morning and I've got good news what he did there he can do here tonight [Applause] total sister pigeons were going to do something but the preaching we're gonna do something a little different tonight because I know you've been having healing classes and I'm glad because the Bible says that Jesus sent his disciples to preach teach and bring healing thank God for the preaching of the word nothing will take the place of the preaching of the word I love the praise and worship but the praise and worship is a preamble to prepare you for the preaching of the word because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so thank God for the preaching thank God for the teaching of the word thank God we have the Apostle Paul who taught us how to live our Christian lives but without the confirmation without the miracles you don't have the full gospel just preaching and teaching is just two-thirds of a gospel you've got to have the preaching and the teaching and the healing to have a full Gospel message why don't more ministers pray for the sick well I think it's probably because they're intimidated and they are afraid that they might fail and what would they say if it looked like nothing happened how could I get myself off the hook so to say you know but when you understand that you are not the healer when you recognize that it is Jesus who is the healer that you're not called to do the healing you're called to pray when you realize that the pressure is not on you to do the miracle then it's easier for you to begin to pray for the sick and I want to remind you that Jesus did not have a hundred percent success either there were some places he went where the Bible says he could do no miracles save he laid his hands on a few and they were healed because of the people's unbelief so people say well look at your dad well Robert look at all the miracles in his ministry well I remember a lot of people who didn't get healed and I can remember my father coming home and from some crusade or I was with him in some nation around the world and everyone was talking about all the great miracles and he remembered the ones who didn't appear to be healed so he probably had as much failure as he had success but people have a tendency to talk more about the success so I understand that but but he understood that he was not the healer he was the conduit through which God's power would flow but it was not his touch that brought the healing it was God who did the healing and I've got news if milord heals people it's because it's his will he said in 3rd John - beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers now when I came up tonight with brother pigeon introduced me I immediately got a word of knowledge about a knee being healed well that's an operation of the gifts of the Spirit the word of knowledge is one of those nine gifts the word of wisdom there's someone right now who has lost feeling in in one of your fingers in your hand right now who you are you've lost feeling if had some numbness in your hand who are you where you've got some numbness in one of your fingers where is that person you've got numbness in your fingers and the Lord is healing you right now now that's an operation of the word of knowledge I don't know anything about anybody's fingers I just know what I feel and you're being healed just like your other that woman was getting healed in her knee and you tell the difference in your knee now yeah she jumped up and down on it and the reason I told you to do that was because the Holy Spirit told me to do that I don't normally walk up to women and stay start jumping up and down I just don't normally do that especially with pink hair I mean I just don't do that but when the Lord says it I have to be obedient now that was an operation of the word of knowledge a word of knowledge is supernatural information that comes to a believer about a person or a situation where you know something that you could not know by human standards there's also the word of wisdom and there is the gift of faith and there's the gift of prophecy and there's the gift of working of miracles and there's the gift of the discerning of spirits and the gift of tongues which is different than your daily devotional prayer language and there's the gift of interpretation of tongues which is also different than just interpreting back your daily prayer language and then there is there is the gifts of healing there nine of the gifts of healing and something has begun happening recently in my life maybe it happened before and I didn't understand it or I didn't recognize it but something has been happening through me that has not happened at least I was not aware that it was happening and it began happening in earnest several weeks ago my wife Lindsey who is back up at home had a dream and in the dream she saw me standing on a platform and putting out my hands and praying and people began to get healed without me touching them and just after that over the pigeon I was invited by Kenneth Copeland to come and to close out his annual ministers conference which was just two weeks ago and on the Thursday night the closing night where the Kenneth asked me to have a healing service well it's something I'm very accustomed to and and very familiar with because I've I've conducted healing services all over the world before small crowds before big crowds you know I've ministered to as many as two hundred thousand in one service I've seen as many as 25,000 people give their life to the Lord in one service I've seen thousands come forward to give healing testimonies in one service and I've also been in groups of 10 15 20 hundreds like tonight where God begins to move it's not the size of the crowd okay it's the one we're worshiping so but the Kenneth introduced me that night and I did exactly what my wife saw in her dream I stood in the platform and I held up my hands and I began to pray and at least 400 people testified of being healed that night now you have to know I grew up under the laying on of hands ministry my father Oral Roberts how many have heard of Roy Roberts you think I look like him do you well jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father my father had a laying on of hands ministry in order for him to to minister in the way God called him he had to get his hands upon you God used his hands the anointing of God would flow down his right shoulder and here's a woman who was in those services she knows exactly what I'm talking about the the power of God would flow down his right arm into his right hand and he would not go into a service until he felt that power coming down his arm and I can remember many times as a boy at the hotel getting ready to go to the service and our driver would come and knock on the door say brother Roberts it's time to go and he would say I can't go I have not yet felt that anointing and he would say thousands of people are depending upon my prayers tonight and I must have the anointing of the Holy Spirit and so I learned as a child that he would not go to a service until he felt that tangible presence come into his arm and into his hand now that's the atmosphere that I grew up under I grew up under a laying on of hands ministry but when when I was prophesied over in 77 and you mentioned it tonight back in the back room when Vicki Jamison my longtime friend when she prophesied over me in 1977 that I would enter the healing ministry and she said to me and we were alive on the air on television that day she said you're going to have a different kind of healing ministry than your father had she said you're hit your ministry will not be particularly a laying on of hands ministry although from time to time you will lay hands on people but she said particularly you will operate in the word of knowledge and you will stand and pray and not touch anyone and people will be healed well several years later that came into pass that came to pass in 1980 miracles began to happen in my ministry and everywhere I have been since then in that since 1980 someone's been healed every service wherever I have been well I've operated in in particularly in the word of knowledge but on this night two weeks ago something changed and when I got back home after the service I was praying and the Lord spoke to me and said did you notice that I did not give you many words of knowledge tonight and I thought back into the service and I remember that he only gave me three or four words of knowledge which really for me is a small number oftentimes in a service I'll get many as 20 or 30 or 40 words of knowledge and people who respond and be healed and they'll testify and I said yes Lord I noticed you only gave me a few he said but did you notice that you acted out what you saw or what you heard your wife say she saw in her dream I said yes I stood on the platform just like she saw in the dream held up my hands and prayed and people by the hundreds got healed and the Lord said to me that was an operation of the gifts of healing and he said I'm gonna manifest that through your life beginning now and wherever I have been in the last two weeks several times that I have preached since then since that conference it has happened it happened again this morning and I just I just want to thank God cuz it's gonna happen again tonight [Applause] but your neighbors say it's gonna happen tonight put your money put a good elbow in the arms hell it's gonna happen tonight now in order in order for this to happen I want to do something that I have done all over the world and I hope you're not in a hurry I'll be done by midnight I promise cuz I got to fly out in the morning so but midnight be a good time to quit you think I'm kidding but I want to do something because it irritates me any of you ever get irritated you never get angry you ever gotten angry never had to repent because you got angry I get angry at some Christians because they seem to be ashamed of a healing Jesus they don't want to be intimidated they they don't want to be ostracized they don't want to be criticized they want to just come to church and hear a good sermon and shake the pastors hands and pray for a few minutes and go home and absolve their conscience but the Bible says you shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover now maybe I'm reading the Bible wrong I don't think it says just your pastor just the Evangelist just the pastor's wife we'll lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover it says you and people will say well I'm not one of the 12 disciples no you're not and neither am i but I got news they're dead and they're not coming back and John's Gospel tells us that you and I are disciples if we follow in his word then we are his disciples so that word about laying hands on the sick is directed directly toward you you shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover most Christians wait for the evangelists or for the pastor or for someone special to come in who has a particular anointing for the healing ministry someone who lives it breathes it every day someone like me I lived the healing ministry since 1980 since it came into my life and that's the wrong thing to do you are shirking your own responsibility and so tonight I'm going to teach you how to lay hands upon the sick and I'm going to help you get rid of the intimidation factor so that you'll never ever ever again be intimidated by laying hands upon the sick because it's not very difficult to lay hands on someone and pray it's the idea of it well what will I do if it doesn't work what if it doesn't work well what if it does what have you got to lose you've got nothing to lose and you have everything to gain do you think they're gonna get sicker if you touch him I want to teach you to demonstrate to you how to lay hands upon the sick laying hands upon the sick is not difficult it's a question of just doing it when Kenneth Copeland was a part of our ministry back in the late 1960s as a co-pilot on our airplane and driving my dad to the crusade services and and preparing the people for the healing line my father taught him what he taught me don't lay hands on someone until you are ready to release your faith think of a mechanic with a wrench in his hand and it puts a boat on he doesn't stand back and admire the boat he puts the wrench on it when he's ready to turn it and Kenneth said Oral Roberts uses his faith like a mechanic uses a wrench he doesn't turn the wrench until he's ready and when you pray for someone you don't touch them until you're ready to release your faith because the person who you're praying for is looking up to your prayers now I used to think well to pray for someone you have to kind of step back and and you know get a good running start you have to get yourself prepared and then you you you get up and then you you leave that's not what you have to do at all stand up a minute if he were in need of prayer and he were to ask me to lay hands on him I would say something like this father in the name of Jesus I lay my hands upon my brother and as I do I release my faith for a healing from the crown of his head under the soles of his feet Satan you take your hands off of him in the name of Jesus and I believe God for a miracle now one thing I would never say to him I would never say well you must not have had any faith trying to absolve myself of the responsibility I would never say that because I'll be lying because God has given you faith he says he says in the Bible that he gave everybody the measure of faith not a measure but the measure so you have faith in you you couldn't get up in the morning if you didn't have faith you wouldn't get out of bed unless you knew you had faith you wouldn't get in your car you wouldn't get on a on a bus on a train and an airplane unless you had faith you wouldn't drive in Houston traffic without thinking you have faith so who would I be to tell you that you must not have had any faith or your face not working no that's not my responsibility my responsibility is to say I've set my faith with you in Jesus name I'm not coming out of this prayer of agreement I'm believing with you for your healing to manifest okay thanks now everybody stand up pair up in groups of two pair up in groups of two not three but two find somebody you may know him you may not know him pair up and groups two and face one another put your hands out but don't touch them until I say so don't touch them sister pigeon let him go don't touch him now here's what I want you to do when I count to three I want you to lay hands on them and I want you to begin to pray now you don't have to use these exact words okay but something like this father in the name of Jesus I'll lay my hands on this man or woman and I release my faith and I pray for a healing to begin all right now you don't have to use those exact words remember when Jesus taught us the Lord's Prayer he said pray after this fashion you don't have to use those exact words but after this fashion pray okay so when I count to three I want you to touch him and I want you to pray are you ready on three one two three do it that's it I lay my hands on you I rebuke this satanic attack in the name of Jesus come out Satan take your hands off this man this woman in the name of Jesus I lay my hands on you I release my faith for a miracle in Jesus name Amen now you can stop now look back this way it's not the length of your prayer you may pray 10 seconds you pray a prayer a minute it's not the length of your prayer well if I pray longer it'll work no Peter prayed a three word prayer Lord saved me that's all they had time for he would have drowned if he prayed any longer it's not the length of your prayer but your intensity has something to do with it because that's your faith now find somebody else somebody else a group of two now now don't touch him don't touch him I know you've been wanting to touch him but don't touch him don't touch him not until I count to three are you ready same thing one two three lay hands on them Father in the name of Jesus I'll lay my hands on this man this woman be healed in the authority of Jesus name there's a cataract dissolving right now someone's cataract is dissolving thank you Father thank you father I release my faith for a healing amen now turn back this way now before you sit down how many of you can say when someone just laid hands on me I felt the power of God but you end up hold it up I now look around look how many hands are up now everybody lift both hands pray this out loud after me father in Jesus name never again will I be intimidated to lay hands on someone and pray the prayer of faith amen give the Lord praise hallelujah you may be seated you'll never be intimidated again starting is what's difficult and now you've done it several times you know they're not gonna bite okay now there are times when it's not appropriate or when it might not be accepted to lay hands on someone where you know they might not receive it or the atmosphere is not right for it or or there's some circumstance that would prevent you from touching them well there's another method and Jesus demonstrated that with the Roman centurion when he came to him and said my military aide is grievously tormented with paralysis and Jesus said I will come and heal him which indicates that Jesus was willing to walk up the Seacoast to where the Roman garrison was stationed in the Tiberius area and lay his hands on him but the Centurion said it's not necessary for you to come for I'm also a man under Authority and I speak to my soldiers and tell them to go and they go come and they come or do this and they do it but I recognize Jesus that you have authority above all authority you don't have to come and lay your hands on him you just send the word and my aid will be healed well Jesus marveled he said I've not seen such great things and he spoke the word he said go your way and as you have believed it shall be done to him and when he got about halfway home he met people from the garrison who sent about the same time your military aid was healed now the Bible says in Psalm 107 verse 20 he sent His Word and healed them there are some times when it's not appropriate or it might not be accepted or received when you touch someone so what do you do instead you send the word stand up again find somebody else that you didn't pray for before groups of two again do not touch them no touchy do not touch them no touching allowed you're going to pray the same way the difference is you're not going to touch them this time you're going to send the word you're not going to touch them because there are times when it might not be received or it might be an inappropriate time but you have another method it's not any better it's not any worse it's just different so we're gonna we're going to pray the same prayer the same way but you're not gonna touch them you're gonna send the word because the Bible says he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions so you're ready to pray just this time do not touch them are you ready 1 2 3 begin to pray same prayer same thoughts same idea same faith father in the name of Jesus I send the word to this man this woman right now I send the word to them for healing healing in spirit healing in mind healing in body healing and family healing and finances healing healing healing in the name of Jesus amen now turn back this way now how many can say just now when someone just spoke the word toward me I felt I felt the power of God come on me but to end up Oh to hold high now find somebody else find somebody else let's Brad this nail on the other side somebody else get ready do not touch them no touching you're in the no touch zone are you ready on three one two three begin father I send the word I pray the prayer of faith and I send the word for healing for strength for wholeness for victory for a miracle every sickness every disease come out in the name of Jesus amen turn back this way remember it's not the length of your prayer now who can say just as someone sent the word I felt the power of God hold you hand up look at how many more hands this time look now everybody raise both hands say in the name of Jesus never again will I be intimidated to lay hands on someone and pray or to send the word and pray because I recognize I am not the healer the responsibility is not mine my job is to pray it's God's job to heal now give the Lord praise hallelujah okay you be seated these are principles that you learn about the healing ministry someone has damaged your your right arm you've damaged your right arm and you have pain where are you you've damaged your right arm where are you where is that person is that you or you're getting the whole healings in that urchin in Jesus name loser in the name of Jesus all this come out now you're gonna be able to move that without is it disarmed just move it just just do whatever you could not do or you could not do move it no praise God someone else is it your right arm yeah how'd you hurt it hurts when you lay on it I Got News for you don't lay on it Lucent in the name of Jesus now just move it you're gonna find you're gonna find you have complete freedom of moving in it got it now don't lay on it that's not a word of knowledge just don't lay on it lay on the other side for a while loose it in the name of Jesus I send the word to your arm right now and I just move it yeah just move it now you gonna find the pains leaving you right now now see there's a demonstration I laid hands on her I laid hands on her but I sent the word to her you see these are different methods this is not rocket science okay you don't have to be working out here at NASA to understand this okay it's simple but we trip over it because we get intimidated and we wonder what somebody might think why would you care what some people think I couldn't care less what they think that's why my wife will not go with me to Walmart because she knows I'm liable to have a healing line in the vegetables I've been in Walmart where I had a head of lettuce under both arms praying for people you know I don't care I don't care what anybody thinks I don't care what the I don't care what they think somebody asked me to pray for them in Walworth I'm a pray for him and I'm not gonna whisper okay I don't care what the devil thinks and I just don't care but she won't go with me to Walmart all right now there are other methods not better not worse than just different one of them is is prayer cloths the Bible says in the book of Acts that the Apostle Paul took handkerchiefs and aprons and if you translate that it's cloths it took cloths from his body and they were sent to the sick and the sick were healed and the Bible also says the demonic spirits were driven out now how can a cloth send out healing well you have to understand it's not the cloth it's the one of whom the cloth is symbolic Paul took handkerchiefs and aprons or cloths that apparently he had on his person perhaps they were inside his garment perhaps they were wrapped around his belt I don't know but it said they came from his body the most important thing is he had touched them he had touched them and the cloth became a point of contact to help people to release their faith now you and I know that cloths do not heal Jesus is the healer but the cloth points you to the one who is the healer now cloths are interesting fabric I'm sweating a little bit tonight because I'm moving around and I can I can feel I can feel a little wetness here on my neck and on the back of my neck if I were to take this cloth and I were to rub it on the back of my neck right here and get that little drop of sweat back there I could take this cloth to the Houston Police Department and they would be able to run a DNA check and you give them a little time and they'll find out that the DNA on this cloth belongs to me well I have news for you when you lay your hand upon a cloth and send it to someone your spiritual DNA is going into this cloth I'll tell you a funny story pastor it must have been 20 years ago my dad had a big polyp that was up inside his nose and one of the doctors at the city of faith went up in there surgically to remove the polyp and afterwards they they got the polyp out but they couldn't get his nose to stop bleeding and he was he was under the anesthetic but he was bleeding profusely and they couldn't get it to stop and my mother was there and she reached into her purse and said here is one of orals prayer cloths she said stick it up his nose and the doctor did and the bleeding stopped no it wasn't the cloth it wasn't the cloth it was symbolic of the one who the cloth represented the cloth represented the name of Jesus but it's just an ordinary piece this is my handkerchief just an ordinary piece of cloth there's nothing special about this cloth it's been in my pocket it came out of the washing machine in the dryer there's nothing special about this cloth but it now has my spiritual DNA in it and when this cloth is laid upon the sick it becomes dangerous to the devil because this cloth contains my prayers I have sent out millions of prayer cloths we'd get them and I'd lay my hands on every one of them and send them out all over the world and the testimonies would come from everywhere of people who use the prayer cloth as a point of contact not as magic and not that the cloth heals but as a point of contact to help people to release their faith mama's Grandmama's get a hold of these cloths to put them in their children's lunch pails they put them in there they sew them into their children's pillowcases some of them in the blankets put them underneath the floorboards of their car under their formats put them in their purses put them in their wallets my wife has a prayer cloth on her body and all times she keeps them in her bra at any given moment my wife can pull out a prayer cloth because she knows it's a powerful point of contact but it's just a cloth the cloth doesn't heal but it's who the cloth represents now another powerful point of contact is anointing oil we just had a big oil service on our television program back in January and we we I sent out a letter to all of our friends and partners around the world and I explained to them how anointing oil was used throughout the word of god and you'll find an Ordnung oil all throughout the Bible nor any oil is something that's very special because of who it signifies it's not because the oil is special but it's because of who it symbolizes all throughout the Word of God you'll find the use of anointing oil Samuel used the anointing oil to anoint Saul to become the first king of Israel he also used oil to anoint David to be the second King you'll you'll find anointing oil in the James chapter 5 the Bible says anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise them up but it's just oil there's nothing special about the oil now I realize that there are some people who believe that it will work better if it is a certain type of oil if it's come from Israel if it's oil that is near an olive tree from an olive tree near the Garden of Gethsemane there are people who say well if it's a certain type of spice or smell to the oil it you know it'll work better that's not true you can use 10w30 it's just oil there's no power in the oil the oil is just a symbol of the healing power of God now when our children were little we have three daughters and when they were little we would anoint them with oil every night before they went to sleep and if we should forget they would call to us anoint anoint anoint and we knew what they meant we'd come upstairs from their bedrooms and we'd have a little oil Lindsay would always have some type of oil in the house cooking oil spray oil coconut oil olive oil whatever she had and we would take a little bit put it on her hands and we'd walk to their bedrooms and we just annoyed them like that with oil sometimes I I couldn't find any oil but I knew there was oil in my skin so I walk up to their rooms and I anoint you because it's just oil there's nothing special about oil oil is just a symbol of the power of God I remember years ago my father and I wrote a letter to our partners I'll get back to the story I didn't finish in a minute we sent out a letter and we sent a vial of oil and there were a little boy over in Little Rock Arkansas who was born deaf in one ear and he came home from school and his mother had left my dad's and my letter on the table with the little vial of oil and he picked up the letter and read it and took the oil and poured it into his ear and God healed him his ear began to hear he was 9 or 10 years old had never heard out of that ear and God healed him the oil did not do the healing it was a powerful point of contact but getting back to what I was saying back last month we had a special what we call a blended oil prayer service I'd sent out a letter and I had explained about the use of anointing oil throughout the Word of God and then I sent a vial of oil to all of our friends and partners and I said don't open it just lay your hands on it and and mail it back to me I said I'm gonna take the oil from people all over the world and we're going to empty it out into a big vessel I'm gonna put my hands into it mix it blend it together put my hands in it pray the prayer of faith then I'm gonna re bottle it and send it back so that the prayers of all the other people are with it and I'm in the process of doing that right now and we're already beginning to get testimonies from people who have used that anointing oil which has come from people all over the world all blended together I believe in using anointing oil is any sick among you James v says let them anoint them with oil call on the elders Northam with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick person and the Lord will raise you up I believe in these points of contact now these things aren't sacred they're just instruments they don't do the healing but they help point you to the one who does can you say Amen possibly one of the most powerful points of contact is praying one for another now we laid hands on one another earlier and we sent the word but there is something special about praying one for another would you stand up one more time and this time not groups of two or three but groups of three or four or five just kind of join their little circle right there where you are and let's just act out the Bible tonight let's pray the prayer of faith pray one for another the scripture says that you may be healed there was a woman who worked in our ministry some years ago who came down with cancer the doctor said you have six months to live and she retired and and the Lord spoke to her and said I want you to find every person in the city that you can who has cancer I want you to go and lay your hands on them and pray and she did for several months as she was able six months later she went back to the doctor and the doctor declared her cancer-free she came back to work out of retirement and work for a number of years until she went home to be with the Lord that was a powerful point of contact her praying one for another I want you to pray one for another right now begin to pray kee bro Ifrah casa que Leanna na casita custom raucous aah father we pray the prayer of faith over this man over this woman over this young person I speak the word of healing I send it to you in the name of Jesus and as I pray this prayer this prayer of faith I believe that this prayer of faith will come back in the form of my healing I pray for their healing so that that healing can also come back to me in the name of Jesus I pray this I believe and I expect a miracle in Jesus name and all the people said a man now come back to your seat who can say I felt the power of God just now as someone was praying over me let me see your hands now is this someone here tonight who has particular pain in your back and you need prayer would you stand up someone who has particular pain in your shoulders or your feet or your legs would you stand up or your hips or your knees would you stand up please I'm going to do what my wife saw in her dream I'm going to stand here and the gifts of healing are going to begin to flow as I pray and when I do people are going to begin to receive healing you have any type of arthritis or any bone or muscular problem and you need prayer stand up please from your head to your feet it may be your back a disc of vertebra maybe your hips or your knees or your ankles it may be your shoulder or your bow or your arm it may be your neck it may be in some other area of your body where you have pain I am against pain I hate pain I don't know anyone who says oh hallelujah I've got pain I've never heard anyone say I'm giving glory to God for pain I don't want pain I don't like pain I want to get rid of pain anybody want to get rid of pain when you stand up when you sit down when you go to bed when you get out of bed you know so somebody who is sitting now reach out and touch that one who is standing father it is not by might nor is it by power but it is by the Spirit of the Lord that I stretched forth my hands tonight and pray the prayer of faith I speak now now here comes healing it's already beginning I speak now the word of healing to every bone every muscle anything and everything that has atrophied or is not working properly I speak to backs and to discs and to vertebra be healed in the name of Jesus I speak to shoulders that are in pain I commend the pain to stop I arrest it in the name of Jesus I rebuke the pain in the neck I rebuke the pain in the shoulders in the back the disc the vertebra I rebuke the pain in the hips in the knees the swelling the stiffness I rebuke the pain that goes down the leg and down the arm I rebuke the pain in the ankle and the feet and the knees in the name of Jesus every arthritic pain or injury related pain come out now I take hold of it with my faith and pull it out I pull it out I pull it out in Jesus mighty name hallelujah hallelujah just lift your hands and begin to give Him praise tonight begin to give him praise tonight you may be able to move your leg right now without pain you may be able to move your arm and your shoulders you may be able to bend you may be able to twist you may be able to move your neck without it grading you may be able to move your shoulder just examine yourself see what you can do who's feeling the touch of God already wave your hand at me look at that look at that look at that yeah look how many hands that's what I call wholesale healing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody give praise to the Lord that's healing [Applause] now let me ask you this question how hard was that don't look at me like I'm doing anything special I'm just standing here praying I'm talking to the same Jesus that you're talking to I don't have any more faith in you have I'm just gonna use mine and I'm gonna believe God and I'm not gonna take no for an answer well Richard what do you do when it looks like nothing happened I always say look I'm standing with you in faith I'm not coming out of this prayer of agreement we prayed we have believed now I am expecting a miracle you know it didn't look like anything happened when Jesus cursed the fig tree something was happening on the inside that couldn't be seen on the outside you see we're not in charge of that agenda our charge is to pray and the next day Jesus said look Jesus that the tree that you cursed yesterday has withered up from the roots and Jesus said have faith in God or in other words have the god-kind of faith' for verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe the things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says and what things soever you desire when you pray believe now that's when you believe is when you pray that's not how many Christians pray I mean the Christians pray and they wait a few days and decide whether or not they're going to believe instead they pray and they wonder I remember that whole Christmas song I wonder as I wonder I hate that song you know why would you pray and then wonder as you wonder he said when you pray believe right in the middle of your prayer that's when you believe you pray right then what things soever you desire when you pray believe when you pray believe when you pray believe right in the middle of your prayer that's when you believe well things ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them that's how my wife and I received the healing ministry that we have we took that scripture mark 11:24 and we quoted it day after day after day we didn't tell anybody about it I didn't tell my dad I didn't tell anybody I didn't announce it on television I quoted it every day I confess it I said it's mine I have a healing ministry nobody was getting healed but I had it by faith and months passed and months passed and suddenly one day it broke loose and people began to get healed wherever I went because I appropriated that scripture that scripture is mine turn to your neighbor and say that scripture is mine well you've got just as much right to it as I do it's only not yours because you haven't taken it the Bible says the violent take it by force and I'm not talking about physical force I'm talking about the force of your faith I say that healing is mine and the devil isn't going to take it away praise God praise God praise God now who has a need of healing in your heart heart related situations stand up blood pressure situations stand up blood pressure situation blood sugar stand up diabetes hypoglycemia a valve related problem an artery related problem a blood disorder of some type something in your stomach in one of your vital organs your kidney your liver your colon your gallbladder your pancreas your intestines whatever like that you're breathing anyone with a breathing condition allergies emphysema COPD whatever the breathing situation is a problem with your breathing pulmonary in the name of Jesus hypertension anything like that you need prayer stand up on your feet cancer a tumor a mass of growth or you or you want to stand in proxy for someone that you know that you stand up I hate cancer with a passion God annoyed every researcher right now who's doing everything in his or her power to discover cures for cancer God anoint them thank God for doctors thank God for the prayer of faith thank God most of all for when they're working together the prayer and the good work of the doctor we give praise to God for that hallelujah now someone who's sitting touched the ones who are standing if you can't look like just about everybody's standing in the name of Jesus I rebuke yes I'll do that I rebuke the migraine headache I rebuke that in the name of Jesus I'm gonna stretch my hands out and do exactly what my wife said she saw her dream in the name of Jesus I speak to cancer you foul tormenting cancer cancer in the blood come out cancer in the brain come out cancer in the breast come out cancer in the skin come out cancer in the bone come out cancer in the organ come out in the name of Jesus every tumor every mass every growth dissolve right now in the name of Jesus thank you Father thank you Father thank you for healing the heart heart beat normally heart muscle be healed a Horta be healed valve be healed be heal of irregular beating the heel of the fibrillation problem be healed every artery opened up so that the blood may flow unrestricted carotid arteries open up in the name of Jesus every artery every vein every capillary may the blood flow unrestricted from your head to your feet I send the word to you tonight for healing healing healing healing in the name of Jesus thank you father for healing thank you Father diverticulitis come out in the name of Jesus colon function properly I rebuke the colitis come out in the name of Jesus pancreas and liver and kidney function be normal body to produce the right level of insulin not the not not too short not too much but the right level of insulin I rebuke the diabetes I rebuke the hypoglycemia be healed may your blood sugar regulate blood pressure be healed that which is too high come down that which is too low come up in the name of Jesus hypertension come out I'm adding vision and hearing anyone with a vision problem or hearing problem and you need prayer should end up i rebuked the breathing problem the emphysema the asthma the COPD i rebuked that I rebuke the blindness the glaucoma the cataract come out in the name of Jesus I rebuke the loss of hearing and I rebuke pain every pain come out in the name of Jesus I rebuke the disorientation the disorientation I rebuke the disorientation and the dizziness and the equilibrium the balance problem come out in the name of Jesus even fibroids come out in the name of Jesus even growths and warts come off in the name of Jesus pray over you tonight from the crown of your head even unto the soles of your feet I command the devil to take his dirty rotten stinking filthy hands off of you I pray for you to be healed for the healing to begin tonight in the name of Jesus everyone standing please everyone standing please lift your hands under the Lord and begin to receive it say Lord I I received I received I receive say Lord I received this I receive it I received my healing I received from you I receive Oh father I receive tonight I receive I receive I receive from your father I receive I receive your touch I receive your touch in my head I receive your touch in my chest I receive your touch in my belly I receive your touching my legs my feet my shoulders my back my hips I receive I receive your touch in my neck in every area I receive your touch in every organ of my body I receive healing tonight I receive it it's mine I claim it I receive the prayer of faith and I declare that from this night forward I shall not be the same again hallelujah now give praise unto the Lord tonight give praise unto the hallelu now how many of you can say I felt the touch of God tonight I feel different I feel different I feel different I feel healing I feel healing wave your hand at me if you feel healing now to see your hands worth my whole trip to Houston it's worth my whole time here in Houston to see healing I keep hearing the Lord say wholesale healing everybody likes wholesale nobody wants pay retail I see wholesale healing turn to your neighbor and say a wholesale healing come on give a shout of praise to the Lord now raise hands say father tonight I have been taught principles of healing principles which I'm going to follow through with for the rest of my life I'll never be intimidated to lay hands on someone and pray the prayer of faith or to send the word or to use a prayer cloth or anointing oil or any other method that the Holy Spirit shows me I will be bold I will be strong I will use what you've given me and that's the name of Jesus somebody give Him praise [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah praise God you can be seated praise God hallelujah you receive that did you get something out of that that's the best teaching I've got remember when the Apostle Paul said I deliver that which was delivered unto me I have just delivered you the healing ministry it's not rocket science all it takes is someone who's willing are you willing and you know what the more willing you become the more doors will open and God will make a way in the lives that people who need prayer that you may be the only one they'll receive so many times God is open doors for me to minister to someone that I never thought possible I've had so many opportunities to minister to professional athletes to politicians government leaders business leaders because God opened the door and when he opened it I stepped in you know someone can open the door for you but you have to walk free and I've been willing to walk through that door you know I can only think of one time in my whole life that someone did not receive my prayer one woman it's only what I ever remember who declined prayer when I go to a hospital to pray for someone the word usually circulates and a few minutes later I'm stopped in the hallways to go into other rooms and pray for people because when people look at me and look at our family they think of healing that's what our family has stood for for all these years and it's such an honor only one time in all the years I prayed for the sick including all the years with my father only one time have I ever been turned down for healing prayer well that's a pretty good average that woman had cancer and she had decided she wanted to die and you know if you decide you want to die you can die and that's what she wanted and I let her alone but only one time in my whole life and the reason I think is because inside of everyone there is a vacuum for healing everyone wants to be well I don't know anyone who wants to be sick there's something about us human beings when sickness strikes we want to get well and I've had the hardest of sinners come to me for prayer so many times and Crusades around the world I have prayed for the sick before I gave an altar call and I look down and I'll see many who testified with healings coming forward to give their hearts to Christ Healing is like a dinner bell and when you're in it people come forward to give their hearts to Christ because when you see a miracle it'll change you I remember once I was in Nazaire in West Africa and it's a it's a nation that was a French colony and their national language is still French although they have their African dialects and I was invited to the office of the Muslim president the country is 98 percent Muslim and at that time there were only 5,000 known Christians in the whole nation of 12 million people and because I offered to bring doctors and nurses and medicines and food the government allowed us to come in was the first time in the history of Nazaire that anyone has been allowed to come in with a healing crusade and I was invited to come to the office of the president who is a Muslim and I came into the office and he was speaking in French and there was an interpreter there and my group all our doctors went with in our nurses we had about four to five six doctors I guess and we had 12 nurses and all of our staff are about 20 of us in the president's office and we talked for a while and I shared with him the vision that I had for his nation for healing and when the meeting was over I shook his hand and I turned to leave and through the interpreter he said dr. Roberts would you please remain you others would you step outside and I wondered what he was doing because I didn't speak French and I didn't think he spoke English but when they all left the room including the interpreter he began speaking in perfect English he said dr. Roberts you know I'm a Muslim I said yes sir I do he said my wife has had a stroke would you go to my home and would you get up on the bed and lay your hands upon my wife for healing this is a Muslim president and I got in the presidential limousine and went to the residence and got up into the bed of the bedroom of the President of the nation and laid hands on his wife and then his daughter for healing if you make yourself available God will make a way and the Muslim EULA's were on the radios saying do not go to the richardroberts crusade there will be no miracles the first night of the crusade there were nine blind people that were healed and the second night there were seven people totally deaf that were healed and the Muslim EULA's stopped talking against me and there were thirty to thirty five thousand people per night who came to the crusade and that week thirty five thousand gave their hearts to Jesus Christ because I was willing to step through the door that God gave me and our doctors gave out tons of medicines and did surgery including cataract surgery and we gave out a quarter of a million meals to hungry children and we touch the nation because I was willing to walk through the door I am not intimidated I am not ashamed and I'm not afraid somebody give glory to God [Applause] well is it midnight no it's not quite midnight yet I where's the lobby there I have some books out there in the lobby I brought some resources with me and I will be honored to autograph them for you if you'd like to purchase them they're just ten dollars each here's a book that I brought called he's a healing Jesus which sums up the healing ministry and this is a little girl that was death that was healed in my ivory coast crusade she was born deaf and God healed her and I picked up on my arms and somebody took a picture of it and my wife said that's your book cover so this book is available out there and then here's a book that I wrote called when all hell breaks loose and the woman wrote and said I want that what the hell do I do book well I think I know what she meant that's available and then my newest book which is available is your road to a better life it is a 13-week series of how to live as a Christian spiritual physical financial every area of your life there are only ten dollars each I will autograph them if you'd like me to and I will see you out in the lobby god bless you Pastor I'm turning it back to you as I do this book to you thank you Lord and I'm giving this book to you I'm gonna ask brother Richard to we have six healing cloths I just felt like the Lord said there's six people here that need to do what he taught us tonight but it's only the six people that know that when he prays over them and you send it or you take it to that person that they are healed not maybe not not wishing not hoping you're gonna get this and say I know the power that's in the prayer in my to send that so there's six people here I'll just leave them up here brother rich is praying over them at the end of the service you come up and get one and what you're saying is they're healed in Jesus name they'll do the other amen good job praise God [Music]
Channel: West Houston Christian Center
Views: 57,734
Rating: 4.8052945 out of 5
Keywords: richard roberts, how to lay hands on the sick, lay hands on the sick, oral roberts son, richard roberts healing, richard roberts healing service, healing service, richard roberts 2019
Id: 9DyuQmtdLG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 9sec (4029 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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