Seducing Spirits & Doctrines Of Demons Part 1 with Prophet Uebert Angel (Major)

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you guys thank you guys and welcome welcome welcome welcome it's a kind of it's a kind of weekly series until we finished part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 who knows it's not gonna be on a Sunday remember Sunday we're dealing with this subject that we call Iike body and I understand a lot of people think they already know Iike bought the lifting of the anointing and stuff like that think you might want to tune in on Sunday and realize it's not exactly what you thought or what you think it is it is a global importation service this Sunday but guess what today we are dealing with seducing spirits and doctrines of demons and it's simply part one it's so amazing amazing how we have a lot of people like you guys that are so in love with Christ and you are in love with the message that we have been sent by the Lord to give and remember our ministries beyond the ministry of Daniel to explain hard sentences and to dissolve doubts that's exactly what God has sent us to do here in the good news world and PB and I love you listen we want to go to first Timothy first team on chapter number four and when I say first team of children before it's so amazing that people blink chap number four she's from number one in some some even in the comment section we're asking I think this is a long title should be one who just won't remember says say using spirits in other words say using demons with their doctor II so they say using spirits and demons doctrines another say using spirit demons doctrines or doctrines of demons there are same spirits they are seducing and they have doctrines all right so it's actually one line and it appears in one verse that's why you find it as a long title it's not meant to be a long title it's just it's one expression in one scripture and we needed to bring that up so imagine you are listening to you better angel the doctrine of Christ that he teaches alright so you are listening to new behavior and his revelation the opposite of seducing spirits and their doctrines alright so it's very very paramount tell somebody I'm live and if you can just you can just help what you need to do is share there is an Arab button underneath that screen cause like that just press it share everybody on yo what's up whatever it is autumn gram item call che che che so that many people will hear this and it's very very important and we have a lot of we've I don't know we have one again today YouTube Instagram Instagram is back on yeah Instagram aha Adam Graham miracle TV Facebook free view Facebook where everywhere trust me we we thought of actually reducing the number and wait a minute if we can do it let's do it and we are also on roku so a lot is taking place we own sky right now five nine six so very very very very important tell somebody I'm live tell somebody I'm live and we are about to lie tell somebody I'm live it's so important that you tell them oblivia what's happening on YouTube we have banty watching from South Africa run out from Algeria Ivan from Botswana maribor from Botswana as well go on dica from Maryland Hashim from Sri Lanka Jennifer is saying I'm so blessed from South Africa Amen hey man also on Adam Graham we have Steven Johnson he's watching from Mumbai in India and he's ready also Patricia is connected she saying prophet you're my teacher and I'm listening we also have Tom who is watching from the United States of America Henry is in Russia and we also have noeleen connected from Fiji thank you thank you thank you so really really really really brilliant you have a lot of people around the world watching right now some Jordan Botswana India it's amazing people are saying we are ready to fly and ready to fry France you know so so what's this down we want to deal with doctrines of demons and seducing spirits some little bit of Bibles in the book of first team of first team on shuttin before first Timothy chapter number four and I will read from verse number one first Timothy chapter number four verse number one I want you to listen and I want you to hear it correctly so you're right you know your your notes and also hear ya understand you know just write notes sometimes we write notes I never go back to those nights and we we we wonder what's happening to us but it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening something we are ready to fly and ready to fry some demos now here it says here verse number one of chapter number four of 50 mode alright 50 months of deliver for verse number one now the spirits washes speaketh the weights picks there when we before we go anyway the word speak is the word Lego alright of course it comes from logos the word Lego but that word Lego means pointing words in other words this spirit is not just speaking its pointing its words in other words his words rather he's words you know the the Spirit is a person so you put him as is his words are pointing to a certain location in time to a point in time in the future they are pointing words they are directing you that what is about to be spoken all these things that are spoken and not for now they're for later but remember is being written in the book of Timothy and the book of Acts the Bible says in the last days as the job the profits of joy is being fulfilled says this was written by the Prophet Joel that in the last days your sons and daughters shall mm-hmm that means he was saying in the book of eggs the Spirit was speaking to the people and making them prophesy speaking tongues do all those comes because it was the last days but this meant T month is already living in the last days since X is the last days also since the upper room is in the indicated as the last days so we are also saying these times of Timnath are also the last days right but it seems as if the Spirit is pointing beyond those last days and saying this this is not now I know this is the list of the last days but there is a time coming that is beyond the last days where the Spirit is now pointing so Lego so so in the in now the spirit now right now in this time the Spirit is pointing to another time yes so pointing to what time he says speak it expressly and the way this presently is the word retros it means definitely definitely speaking we're talking about something that is definite in the strongest of languages so the Holy Spirit in the strongest of languages is pointing and speaking and saying something about not this time but the time to come but remember the book of Acts is already saying when they are speaking in tongues those were the last days but Timothy is there and it's after that Timothy Timothy is coming in and it says in the last days hmm so what's this now the spirit speaketh ratos explicit rector's expressly LEGOs expressly leggo retros expressly pointing to a certain time alright that in the later times okay these are the last days but the later times of the last days so you see when we when we say we are living in the last days then we say but but you know you know next year will be a letter uh-huh so the only reason this is not now we're talking about it right now so Tim oh don't worry about now these things is these things are coming later on so I'm pointing so they're pointing words rattles it's not logo says he's speaking he's sending a word and pointing to a certain time in the letter times of the last days the last days already there they spoken tanks in the book of Acts so it's not saying in the letter the book of Acts has already taken place in the sense of the upper room incident has taken place notice this and instead I'm talking about the upper room incident where it is said to have fulfilled the the prophets of Java which says in the last days you're something to the shower fog effects up around there talking and later on after the upper room Timnath receives the letter to say now right now so after the upper room the spirit is speaking expressly rattles in the strongest of languages in other words a definite thing this is definite that this is going to happen no matter what in the later times it's not something that has got a certain kind of is he's trying to figure out this might happen this matter learn this one he knows who take place he's speaking the strongest of languages very hard represent two million percent two billion percent trillion percent he knows is gonna take place so we know when you read it you say wait a minute what is happen let me heat are you getting in this Sam shall depart from the faith I want you to understand is their faith is actually a definite article again the faith he didn't say faith he's not talking about faith for healing faith for miracles faith to get prosperity instantly nobody faith this teaching that builds faith saying they shall depart from it now you must have been departing from me doing what now remember what the Bible says again it says if any and it does not provide for his own family I don't know fi if they see remember if any provide not for his own family if any provide not for his own family he is with than a one then in in video what are people saying people are really excited here we have Thomas saying thank you so much prophet I am so ready to hear and we also have cameelious saying we are just had the stats but I can see we are starting to fly amen amen amen so we are dealing with them sighs iam shout the putt from the faith if we get to let me see where we are if we get to chapter number five of the same book first Timothy chapter number five verse number eight but if any provide not for his own family all right he has denied the faith is were than any fee do notice the person is already denied the faith has left the faith by not providing for his own family so departing from the faith does not mean to say refusing that they are Christian or now saying I'm a Muslim now no oh I'm a Hindu now that's me not departing from the faith you do things that go to qualify you as a person with departed mmm-hmm now some people are getting it now some people so people like also so it's not talking about me it's talking about somebody who lives the faith because you know they no longer believe in Christ no they just the next chapter it's just dealing with somebody who has already left the faith somebody who does not provide for his own family he is already somebody who has lost the faith and left it that's not where we are going but I want you to understand when he says that now are they here sir we have monsieur daniel saying this is so exciting thank you so much i'm ready to hear the faith and also tell missing i've been waiting for a true revelation of this topic as i think oh okay it doesn't have to do with leaving christianity behind no that's why the lead has been written to a christian check to a church to a leader they do tell these guys that there is a time when people will do this there aren't people who just deny it no watch what happens cesium some shall depart from where from the faith and with the parties of it are systemic which means to stand aloof to sternal off to shun to vex to be absent they can attend church but the absent they hear what the preacher said is i but I read it before I know it I'm very aware of what he's trying to say and even left out another ways it's now come on what is being said to him so they shall stand aloof like they don't they are not involved they just come to church and sit like this and if you wanted them to do something they can't some to depart from the faith so departing from the faith doesn't mean you left it and left you in some way alright alright cesium shall depart from the faith all right a definite article from the faith create now here it is here he it is from the faith giving heed the word hid means to draw near in other words giving an opportunity for something to draw near what is that something giving heed to seducing spirits they allow seducing spirits to come near Norris the barber did not say the seducing spiritual force terms of insight they invite them to get in not by an invitation like oak and demons come please know the way they have taken a hold of something and left something the way they stand a lose the way they think they know better they've already left a certain level now now they are standing on their own but it says they didn't do that alone they gave heed they allowed demons to come close they are in church but allowing the months to come close they might be pastors but allowing demons to come close they might be deacons or demonstrate em deacons but allowing demons to come close you will send this say just in spirits and doctrines of devils or demons now what's this now caesium says some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils they shall give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils I don't know if that's now but before we go there I want to kind of touch something here instead invest I want you to read which is first Timothy chapter on a bond in verse number seven I want you to see something that's really really now now if if I before I go to visit my seven again go to verse number three says I besought thee to abide still in Ephesus when I went to Macedonia that thou mightst each a charge some that they teach no other doctrine right now and we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men for all many have not faith for all men have not faith but the Lord is faithful we shall stablish you and keep you from evil and we have confidence in the Lord touching you that he both do and will do the things which of what we commanded you and the Lord direct your hearts in the love of God into the patient waiting for Christ now we command you brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly he says he has not even written about giving his to seducing spirits but it's already telling you if you don't want to get to where we are about to get to in Chapter number four stop working with people with disorderly manner of a disorderly manner you might like their stories you might enjoy their company you might like their phone calls you might like the jokes that they say what stop walking with them now but before you see since teach no other doctrine in the way there is a hatred it does color here Tandy does color the way the heterogeneous color is there is heteros then there is did as colors did as color is coming from the - Cody does constantly means teaching teaching teaching danesco teaching now this is a hetero discolor order does Kaleo all right to the scholar so hetero simply means same type or another type rather another type I lost same type heteros different type different in the desc amines means complicated teaching nice one well arranged palatable if you hear like where does your my men but it says the heteros since I'm not that type of complicated teaching that means what we are teaching is really packaged very well is nice but there are people who come with another level of the desk oh I don't know if they are getting is I don't know if you're getting this then if you get to visit immersive instance for yourselves know ye the first number number seven of sorry of says this now I want to go to Fatima though I was on festive mode let's go to festival so I can read it for you 50 mph now watch this now neither take it or forward let ours I was actually in another scripture then I'm coming here to two to 250 mode I was in I went to Thessalonians before I didn't tell you the face so now I'm getting to two vistas alone Ian's when we were in 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 3 verse 2 and we buy delivered the unreasonable wicked men for all many of not faith now what's this this is the book that's written before and he says and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men for all men have not faith so it's touch with that and this for all men have not faith so you start from day and realized so not all many faith so we dealt with the with 50 months chapter number 3 chapter number 1 verse number 3 as I besought thee to abide to at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia that almost charged some that they teach no other doctrine then I jumped from there to face number 2 of second Thessalonians it says that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men for all men have not faith so just because somebody stood in front of you and they're teaching you the Bible it doesn't mean say they have faith they might not have it all right but the Lord is faithful he is they don't don't be fooled thinking the Lord will leave you like that no he's already warning if there's something that is coming all right now we go back to first him off and we now read verse number three and then we go for as I besought thee to abide to add emphasis when I went into Macedonia that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine I don't know if you're getting this teach one nor the doctory hetero did the scholar Nader give heed to fables and endless genealogies which Minister questions rather than godly edifying if you're not had me saying don't read these books that are not canonized and were like no I've gotten all the lists now I'm about to start you don't know you are getting into a trap not the many saying nay that give heed to fables and endless genealogies it's a heteros did as color which means it's a complicated thing but it's another type of complication we are about to get there we bought again they I don't know whether these guys are listening yes they are very much listening sir so somebody says which chapter we dealt with first Timnath right chapter number four then we read it then we went to first image chapter number 1 verse number 3 then we went to second Thessalonians chapter number 3 verse number two three four and five and six all right just trying to show you that it is already written somewhere that there are some people that are coming all right are we getting it yes interesting I'm listening attentively I don't want to miss anything also Luke is saying I'm understanding your soon esas prophet and we also have si on saying thank you so much profit we are learning so much also Cleopatra this is an item Graham is saying you are disconnecting us from every negative through these teachings our lives are transforming a man okay thank you so much departing from the faith seems like what was a like what I was doing right now thank you for correcting us amen amen amen now now uh-huh yes people are getting it also on Instagram we've got any say wow this is very deep people are getting it living prosperity and amen in agreement sincerely say now O'Toole and as they are letting at your feet all the days of their life at your feet learning David saying you're a true Bible teacher self amen amen I don't know if you were getting it and me loopy saying this means being offended an offended member you're risking departing from the faith exactly now I want you to understand why I joined Timnath and Thessalonians in when you were in theology you find that it says 'i'm says a few if you read paul Sylvanas and timotheus that means the book of Thessalonians was written by Paul and Timothy okay you should not read it again 2nd Thessalonians Paul Silvana's verse number one of 2nd Thessalonians Paul and Silvanus and timotheus and to the Church of the Salone ins so we know definitely the 2nd Timothy was written by two people at least we know three people serve Anna's Timnath and Paul's cause boys holding maybe the pen or instructing T most right you know that is not depicted here but it was depicted yes we know at least we know at least that they are there two people the three people that are writing this letter and Timothy is part of it and key mode is the one that is saying this field extra speaks expressly now when it gets to second Thessalonians you realize again he is talking about there some people with no faith there are mangas all right I think some people are getting it now some people are getting it now so some when we deal with first emotes chapter number one verse number seven I'm still with you seducing spirits doctrines of devils you ought to hear this because we haven't even touched data Messimer services desiring oh - it is hello this herring our desire see God will give you all your desires now the obverse is what is gonna happen with these people if we start from verse number six will be it will be so exciting to read it from which some have answered they obtained aside unto vain jangling verse number five now the end of commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith and faith from which some having swerved have tender side unto vain jangling I don't if you getting it I don't have anything if you get in verse number six again in in second Thessalonians is easy of chapter number three of second Thessalonians says now we command you brethren to not want to bring yourself from every brother that walketh disorderly so it's going again to say there is something wrong with some people verse number six is far from which some have swerved and obtained decide in vain jungling now what's this now what's this desiring to be teachers of the law since what's the problem what is bringing demonic influence is they are trying to teach the law during race they trying to teach the law so the desire the word desire there there appears a such desiring it is the word fellow the desire desire to teach you know in a kind of I also want to do it I also want to do it alright it is the analysis desiring to teach at failure the Desco desiring to teach but the word desire there is not just say it if you check the to do well together they form something God no more the Desco and the number means concept and pure joining concepts together alright if you are pure line-by-line precepts nobody does go alright what's this what's this now hope you're getting there desiring to be teachers of the law understanding understanding and it is like no notice no natus which is like it's like an understanding that that comes after a training is taking place one of your bidding so he is saying there are people who are interested they don't have the quality they haven't gone anywhere they are messing up doctrines they want to teach the law during time of grace but even when they want to teach the law they don't even have the training so they are messing up the teaching because of desire imagine going to the hospital and the doctor comes is like okay I'm gonna you know operate on you count one two six you know they say normally they say five to zero contact you know you in the medical thing five four three you don't even remember what happened to the two and one and you wake up and your hand is protruding through your stomach you say what happened man how come the guy standing in front of you like ah you know I didn't do medicine it but I have a desire I have a desire to be a doctor so boy saying there are a lot of teachers like that they desire their desire is good but desire known should not make you a teacher [Music] no more Tedesco teaching concepts so you have to understand the concept first before you teach it so you think these guys are missing up what's happening why because they are jumping onto the pulpit without understanding that there is a lot you have to understand you don't live loopholes and it's so depressing I wish I wish I could be despread the press for me to to fill it again but I know when I wasn't really born again I could feel depressed but I can sense it with my spirit when I listen to some preachers and some teachers I'm thinking oh no no no no no oh oh no no no no you are yo yo yo yo you just left another oh no the vest the vest you didn't you didn't check it oh no no what your thing is not complete but you are passing it as a doctor no wait wait oh we need to go here and go here and go here and cover this area I guess what they don't care why because they desire so their desire is stronger than the teachings that they learn oh so you can't blame them for a desire but you can blame them because they are messing up concepts and doctrines and rules and regulations of pure doctrine from Christ because all they have is desire nobody told them I wish you're hearing you go to a dentist then you wake up and say okay here's the middle of what I've done you look like this bloody mess all your teeth are gone you want to say so you say at all you know anyone what happened and the guys like ah here we are your teeth VA you know what what are you doing it sorry I just have a desire to be a dentist I'm not really didn't but I've a desire I can take them in back in LA Oh believe with no gums I'm not doing this this is what exactly what po is trying to say that there is a desire in them to teach they make mistakes because they are not schooled but since they are not school they made the mistakes with you in your life seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so this this this man is writing 2,000 years in the future and it's telling them now in Chapter number four festival it's telling them in a video there is something that's coming Valley governer angry the valley to see at us some shall depart from the faith giving heed I don't know if you're getting this on your own using the design is good but the teaching faulty I'm getting it dead and you know on Facebook is saying wow we have messed up desire has destroyed us and others thank you there are so many people young kids that I I have to deal with and and boys and girls and young ministers that desire to be prophet so much that they then convince themselves they're actually prophetic and they lose the path the way they were going in order to carry something that they desire so because Christians we had sons and daughters of prophets we have to be prophetic we are prophetic people play just because you dreamed something in it happen doesn't make you a prophet it makes you a Christian what makes your prophet is not listen I can stand in in in um you know come from my family you know we have my father got lineage a lot you know he started some few degrees and stuff like that and you were supposed to be the king in the whatever of another area and it's like no I'm not doing this I'm not interested in this nonsense it's below me I'm Lynnette you understand so I'm a prince now watch this watch this what's this that alone doesn't make me take my chieftainship or whatever that is and go to where was the place the Buckingham Palace and studies are in knock-knock queen I have arrived who are you I am Prince Prince a Munda of the [Laughter] Prince of Zamunda the queen of like I don't know zamunda go plenty of people I can say no but but you don't understand I know everything about being a king anything my blood is royalty I I need a bedroom in there it may be there you know get in here it doesn't work like that you know there is there is a way okay let's go rekka on action groaning I can so well relate to many churches in India they are so desperate to teach the law I mean they're so desperate and some are so desperate to get it even even Gress that they mess it up this is exactly what moses julia is saying on a Tangra missing these teachers have neither the training nor the qualifications to teach grace in the end they air without knowing it's leading many astray amen amen I don't I don't know if you guys are getting it huh can I just say desire is too high but it doesn't correspond to knowledge yeah desire doesn't doesn't get to knowledge it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't so I want you to see something here that will be there will be there will be look look at this look at is this something you know when when we see this in and I wish people would get it now chapter number four right one team of estimates I've done before is where we are going back right says 'i'm now the spirit speaketh expressly with in the latter times some shall depart from the faith all right giving heed to seducing spirits I would say using it is a word that is play now or play knows which is a word that was given to an animal that are you find in the forest and you say Oh Zeus who's got is this whose cow is this whose dog is this how would find it here and the dog is wandering the animal is wandering every day use it wandering wandering and normally in if you grew up in Africa we've got comes from it's so easy for you to know sometimes these animals they know home they will go miles and miles look for water green pastures but at night or the night you can see them at the edge of the uh-huh your homestead yeah I'm like ah it is come back it is come back some were even get into the crawl themselves there just get in there you understand the point because they even if you buy em or like a cow from another village and you don't they normally would tie it his head and and its leg at the same time so it doesn't move fast and then it gets kind of you know discouraged to go back to a it was bought exactly so they will tie it there so that it's just kind of no so you just do the thing you know graze near they near the homestead near the homes they did not go anywhere but when they remove it guess what if it gets lost you know my father it farms and stuff like that's two heads and you know still left some few things and plantations sugar plantations and all that and we when we buy when we used to have those cattle that you buy from somewhere if they get lost we would drive the car back to where we bought it and trust me it would be in the near the homestead of where we bought it it remembers his homestead now so he is a cm there is there some who are giving heed to seducing spirits the word seducing like I said is the word play knows it means an animal that has lost its way home and can no longer go back notice I did not say I did not say it's somewhere else and it's looking to go back know it is lost weird to even find the way back so even some shall give here to demons that will cause them never to depart from the pub that they've chosen to take when somebody is in church and they are doing something and lost will too even shifted make a change no matter what you tell them they think what they are doing is the correct thing and they don't even know why you are saying it's wrong turn around like I don't know you see these are different from people who say it's wrong what I'm doing but guess what I need to do it then there are some people bloggers I look I don't know what you're talking about I have an idea no you have to go I'm not lost yeah there was rules you see in the future which would be prophet who was right so they have lost their path to go back to the correct thing so it is to say using spirit to demons that causes people to lose the way that they should follow I don't know if you're getting this I get you I've seen so many people who desire being a personal trainer they train people by their teachings Archer you're wrong and it can cause more damage than any good are you getting this right but before we get to even seducing spirits the way that I want you to notice is in the later times the weights um it is the weight is T is the word some and that is very very special it is a word that means and not about some a specific some in other words the scripture is simply saying this now the Spirit is speaking in no uncertain terms in the strongest of languages all right expressly clearly a non stop that let her on in during these last days in the later days of the last days meaning where we are now all right a notable some notable preachers it means these are not just no more guys these are people you know they venom behind them all right so it doesn't just mean some like you know okura from the anti a tree no this on TV they on YouTube they own Instagram they're talking since the ones you think war these are the holy guys those ones since the notable some a certain number they are celebrity preachers you've note them there might be celebrity in your area but they're celebrity there might be celebrate on TV or on Instagram those small ones he has nothing to do with their numbers their money it is everything to do with you know them they are selected number some in not about some shall depart [Music] it is not wet not about leaders the problem with inaudible udders is when they depart they don't go they don't die but alone they depart with all their followers or some of their followers that means if they have 1000 members 200 400 500 who get plus and go with them I don't know this is just an introduction to this topic so expect fireworks som or van this is just our way necessary then I pray in the name of Jesus that you get into the mood of this teaching right now and let the Spirit of the Lord garnish your thoughts cover you in the mighty name of Jesus beautify your life so that you can understand revelation as it's given to you in Jesus right now so you know when is the service like this it is important this is my method to tell all people that listen to us I'm not here to attack this men of God to attack that men of God to attack this men of God I'm just talking here in general terms I haven't even mentioned the demons and the doctrines I'm just telling you what will happen in these days I don't know if you're getting it yes Vivian saying many teachings are not saying what they saw you all teachers but what they have heard others say so they are preaching without knowledge they are just preaching what they've heard others preach exactly and if you start tailing them tell me what you're saying mmm they get a problem so now this spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving need to sing just things pivot giving heed to seducing spirits all right we just Prosecco to bring me making them come near this seducing spirits these spirits that make you go some other way and then when you get there you lose your way and you don't know the right way to come back to so you are gone now even if somebody wants to help you be like nah I don't even remember that go right do you're talking about God wishes majazi saying is true prophet people like people like that are all over the church they will never agree that they are messing up they will tell you to watch at the end they will prove you wrong thank you so much profit you are exposing now so so I wanted you to understand says it him if you go to second Timothy 4 second Timothy 4 and are we still going back to that you know I don't want to you know don't don't run away from it but I want you to go somewhere if you read verse number one see it's chapter four chapter four is very exciting I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick the living and the dead it is appearing in his kingdom right preach the word be instant in season all right and what an out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine when nd sky through doctrine you see that so it's not like I I rebuke you I know when you teach the word it will rebuke on his own because if you are teaching you're teaching doctrine otherwise it's a repetition if you go on and say in doctrine that's repetition for the time will come says you see what if you taste the right word it is perfect why because the time is coming remember they said in chapter number four of esteemeth for the time chunk will come when we will come way remember expressly lettuce and Legos pointing words for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine people will not even see tones to hear sound doctrine they will not go be fiddling money some points on doctrine is being spoken but be fiddling yeah yeah yeah don't be like oh no no Adam Cole ha ha I'm live out talk to you later on how do feed link really not even talking about God that revealing what is happening they shall depart giving heed to what say just thing spirits and say just in spirit they are seductive that means they'll tell you what you wanna hear come here baby [Music] the Jews experience imagines being seduced by a demon now when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts imagine you can last for the word a wrong doctrine all right you know Harris did ask Ali a different one complicated since the they shall go after their own one their own lusts and they shall heap to themselves teachers kama Norris poising there is something wrong with eeping for your souls teachers I was watching this pastor I was watching another one I was watching this one and this one said and this one said is this was it says no no no no say using demons the first thing that they do is to relieve you not with one guy but with many guys I want to watch this one they know what's this one they don't press this one you know watch this one they know watch that one you know watch this one so you weep for yourselves ditches oh I don't if you're getting the point I don't know if they're hearing that's why poses if any even an angel from heaven who come down and teach you something that is different that led that angel from heaven not from here not from - MA - no no no no not an angel from anyway let him be a cast if it teaches anything different look at what Paul says poised trying to say even if an angel forget you oh girl we're talking about angel from heaven it says even angel from heaven comes here and he identifies themselves that I'm actually an angel from heaven you say mr. Angel give me you're not mean to me with the one the one with wings or without wings a angelic being comes in tenth energetic being comes instead brightness says he is my na number and I cut I am actually from heaven this is my National Insurance number do you believe oh yeah I purchase a so you are right you actually coming from heaven I've seen it so okay I've been sent by the Lord to preach a gospel and if that gospel that he acted out of his mouth is different from poor pauses listen to me not the angel from heaven not from so what PO is trying to say is only listen to me that's it forget the Bible so son what I've done in my life is if a person is not recommended by by Pastor Chris I don't listen big difference why because if he says it I definitely know and you literally say he said this there so already know oh so you said that there and you have read it mm-hmm so you've read that's enough if you read it that that's really enough you have read it and you you you think I only need to know this brilliant and I get back into my Bible I'm a barian guy I got back and search those things that he speaks and that they line up with the word not to try and make him line up with the word no I just want to go and research further so that I can see what is happening in the story that is mentioned you Ranger teaches go back into the Bible say cheat feather knot so that you can prove me wrong but so that you can look at the way I took things and you flow with the whole pot because you can understand my soon esas in thirty minutes of teaching no but you can understand part of it my son Gossett II you can understand now watch this now he said that's some people getting it I think that's Colossians 1 verse 8 to 9 that you just read which says but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed verse 9 reads as we say before but notice what he says we even me if I come again and preacher guiness what I've preached you know a beginning this preaching then let him be accursed Elizabeth saying yes some collect bits of messages that sound exciting from all different preachers and then they mix them all up and end up with no coherence just confusion also gachami saying facts have no feelings this powerful revelation will sharpen us and you're doing greatly and I'm also a victim of that I need to change your messages have been helping me to grow I didn't know anything hey now now watch this now I don't know if you're getting this so some so we definitely know czm says verse number it says says ya verse which we got 50 more for 3 right for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching yes having itching ears they they want to hear again from this guy like no no no no no no it tamed that is this guy had this guy I just discovered him yesterday wow wow you know when when I listen to profit in you it's just amazing I'm just I get but there is another guy it's almost like profiting but you know he is good he's gone in there and then they go to that person again and go to this world and this one that was it's their last days there are some people like you who are seduced by demons molested by demonic spirits we have too many teachers in one bow is that today I'm watching this one mmm I was having this talk but I think I can in his guise all this culture you are developing of many teachers in one place it's a result of seducing spirits you are being molested by demons they shall come a time when you're really molested to the extent you will leave not faith but the faith sound doctrine you live it now you want to hear new stuff new stuff you know I need to only the book of the Book of Enoch and he didn't read it and what about this book of it that is some way I want to read it who have you finished Mathew have you finish on do you understand the book of Revelation what are you doing seducing spirits bit by bit you're allowing them to draw near and they get near and you are addicted to the adultery before you know it you start sending and you're please men of God I want to be a spiritual son ain't joins already told you nobody applies to be spiritual son if you're a spiritual son you don't need the application you are 1 year 1 . there's so many people who say there are angels 3 chosun's they are there nobody could send them a letter and say stop no nobody did you say whatever it is in some of them put my photos on their pasta like we had together like this like I'm part of the conference like yeah we are together a prophetic arranged or myself on the side like this remember we had pasta so people just put it they are not telling people that we don't call them like okay you know why because people claim whatever they want to claim all right amazing thank you so much for this timely message prophet we need to hear this before we return to church and angelite is saying oh my god said using spirits will tell you what you want to hear you are helping me profit I used to watch a lot of preachers and I thought I was being broad enough to get more knowledge some broad as a good one as a really really a good one that they were broad mazie so so imagine how many people think they are being broad imagine you take your roots plant them in there and two minutes later you remove them you plant them in another field then after a a like why am I not growing [Applause] why is this we messed up like this it is messed up of course is messed up but but but it's it's enjoying nutrition when the DVD joy you know what I was trying to to take a little bit stuff on a little bit of of nutrients you removed it and you put somewhere else different story with different menu different food different nutrients before you know it your tree doesn't know what to do suffering from this which I was watering yes but do you water then you removed it immediately put them somewhere else didn't get anything I don't know if you getting this hope you're getting in case tensing this is so life changing may we be able to discern these kind of seductive spirits and doctrines now here is yeah so it says here verse number thank you so teachers in itching ears then semicolon and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables stories happy eight stories where preachers who tell you there is a miracle that happened I was in India it was at 5 a.m. and then this woman men woman came with no two legs and I did like this ok I know the problem with that kind of miracle please do it in front of a camera we we have a lot of comedy just do it it's not like for camera but you know we have a lot of congregated ourselves that need to be encouraged by that kind of miracle so now they turn away from the truth and go to somebody with speaking bubbles and the people were speaking fabulous are the ones we have more people stories that cannot be substantiated this is what Jesus said something and those guys noticed the truth Jesus said what he said this said say blessed are those who believe without seeing oh no you didn't get it the word blessed means many others but blessed mark light is the word blessed and he bless the bread he multiplied the bread so I say it simply means it simply means he is saying there is a blessing on top but there is a number of people who will believe without seeing how many preachers will say statement with they have coming as everywhere they go even if they get into a car the camera is going ladies you wanna yeah even if they drink water coming up one two three go they get on the phone one two three four but guess what when it comes to a miracle that's big they say it was a 1918 the guy wasn't born at that time that was 1918 it was raining hey and guess what happens this this is the reason why the church who believed listen III am strong strong support of Kenneth Hagin alright that guy all right for me was brilliant here's a year these on kind of things that I can say yeah not not his life he's I don't care about his life his life is him I'm dealing with what he preached and he preached a brilliant gospel for the time he was given and for the time the disposition he was given so if you find faults there may not be as many as false as fault as you think they're false because they were for that disposition in truth is progressive revelation is progressive this is a revelation that could be accepted at that time and go to give them that time and you only look at it like oh why did he say this but but but watch this do you notice how many people believe can either get is a man of God now and buying more books now that is dead when he was dead they attacked him they will see him do miracles on video and or analyze the videos now he is gone I is a general big general auto robots was calf gated people talked about him talk this he decide he wants money the day he died they were all around TV a one of the last generals of our time has left now people buy his books they honor him is dead now and all they talk about stories that are not on video that he did this he did anything didn't did this why the church believes in people who are dead spiritual mediums more than the generals that are there and when the generals didn't do a miracle only video they will try to analyze I think I look at these leaders I think someone put something in here in this something I think I think that's what is happening that's what they do they would try to analyze that miracle and say it's technology that was used for this to happen guess what is happening they want they don't want the video the one just to be told because blessed many are those who believe without seeing when people see the truth they don't believe it when they are told the truth because they like gossip in lies they would take it preacher man and con men out there who wants to con people if you tell them stories they will believe you showed them a video of the real truth happening they are not take it they'll analyze it sit down and say we'd start from the beginning stop freeze pause now who is this coming from and what is this guy was standing here what is he doing why because there is a thing they they are analyzing now but the moment a preacher said it was in 57 I was at a hotel in a pencil rod no one knows where there is a benzene Road on earth people be like God the way he did it he wasn't it Benson Road at that time we have you seen bill to reduce of no farmers so they like believing in fables I don't know if you're getting it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah talking a bunch of junk is what they are teaching and when the wolf comes you have no strength or power after hearing those stories thank you so much profit hey you man hey man we're listening profit thank you so much for the teaching of truth of God's Word and simplifying it for everyone to understand it now neon the dominators saying wow wow this is true people in the churches are messing up the body of Christ they must be quarantined right away before the month before they mess up even more so where are we again where we were in second team of right second team on shotgun before this number three or window number four now and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into bubbles but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of your ministry make full proof of your ministry I don't know if they if they are getting it so the guy is here saying and they shall turn away they surety know it they're the ones who are turning away all right they're the ones were short in away all right it's like it's like somebody would decides I'm putting and into following a salient path and just following a certain path all right leaving the form of things and when do they format it's not like you where you turn around to look you may can write about 10 boom so you can face the other direction and go now so this is in the short turn away and there is from the truth all right from the truth and shall be turned into father's telling the truth into father's all right to be 210 off to tennis I'd just switch off now they didn't get it so it's not like a people check the a black gold water right and make it cheap water like he knows this is you know this is a brilliant kind of tap of water the test is different and then you open the thing like what it's no longer written black gold nicest to switch off the water you notice the word ten away means to switch off so the switch of the truth so they are left with the Fabo so it's not like they took the truth and shifted it no they tend off the truth so that they are left now with fables talking about it see when I close the service I said something as it might change some of them I new members because of TV I have people that can stand afraid I can't override people's faith because everyone requires faith I can go there and teach but what about my two three four five members that I knew they don't know what to do so my advocate is full people I'm advocating for churches to open but when changes are opening later everybody come to church but have faith right now so that when we get into those meetings you also have faith to withstand debate now watch this now I don't know if you understand are we still here yes I'm about to finish delicious on Facebook you saying this message is very powerful it was no way to massage people's egos is there to teach us let's pride not get in the way may we learn and listen thank you so much you ma'am and CT tfcg I said I've been following you since 2011 and I'm just real in love with you the way you do ministry your humility shows seventh would to this generation for real you are my prophet and my men of God thank you so much and also Kennedy Caramba is saying many profits that I've come across have wrong teaching methodology but you sir are unique I a unique teacher and prophet what a great combination thank you so much I'm singing a lot my face is posted by tappy well thank you so much now watch this so when I want to I want to show you something here I want to show you something I remember one one time we had one person who said I used to oppose what you were teaching and then one day I was like here look I think this guy just wants to prove to us that we don't know anything and he knows better but then I listened then I lost my pride and I listened and I realized wait a minute this is what we need to be believing that's what the purpose was believed it was something when I had pasta Chris teach about something and then I didn't hear the fullness of it then I had this guy the hour was they called again oh my god spirit wind speed wait sorry spirit wait prophet covers a minister on on Christians should not die I said that was a lie just I guess what I read it for myself and there is that guy was correct Ivan Minister Ivan students at this guy's line he was telling the whole truth of what the word is saying one day our posters thought since we give up our lives so that you can leave so they believed they were sacrificing their own lives in order for Christians of today to choose when to die listen listen now they are so disappointed that Christians are dying everywhere and when Pastor Chris started ministering it I said wait a minute no not started I started listening to back when Pastor Chris other messages on on this issue of life I had it was like wait a minute let me get in the Bible again I said oh my god I was wrong these things are in the Bible what exactly see my experience might not match this but really this is real see when you look at your experience and you say I am sick but the Bible says we should not be sick I should not try to make my experience fit in the Bible no I should check the truth of the Bible put it on my experience so that he can override my experience my experience does not change God's Word and God's Word is gonna know is never gonna change because of my experience and a lot of people miss those two they don't know how to say this is just my experience there's nothing to do with God it's my experience it's how I'm experiencing things but guess what there is a weight from God coming see this is the thing you ought to understand it and be honest with yourself I practice I preach that I preach this is always something saw something how are you getting see listen it's like it's like somebody says to me do you know bevel angel the one you see teach is beverly angel and I know her concepts and whatever she says I know it's not just teaching she lives that humility now watch this so when he says Roberta I definitely know there is no trick she knows what he's talking about because of this so because I also know the private side of it all right I know her in privacy I know her before she even teaches anything I know that person you understand this it's like somebody coming in and seeing some nonsensical stuff listen somebody touches like what can I say let's say my son Jerome Fernandez Fernando it's like Jerome Fernando is there and so he's a lot of pride I'm like no you don't know him I know that guy when did you find him having pride say oh I don't know he's a little pride when oh this this is I'm like - are we talking about the same guy if you come to me this is the reason why if somebody goes again is my sons and like they go again is I wasn't anybody that I mentor all right let's say for instance goes again his major one and say all major one does this and does this and does this guess what there is a truth I know when I'm with major most major one if you see is not spiritual I know him so I'm not the spiritual side of it I know the times in prayer that we spend together I know that times when I would sit down with him and we're discussing the word only not for teaching but for his own benefit and for my benefit for everyone's benefit and how would Derek that Jay so that just can let so we know the discussions we are doing in order for somebody to learn so when you come out with something I say you really don't know the guy you're talking about because I know the guy you're talking about before you saw him on TV all you know is there's this saying that that goes if I have five anything against you and you have anything against me call me but if you don't have my number you have no reason to be because you don't know me if you don't have my number and you can't call me that means you really don't know me to actually have a problem with me all right that means based on fact news so I look at it and say are you joking and it's like you know sometimes people come with this mentalities that I'm going to try to make angels say something bad about somebody it's amazing like like even some questions we receive here for you to be like say something against the sky it's not a that's a say juicing spirit try to pull you into a trip and if you just notice and say wait what is happening it is a juicing spirit I don't know if you're getting I've you know are you getting it now what a people saying is saying you're teaching you're teaching profit you're full of revelation since I started following you my level of understanding of the word has gone high and I've changed totally thank you so much amen so so we have people that I've worked with in life that I definitely know and I can talk to them behind the scenes behind this and be able to know this guy's name is this this one is this one this one is this one and I can say no no no no what you know about him it's not exactly what I know behind the scenes am i all right so it's a little bit different all right prophetess Dona Walsh on YouTube the same prophet this message this message is very on time for me I had a decision to make about where I should continue with my education in theology now I know exactly what I need to be with you hundred percent on you to be things watching from South Africa I have so much fun in love with the teaching this is my church that's why I now belong and I'm so blessed now so let me just finish this because I don't want to be taking your your time and I'm about finished and I said I said I was good fit right two more minutes two minutes we were talking about we were on second team odds shamrock for this number three right when they show in not endure sound doctrine but after their own last and then we gotta fight but what's thou in all things endure afflictions do the began evangelist first number six for I am now ready to be offered to be poured out like an offering somebody's gonna do it on my behalf that's what I say so it's not saying I'm now ready to offer myself but to be offered so he knows this is a violent death coming for him and the time of my departure is at hand this is what you need to understand when people talk about living forever they are not living at their some of them live out this part where it is saying but to be offered that means there is also a time when you can actually finish your assignment on earth and God says there is no more need for you to remain here exactly but in those same matters you can actually talk to God to extend your life here on earth so we don't we never definitely no we shouldn't die but we now assignment is over we go home but if you increase your importance on earth to God so that you remain here look at doctors she did a lot of things and the Apostles came as I look what was she doing or she did this what did this wasn't God says okay don't look at these guys when you beg why says pauses we do this way I'm caught between two things to go which is beneficial to me or to stay which is beneficial for you so he still here he says I'm if I remain here you benefit more so God knows if I remove purport they won't they won't really benefit if I take poor to this place he will benefit so let poor choose just between two things imagine you somebody between two things I'm either to go or to stay some would just die like cockroaches these guys is know I'm choosing why the right doctrine had gotten into him all right some people are not getting it I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith what did he keep the faith so how do you keep the faith you fight a good fight you continue on your course but some of you you are being lowered and seduced by demonic spirits molested by them that you are on a straight path and they take you to a place where you can come back to the straight course but pauses I kept the faith article definite article just like in the festival oh I don't know I don't know no I don't know now if we look at what it says in verse number 80 ants what there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing hmm so we're gonna have a crown we know that but not that that's what we I'm not going dude thy diligence to come shortly unto me for DeMars dhimmis was also a present light was a brilliant guy they must means a governor of the people and guess what happens nicoletis with a governor rule of the people a control of the people and their most demonstrate changed from another religion to Judaism and also to Christianity and then the Bible says and Emmas he was one of the big guys that was with Paul moving around with Paul doing a lot of things with he was the the superstar of the date and the Bible says in demas has forsaken me having loved this present world have been seduced by demons he'll remember I've not even told you doctrines of demons yet but what I'm just dealing with seducing spirits so it's been seduced by demons now this demmas guy and is departed unto Thessalonica that's where he came from Greece is to Galatia Titus Thunder down Masha so only look is with me take mark and bring him with thee for is profitable for me for the ministry imagine imagine imagine when your man of God says I need a check this guy is profitable imagine when the men of God wakes up as a you are profitable for me for ministry hey since his profit is in ministries not in business but in ministry my god this guy's profitable now some of you like how can let me know what need to give me something I'm doing I'm doing all the wake these guys that there is a man here was profitable for me [Laughter] anti-congress have I sent Ephesus the clock I left intros with coppers when thou comest bring with me this bring back with ya and the books but especially the parchments Alexander the coppersmith now you look at it what look arises since Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil there were people who acted like their friends saying just by demons molested by demos says as for demos he left me he loves the world now imagine working with poor and loving the world poured walking ignore demons demons would preach windy so poor how do live you kidding what I'm trying to say demons would preach when they see poor poor like poor the right Venus City demons who say these are the men of God who are sent to preach the gospel demos love God don't you see what Jesus got to to that area in and what what happened do with the demons the demon said what have you to do with us Jesus have you come to torment us before that we are you I you by the Lord hey demos look at Jesus the I have you they look at the head men and men of anointing they looked at the antenna said have you come before that they look they're gonna say you we are you by God when demon start calling the name of the Lord and anointing that makes demons to become religious I don't know if you're hearing me when they see a second level of conduit when when you are you are running really in your wrists with the right doctrine not being seduced by any demonic influence you're not stay just and bob says now when you're not being said just like that guess what demons will see it Oh Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil Lord reward them according to his works you can understand you can understand what pours tried to say right there the men we're saying I know I'm going to heaven it's like but but before I got even Alexander Alexander the coppersmith like all right that's another whole teaching for another whole day awful be down we're also not for me only you people be a well the way of this guy for he had greatly withstood our winds it my first answer no men stood with me but all men first took me I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge the ones who didn't Austin with meat fest notwithstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me that by the preaching not by fact doctrines by the preaching might be fully non and that the preacher might be fully known and that all the Gentiles might hear and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion and the Lord shall deliver me from evil awake every voice and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom to whom be glory for ever and ever I mean salute prisca and Aquila in a household of Anna's for us rust Ossabaw at Corinth but trophimus have I left at militant seek what what a post-op oh you think I left a guy that is in my kept sick Paul had a guy in his own house that he left sick too do you understand how people think if there is a prophet angel let him go around curing everyone why is it not going to be poor lefties on guys sick people just think you know imagine PO is telling people bring the books I left you forgot the powerful God and even for what his own jacket it was poor boy like where's my jacket is 8th is not in your bedroom sir he's like oh my god throw ass how is poor forgetting how is poor actually oh my god he left the guy sick and guess what he had to write it in a letter it's an open thing for him it's not a problem even wrote to him one time there you look drink a little bit of wine my son because of your problem with your stomach hey Paul you couldn't heal me you are trying to what is with you ball the issue of the Word of God I do not a variety of faith so if you're very stupid and and not Leonard you would think that men of God is the one we should hear you the Word of God that enters you the revelation of the men of God that it teaches you is what hears you not the men of God that revelation in you the faith that you owed from the word remember faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God the words of God that are coming to you from a mouth and the ones you receive with your own heart and your spirit and then it builds faith and by your faith you get healed now says here some shall depart from pure doctrine they start listening to seducing spirits so the guys like I left a guy sick how come is the person who is sick well it's near Paul there is the lesson from peyer's not listening who is he listening to heteros did ask allo I'm not that teaching some way that might have confused what is being taught with regards to this subject that poses you can't be huge by my laying on events you need a little bit of wine because wine was medicinal at that time so please you're not I don't know if they're getting it getting it constants on Instagram you saying this is my first time watching your sermons and I'm grateful I have come across one thank you very much mean of God for this powerful word thank you so much and I would just read first Timothy chapter number five chapter number five and I believe in about 23 there since verse number 22 this is the lay hands suddenly no no or no men another doesn't be quickly but like a lineup I want to pray for you don't need that be a patek of other men's sins keep thyself pure 23 drink no longer water hey hey this is something for other people this would be a very good instruction from the Lord but it usually to wine for your stomach's sake and for the often infirmities notice it doesn't it doesn't have only stomach aches here's some few problems medically some some few sicknesses on Timothy oh god I don't know if they're getting it right are they getting it now this is timid he is not only sick with stomach ache no some few diseases on timid a son that is loved by Paul with a little bit of sicknesses since then for a few other infinity for what are you saying how to do what they opposed to you know the big guy Lien's on your son he's a pastor you need to get you now it says no no no I've got a solution for that guy in fact I don't even need to write to send another guy secretly this one now writing a letter please drink a little wine stop water not only will stop again you have some problems I already know why didn't you hear them Paul listen there is a difference there is a way to ministering but there is a revelation on healing that this person isn't caught yet so medicinal thing is the best thing most people do for this guy I don't know if you are hearing what I'm saying [Applause] come on you to be saying the faith that you have in the Word of God is the one that uses you thank you say we get it amen and Regina saying good news is surely being preached here powerful thank you sir amen amen amen and prophets time on the same prophet I love you too much you make me love God more I connected the Grace and I'll follow you to Christ now if you notice we can talk about the book of this alone the saloon Ian's but if you're nothing like I said they were present when Paul was writing it so you can say oh no also they writing but really Paul is accreditors writing but not is timid did not write any book if we want to talk about right right right you get a point you don't write any book yet he was big why didn't I write a book there were problems that they had he was also much worried he was learning fast all right where are we and we about to finish that really I really want to finish now but because we are dealing with just that we are in second team of for some you know Erastus aborted Cohens but trophimus have I left at militant what sick to die diligence to come before winter so you also afraid of cold you Balazs great earthly this this was a my guy and prudence and Lena's and Claudia and all the Brethren the Lord Jesus Christ be with I spirit grace be with you amen now he writes that and we go back to 1 Thessalonians chapter number 4 and we will be finishing right after that Londo Queen Azima Arena League ago sticker dear Polly cozia imagine we didn't really do we didn't really go to a lot of places I think we actually this one it sailing yeah just won't move what yes we just wait one verse all right now I want you to see something it is speaking lies the way these pseudo logos I don't know if you if you understand when we say pseudo something is pseudo alright are they are they with me these guys alright pseudo means not genuine pseudo right people no pseudonym is not genuine so the way they say speaking lies in other words pseudo logos it looks like in the word what is it it's a lie it's a twisted wet so it's AZM now the Spirit is speaking with in no uncertain terms very clearly you know with the strongest of language is that the times are coming not now exactly during the time of timid but they're coming in the time of ubirr angel and all these are the preachers where people will leave who stand aloof from the real teaching giving access for seducing demons for demos that make them lose their way and they can come back to the straight way and doctrines of Devil's teachings of evil spirits preaching effec gospel leading to hypocrisy having their brains see it with a hot iron if you imagine taking a brain out of your scowl I'm putting it on an ironing table taking a hot iron and going like branding it branded like it like an animal you don't need an animal when you have you take that thing in a metal thing and put it in the in the fire and we are red-hot maybe there isn't Dior 113 and that's what the Bible says since this seducing spirits be getting to you in flight they fry your brain so you're still thinking very hot but your brain is fried even the things you are seeing they are fried the things we're hearing they are fried because you have desire to teach but you are desiring to teach but you didn't go to college so what you say on the pulpit is leading to demons being drawn to the people and remember that wait son a notable number is sitting class notable ones they're people you know people means to be known Oh Rollie Gans aquiline Craddock even ants yes are we are we together hope we are other people who are understanding the only thing it's like you are teaching secret verses but they are they in the Bible we read them every day with our new understanding and all the same prophet you on another level tonight very very powerful your knowledge I'm actually in another level where every night well we'll take that you know what can I say yeah I love it so much it respect you and love you now if I take from fifty more than three and I and I move it to like maybe living persecutions afflictions which came unto me at Antioch at Iconium Lystra what persecutions enjoyed but out of them all the Lord delivered me yay and all that will give godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution see if your men on what is all suffering basically these are the men of God it's a very simple thing if you're not fighting with it if you're not fighting with the enemy the enemy is standing next to you and you're walking the same path see I don't need reason listen if I wanna make it clear I don't need to throw any punches but the devil is throwing but is throwing well is in front of you heating the air but for him to not even throw you are moving together your buddies so me how come you're your minimum God is always in controversies do you understand that there is no man of there is no child of God who is really getting into heaven who tries to fight another man of God or another Christian no man so there are people say I want to expose the men of God - what - pull prosperity maybe but to expose so that people not listen it's a lie it's never gonna happen it's never gonna happen there people were sent for that men of God you can never destroy God's church no matter how the dev Williams office failed the Bible says the gates of hell you think you're better than the gates of hell they gets over here will not prevail again as the Church of God and you think you get destroyed men of God there's something that another actually shop told one of my mentors and said son if a woman or a men or a scandal con scandal involving a men can stop your ministry you were never meant it since you never made it goes no no anything on you if they're 19 was there they don't even carry the church through now listen there's some generals who think over me that you don't understand I will make him for 12 yeah and all that will live godly right first time I said it but evil men and seducers yeah yeah and seducers shall wax and worse deceiving and being deceived they will be busy deceiving and as well as distinctive in themselves but continue thou in the things which thou has lent and it's been assured of knowing of whom thou has lent them and that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus and no scriptures given for inspiration by God and profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness what is he saying in righteousness it is all scripture whatever scripture you read is already doing something in you all right I don't if you read mark 14 23 and we'll be finished with mark 14 22 yes yes yes yes mock 14 verse 22 mm-hmm and as they did eat Jesus took bread and blessed and brake it and gave to them and said take eat this is my body and 23 and it took the cup and we need an omok what I give you mark 14 then I give him McFarland 20 a Mach 14 22 yes Mondays what into a mark 14 22 and they say he did it Jesus took bread and blessed and brake it and gave to them and said take it yes my body keep going 23 and it took the cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank of it 24 and he said unto them this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many 25 verily I say unto you I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine until the day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God now I want you to see something here on that last will it last supper you know but really no Last Supper because there will be a lot of suppers after that but I like the effect is lost Appa the disciples are with him they are eating is Blair is his blood the drinking his blood eating his flesh you would think these guys are going to understand it later on when he dies no they didn't understand the guy is the one who rose from the dead they're even some of them are walking with him Myers walking and they have no idea it's him something has not happened in them and the purposes and I started reading from bakdae giving them the right doctrine they'd forgotten it said have you not read what is written of this guy they forgot the real doctrine of what he taught so when you forget you already been seduced so being seduced doesn't mean to say you now believe a certain thing you have forgotten the right thing they can just come and make you forget the right position and now you don't know how to copy that we were thinking you are the one with they way they listen these disciples actually asked them the mother came and said you can you put my son's next to to you when you come into your kingdom then jesus knew this know the kingdom we're talking about an immediate I'm going to they have to heaven he was telling them I'm going to heaven and they still thought he was gonna be the leader in physical political leader of them to overthrow the Romans that's what they thought yet I told them so many times because they never bothered to go back and read and see what it was being seduced by demons it's not I want to show you something see I'm not here I'm not supposed to come here and teach you new stuff give me let me try and change that so that you understand the reason why you people are here right now on this platform and I excited alright I excited that oh wow look at way oh yeah you feel oh my good oh my god that's true that's true do you know why you are accepting like that is because your spirit already knows the truth so you are quick to accept it as revelation revelation is when what is in your spirit that hasn't been registered in your mind here's something from somebody and the things that I'm saying matches what with what God has already put in your spirit when you were born again God place something in your spirit when you were reading the word God was placing something in your spirit and a preacher comes and teaches you something they'll be like I don't know that vision it's not touching me then I touch the same face boom somebody say wait a minute that's it that's it that's true you think I've taught you something you I haven't I'm bringing in something that is new to your ears but not new to your spirit your spirit is getting it like okay this is what we've been waiting for this guy to wake up this information is correct is the same as listen for me oh wow same thing why I use this I I knew something was wrong with that verse I knew something was wrong with that explanation of that vest guess what you're doing your meeting this too why because the Bible doesn't even allow us to if people would teach us Oh [Music] teachers mm-hmm the teachers are teaching us things we know - unison accounts is simply is simply one is plus plus in - that's accounts but you know the mixtures inside and then credit debit why why why you know quadratic equation it's just numbers we already know one two three four to count we know but now these are like no we already know these things but is the way they are lined up I don't know if you understand first John 1 verse number 27 first John one first on my twin seven I want to show you something this John first you'll one Twitter listen all right let's let's let's get get me effect before I get there get me first team on first Ahmad for phase number one again so that we deal with that now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils now the issue here without with doctrines right doctrines of what of devils the word doctrine I wanna get that before I get to the verse I asked did a Scalia it means to which is taught right to a thing that has been taught I don't know if what I'm trying to say is they are suggesting demons then there is something that they are teaching and if you notice what I said heteros did a scholar a new thing you are bringing in but the one that I'm teaching you is not you as a 1 john 127 127 1 John 1 1 John 2:27 go there first John 2 verse 27 go slowly but the anointing which will see what did I say demons are teaching you new stuff the Christians teachers are confirming a teaching in your spirit all right its first John 2 verse 27 but the anointing which ye have received him abided you in you in so the anointing way it's a buzzing way in you remembers not going anywhere not reducing it's not increasing for those people that don't hear me and gaming now listen there is nothing called increase in anointed you know we put out a more I've put out a quiz on the internet on a Tom Graham about the double portion oh my god I said how many times have I said this there is nothing called double question we even have a teaching for the horse of is written nothing called double portion people saying yes because this one did double so as they have addabbo miracles are you joking no way and we we read is like 2022 miracles that that this guy's that this guy did Elijah and in in all these writers a8a this one's keen some zest in this 132 it's a lie I can count in counting count until you stop I will stop counting miracles that day Elijah did that Elijah did they're not eight they're not skip Dean they go beyond system alright you read carefully you got the own 22 and we'll check I think would take some time in and do it yeah so the these guys are teaching new stuff heteros leaders collier the teaching new stuff but we the Christians are confirming it you can learn as oh ah Wow okay so I'm gonna do this what it is Wow but why you are agreeing is because you spirit already has say my spirit best test one with the spirit in this feed base terms with my spirit radiate so they are 19 you have abides a new one abiding you and you need not that any man teach you you don't need that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things in this room you don't need what you don't need that any man you don't need a teacher sighs no you don't need nobody to be teaching you why you already have the Spirit of Truth in there when you have the Holy Spirit and the teacher comes and teach he is confirming what is in your spirit and the Holy Spirit in you says I accept that when I already know that truth that's truth let's take it into your head now let's agree and take it into your head and then your head is now controlled by its the spirit rather than the flesh boom it happens now you're thinking but they are teachers pastors and teachers those pastors are they to confirm with your spirit and your spirit is already controlled by the Holy Ghost in you and the Holy Ghost you simply said as true what I'm hearing is correct what a mirroring is correct what a miracle is lining up that's why we have to receive Christ we have Christ in us we are baptized into Christ and then the weight comes in my little children of whom I strive on to Christ is formed in you what is happening the weight is coming the weight is coming and is agreeing with what is already in spirit very very simple now the Bible says we don't have very well hired a trainer God master Wang and if you watch you watching me just say master Wang and much less used to train me and I'm in Ipswich out and this master Wang guy went there few sessions with him it teaches Wing Chun he would do some complicated moves in England very simple very simple just do like this in jab very simple like that it's not simple they don't kick at doing whatever I'll move they're like very very simple very very simple yeah so when I said very very simple there I realized not an item that was simple and I can see a little bit but one be like no tell us what what Elijah did and you know it's like oh my god Jesus of India let's see what they are saying so that we quickly closed on Facebook Rosa Sarah she's saying yes Amen we already know the truth they stood inside our spirit and the truth is our Jesus Christ that's why we are saying that's true because you are teaching us the truth through the Living Word of God hallelujah amen amen [Applause] it's amazing right the lawyer saying my heart and spirit is so full today because I'm coming from such a place their doctrine changed with every popular trend or wind of the political environment and for those who are kind of don't even understand what we are teaching when teaching suggesting spirits but just for your interest number one you predicted the bright cause the bright the drought to come Elijah I remember I brought the rain again two miracles already fed by Ravens three miracles increases the widow's Seraphim you in oil for miracles raises the widow Sun five fire from heaven six rain comes back that's another way we're very well soon six seven fed by an angel twice and I just mentioned let's put it as six this let's call it seven let's not call it eight or get fed by the Angels twice a gentle whisper of God at Mount Sinai mmm the dogs eat just about exactly as it's a nine fire from heaven twice let's call it ten or eleven now allow it now we're on twelve if you think about it then twelve thirteen divides the Jordan River fourteen Elijah carried by a whirlwind into heaven following a chariot of fire then what were we on we all the schettino72 me yeah then number eighteen he did not die you talking about transport but you forgotten the guy is not dying a 1019 living in heaven in flesh is not possible already 19 then coming back to see Jesus on the mountain with Elijah as already to end prophets that Isaiah who died 21 prophets but our sons will be destroyed exactly 22 prophets that Elijah will get a double portion and he got it 23 we haven't even gone no way this is just an intro to what he has done and listen the guy did not die how many diseases he did if it get all this stupidity that people give you an order kind of nonsense read Deuteronomy 21 1517 so that we finish this argument before we go Deuteronomy 21 15 to 7 don't listen to this nonsense of double portion don't listen 15 quickly do quickly the men have two wives even men is two wives okay one one will have admitting to say the younger one mm-hmm they yellow born the younger one right the younger wife in the world in another in another what simple what that you know in other visions it actually says the first wife and then it marries the younger one which we loves most uh-huh and they have children so they give birth to two children all mouths first bones to first ones you know people we had to face bones so the first one who means with ugly in the second one who is more beautiful you know and both of them have two children two male children uh-huh both the beloved and II hated and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated 16 then it shall be when he make when he maketh his sons to inherit that which year so now watch this there is the firstborn here you know first want to just was different if you come out the first time your firstborn they would actually type a red cloth here to say you are the first one on the hint or on the leg depending on you know now saying you have two wives the one order the one younger the first one that you married in the second one the first one and the second wives in the same wife generally younger and you know in and the other one old and then they give birth to children and when it's time now for them to inherit mm-hm what happens daddy may not make the son of the beloved don't make the son of the one you love to inherit more things what do you do before the son of the hated which is indeed the firstborn mm 17 but he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn you should take the son of the first wife by giving him a double give him a double portion of all that he has oh the one you have not the one you only don't have Elijah can't give what he doesn't have he has no double Elijah so the law was said by Moses there to say look there is something called firstborn portion and the first one is with a double portion so since the first one is with a double push and guess what we need to do I have an idea for you what do you what is the idea the idea is simple you what you do is understand that the law of the firstborn has to be observed so when when Elijah comes into the life of Elijah he knows it's the fifth son firstborn so guess what happens he claims the face born double portion but the double portion is not for a portion he the men doesn't have you can ask for me to give you a double portion I'm one person I don't double me if I have doubled me I want to keep me I would want you bidding you to do double right now your is it so so what Elijah is simply claiming is since I know I'm the firstborn and they are also sons of the Prophet make me inherit more than those ones that's all he's saying he is courting a lot that Moses put in place and preachers are running all over saying double portion me 21 15 to 17 we read it some people like what's the best day it is the best but don't honestly you guys hearing me every day you should be knowing these things this is the easiest things to know alright excellent route on you should be saying your teachings do not just impact my spirit only but my mind is also very engaged like it is so easy to fully focus on what you are teaching thank you very much and hope saying glory be to God prophet you are confirming what is already in my spirit so so guess what so we have a lot of people just thinking that those things like oh yeah yeah you know I have a double portion of angel then people like a triple portion yeah thunder wise means they I did a triple / - no you did the Quadra quadruplet quadruplet you get a little but we we we we we we get to the out cuatro and then you get the for one the fourfold how do you get for you better angels honestly how do I get for you better angels I need for you been ages right now I need him to be in that branch and that branch and for impacted you know if I can make an impact in I'm one like this imagine if I was four okay so there seems to have been a problem in the relationship between this guy and his father he called his father my master and the sons of the prophets said your master will be taken two days I missed the sons of the Prophet considered a massive and yet he was the son he decided to treat himself as the seventh when he was the son to the point that the sons even know that they were even informed that I'm going today but the seventh was and Elijah wasn't informed because he operated is a seven so in your operating and your humility always noticed don't try to be 270 no you are working hard for your father but also understand that there is the father side of it that you need to take advantage of I need to play around with him play football with him and it also carry me just make him laugh I need to say hi say some people some even of my process we have my numbers who never wake up and say how are you saying I just love you never never they guess what you do two weeks like where have you been you're the same there are people who need that number that don't have it then there are people will they have no not one text to say hello say look I appreciate what you are doing no way no they just act like it's not around isn't what is happening there they're acting a sevens so when times do inherit to come you look for the person that they don't even expect so this means is this statement he says if you see me when I go the way to see if you recognize Who I am all this time you are saying master master master master when the Cheerios came isn't my father and unguent dropped because now you know who I am all this time you were just that's wise it is difficult for me to give you this because only children inherit us event that's why I said you asked the hard thing because I can't pass down inheritance 287 I need to pass it down to a son so on Sunday I have the global in petition that one that one you write books about it and listen it's not for sevens it is for sons and daughters [Music] so I says if you shall see me if I leave if you only knew who I was to you not a boss a master no not a lot over you no no no no no if you know who I am when I be taken if you see me then that would drop his didn't say my mother my father my father immediately after you acknowledge the father would the mantle dropped now he was with it and when he got to the sons of the prophets look at what they said they said the spirit of Elijah's surely on him they could tell there was something that has already changed something shifted imagine his son was not acting like his father they never said he is the spirit of Elijah when he was alive they never said ascended masters taken but when he was coming they knelt down to Elijah they say we can see like I knew now they never saw it in him the other people were copying but the real sons that was supposed to to relate with their father they did not that's exactly what's going to happen on Sunday few a7 you're not receiving it Ichabod trust me trust me I know you what you think your yes they are 19 is lifted I know you people they already think you know what you know what I'm gonna say it's only your spirit that is the information and when I release those buttons and those bars of the revelation your spirit like I knew this I told you you didn't listen you were listening to some pseudo logos heteros did ask a low hallelujah and I love you so much the speaking lies in hypocrisy speaking a lie in hypocrisy meaning to say you are saying I am going home to my house but guess what don't get married it doesn't matter meanwhile you have what six pack waiting for you so you are speaking a lie in hypocrisy a pseudo logos effect gospel you're telling them don't get married and you can't wait to go to your six pack ass but don't get married and you can't wait to go to your yellow bomb I think they should have a blackboard how your the yellow born you know what what about blackboard okay you got a way to go to your blackboard blink is beautiful so so so so Jesus Christ Jesus Christ these two do need Jesus now somebody just showed that yellow is better oh my god alright Frank capital on a team Graham saying profit lesson day you declared the end of lack and the end of the starving season because the fall of the wreck abides marks the end of our sufferings so I grabbed that prophetic word today I signed my first contract as a car [Applause] Frank is saying he's going to be receiving almost a thousand dollars for two weeks of work at a time and it's happening it's happening tell a man does he have a question from beta as you saying I'm a Christian from a different church but I don't have a mentor is it wrong to hear two different preachers I preached a message I just pretty amazing thank you is it this is seducing spirits you hate the word but guess what because you desire heating up preachers so you can't stop and by no means saying don't listen to this one in this one in this one the purposes don't hip-hop preachers whatever you know is heaping up bridges you know it alright maybe three are not heaping up according to you maybe twin they're not but you need to understand somebody's gonna say something different to the one some something somebody said and then you're caught in the mix of it then you wonder why the disease is not living you why the profit is not living you why you mix doctorates so simple that's what the Bible says it this way you know he says have faith as small as a seed of a seeker mine why the second entry is the only tree you can bud with another tree in other words there is no you can take an orange and mix it so that you know budding a lemon and an orange tree if you cut a branch of a lemon and they take in an orange and you graft it and you tie it it will produce orange and lemons in one tree exactly now with the second winter you can't do you know what that means that means Jesus chose a tree that in agriculture you can mix with another tree in other words again your faith pure that it is one thing you can mix it with anything else so have young men of God that you say okay if somebody saying I'm sampling everyone so that I know what I'm following right then but then have your guy in the Bible say we have Paul and I've read Paul and anytime I hear Peter and it mixes what he is saying and he goes against Paul I know Peter I didn't get the revelation exactly there are points where Peter I was getting it wrong and it's in the Bible we'll get that time to talk about it because Peter was not preaching to the genders but Paul was sent for us so we know post revelation on that's why they even get told to a point where Peter was being corrected in the same Bible by Peter by Paul said I resist him to his face and I told him he was wrong is in the Bible so you know some people just read oh but Peter said but Peter said does Peter agree with Paul has it gotten the revelation of the person who was sent to you with the grace message if he didn't get it then I say okay everyone is measured according to Paul all is understood through the eyes of the Pollin revelation all right so if I hear what he says and I look at Paul and I some I think he was trying to say this that links with this not I think he is gone he is one kind of revelation this is something so you have your own guy that you say if so but it teaches something there is again a spa service in my way of dealing with what I deal with I just look at him like okay this is a definition I don't say is wrong as I maybe isn't quite gotten to the level that I want him to get to you know saying if somebody just something that is not like mine my student should be like properly and you say disengage as this way this way then I went and read for myself and erase all this why do you want to listen to too many people I have no idea do you know if listen to Fox News and listen to CNN clown news network you come out as a clown if clone news network and see they know the same time like what on earth was i hearing so you have to really really understand these things why do you need a lot why why do you need five why do you need six why have you understood even one music that one guy is preaching so sometimes when we go to to my Mintos Church and when we ain't there we'll be sitting like this and he would just walk in straight as a pastor stand up saying by the way so simple like that what did I say about the anointed how can a person increase the anointing and possibly yeah in the book of our you faith if you faith in a new black Oh doesn't say these things is it this way and people don't know why they've been playing around reading other people so they no longer know now which one is which that mixed up it's exactly what takes place when you do like that just imagine if that is that's on your on the spot and it's happening like that how many times did they'd ever do it to you and you started quoting wrong ones Jesus was being bullied by the devil so to speak he didn't really get bullied by say but the devil was trying in the Jesus was giving out scriptures that are straightforward that would answer that thing but if he had laid from 79 people he'll be courting to be to our temptation the Bible says the end of the world and the devil I go who is that to do it what I'm telling you now you know but he was giving the word bomb bomb bomb bombs and bombs he knew exactly what to say and he managed to defeat him father in the name of Jesus Christ I pray for this that I hear right now that are interested in the gospel knowing exactly what they should do father in the mighty name of Jesus that they be removed from seducing spirits and doctrines of devils in the name of Jesus that right now even as they get into their offering time in their seeding time in their partnership time but I decree and declare their tithing be holy being made holy be made separated they are offering be separated and even they are seen let it be that seed an offering let it be that sin that develops a voice that is more eloquent than their voice in the name of Jesus that when they saw they saw for greater revelation for greater understanding that there what off the spirits that are seducing in the name of Jesus said active spirits I speak to you I add you to live in the name of Jesus to leave them alone in the mighty name of Jesus to leave their offering their seed and their partnership and a title own in the name of Jesus that they be offering a holy sacrifice unto the Lord not just the seed but themselves as a Holy Sacrifice what I decree in Italy it is well in Jesus name take your seat and go WWE good news world that come and take your offering let your offering speak for you it's time for our offering and you don't need to go back to go down you need to be giving your seed and you're offering instant when is the service in our Friday service and this week we did very very brilliant we started feeding our own church members listen charity begins at home is not a scripture all right charity begins at home is not a scripture it is just something that is close to the scripture jesus said preach the gospel to every creature starting in Jerusalem imagine say starting way in Jerusalem that means he said started from start from home and when you do do the obvious just go there and say it's done dun-dun-dun friday we are continuing seducing spirits and doctrines of devils listen we see today if you notice we didn't even teach what doctrines of the Devils are did not alright we just thought that they're seducing spirits and who teaches them and what's the reason why they're teaching wrong things I noticed when they don't teach the right thing they're already teaching doctrines of devils right when you've done thank you so much Molly Boko Haram al-sharif a I think that's it offering dance Solomon give me a thank you offering that I earn some of this can you create an ecocash link for us yeah in Zimbabwe I don't know I think they will create it but I think it needs to be created it needs to just be created on online no I mean online this we put online so that people don't thank you so much for Miriam TM who has given an item Graham computer science major has done it thank you Merry Christmas Jimmy has done it and just what put two masses got done it Sarah be honey thank you so much thank you so much and Manuel McGarry thank you thank you a lot of people are doing it and it's amazing that we also have mature people that when we start doing what we are doing and understand some people are giving using runs there's a young man that is given using runs here on on YouTube thank you so much and remember what you do on YouTube they take 30% thank you so much again he is then just done it again Mulugeta Hare Rama thank you so much thank you so much highlights thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much I like high life for some reason praise God thank you and profit is down the Wow's thank you so much and wisdom Schumer thank you so much and and I answer they said and woman I'm um I'm very sorry for the way I answered this this woman of God last week I think this woman of God who as the very stupid question I'm very very sorry for the way I I kind of responded is it's something that I didn't want to go that way but you know sometimes when you ask two-bit questions the Bible says answer a fool with this foolishness I just did what I said because the Bible said it I'm very sorry ma'am may God bless you thank you Christina Williams thank you so much and we'll get a harem oh thank you again I appreciate it I appreciate it I appreciate I appreciate it listen other people waters in Victoria Joseph is done Rebecca is done Sarah is done we must Simba is that it thank you so much Joe Joey a lot of people are doing it and on a token gram a lot of people doing it thank you so much for for honoring us with that and listen to this listen to this we are continuing even today they were continuing today and tomorrow we're continuing this church member why because see we are giving everybody else what about start with our own people were struggling it within our churches freely and stuff that we are doing and we will also study starting from today yesterday I think 1 a.m. 1 a.m. 2 a.m. we started sending money to pastors and not just not just our pastors but other pastors and we're sending money to other pastors in you know just you know just blessing them because pastors are struggling and and mamonov God said something said you need to help pastors Cee mentioned that that helped us this and we're following that that that meant it to also help us as we did that in our a not own we gave pastas foodstuffs to you pastors because they are struggling you know some of them are not like us we have businesses outside Church with businesses we do all that things that we do and beside that we are we accomplished author so we write books that have made money that have sold thousands some in business nothing to do with God in the sense of does it say a vest no you know like becoming a multi-millionaire rather a million a in real estate that is nothing to do with the vests or any thing it's just the reset but notice it has made thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars and we write those books they're already going around the world and we making money using other avenues but there are some buses that are paid by the church by the church commits and right now because things are closed they can't make any money things are very very very bad for them a victim you would you would be your Burmese and I was speaking to prophet passion and talking about how we can try and get even the people that he is in touch with to try and get the pastor's also in in Zimbabwe to to get all the foodstuffs there I think he was doing something to do with musicians and some upcoming musicians that can't do anything because of the was the name the the coffee the coffee era and musicians are not having what you call it they are not having concerts and and I think he was working on that and it was just asking so oh what are you doing with that I says no I'm doing I'm dealing with the other area of trying to get past those food stuffs and he is also trying to get foodstuffs and out and I'm talking to prophet Edie Branson and Ed Branson is doing a lot in fact he is then I think was Maria well something where bags and bags and bags and bags are going that side as well so we have a lot of networks some people are doing what they are doing there and in I think people know in South Africa and in Malawi profit we should is do it like I don't know thousands and thousands and thousands of bags and trucks and trucks and trucks full of maize we're talking about a lot of money on on the coffee furniture some of them are not showing the things that they are doing not because they you know not because then they they are like we don't do that or we do this because maybe they're doing it somewhere else they're doing it behind the scenes I'm doing mine behind the scenes then open if I get money from partners I have to show my partners this is what we are doing and encourage other people to also give in sri lanka we have my my son is doing crazy crazy crazy things about so just because these people don't say these things it doesn't mean to say it's not happening it's already happening we're doing what they are doing and listen to me listen to me don't fight nobody don't fight men of God don't fight nothing right now it's time to do the right thing give out that I love you so much and and before we have crossed point challenge and it's gonna be on Saturday Saturday crosspoint charlie and it's two thousand US dollars listen give a chance not one winner no I don't know how many winners maybe five more by five maybe six maybe seven maybe ten who knows that would be like $200 each you understand so $200 each I don't know whether there is a challenge or these it's versus or whatever I don't know what he's gonna do there's gonna be many things this is its ear you better in your junior and he will be doing and this is the Saturday and the next Saturday and and a lot of things that are taking place trust me trust me things are taking place then you have a prayer session Friday all right prayer session Friday we are always 1 p.m. right presses your Friday and it's brilliant I mean I'm liking it then these guys are getting a lot of testimonies happening it's just mind-blowing all right so guys do your thing to do the way you you can do and of course Garrett on Thursday so I think I don't know where the CI is actually happy that it's gonna be big girls big talk to or something I have no idea but they're very nice girls on gota beautiful okay you're right alright because we don't want that using spirits so I know if you don't want that go do talk your talk it stays there every 3 p.m. Wednesday Saturday crosspoint challenge 1 p.m. Thursday is tomorrow there's a 3 p.m. and of course Friday I'm back here seducing spirits listen to me a lot is happening I was talking to my son Jerome Fernando's Fernando I always like Fernando's what I tell you and and it's because of because of there is there is this thing that is happening I think there is a lot of opposition that is happening there for what reason for what reason it's like I don't know why churches are like this why and something with me how they they attacked me a lot I'm still here I'm not going I'm not going I'm not going anyway I'm still here and the Lord is doing very very I was trying to say this I just kind of received a lot of fire or mean or not of grub like please can you mention my name they need to help me too ok there is a puzzles that help me out help your pastors people I hope you person it's very very important I have a lot of people so listen some I think what is Sri Lanka is how many how many Christians percentage there's so many Christians eight percent I don't know I mean I don't know the percentage but just imagine when you are in the end you're being persecuted by the Christians it's just amazing it's just amazing something that needs to be done something that we need to teach our own Christians to stop fighting this fight 7.4% imagine your 7.4% and you are fighting each other you are fighting your generals it's a demonic spirits it's seducing spirits because some people count count those numbers is is like money like okay so if we if we lose this person or so we have lost twenty thousand dollars a year well so so the fight now becomes of money and young preachers that are coming up like like prophet Jerome then they get into what into problems because you are fighting jealous is there everything it's amazing amazing amazing Christians ought to lend this never gossip about a men of God never talk again as the men of God never not one day should you never never never I don't if I have a problem with anybody I fix it immediately and we do with it and if the person tries to continue hitting me that's their own palapa with God they are lying to themselves that they are Christian when they are not if I said to you we are done we're done okay let's fix it fix it and you continue I have even men on but that I know that I hoped in life they are fighting me heavily but we are fighting a a we please I'm enjoying my life I'm telling you i sat down here I sit down here before the broadcast and I said I could obviously jerk my life I don't know do you enjoy my life like me I enjoy my life trust me now we imagine when you no longer having that somebody's fighting me oh my god I can't sleep no way okay I'm moving it's not time to make friends my man oh god said there's no more playground playing ground there's no more playing ground I'm good to go I love you guys I love you so so so much and tomorrow meet you me mo meet you on girl talk I'll be there 20 meters away all right and so it's 8 percent Christians and 8 percent Christians fighting one young man and it would be like bishops big bishops what is your Bishop 3 in do you know Judas was a bishop oh yeah that's what the Bible says let is Bishop free be taken by another so you call yourself video yeah I do that see you next week no see you on Saturday affect tomorrow on your toe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] people like yourselves see this Bible is literally letters sent to partners when when you think poor that's why it's got the letter today the letter today there later today these are letters partnership is much more than being on a mailing list you can say that partnership is a bridge that connects two sides on one side you have individuals businesses ministries and on the other side you have the work of the ministry the rewards for the work of the ministry and the ministries grace the bridge of partnership rests upon two fundamental pillars one pillar is prayer the other is finances these two pillars are designed to benefit you as a partner just as much as the ministry the benefits are a two-way stream from your side you pray for profits you Bert and BB the staff and
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 40,109
Rating: 4.927042 out of 5
Id: _mWkvVcY9tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 24sec (8904 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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