Seducing Spirits & Doctrines Of Demons Part 2 with Prophet Uebert Angel (MAJOR)

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[Applause] welcome tell us somebody that I'm live right now tell somebody I am live I am live am live we on atom gram of Kohl's bureau go TV good news TV youtube facebook instagram i believe and a lot of other channels we're talking about roku preview in a few weeks time we'll be on a poor TV era of course sky 5 9 6 alright so a lot is taking place and we've got apps everywhere autumn gram is the bomb best thing is God there and we are dealing with one simple one let's see here yes part two here of seducing spirits and doctrines of demons and a lot of people that are actually joining and joining and joining the reason why we put demons there and not Devils he's because of one thing he is only one devil and when it is divorce it's actually trying to just say options of that guy called devil so it's just the same as doctrines of demons alright so without taking your time we want to go to verse number one of first Timothy chapter number four verse number one and I will read now the spirit speaketh expressly in other words in this hour at this time the spirit is speaking expressly the Spirit is speaking ex Presley very seriously and in it's not hiding anything he is not hiding anything the Spirit is really direct and we dealt with the words that I appear them which is speak eV and then we're talking about Lego then we we we we dealt with the issue of Lego me meaning a pointing word I don't know if they're getting a pointing weight and I and I can see a lot of people are joining a lot of people are joining a lot of people joining and if you look at the the expression speaketh expressly you're looking at speak F then you look at expressly then you join those words and if you notice it is not Rhema it is ratos difference Rhema ratos is going to sit in it's it's a definite thing that will happen in a certain time it is it is a locator it's a this is the time where the thing is gonna happen and it's definitely gonna happen this one you can't do nothing about it's happening all right so let's hear what people are saying before I continue because it's very very important that people shooting in and are ready to receive the word they are saying thank you so much profit I'm also saying let's celebrate the word of God Barbara Kay is saying I'm joining in from Essex and also Angela may sing praise the Lord amen and notice what it says 'i'm as now the letter x if you look at the letter x we doing about play knows when we're dealing with play knows we are really trying to get to a certain arm i'll say just in a way that it's it's moving you from the direct way and you can come back as soon as you leave you can't come back bad but it's adds another thing here which is the way that we dealt with last week and I'm not trying I'm trying to not repeat so that we can go forward which is which is the way that we we said f Stanley which it really means moving away in inch by it so it's not a complete moving away so this um shall turn away from the faith it doesn't mean to say yeah I don't like that anymore no it means this step by step going out so you might be in church and thinking we are the ones who stay here no depending on what you are hearing and what you are learning you might actually be moving out bit by bit in seducing you said active so just one moment no today they bring a small mini skate tomorrow the ministry it gets just near the knees the next days are just over a little bit so it's like step by step you're being moved towards what they like I don't know they're getting this so we had a lot of people say I know these people that left the church I think that's know this one he says some shall depart from the faith some of the depart from the faith shall turn away bit by bit step it's the turning away we go one step like this guy I don't think he's with me then you can do some few things that you think we're together then it turns away that's something like that's not what somebody who loves me des you can do this when you love somebody then turns away that's something that's something until you two years three years is like by it's exactly the words that I put here so the ways that are not I hear not I'm just leaving you guys by you know you know I'm tired so listen to this if you get to first team of first team all right system of second Timothy and Titus and a book of poll that have got a different salutation how we explain it's a different salutation in other ones this grace and peace all right if you a few notice C is very very different all right it's like um Colossians say is Thessalonians or the Colossians if you want to go they Grace and peace Grace and peace Grace and peace but if you look in second in in Timothy chapter number 1 verse number 2 says I'm too timid my own son in the faith miss in peace all right if you go again uh in in second epistle of paul and verse number two again to team up my dearly beloved son grist mess and peace oh you know the guy is in trouble he needs a little bit of peace and a little bit of messy in in in there so you find him trying to acknowledge that there is something and if you go to the book of Titus face a little pissed off Titus risen before to Titus my own son after the common faith grace mess and peace he realized the thing that are happening the things that are happening in in Titus church and in in in in in Tim Watts church they need a little bit of messy I can't just give you grass and messy I have addressed and peace I need to Adel this so much a little bit of mess there because the thing I'm about to say that will happen in the future you start to see part of it there and you'll be so shocked with what is happening because the seducing spirits will be in your church they are already in there in the in intimates branch an in Titus bridge then palaces but don't when you see what is happening there it's not even the thing in the later times oh I don't know if they're getting this I don't know if they're getting this so the way that appears there is the word in the later times right it is already histories there is there is a word that means the end eschatology we will get the word eschatology all right that's like the end of escas it's like the end of the age then when you get to then history's in that it shall means now the later part of that ends they fine now of the fine now all right if I say to you the later times of the football match it simply means injury time I don't know extra time you know where you say okay we have done everything now we are left with this so it's telling you when it comes to this it would be worse than what you are seeing now so first a month poor is writing to Timothy and the church is growing the Church of Timothy is growing I'm talking about leaps and bounds that's why it is this this guide it complains on to poem like I don't know what I was to what to do with these women you know you get a point and this guy is trying to explain you do this these what about leaders you do this you do this what is trying to do this to correct a check that is growing beyond the leaders ability all right that's why if we look at those books he says let nobody despise your youth he knew the church is growing in there some people who are old who think they know some few things so he's trying to teach this young man look don't worry I know there are women that are giving you problems there there this that are giving you problems so I'm writing to you all right then three years later all right yes the second book of up of Timothy it only three years three years after the first phase timid and the three years later the church of Timnath the same branch is going down rapidly he's losing people why because the persecution has started Nero has come and done all the things that is done and the fires of ROM ISM is on fire Bening and the Christians are accused of it that they are the ones who bend it so they are being persecuted left right and center and Timothy's in there thinking what am I gonna do so Paul writes to him then when you get to the branch of Titus we have a problem because Titus employee he is in Crete and Paul just spend a few a few times in Crete you know a few months encrypt establishing a church so he says you need to help finish the things that I've studied and the way to finish day does it really mean to say I'm completing it it simply means adding winds touch it so he is the one who gets in there and says okay here is the way I'm establishing a church but I have a problem I have now gone but you were left there is this button this but I didn't Vince established when I was there so I left some path and done do them in that year's a another warning because they accrete Crete people from Crete we called three cretins or Christians I don't want you to miss Christians and Christian Christians alright so the creep people from Crete you said there are lazy buggers liars and gluttons poems of writing so your church is good liars and gluttonous people like eating food and lazy he says Venice's it's their couch even their own prophet called the Beleza clutter so this is something that is he realizes we need messy here something is wrong okay maybe they're getting it now somebody's getting it somebody's getting it we have ed saying thank you so much for this word I can't wait to hear the teaching tonight also Konrad I think I'm excited tonight my heart is open and my spirit is receptive ready to get that incorruptible word tonight amen you're getting it some people getting it I'm excited people are getting it yes and joy dr. on Facebook is saying a man may see grace and peace is the key for most of us may see that triumph the judgment of Satan and our own sin teach profit we are listening so the biggest problem that happens when it comes to to this teaching is this and a lot of people that have dealt with seducing spirits and doctrines of demons they leave this chapter and go somewhere else to look for the doctrines of demons because if you not just what doctrines of demons are if you read them as a these are the doctors the more people like how can I even warned of doctrines of demons it's nothing the demos are not as complicated as you think they are okay I don't know if we are getting it so so I'm gonna do last week I dealt with there are things called seducing spirits but I never dealt with what really are doctrines of devils all right so I don't know if you are hearing Shana traversing thank you so much for these teachings prophet they are full of life raising a certain level of Christian but never ever has been seen or heard before thank you so much mmm and in profit Jerome is saying through this weekend teaching the major profit is revealing the weekends of seducing spirits amen so before I continue with this subject I want to honestly just take a small a small journey and gather the Galatians chapter number two and and I would say verse number one two and three Lando's even our critizise Colossians 2 2 verse 1 then 14 years hearing how beautiful that voice is then 14 years after I went up again to Jerusalem journey after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas mm-hm and I took Titus meat with me also remember he is writing and he's referring to Titus in university mode the guy loves this guy's verse number 2 I went by what by revelation I want you I never want you to miss this and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles but privately only to them which were of reputation I went to the reach and do those in high positions the gospel is for the poor the purposes Blizzard at the poor in spirit not in money those who hunger for the kingdom kingdom of God even the ones who are spiritually mature but they are constantly hankering they develop an appetite for more after getting food they develop an appetite for more that means they become hungry but their food so they are mature but they still need him that's why I always say to people when you know God you begin to know you know you need to know him the more you know him the deeper you get into God you realize it's deeper than what you thought all right when you think you know him then you really don't know him because the more you know him the more you know you need to read more know more now there is some depth in him that we haven't studied no matter what all right says here but privately to the much of reputation lest by any means I should run or ahead run in vain since when it comes to other people I would go privately but also I knew he knew he had located movies of reputation now churches are going everywhere just preaching from everybody to everybody you know like we set up a church do you know the police commission no we don't do you know the lens guy who gives lens in this city no you know I will just bring you go to provide you a joker okay you're a joker did you speak to to the minister of length very difficult you mean being very difficult for a Christian with food with the Holy Ghost they are busy Christians are busy praying behind the scenes in prayer rooms and in on mountains praying for something that they can just look at a woman and men as alo say I really am looking for Lindy that's it in the plane in prayer imagine what God said say do not worry go into that circle go into that City for I have many people in that city God relied on people not only Samaritan not only the power is it going like say don't worry or you don't know fear nothing for I have many people in the city not much anointing I'm God ah we are relying on people that's not even what I'm preaching about but I just wanted to possible day now this is what neither titus who was with me being greek was compared to be circumcised all right do you notice what he's saying saying circumcision was day party you said no i'm not compelled to be circumcised because now we have received christ we don't need this rest of my voice what I wanted to zero in on and that because of false brethren since the church had been infiltrated by false brethren the II mentioned at first something to do with circumcision which was under the law you needed to be circumcised to before you do it to be accepted in the beloved now he says he wasn't convinced don't there were people in the church bringing in law the law instead of grace you're getting it in a few minutes said but no it wasn't convinced he didn't turn away from grace just because there were people were following the law in the cage here is who came prively or privily to spy out our Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us way into voltage a ligament Zika they include of us if you go to Debbie's to womb we you dead in subjection not even for an hour since we did not even listen not even for a minute that the truth of glad tidings might be remain remain with you that the gospel itself is easier so when people hear doctrines of demons they try to figure out which simple which changes our preaching simple messages that doesn't really kind of you know or they just bring joy to people it things are gonna be well with you they may think these are doctrines of devils boys they know there were people who were coming to bring us into bondage but we had a certain level of freedom so then you definitely know the doctrines of devils who bring to bondage not freedom so preachers are going back to the Lord thinking yah if you don't do this if you don't do this you don't know this you are preaching the doctrines of devils Oh doctrines of devils are not seen by how nice they are no no no if there is a verse that says thou shalt eat ice cream and I don't like ice cream that you know thou shalt eat ice cream but I know people like ice cream thou shalt eat ice cream and someone says you should abstain from ice cream for the Lord your God is only guess what people think the doctrine of divorce is is cream because the law is in them and the thing if it be is a little bit harder it should be the Holy Ghost so people run away from the scriptures that talk about the doctrines of the devil and they look for something else from other bases yet they actually they write in the same chapter doctrines of devils everything right then the next evasive doctrines of devils but they will run away and go somewhere so as you see there were people who are doing this we doing this is evil doctrines of devils they are right all right okay maybe some people are getting it over there if they're not getting in you know what can we do on a Tom Graham is saying powerful salmon revelation after revelation true prophet many a times we as Christians are so ignorant of all these important next week networks now I have Lent ah amen now if you're not it's here I'm carried to that it says but the of these verse number six of these who seemed to be somewhat those who seemed to be following some difficult stuff mmm and be big minded guys and you know like they are the holiest ones they looked holy though following some kind of principle that way you know you get the point you get a point since whatsoever they weigh it make it to know no matter to me God accepted no men's men if I read it in the debit Bible translation it says but from those who will conspicuous it's being somewhat whatsoever they way it makes no difference to me God does not accept the men's present for to me those who were conspicuous communicated nothing to me so those you could black that guy I got oh my god powerful so those weren't did nothing so we know doctrines of devils are not had a not easy rather I'm not the ones that give you freedom you know like oh wow everyone just free no those ones will give you rules and regulations that's when you know the doctrine of devils since wisdom are seven but contrariwise when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision because what we don't need the second season nothing was committed unto me is the gospel of circumcision was unto Peter do you see that how Peter in pooi because this one Peter was sent to the Jews Paul was then to us o generic language of Scripture us to the Gentiles alright says zuzia verse number 8 for he that wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision of the Jews the same was mighty in me toward the genders boys dangerous now now I want you to see something here let's go back to our scriptures and let's deal with it one tomate fall and we dealing with now verse number 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy pseudo logos it is a message but it's a different message if they're getting this all right it's a message but it's it's pseudo logos but is a different kind of Lobos now means it looks exactly the way it should look when you hear being talking like that this video god but then it contradicts what paul was said to preach Paul said I was sent with the hand of fellowship but the head of village they extended to me what's not the end of fellowship you think it was the end of fellowship that was given to me because of my message to the an circumsized that they don't need to be circumcised anymore it's all right now now now watch this down without with something that was that we say it's called heteros did Aeschylus all right did ask a teaching all right a style of doing it and then heteros another type is like it's it's packaged very well when you hear you say oh my god that's the holy thing we need to tell you this is the Bible that people are not following what they used to follow way back man we need to come back in and do this the Old Testament was very good and they don't were not the difference between the Old Testament the New Testament because inside the books that are called the New Testament is Old Testament because what resumes touched when Jesus dies Hebrews 9 17 so that's it you get the point you get a point now now it's so important that you hear this very important if you look at Jeremiah 29 he says it this way is it this way you shall seek me when you seek me wholeheartedly with your heart and I'll take you from captivity that means it's not about us seeking the Lord that's not our part so it's Israel which we which was in the captivity they shall Sigma then you get to to Roman's and you say ok Romans tell me something in Romans 10 19 and 20 what does this say they say there is a nation it says Isaiah's I'm starting from 20 hires being bold you spoke boldly and say there is a nation coming in 19 days I will talk into it to to Israel I will provoke you by a nation that is no nation meaning Christians we are a holy nation since you are my people but I'm gonna provoke you because I told you to seek me with your and you did not even do it and I said I will be found if you seek me now the whole Christian it is that be the everywhere telling people seek the face of God right seek God rather seek God you need to seek Him you need to seek Him you just seek Him and guess what it sounds like sounds like gospel seeking God it's seeking God says you shall seek me and you shall find me hey seeking someone is that you you are mentally disturbed the Bible says we are baptized into Christ something is in there baptized in the we put it in there with the eyes I'm thinking water only a mad person is swimming in water asking where water is it looks like it looks like it's the gospel it's not it's just madness it's a lie now I don't know if they are getting this so it's it's some something that you feel like wow yes yes I'm seeking good now it sounds so spiritual that's the doctrine of devils they will bring you to live away they act like their spiritual didn't they do it with Jesus so there if you fall from that place they the angels who take care of you che you can change that that stone into bread I told you before God could have chained the whole mountain into a loaf of bread all right all right so so so so so with all old thing you know bread bread bread bread and butter flowing they didn't because the devil act like a zoo is really really prayerful the devil okay it's got the religious spirit there's a III joy you by God have you come to torment us before that they devil call in the name of the Lord demons become religious demons are very wise and remember they have a lot of experience you were born you're born 1989 Timmons have been there for four two two two two two they were there in the time of Adam they were they they got all the tricks they know this the way they present things and it's the way you think they they've experienced a lot of it they never died full of experience you die they get into another one and they know how many human beings that you don't even know how many people they ended and they stupid they still know the experience like okay no matter human being stick like this so what I do I do like this if they egg like this I'll use the tactic I used them in 1812 so when they grab their doctorates they know exactly they know more human thing is to think I need to to get back into what I used to do this [Music] and they walk into a room like this even if they're shopping they look at the window like this and see nice dressing they they attempted to buy they look at the price they realize it I don't have the money said thou shalt not tempt the LORD thy God you know they're cutting scripture everywhere for whatever is in scripture everywhere [Music] Moses dude on a trip I'm saying we are getting it so thank you for dissecting the word separating the bone from the marrow we appreciate you hey man I'm Sylvia Morris saying seeking the face of God has been the language of many just because we didn't have the revelation of who we really are in Christ even for our pastors tell us to continue seeking the face of God thank you so much for teaching us so we're seeking God now watch this now we're seeking God and remember it's singing God now what's this the Bible then says but I say it all right as a is so bored for he says I was found by a people that never sought me oh and I was made manifest to a people that never sought me in other words there is a Christian coming our holy nation a peculiar nation the Holy priesthood these ones they don't need to seek me I will manifest myself to them then notice what is he didn't say even I will it says I was found by the people that never sought me and you are busy seeking oh but profit is a sickly the kingdom fest and all things things what is the kingdom jesus said if they say there is the kingdom and this is the king of this do not believe it for the kingdom is already in you doesn't come by men's observation is aid and you're still seeking what you already have Jesus is the totality of the kingdom and you've received him he's inside you and guess what you are inside him and guess what if you don't understand the purposes you are baptized into him you are flowing right now everywhere and you're asking I need to look for him then the purposes you are sitting far above principalities in power in heavenly places and the right hand of the Father and you are still trying to get to Zion since we are coming to Mount Zion we are marching to Zion you're managing too much in the same going way you are coming tomorrow and now you're already on Mount Zion now according to what right this minute you are they but but I mean so where to the bubbles you are coming to Mount Zion your flesh might be located in soweto but your spirit our killer mantra everybody's understanding oh yes you know yeah you know this area come on man this thing I don't understand it because I don't feel I'm in my own sometimes why was this my little children of whom I strive and to Christ is fully formed in you you are baptized into Christ but now let Christ this water that you are now in swimming in alright let it now seep into you now that's when the weight is coming into you now the word is now seeping into you getting into you getting into you until you become holy submit not just to me you're always amazed but until crisis also submerged into you that you are now intertwined that they can't tell you apart from Christ when somebody says Jesus you say hello oh yeah oh Jesus you mean the Lord Jesus because now you can't even tell yourself apart from from him all right guys let's continue let's continue because some people Reina could be Nancy like incredible stick about Solomon own action from you saying the devil is an experienced guy hence we are not ignorant of his devices exactly that's what Paul says don't make nor it Tom be ignorant of his devices don't be so many people I know Andy knows you're ignorant and you made that ignorance so the biggest thing that ever fight uses to fight you is your ignorance if he finds you ignorant he found a very nice house to stay [Music] and I don't mind it's the devil's workshop it's not a vest but it agrees with versus psy.d on you to be saying those times it feels so good to say I'm I am seeking God my ignorance has been confronted and on Facebook John charisma saying you are a gem only few prophets have balance the doctrines thank you so much thank you so much now watch this now verse number two speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience all right their conscience is the way the sunay this is all right the conscience with the conscience talking about this song is distinction between is morally good and bad so they have the the mind now doesn't know which one is bad or good your conscience there is no Abbey idea and your conscience is the voice of your spirit I'm not talking about mind here now I'm talking about spiritual conscience here is the voice of what your mind and your spirit mm-hmm now I want you to see something here your conscience right telemon's I can't close now I want you to because some of these things like I say to you Gator Romans to versa my 15 for that Romans 2 verse 15 yeah like I told you I just get here and because I know what I know and then I just get verses to give you it's not like there is a plan romans 2 verse 15 we show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience we have conscience uh-huh also bearing witness and their thoughts the meat the mean while accusing or else excusing one another you see accusing or excusing Wow so you want to do a wrong thing and you touch it okay excuse you based on the weight that is in you it's now accusing you say what are we doing I know other sites okay okay please feel free I don't know if you get it some people some people are getting it now saying their conscience seared with a hot iron the part that knows the right or bed in your as the voice of your spirit it's now granted it's it's like nerves have been bent so imagine your hand is like going like this because of the nerve endings and those nerve endings are bent it can't do nothing so it's it's there but they never anything's cut so gone now so the Bible says there is a conscience that is coming that conscience will be seared with a hot iron the nerves will be done away with so you no longer feel anything say just think demons who've been your conscience notice it doesn't say your mind you go then say I'm not I'm stopping this from today that's good for you it doesn't take you to heaven if you are drinking president right now he drink today in UI blanket you say I stopped this drinking you help yourself but it doesn't take you to heaven now if you're a murderer and you say ok I'm not going to judge out stop killing people you helped yourself it will not take you to heaven what takes you to heaven is a changed heart that has been changed by God not changed by you or the society or the police or jail do something do something if we have mother Teresa here and Hitler here if I ask your question who go to heaven you Blake it's easy it's mother it's definitely mother there is a you'll be joking no just because mother Teresa was giving the poor and this one was giving you know we're killing the Jews it doesn't mean say this one is not going to hell and this one is going to heaven no the bridge for them to reach to Christ is the same the gulf between these two getting into heaven is the same there is a great chasm for them to go into heaven and only Christ can bridge that gap only Christ becomes the cross bridge what they can say okay now that is Christ I can get into heaven if mother Teresa was not born again I don't know a life definitely they will be together right now as I'm speaking to you they'll be together in in hell with Hitler wondering what happened she bled but I was giving the poor he'll be like I was killing Jews so we are whole here what happened to you the good works that she did if if I'm not saying she went to hell please the good works that she did right there are nothing if she was the one thinking about doing them if they were not motivated by the word there was self righteous works she did them because she felt she could do it Yusei but so you are you thinking there they said no it was evil what about Mother Teresa Evo if she didn't receive Christ so the issue is to receive Christ that's the thing that makes you watch it the Pharisees were following everything about the law and they were according to Jesus ha these guys were following everything that was supposed to be followed they were evil teachers of the law evil all right now some people get so changed hearts change actions not changed actions changing hearts change the hearts change actions but only changes that I change by the Lord whatever you know if you get into if you get to a Lamborghini and put ethanol fuel you know ethanol petrol whatever the code with an actual it will move or maybe let's not put ethanol what is that fuel put in the in the cars this v-power and in no more one standard unleaded uh-huh and then a premium one you can put any type you can put premium diesel we can put premium petrol unleaded it will move but sitting cars will not have the lifetime left him that they were supposed to have because you use the chip a grid of petrol one is using their own volition to want to help the sick the poor they disadvantages the less privileged you know all that but one he's using his power to do evil but this one using his power to do good not Jesus so you simply said I don't need a Savior to do these things I can do that without him so that person no matter how you see him is good or her as good guess what they are the ones who are actually telling God I don't need you because I can do this on my own why would I need Christ when I can do whatever Christ has come here to do okay well ray on you to be saying a changed heart changed by Jesus this is a serious reality only Christ can be the cross bridge amen amen amen it sounds young Adam is saying this is so powerful Thank You prophet for revealing the mysteries I'm being skilled in the word of righteousness and lead learning to descend both good and evil amen amen amen so a lot is taking place a lot is taking place now now now uh-huh also we have a question from T and she's saying how do you know that it's your own heart telling you to stop or that is the Holy Spirit leading you to stop from within the point is if you made the decision it's so easy to know remember what I said to you in the book of Romans 2 verse number 4 the goodness of God tends people I goo all right I want to give you this scenario so you understand maybe what you're asking but it's gonna be short normally tell the whole story in a bigger way but this is gonna be short I think you know what what are those people called vision the ones that dens on the pole yeah yeah I don't know them so I don't know them so I just need to ask them people here strippers all right all right why did you say monks or something monks do that is what they are dens on the poor I think now so they sell fake joke we do now is i inhaie in house drugs now listen there is this stripper who came to church when Dilma was preaching the omen is preaching on fire that guy was on fire and would preach the law but you know recently you know a few days before that of him with this form that he he now he had change or change of heart and now he was preaching grace so he said God loves you the way you are those who want to receive Christ don't worry about what is happening in your life come to the front people rush in the front and he's led them to Christ and this stripper remains standing and everybody went begs like sister were you what can I help you with she said I'm a stripper no she said she said that I dance in the club should I stop now for him to say should stop he told them God loves you the way you are he says no please go ahead and dance she said you don't understand the way I dance said no God loves dancers loves everyone she says no identity club now the preachers like it what club again loves us so that dense naked ha and the whole church had the preacher saying come as you are and you said continue dancing my sister and he's questioning himself now what do I do if I'm preaching grace and this is happening when - she kept on going to dance at a club and dancing naked at a club bla bla bla and he may say one of the midweek days meet say like how are you my sister so everything is working I think she had even testimonies should have been promoted to chief stripper who knows assistantships riba the next week the edge is now their chief stripper now a big one yeah and money is increasing it money's coming clients I've been giving it tips everywhere she's like Jesus is working at a club there and moody definitely said what do I say this woman is even getting tips that they all so he kept on preaching just do whatever you are doing and he kept on preaching the word s is the word of liberty freedom she went there she went never said all stop going to this no strip club nothing this other day she comes back she is in the service and mood is like this woman normally works at this day this is the day she makes what is she Indy he said sister what's happening to your work she said brother evangelist moody it's looking me I don't know wait win listen nobody nobody condemned head nobody said C Wallace I can city a condemned you I also have my issues so what I can do is preach the gospel what it is is the gospel of grace grace itself would change you now she said I can't the dancing is no longer in me but you mean you don't want to go said I quit do you have another job no I just quit yeah I could they in the environment is no longer my environment who told a is wrong the gospel inside stop there watch this I'm by no means saying she found a vest that said stop being a stripper there's nothing possibly even can even confirm there is nothing here zero absolutely zero she she didn't she didn't find anything like that what happened was she just had this inhale like what am i doing they what am I say I've said this story over and over and over again and over and over again you understand them and it's always possible in hearing it every day yeah more than anybody is so so you actually knows even the next line so what's this so over and over again we see people receiving receiving testimonies due to aggress alone will somebody just feels like I used to drink if I just find it so are you stopping because we are now a Christian no one day I just woke up and I'm trying to taste the same beer it doesn't taste like it like what it should taste now you know it's not you who prompted the action alright but is it wrong than to prompt an action oh no no no no it's good the bubbles isn't all things are loudly but not all things are beneficial so if not all things are beneficial that means you can actually prompt some actions that are not beneficial say I'm not gonna do this because it's not beneficial to me but that decision doesn't take you to heaven no you decided to stop a thing but when the word is in you and stops you I'm not saying well it's you about to drink and you reminded of it this that is a brother drunk odds all go to him like the bad boys talk to me no it has to be an automatic thing though with God's comes early remember the scripture so madly grew the Word of God and prevailed the one of God increases in UNM prevails of an issue like in my life the Word of God increased over my lake my poverty and profit ran away it can stay anymore why I can't even think of poverty I can't think poor now the word points of I don't have it it's even difficult now saying it why because the wait is over take him that vocabulary his overtaking that condition you understand what the Bible says and there was a certain blind men meaning the same the men's name is forgotten but the blindness had taken over the men's name so they no longer know him you know you know people I say you know the lady you know the lady the the light-skinned one you know the duck skin one from Nate the neighbor they our neighbor should remember the lady take I would let it was moving with all these boys in these that condition is taken over a name now people know here is a klappa guys the guy lady who goes clapping they let you is always exchanging men in the street what a second the condition is taken over now so if the world is like that even in the Bible the word is to take over your condition all right so imagine nobody stopped there from being a stripper she's topped herself know the gospel she said act it's no longer in me so there was something in a she knew but it left one day she just woke up the way that taken precedence she just woke up like should I go to wake to do what environment is boring he never used to boy she was even testifying viewings before see sure remains too for the goodness of God Rick tails people aguz induces when a woman goes to give birth there is this inducing that they do if if it's taking long to they induce the labor you know that that you know Oh put epidural and and gas so to speak it's too kind of painful but not as much as it would be naturally but now what's this that's what the Bible is saying is saying the way the goodness of God when you talk about these benefits to the believer benefits they're not changing because of benefits what Christ has done what he has done for your life how he came how did it slotting in your system until it takes over everything when it takes over everything now you are changing from within you don't change your actions outside you change your heart then your heart changes into the action if you stop the thing you're doing wrong right now you stopped yourself it's not Jesus self-righteous I mean if you say I'm very good again stop myself I don't need Jesus to hang on a cross for this to change no all right and then we have another lady who just came across because of this particular question she's saying my son is doing exactly what you are saying right now as a homosexual and I've been saying only good to him since you've spoken about this before so she's been saying only good to him and the good of the Bible but I fear his lifestyle of drugs and nightlife will get him killed how long does it take to for a heart to change once a person starts reading the Bible and now to talk about the goodness of God we dealt with it when we were talking about marriage and I at the time and we said the there is a problem that people do when they want somebody to change they want to tell them how dangerous it is these guys already know it all right I spoke to there was something that needed done politically some way let's look to one of my my people that helped I would have another organization of mine with pyaara and their main disposition was to say oh my god is gonna be dangerous no no no no no no that is very dangerous to do this to do this to do this I said I didn't call you for that it's already happening this is set is happening right now what I want you to do is to tell me how we can convert because you're preaching to the choir I already weighed they disadvantages I've written them you see what I'm saying so don't think the person who is doing who is going in the wrong direction doesn't know the repercussions really no there is they weighed them but there is a desire in them to go that direction so that desire is what you are trying now to tutor a to to remove and you can't remove it by speaking you can only remove it by saying hey look act in love now let's look at what we dealt with when we did with marriage right we dealt with the husband the wife having the power through communication with the husband when I say communication does mean the way you talk the way you act around your husband see if my kids don't see me kiss my wife don't see me hug my wife don't see whatever when they get married they would just repeat how I treated my wife even if I give them a whole book on how hot sizzling marriage sizzling want marriage fear no okay okay yeah but the old men did it this way they don't go inside men did it this way it's now in them it's just now in them be they don't even know that is now in them to copy me don't go and reproduce me in their marriages until they see me hug my wife kiss my wife carry my wife to the bed buy flowers carry my wife to the car they didn't like that's the way you do it when you have a woman now see they're leaning but they are not saying I'm going to lend this I'm going on yeah I'm gonna practice picking up my wife now in the room no it's just when they have the woman black that's where they start okay so communication the way you act towards a person who is like that if you preach in you stop doing this stop doing this they'll never stop but if they realize I'm loved regardless see the problem with people is when they have conditions like that you would think you are loving them but the communication imagine if somebody you marry somebody and your marriage is up is bad the woman does not respect you the husband does not respect you whatever then the husband decides I'm joining NGOs church comes to church two weeks three weeks four weeks he's completely changed she's sitting in the house like this like I'm changed to this one yeah the fits the wife of fit now massaging them it never happened we do you even use a weblog where do you get this coming from so so all these things are taking place bit by bit bit by bit you're thinking how do you get this how do you get to this level from here today how did you get there then before you know it the guys like I need to go in I just need to go and pray what's so brilliant today I watched this movie bla bla bla nobody said stop this stop that I don't like this I don't like that the point is when that thing happens the prison of like what are you being taught at your church that's so nice that makes you change like this you become an example you become a role model you still love me and you know the Bible doesn't agree with me and you love me like this to this level most people are like we need to change this heart now change the heart now and also remember you're also praying for them but at the same time love changes people love changes people you want to change your Muslim don't go there and say I lies wrong there's no God there's no alibi'd God and Muhammad is not a prophet okay try you know before you get it you get them born again will be bearing you so you have to you have to understand these things you have to understand these things the gospel of love you put love in there and they get confused the Bible says love is not a fuzzy feeling it says it will pour what coals of fire over your enemy love is a weapon God didn't give us love you know that way to be a fuzzy feeling says it will pour what cause of fire some of you that someone hits you you start to avenging ya say this in the paper you say this you do this what is it doing our planning I'm planning organism if you love that sucker I'm telling you I'm telling you there's no ways like why do you love me like this when I'm messed up like this you bring them to tears and you bring them to repentance that's exactly how it is so I know is it it's very difficult to tell someone within that condition to say you witness your son to say I'm saying you don't love him no way I'm just saying stop trying to make him change change him the gospel way that's what I'm trying to say trust me he knows Christ eNOS does not agree with that he knows but it's not gonna you know what I change because you told him no it's not he loves you enough that you would do it but it's it's the spiritual thing now the demons have taken over so what do you do is laugh the demons out of him Ragini I did not say love the demons love until the demons get out because of your love it's raising my partner is a Muslim and I've been delivered from condemning her she is now excited to learn about the gospel see that very simple very similar allies they lie I when I met my wife she was devoted to the Roman Catholics loved the Pope not more than me but telling you the Pope and I'm there talking about Paul and the Scriptures and speaking in tongues which is like what I mean what what are you talking about you know what I do you mean the Pope does invest in these things and we also have million Reiner she saying sir my question is does this apply to the training of children like don't rebuke your children yeah the way to say it tell them you stop this stop this now doesn't mean that at all the word train means they will copy practice it so they copy that's what it means yeah so many people are like how that's why many pastors children amidst messed up because they have sat down and seen their pasta being castigated for nothing for wrong for things is never done accuse rather for things it's never done what for things is never done and they see the sacrifices and they see the little rewards and pastors kids go away what they think ah it's not with it until they see that a pasta doesn't sit down and oppose another person in the church doesn't do this doesn't do this and see this mean just loves these guys even the way those guys treat him and he loves them they learn now now when that happens immediately they will go to a default point a default point becomes my teaching through my practicing what I preach so so many people like but I told him to be born again by is not born again but you didn't act 1 again in front of them so they will get left all right all right I believe I think we are answering you know we are answering I think we're answering questions before we even deal with the doctrines of demons shut up everybody let's go doctors of demons also be like pod 3 and stuff like that what time is it anyway oh no that's a lot of oh my god like that's like an hour now I've done because I had 21 puzzle you know let me tell something don't maybe my wife is telling the truth but the other was the visit them because you see one thing so I think these guys know my my my-my-my predisposing my disposition is if if I want a jacket and I've got two jackets in the in the shop and I'm moving with this lot if I don't want to buy one if I want to know which one is not of quality I said guys of these two jackets which one do you like with the one day go for I know is not quality so go for the other one so these two hours tours I think they are saying one hour one hour [Applause] [Music] all right let's go to that let's go to that let's go to this now cesium we're dealing with asking answering questions like oh my god it's like you know this guy's can answer question and again ask wishes it before they put all preaching they are already asking for things you have not taught you know is like what you know about the things we have not taught now for this for for now this chapter number four is number two speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron right it is Terry as oh right which which means to Mack by branding all right it's like a Mack of the beast to put a Mack on the conscious but using a what ion imagine a brain your brain is taken out and put on a ironing board and God to bring it to court it penny it means souls that are branded with a max of sin right now so if you read it nicely it is really saying it's really saying speaking lies speaking s gospel in a sitting way not just in a certain way but a new way a new gospel all right but Wireless you already do the other one okay I told you before somebody says you don't need a car we're about to go to heaven you don't need a car and after service they go out and drive using the car and your own buses I thought you said we should sell all our cars how so the cars but you haven't audios so they're speaking a lie in Apocrypha having their conscience why are they doing it like this there are conscience I see it without ion they no longer see anything wrong with what they are saying to you all right now verse number three this is what people read they just run away from everything they run away from what the Bible says are the doctrines of devils so I repeat rest upon the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter days some shall depart from the faith number one what does it say depart from from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits doctrines of devils they are brain fried and what would they say because the brain is fried and they are giving it to doctrines of devils what are the dot of the devil verse number three they will forbid to marry you know for you to think your means are so that's that David is all what kind of demon is that is a lazy demon as I stopped Mary its freedom that they are trying to remove you from but this is Paul who even wrote that it is better for men to stay alone in the Roman to stay alone but is like no but to the married I say so that it's ok if you can do this but because there is no time but well is there is no time Mary it should not be stopped people get married so it says the demons will come and say don't marry what not necessary I'm by no means talking about telling a few people not to marry if the Lord is spoken it because well somewhere made units by men so it's possible for your pasta or your prophet to encourage people that if you want to be dedicated to God you can don't don't get married it's ok you know anyways I know what what were you saying alright but notice what he says it's a brother thing this is forbidding to marry we think we know a church that forbids to marry and then the pastor's they sleep with little boys we think we are away now the Bible says that's a doctrine of devils since if you've been for a woman Mary now these old old priests and pastors and fathers they already know for sure that they are bending within themselves so yes they are not Mary but they are now sleeping with little older boys all right getting it some of you and getting it so the issues not these father's its whatsoever brought that system in but now it's causing them to committed sin because the doctrines of a devil that they have taken all right some people are not getting it since the word forbidding forbidding is the old colloquy Gilda so it doesn't just mean to say to someone don't get married it means to hinder marriages someone says I want to get married to that person like no no no no it's not good I'll go for you you know for sure you don't have the Word of God on it but you want to stop it so you hint at the barrage some will run to a woman's to a woman who is married say no no I know what your husband is doing you are entering marriage it's not we didn't get it oh you go to someone's husband or your wife I just I know I shouldn't say this so why are you saying it yes please please please please don't don't say I said it please please don't say I said it but your husband your wife you know you worry I know I know I know I never I've taken to its of prayer trying to restrain myself from saying these things by the Holy Ghost spoke to me right now just now yes just now as I was sitting they were shipping God spoke to me say I should tell you what has been happening this person what are they trying to do to build or to destroy the Bible says to forbid and the word forbid escola which means to hinder marriages they didn't get that hmm I don't know if they're getting it to deny to refuse you anything so you might be in it but exclusively it's not exclusive that it means it means to stop marriages from happening it also means while it's you are in it they will be trying to stop it if we are not in it they will prevent you from getting there it might be the friends that you move with so it says there are doctrines that you have Lent that are stopping you from getting married one lady came to my wife and she said I own I dedicated my life to God I'm not going to sleep with no mini anyway I'm not getting married yeah I've just dedicated my life to Christ now office like okay you come to me next week not now it took four days or five days she had already slept with another man's wife when she came to my wife well I'm sorry I'm sorry I did this I did this ain't nothing you can't do it you she's talking about I'll never get married in my life forget about what's happening now and he's already with another business husband exactly that spirit that tells you you are holy to honey don't marry now all right they didn't get that to keep from to let you suffer to its tent withstand you from getting married okay people are getting it I think the service is cleaning up my soul you are setting me free out of fear I'm trying to do the right thing without the word now I know why I keep on failing thank you so much amen also on Adam Graham we have palace' saying yes those that like meddling in other people's businesses and then we have Prince angel saying they are liars they want to destroy marriages they can't mind their own businesses because they have no business and they have no mind now I want you to see something and please I'm not referring to your church but you know if you change fits what can I do it mm where that's second nicely put the laces up forbidding to marry commanding to abstain from commanding to abstain from apical my to hold oneself off to refrain commanding after they stop this train marriage is not necessary didn't stop you from meets in other words it says here commanding to abstain to stop you to make you hold yourself from meets they will tell you no no it can eat meat on this day sorry you don't eat pork so it seems like it's a simple thing you know you know until like our can be the organs of deficit should be something that's why theologians are not right everyone if you go and say seducing spirits and doctrines of devils you see most preachers are simply ending on verse number one that's it they explain everything that they are bed doctor is there were there then they'll try to find out the basis to say it witch doctors why because they couldn't understand how can this be the gospel to say get married is good marriage is thing is a good thing because they don't get married these demons that are talking do they don't it meets the variety of meat is the most no man it should be serious stuff these are doctrines of devils they're right there I don't know if they're getting it we have a young lady here called Sharon she's saying I was in a convent we were going to be unmarried forever but most of the girls were already dating each other whoa okay please don't tell us we change we think we get it this is abstaining commenting to abstain any men who still there was a don't eat pork the coalmine teens is that one that what is saying right there is a token of Devils say juicing spiritual being seduced you say me just just pork I was a the command is from Devils that pasta was told that pasta was told look you can call anything I've made and clean it's not possible for you to do that it's not Halle to do that don't stop so Lewis told some we know sorry so I don't know if the weight mid day is the way the Brahma which means anything edible I'm as I don't eat this food don't is this type of food don't eat this type of food if the preacher is telling you it has got this advantages and disadvantages of nutritious value that's a different start all together but if they're doing it for spiritual reasons or saying god save so you mean you can eat a chameleon it is name you know we have in nature in years like I ate a snail in Nigeria really yeah I had a snare in Nigeria and I'm eating this thing the game just like a gizzard that that is hotter than a gizzard rubba this so I realize I've been duped so I also called mine to dupe them out who I called possibly Vernon somebody I don't know who it was I was like oh my god you guys miss this chicken because I figured if I tell them is the snail they'll never it doesn't know the chicken is so nice so the guys were like it's hard it's rubbery but nice chicken next chicken and chicken so I waited with them to swallow said let let me give you another one so again just a swallow that's it that's it snail brothers things were not good for them after that you know anyway somebody if I just told them you see how you you judge by EJ you judge me by its shell don't judge me by SIA so I'll tell you it's a true story they said it tastes like chicken and it did all this supported this this the grave on it I don't know what I do what you call it - and all the other things that they don't kill cut chicken chicken and it was a brother blessing brother bliss is rather blessing was like that's a nice chicken did I give him another possibility is a skeptical guy you know is less like that so I gave him is like say what chicken yeah it's a little bit hard about used chicken yes I said ok another piece guys another piece another piece so they just swallow the one day and then now eat you just it like no guys don't pretend you said it's chicken so yeah so I really didn't expect the test I I you know I was actually surprised by that test now anyway so so don't get anybody to abstain see see I need to repeat this what is this doctors of divorce see it without iron your brain fried cool and away characters departing from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having your brain fried what will you teach you when you are like that what are you dissing you have one problem what is you have departed from the faith one inch away from the faith remember we'd give it away you are weighing one inch away from the faith all right and you are making demos drawn near the seducing wandering molesting ones you are listening to doctrines of devils you are speaking lies in hypocrisy your brain is fried and if you are like this you have a bit marriage and what else do you do you tell people don't eat pork no eat this thing don't eat this thing don't eat that thing don't eat this thing what do you do what are these doctrines of devils don't go anywhere this is it people want to go someone I guess there were some people who were sleeping with their mothers in the church and stuff like that that alone you don't know why that demon is happening it's happening because somebody for dead marriage so everything is stemming from these core things what about abstaining from miss there is a religious connotation to it so they are stopping all this because of something so the other sins are they because they are doing something that for them to stop some meat on the flip side in a good flip side it also means every Christian should have breakfast you have sausage beef which God had created to be received with Thanksgiving for them which believe and know the truth do you notice the doctrines have been already minted commenting to abstain from meats what is created to be what to be received with Thanksgiving so everything that is created is to be received with Thanksgiving yes and of them which believe and know the truth which believe and know the truth which are faithful all right and have epignosis full knowledge of the truth so for those who have full knowledge of the truth they know we can forbid marriages therefore knowledge of the truth they know one thing we need all kind of meat prosperities what is meat indeed so demons will prevent prosperity demons will prevent marriages and as God loves a marriage demons will remove engagement parties demo to remove it see some people loving each other like no no no no no no what I doing demos who remove love in people to remove so in these two costly values you see doctrines of devils what they are trying to do remove the family line God wanted the family your planet is son Jesus Christ and produce the whole earth so you you need to understand it only one thing that you had to use are you getting it now verse number four for every creature of God every meat every food every creation of God he is good nothing to be refused the Bible says doctrines of devils who tell you to refuse some things of God if it be received by what Thanksgiving that means Thanksgiving sanctifies everything so they now I don't know if you are getting it so the doctrine of devils is an unthankful demon let me stay this a little bit for a little bit and do and thankful people are people with no testimonies ungrateful people are the ones who don't have testimonies if you check in church and they've never stood up to give a testimony and they are still breathing they are being used by demons molested by demons say just by spirits I don't know if they gave you getting this so what is happiness and if it be received with thanksgiving thanksgiving is being repeated there because Thanksgiving is part of the things that demons won't want to do so number one they forbid to marry number two they will tell you to abstain from meat number three these doctrines of Devil's this seducing spirits will cause you to be on thankful I don't know if they're getting anything for God is not evil to forget your lip of love so everyone who forgets is evil when somebody has done something for you and you think they owe you you've been seduced by evil spirits so just little by little they take you from the faith before you know it you no longer want to go to change because in your head you did something for these people so anything that they do is like a payment it's not enough we have valued yourself too much more than you actually did what is happening and I'm faith in an thing for spirit you see just by demons and when you say just by demos what do they do they take you bit by bit of course of course of course until you are really of course and you start wondering you start justifying your own being of course it's not justifying it whereas no you have been saying just by every spirit you are being molested you can't even go in front of God pray in tongues could say this one is adjusting then you can even stand up from that prayer pit and say God has spoken to me I feel it no it's seducing demons very clever now for it is sanctified by the Word of God and by prayer so doctrines of devils will go against the real word of God and who cause you not to have a prayer life because what it says you are fading from he says you need to bless it by prayer so you need to be professor any of you have the Word of God says it is sanctified by the Word of God and by prayer so doctrines of Devil's will go again is the pure Word of God what is the pure Word of God some people are wondering what is the pure Word of God so how do I know that what the pure Word of God is Colossians 1 verse number 6 Megara found in alligator to be honest Colossians 1 6 mmm-hmm Colossians 1 verse 6 I marvel that yes I'm mother I'm sure that you're so soon removed that we have been removed from him that called you from Jesus will call you into the grace into breath into a price into the grace into the grace of Christ uh-huh and to another gospel into another gospel the fact that you had the words are not that gospel that means something before another is also a gospel you have been taken from this car in into ma cities but into another mercedes-benz what does it mean this guy's also a mrs. Benson we have been taken from this vehicle into another mess it is Benz what it means is the thing that is before that is also a mess it is Benz now says we have been taken from the gospel of grace into another gospel do you notice what is saying in saying your biggest problem is you think grace is part of the gospel it is the gospel it's not something you meter the grace and wakes grace in truth listen inside grace is everything I don't know really following and trust me Jesus did not preach grace oh my god when you say that Christians get mad they forget that Jesus existed under the law do you know how many times Jesus mentioned the word grace you guessed it zero force is the light that is suffered he spoke to me and gave me this message so you mean you a day that time Jesus I received the vision and I was taught by Christ Himself the message I'm bringing to you grace Jesus never said in Greece in his all his life in there not one abyss yeah cause he didn't come here to preach that what about Peter didn't understand the things that Paul preached is also difficult to understand get it the Olfa spit up the pita was absent-minded about what Paul was preaching he starts getting it in second Peter to the extent that poor even correct spit Isis I stood him to his face and told him you are wrong when he was now dining with the second circumcised Jews he left there say the circumcised just arrived in the way about to eat and boom the guy left the uncircumcised going to the circumcised so that he can be happy and bothered Justinian say these are in the Bible what about John the Baptist didn't you know he'd never preached grace do you know what you say said why I am NOT John says that even know Christ I knew you not John you think you can drink and of it doesn't mean oh Christ I don't know if you understand this so that Gospels grace all right Sheila truth is saying it amazing your teaching has showed us various ways the devils have exposed themselves to people and the victims can't even tell let's bring them to the church brothers and sisters hey man yes sir just say yes the Pope was being taught facts have no feelings Thank You Jerry Rico Benson on a sonogram is saying thank you so much for this teaching you are really opening our eyes when I ask relative priests why he was having children yet he was a father in a certain church he said we have been forbidden to marry but it doesn't say we are forbidden to have children so thank you for opening our eyes you know what Muslims are doing right now in this country white people give back to 1.5 children on average in you know that statistics okay so don't think they give it to one and half coyote like I've been a union family where when in doubt you amenity that way it'll average so so Muslims are going on three point one that means almost four we didn't think that some we're doing for children's am I having three children three three three some go for four so the city's game then come to three point one what it means is that means the Muslim community is doubling after every 30 years it doubles why because maybe they become 28 25 they get married and then instead it they start give better their own children but you know when that happens remember they gave two three it doesn't even double it triples because you have three children and Nadi if they're men and guess what is happening with Christians they're telling each other Christ coming soon don't get married please look at what the Democratic Party has done in in in in in New York and you guys are so stupid so stupid a party that two people into slavery is the one that you think is correct now you something you know what to do - aah - Oh Blake brothers and sisters and say wake up guys wake up these guys don't love you the Democratic Party how does how does Hillary Clinton who has been there over ten years in government and this sleepy guy the guy who didn't even know anyway is it's like I'm a sinner I'm coming in 1918 it's like no no no no no no no hey I'll be conditioning in 2018 the guy is in 2020 talking about as if that guy's 40 years in government didn't do nothing HBU Clinton and her husband are the ones that dealt with a law that that actually inserted the law as you know stringing the law that actually gets more black people incarcerated in jail same thing with with this Biden and guess what you don't know it because they said Trump said yes black people when where is the video for it nothing they know how to say a lie and you eat it up like medium fries so the problem is and we just listen every four years they come with the same rubbish and we're listening I would be so happy if there is a black person who says Trump's Republican Party is a plantation and the Democratic Party is another plantation and we just slaves that need to leave their masters plantation instead our own party I'm so excited not that are we are remaining Democrat and every for is they lie to you every phrase they say we are going to do this for you we're going to do this for you every four years Trump said we I Christian nation he is the cause of Obama and I'm gonna put them in today or maybe tomorrow to that he says we should make sure nobody insults the Prophet of Islam with his own ways first first first president to say that and it's called Barack Hussein Obama do you think is a Christian mentally disturbed if your skin is more important than the gospel then you have issues if issues you have issues I'm telling you issues now we have omit many on Adam Graham he's saying I came from a non-christian family five years ago his wife introduced him to you and so he started watching you from ten days ago and he's been watching video after video and in all the videos you've answered all the questions I've piled up in the last five years Wow thank you now now let's finish this thing otherwise we won't we were we won't applause did I say I was finishing very very soon right two more minutes verse number one again we are for it is signed by vertebrae will of God in prayer if thou put the Brethren in remembrance so the spirit of the seducing spirits who make you forget if you put the Brethren in remembrance of these things which things marriages are allowed go out there find your beautiful honey get married what about other things eat meat it would good enjoying what about other things be thankful and grateful people who never say testimonies because they can't see testimonies they can see in miracles when you a thankful person you get out there in somebody just says oh it's good to see you you immediately thankful this person just loves me like that people just you quickly notice things see I was just be like a little child I took you Jay one day when he was young to school one of the rare moments I take my children to school yeah it's confessing so even even when I want to play with them I play with them sometimes and a lot of times you know nowadays I do nowadays I do I have time now but when I didn't have time I'd use as you know I was but it was very nice they would just play around with their mother and then it come to me I give them 50 pounds they will remember that for two weeks that is a playing with them for a long time now they are mature now when they really want that kind of bribed over like 2,000 pounds what about 3,000 can you do three so the money is increased now so I now play with him so now so what's the what's this for every creature of God is okay we're dealing with the forbidding to marry meats created with Thanksgiving you become a thankful person if you're not thankful you come out the Sun is out guys - what go in the house has to code here and it then I switch it off I need to be active is boring there's no movie whatsoever you mean you mean on on on Sky News on skype dish you've finished no movie for you no program for you on Amazon I don't know how many movies maybe 20,000 are you telling me who watched all of them but because you are unthankful you can't see things so easy somebody gives you 20 pounds 20 pounds 20 dollars 10 dollars be thankful that person might have you could have just decided normal do it but guess what you thinking you're owed the world pulls you it allows you nobody owes you I mean life nobody know even God doesn't owe you you owe him so when you become thankful everything that happens you caught that business so thank you so much thank you so much for calling me at that time I really just needed that laugh I didn't know anything that laughing you know you we laughed a lot thank you so much alright somebody hugs you thank you thank you for the love you are showing me thank you when you say thank you thank you more go to make you open your eyes to greater and greater things that were happening around you that you were not noticing and you start noticing oh thank you for somebody just give me this money for somebody just kissed me like this for somebody to even do this remember you are walking way also sees your smile just smiling at somebody we have a pastor one of the passes that we used to be in our ministry somebody else my redid them first day well 10 people is seven in the church and she wasn't even a pastor she's just somebody that you just smiled into the mix it in nobody to smile in your life I don't know I'm for many she was saying behind closed curtains that groom just afraid that the Home Office were walking in the potty so she didn't want put lights on afraid even fear that day she could be deported and somebody invited to church come to church just to change somebody smiles so she loves me I'm loved important things that worried I've been imagine that smile made a Christian and when she gave that testimony she said this my love this woman smile you are walking way out of seeds just waving at somebody who you don't even know hi and they were like wow so I just met somewhere so nice when I was walking maybe they are in in really deep issues they're struggling with something and you just give them time guess what happens they start thinking something happened miracle happened I remember we we give somebody somewhere some food somewhere and is that you know where I am actually the one who provides this in this in this in this in this in this country so it's talking to Pastor Felix in his bubble I was like what that guy yeah one who does this in this acid oh just because we did that is like I do this that's my job nobody above him that's the guy Warren you are exist to all the whole office that arranges that is that person and by just extending a hint for something that he could do for himself is like do you know where him do you really understand who I am but you that's why I tell you if you're a girl and you see you see a man a boy friend and the boyfriend has got you're a boy a boy in the street they just unclean and come here moving around say a sister can you stop date of course be careful might be mugged but you know some people are harmless and they are in the or maybe they're in environment with a lot of people and you're in there yourself and they want to greet you greet them back just say I be nice you know some of you will be like the next day you see this man coming towards you that the man of your dreams oh yeah that's the guy you've been dreaming of all your day all the days of your life sends you it - and it's coming live like okay and you know definitely is he's coming towards you and that guy wouldn't come they cast two of you in the middle like what are you doing that lady ha the procedure you are finished you could eat we would have said that woman is so nice yesterday I stopped day or maybe that's the cousin of that guy maybe that does that that guy couldn't even approach you and he sent that guy that smelly guy to you and you were like just be nice be thankful somebody even told you even if they are not your quality your level guess what in your own measurement you know quality level guess what goes people use different mirrors at home now your mirror might be telling you you are miss world when you can even be miss village the state under state so you really have to I need to go now you really need to really be nice be thankful thank you so much for for for stopping me if they ask you out in like you know I'm really flattered who you really love me you know it's you know I don't think you know I'm interested in doing it don't say oh no no no right now I'm just talking to the Lord about when I'll get married but I don't think it's now you will leave the places that I tried that lady she's not getting married now he's very spiritual and now the boyfriend is now your future husband is being taught don't approach so best thing is brother I will appreciate you for even seeing me as a beautiful person and for thinking I'm like this I really appreciate you thank you thank you I might not be for this but trust me you know but but we can be friends you friends on them right there but you are nice about it tomorrow that's same men who tell you I have my cousin it's over you yesterday then you see the cousin is really the one you were looking for now this guy now becomes you or me do person but you are evil hey me you approach me anywhere let's go let's go let's go let's go rosamma six if thou put Brethren in remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good minister of what of Jesus Christ so a good means of the of Jesus Christ is teaching people to be thankful teaching people to get married teaching the burry of prosperity eat a lot of meats any meat it is all right and it's teaching people go for the word of God and go for prayer if you teach people these five things guess what the Bible says you are a good minister of the gospel so a good minister of the gospel is the one that's contradicting saying juicing spirits doctrines of devils so they will tell you God doesn't want us to do this God doesn't want us to do this then they start telling you look at the Lord is ministering to me you think I was in prayer today and the Lord appeared to me now they are trying to get to lead you through visions that's why I say to people if you're joining a Tom Graham don't look for verification so that you can never one-on-one prayer with me you are joking I don't believe in that nonsense where a man has to inquire of a proof from a prophet that's demonic wherever I'm looking for a prophet can you tell me what God is saying sixty-six books of the Bible God is speaking you want one guy one guy from toe to toe to be telling you what good is say you have six books of the Bible and the purposes we have a more sure word of prophecy this one more sure than a prophet and you want to inquire of the prophet that's demonic it's not Christian to find a prophet to tell you what God is saying about them it's not let the Prophet come to you when you get to a prophet Terry pray for me let them in that prayer you see is gift Sunni anything doesn't union except that praise the Prophet word all right so people that prophet is this my husband you see me like a matchmaker all right a good minister of Jesus Christ Norrish type in the words of faith so you are what you are nourished up in the words of faith so the doctrines of devils will cause a Manu Tricia in the things of the gospel and of good doctrine do you see what it's a good doctrine that means if this is good doctoring the way we get people to eat meats we'll get people to get married we'll get people to be thanks thankful we'll get people to have the word of god to be prayerful guess what if this is called now the good doctrine that means the opposite of good doctrine is bad doctrine is suggesting spirit doctrines of devils so it's already listed here you don't go to another verse in their doctrines of devils it means these no it's here watch this now verse says good doctor where and two down at attained verse number seven but refuse profane and wives fables stories old woman's to terrorists lie is enlighten and you know so this is profane talk right though it is is with by bellos we were came from the word Babel the word Babel all right exactly so it means an unlawful and lawful and hallowed come on talk probably please talk like you talk like you ate a pub if we do flight of your head mouth like this else went everywhere comes out yes one or twice somebody might make miss pick and save those weights they shouldn't be smoking but you say those wins because it's easy for you when you're talking to friends you can just say anything she's public talk stop it ungodly they talk of men fabulous they talk of men since I've waited they didn't get it avoid it then old women's troubles is the word mottos which means speech and narrative a fiction an invention a falsehood no when all the women will sit down and say once upon a time there was a big baboon and a rabbit in the rabbit immediately where was the rabbit talking rubbish don't talk you know this is fiction so they were there people who are used to giving fiction when they give testimonies fiction it's not a testimony the fiction since I've voided yes in 1957 in a street code jam board it was raining around 10:30 named the Holy Ghost came riding on a horse you say wait a minute which was this one it's like the one they want to give always some stool some fiction so they make them so spiritual talk to the devils get you in the fumbles here we have more far worse than the Word of God and exercise thyself into into godliness the weight is gunas o gunas o exercise yourself into godliness woman absorb all right now now now it is a funny word it means to exercise naked to exercise vigorously in any way after laying off or wait so you're exercising you remove everything you now go for yeah nothing prevents you from doing nothing rigorously exercise right watch this now right exercise thyself and to godliness exercise thyself unto godliness to practice naked in the games that is trained figuratively exercise that appears four times in the Bible now it is it is like a school of applet X since we in there where you practice for something that will happen do you notice here this is exercise exercise is meant for something later it is say act like you are holy or your godly no this is something in you did this within to you and to the muscles of your spirits have fit enough to act out what you know so people are XA are going out there to act out a lie fat balls odd for males tells they go out there is a body standing there like the Pharisee know since secretly when you and make it on your own when nobody's looking this is where you feed this waiting to you so that when you go out there your muscle is already built it's now doing it naturally it's an automatic thing that comes out of you I don't know if you're getting this and some of you are not exercising naturally exercising naked in the in on your own you want to make people see outside the and you're now trying it for the fifth time now trying even say let's speak up wanna pray in tongues right now Papa Papa you do not end when you told us by two will be gone now your own for a before now you want prove that you you know tanks now use big you are very very serious in prayer but secretly you don't pray but when people are there now you want tricks it says you muscle and no Testament we have ever seen in you just talking anyway anyway exercise thyself right exercise thyself toward thy self is the word saluto which means v it means the person respectively off the dine on self so you are causing your body to exercise not you exercising your body so it's something that you are injecting in your system the Word of God in your system then it exercising even in secret before everyone else is it when what do you go out there to do outside is to just live your life but the practice remember we were in the gym Nam baking a gym with my wife and of course my wife does more the Lord spoke to me all wives fathers so when a great gym and stuff like that is stuff like that he/she goes beyond she goes beyond she's it she told me to do some something called lunches or something I then I did 30 I said God bring the rapture I'm telling I went to seven I was like what witchcraft is this it she was way I don't know maybe she did 100 feet or 100 like I'm not doing this why just great like this one leg like this one lady for for what what is it a whole profit no way so I stop that nonsense so now now when we go out that said there and she's just practicing or she starts doing whatever walking she's not thinking yes sir I did lunches for how many weeks now look at me walking no the double leg already knows that there are muscles in it that already wake she's not thinking I'm just time to practice you guys sorry time to show you you wait no just no more life no more life is working out day right that's what the Bible's saying here practice thyself practice naked without nobody seeing you to see you laying off every week somebody's getting anything yes people are getting it to an Adam Graham Terry saying this is deep profit it's good to exercise in secret where no one sees you and keep it a secret don't try to make yourself known before time you're speaking to me I shall wear combat amen and when you do that guess what you do you know for sure all I'm doing is I'm practicing for my body to be strong when I get the I can walk in I can't do anything without thinking I did that kiss you know I'm preaching a was in our standing in in London and laying in even going into the overflow if they see is not they're going to overflow pray for people come back up and stays there and everyone moving around are moving around ours we start the church at 10:30 of course maybe I arrived at 12 maybe sometimes we'll finish at seven so seven straight hours I'm standing there laying ins on people preaching doing this singing with them everything and they are sitting down when they get lazy don't go home I'm already I'm still there what is happening there my strength in the gym my strength in the anointing is now being shown there right um I don't even need to say yes now I'm entering this hour now it's the gym thing session I had two weeks ago that's not working no somewhere in the if you eat right now if I if I eat food I don't know where the nutrients are going to my arm - my II have no idea it's just happening that's exactly how we should do it where are we now um we're going on to eight I wish or seven maybe I'm looking at the Apocrypha Nikolaevna see a tackler exercise thyself unto godliness and the word godliness is you Serbia which means reverence respect what you do they will make your reverence what God is done or make your reference God and when your reverence God you can't do the things that you do right right now because there is a certain kind of all it's not a fear fear is different fears for the devil all right and I mean it's you know it appears as well Ennis once and godness 14 times in the Bible now now watch this are you are you getting it and tomorrow we have the sea are doing the cross point challenge and for the next three weeks I say the next three weeks six thousand US dollars up for grabs with this program it's gonna be on a Tom Graham and Instagram and you're gonna have some few Cui's and stuff like that in don't cheat by checking the internet so I think what you need it is when you just ask a question and whosoever is quick to give the correct answer we go all right so it's it's gonna happen it's gonna happen now here is first number eight for bodily exercise profiteth little I saw that as a good I saw the face this does not work so the bodily exercise profiteth ly to pray for profit as she has no idea this this vessel is not ended bodily exercise profiteth little but we need that little it's not saying its profits little it's in comparison to spiritual exercise so imagine exercising is so fun to godliness what are you doing when you read the word I'm exercising oh Jesus when I'm confessing in my room what am i doing I'm exercising there are some spiritual muscles I'm building and when I start fighting Giants they say you don't have a visitor like I did I would I did that mm-hmm now for bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness is profitable and to all things having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come this is faithful saying in weight of acceptation for therefore we bottle labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the Living God who is the savior of all men especially especially of those that believe these things that command and teach what did he do he taught all the things that we were talking about says I'm commanding you to teach they also command to abstain from meats to abstain for marriages from sin from Thanksgiving but I'm now commanding you to teach this one the opposite all right let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in the world what are doctrines of devils a no preacher I should be a preacher unless they are 40 let nobody despise the youth demons despise the youth somebody says oh how can you go at that time I think I was 33 35 or something how can I go to a pasta with Ted five-year-old the president was saying is 75 year old schist years old and despising me for being younger than him yes Jesus died at 33 they submitted three or God and asked ISTE and after praying 283 or God people don't know Jesus did Adria the Buddhist Judaism you know after praying eighty three years or ten year-old they go in front of a TV to watch Super Bowl all of those kids 22:24 school big old being moved by some screen over some 11 people in shorts chasing after a skin of a dead animal but they say you was speaking spiritual things don't be don't be dead five but this guy that I love in football 23 is okay you are lost be thou an example of the believers in Word in conversation in charity in spirit the word charity does not mean giving to the poor it is the way love in faith and impurity says be an example till i come give attendance to reading Oh so demons don't want what reading I went to my African people and I love you offering people was I'm African and I'm proud to be African let me tell you something you know I didn't you know like I always say I didn't choose to be black I got lucky I I put this our our our our books that we had written defeating the demon of poverty and was new we put it there and we'll put oil or you're on the side I know anything oil here boo cure cellulite this is the new book and this anointing oil trust me maybe the way five people day all of my people were all coming for oil I mean that's more butoh they said that one who take me maybe a few months to lend those things but this one yeah I just go home and go ladies a nice uncovered something it there like no way I'm not taking any book home telling oil see the point is the Bible says what do you do here till i come give attendance to reading to excitation and to doctrine teaching encouraging people but your doctrine so that means they don't like right doctrine they go for the wrong doctrine and they don't like encouraging they'd like to tell you you are failing excitation comforting encouraging some people hope faith love this tree they remain oh not the law no not thou shalt no love hope faith history the main things of good love okay that's it what does it what does faith do faith gets what does what it says what does love do motivates love is the motivator right faith is the activator so you're motivated to do the things you do by love and faith makes you able to do it hope sets the goals of the things you want to do those are the only three things that are left two main things neglect not the gift that is in thee people what do they say say doesn't matter you another one one of the gifts men give someone necessary give what gifts are talking about so so I respect him because the Prophet ah forget about that doctrines of divorce which was given thee by prophecy prophets are prophecies useless the doctrines of devils with the laying on of hands you don't need laying on event I don't need nobody touch me I mostly rented like him why would touch me doctrines of devils meditate upon these things so the doctrines of devils would like it doesn't matter give thyself worldly to them you mean telling people to get married I give myself what I do this time stell yes telling people we have moment only to these things that die profiting might be at all if you teach like this word of God prayer all these things that you feel you are a highly nourished person in the spirit that they profiting my pure take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine ah so there is a doctrine of divorce and this guy is still being told check it unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shalt save thyself and them that hear thee safe from what from seducing spirits and doctrines of devils right now go on your weight on on the on our website WWE world calm as we get into our offering and our tithing time Father in the name of Jesus Christ this Friday service I pray for your people that are watching me right now that your spirit be with them and I have something in them rises and realizes there is something called seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and they need to be thankful enough when they've been given the word like this we think when they are giving be thankful in their sowing of seeds be thankful in their tithing be thankful in their partnership be thankful in the name of Jesus I decree and agree those who are giving right now may you bless them lightly may you increase even where they've taken their season thereof their partnership father I speak right now even where they're getting their tithe pour out a blessing that there'll be no room for them to receive in the mighty name of Jesus I thank you in the mighty name of Jesus that city is blessed that offer in this place that tithe is blessed that partnership is placed in the mighty name of Jesus let there be a harvest that you can connect to this prayer point in Jesus my team this year of the record breaker break records this was a setback for your comeback this lockdown was a setback for your comeback in Jesus might name Amen [Applause] very same prophet this is so powerful I've learned a lot tonight certain things were being followed not knowing it is caused by seducing spirits exactly right now we are not thankful some people right now are giving angel micro is given the offering they just say them that is done so if you have done your Phrygia say dun dun dun dun dun listen so many people are giving until we just spoke of what big thanks thankful egg Thanksgiving person being thankful but people are not thankful so when you Minister like this I say yeah yeah you should mean say anyway that gospel is free I don't know told them that because they are not thankful all the woman's tells a lie if it was free how did it cost Jesus life how this cost was free somebody should not have died mm-hmm and I Bible says give thyself wholly to them Wow nice Tiana has given on this is on a term gram OB ma has done it also Sheryl Sylvester has Lubner has done it sous chef has given ly Sonny has given quite a lot of people are giving on item Gramlich Hyrum has also done it amen amen some people are giving on on YouTube too but I'm thankful that so many people have left that side of it because they definitely know YouTube takes 30% of that and remember we still doing what we're doing around the world giving to the poor giving to the less privileged and you were seeing what we are doing I think of in your Dory thank you so much Laura Kay thank you so much I think you just what Padma Thank You Emanuel McGarry thank you so much Olivia Laura K okay braid that thank you so much and may God bless you tomorrow we have at what time again 1 p.m. with you've arranged a junior and 6000 you are dolos that's not a joke right and it's not some story where six thousands are all there is some what somebody who one and that person is not known OOP you will see them posted this guy won this k1 k1 just k1 so I don't know how I was gonna do it maybe five people ten people maybe maybe five who knows as long as they get is it's six thousand so tomorrow it's two thousand US dollars for a week two thousand years the last week after that two thousand US dollars it's on the zinc now so it's good get the money get a my kind of money get the money and and it's gonna be from things that we teach here so if you bring something that your pastor taught you they're not so will be different they're not so be really different you better get the money so just get it just get it get it get it get it get it and also Sunday with Ichabod global impact Asian service you say I want to do what you do I want to do how do I know the wet Lau will I know the wet like you do in petition they say come to me said walk and prophesy to the law to the lot for us you don't fool me we want to hear from the Lord who can prophesy to us so we can hear from the Lord said o Elijah is less gone now so there's nobody who can do this but there is Elijah that guy got an importation from the Prophet he can do these things and they caught the guy in the guy prophesied so it's possible to have an importation of anything preaching teaching and all the levels and miracles signs and wonders that God has blessed me with possible so this is gonna be global in petition surface and we are dealing with the word ichabod and I know what you think I know it about the anointing is left you don't know what I preach trust me on that I know that myself alright so I love you guys I love you guys and every I think I've said I love you so many times you are all loved up now you better angel saying I believe in miracles and I believe in good news because I believe in God and I'm not out of good news I'm just out of time you better enjoy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 24,060
Rating: 4.935657 out of 5
Id: -jcmwMModJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 40sec (8020 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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