Section 11 Ladies Rally - "Preparation By Separation" - Cylinda Nickels

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[Music] step out of the shadows step out of the grave break into the wild and don't be afraid run into wide open spaces [Music] there [Music] just as you are into the fullness [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring all of your scars [Music] dance [Music] is [Music] spirit is here [Music] jesus name the lives made holy hearts awake at the sound of jesus [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome welcome welcome welcome to section 11 ladies rally it's been a hot minute since we've been together right yeah yeah too long way too long and my mother-in-law normally does this so actually i sing all the time but this is actually a little awkward for me because i don't speak but we are so delighted that y'all have shown up tonight sister rhodes thank you so much for putting this together for always being the leader that you are we really appreciate it everybody give her a hand sister nichols we are so so honored that you're here what a miracle what a miracle that you're standing here tonight how many of you have come tonight tired weary scared nervous anxious all in one that would be me um my entire family that don't live here has coveted right now so i have not slept this week my parents my grandparents my sister so um this week has been a tough one it's been a tough one for me i know this year almost two years has been tough for everybody but you know what we have ladies here that have shown up we have come to worship the lord and i want to invite you all to come up to the front let's not stay in our in our seats tonight i know it's not the regular pews that we sit in so we're like oh and it's a big stage up here but we have come to worship the lord and only he can take care of all those needs that i named only he can do it nobody else and we have come to worship you so [Music] the valley [Music] the desert will never take my [Music] i will praise you [Music] dancing where you prophesy [Music] forever [Music] i will praise you [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the stronger the pain the stronger my [Music] faith greater the cause [Music] the stronger the pain the stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i will praise you i will praise you i won't let those [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Applause] stronger your face [Music] [Applause] [Music] the stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will praise you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's too worthy he's too mighty he's done too much for me [Music] he's taking care of me he's taking care of my family and i'll praise him for it i'll praise him forever [Music] the stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will praise you [Music] right hallelujah [Music] let's raise our hands to the lord the king of kings and the lord of lords tonight let's clap unto him with a voice of triumph thank you god thank you for the victory tonight thank you for healing our bodies thank you for your love thank you for your mercies thank you god for your presence in this place thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord there is a mighty presence of the lord in this place i don't know if you're feeling what i feel but i think we just need to give him some more praise tonight [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus wow what a presence of the lord is in this place [Music] welcome it's so good to see every one of you here and it's just a privilege to feel god's presence i was standing over there and i just felt the holy ghost just going over me over and over and over why wouldn't somebody want to feel the presence of the lord like that you know sometimes we we seem like we're aggressive you need the holy ghost you need the holy ghost we come across aggressive to people but do you realize that that is a miracle from god if you are speaking in tongues we didn't teach you how to do it the heavenly father your god the one that created you is speaking through you why would you want that i want everything he will give me [Music] we want you to have it because we know it's a miracle and it is the greatest miracle you may go to your seeds i have a few things to say and i may be a little lengthy but i want to say thank you to the pentecostals of bossier for opening this facility and hosting all the singers that have put in hours of practice all the musicians we thank you so much we appreciate every one of you sister sherry dean i've never met you personally i'm introducing myself to you it's a pleasure to finally meet you um i want us to stand and let's pray for sister dean's family because our faith needs to arise we have the power of god on our side and this sickness is nothing to god nothing who believes tonight let's just raise our hands and let our let our faith arise and let's declare healing over her family tonight jesus we come to you right now by the power and authority in the name of jesus christ we ask you god to heal this family in jesus name let it be done according to your word in the name of jesus we declare victory and healing right now jesus we thank you lord we thank you lord let's give you praise tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus i want to say a great big thank you you may be sitting seated sorry i want to say thank you to section 11 forgiven to mother's memorial our section came together and gave forty two thousand two hundred and thirty three dollars that is incredible i think we need to give every one of us a hand the state of louisiana was first in the nation for the 22nd consecutive year that is amazing with a total offering of 366 dollars this is the most money that has ever been raised for mother's memorial from a given state so i say thank you louisiana section 11 we have three of our churches that are in the top 10 for our state and that is the pentecostals of bossier number one [Music] in our section for sure not in the state but in our section number one uh pentecostals of beazer king's temple and oil city so thank you so very much for what you are doing i thank you for your generous faithful giving every year this past year we gave chairs to um the church in the day and oh wow the name is the town of where it was built hesmer yes we gave chairs for that facility from mother's memorial so thank you once again and i know they really appreciate that god will be true to you when you give he will give back press down shaken together run it over right how many has proved the lord in that [Music] i'm going to tell you a little personal story that happened this past year it was the end of the year kind of close to christmas time and the lord um impressed on me to give someone a hundred dollars you know christmas time is kind of expensive for me because i have a lot of grandchildren but i went ahead and i gave the 100 and i gave it willingly you know i just knew the lord would take care of me not that i'm poor i'm not poor at all but um within two or three days i received 200 out of the blue it was just unreal like it blew my mind and i was blessed and i'm thankful for that but then about a month or so later the lord impressed me to give 200 again to someone else and i was like well i just want to see what's going to happen so i gave my 200 i said the lord impressed me to give you this you take it be blessed if i i promise you that week i went to the mailbox 400 check i'm like blown away y'all so the bible tells us in malachi 3 and 10 and i i have it down so i won't misquote it bring ye all the times into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it how many believe that scripture do you want to prove the lord tonight we're going to take up an offering i want you to stand and i want you to give expecting god to prove his word to you tonight okay lord we come to you we ask you god to touch every woman and every lady that is in this place tonight every person that gives all those that cannot give lord i pray lord that if they just give a nickel if they give a penny lord that you will bless them because you know the heart and the heart is ready to receive lord and god if they only have a penny to give i ask you lord to return it to him a hundred fold let him feel your presence tonight let him feel a blessing in this place tonight not just a monetary gift but lord a spiritual blessing and i'm asking for your will to be done and your word will not return void we believe it tonight in jesus name thank you [Music] [Music] you call the sun to rise and you lay it down [Music] wonderful [Music] raining in holy is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so generous so [Music] nothing comes close to the lord [Music] nothing comes close to the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] nothing sweeters jesus [Music] [Music] could did you down [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so faithful lord [Music] pour it on [Music] [Music] you're is out on us [Music] [Applause] you [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you jesus i want you to think right now when's the last time you felt the presence of the lord and that he refilled you with the holy ghost he's here right now don't miss this opportunity to get a fresh touch he's here pouring out his spirit [Music] and i'm thankful for that tonight thank you jesus thank you jesus let's just raise our hands and worship him jesus thank you lord pour your spirit out on us lord burn out anything that isn't pleasing unto you lord cleanse us where tonight remake is lord i pray in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you savior thank you [Music] do you have something you have need of right now [Music] if you do i want you to stand up and i want you to raise your hands up and we're going to pray right now whatever the need is that god's going to work it out there's a current of his spirit right here right now and i don't want to move any further in the service until someone will just reach out in faith just like that little old lady that touched the hem of his garment that day she got her need met [Music] god is here right now for you reach out right now let's pray right now jesus we believe you we trust you we thank you for allowing us to feel your presence in such a great way in this place god we cry out to you we ask you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] in their life [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus we give you praise we give you praise we give you prayer we worship you jesus we worship you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] it's hard for me to move on because i know just like the angel troubled the water there's a current in this place and if we would just tap into it yield ourselves to god right now [Music] do you want that [Music] this could be just another ladies rally or it could be something that changes your life forever i believe that with all my heart [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] selinda i'm um i'm knowing that she is gonna speak the word that the lord has designed for her to speak tonight i first saw selinda at the louisiana ladies conference i didn't get to be in her session but i knew something was going on in her session and i could hear it and bits and pieces of it and it was about the armor of god and i desired to be in that session because how many remember me talking about the armor of god it's been a passion of mine i pray the armor of god i i speak the arm of god over myself daily if i if i don't do it every day it's it's definitely every week but and i felt like i wanted her to speak that in our ladies rally so i invited her to come but then before she came i think the lord was dealing with her about something else and then a week before i contacted her to confirm everything [Music] it was one morning i was waking up from sleep and i heard this voice say i'm coming just like that and i had this excitement come over me i'm trying to wake up and i just it was like this impression i'm coming and i felt such an excitement i was like wait a minute okay are you coming like you're telling me you're coming in the rapture like for all of us are you coming like today are you coming just for me what are you telling me lord and then through prayer i just i started seeking an answer and all i could get from the lord was this be ready and i sent a little text out to my children i said you remember that game of hide and go seek ready or not here i come that's how i felt in the spirit i felt like god was telling me ready or not here i come are you ready tonight are you ready tonight are you staying ready i started studying those scriptures about the ten virgins all of them were asleep all of them had a vessel with oil in it but five had extra oil and five didn't they were all asleep after studying that it confirmed what i was thinking you've got to stay in a readiness of mind you've got to stay every day lord if there's anything in my life get it out i don't want anything in my heart that's displeasing unto you we've got to bring this flesh into subjection to him there's always a war between the flesh and the spirit every day every day we war in the spirit but we have to live in a state of readiness because ready or not he's coming ready or not he's coming and if i go out of this world early in life i want to be ready and i want to declare it today every day every day we have to make sure we're ready so i don't know what sister solinda is going to speak about tonight but i did share that i felt like the lord was telling us to be ready nichols we're ready for you to come and speak the word of god let's raise our hands and let's pray for her right now jesus we pray for sister nichols we ask you lord by the power of authority in the name of jesus that you will use this vessel let it be anointed of you let the words of her mouth come out with anointing and power god we have prepared our hearts for this moment and we want to receive what you have for us tonight in the name of jesus thank you lord praise the lord everybody the lord has totally disrupted everything that he'd given me before and uh we're just gonna go with what the lord wants so two days ago i was in the prayer room at our church and there's a couple ladies that meet me at five in the morning and i'm like god doesn't meet us at five because he's asleep we need to try the lord at like 9 00 a.m when we've had our coffee and have gone through all the drive-throughs and you know what i'm saying i mean that's god's preferred time so it's been a little bit of a sacrifice of praise i need all the praise ladies come back because i don't have a voice i don't they're the ones that have a voice but um the lord just began to deal with me that i'm here and there's healing in my wings and i was like well that's that's good but i really i feel okay and the lord began to deal with me as i prayed more i'm here and there's healing in my wings i'm here and there's healing in my wings and then he started saying sister dean every single prayer that's gone up that others have prayed for healing that those same prayers are the only thing that can come down and be poured out on those exact same people it's like they maybe have been praying for susie but that prayer has gone up to heaven and the lord's like you know what you need a little bit of this right now so all those prayers that you have poured out i'm gonna just pour them out on you and i'm gonna allow that to happen i'm gonna allow that to happen because you have stored up some things in vials before me and that's what the lord was stirring up in my spirit and i went to go pick up a man's and the lord was saying again i'm here i'm here there's healing in my wings and i was like right i'm so good like i'm good thank you i'm so glad you're here on the way to church they called and they've taken they're rushing my aunt to the hospital she's in the middle of having a stroke and then sister rhodes was having a headache and then i came here and heard about this and that and i could see in the spirit that we're so weighted down some of you are weighted down because this one is sick and and some of you are weighted down because there's so much emotional baggage that you're carrying right now and some of you are freaking out because you're even around people because you haven't seen people in so long and and what are what is she gonna think and what is he gonna think and you know what the lord said to me again as i went over there i'm here and there's healing in my wings so i don't know who you are but i want you to start thinking back about all those times you prayed about all those times that loved one has prayed and the lord is saying i am here and there is healing in my wings and i will do the work you see it is not about you and it's not about me but it is about the goodness oh my god [Music] and i begin to sit here and i begin to [Music] think so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] with every breath that i am [Music] so what we're gonna do tonight is i don't know your name i want you to think like i'm super funny and cool and all that but that doesn't even matter right now because here's what i know he is here and there is healing in his wings and so what i want you to do before a god that is faithful and a god that is able to do exceedingly abundantly [Music] i thank you for the victory [Music] you are gonna heal you are gonna deliver [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] of the goodness of god of the goodness of god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah she's talking about that armor of god let me tell you what happens with the armor we have a shield of faith and that shield is not a tiny little trash can lid it is a shield of faith that is the size of a door it is not made for me to carry it alone but i can go and i can walk over to my friend and i can say i am linking my shield to yours and i am going to stand with you when you [Music] why don't you put your hand down and put your hand on their head [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] do you feel that do you feel what's happening when you're linking with your sister so you're no longer carrying that burden alone you now are becoming a wall in the spirit you now are becoming a force in the spirit it's no longer me standing here hearing this but see i'm carrying your family with you you're not standing alone i'm carrying it with you and we rally together we rally together [Music] why don't you just lift your hands up right now and give it over to the lord right now in jesus name in jesus name we give it to you right now god we give it to you right now [Music] oh i thank you i pray you would confirm some things in our spirits and my god confirm it in our spirit right now in jesus name in jesus name don't worry about anybody else right now why don't you worry about yourself [Music] oh god help us to be light of you jesus thank you jesus [Music] i thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you [Music] thank you jesus can we just all praise him and thank him together can you do that with me can you just thank the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord i do want to just speak to you briefly because i know the lord has already moved and he's already done a work [Music] i want to briefly explain what i feel like is something that has been happening in the spirit in the last year year and a half you can be seated thank you all for being so sensitive to the lord and just ready to flow in his presence none of that excuse me it was planned or sometimes we have to do what the lord wants versus what we want i wanted to come up here and like tell you all some cute jokes and for you to think i was skinny and cute and like want to be my friend but i think we're beyond that we already think we're friends and we're going to move on but this last year how many of you at one time or another have felt isolated yeah how many of you have felt lonely how many of you were ready if you were married you were ready to not be married are you ready for starbucks to open and tell your husband to go get a coffee and to just go somewhere you were kicking the cat and shredding the dog and throwing out the hamster but i think the lord was doing the work in us and i want to talk to you about the preparation process and preparation by separation now i'm a very together person let me tell you i love being with people i my husband is an introvert he does not need people as the day is long he can come out like once to be fed with a durable bottle and then like go back in you know what i'm saying put kibbles and bits and drop them in but i have to connect with people i am a people person i feel like they're cool even the weird ones are cool and i attract every single weird person in america and every other nation as well every time i go to a new nation it's like i have a magnet that says if you're a freak come see me so if you come talk to me after church i am not putting you in that category okay don't stay away because you think i'm gonna think that but um i think this last year has shown how much we really value your friendship and so hopefully you found some good friends in the midst of this but i have thought a lot about elijah now i don't think about bible characters a lot like i don't think i wanted to date elijah there's some other guys in the bible that i probably would have dated if we were both single but he's never one that i wanted to date i feel like he would have had a little bit of a rough exterior i don't know that he would have saw the dentist regularly i'd never heard about his visits to the dentist um oh thank you i i don't know that his clothing would have been the latest gq or anything like that so i don't know that i would want to date him however i am intrigued about the process that god took him through and i think it's kind of the process that you and i have gone through this last year don't you love people that are suddenly called of god to do a mighty work you know and i'm saying this a little tongue-in-cheek okay this is the person that's on instagram that i already hear an oh yeah this is the person the self-proclaimed prophet on instagram that has like every time like you go on their page they have like a word for you and they're but they're like screaming with veins popping out and and all this and you're like man i just wanted like a cheeto you know what i'm saying like i'm obviously not flowing in your same spirit that you are but i feel like if the lord was calling elijah and if it was such a drastic time as it was we had the whole jezebel thing we have the whole him proclaiming there is never going to be a drop of rain and i'm like proclaim it brother you know i mean like that was big right i feel like that would have been time if we're looking in our natural eyes for him to start his facebook ministry i mean he could have been streaming live he could have been building this whole thing up getting a lot of followers he could have been like hey come see me at my crusade i'll be over by the second camel on the right you'll know me because i'll be the one screaming but what does the lord tell him the lord doesn't say any of those things the lord has the audacity to say in first kings 17 2-3 the word of god came to him saying go away from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook cherith which is east of jordan now excuse me the lord is telling him to go away here he's done his big proclamation he said i am in this ministry it will no longer rain until i say so you always wonder what their voice sounds like right is it like it will no longer ruin until i say so and then it's like reverberating or it's like hi guys it's not gonna rain but jesus is cool hopefully for elijah's sake if his voice wasn't like that it was like the low masculine voice and then it was proclaiming thunder behind him but we don't know but we do know that what he had to do the lord said go away hmm sounds a little bit like the last couple of years that we've been through go away be by yourself and i'm sure he was probably saying are you kidding me right now like i just did this god you need to stand with me and say there's going to be a little tiny cloud over me i'm going to have rain but you all are in a drought wouldn't that have been cool the lord did that like wherever elijah went there was like constant rain coming only to him like a source or like constant diet coke cans in his hand okay not diet coke i only drink tea but all of those things the lord could have done but he said go away and see the lord knew exactly he is the yahweh that said look i am going to prepare you i am going to properly position you for the next miracle that i want to choose you for and you and i have to know that sometimes when the lord is taking us away he is preparing us for the next work that he has us to be ready for the process of preparation sometimes says number one god wants to separate you and again that's not fun to hear how many of you love to be sitting by yourself introverts may be arise at this time not not so much that you want to go by a brook by yourself but here's what he did the bible says that he did as the lord commanded him to do you see there's a calling on his life that was far above what he wanted so that he knew he had to position himself and get ready for the people that god had called him to we look for a place of prominence i guess you don't know i'm the one that declared the word of the lord come over later we'll talk yeah i'm kind of a big deal i have a book coming out i mean well you know that's all me but the lord was taking him to this place of preparation and a place of separation here's what you how you can know that god is preparing to do a great work through you are you feeling isolated are you feeling like maybe no one else understands me but hopefully the lord does are you feeling like i am by myself in this launching sometimes the lord is calling you to set you apart because he wants to have communion with only him and him alone it's where the place where our patterns and our habits and our dynamics and our relationships all fall away from us because he is wanting us to hear his voice i will never forget after i had my brain aneurism and the lord that's a miraculous story for another day but after that time period and i came home i was really like a chicken on a walker i mean i was wobbling everywhere i had to learn how to walk and sit and stand and everything they told me my hair was never going to grow back so the back of my head i looked like a chicken with like three pieces of hair back here in the front had patches of hair where they had shaved it and all these things and i remember being by myself in the house and thinking i don't know that things are ever going to get back to normal i feel like the birds that are hidden in the rock that are supposed to be flying but they're only stuck in the rock and they don't ever want to launch again because they feel like the winds are too much for them and i remember saying to the lord why me why me god and as clear as the day is long i remember the lord saying to me why not you why not you see doesn't the bible say that i may know him in the power of his resurrection but sometimes the lord calls us away and he hides us in the shelter of that rock so that he can personally pour into us and so during that time it's not fun i didn't want to be that little chicken that was running around and trying to learn how to walk and and look weird and and act i'm sure weird to people but the lord is calling me to place of only his voice and only him you see isolation is hard but it's necessary for leadership to build in your life ask esther who had 12 months of isolation as she was getting ready to be meet kings or cersei's asked joseph with 12 years to get to the palace ask john the baptist who's thrown in prison while jesus is going around doing miracles have you ever thought about that here he was he was like besties with jesus and then all of a sudden he's in prison and jesus is going around doing all these works isolation asked paul as he was in prisons and shipwrecks and beaten and and separated but you see only you know where that isolation place has been for you over the past year but the lord is saying i have separated you from people and habits and hang-ups because i alone wanted to pour into you and there is such a molding and a shaping that has been happening in your life if you look back you're going to look at yourself and say i don't even recognize myself anymore because god has been doing such an amazing work he has been changing me from the inside out and when god does the work he gets all the glory for it you see don't you have a learned response to situations you know kind of like when the crazy lady at church always comes and talks to you and you glaze over oh yes sister we're going to be praying oh yes and you're you're doing your grocery list you're ordering all your things from target and you know oh bless your heart and you're all the way in like easy to hunger while she's like talking god calls us a way to separate us from people places activities and to be ready for his action in our life you see cherith is a place that was a dry riverbed it wouldn't be any place that would sustain someone but the lord wants to take you to a place that you might not think can ever can sustain you because it can outside of the lord it's okay to go where god is telling you to go do not be afraid of it he is going with you you are not going alone and so you might be saying i don't want to be separated from people places and things but god is saying i want those old patterns in your life to die i want those old thoughts to die i want to release things that only i can release as you let go of the past sometimes it's easy to step away from things that feel like a slow death or an amputation in our life but we want that thing to be cut off of us so that we can be free to move how the lord wants us to move in the spirit you see it's the preparation and the favor that comes after a place of separation and it's so worth it just like i said you're not going to recognize yourself you are not going to recognize yourself when the lord takes you to that new place so maybe in this time of aloneness the lord is saying what do you have dreams of that only i can provide for you your public life is only as powerful as your private life we look at all these people that we feel like are heroes of the faith or that are using the spirit and we're like oh i just want to be her i just want to be like that but we don't want to go through what they go through in their private times but see your public life will only be as powerful as what you are in your private times of the lord sometimes god knows that you're not strong enough to walk away from that person so he will have that person walk away from you sometimes god knows you're not strong enough to walk away from that person and so what he has to remove them from you because he needs you to get away from their influence and so when the lord is removing people you have to just say he gives and takes away blessed be the name of the lord god you see what you're doing in my life i give you glory for that do you remember ever praying for like the dork of ages to like want to date you at camp or something and now you look back and say thank you god for unanswered prayers was it just me i mean come on we thought they were everything and it's like thank you god they never even looked in my direction i remember being at the altar and you know how spiritual you all are at camp right because like that guy is looking over you and you're like oh yeah and the whole time you're like trying to like get one tear to come down you know to look or make it wet by your eyes and you're like hoping he's glancing over so he thinks you're spiritual and wants to buy you a snow cone or whatever for your camp date but god is like no no no i see the direction i want to take you i know the doors that i have to open that is way beneath what i've called you for so you better quit praying about that here you are all these hours you're crying i don't know who's single if there's even any single ladies here but all these hours that you're crying and praying over that person the lord's like i have someone so much better for you so that was free for all the single ladies that i don't even know if they're in the house number two god wants us to sustain you god wants to take care of you you know what we can look around and be like i don't know how that's gonna work i don't know how that's going to come together have you ever had like more bills than paycheck and you're like god i don't know how your math math is hard how many are with me on that one math is hard i married an engineer for a good reason right i'm like kids go to your dad it's math but sometimes you know that you have more bills than paycheck and you're like god you're gonna have to sustain me well can you imagine you're like hanging out by a brook and then you notice there's no there's no meat around here and what does the lord do he sends a nasty bird to bring you food now let me tell you something i would have been happy for it here's how i know there's a lord though because when i read that i see that god not only had him bring meat but he also had him bringing bread and i don't know about you but there is nothing a good hot piece of bread cannot solve in my life outside of jesus it's like i can have the worst day things not fit me but i have a piece of bread and i'm like we're going for 10 more years we're good we are good all my bread sisters are clapping now i'm gonna just interject this in there i know where i'm on my notes okay so don't worry i'll just add another 30 minutes i'm kidding i'm almost done my daughter is getting married i don't even want to say how many weeks because i know i don't have those pounds coming off by then so i can't think about it but she's getting married and i have had to find a mother of the bride dress and it's like who says this is like the seventh layer of hades finding a mother of the bride dress and so the other day i was talking to her i'm like what are you thinking about a loping how is how is that sounding how's all that money that we gave for the wedding like i'm fine with the loping sister dean what's what's the problem and then i thought how selfish i was and i'm like how are you feeling about me wearing a ziploc bag that i can color in with a sharpie i literally look like a turnip in like a cinched in waist you know what i'm saying the lord is going to provide the jehovah gyra mother of the bride wedding dress it's going to happen they need to have like a whole sitcom about mother of the bride shopping they always talk about like bridezilla it needs to be mother of the bridezilla because that's where i'm at right now so don't come up to me after church and say i want to be your friend and i have a dress for you because i will hunt you down they don't exist there's a reason that we wear big black outfits all the time hides all this the muffin tops the muffin bottoms and the muffin middles i had a hole in my spanx the other day and someone was praying for my tumor i mean it is bad it is bad all the men are gone except for you brother and i'm gonna pray for you in jesus name that'll be he's like where is the rip cord i'm kidding i'm adding that because some of y'all are sleeping and we're trying to get to the word so that does none of that happened there was no accident with spanx you all don't have to pray for me but i really don't have a dress but i want to say this god is honoring you during this time because you know what he's calling you aside and he's saying i want to pour into you and only you he sees the potential in you that other people have not seen and so the lord is saying i love you so much and i want to pour into you and every single thing that we have need of god is there there's another guy running out too sister dean is not going to ever have help again sherry i'm sorry y'all are never going to have help again at any kind of ladies events because it's tonight so i apologize the lord is literally saying to us if we are lonely he is going to be our friend if you are tired he will be there for you if you're thirsty he's got the river of life every single thing he is jehovah jireh he is more than enough he supplies every need anything that you have how many of you know that there are things that come to your mind over and over i asked some girls this one time during prayer i felt the lord leading me to this and that how many times a day you have things come and there's 20 things that came to my mind every single day you're not good enough you're never going to accomplish that you're going to fail at that you better not pick that up don't even try all these things and the lord started telling me these are the lies of the enemy that he's shouting to you and so i started getting the word of god and i started writing down scriptures to that and you know what i started breaking some strongholds that were coming in my mind and that's what i want to tell you if you have things that are coming in your mind every day you take authority over that you know what the lord said when the enemy came he started quoting scriptures to him if jesus christ who is god manifested in the flesh he used scriptures who are we get the word of god out you need to live it breathe it everything needs to come from the word of god and so break the strongholds of your mind know that when you're hungry he is the bread of life know that when you're thirsty he's there to sustain you give god the opportunity to show you what it's like to be nourished by him and only him we look to every other answer but jesus christ and the lord is standing there like a gentleman saying i have the answers but why don't you come and look to me the third thing that god wants to do is he wants to surprise you i hinted to this before that the raven brought the meal but i think it's so funny that they were told you know that was one of the unclean birds right don't don't touch anything with the raven the ravens are disgusting but that's what the lord used you know sometimes the lord can use at the low of the low to even come and be servant to you you are his child the miracle of god sometimes it's on it's unimaginable it's unthinkable i will tell you this this is to give you hope i have a friend of mine that was invited to go to speak in pakistan and he did not have the finances to do that and so he was like well can i go into town and just pray and i'll call you back and so the lord told them which path to take to go into town and so here he is driving and he's like god this is way out of the way and the lord's like i got this you ever argue with the lord i totally do it all the time and so here he goes and he stops at the uh the green light which happened to be red at the time and do you all see what i did there i was like calling okay some of you are still sleeping so he stopped at the signal and the guy next to him goes hey roll down your window now you know this is an old story when you're rolling down the window like this right i'm 53 i know i don't lick it but i really am 53 so he rolls down the window and y'all could have at least been like no for that one some of y'all like oh i told you she was 67. so roll down the window and he goes hey are you still pasturing at that church he said yeah he said well i have not paid my tithe in a while i'm gonna pay you my tithes and he's sitting there right in the checkout for ties now can you imagine how long this light was for this conversation check time you ever have people write out checks in front of you at the grocery store and you want to like strangle them you're like glory to god sister you're going to heaven right now because you're writing a check wrote the whole check out rips it out gives it to him he drives and he goes home and it is the exact amount to go to pakistan and his hotel and his transfers so my god does exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think and here it was he's using a guy that like cursed him at one time and said he'd never be back in his church god doesn't care he'll use his money too and put it in your hands and so some of you are so worried tonight about money maybe you need to slip 200 like she just said to someone and watch the lord miraculously provide back exceedingly abundantly to you he does exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think and this is the last point number four even though it's not 9 30 we're gonna go home pretty soon god wants to shield you so god wants to separate you he wants to sustain you he wants to surprise you and number four he wants to shield you here's what was going on while elijah was hanging out by brook chairs there were like search parties looking for him i have always missed this i don't know if i was sleeping during that part of like sunday school or what but while they were searching for elijah to kill him not with a nerf gun but like kill him he's hanging out at brook cherith and the lord is like providing meals for him with the ravens and like the nasty water that he was drinking but the lord was shielding him and so some of you have been so angry with the lord why have i been forgotten god do you have me over here why god are you doing this why god are you doing that why are you doing this and we take our tiny little fists and hold it in a great big god's face and we try to say how dare you do this and the lord is looking down saying i am shielding you i am keeping things away from you that you have no idea what i am doing and you see this is a season where the lord has been shielding us i have heard so many people say you don't know what it's like it and the atmosphere in my city is different and i feel when i walk out it feels different and i said yeah that's what you feel all the time when you go overseas you know what you're feeling you're starting to feel a difference in the atmosphere in america because it's more of a godless nation over and over and you feel like you're overseas because that's what you feel all the time overseas people are not coming together and praying like they used to people were in their house chewing their their fingernails down to the nubs and worrying and they're not praying and crying out if my people which are called by my name then will i and so what's happening is that we're we're retrieving and crying and calling our friends and oh what are we going to do when the lord is saying why don't you cry out to me i am the only one but there is a shielding that he's doing for his people there are things that he's covering he desires to shield you and all the while you are saying why are you keeping me from that and the lord is saying you have no idea what i'm doing here i am doing a work i am preparing you i know that there is a time coming that there is a nation that is going to be turned back to me i'm trying to get this nation to look at me but i'm trying to use you to get their attention and so while at the brook he had no idea that this search party was calling here and there looking you have no idea only heaven is going to show what the lord is keeping you from this past year and a half the way that he was shielding your family you see the angels of the lord and camp round about us some of you feel so alone let me tell you something there are angels all around you we don't have spiritual eyes i have a friend that's a missionary and and her husband was gone away to the bush country and she was sitting alone and she was in our backyard and she said god i know you said the angels of the lord are here but i am so alone and she had a big fence around her backyard and there's glass around it and she said i just wish you say there's angels i just wish i could see him and she said it was like boom the lights turned on and she saw angels all around sitting on top of that fence and as she began to look at it she said oh thank you jesus and as soon as she said jesus they all stopped and looked at her and it was just that quick again that vision was gone from her as to what was going on you have no idea what the lord is doing each day around you you do not know the hand of protection that is about you you do not understand that you can be here today and your children can be there but the lord's hand is upon them guarding them and keeping them because your prayers are going forward you don't know what your prayers 10 years ago are covering today because we have a great god that is shielding us and taking care of us and so isolation maybe feeling alone possibly but getting you ready absolutely because there is a process that he is doing in our church do you understand he is getting us ready for the greatest outpouring of the spirit that has ever happened i want to challenge you to walk around your neighborhood and start saying i release the power and the authority of the spirit over this neighborhood in jesus name i want you to see people that are in walmart with you that are crippled and they're in a walker and i want you to see them and say i release healing in jesus name let her be healed by the power and the authority of your spirit what do you have to lose what do you have to lose absolutely nothing i remember being in china and we were driving and and we were undercover and oh i didn't even know are we streaming oh hallelujah it's okay it was a long long time ago those people that were in china are not even in china anymore so we were driving in and uh this guy we saw him and and he was on an e-bike and you he had another car was coming and he got hit and he flew off of that bike and his we could tell that he was no longer with us and so our taxi was there and and i looked at my friend that we were together and i was like the lord wants to do something and she goes i know the lord i'm vibrating i know the lord wants to do something so we drove over by there and we said sarah can we just park here real quick and we're like in the power and the authority of the name of jesus we declare healing over him and the blood of jesus and started praying over him speaking in tongues that man who had a gash nasty gash in his head all that flew off the e-bike sat up dusted his pants off rubbed his head a little bit got back on his e-bike and started driving and our taxi driver said what just happened what what are you all doing back there he didn't say y'all cause he was in china he was like do you all understand you have the power of the living god inside of you you don't have jehovah junior inside of you you are the king of kings and the lord of lords is absolutely nothing too hard for him i remember being in saint martin as a little girl you all were in st martin and we were having a conference and this guy was crossing the road and and the bus came and smacked him just smacked him dead in the road and uh we're all going to this conference they're like this is a great time for the lord to start working for the conference and they're like in the name of jesus i pray you heal him right now lord talk to him right now that's how they talk in the islands and they were like jesus rest him up rest him up jesus and i'm saying they're like i'm here with the crowd they're just praying and when i tell you that man sat up and started saying what just happened to me who are you people and came into that convention and received the holy ghost that is the god that you are serving this is not some god that's up in heaven wringing his hands and saying i don't know what to do i heard there's a whole thing called covid i don't know what to do about that what talking the angels what do you guys think let's talk about this together what should we do no this is a god who is the king of the universe there is absolutely nothing too hard for him nothing and woe unto me if i put him in a little tiny box and think he's going to answer my petitions the way that i think you know what you know why my aunt maybe had a stroke tonight because maybe some nurse needs to know that there is hope because jesus christ entered into the room when she went in there well i believe that this is our day look at your neighbor and say this is your day you had better shine i cannot wait do you understand i cannot wait to get to church every time i go to church i cannot wait i am like giddy like a kid giddy because i'm like god i can't wait to see what you're going to do right now i have a friend right now that just declared that she has breast cancer have another friend that has brain cancer she's told she's not going to make it i have another friend right now that her husband is leaving her and these are people that have just been going to church with me but you know what when i see him at church i just can't wait to see what god's gonna do in your life today because there is absolutely nothing too hard for my god there is nothing too hard for my god you just wait and see you wait and see you wait and see god is teaching you he is holding you close to his chest because he has such a work and you know what you might think that every single believer is gone but the lord is saying no i am getting you ready for a mount carmel because when you jew when you stand up there and declare my glory i am going to rain down and so i hope you see that the lord is preparing you for a mighty work that next generation needs you do you understand you might be the elijah but there's an elisha looking for you he needs to see that you have faith to stand so i want us to stand all over i want to thank you all for being so sensitive to the lord tonight i feel like you've already prayed your guts out you have sang you have given things to the lord but there's something that you have probably been too scared to give over to the lord do you know what i'm saying like the thing that you carry in your baggie in your purse you don't want anybody to ever look at it don't look in my purse i'll get it out what do you need i'll get it out i got some things hidden in there and the lord the lord wants those hidden things too because that's a thing that's holding you back that's the thing that's holding you down and what i want you to do is i want you to give that to the lord tonight i'm just i've just kind of come to the place where i'm like god every single part of salinda like every crack crevice everything i want to give that to you because there's no use in beholding it some of you were offended 15 years ago and you're carrying that around 15 years ago you still remember what you were wearing how your hair was that poof that was in your hair god bless you you remember all that and the lord's like why don't you just let it go so i can start flowing through you there's some people in your city that that need you but you got to let that stuff go so i don't even know this was not in my notes and i am treading in some pretty deep water here and i know i will never get asked to speak in this area again but that's okay because the lord wants you to lay that down you know we're gonna do we're not even gonna come up like that's how fair i'm gonna be i don't even want you to like have anybody look at you because he can play right there i can stand right here we're not even going to come up and say that's me i got this stuff in my bag got the stuff can i tell you quit carrying it like that lady that offended you she might not even go to church anymore she might have been crazy when it happened don't let that hold you back don't let that hold your faith back don't let that affect that next generation [Music] that next generation needs to see a god that's so alive and needs to see you on fire grandma you better get your act together you got grandbabies that are looking at you oh i am so out in a limb right now well well we're gonna have to pray because i am in grounds that i definitely did not prepare for but i don't know who you are but you better give that to the lord tonight there's abuse that's happened in this place that happened when you were a girl do you hear me you were a child you have held that in your memory and the lord is saying you give that to me tonight because there's people that you need to help and start investing in but you will never let go of it and if you would just give that to the lord tonight let go of that hurt he can use you in a miraculous way you are way too powerful to be sitting there looking at yourself and thinking you are nothing you are absolutely amazing through the power and the authority of the word and so whoever you are we're not going to come up but what we are going to do is we are going to close our eyes and i want you to lift your hands up and just start giving it all to the lord i don't know what it is it doesn't matter what it is but we're gonna start giving it to the lord i give myself away give myself away so you can use me to give myself away god it happened so many years ago i don't even know why i don't even know why that's it just give it to the lord right now [Music] give it to the lord right now in jesus name right now in jesus name [Music] why don't we let this be a time of repentance before the lord god forgive my heart forgive my attitude forgive the hurt that i've caused to other people that word that i spoke out that was too sharply god is too sharply spoken god i want you to take it and cleanse me god use me lord take it that's it that's it there's some of you that are crying out to the lord and you haven't cried out to the lord in a long time why don't you do that that's it that's it [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of [Music] why don't you jesus start giving that now to the lord i give it to you lord i give every bit of it to you god i have felt isolated but i give it to you god give myself you're preparing me jesus [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] away [Music] i want you to right now put your hand on your head and just start praying for the power and the anointing of spirit i want you to quit disqualifying yourself and saying that's not me that's for someone else right now i want you to put your hand on your head and just say god use me in whatever capacity it is god use me i'm going to quit disqualifying myself i'm going to say that i'm not enough god i am enough to the power of the holy ghost god in the name of jesus right now i pray that there will be such an anointing that rest upon these ladies let them see exactly who they are let them see who they are through the power of your spirit god that's it that's it that's it hallelujah god you are saying that we're enough through the power of your spirit in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and the name of jesus my life is not my own to you i belong i give myself [Music] you better go start that ministry you better go do that thing he's falling to you your life is [Music] my life is not my [Music] [Music] my yes is [Music] my life is [Music] [Music] a gift [Music] give myself away [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] if you can only see yourself how the lord sees you tonight y'all are so powerful you are so beautiful you're not standing alone you're standing with the king of kings and the lord of lords right by you there is absolutely nothing that you and jesus cannot do together do you understand me there is absolutely nothing that you all cannot do together oh i thank you jesus i thank you jesus write yourself some of these things the lord has spoken into your spirit tonight because you're gonna leave different i know i know you're leaving different god orchestrated this whole service for you tonight this whole service is because of you that is how special you are you are the apple of god's eye and you are loved and chosen and he is preparing a work for you god bless you all sister rhodes [Music] powerful word of god tonight let's raise our hands and thank the lord for everything that he's done god we worship you we give you glory we give you praise we thank you for your blessings tonight we worship you savior thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus there is an announcement we're going to have another lady's rally in november november 5th with sister jennifer williams and she will be at king's temple so invite your friends and let's have a good turnout okay i love y'all i appreciate y'all coming out tonight thank you to every pastor's wife to sister hudsmith and uh sister dave being here tonight we appreciate you thank you singers musicians they're all wonderful thank you all lord bless
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 291
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, cylinda nickel, preparation by separation
Id: waTqfYl2Jyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 37sec (6157 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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