Secret Visits To Her Ex In Vegas (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. -Hello, Your Honor. -Hello. This is the case of<i> Yancy v. Thomas.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. [audience] Good day. Miss Yancy, you are here to save your family by proving to your boyfriend that he fathered your seven-month-old son, Kaharie. You testified that his paternity denial is tearing you apart. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Thomas, you claim that after finding pictures of Miss Yancy and the baby with another man, you are convinced you are not Kaharie's biological father. -Is that correct? -That's correct, Your Honor. So, Miss Yancy, tell us why this court date is so important. Well, it's important because, um... Well, we've been having a few issues ever since my baby was born. Um... It would go... You know, he was there through the entire pregnancy, and, um, we would go back and forth after the baby was born, about, you know, <i>the baby doesn't look like him. The baby looks like me. Or you know, the baby--</i> So you feel like, this paternity -resolution... -Mmm-hmm. important in terms of saving your relationship. Um, yes, Your Honor. So, your relationship's on the line, Mr. Thomas? A lot going on right now because of these paternity doubts? Yes, Your Honor, it is. What do you mean? Do you feel like you don't know if you're gonna stay or you're gonna go? Where are you at with this? Um, right now, Your Honor, it's... It's hard, you know, 'cause I do love her and all. And throughout the whole relationship, we always talked about having a child together. But, you know, now it's like, we are at a point where... There's a child, but I possibly might not be the father, you know. So, it... It kind of hurts. So... And Kaharie is seven months old. And you're worried about is it your baby? Yes, Your Honor. So, Miss Yancy, talk to me about the nature of your relationship with Mr. Thomas during the period of time right before you got pregnant. We were just getting back together. We were still, um... -There was a little brief break up? -Yes. Okay. He was seeing somebody. And then, I started seeing somebody, but, basically, it... That all transpired from, um, us just not being, pretty much, truthful with each other, and, um... Yeah, and even... Like she said, even at the time we were both seeing someone, we were still seeing each other. -So, it wasn't like... -[audience hooting] Well... [chuckles] Were you broken up or were you together? More like friends with benefits. -[audience] Oh. -Yeah. Well... But were you also dating and sleeping with other people? [woman in audience] Yes. I didn't start dating and sleeping with other people until Maurice had seen me giving my friend a ride. We were going out. He seen me at the gas station with him. And all this, uh, stuff came out. He started cussing me out and texting me and calling me out my name. -Well, yeah, I mean-- -He would follow me in my car. -If you are in a relationship with somebody... -We weren't in a relationship. don't go and give another man a ride-- But I thought y'all said y'all were broken up. -Exactly. When we were breaking up... -That's not correct. To me, I felt like we were over. -If we were over-- -And I told him that multiple times. -If we were so over-- -"We're done. Don't call me. "Don't come to my house. Do not disturb me. Leave me alone." But at the same time, she was still calling me, she would still come to my mom's house, ask me for little things. You know what I mean, to help her out with this or that, and I would. So, if we were so broken up, there's no need for you to come ask me. Go ask your new friend. -If you're messing with somebody-- -And that's fine. And that's fine, so why would it... Why would you take it upon yourself to follow me in my car, to... -And that's the thing, she-- -I'm talking to my new friend. -Why are you following? -She said... She said I was following, but at that time, where we live at, it's the weekend, so everyone goes to the gas station, they hang out and then they go to the clubs. -That's all we were doing. -What? -[Yancy laughing] -Is that what we're doing now? That sound like high school. Y'all a little too old to be hanging out at the gas station. -[audience applauding] -That's like what you do after the high school football game. Go over to the gas station and to the fast food restaurant... You all too old for this -in more ways than one. -[Yancy] Right. So, Mr. Thomas, take me to the time you found out Miss Yancy was pregnant. When did you find that out? Um, we were sitting at my mom's house. <i> And, you know, she came, and she said</i> <i>that she took a pregnancy test and she's pregnant.</i> And I'm like... you know, I was happy for the simple fact that over the years, we were trying to conceive and have a baby. [mumbling] In the back of my mind, I'm thinking like, "Yes, it finally happened" and then, after she told me... She left and text me that the baby might not me mine. -[audience gasps] -[Yancy] That's correct. Oh! And, uh, I told him... And once I started thinking about the conception date and the day I conceived, we were on a break-up. And I was seeing someone else. And so was he. But it's like, you were already seeing someone before the break-up, if that's the case. No... If that's the case, then it was the same with you. Unfortunately, we've got to focus on your sexual practices during the time, Miss Yancy, because we have a paternity question <i> concerning Kaharie, which is your baby.</i> [Yancy]<i> Right.</i> See, when you get in this loosey-goosey phase, nothing good comes of it. -[Yancy] Right. -There's no boundaries. You all still having sex with each other, presumably unprotected. And then, you still out there having sex with other people too. All that matters. It makes a mess that you have to then figure out how to clean up. And we all got the tools to mess up. But then, we act like we don't have the materials to clean up. Right. Yes. That's what this courtroom is. We the clean-up court. That's what we do... No, really. We clean up messes here. So that Kaharie doesn't have to live in it. Was Mr. Thomas supportive when you were pregnant with Kaharie? Was he there for you? -Yes, Your Honor, absolutely. -He... -The whole way? -The whole way. Even though you sent that text back and said, "It might not be your child"? [Yancy]<i> Yes, I explained to him that,</i> <i> you know, I was skeptical--</i> And even though... Even though she was skeptical, you know, she told me, and I had my doubts, but at the same time, it was like... The 50% chance it is mine, I don't want to have a son, you know what I mean, <i> born in this world without being there for him.</i> <i> So, regardless, I stepped up.</i> <i> -And, you know, I chose to be there for him.</i> -[Yancy]<i> Right. As you should.</i> -[Judge Lake]<i> You made the choice?</i> -[Thomas]<i> Yes.</i> <i> Regardless, I made the choice to be there.</i> You know what I mean? And helped out with everything-- And throughout the pregnancy, you were there? -Correct. -Doctor's appointments. You went there when Kaharie was born? You were at the hospital? That's correct. So, when you see the baby, <i> newborn beautiful baby, what were you thinking?</i> [Thomas]<i> The first thing I was thinking...</i> I was overcome with, uh, emotions. You know what I mean? I'm happy. I'm like... You know. It's about time I see him and it's like, <i> he's a handsome young man,</i> <i> but I just don't feel like he's mine.</i> [Judge Lake]<i> Why? Who did he look like?</i> [Thomas] He looks like his mother. [audience laughing] So, what's wrong with that? I mean, it's a new baby. -[Thomas] Yeah, yeah. -She's the mother. Yeah, it's true. But you know, this thing I used to say, like, if it looks like the mother too much, then, it might not be the... It might not be the father or something. -Oh, boo. -[Thomas chuckles] [laughs] Wait. Now, did you make this up? Or this is something you heard? [all laughing] No, it's just something I came up with myself, Your Honor. -Okay, you came up with this yourself. -Yeah, yeah. [laughter] So, did you sign the birth certificate even though the baby looked like Miss Yancy? -Yes, I did. -Okay, so what you talking about then? Just being in the hospital, watching the baby born, being in the whole pregnancy, just being in the moment, you know what I mean? Nobody wants to go through all that and not believe that they are not the father, you know? So, of course, I signed it. Just emotions that overwhelmed with love for him and her, and just... -Just being there at the time. -All right, I'll accept that. 'Cause even though that's the wrong thing to do, that's honest what you said. -You got caught up in the emotion of it. -[Thomas] Yeah. You loved her, you loved the baby <i> 'cause you thought it could potentially be your baby.</i> And then... Yeah, and then, I also have a son of my own. Um, and he, uh, he had, like an extra little pinky finger and Kaharie also had that when he was born. So that, sort of, eased out all the doubts I had, you know what I mean? Oh, so you had a son who was born with the sixth finger. [Thomas] Yes. And so, when Kaharie was born with it-- I noticed the same thing. So, that just took all the little doubts or whatnot I had, and... Okay, and you felt like, you know what... -I felt like he's mine. Yes. -...this is my baby. -And I'mma sign this birth certificate. -That's correct. When did you start doubting again? Um, we had took a trip to, uh, Fresno to go visit family. And I end up going through her phone and I notice that she has pictures with Kaharie and the other man that could possibly be the father. -[audience gasps] -Oh, really? Yes. Why were you taking pictures with the other guy, Miss Yancy? [Yancy]<i> My mom looked at him and she told me straight up,</i> <i> "I don't think that that's Maurice's son,</i> and I think that you should get in contact with his biological father." And that's cool and all, but at the same time, if we were together, why couldn't you have just told me? Why hide it and make it a big deal? You know what I mean? I wasn't trying to hide it. I just felt like there was a particular time and place for that... But you realize by not telling him, that just fueled his doubt even more. [Yancy] Right. Right. And I understand that. I can understand where he's coming from on that aspect. And so, like I said, I never meant for it to go that way. But my intentions was to explain to him and tell him. But after... After how long? 'Cause we were back for like, like I said, four or five days. And then we had an eight-hour ride together. And then... I mean, you could have talked to me in the car, anytime in between. -How long ago did you take the family trip to Fresno? -[Thomas] About two months. -Oh, it's just two months ago? -Yes. What has it been like for the last two months? I mean, it's been kind of hard because, you know, I've grown to love him. <i> We've got a bond together.</i> <i> And you know what I mean? After seeing that picture, it was like,</i> <i> if you feel like this, then why should I continue to be around?</i> If you are trying to put him, or put another man in his life that hasn't been there or doesn't want to be there? -Oh, the other man doesn't-- -He doesn't know that. And that's not true. I'm just saying, like, I'm the only one that's been there, and... -[stammers] -He doesn't want to give the other man an opportunity. [Thomas] I'll give him the opportunity-- -Does the other man want to be in Kaharie's life? -Yes, he does. -He does? -And if he does and if it's not mine, then he can... I'll step away and he can... And, and that's what he feels. He's gonna step down to let the other man -take care of his child. -Yeah, it's his child. Which is ridiculous because we have a whole family. We're in a relationship. We have a house, we have a car. We have everything intertwined. Yeah, we're in a relationship. And we were in a relationship when we took that family trip. But in your eyes, you didn't, you didn't come and tell me as a family. So... [Judge Lake] Well? Let the church say "amen." [audience] Amen. [audience applauding] -Miss Yancy. -[Yancy clears throat] I have to agree with Mr. Thomas' logic. I think you should have informed him in advance. He wouldn't have... He wouldn't have went for it at all. So, you felt like he would have just said no. He either would have said no. Or he would have given up on us and said, "Do what you're gonna do." She still having communications with this guy and without me knowing. [audience gasps] I'm not really having communications... You're not really having communications, but then again... Only if it's important, I send him pictures of the baby. What's important, Your Honor? If he's not around, how is it important to him? -He's not there every night-- -So, you send him pictures of Kaharie? Every now and again. And, and that's something I just found out right now. I never knew that. Yeah, just like I found out just recently when we took the trip to Fresno that he was actually born with extra fingers on both sides of his hands. -So, that... -Who was? The other potential dad. [audience gasps] Now, that is an incredible coincidence. I didn't know that either until we took the trip and we were talking about everything. So, what are your hopes, Miss Yancy? What are you thinking? [stammers] What do you want from this? Um, my hopes is for Maurice to be the father of my child. Those are my hopes. [Thomas]<i> Yet she has this other man that she saying is the father</i> <i> and she still sending him pictures. Why--</i> And why are you crying, Miss Yancy? What, what, what... I'm... I'm just emotional. It's just annoying that he just feels like, "Oh, it's so negative on my end. It's all this negative." He's done stuff too. -He's made our relationship... -But what I've done... What I've done, didn't bring a child in our relationship. -It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. -We're not... We're not... My mistakes, it didn't bring us here today. You didn't bring a child. You're right, you didn't. But there were plenty of ulterior motive that you had to get back at me for stupid stuff. So, it's okay. Like I said, at the end of the day, I'm just here to get them DNA results so I can have closure and move forward. -Whatever you're gonna do, that's fine. -[audience applauding] If that's what you wanna do, that's fine. What are you going to... What are you gonna do, Mr. Thomas? I mean, have you thought about what you're gonna do if you are not the biological father? If I'm not the biological father, then I'mma step away and let her continue to put the other man in Kaharie's life so he could be his father. Like she wants. 'Cause he wants to be the father also, so... So, you're saying, if the baby's not your biological child, you're done with the whole relationship? -In a way, yes. -He's saying that... In a way? See now, we're back to loosey-goosey which didn't get us anywhere in the first place. Oh, yes, yes, 'cause I don't want to be sitting around just being a stepdad while you're... <i> -While I'm raising a kid...</i> -[Yancy]<i> That's crazy.</i> <i> Because you've been a stepdad for almost five years.</i> And five years, I'm tired of being a stepdad. You're tired of being a stepdad? Well, then, you need to figure it out. This is... It's deeper than this. You need to figure it out regardless. -I'mma say this, Miss Yancy. -Mmm-hmm. Better him say this now than convince you that everything is perfect only to every other day bring up or every time your child's father had to come pick him up, -it'd be an issue. -[Yancy] Right. -So, now we know where we are. -Mmm-hmm. Let's find out where we're going. Jerome, I'm ready for the results. [audience applauding] These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Yancy v. Thomas...</i> [audience groans] When it comes to seven-month-old Kaharie Thomas, it has been determined by this Court, Mr. Thomas, you are not the father. [audience gasps] -I'm very sorry. -[Thomas] It's okay, Your Honor. It's all right, I mean... I still love her and I still love him at the end of the day, but if she wants... [audience applauding] If she wants to build a father-son relationship with Kaharie and the other man, then I feel like there is no need for me to try to build a strong relationship with him. Well, that's not true. No, see, listen. I support you in your truth, but I'm not gonna let you tell yourself a lie. It's not that you don't have a place just because you're not the biological father. A child can't have too much love. And you've done something beautiful for this child. That you've ushered this child in the world with love and acceptance. Even when you weren't sure. That's a good thing. That's a blessing. So, now we've gotta figure out how we manage all of these circumstances that you both brought into play. -Right? -Correct. So, from here on out, we gotta change that. I want you to go talk to Dr. Jeff. I want you to take advantage of the counseling and the resources we have for you. Because Kaharie's gonna need you all to be able to set some boundaries and know where you're going with this thing. Right? -That's correct, Your Honor. -All right. I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,236,292
Rating: 4.6917148 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: GKeXktiivEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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