SECRET ROOMS In Untouched Abandoned 1700s French Chateau! ft. Explomo ! EVERYTHING IS LEFT! (p2)

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two weeks ago explomo and i explored possibly the most beautiful untouched abandoned chateau in the world so big that i decided i had to document it in two parts last time we explored the whole first floor and everything was left behind each room frozen in time and incredible history the major majority voted they wanted to see the second part where we will explore the upper floors and the lower floors including many untouched rooms full of historical treasures the kitchen pool room the haunted attic and some secret rooms that we will finally explore okay guys it was in a whole different room but this is one of those wicks that you saw in the picture and i never ever ever this is original one this is no replica or something this is originally used by one of their grandfathers is extremely old so no disrespect but i have to put it on yo i just wanted to leave this room and then i found another secret room are you kidding me look if you look really closely on this wall there's a secret door another one if you haven't seen the first part i highly advise you to watch that one first as it contains most of the history many of you haven't been getting notifications lately even after pressing the bell button so be sure to look me up once in a while because i have been uploading abandoned places every single week for the last five to six years if you haven't subscribed yet please take a small moment to still do it as i do giveaway free merch once in a while to members in live streams last week's explorer is also one not to miss we explored one of the most guarded nazi buildings in the whole netherlands which also definitely was a crazy experience with this being said i love you all follow me on facebook and instagram and please enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys this is one of my favorite rooms just it's a sleeping room but also like a chilling room or some swords with a beautiful it's very small compared to the rest grand realms of this chateau but it's very very nice one of the nicest rooms maybe nice flower wallpaper the flower curtain so everything is in the same style those people just had lots of money this is just another heater they all had the only heaters freaking awesome i absolutely love stuff like this or to find stuff like this you know beautiful bed gorgeous absolutely gorgeous and then over here where i am standing oh and those hallways were big back in the day the people were much smaller there's another room here which is really weird and this one had its own off room i can hear a mouse yeah this one had its own bathroom now if there's jesus well it's not really a bathroom it's more like a washing area a nice little soaps you know you would almost think this is a hotel but it's not it's uh just one family lived here on one french family wow that's crazy it's where is the pictures of this family again like all black and white pictures very detailed yeah you can see how long this place is abandoned and how special it is and everything is left behind and keep in mind guys for the new people there's always new people watching about seventy percent i watch my videos are not subscribed so i wanna say we never break anything we never steal anything we never vandalize anything we don't share the locations with people who do so please don't worry about that this location is safe in our hands if there's a name i try to blur it out and uh you know i've got a lot of walk in this it looks like a little harry potter closet here i don't know maybe a secret room back into this because uh how's the same painting oh this is also collapsing like old suitcases like everything in this thing is cool that's like a museum like when do you ever see suitcases like this and this goes in this wall there's a bat yo this is a bedroom are you kidding me don't tell me there's a dead body in there i can't go in there man that's a bedroom like a close-up secret closet bedroom are you kidding me yeah i'm with the cross yo that's kind of cool man yeah you know already know a castle like this would have secret rooms oh here it is here's the bed it's the same wow this place is cool this is one of i think this is one of the grand grand uh well the i think the grand bedrooms are going to be upstairs but you know it's getting better and better this one had its own bathroom with a bit of bath um and this in holland we got is a bad stay which used to be very popular if you built you like your bed in a wall and there used to be curtains over there i'm pretty positive they used to be curtains or like doors in there you can also see the you see sorry about that that's not my photo camera you can also see like the little grease there on the side which means there was a door here probably which i really love and that's the same picture again hand made but it looks identical so they must have made a few of those they have the amandarai uh fireplace again which is dutch with a french name i know a little bit about history and then a little tea table here i don't know if french people really had tea time like the english do but um i'm sure they did and otherwise it was liquid time probably for the french even this like another thing you can tell they love to hunt and you know that trophies are all around this building it's absolutely gorgeous another painting over there another closet you already know if i open this closet it's gonna be full of stuff well not full but there's definitely some bibles and so on decoration books this is from 1980 wow you don't really have time to check this out just hit a voice outside i don't even know if i'm gonna be able to film this whole house french police is not to be messed with that's why i don't like to go to france anymore because once i was in france and they literally had me strap down in the rain look at this she had a big zip oh my nose was it whatever you gonna please don't haunt me but i said that it's awfully quiet i just heard like a voice outside and now it's quiet so i hope my friends are not caught yo is this like oh man i love this was this really fashion back into this i think this was like a aladdin aladdin kind of maybe it's like a souvenir what a creepy room this i'm not gonna lie oh wow it smells like oh this flow's bad you know what it sounds like here everybody like um green soap it's like a medicine cabinet over there this is beautiful but a very dangerous flooring i don't know if i can walk this to be honest i'm not gonna risk walking i'm just gonna shoot this because it's really bad look at this old-fashioned like um shower the big boiler over there is that another fireplace in a bathroom really and that's interesting there's another cabinet of some sorts see here i'm like flabbergasted again because i don't know what this was for yo that door just closed i'm being haunted i'm actually not feeling that comfortable in this room but uh what is this superior strop marus hp yo you guys know what this is most of my viewers are like older i'm sure some of you guys are from the 60s you guys know what it is there's a bunch of those they're really good a really light weight i just don't know what it is i don't speak french they're really beautiful more pictures yo i just wanted to leave this room and then i found another secret room are you kidding me look if you look really closely on this wall there's a secret door another one you this causes full of secrets that's what i love about this old castle i'm always looking for this always look there's a keyhole but is it open let's find out it's not it's locked no man i hate this i want to see where the secret room goes for oh this place is in bad shape so yeah this is a secret room in an inside stabana castle every room is left behind everything is left behind just four grand rooms it's just absolutely amazing probably a 10 out of 10 location can't get any better than this if you like bandos i'm gonna continue this but there's so much to see so guys probably yeah this lighting i don't know but uh behind me is this stairway with the collapsed floor you guys should gain weight so probably can't go and now i'm just kidding i'm gonna go now i'm too curious let's go i love you guys i don't think that person actually compliment to me because i never was able to gain yo um i'm gonna show you guys this it's gonna be crazy easy it's lightning let's go i miss my camera guys i miss my my video camera but uh should be repaired soon it's kind of hard to see but this is another picture of this castle from the sign you can select the little people there oh this floor man someone's walking i can hear this whole it's crazy it's not safe at all this one it's the most decayed part so you guys want them up there people still don't believe me this is abandoned yeah i rest my case is it that the most decayed part of this place it's kind of cool nice natural lightning it's like an upstairs floor wow yo this is also really incredible this is so dangerous whoa yeah this is like another flawlessness another floor whoa jesus i just fell through the floor a little bit oh that scared me and more of those hats yo absolutely crazy this lauren i don't think the others went this far more rooms wow burback's guessing guys hashtag schedule this is kind of nice nice little room not as grand as the downstairs ones for some reason i would expect the ones up here to be better but this is like a children's room because there's more toys see it's not as grand because the wallpaper is not the same as that although the bed sheets are the same as the curtains so yeah this floor's creaking as i'm walking on it so i'm just going to keep walking really quickly because i want to show you guys mostly as possible it's way this is not the attic but it looks kind of like an edit here we have a lot of old books some are really old and rare like for example that one is from [Music] oh i thought it said the date but it's like black like brown it's creepy but also really beautiful oh guys i kind of like this area because i love alex it's not the attic [Music] but it looks like an attic so much shoes yo those people were mad rich mad rich absolutely and small runes with everything left like that's the suit of the owner this looks awfully familiar this looks so much like another untouched castle that i did yo man so said my grandma died if she would have seen this she she was a big violin fan um she was really professional uh a violin player she recently died if you guys didn't not yet i feel like this is old violin imagine if this is a tiffany violin you know wouldn't even surprise me like i know i tried to show you guys everything quickly i have to show this in more detail this is cool i don't think it's a tiffany but if you look how rich this this place is but it's on the case maybe [Music] maybe it's just a normal way did i say something inside it's called um josef garini guarini fasit so that's a french name guys like i've been training my ass off in the gym to be able to airbags again but uh it's tough this is cool look it's green and then changes color when you shine at it is this safe it's so hard to make cinematics in a place like this full of stuff but yeah do you guys think i'm fat let me know in the comments no i'm just kidding wow what a nice room i feel like this would have been my room if i left in this house but this room feels really nice i feel like a boy left here yeah actually look at that yo i swear to god i did not see that there's another fireplace there must be something french yo i like this a lot so this is the boiler left here probably 1543 no 1973. i was gonna say because this place is from my 1970s so at least that's what i think because that's what the outside says and his name was bruno broomy i don't know rupee i don't know it's a french name guys please let me know i'm really terrible at french i apologize back in the days that's still uh like cards and stuff wow yo i like this room i'm not a bad stay like i told you guys before or in the last part of the video i don't know how i'm gonna film this but it's got a bad state there used to be dorsal or curtains and you can see that i see there's a hook so this one had curtains see that's just something we had in the netherlands i don't know why but i kind of see why because i like that too it's an old-fashioned pipe a wheat pipe so yo i love finding stuff like this wow it's kind of overbright i apologize look yeah that's like a wall from there see all of this kind of stuff did you only find a rich people's homes toilet seat here's this uniform wowie wee wee mama harry potter beautiful absolutely beautiful so if you're new on my channel and you like it you know i don't want to back for subscribers or something but if you do actually like it and you want to support me on my journey with my passion you know just hit that subscribe button if you don't like it you can always click away i know there's a lot of corrupt people on youtube so you know i don't blame you if you don't just follow people i want to follow people this is cool it's like not champions that's like a trainer costume well i'm gonna take some pictures here see you guys in the next room love you guys there's another floor here which might lead to that tower i'll go there later because it's kind of dangerous so i might take some people with me some storage rooms also a point of collapsing that's kind of scared me yeah that's really that's typical french because they used to wear that to look skinned as like a waistliner i know it looks different but back in the days i learned that in history it kind of looks like that this looks like a bullseye there's like an old bicycle over there i'm not even that close to holland uh yeah i love that okay let's take a look there later let's first take a look at the bicycle and then i'm gonna rest yeah that's the old bicycle that's cool man wow yeah no let's take a look in this one another bedroom small bedroom seems all right so far wow yeah i kind of like those rooms maybe more than the uh grant rooms because you know they're just small and cozy i really don't need much space everybody i'm um i'm not a spoiled guy i just i need all the basics and uh as long as my my pain allows me to explore you know i'm good i don't ask for anything else look at that that's why i was a little bit depressed because i haven't filmed three months you know before this you guys don't really see that because i just keep uploading every week those are just videos i recorded a long time you know i might like oh this is a dead end you know i might upload this video like i don't know maybe months later from when i upload this yo [Music] look at this nice room or some point of collapsing huge cracks but definitely a really nice room actually i would love to have left in this room back into this you know just chill here sit here it's not big but it's like a beautiful view man and this was just the main mention there's also like guest houses and stables and that kind of stuff look at the big cross yeah they were definitely religious huawei you can see there are small vhs tapes so this must have abandoned maybe in the 90s so maybe they left here from the 70s to the 90s i might have died or um moved to a bigger castle with us hello oh it's not a dead end actually it's more rooms oui look at this beautiful thing whatever this is okay let's open it but that's creepy this is like a well like a theater plate or something put batteries in there and you open this yo i'm definitely not gonna climb this guys there's another floor with squeaky old ladder no way no thanks oh man why is it that's to be so creepy yeah definitely not going up there no idea where my friends are but we are going to go in the creepy room though you know that comes the time i'm going to fall through the floor i don't want to oh okay i have no idea i was this high yo are you kidding me did we climb this high one two three three stories and then there's another story down there so well four star is high wow i thought we were like on the third floor you know i don't like this walk in here but uh you if i would film everything in this house this will be a five-hour video if not 10. if i read all those books it's a dictionary italian france so that the like language books um see this i don't like this kind of stuff there might be another bedroom behind these sheets who knows all rats oh my oh man sorry guys i'm a whoa i'm a what is this no yo we are on that attic now so we didn't have to climb around why is this so creepy why am i here alone hopefully i'm alone like true i am why did i go to this part of the castle over myself please let me know in the comments guys that's it's nice though i mean it's a nice attic i love alex like i could just see myself sitting in the chilling chair it's a wash i think they use this to wash themselves see a lot of french stuff that i'm not really familiar with but i know a little bit about assault weighing skill reminds me of that abandoned uh supermarket i did with everything left behind if you're new you have a lot of catching up to do i have like 500 videos of places like this from places like this to ruins you know everything it's a nice little breeze here i like it an attic like this i'm gonna go uh downstairs maybe because i filmed the first [Music] so when i was walking i imagined that i think was moving right i'm walking here and that thing moves it's freaking me out it's because i uh talked about the sit the angry at me i'm sorry about this i don't know how to say i'm sorry in france do i have french followers i think i think a few um biggest followers are from america uk have we been here yeah i think so yeah we've been here okay yeah some some of the biggest followers are america uk and philippines believe it or not i have a lot of philippine followers and i love you guys maybe i should go there someday what i really like is this like that grand entrance is like this weapon shield i guess this family i probably have to blur that out but then over here you have like old couch so this is one of the grand living rooms i can't really tell how grand this is like they used to play a game of chess here wow so much detail and i used to play another game here i think i know that game and i think i used to play this with my grandparents when i was growing up was it got both the cats and i i don't know that's dutch but uh no that's something to do with the keys see but the geese and i remember this game yeah we had like a dutch version of this [Music] bellarin yo it was actually called the geese in dutch i remember now let's go there's one of the big boss men they used to live here i think we actually found that wig we actually found his work guys i didn't film that yet well we found these guys awake which is absolutely amazing that it's still left here i haven't seen a wake like that only in movies over here we have like a priest so maybe there was like a little church here it's like that private priest or something oh radio also looks very 90s it's all the letters from this family i cannot show you that i'm sorry guys there's another one of those wicks i don't know which way could we found but we found one of those and then you have to the women the female that i also haven't seen in pictures yet i think there's a guy that looks like beethoven wow and this guy hold on no not there's a white guy so looks like a priest a lot of people left in his house this guy is cool kind of like this guy's eyes his nice eyes there you have wow just look at the detail on the chandelier where i stay saying french illumina something luminous i don't know sorry about my sorry about my bad french guys sure this is a beautiful book i'm gonna take a look at that [Music] i think this is a female francer 1872 yeah that's a female look at this small hunting trophies and just you know you can look at everything this place look at this this cupboard look at how beautiful the the carvings are now all the stuff's gorgeous i actually have a kind of french tattoo because my tattoos from the abandoned castle i got a lot of questions about that on my instagram so so my tattoo is from an abandoned place guys i'm the dedicated to this hobby it's an abandoned castle got too noisy i call it the queen of airbags a lot of people do yeah it was empty it was an empty castle well relatively empty i guess it had uh yeah it had some stuff left you know it's not it's not empty but it was kind of trash because it was so popular but it just had such a beautiful like energy to it and it was also built on an energy line on later that's why there were three churches in this castle and i absolutely love that castle it's just the best castle i think those are my best videos ever those three parts of that castle because even though i didn't edit that well they have a good camera back then i just i was so pure because i just absolutely loved that place yeah i was like a newborn you know i was that happy and enjoying myself oh this is a good trophy oh piano from the brand people always want to know the brand ender andres and then it says something like food clearly 1128 a la and then it says 1792 maybe they they started in 11. i don't know and nothing 17 92. more board games yeah yes that's what they used to do back in the days grants another grand chandelier wow grand chandelier grand fireplace this is the chandelier i'm talking about it's absolutely beautiful all handmade like glass the real uh real candles i did a lot of beautiful mansions that i just had everything that looked beautiful what was fake but this is all like handmade and that makes this place so much more special um so yeah i do appreciate again i don't do this for the fame or something i just love to do it but it's always appreciated if you uh if you share now let's read this book because i'm way too curious about this big book it's about call stores and i love castles wow see this is this is a french weapon shield oh and it kind of looks like my tattoo you know i have this like same crown same head and then i have like one of those in on a line or something you know you can you can find my pictures on my instagram energy is full of castles i'm sure there's castles in the tuna why else would they have this beautiful book wow it's not all pictures ma wow small grant consoles from this golden age let's check the other book got the flashlight here i'm not gonna name the brand this one is closed christmas decoration why is this closed i never seen that before yeah it's full of constants and they put like a lock on there wow chest game absolutely brilliant yeah so i told you guys french people love that liquor they love that wine and some spiders in there but there is literally wine from 1892 and there's still a little bit of liquor in there so same for that one you can't even see the date on that one it's just molded away this one from 1904 wow 1904 yeah that that's incredible what is it incredible you see that 1892 gorgeous glad to open this cupboard it's like a liquor cabinet so it was of thinking at first when another living room because why up one living room if you're rich but uh that was a but it's not it's like gears or something hmm it was like an older tanker it's more like german i think tankers they're kind of cool and the cleaner the housekeepers to use this i wonder if there was a good job back in the day this one is one of the best fireplaces obviously because it's in there one of the living rooms you know gorgeous like the seashell in the middle marmara again it's old model plane wow obviously if i have the history of this place i want to get in the intro trying to get voice over in back just a little extra walk see there's almost no vandalism just you see there's all this place if there's one vendor here is it the first thing they would probably destroy it's gorgeous yeah it's like the living living room like the table the eating table and stuff wow another weighing scale this one looks more fancy than the other one that's good still walks it's kind of incredible wow so here you have flowers again like i said they look real but they're plastic they're not real flowers i know otherwise if i don't see it i'm gonna get a lot of comments about this but it's a plastic look at all this it's like spiders crawling through this place it looks so clean but it's full of dust and spiders very weird to see this i like this and also like that see i don't even know what half of this stuff was used for i know it looks really nice plates really cool plates actually one of the coolest i've ever seen i think they put like milk or something in there for the coffee it's a big safe and opened see this is what we don't challenge location because we don't want people to you know run like a place like this because it's beautiful it's frozen in time that's why i hope you guys share locations like this because we need to keep preserving the history here you'll tell us i like this much more than a museum because here i can just see this is a real flower there's not much left but i just want to preserve the history and i'll show it to you guys wow and grand chandelier wow then they're beautiful we talk about the urban schedule when i see a storm land run like this you know these are so beautiful there's more of them here it's a big storm lantern here because obviously they didn't have flashlights i think and if they did definitely not on that phone there's a cool storm land run one of the coolest i ever seen look so there used to be somebody living here they used to make those that's a good picture for rich people yeah i always wonder if i'm in a house like this if those people were nice people if they were like spoiled because i mean if you grow up in a place like this it's hard to to know how much evil there is on the outside you know they grow up so safely here and have a nice home you know imagine if you live here as a kid you can just play here hide and seek i think it's brilliant to be honest no no beautiful fireplace actually whoa [Music] let's see this place is so big and i just yeah i haven't even been here yet there's like a whole kitchen you cannot believe this small floors oh this is that stairway we've been before i think so we've been up there let's buy the ladder one dutch dutch stars oh this is it's weird i feel like i've been to this place but i'm not but i guess i've been to some some french mansions and kitchen always a little bit similar i can just walk people hear people walk yeah you have a little bit of a view on the outside this place is insane see now my back is starting to hurt but uh i'm just gonna rest for a bit and then continue so i'm making some nice cinematic shots of this this is a coffee grinder guys hey i think it is actually i think this is a really old-fashioned coffee crying and you just put coffee in there or something grind it in here and then comes out someone on the bottom maybe not the kettle oh let's see this kind of stuff [Music] it's not one of those there's a lot of those see more kilos so they used to cook on a fire bit or something let's see this i'm like wow it's a nice kitchen i guess then people used to walk here that uh you know the work for those people like the maintenance people the cooks are the cleaner you know we know this place had a cleaner so yeah rich family i don't think they did much themselves i think they had like people for everything but then again that that now so you know having a good life doesn't mean you won't die huh how many times have i found this this coffee thing in an abandoned place guys people don't know my videos seen those before really old fashioned i know i know a lot of people that collect those that's why we don't share look at this so for meat used to put meat in this guys and then just grind it two of those nice you know it's like you're back in time right here this looks like it's just nobody touched it and it's just full of spiderwebs but if you don't look at the roof like oh wait we're in an abandoned place you know it's very very surreal because it doesn't look abandoned if you look from like this angle just looks like a like a nice home yeah i'm not gonna lie this is one of my favorite rooms of this castle so far another one of the clocks this one is dead it's a miracle the other one still walked [Music] huh that's another coffee grinder i think sugar [Music] no idea what that means and those look like cameras but actually flashlights i've seen those in movies just when i say that my flashlight does but yeah i think that the movies are really cool and then here we have the beautiful lamps all this stuff yeah i guess this was a really nice kitchen to walk on i don't know how the owners were i don't know if they were nice if they were strict they look really strict to be honest if you look at those pictures some tools a lot of places definitely going to take a look in the guesthouse as to what uh people used to live that walked in so you guys can see the difference it's so weird that i have the idea that i'm into this place there are never been nothing i'm pretty sure i've never been here but it's this area this kitchen looks so familiar people to watch my videos let me know which castle that wants to look so much like this one also untouchable on also in france fishing this is fisher called i think this is a beer cooler oh no it's a beer tap that's cool that'd be a time so yeah i guess this is like the door people that walked here came in because this is not the grand entrance obviously beerus lorraine this radio which is super cool i bet it still works if it had power left i know those things have power for a long time we used to have power i don't think this won't work so we'll be cool no but where's that you guys know that i did that abandoned bungalow with everything left had also like a radio and still walked sometimes just you're surprised to what you find some cleaning stuff yeah one more thing i wonder what are those i just like hot irons for clothing or i need to make toast or let me know very interesting and beautiful this thing refrigerator absolutely gorgeous so this is a room at first glance it looks like a lesser cool room because it's so stacked but uh this is actually a room with the most trophies of the hunting so if you want to look here see this trophy's there there's trophies there you know they hunted them themselves there's deer heads there they're spectres of this it's a beautiful boiler and then this one this is probably the most beautiful pool table i have ever seen and this kind of weird thing that i've never seen in my life but definitely one of the most gorgeous pool tables i've ever seen let's take a closer look things but this one is not glass are they like for timers or something and then you can see see there's a little one there and then there's a glass one again i just like things to see with the sun to see the time or something it might be completely off like yo those are not paintings these are real animals i didn't even notice that but take a look at that later but see it's a glass one what is that wow what is that guys please let me know that's one of the most old-fashioned cleaners i have assumed so those paintings you see that those are actually real animals in like a painting that's really weird i'm not a super big fan of hunting but i do eat meat so you know so i don't mind hunters just if it's for food not just people kill for fun you know but uh yeah look at this absolutely gorgeous and then here you have what i mean see those those pictures the real animals see that they just really like slices of the animal they just put it down rabbit where it is so yeah this room is actually super interesting even though it's kind of stacked with stuff wow gorgeous creepy it's kind of creepy but gorgeous at the same time look at the candle layers the bikes the bikes are actually kind of nice you see that they look kind of modern but they're not really modern because the whole saddle is like um it's nice you have a better view on this gorge boiler with a face on top of it okay guys it was in a whole different room but this is one of those wicks that you saw in the picture and i never ever ever this is the original one this is no replica or something this is originally used by one of their grandfathers it's extremely old so no disrespect but i have to put it on it's probably full of fleas but you just can't really see that but uh let me show you uh up close there you go so those things only wore by rich mighty people i think all like political people i'm neither i'm just a guy with help problems that does airbags videos i'm gonna put this back where i found it but i just had to show you that because that's really really rare fine actually guys and i really appreciate stuff like that it just fell down so i'm gonna put it back up but yeah so much more to see so everybody this is one of the creepiest room in this whole abandoned house first of all let me show you this that's this place what they call an old bed stay that's a dutch word i'm sure they call it different in france but i really like this because there's no dead body here it just looks like that but it's just a pillow or something with a it's just a really nice room because if you look over here there's like a tea table i know it's kind of hot maybe to see with this lightning but there's a tea table and a huge mirror there is no vandalism guys in this whole building zero vandalism there's a secret room here we're gonna take a look at that later what else paintings or one thing i need to ask you guys uh the heaters in this building they all have like a little swirl to it why is that why didn't they just put it straight up there that's so weird like i just don't understand and uh you know my friends my friend sarah she said look at this this lady i feel like she's kind of creepy she really is creepy wow she looks like a little like a witch witchcraft don't you think harry potter which pointy hat since i'm here back anyways um can you guys so since i'm back here anyways i wanted to take a closer look at this uh this stuff look this one is from london it's got superior strobe i just find it so weird and there's some stage here for evil witchcraft yeah what is honest this one is from london dutch styles last time we didn't really whoa just notice how badly this disgustingness we had no vandalism it's gorgeous all of those are big mirrors always makes me wondering if those were nice people are you know or they were rich people that just didn't care about on us oh no it's locked okay okay choose juice that's german german dutch cheese say my sister oh yeah so i didn't go in this room for some reason those are going to be big videos but those rooms are cool and then i saw this and i was like oh my god a singer but it's not a singer it's another brand puff which is german um and that's my homie explomosan uh the latest owner of this place was german and that explains all the german dutch stuff um and the french stuff but uh yeah it's a puff and i know this is a needling machine because i learned a lot from history so let's open it see what see if it's still in there that's what i'm trying to say [Music] it's stuck i don't want to break in but uh i don't think it's in maybe maybe this but yeah it's a path and there's old cuckoo's clock really vintage mourinho told me there is a oh there's like old slats and stuff up there but he told me there's a balcony somewhere here that looks over the whole castle see i missed this one too see and this is a good thing i'm i came back and i walked around this place maybe 20 times and i still miss things seagulls this is a nice bathroom this is really creepy though like somebody's standing behind there you know that i'm moving with norman motel when it is like the curtains yeah let me know in the comments but i hope you guys appreciate that i'm taking so much time in this place resting here filming here drinking here taking my medicine here because i want to get a lot of detail for you guys and that takes a lot of time and effort and pain for me so i just hope you guys do appreciate that because you know i don't have to show all the details but i want to show to you guys so you guys can enjoy with me and um you know ima's gonna come back guys i always been uploading i love this passion and i will keep uploading and that's what's gonna bring him back a lot of my friends are uh well known on youtube now that i've been friends with since day one that i helped get their first subscribers and you know we are very good friends we have a really good group now to film where they used to film with something so guys there's some vandals here so we might call the popo's on them the police because we don't want this location to go around so we're gonna leave now call the popo if you enjoyed this video and want to see more of the best abandoned places in the whole world be sure to turn the bell notification button on all notifications and if you want to award me for my heart walk as it is very hard for me to do this hobby with my health problems and nerve pain you can always leave a like and comment i appreciate all the amazing support on the channel and wishlist you can follow me on instagram and facebook at exploring and me to see all the stories and the photos i post of the abandoned places with this being said thanks a lot and i hope to see you guys next week for a brand new abandoned location bye bye [Music] you
Channel: ExploringAndMe - EAM
Views: 28,703
Rating: 4.908257 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, urbex, explorer, exploring, eam, EAM, exploringandme, exploring and me, exploring abandoned places, abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned french manoir, abandoned castle, untouched abandoned mansion, france, urbex france, explomo, castle, exploring with josh, urban exploration, abandoned home, frozen in time, decay, verlassen, art, secret rooms, 17th century, old, french chateau, chateau, corona virus, covid 19, coronavirus, haunted, ghost, horror, creepy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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