Secret Millionaire - Before & After - John Fitzpatrick

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Hotel magnets John Fitzpatrick is used to being the boss he is the president and CEO of the fitzpatricks Hotel Group in Manhattan but he's leaving the slide style behind to go undercover in some of the most deprived areas of gundog it's pretty rough you know just down the street while looking for people to help John will discover that there is a side to Ireland he didn't realize existed we all think we've got problems we don't have problems raising it you'll make new friends and experience how others live their lives like do this full-time kind of walk the streets at night tell me all and say you know most like to be lonely none of the people your niece will know his true identity and at the end of his stay he'll give away tens of thousands of euro of his own money when he reveals is the secret millionaire 50 year-old John Fitzpatrick is the head of a hugely successful luxury hotel grouped in New York City John doesn't like to think of himself as a millionaire I don't like using that word I just say I'm comfortable you know because tomorrow it could be he could be gone because people better off to me less after me I would say I'm middle-of-the-road and I'm but I do feel I'm very lucky I'm very fortunate John learned his trade in the family hotel business growing up in the Killiney Castle Hotel wronged by his late father in South County Dublin when I worked for my father back in in Erina that mean it was definitely there's no doubt about it he's watched us all I suppose you're always trying to impress sure your parents our Father had a huge control over so you know I didn't like that and I want it to be they've been independence so I was the one who wants to just call for my own and do my Hannah hi guys we're busy 20 years ago John left Ireland for New York he now owns two luxury hotels in Manhattan and splits his time between Manhattan and its luxurious home in the Hamptons I make sure I take a weekend off I can in the summer when it's not too busy I am a little spoiled I like buying secondhand cars that I find old cars and doing them up on things like that and I love gadgets I'm a gadget freak this is what I play with at night I'm not into pool tables and billiard tables and big here it hurts that's what I was told John isn't married and most of his time is spent at the hotel if I am dating someone or something I get the same comments from the mall with you know you're married to your work that's number one and you know if someone pushes me too much I'll tell ya marriage John is direct he's tough don't try beating around the bush with him and don't try to pull one over on him because he's quite smart as a powerful figure of the irish-american scene John's life is a whirlwind of social events and cocktail parties in Paisley mr. Paisley I'm in the middle of that row be in our boardroom where you were with Charlie bird I mean I've met a lot of people over the years but that's because I'm in the hotel bills that they're staying with me there's something I'm hanging out with these celebrities every day for all business-related somewhere along the way it's getting the name out meat such as such make a contact I could have four or five receptions to go to a night and I'll hit the drink someone and I hit the reception and the other and then deserted the other one another central part of John's life is the charitable foundation he set up in his parents name my mom passed away and I was afraid that she'd be forgotten and I turn around I said I'm doing something because she's not gonna be forgotten through cooperation Ireland and the Ireland fund Jones Foundation has raised millions over the years to support projects back home in Ireland I think everybody has an obligation to give back I think we have responsibility while Manhattan charity fundraisers are one way of giving this week John is going to be experiencing a whole new way of helping people in need the code suits our worst of all the black brain that's gonna test I believe that's gonna be tough you know the dependency anxiety on the poles the iPad the iPhone antenna something you'd be grinding his teeth by the end of it you know what am I gonna do you know if I can't use my blackberry and I can't use my phone sitting in the purple there are a flash on my own that would freak me out that would freak man so I'm gonna be busy another main he's a people person he's a constant contact person that will be the toughest part of the whole thing from is you know it is not being able to to touch base with us on a regular basis they've never seen Jon leave and now I was going home last night thinking you know as I get ready to pack I'm saying how am I gonna handle this today this never out of touch hands-on workaholic is going to leave his hotels and his Blackberry behind for the first time in 20 years today I feel imperfect I'll be fine oh here we go but anyway here we go by the great life and I don't apologize for having a good life because I've worked bloody hard for it work 80 90 100 hours a week so to hell with it I'm not making a apologies but I was so lucky I'm so lucky so I feel it's about giving back for the next eight days John is going to be living undercover he's going to be looking for people who might need his help he's travelling to done doc an hour north of Dublin in County Louth I can see there's a lot of them a lot of rough looking houses and estates and I'd say no low-income it looks pretty dizzle the border counties are among some of the most disadvantaged parts of Ireland and done doc couldn't be further from the places John is used to it's kind of depressing to see to see houses with no windows boarded up so a bit of a shock bit of a shock during his week undercover John will be spending time in some of the poorest estates in the town and living in a flat on the Main Street for the next eight days he will have no contact with his business or friends back home I hated to be a barber well they didn't expect huge member she's acted to sing the bed but it is against the wall so I can't roll over we know room service here this week anyway not Fitzpatrick's so it's a it'll do it'll live I do have guests it's not it's not like looking down Fifth Avenue I can tell you that while in Dundalk he'll tell people that his name is John Donne that he immigrated to the US during the last recession and having recently lost his job he's back here to film a documentary about this current recession John will have to survive on the equivalent of Social Welfare fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one definitely wanted runner for dinner this week John is keen to start looking for people or projects that may need his help and he heads to the local shopping center to begin his research I'm just on the internet here I'm looking my heart is really in new projects some to do with young people communities basically what I just did is I googled the dog community centers and then go under the youth end of it I'm just walking my way through he comes across the youth project in a local housing estate group was established in 1987 a dispatch this area counted out they offer a range of youth services projects after-school services and new clubs the second chance this looks interesting I'll take this number down and then try to give them a call and see the second-chance project is in cox's domain one of the largest social housing estates in the country it is one of two designated disadvantaged areas in Dundalk how are you John what's going on here today hey this is the second chance practice that are here John and they're a group that's for one reason and a lot though they couldn't manage a full day in formal education system so they're still in rural cupid's of the local being system and they attends good for two hours a day and they're here for four hours there are 12 teens on the second chance project it is an alternative education model for teenagers at risk of involvement and drugs and anti-social behavior some of them in fairness would have had negative experiences maybe of the school system and of authority generally so I suppose we worked very hard to build enough positive relationships out of it relationships for with them and then you have times it's about challenging the behavior to you know because there would be I mean you know that there are a different kind of emotional and behavioral issues that have to be faced besides the girls I asked in the company so would you be able to cook me some first about that for you here ok thanks good you got kicked out of school for watching and if no pude we have so and you find it here good okay quite a lot one more hour after Corvinus Portman when I look at the kids there it kind of brings back kind of a kick snare but I mean I'd be honest with ya I got true school but I hate your dad on keep going you're on the right track I can relate to those kids I see them they're working away on saying to poor guys and the poor girls on he would hate to be back there that's I try it didn't put anything in there I shouldn't have very good tell you any woman I've ever gone out with London can cook so fair it is just beautiful maybe those portrayed soup and so when she's not talked to sue where was the soup the Coxes domain youth group was started in 1991 by local man Brian Doyle who persuaded the council to donate two derelict hazards to the project 20 years on they have a staff of 13 the art teacher mark was himself once involved in violent gang rivalry on the estate so mark how you getting out here how did you get involved spelled at the relays that donal me that that's anointed oh yeah that's right way to go and that's not even wouldn't leave me just me like it was a heritage from around the area only really well because of this place it's great to have someone like that that's going to be able to M correct and say look at how beanthere don't do that you know so I mean it seems to me it's kind of losing with talent in there I see young kids he hates him wrong and getting astray so he were trying to get them back into normal society it's it's my type of project and the question though is already funded enough you know because of their expertise and you know they seem to have all the ways of getting the money and no one had to apply for them but we have to check a little bit more assertion that this week thinking of marriage ghosts help us you know resources stuff today that's a kind of achievement kinda depressing mode it's John's first morning in Dundalk and he's feeling energized well then again I hit him Emily I'm Sylvia butchered here but I got some cleaner stuff i justified to get the blaze a good clean over and leap up to or most trucks because I did see one last night so I catch the guy history already on the week having settled into his new home John is keen to find out more about Dundalk he spots an article in the local paper about a nearby housing estate yeah there's an article here and some guides and a survey showing drug abuse one of the estates so and this might be an interesting wall to look at the article is about them were hidden amaura state one of them dogs - designated disadvantaged areas a recent survey suggests that unemployment there is four times the national average and that the estate is plagued by a growing drug problem John decides to start looking for a youth focused project in the world even more area I just want to find out what's going on great after a few calls he's on his way to the crave Rua Community House it provides support and activities for children on the estate so that they have somewhere safe to hang out Muradin amor was once notorious for gang-related violence although those days are over drugs are the big problem now and with them come the usual problems of anti-social behavior and violence but in young people here at risk the youth group is running a small council house on the estate this is community area one of the women running us is just into grains we do drug awareness sexual health knife crime is the up and commenting nail because it's a lot of young people are carrying weapons at the Menace you know maybe to protect for protection and today I think it's for protection emboss if they get into a fight and the temperature off it's more likely that the will you know if he's knife in your pocket that Polaroid in the split second I'm a camera and oh I use you know caroline is a senior youth worker she's in charge of the after school project children from different backgrounds can come here to do their homework in a supportive environment the aim is to keep local children in school out of trouble and off the streets what's your name Toni Mary Hey so you're working very hard here I can see and we are probably disturbing it so if they're doing the homework here but they get in to kind of answer something or they can't figure there's always somebody here supervising home and I'm finding difficulty enough to Enosh and then getting behind it school and to warn others but there is support you then concentrate here yes so listen to me how do your feet not hold if this house the house wasn't there you wonder what would happen soon because you know some of them are pretty pretty wild and if they're falling behind the school then that's what leads to well I need I need to prove myself or I need to be you know maybe a piece of a part of a gang or something is this your dog well you wanted me to take care of him no we wanted him so I just you took on the path I saw you hanging around the after school that we in the school already it's like an amazing place I mean these young kids very shy we walked in kind of reserved and all of a sudden they just opened up it's really it's great what would you do I like to take out my friends and family fight and confess I go to college and make like really good like something I've in my life I said it just I know I know he's gone back Joel lives around the corner and calls in here most days he's often been bullied because of his background so what's it like growing up here is always travel with those Tommyknockers gypsies listen you know what what do they say sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me I was away Jules from a traveler background and when you start to tell you about what people call and it's just I think it's awful I know it's bullsh that's what you're living in and it's you know the kids to probably call them probably don't know what they're doing they don't understand that it affects they just think it's a joke so it's sad it's sad you can see all the different are the focus here is on the children some evenings they also run workshops to help local mothers deal with some of the issues they face on the estate the women themselves years ago would have seen a need for her to me sharpen to empower themselves and develop your own competences get a mezzo house if they weren't working to get them back into education to empower them not to be staying just at home that there is options out there and so that they would get fully support and support their own children only complaint would be about denies and the trouble that they are cause in India stays the parents may be not giving young people enough time to their children and to their needs the work they're doing here is very very important all these communities you know difficult they're tough spots and but again we're finding out here you know this area here you know because there may be one or two groups that may be bad it's kind of giving an overall picture of the whole area and it's not fair look at Joe it's important to keep guys like that away from all the other stuff you know and it's gonna be hard as a kid you know if you're living around it and you're going to be enticed into it so any work that can be done but is making sure that their kids are safe it's so it's it's so inspiring the next morning John is back on the motive no more estate he's on his way to visit Cuddy gling an organization that helps old and vulnerable people in the area because of the drug problem here there are sometimes incidents of anti-social behavior and the elderly are particularly vulnerable the elderly do have a lot of concerns about their own security and the worry about antisocial behavior if a house is not well maintained it may attract people and you know together on certain areas because the Bayfield believe their house is abandoned but it's actually not because what we're dealing with mostly is people who are on the road they don't have family around them to help them to do things like that and so they can turned was then and we would go out and and and do that sort of work father cuddling is run by local woman Andrea Connelly bass you're working out of a shed you don't mind me saying so maybe give me a bit of background what are the different things you do here well we have our visitation service and which entails the woman good night I'm just merely house calls Robyn the door going in for a chat and the carpet a just kind of happened to break the isolation that Psalm elderly people do feel it could be someone just falling to say listen I'm not able to go and pick my prescription up and we've gone pick a prescription up and then we have mittens service which if an elderly person needs some maintenance carried out in their homes such as maybe painting and decorating and then the maintenance mammoth carrot carrier ate that for a small community faith cuddlin charge a five euro fee to the elderly people for whom they do maintenance work and like most community groups they're suffering badly from cutbacks 2010 we lost our running costs what was eighteen and a half thousand that's a lot of money and one of the ways may be to try to create more money would be the picked our places of remittance work and it's not really feasible you know the food prices are for educated the fate in the purpose Andrea offers to take John with her on one of her care visits she's on her way to see Tim and Diane they're both disabled and have been on a council waiting list for years now for a wheelchair friendly bungalow in the meantime there virtually has burned things have been hard for them is he gonna march into fashion and whatever sent and then we're to literature both of HR bang think about par did you call yesterday at the hospital okay it was a long day just looking at the house I mean there's two stories here so I presume you guys can't get obsessed you probably haven't held on as I said you were upstairs and as I've never been upstairs in this house because I was in a wheelchair from when we when we came to this house Stein used to before she was in the wheelchair how long you in the wheelchair thank you so basically upstairs never used and it's a real struggle to try and live in this house are you doing conquer debate because there's not room in the bedroom yes serious so it's it's quite a problem to us but we hope it might be resolved soon but you just never know if they want around your enemy in trouble or prescriptions in the winter when neither biscuit go out and sometimes it's a little things to other people but they can be vitally important here I want another ladies who've been here have not made you feel in any way that you're a burden to them and that's great it's lovely to feel that way it's not every day your need is just if you do need at the end of the phone just lift the phone if we can be of help fantastic as company as well besides all their tickets which is very important you know you kind of feel annoyed when you walk out of there and as I said time to reflect on myself you know we all think we've got problems and you know we don't have problems when you see that basically and Tim sleeps on the bed because he's at diapers and he has to have the machines connected to so Diane basically there's no room for her so she kind of from what I got or pulls the wheelchair up to the side of the bed and just puts her head over I mean and that's not just for the last month or so I don't know from what I got her must be the last five years or so you know and it's horrific scene I have to be honest with you when I was coming down here you know beside of me saying why am I taking a week off what am I doing this for but after being here for the last few days kind of looking back and saying to myself what are we worried about what have we got you know if we lost everything tomorrow so hard but it does hey leave it better off the surface of a spade but we find a way again and they found a way got none so um I just admired really do I really do this is ardent and with the last 10 years Celtic Tiger you know you can see some of the places haven't changed and you know when everybody grew expand it's something please just stay the same or maybe now got worse it's the morning after John's house call with Andrea and he's heading out to see the repair side of their work with cuddling maintenance man Kira what do you deal with poser for the ancient decorator yeah I would have relate to an extensional to build an industry obviously so we all got a kick in the teeth bus and I'm delighted to do this you know as I say I really do enjoy him when I was in the car with care we started asking me questions know whereabouts I came from what were you doing and I did do a lot of stories with them and you know you feel like um you're it's it's not not a good feeling but you know we know the end results gonna be okay but at the time you feel like you're deceiving them or something so it's ya gonna call Rize your there Kieran and the other maintenance men are employed part-time on a community scheme the five euro charge for their work is spent entirely on the running costs of the organization the work he does I think he doesn't what he does do it because he loves doing him because it's not for the money I think they get paid a hundred and sixty four euros a week I mean it's ridiculous but he doesn't because he likes going and I think you're those meeting people and making sure they're all okay idea under mean safe security in the show as a the very bad knee and I need that under balance is bad so - is perfect here are the things you very much yeah that society this also is very hot so I wouldn't need to touch that I need the Ranger thank you very very much indeed oh you're happy very happy does he come around often to the Garcias yes Kieran Antoni and Peter have been coming to me for three years helping with Gardens have my checker in and I don't have anyone to do anything and they are lovely lovely people and excellent six towns right you mentioned before they were like family - I don't dig you are like fan flick your daughter's going away she's gone and my son is gone and so great yeah kind of on they own their home and check over and dude they did some pieces for me I'd be lost without them to use the term that I loved says John their family and that's what makes it so special to me he's good tears he Hey look at you oh yeah because very depressing especially in the wintertime glad to see me since I always have a cup of tea before I start so that's that's that's just a thing I don't mean I just work I come in sit down and that's probably just as important as putting the hand rails over the bathroom this one if these guys weren't around who would be doing that for it's midway through Jones week undercover and he's adapting well to his new life and undock you know when I come back here on my own at night time I talk about self-harm I gotta have you know just it's because it is kind of depressing but it actually I said gave me time to think and especially after the busy days I mean so much was thrown out of so much withdrawal at me during the day that it's time to reflect no one's around and there's no TV there's no distraction no computers you know what I haven't missed my blackberry I was just thinking that today I said and you know I taught of it also but things are just flown and when you get back here you just want to sleep as the week is coming to an end John has decided to return to more have no more to spend a little more time with some of the children of the crave ruler community has Joe how are you how are you if we can help young people now to try and get keep them off the streets and any changes we can do I think it's one area Jan I'm reading I don't get it to focus in on I have no phone my phone wouldn't work here have an American phone I live in New York where are we going where you gonna take me inside go to catch a movie come on show me away the aim of the crave lure youth center was to give children a safe place to go but also to keep them out of trouble and teach them skills that are directly relevant to their own lives today Jacinta is doing a class of the dangers of carrying a knife disagree not simply because I have to do it like we were in school sometimes you said you have to go to this class she wouldn't listen so if they're in that room they're listening you know and then it's great nice there's 90% of a chance that you're gonna get stabbed yourself and this could be the results even it's trees if someone has a knife and the poke Qi this if the poke awareness even a smallest a boy the stab wound doesn't have to be too big to Kenya even a smaller horse to the arm or leg can sever a major artery so such fearful not to carry a knife because if someone approaches your wishin I as a kid we all hung around the streets we were always messing around doing stupid things maybe we were just lucky that we didn't get into a neuron gang up and it's very easy to get into it and so that's what worries me too because they're the next generation they're the one you know let's be straight they're the ones if they if they don't get a right now you know how are they gonna end up we know when you look at y'all you're worried because he's at that age we're all we're at that age for that and he can see in this hyper he could go either way yeah the idea now is to make sure he doesn't go the other way and if someone could just make sure he could help him some way I mean you could imagine what could what he could do you know if he had half the chance another aim of the youth group is to teach children skills they might not learn otherwise like healthy nutrition today they're learning to bake yesterday you know what I have never cooked in my life but every time I go into the house it's different that coming home remind me of actually when as a kid I mean since I moved and then the last 20 years I mean forgot all about how if I was like you're never in that situation so it's great it is good acuity and I tooth if you're on your own or something you can walk out just walk in the middle of the grass patch there the end up kicking the ball with someone and you know that's the difference where you know yeah you send in a house for you kind of go up to a gates and nobody sees you if you were living there it's not lovely feeling of should I just go out see what's going on in the street you know what it felt like a bit of medicine I don't know whatever it is it's just it just flows and it's just so lovely feeling you come back you leave they're energized John is keen to see what else is being done in the area to help keep kids out of trouble so he decides to drop into a local boxing club but some of the children told him about the club is run by local former boxing champion Paul Taff he's passionate about the sport and volunteers all his spare time of the club he's determined to give everyone a chance we take anybody who wants to help them on in Korea order life it doesn't matter what it is there's mataman here where the court would call it two heads for arms he'll be had moved in making our fear it doesn't make any difference what job fellas surrender 14 of 15 they're made a point of mine up to 14 to 17 sort of change in the we hormones or whatever I have same with the carols and to go off the rails but I just lost at that time you know maybe the rules and regulations to police with the club to the port of conduct right they're already smoking drinking generally the intimidating people in order to be fightin synthase music that our channel to be something that won't pull the club that I used to be in gangs myself certain quick more make the uses 15 20 of us we take learn terrorize in another lecture and then by coming here kinda just yeah the streets completely something that they've been here forever me that a husband on so you've focused from one area to a totally different area gives you use in half the bring up your strength yeah like a teaches you how they control yourself and because completely change in life well it's a great setup in there everybody was there was volunteers I mean I counted about think twelve or fourteen volunteers it's really good it's it's great cause yeah I think it's great for community so like everything again I just have to think about it the State Bar can't support them all I mean I wish I could but I just have to take put a priority and probably hate the same up but my business hat back on now and take away the other side millionaire Manhattan hotel er John Fitzpatrick is almost at the end of his week undercover in Dundalk today is John's last day to decide who he can help and how I'm trying to make a decision here now of who might give it to it who I don't give it to and it's very hard they all need help you know but now I've got a kind of protrude and see I have to make sure the information and kind of research it and it's good to be able to run down to the internet cafe every so often and just pull them up just as check the background and make sure you know they were right and it's now probably gonna try and tie it down to who's the most needy Jonathan to make one last visit to the boxing club at a quieter time for a chat with Paul I'm heading back to the boxing club because I just want to find out more about if the other night was very noisy and things were going on I'm more about Paul see what Paul's all about I presume they come from all the states all areas or whatever so we have done from having a more we have them from Akeem pops to me and father Mike Oliver Tambo coming from there we go and it's a nice family unit we have Oh Hanlon Boxing Club is run out of this rented horde everyone here is a volunteer Paul and his team have to set everything up from scratch as well as dismounted the lot three times a week for each training session we'll put an offer a penguin in the club but given all pain free and to help these children long the way and that's where we are coming from and they always do have to do is behave themselves oh yeah do they have to pay well it's it's too it's too Europe her perch ain't on what happens to that tear your that's the third cup of everything for the chase so we want to change them then the over club when we take away it costs them absolutely nothing and if they come in and they don't have the two euros doesn't make any difference it's not about the money at the end of the we will always get money somewhere along the line from Katie's chiller away you don't mean sorta go put it in the pardon if they can afford that in Florida nobody's watching and what happens is some of the parents who come in and see what we are doing for their to know to give the opponent some things it's unbelievable how you get money I don't believe it yeah you know what I mean I'm here seven years seven years seems a fairly good boxer in any thread of the ring the club doesn't belong to me it belongs to the community nobody no one personal job I just have I started up mean iam on to everything and it's a bit getting the whole community to interact I think Paul doesn't seem to be worried too much about the money we're I presume he is worried but he feels that it's more about it's more about the organization it's more about he's he's set up it's all the volunteers he has they all want that everybody is behind him so and I don't know but I've definitely considered I set up a fund in honor of my parents when they died but I'm going to put in 20 thousand euros of my own money and I'm gonna get the fund to match it so then we have 40,000 euros so I think with that type of money and it will be able to do some good work the difficult decision to make is who gets it in hell because every one of them are fantastic a great job but there's only so much money so I've now got to think just gonna be tough to figure out who do we give it to once a week the children from crave rule practice hip hop dancing their own house is too small so they rent a nearby hall and Caroline and Jacinta have asked John along for the afternoon all the kids we met you know are just so positive and so confident it's just it's Sam great to see them so everything that we do do is to build up the confidence and to hold out took away shinstr words no matter where the from and sometimes there may be a stigma attached to where people come from it is this case here even if the choirs at nice and going to tone like they and there could be a say query from and if they say we have more or even caucuses that saying no not tonight undertake by letting the men I'm just going to be trouble you know and then is what did you do Detroit constraints them it's called antisocial behavior you know what I mean but it's actually by UT just calls in it you know when are you worried now because every community is gonna get it's getting cuts has that crossed her mind I'm sure it has we've already been caught 10% nerve already this year and a lot of the program have been costing cost and cost over since last year here before and there's not much more that they can take so a lot of our stuff is fundraise even from scratch if we had more money maybe we'd be able to get a bigger place and but the extension hose onto the back and you can have more kids and because I had at any one time we can only both pretend children in the room downstairs you know it's only big enough for the likes of the dancin like there's no way they could do the dancin anyways so you have to rent a hall which costs money that could be spent on the kids John's time undercover is nearly over and tomorrow he revealed his true identity very nervous about tomorrow but how they're going to react because you know we've lion I hate that word lion but we have that kind of kind of not been telling the truth and it's gonna be a bit funny but and certain things I'd like to do and and help do these people were never looking for anything every group we met just welcomed the same showed us around gave us the background had no idea so on top of that now they're gonna get something I want to give this gift because I think these people are really sincere and they really put their heart and soul into it it's a life as far as everyone else is concerned John has simply come along to say goodbye listen you have been good to me a week and thanks for letting us in and let me in and participate have probably been a pain in your butt hanging around but anyway I want to thank it what you and Kieran do has really inspired me so I want to tell you something I haven't been totally honest with you all week I'm not doing a documentary under a session in Ireland I have a very successful business person and I'm fortunate to be able to help and what I'd like to do let's give you a check for fifteen thousand years which I'd love to go to help buy a second vehicle so you can help visit more of the elderly around here and the balance to be used to help the running costs listen you are fantastic no statistic oh damn the latest absolutely do it yes sorry so much for us octagons yes this is a trick yes for us softer goodness yeah very much I don't think I believe it do you unbelievable it's been a fantastic rate free yeah you know I've learned a lot myself I really have you know I'm just my head's just spin this it's on baby see on you guys is just fantastic it's just you show the real side of our community and you know to me what you're hearing and America ever goes tits-up you can have a job you know this gift is for a guy who just puts his whole life into the community and everybody can see the good that comes out oh yeah he's a he's a brave but listen I just want to thank you and shoulders on the club just fantastic what you do for the kids give them their self-esteem give them their confidence which they need and basically do you do it all on your own time you don't get paid for it I have to just say I'm really admire you for that but I have to be honest with you and we're not doing a documentary um the recession in Dundalk now it's something very smart but Paul I'd like to give you a check for just 2,000 euros well for the kids no to help you just buy kits and whatever else is native here it's only something small but and given something to cello like this yeah it's not small it's massive one set of gloves in the club could mean about two years walk early became my own business it would go a long way and Bob sometimes it's a massive load of money for the tailor and it's well appreciated I appreciate it and I know they will appreciate it I will keep the moon for next two or three years anyway I'm just later all this faceless that's what I'm gonna save yourself in his features before this gift is for a group of people who I think really need the most help of all the projects I've looked at during the week and I think this would be a start it won't be enough but it'll be a start to get them up really really want to get how are you girls I'll get all very serious and now having totally arms which all week so I feel pretty bad about us I'm not doing a documentary I own two hotels in Manhattan and I'm fortunate enough to be able to help you this has been hard for me always Lions here what I'd like to do is give me a cheque from 20,000 you are us to go to the new extension but also to help the kids take them away se hace AR here's the cheque and it's not a joke I don't think the house would be the house we're at you two you two are the heart and soul that has no seriously I am tell you it is you know so I'd want to say to you well done I've never seen I mean I walk in the door I feel like it's all I think I feel what the kids feel it really is a lovely meal I think when you're welcome kids you do take often as you're something and John can you just slide it in there so ears these are lovely you know this is an eye sore nose John has just one last person to see before going oh you play football ah they're playing football all right you're not in trouble sort of worry now listen I've been here a few days all right and I just watching you you're a great kid all right and more important to you're a great singer all right you have a great gift and I want you to try and expand it all right but I want to do for you I want to give you a six months singer lists it's really big Spicer I never do I know I gotta often listen honestly it's a yeah you're the best I will cry after you all right you don't think these things is going to happen especially really and truly in my heaven immoral you don't think of anything like that's going to happen we just get Alma what what we have and use it the best positive way that we can and try to knock down all the negativity that's around these young people and just get our little just picture what can happen over trying to tear it it will make a huge difference I have to say it Sam this is the whole week's been emotion highs and lows but tonight was just very special to see you know we can do something further I think I feel even happier when I see that extension there and all the kids in the one room I'm gonna go walk away from this today saying yeah I've made the right decisions and the relief of you know no longer being as I said John Donne and now gone back and switched my blackberry on tomorrow and getting back to her but there was something about this week that I carry his fame that's great I have to say looking back on it now it's that doing work I do maybe look a little bit more of myself and I don't know feel different New York is the home of hotelier John Fitzpatrick he travel back to Ireland and spent his week undercover in Dundalk get off Dublin Airport I had no idea what to expect and it did worry me because all along that name just put me offers I had no idea about on dark I was never in the dark of my life so the perception was you just passing the way to Belfast as with the other two millionaires John lived in the community while he searched for people in charities that he could help a lot of people said to me are you sure you want to do this you know do you know what you're letting yourself in for and I kept saying yeah I do but I didn't Danna says okay I'm beginning to feel sorry for yourself I said snap out of it now Fitzpatrick's once you get into a place that you get settled it's funny how you didn't call Acosta elderly people who are isolated and alone was something that John wanted to tackle Cody Lynn was a charity John discovered which is working to reach out to those older people who needed help so what are the different things you do here well we have our visitation service it could be someone just phoning to say listen I'm not able to go and pick my prescription up and we've gone pick a prescription of what I actually love the better was it was a way of visiting the elderly without actually knocking on the door and saying are you okay but we're dealing with mostly is people who are on their own they don't have family around him to help them to do things like that and so they can turn to us then and we will go out and do that sort of work father Andrea brought John on one of her care visits to meet disabled cup of Tim and Diane at the time they were on a waiting list for a wheelchair-accessible home things have been hard for them is he gonna march into patient in whatever sent know me to do venture over be sharpened when I met Kim and Diane and I saw that that house I mean that was kind of probably the worst part of the week is looking at the house I mean there's two stories here so I presume you guys can't get obsessed you probably haven't allowances since you were upstairs and as I've never been upstairs in this house because I was in a wheelchair from when we I can that's right when we came to this house Stein used to before she was in the wheelchair how long in the wheelchair is so basically upstairs never used and it's a real struggle to try and live in this house they don't come gonna bake so it's quite a problem cuz that's what I try to find a hard to relate to how someone can be so confined it's like it's just it's awful if they weren't around you'd really be in trouble over new prescriptions in the winter when neither biscuit dough Alton all of the ladies who've been you know not made you feel in any way that you're a burden to them and that's great it's lovely to feel that way you kind of feel annoyed when you walk out of there and as I said to kind of reflect to myself you know we all think we've got problems and you know we don't have problems when you see that tim sleeps on the bed because he's a divers and he has to have the machines character to so Diane basically there's no room for her so she kind of from what I got or postive wheelchair up to the side of the bed and just puts her head on it's horrific scene why I decided to support questionin in the end well even though they were well organized they were definitely short of funding you have been good to me how awake what you and Kieran do has really inspired me so I want to tell you something let's be honest they all thought I was somebody else now I had to tell him who I really was and at the same time hand of a check and it was just tough but to see her reaction and a very successful business person and I'm fortunate to be able to help now what I'd like to do is give you a check for 15,000 which I'd love to go to help buy a second vehicle so you can help visit more of the elderly around here listen you are fantastic this is a soft goods mean you donate money I wonder did I do the right thing but this one was a no-brainer show the real side of our community and you know what I mean entrance shucks if what you're doing in America ever goes tits up picking up a job it is over a year now since John Fitzpatrick went undercover in Dundalk Tim and Diane needed more than money to improve their situation soon after filming John began a campaign to persuade the local authorities to give them a new home after visiting Tim and Diane and driving back in the car to Dublin I realized that I had to do something they haven't moved since we did to show a year and two months ago they are still living in that kitchen if we'd just done nothing it would have been then just a TV show to me and then with the TV show was over and we forgot about it but just couldn't do that he's been in constant contact with the Qaeda council and with the Town Council communities has not took his eye off the ball of Arden Tim they are being re hasty we finally got a couple of contacts in town plan E and went to see them these guys got behind it and agreed to build Tim and Diane Anu has work on the new house provided by the council is almost complete this is the first time that Tim and Diane have seen us for themselves those same three weeks so I'm gonna say four weeks okay but I'm coming back from the state's definite for when you move in I am very excited pictures but it's not the same we saw them installing the underfloor heating and things like that but I'd say there's a lot we don't know cor that we haven't got right in our minds and the president I'd call it sim and Diane's penthouse because it's huge and they haven't seen it but I think the biggest things are going to be dying stings really the paid you know I've actually been able to go to bed having not been able to go to bed for so many years ah so that's the front door the front door as if I'm going get into it yeah like your other front door we have to go backwards into it great wash up without getting it all running back down your arms because it's the third actually being able to go to bed is I think that's one of this you know the the most important thing to be actually able to go to bed at night couldn't ask for more just so grateful there's so many people have been involved to put themselves out for us and it's just so grateful you know for what they've done thank you isn't enough no never a year ago did we dream that this would all be possible and have to say only for his good work and push it's been absolutely fantastic now to be able to walk away and say that they have a just no proper place to live definitely it's been worked the whole year and I tell you it'll be worth many years to come because I'm just so it's either a reaction or faces today just makes us also worldwide meanwhile in Dundalk John Fitzpatrick was on the hunt for an organization that helped young people the growing drug problem was highlighted in the local paper and mentioned a youth group trying to keep kids off the streets there's an article here and some guys done a survey showing drug use in one of the estates so and this might be an interesting one to look at John arrange to visit that group Creve lure a small youth center staffed by manager Caroline and Jacinta this is community host first of all of us shocked there was the size the place little council has I'm trying to change myself why come here why don't you just go home and do your homework how are you then I got some sand what's it all about it's helping them with their homework making sure they're not left behind they're doing a homework here but they get in to kind of answer something or they can feel there's always somebody supervising but I don't go home and trying to just do it on their own yes I'm finding difficulty enough to owners and then getting behind at school and to warn others that there is support you we do drug wear and a sexual health knife crime is the up and commenting nails right this could be the result even if trees if someone has a knife and the poker with us moved by the children he met there and the staff working in difficult conditions John felt he had to do something to help but crave rule one to me was a killer this gives the me a start it won't be enough but it'll be a start to get them up really really want to get I had me totally honest with you all week so I feel pretty bad about us I'm not doing a documentary I own two hotels in Manhattan and I'm fortunate enough to be able to help you what I'd like to do is give me a check for twenty hasn't he or us to go to the new extension but also to help the kids they were actually in shock if he knows that they actually said nothing first and I said oh my god what's wrong and then they were in such shock they thought it was a joke and it's not a joke I don't think the house would be the house without you two you two are the heart and soul of the house I mean I walk in the door I feel like it's home and I feel what the kids feel it really is a lovely man I think when you're welcome to kids you do think of them as your family and John kinda just slide it in there so he's a lovely man you know he's even nicer knows now one year arm John is returning to crave Lua in these challenging economic times getting the building work underway has proven difficult main reason for coming back is just to try and get this extension / forward it's a fantastic house really is and the ladies in Caroline and Jacinta and Roche they all do great work they've opened up another room upstairs so things are progressing Youth Work Ireland has a plan in hand but the ambition for the project will need to be scaled back from what our conversations on the phone and our meetings is this is the original plan I would suggest and that we revisit this will design it in such a way that it will have the full plan for the two stories but will only build the forest floor the floor if we can do it that way there's a chance then I could raise more money I said if we go for something smaller reduce the sizes at a less cost maybe we can raise more money privately to build the first floor and then we can do the second floor in two stages simple so we'll go back to the drawing board and we start all over again John Fitzpatrick found one more group that made a positive impression on him Paul Taff ron's O'Hanlon's boxing club that provides an outlet for children from all over the city I presume they come from all the states all areas of whatever is that we have them from heaven war we have them from key hubs the main father my collar Bell Telephone good so the common inform area and it's a nice family you know be happy oh Hanlon's boxing club is dependent on hiring this parish hall everyone involved is a volunteer Paul and his team after set everything up from scratch and dismantled a lot three times a week for each session somehow he could put that boxing ring together every if I remember it's every Monday night every Wednesday night and every Sunday morning that's a lot of work 1 2 3 do they have to pay to come in well it's it's to it's to Europe interchange and what happened to that tear your that's they're called everything from Chase so we want to change them to normal club and we taking away it caused them absolutely nothing and if they come in and they don't have the two euros doesn't make any difference on the bed the money at the end of day we will always get money somewhere along the lane for the tapings chill of the way the club doesn't belong to me it belongs to the community nobody no one personal to table I just have I started up and it's a getting the whole community to interact I actually felt that hadn't given enough and I felt a bit embarrassed give them the mm I don't know meantime she came back to me after he said John that small amount when he gave me game enough money to buy boxing gloves and head protectors for the next year what are you talking about on this faceless that's what I want save yourself having these features before in the boxing club Jonathas covered a project that he can take on and that he hopes will make a lasting difference didn't expect to hear from again I got a phone call round in november/december mark Nia actually would he meet me and McGill was pub a light bulb went on my head and I said Lou : oh we see each other you're still gonna at that club where is this club of yours then I felt guilty seven months later I still had me down to see his original globe so I went down to look he couldn't get a to boxing gloves in some place never mind about a boxing ring so we should hold on if we're going to do anything let's not start it's gonna take probably a year two years and we'll just plan it let's try and get an extension here and we found an extension since we were here last now we've got full plan impressions all right yeah the ring is gonna be down this end of the hall which is is down here as you come in here to be an upstairs den where we plan to pot then disorder the youth club upstairs and the boxing anything to be downstairs in the beauty with this now compared to where you are Paul is instead of how many nights the in the other place treats in the other place at the present moment we'll leave on the indicator for everybody here one the reason other reasons why I'm here tonight is because we said we do some fundraising true my parents Memorial Fund and we had our big tournament a few months ago in New York I explained to all my supporters since over in in New York other hollering Boxing Club was and where you were working from and how you did it got them to sponsor you know to be part of it and I said in other words to buy a brick build a future by buying a break you were sponsoring a kid the idea then was that should help build the box of club so it went down very well and the good news is we raise 75 times four years they've tried to get someone to include a club to see what what they was doing in the club with the pain and then they get joined down and yet the total payment was a massive bonus to me and to the cello right but hummock delayed unhand me $75,000 was magic when I told them you'd be amount I think they got a shock because there's no idea I mean they were talked about doing a raffle a few months ago and I said if they got four or five thousand I'd be happy so to get 75,000 and it's it's amazing most people in the room that night bought a brick and we couldn't believe it but seventy five thousand dollars so said two years maybe we're doing slightly under two years so that's exciting so that's my next project going forward is again to get the boxing club and um and it's gonna be fun well I'm better than you either heart and a half and immediately kill you for the cover Lisa softly out looking back over the year and a year and a half and realize what I've got involved and it's spent fantastic what was the best part in the last year since you start singing once every six seven weeks I probably be up here well the reason I'm here so often is because it's not finished yet it's like workin progress and you know I can see myself being here for the next few years you
Channel: Fitzpatrick NYC
Views: 784,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Secret Millionaire, rte, John Fitzpatrick, Dundalk
Id: XKDGtJnyy9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 30sec (4230 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2013
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