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he'd not only wrote her every single day but he wrote her his confession hails lo its Jeremy with what the Hales and I'm back at my warehouse where I'm getting ready to finalize my treasure hunt through the unit formerly owned by the one the only dolomite yeah that's his name and you are to know what his game is the Rudy ray Moore unit I purchased this unit well over two years ago and something very very let's just say it was very very disturbing stopped me from digging any further and I'm gonna share that story with you why exactly as we continue to go through his life and frankly as I share some of the stories of the end of his life with you as we go through this unit if you haven't subscribed yet what the Hales are you waiting for because you never ever know what the Hales were gonna find [Music] all the remaining boxes up on this industrial shelf these were all from Rudy ray Moore's unit now that being said the unit wasn't in his name it was in somebody else's name but I can assure you it absolutely has his items his things in the unit for example here's an entire box of autographed 8 by 11s here are the roses that Rudy would pass out anywhere and everywhere here CD after CD VHS after VHS and we've got all the tracks as well look at that Rudy ray Moore dolomite EPK we're still looking for the original the actual original real because that hasn't been found yet but look at here this is all this is all promotional items from Rudy ray Moore there you go comedy night now here's the crazy thing most people don't know that Rudy ray Moore's name isn't actually Rudy ray Moore and you say Jeremy how do you know that well look here when Rudy actually lived in Ohio you see that Rudolf F Moore his name was not Rudy ray Moore that was a stage name his actual name is Rudolph Frank Moore and I have an entire box of his mail right here as well this box is all promotional items and I have much much more to go look at this here's dressing room number one for Rudy ray Moore that's all of his personal mail this here is all legal contracts this is with Zenon pictures now when Zenon actually found out that I had the items they contacted me I gave them first first dibs on anything and they did purchase a lot of boxes and all of this is personal information as well and I'll show with you here we've got Rudolf F more so that's number one Rudy's real name Rudolph Frank more but there's so much more to share with you most of the things in this this whole basket right here have already been gone through for example you see here Rudy ray Moore we've got all kinds of items Rudy ray Moore dolomite I've got more Rudy ray Moore autographs than probably anybody else in the world right now and you say Jeremy how'd you get it well he got ill and there's no doubt he got ill looky there there's stuff that he would take here there and everywhere so Rudy no doubt has family and there are those who are actually blood family and then there are those who actually claim to be his family but there is no blood and there is no legal actual connection to be family and so that became a major major issue in his life but frankly even more at the end of his life because somebody actually who claimed to be his daughter took Rudy to Ohio to care for him in his later years this entire box this entire box is all Rudy CDs look there's a sleeve of them and that individual placed everything in a storage unit and lost everything in a storage unit as well sad very very sad as there is so much history and so many personal pictures and family photos and you name it look there's Rudy up on stage doing his act just like in the movie and props and you name it it's it's in here it is absolutely in here I've got a little bit of everything from his life and that is why Zenon actually wanted the paperwork because there was a misunderstanding and who gets all income from those movies those recordings the whole deal because there's a bit of a battle there and there's this family who says they get it there's those who claim to be family says she gets it and then there's those who said well they were writers and they get it so what they needed was any paperwork that could actually prove actual ownership so all of that income could actually be given to the rightful person let's see what else we can find see if we can find any more documents that can prove anything at all it's when I was going through boxes just like these from the storage unit where I really found out you know this was absolutely Rudy ray Moore stuff Screen Actors Guild right there he was in California then moved to Ohio now one of the things that most people do not know is that Rudy actually had a medical issue and I think it got out of control in his later years but he was a diabetic and that was something he held from everybody see this here in every single bag in every single box we have found change and that change totalled we have a video on it from this unit that changed totaled over a thousand dollars what that typically amounts to is dementia and the drugs were here as well to produce that that insight look there's more change and so there's no doubt in our minds that there was actual dementia in his final days and the restoring of all of the items proved that over and over and over again look what I just found this is a note to Rudy's supposed daughter rusty there's that outfit in the pictures do you have something he wore in a film something from one of the first two movies the scripts hope you feel well bill bill has actually bought quite a few of the outfits from us on ebay and look bill you've told me that you wrote many different letters I just found one handwritten from you asking for those items so we did find the original Dolomites script and did find a lot of costumes as well see what else we can find in here again every bag seems to have change this one seems to have rollers so this was probably from from rusty and we'll set that aside salad will set those we have here yep there we go there we go there is a Rudy ray Moore probably worn by Rudy himself Rudy ray Moore is Dolan Dolomites right there the og The Godfather of raps so those who don't know they actually used to call him the Godfather of rap as he really started that rhythm and rhyme and put it on on a public scale I suppose you would say so there's another shirt we can sell that on eBay other items in here a ton of paperwork and I must share with you paperwork that I found not long ago which caused me to just abandon this unit for the past year it was so disturbing here's an lanterns where we have here now he might have had trophies for something let's see um here we go here's a trophy all right Don magic Juan famous players recognition award Dolomites right there in 2000 but it's broken obviously it goes like this so there's one of his trophies I found a ton of his trophies here's another there's a base and it looks like there's a base for another trophy so the cool thing is is almost everything ends up being in here one way or another let's see oh there's another box under there so that's what we have there so we have parts of this trophies right now and I'm gonna guess that the other parts are here somewhere but right now look here we go we got a box filled with random stuff and again we're gonna have random money in all of them look at that one from that box that is a Rudy ray Moore life achievement award I want to definitely find the top for that and fix it up and then put that in the hands somebody who would truly appreciate that and cherish it so lots of cool things in here from his life every box is another well here you go here is you know some people may say Jeremy how can you speak about his his health how do you know well the reality is is I have his entire life in document form so I know his health because I've seen his health and it's it's all here I have his life with me and look this right here this is gonna start this is this will start the reason why I stopped a year ago going through all of this stuff has to do with this I'll share that with you I'll share that with you assume I'm just hoping we don't find any more of the same stuff random bags and bags usually there's money no money in that one look at this dolomite we got more these ones are brand new okay now Rudy may have actually wore these shirts that he gave away and he may not these may be brand new brand new but there's Rudy ray Moore badder than ever dolomite the original looks like there's a bunch of them in here we'll move that aside now that definitely that might be that might be bees I don't know that could be but the shirt shirt is definitely those getting some weird stuff now see see now here this is where we get into costume stuff so there's a lot of boxes with a lot of costume stuff and it's hard to match it up to all the movies and all the performances but we've been able to do some of those things what do we have here unfortunately that's broken see what else I'll go through all these bags see what else we can find see what other treasures we can find here so we've got a lot of boxes still to go three we've got a bag here here's a cellphone that could have been Rudy's personal cell phone our upside-down number 1 RW number 1 I don't even know what that could stand you let me know in the comments if you have an idea of what that Rudy's woman number 1 I don't know you've got here's a bunch of costume jewelry she would make you wonder was any of this in any of the movies looks like some cool stuff there George sells that in Falk online on Donna's channel so that'll probably be sold in bulk instead of eBay kind of cool though that's neat who's ever said that they've owned Rudy ray Moore's personal iron well we got it so there it is and there's a whole lot more in here too what is this well there's a picture I have a feeling these probably weren't Rudy's but oh here's the bit oh the bedpan oh the bedpan yeah no doubt sad as it is to share no doubt this was Rudy's bedpan as his claimed daughter was caring for him here in Ohio and his his health failed horribly now if you're somebody that loves your Rudy ray Moore products I'll save it if you're interested in the bedpan let us know in the comments below I'll save it but the rest everything else in it I won't clean it I'll dump everything out but I will save it just in case you're one of those that would be interested I just opened this box and I didn't anticipate showing it to you it was heavy it's had stereo written on it I didn't think it was anything you'd want to see look this is an HP screen a rather newer one and by newer I mean it looks newer not by year update and then here is a full there's a full eMachine we very well we very well may have Rudy ray Moore's computer right here with us in the warehouse hard to believe what potentially could be on here any jokes ER or future future records or filming movies you name it you could all be on here I can't wait to see what potentially could be on here here's a big box all the ones from here on out or rather big oh there you there you have it right there right on the top remember when I told you Frank was his actual middle name not Rea so this is the actual funeral service of memory celebrating the life of rudolph frank moore the maverick Dolomites his last days were October 19 2008 so you can see well let's take a peek I've seen a bunch of these already so I'll show you as well I've never showed one before Rudy was actually born in Arkansas and and then he and then he passed away on October 19 2008 in Rittman Ohio now Rickman is 15 minutes away from me and that's how I was able to secure this unit that went up for auction let's take a look at the service here we've got a song acknowledgments remarks prayer song words of encouragement legacy here's the legacy rudolph frank moore turn your back on crack watch her high school blood pressure and diabetes look at that diabetes that's one of the things that he hid from the world he didn't want people to know he actually had diabetes for those who love me I love you back for those who wronged me I love you back and now my days have arrived officially I'm out of here Rudy ray Moore there we go so there's there's I have a bunch of these actually and I'm sure there's gonna be a bunch of other things in here as well every every time I open one of these bags look there's always money there's always gloves okay and I've seen this enough this is signs of dementia there's always plastic gloves and here we've got wigs as well so those could have been some of Rudys wigs or they could have been other people's wigs there's just all kinds of you name it it's in here I'll see if I can find anything else cool and show it to you this box looks like it's a hodgepodge of everything but as in most of these boxes brand-new sealed the hip shake and Pappa dolomite right there mr. dolomite so sealed I have hundreds if not thousands of these actual cassette tapes look there's another one sealed cellophane is coming off there's all kinds of stuff again these are the roses I have an entire case of roses that he would give away and all the signings you just never know what you're gonna find in any box and any toe see what's in here it's heavy more bags okay here is a shopping bag just with nuts and bolts I can't even why but but that's what it is important documents let's see what this is see this is what I keep looking for is all the documentation and we're gonna set that aside because that will actually that will help with the legal issues of biotene dry mouth toothpaste that'll help with the legal issues of who gets what with all of the royalties from the videos films dear performer please note the guilt okay so this is the acting guild Screen Actors Guild right there there's there's there's pay stubs so there's pay stubs from the Actors Guild to Rudy and five hundred eighty seven dollars and 39 cents whether that's royalties I don't know time to random things look and all of that so you got all that you got the hip shake and Papa and you got a pair of pliers it's odd oh okay I know exactly what this is all right I've seen hundreds if not a thousand or more of these letters this is what stopped me from going through this unit over a year ago remember this was part of it this this woman who claims to be Rudy's daughter has a brother and I don't know to this day if it's actually Rudy's son or not but what I can tell you you see here hello sis I prayed that your health is improving you know things along those lines I've waited for you today in the morning what I can tell you is this individual he not only wrote her every single day but he wrote her his confession he brutally brutally murdered an elderly couple in Akron Ohio with a knife from their own home he was on death row and I had about a ten page confession to her and it made me so sick to my stomach so morbidly sick to my stomach the detail that he went into it with this confession that I didn't have it in me to go back through the unit but it's time to finish it it's time to get it done you [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 29,580
Rating: 4.8787184 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandon
Id: yi1fb7uHTYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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