Secret area in spawn where hackers store items... EXPOSED! (Minecraft Factions)

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hello guys how's it going welcome her back to renumber f2 the fact so before we jump intercepts I just want to say that I am just in case you can hear it I've got a very sore throat right now I'm like I'm pretty sure I have a flu and so if I sound like not so energetic or not myself just like you know that's why and also no face cam because I literally look like deaf you don't want to see it it's I know I'm not pretty but like this isn't even less prettier but guys if you want to make a sick boy's day you know slap the life on down below well guys let's get into this video so I am here I said I would do it I'm committing to it I'm gonna do it even I'm not feeling the greatest but I am here and on this Friday I am going to show you how to steal from hackers and you might be like what steal from hackers that sounds like the best thing ever it really frickin is and most of the people now you might be like how do I notice well I was doing some catching hackers day every day and I know it's hackers doing this a lot and I'm not saying that all the people that do this are hacking but 99% of people I would say are definitely definitely hacking so after this video goes out it probably won't work anymore but you never know I'm only sharing it so hackers get that stuff stolen all the time but anyway let me let me share this with you so let me let me just let me show you and I'm gonna show you some of the stuff I've got from it because I've been using it for the last week and watching it okay so I'm gonna go to spawn and when I'm at spawn I'm gonna grab an invisibility potion I'm gonna drink this bad boy off and see if I can disappear I don't want people following me otherwise I could get stuff stolen from me so you want to make sure you I guess you're invisible alright so now hopefully no one's following me so I was doing catching hackers and I noticed that when someone got a kill like if they killed the player with Lou they would put the loot over in these dispensers all around spawn here and the reason why they're do that is cuz one they're not really playing the server properly they're just hacking them so for fun and they don't want to they don't want to bother making a base so what they do is they store the stuff in here so me and Ray would have known about this for the last a week and the other day yesterday this is this maybe want to do a video on it yesterday we got a acts with annihilate three on it and I got a river skeleton mass three and me and Raven lychee head flip for it to see who got it but we literally found this in a dispenser and I'll show you exactly where we found it but this is where they store stuff so if you're ever bored and you want to see if there's any stuff and spawn you never know I've also found a sharp five I found some p4 and that most of time we do just find and weekly diamond armor and stuff like that so although there we go so you know it's someone's store in here now obviously this isn't the greatest stuff in the world but I have found better trust me on that as you can see I have literally found a wither skeleton mass 3 which is actually fairly decent but like here you can see those tools and stuff but the other day I'm just gonna show you I'm not gonna I've actually recently checked them to make sure I wanted to check them to see if was if there was anything more random that I could show and but most people store over in these ones in the corner here because obviously people checked them less some people do store in these chests here as well but a lot less likely because these ones get spotted but if you come over here to the other side of shop there are more dispensers in the wall and over there that oh no actually no is that one over there is where I found the wither skeleton 3 mass with the annihilate 2 acts as I'm just gonna go over there and double check and see if there's anything else there because I checked it about an hour ago so you're never freaking note some restore name and anything else here anything else dan dan dan mmm pretty empty to me looks pretty empty ok yeah it's completely empty oh and there you go there's some pots and stuff so fabrication elixir see there stuff stored in here man and most of the time is hacker stuff so guys another big thing that got added which if you're a big fan of fishing like this is gonna make fishing even better this has got me back into fishing because um obviously we're in effed up one faction we're fairly rich at the moment since we haven't been raided or anything like that so fishing to me and at the starting map was amazing I was making tons of money from it and then it kind of fizzled out because I had so much money now it's still good for people starting out but fishing has became really cool for everyone again because there are $40,000 fishes that you can get which is the vine fish and a divine salmon and there are also divine puffer fish and divine clownfish that sell for 75 K each can you imagine if you are just a new player joining the surf right now and fishing out one knows divine puffer fish like literally that would be nearly a cow spawner that would nearly get you started which is insane so what I'm going to do is I hope there's Raven hello dearies Raven hey hey hello hey sorry didn't mean to interrupt you oh it's okay you see you see me see hello I'm going undercover down late man I'm gonna go can I go try and make us some fishies you know okay right you go down you jump down there so that your distraction every was like oh thanks Raven and like no one thinks that anyone else's day you know I mean now I know you'll die don't do it but I was like you know I'm going down there right expect me to die in about ten minutes time the sick boy get some fishies if you think I say to the lake I'm sick do you think you'll like let me get some fish problem honestly I let me try my dad for helping me out on like I feel oh so like I'm sick okay right let's go down all right I'm gonna go deep under the water oh yes okay there's a guy killing people oh oh he's just messed with the wrong guy he just bought something like I can charge it straight towards him in the alright armor okay I'm just gonna stay oh I see her head oh my god our whole faction is here okay right so I get some those fishes so I'm going for the divine fish that's what I'm going for here and if I get the bear I wouldn't mind a basic treasure chest cuz I could open it away the thing is if someone's gonna definitely kill me I know it but doesn't matter I'm not gonna lose much got nothing on me all right so we're gonna fish here until hopefully we get something decent but we are going for one of those new fish we're gonna try make some money at the moment we have currently 352 caves so we're actually doing pretty good in the money department but to get one of those 75 cave fish they'll be fairly decent Oh my god no freakin way don't I don't I don't know hey she's got divine salmon away how am i cruel not straight away but like pretty much straight away the sickness worked is a sickness did she freaking work that's actually pretty darn sick there's people literally fighting above me that's so lucky and how much is that that's Sam that's 40k man that's literally just like that 40k at the back man I was a new player like that's insane fishing is hot again guys I'm just I'm afraid to say it but like fishings hot like are you serious that's crazy that's pretty that's pretty damn fast like dead divine so that they're hard to not hard to get but they're not common like maybe being sick is the best time to fish I'm surprised not even killed yet you know it's really quiet on leave tonight like at the moment usually is like tongs beam oh no hang on oh oh oh no okay if you want PvP Raven is elegance guys down here like absolutely tormenting people so if you want to be like their Lord and Savior you know you can I've got like three bodyguards answer all of our faction just looking at me fifty bottles of salt fifty Souls I'll take honestly I will never get over that bass you rated with all those souls that was most satisfying thing to drink all of them I think you're the only one under the water yeah I think so twin don't make it up don't like draw attention come on a you to rank above the surface come on go away why go invisible at least what you doing guys he's down here no don't you freak it there honestly honestly don't you dare I'm just gonna deal with everyone here over happy out right now honestly I mean oh god I see a guy there cuz some people are lazy like I don't want to fish I was gonna go kill other people and get that fish I see sometimes is that you Raven no yeah invisible no oh this guy's killing people oh god I can't fish man chill with me right now making sure they don't go for you I managed to do my guts or I don't know maybe you are being a stretching but I'm afraid that you're actually causing more attention there's so many people around here miserable should I leave no no no they're just getting close but I think if all these invisible people need for like oh yeah I won't hit the other guy then why would they to be honest if they want to they can well I'm happy house cuz not not what no matter what happens I just made 40k so that's pretty decent straight away just like that one little thing I know a Chester we all goooo be good please Pub say I'd really laugh if you died there's literally seven enemies right here looking at me just chilling are you fishing naked look yeah and you're still alive that's not visible they're chilling with me yeah that's all that once's out if that was me and it's like those guys like there they're the ones are killing him one that's all there's a guy running around trying to kill invisible people why oh I see look at this guy what what's he doing twin jump down and sacrifice yourself so he's like okay I killed one oh good I'm joking I'm joking oh man oh yeah your view yeah yeah he's on you Oh Ravens gone from I got you through it I got your back thank you respect came from the side great I'm gonna get back to no one even knows I'm underneath the lake here I'm trying to just do my best to stay away from the crowd really I'm trying to save win this is actually very relaxing do you a just not feeling the greatest I don't honestly I don't think I could pee pee right now I think I would die instantly all right home base I'm actually taking this back honestly you just got three Eurotech era right Celia oh yeah he's a scary boy honestly he's very you've already liked that God said he won he's good at pupae and he has a god set yeah later Craven right next one knows Raven you just got a stuff huh you just got like a prop three set in a sword so thanks alright such back you're overwhelmed why there's like 50 people or help obviously how do I just yeah we thank year like how did no one else go for it as plot three like it's not like it's a weekly alright that's F table buddy right there I got him I love armed is underneath here no one's even gone for me yet this is the longest I've been on the ward and always love me though the same twin Steve twin I'll take the shot Oh twin just go invisible and come join me Thank You Raven even you know till I messaged them I think there's a guy called just wait no rush and I feel like he's a he's a he's a hunter yeah he's a hundred guys he's a hunter kid this hunter in the middle lake quickly Raven quickly the hunter huh that's way no rush he thought he's gonna kill Nancy person you saved his life you're a hero Raven your Odyssey your minecraft hero on the Shelf but you're like you just saved someone's life it doesn't matter you just save some slice it does not matter honesty you just saved an innocent fisherman's life you want me to have your you P of my fishing rod right so dead I'm so strapped oh my god there's board Lou I'm running for it all eyes the lake is getting very busy can you go away please how's this my fault well now you just save someone so I won't blame you for anything Oh hundred Souls me you watch you just made the just wait no rush guy leave all right you're totally dead eighty TP to Raven he needs help now oh yeah because I'm gonna help all right I've got I told him the TP - so that's the best I can do right now I died if you win everything I died in everything well you save someone's life so does that make you feel better kind of yeah you want to see he was literally about to hit that guy and you just knocked him away like you're like no bush knocked him out honestly I feel kind of bad but then again what I wouldn't have been able to grab there in time I sure I should have done I should have popped out of invisibility and went [Laughter] and then twin comes over the other mountain with the Sun kind of behind him like no oh my head hurts thought make me laugh please Raven what did you lose anyway that's cuz you died drivin well done I know anyway okay well I got a fish what'd you lose I lost my like demigod sword I didn't lose anything like important yeah you didn't have a God so like No hey Raven hey yo I'm not lying um I kind of forgot I've never actually checked these ones up here these journeys dispensers of top and spawn they could have stuff I've know have you checked these ones I just got stuff VI okay do you why thank you have you checked these no I don't know where you are come to Nick he's in front of me I've never checked these basically twin if you don't know hackers store in these things no no I've never actually checked those Ryan this way huh you found all these hoppers back here oh yeah I'm checking these ones no okay it's often in them okay but like that's Lea we should check those more often as well I'm coming down towards I'm gonna see how fast attack there's people behind you so you probably want laughter all right 50 cop one we want me one we want oh I mean oh two rival factions going at it won't be oh my God he's actually recomme oh my god okay time him might book oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god whoa come back up come on no no died all right I mean where are you gonna won't be one for 20k you wanna TV and watch this alright here we go right go face teacups let's do this did it did it did it did it did it did oh my god two rival factions going at it pretty sweet oh dude he's got strength he cheated okay right boys disco pot actually 20k he probably had straight-up well I don't care okay all right last 20k for us guys kind of sorry about that apologies he's put on KITT alien he's running cool I'm gonna go kill him oh hang on I'm gonna absolutely wreck this guy look there's an addictive guy right here I'm gonna absolutely recommend I didn't actually come do you think they expect I think they think we're property of pain these guys are running in our direction but let's just run around egg that's my head drop I'm saying I'd be like Oh God hey what you doing we going down come on let's PvP together in oh yeah yeah I know no oh look at our factory let's go to the lake of Vista cult fishermen look at it we're like a little army like we up every single fishermen you see it doesn't matter who it is you be if it's a fact remember you leave the faction come on beat me down all right that's enough of that no more mess around we're losing too much arm if we keep you now alright I don't know what we're doing now but let's move on with this episode because otherwise we're just gonna keep messing around like this alright guys so moving on with the episode so we were lucky enough to get the divine fish at a divine salmon which is 40k we weren't lucky enough to get the really expensive one but 40k is still 40k so our Bala is currently three hundred and thirty-two thousand dollars so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna sell all this and see what a battle is then so after selling all that our Valley is now 393 K honestly an easy easy easy 40k so I'm also gonna go ahead and open up a new channel charm this is there's not really much this episode I know there's not I really feel really bad I just didn't really want to miss an upload I don't know if I should even upload this video thing but anyway I'm just literally gonna upload it um and just so if you don't see a video for me maybe tomorrow and yeah it's because I can't move all right let's roll this boom boom boom let's hopefully our imagery doesn't fill up completely otherwise rip rewards but what are we going to get oh okay right we just got a builder's new back that guess I'm a knight she goes out that we got a general kit which is prop for and $40,000 so we basically just got a nother divine salmon not too bad no obviously to build as loot bag would be something climb upon an armor but it's a matter of put the builders do bag me something insane to get at the star in a map but I'm just hoping the only thing well yeah the only thing I'm hoping I gather these right now is the probably the annihilation course cuz technically I can use them for trapping three two one boom oh my god we got a over them that's my god that's insane how much is that god that's like $100,000 right there that's insane okay that will go in the pv for a while and every guys I'm going to end off this episode here if you do not see me for the rest of the weekend it is because I haven't died I just can't move up just let out soon that this video is I'm sorry no up to par I'm sorry I feel really bad but anyway guys I will see you hopefully tomorrow in the next episode of factions or catching hackers maybe maybe you might do some chilled out catching hackers episodes for the rest of the weekend I don't know I'll see what's going on you guys thank very much for watching I will see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 180,886
Rating: 4.8165889 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Id: Jj02CNbQrYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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