Conversations at Home with Sebastian Stan of ENDINGS, BEGINNINGS

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good afternoon or whatever you're watching this my name is Janel Riley I'm an editor at variety I'm so happy to welcome you to today / tonight's conversation we have a very special guest today you've seen his range and everything from I Tanya to Captain America to destroyer along the way he's worked with some of the best directors in the business which now includes Drake dream Asst the writer director of endings beginnings please welcome Sebastian Stan hello how you doing good thank you so much for being here my pleasure that might be a bit of a misnomer I called Drake dream as the right or director but my understanding is endings and beginnings was sorry just endings beginnings was primarily improvised yeah yeah pretty much I mean like 80 80 % of it but it did he you know he came up with the concepts of it and it was about a 70 page script that was outlined essentially kind of like a like a map of of where sort of we were supposed to be going but how we were gonna get there or we certainly didn't know until the day of and it was a very strange process one that I've never worked through before but one that I'd love to go through again and at some point but yeah he liked that that's his process everything is finding the finding the moment and the scene in the moment as opposed to looking for the execution in a scene which was really interesting for me because it's the first time I became aware of that was was through him and and what I mean what he means by the execution in the sense how sometimes you know you watch movies and you go okay this is the scene where we find out this this is the scene where these guys are gonna plot plan their thing and and so he's so I think sensitive towards towards scenes that kind of really highlight from the from the get-go what they're gonna be about and my more interested in kind of shaping and finding the thing as we go I'm such a big fan of his movies you know movies like crazy and equals but I but I actually think this might be my favorite of his movies because he creates these these intimate relationships where you relate to at least one if not all of the characters were you familiar with his work when he came to you I mean I have to imagine you were because someone's just saying you're gonna be improvising would terrify me yeah yeah I mean I loved like crazy and I also really liked newness and I think it was just sitting down with him for two hours and sort of starting this non sort of kind of strange conversation that went very personal very quickly and I'm okay being vulnerable as long as somebody else is and and I think there's no way you could do certainly his movies but this work whichever way unless you're vulnerable and and we just connected and clicked right away and I think at the time he didn't really know which character I would be playing I certainly didn't know which character I'd be playing but we both sort of walked away from that meeting knowing that we that we'd wanted to to work together and then I had another session with him and another actor to sort of just kind of play around and so we wouldn't see what happens again just walking in a room starting a you know pressing record and then and going going off of some questions that he had and that's how I ended up with the role of Frank basically it's so interesting to me because you know the movie finds shailene Woodley's character Daphne kind of torn between two best friends the PC way to say this is that that Jamie Dornan plays Jack who is sort of the more stable reliable person right whereas your character Frank is a little less reliable but but they have crazy chemistry and I feel like in unless her hands that have been you and Drake your character could have kind of been this bad boy cliche but he's so much more complex with that and I'm I'm curious if that was something that was on the page or something you you kind of had to work at to make him you know not just just sort of the bad boy yeah I mean I think that was a lot I think a lot of that got discovered in our conversations and in rehearsals with Shailene Julia and I had about five days of rehearsals which really helped we still not a lot of time but um you know Shailene Drake and I I actually drove out to Big Sur which was about four hours in the car like I think the third day that we met and we were gonna shoot in Big Sur so he suggested we just drive out there and it was great because on that long car ride all you do is just talk and talk and talk and you know we talked about relationships and we talked about experiences we've had pasts you know things that happened so it got very it got very personal and I think I think we were able to kind of draw on a lot of that material to sort of feed the characters because I think with the improvising what happens is it's inevitable that you just end up bringing certain elements to it and all we knew with Frank was that he he should be a certain kind of colour that's different than Jamie's character Jack and but how we get that coupler you know doesn't matter I think at first in my head I was sort of playing at kind of this dark or thing and and he was just like you know what don't don't even worry about that just just see where the moment comes in if and you know if you're funny or something funny weird hat and and Nan Frank happens then maybe it's gonna end up in the movie and it ended up in the movie and I think the character sort of was more fleshed out in the editing room where again I have to give him credit because he's just such a master at kind of piecing different takes together I mean we would do 20-minute takes so I would camera would just keep going and I would look at him afterwards going like Drake I mean there was so much great stuff in that but how are you gonna how are you gonna edit that you know how are you gonna find that because we would try to redo what we did in the last tape that worked and he wouldn't want that he would go no no don't don't don't try to do what we just did try to find the thing all over again and so it was really in the editing I think that all the characters kind of started to have their own little complexities and colors and and that was all him I'm so curious about that when you're primarily improvising a movie because I know a lot of people who use improv and they discover things and they're like oh that's good let's do that again but Drake is the opposite he's no matter how good it is he's like let's move on cuz it doesn't feel real is that why yeah I think he just has a very keen eye towards yeah towards towards towards the manufactured sort of moment and it's just what happens that's just acting I mean like at some points look sometimes you are going to have a take that's going to be so honest and you go there's no way I can redo that that's that's about as truthful as it gets for me then and there and then you'll do it again and actually the director will go you know what it just it wasn't it still wasn't the right thing right or and then you're trying to kind of re get back to a moment that sort of worked before but then it's just never the same quiet it just then you sort of feel like you're you're affected in in the perform and so to speak and yeah Drake just wanted to be as far away from that as possible I mean there were certain things that were discovered in the improv particularly in the last scene of the movie that I have with Shailene that I think he really liked and was like you know let's try to find our way back to that because that says a lot about where these two guys are but a lot of times I would go home feeling like you know I don't really know if what if what I just did was was it was it good was it like applicable or or or not because sometimes as an actor you have a scene in the dialogue it's sort of a little safety net for you it keeps you in a perimeter and then when you're going to work and it's you're taking these large swings you've got to go through a variety of things that don't work first in order to get to the thing that works and and that's just a lot of patience you know that's I wonder about the stuff that doesn't work because in improv I think you have to feel free to fail but it sucks to fail it doesn't feel good and so you know sometimes you want to pull out of it and and how do you sort of create that safety net like would drink I mean I would he would he just promise not to use something if you didn't like it no I you know it's just it's I've kind of given up on that thing of of torturing directors with promise you mean that they're not going to use a tank because it really doesn't matter it's just it's gonna be up to them anyway no matter what I do and there are many times where in my head I feel it take is is is my best take and it's actually not you know it was actually a take that didn't really feel good to me at all but they saw something that so that's why I really have a lot of respect for you know we were talking before a little bit about Ben Stiller but but like actor directors actors who are directing a movie and then acting in it at the same time it's like how do you have how do you jump from being within the moment and then and then being bird's-eye-view to kind of see where the thing is how it's shaping it's really difficult so you you just kind of have to surrender to the director and that's why I think I've learned in the last couple years that you you have to trust the director and it and and it's a and it the director is really what informs my choices of projects now it really becomes about that because they're just it's their movie it's their project I mean I was saying in the intro you've worked with so many amazing your jurors from Ridley Scott's Karyn Kusama recently Craig Gillespie who's one of my favorites what do you hope for from a director when you show up to set um I just patience guidance and trust I mean just trust because I think actors go to set incredibly terrified I really believe that and you know I mean you've you you've interviewed a lot of there are all kinds of actors different personalities egos all kinds of right and and you know it's that people come to set sometimes with all these you hear these reputations I'm so and so it's really difficult or you know don't piss them off I mean he's just you know that guy's angry and everyone or and and it's hot to me it's always fear oh it's always a way or you know they're like the comic onset you know and they just could consistently crack jokes but it's it's a it's a defense mechanism to me because you you're just about to walk into this environment where you're so exposed you're so vulnerable and and then who's the one person that's gonna shine a light for you is gonna be that director and you've got to trust them and they've they've got to have a vision for the thing and then you have to fit into that vision but if they have the vision and they're confident in in their choices and in what they want it's totally the most relaxing experience ever because then you just surrender to it you know I mean Craig blessed be he one thing that was I got used to is that I used to that I loved by the end he didn't really like it so much at the beginning is he would he would actually be editing the scenes while as we shot so late in the camera well he would he would have it like on standby sort of like by video village he would have somebody kind of be piecing together a little bit of this thing that he wanted and so we would go shoot a scene you know during the day and then we would break for lunch and then after lunch we would have to complete the scene and we would show up and then he'd go here come over here like take a look at this and then he would show us already a very rough cut of where the thing is going and then and immediately you go Oh got it okay like this is what we need this is the tone of the thing that's what we're going for and it was just helpful to understand you know but not everybody does that that's why he's so impressed because you made I Tania so fast I didn't know you had time for breaks honestly it was I don't know yeah we did break for lunch but it was it was insane that that movie I believe was 31 32 days and it was just but but what it was it was it was a major it was a big lesson for me because what it was was it was a an example of when the right when you're assembling the right group of people together then you then your product is going to sort of shine I mean and what I mean by the right group of people I don't mean the actors of course yeah but it's the director the producer and the ad that all have to kind of speak the same language and if those key those people are are you know like this then I think the whole thing can can can run sort of smoothly because everybody takes their cue off of those guys and that's what we had on on that night Anya is like we just had such a great great leadership and everybody across those those different platforms was on the same page and I'm imagining for something like endings beginnings I don't know what your budget or shooting schedule was but I know it's an independent movie so I'm thinking everybody was there because they really wanted to be of course yeah you're not that's not a movie like I don't same with I Tanya I mean I was I was a destroyer I mean I would be on set even when I wasn't working like I would want to watch what they're doing I mean I think it's the best lesson of anything and and and same with Drake I just was sort of fascinated and I mean I still come from that background where I still remember how hard it was to get a job and it's still very hard to get certain job I was like that doesn't go away maybe for some people but I'm not there so I just I know what it's like when you're not on set I mean I'm like in quarantine right now I'm just basically knowing like oh my god that what an amazing experience to be able to do that so I don't want to miss it I don't want to be in a trailer you know just kind of counting cards I and and I think you learn more about the movie and the kind of movie you're in if you're if you're watching them on their process but the same thing would Drake by the way his ad and his producer again very valuable people who really understood him what he needed and and catered to that I mean we would show up on set and our idea was I would always look at him being like oh my god what's he thinking because he would go I don't know if we're gonna get through the scene I have no idea I don't know what the scene is I don't even know where the camera is gonna be like maybe we'll shoot this away and you know what we'll shoot it again tomorrow like so that kind of mentality is just requires very specific partnerships you mentioned that you're always or actors are always scared when they first show up on set this does that include when you've played a role before like we need something like when you return to the Avengers or are you scared or is that more like you know coming back to school after summer vacation ah no I've always been scared yeah of course I was terrified for each of them each of the big movies that I was involved in you know like Winter Soldier and Civil War the Avengers I didn't you know I I wasn't I sort of felt like I was more and I was involved but I didn't it didn't really feel like my presence was as the same like in civil war where I was a key piece of the story and I felt like a lot was you know on my shoulders um but you know you close out the entire series with like the most common teen scene but of course you're important to that now of no apps no absolutely I just meant in terms of for me Winter Soldier and Civil War were movies where the character was really being explored was reintroduced in a very different way and just to get that right get him right get the tone right I felt yeah a lot very scared on getting that right and and even going into the series which we which we've been doing III was terrified because it's interesting because I've played this character now for 10 years and he's sort of evolved yeah yeah as as I have sort of as a human and as a man you know as I get older and I think that might be my favorite thing about playing a character over and over again is like they sort of age with you a little bit and then you when you go back to playing them there are certain characteristics that you know they have and then you can go okay like well where are they with that now right like I'm Here I am and as opposed to 2011 you know my life is different this way and here are some things I've learned so it's like where's the character that five years ago was in that place now with that and and that kind of becomes interesting to to sort of explore I guess you know for not knowing where you guys able to complete shooting the series or we shut down no we we we still have about I I want to say like roughly I think about a few weeks maybe of sheeting so yeah we we were just we had just gotten to Prague and then everything kind of slowed down and and and it happened very quickly once it yeah and it's just it's just wild because I look back and I tell myself you know that was this year we were this year like it wasn't 17 years ago which is how it feels now you know but yeah but but it was we've had a lot of fun I mean we had we've we've had a lot of we a lot of fun and I think you know Anthony's is a riot to work with I mean he yeah you I mean you've interviewed him I mean he really brings the best and the worst out of me and and I just I like I love and I hate him at the same time but he but you know that's our dynamic and I think it just was so fun to finally get the time to do that to really explore that with him because we only had a couple scenes across the net nice to you he's very jealous of you in the movies no he was yeah Sam's very upset with you know not trusting Bucky and there you know he's territorial and anyway so yeah but like they we really got to just like dive into that relationship and it's it's super fun I mean in terms of very much in that lethal weapon world oh cool um sort of along those lines you play Jamie Dornan 'he's best friend and endings beginnings but you don't really get to share many scenes together as a little bummed out I know I had so we hadn't want we had no we had yeah we had one scene together when when we were playing the you know the Mafia game and he and I laughed so hard we just won one moment of us laughing talking to each other but he's you know he is such a thoughtful generous extremely that just a kindest and and super disciplined and dedicated and and charismatic guy I mean it's just couldn't I couldn't possibly have met at a sweeter person and it was great I wish I hope that maybe we find something else one day or something I mean cuz I know we could have had we could have figured out a way to have more in there if it was possible but well the movie I mean I wouldn't mind a sequel I think it leaves room for for some unanswered questions I'll be interesting for Drake to do a sequel um by the way I first saw this film at the Toronto Film Festival last year and it's now available everywhere on demand but I was thinking about how you've kind of had this streak with the Toronto Film Festival because I think like every year you were there with Martian and I Tania then destroyer and then endings beginnings pretty much all in a row it's it's sort of like your good luck festival I know it well I love Toronto I think it's a great city and I got very close to working there a few times and it's close to New York and it's you know I think it would be it'd be a great city to work in and I love Montreal so it's like that whole area is is is cool but yeah somehow I have ended up with that festival and I every year I always tell myself what if this is the year I don't get to go to the Toronto Film Festival it's gonna be really weird and now this might be the year yeah you know but if and by you've been there it's just it's there's something about it that feels very it seems like you run into your peers everyone's kind of relaxed you know people are seeing movies now I've never been to Venice or Telluride so or can so I I don't know what those are like but but I yeah but I do love that Toronto Film Festival was the big premiere at Toronto the first time you got to see the movie no I had seen it one of the time before that because Drake really wanted me to see it while he was in the room and I just sort of sat on the couch there like that you know he snickering looking at me like my every reaction to the movie and it's just what I hate that yeah you get the first time and it's weirdly intimate in times and you're just like oh god I mean is that sexy like too long you know it's just like the whole the whole thing starts going but yeah watching it with like the filmmaker sitting right there like staring at you for reaction yeah well of course but but it's just it's also just because he it's such a collaborative process with them you know which is why which is why working with him I felt so included in into what he was doing and it felt like we were really working on it and creating it are you know ourselves and and it was a collaboration in anyway so so I it just that's just part of who he is you know you have such fantastic chemistry with shailene woodley and I don't I don't know if like you can explain how chemistry works it's such a strange thing is it something you have to work at sometimes or do you find that just sort of happens naturally I said that is a really very good question because um I don't know I think I think there is something that happens naturally but I but I believe I believe that I it really takes two people to to to be a certain kind of open to to each other into the experience and I think a lot of trust comes with that and it really takes two people that sort of approach acting I think in a similar way which is hey what's what's the what's the honest moment here is it that we're both nervous is it that you're nervous and I can tell and it's kind of funny is it that we're both like looking at each other and we're present what's the honest moment because sometimes you're working with people who and I've had this too you know you have an idea before you get to set you go okay I think the scenes gonna go this way and and and you and then you get to said and when I was younger these used to happen to me a lot more I would just be focused on on getting that idea on like okay this is how I saw the scene ago so I'm gonna just do the scene like that as opposed to actually just saying oh wait a minute like who's in front of me what are they what are they giving me and then and then maybe the scene actually wants to go that way so even though you've planned all this stuff you have to sort of throw it out the window and just kind of be present so it's really about that presence that I think you know if both people are they're really there then I think you have you have chemistry I think if it's two different agendas that's not communicated about then maybe not not not as much I don't know I mean I don't know if you've ever experienced that but how do you deal with it when it's not there I've certainly experienced it but you know you do your best at the end of the day is acting right like it's like you got to act and and it's weird because again sometimes let's say if the situation is not really there I mean you do your best and then you know if you if you want if you're if you're looking to try something else you know that's where you have a good director who's gonna pick that up or you guys are gonna have you know you you're you're gonna have a conversation together with the director and then sometimes you just have to trust that that actually you know what there's different moments where both people could have been present at different times in different takes and then it's lined up and you never even know when he watch the movie so is it ever intimidating I'm thinking like with it with destroyer you know you're acting opposite Nicole Kidman who by the way loves you just was hunting you the other day she was she was raving about you but I think I would be really intimidated acting opposite her a thousand percent but that's a see that's the perfect example right like my first scene of destroyer in the movie I mean the first thing that I shot in the movie was with was with when we first meet and and and and in the movie when we first meet and I was maybe I was lucky maybe car and put that right there on purpose because what happened was I psyched myself up beforehand of course to go like you know you're op your opposite achill kidding me you're gonna you're you're a man now you're gonna step in and you're gonna you know be a man and and and then and then I got there and I saw her and I was like I can't do this you know I I can't do any of this like I don't know anything it's it's over I'm gonna get fired it's gonna happen and then but but but then that becomes part of the scene like that became part of the scene for me because when I was the scene is two people sort of like sussing each other out and to some extent we didn't know each other and so I didn't know how what she was gonna how she was gonna respond and I'm nervous inside but you know I'm doing the best to kind of like be as cool as possible but inside my heart's going and I think maybe that's what the character was going through and certainly Karan and I thought that was applicable but how often in life do we experience something internally and then on the outside were we're giving off a different message you know because of whatever circumstance is right so so so that's what the scene became because because but because I was able to sort of just admit look your opposite a really really strong woman and you should you know acknowledge it and and see what happens and and then see what the next moment is so then it work gives you an amazing chemistry I mean it was definitely definitely you know kept me on my toes but I want to be on my toes that's I you know I don't I don't care to be comfortable really anymore in terms of acting I feel like I feel like it's got to be something that's scary and and opposite somebody who's gonna really make you show up what would scare or intimidate you at this point we've mentioned and I'm always telling you you need to do more comedy is that something that excites you or kind of intimidate you know both I think comedies really difficult I think it's I think it's really hard and and as I was telling you before I feel like I have a hard time getting cast in comedies not that certain things haven't come my way but it's not it's not necessarily the way that I wanted to explore comedy yet but yeah you you because you if you're not funny I'll tell you I'll tell you this though I had one director again who is he was a really great director he was he was awesome and he was cut he came from comedy so I knew that and and going in but anyway I was working on this project with him and I had to do the scene and and and it and he just came up to me afterwards and he goes yeah no in between tasting goes no let's do it again I think um just morph more funny I guess that and I was like oh god we're yeah you know like more funny but yeah I mean you you just I mean maybe that was in the greatest direction but no that'd be better yeah and like it's just yeah we have different ideas of comedy anyway and so it's uh I think comedy the reason it's difficult is because you got to be in the moment and then you have to have another awareness on top of it of that where you are or kind of like dissecting it and going is this funny is this not funny is it too far is it too much is it self-defecating but I feel most comedy everybody always says you know comedy comes from pain and suffering you know and it's usually that's that's kind of the birth of the thing and and I actually feel in life is is the way to heal pain and suffering is by finding a way to not make fun of it but to to release it through in a way that that that sort of gives it a different light you know well now that you're looking to do more improv I think you should go on Curb Your Enthusiasm maybe play like someone who yells at Larry for not wearing a mask or something I don't know I mean listen if anybody I was again terrified of it would be Larry David I mean really I always said there's two people that would scare the hell out of me and that's Jack Nicholson and Larry David and and I love curve like I mean I I watch religiously and I would love to be on that show in some capacity because it just it's it's ridiculous but um yeah I don't know I don't know what he would do with me something terrible I have no doubt yeah the show implies by the way I hear he's a delight to work with yeah yeah yeah you get that he gets it all he gets all the terrible behavior out on the show so we can be a nice person I guess before we go I want to remind everyone for information about saying after a foundation is cope and relief fund you can look in the comments and I just I'm sort of talking to everyone you know we're in such a strange time what sort of keeping you going during this is there anything you're watching or reading yeah you taking on no I like I so yeah I've got a couple writing things that that were passion projects for me that so I've had time to go back to which is nice because it really once I get into it it can six hours can go by and suddenly I'm like oh what happened but but it's listen it's it's definitely a day-to-day experience some days are a lot harder than others I mean it's uh it's just you just need a routine you need you need structure and yeah reading wise I mean I it's I'm one of those people that I that that's struggling a little bit from feeling like I really should be proactive and and make really great use of this time and not waste it and so I constantly end up in a self battle about what am I not reading and what am I not doing so I'm you know I'm reading like I'm rereading this making movies with my sin e LeMay and watching his movies and so I'm always studying the thing and kind of because it's just what inspires me every day so I and I think we need to kind of remain inspired throughout this whole situation and yeah very selective with the news same here you know sometimes it can really take the air out of the whole whole thing and then I got the criterion collection on you know it's a great app I mean it's a little expensive but it's a great app on that Apple TV and I mean you just they have everything they've got interviews they've got all kinds of things um I just I just finished watching unorthodox oh that was have you seen that one it's fantastic yeah yeah that's a wild story that was that was beautifully done and what else is out there there's a ton of shows out there I mean you know I've never really seen the Sopranos I kind of dropped off so I'm just now watching the final season oh cool yeah okay so yeah you caught up finally yeah i-i've never seen that I've never seen Breaking Bad wait you've never seen Breaking never seen wait wait this is the headline I know check that out this is the time to to do that but so it just it depends but but because I have time like usually if I'm putting something on it's gonna have to be a movie you know it's usually where where I go cuz I just think there's always movies I've not seen and somebody like Drake who's a movie encyclopedia will just reference these different kinds of movies to me I just saw this movie recently never saw it before classic apparently it's been out there forever call in the mood for love oh yeah Patrick Dempsey no no no I'm sorry the foreign film yeah from John actually there was a big inspiration there are pieces of that that really weren't spiring for Drake for our movie really and yeah I just thought wow that that and again it's just new territory and and and those things are kind of kind of interesting and then cooking I don't know how I'm cooking these days I literally thought I'd poison myself the other day I mean I just was like I could because you're washing everything you know you're washing every single thing and and and then I was like I don't know I don't know if this tastes okay I know I spent hours on something and then it doesn't turn out and I'm so sad yeah but at least you're you know it's like this is when we're learning yep exactly I'm gonna be Julia Child by the time this is over wow that's really it's a good that's a good one to aspire to I mean that will definitely put you to take some take some shots it's hard because I only have two pots Mott's yeah yeah I got this tiny sink so it's like there's no way to I don't even have a dishwasher so I'm just basically washed constantly and then like I was telling a friend yesterday I go I hear my washing machine on even when it's not on yeah it's like going that sound yeah we gotta we gotta get through this you're really cutting it out if you don't have a dishwasher that's insane yeah but you know but I'm only one person right so it's like I don't and I'm one of those people where I have I do have OCD right in that aspect because I'll have to use the plate and then I'll have to wash I can't just like put it there and then wait like two hours later and do it you know I just have to do it oh well you haven't gotten as bad as I have been which is just paper plates and disposable silverware oh yeah that's that's another way to do it it's I probably shouldn't be doing that but that's my that's my deep dark secret yeah I mean look whatever helps that's what I that's what I say you know help to stay sane is what's important well I thank you again so much for spending time with us I wanna remind everyone to check out endings beginnings it's such a special movie thank you so much for being here today thank you thank you so much
Channel: SAG-AFTRA Foundation
Views: 128,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SAG Foundation, SAG-AFTRA Foundation, Acting, Actors, Q&A, Interview, Sebastian Stan, Bucky Barnes, Marvel, Captain America, Avengers, Gossip Girl, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Shailene Woodley, The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Endgame, Carter Baizen, Jenelle Riley, Conversations at Home
Id: kdalesA9wsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 37sec (2377 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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