Sebastian Stan April Challenger Meeting

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it causes problems with autism oh my god you know i understand i just have to say he destroyed everything for me and i'm not sure and he he got questioned about it does he still eat meat and he's like yeah i didn't mind it but we did we did i'm gonna bring it up i'm gonna bring it up hold on this is what i'm gonna do because we're he's gonna be on a second i'm gonna bring it up the question is is does he punt the question because because there's one of two things that's gonna happen he's either gonna dive in and and laugh or he's going to be dismissive about it and pundit and if he does that please get him to answer it because i can't eat bacon and i love that okay and now i'm sad i'm so sorry i accidentally started recording i don't know how to stop it can somebody tell me what to do well you're you're not able to re to record oh my god so it's you that started it okay started me recording thank you yeah i'm the only one i'm an idiot i'm so sorry sammy you're awesome but thank you for admitting that i really appreciate it um sorry lastly um i messaged you on monday because i upped my weight stupidly without thinking not by much but i've been adding 1kg side like just a boost up because it never felt too difficult however i dropped my weight on my arm and which was probably stupid because i heard like a cracking noise i've seen somebody and they were like like does it hurt does it hurt yeah yeah it swelled up like three days and now it just i can't put any weight on it so for these unilateral i'm kind of like half doing everything like i'm not sure would you advise um using like yeah right now right now we're gonna i think he might be jumping on now but um i think right now you just have to you know be really careful and if you feel pain you need to go see a physical therapist and keep me posted we have 592 people seb are you on yet i'm gonna mute ev i'm gonna mute everyone and then i'll i'll talk until he pops on if he's on then he's on mute guys just make sure you're all muted because certain people are popping on right now um bear with me yeah and guys everyone um hold on i'm reading some comments and then we'll start if you guys question for so sarah wank has the first question in we'll see he's normally um a minute or two late i'm reading through some of the questions right now so everyone just take a minute hi i'm trying i cannot believe how many comments are here guys you guys are years good luck trying to go through all these questions then uh i'll do my best i mean listen like i said the other day you know we're gonna get hundreds of questions and if we answer 20 of them fantastic i think my my idea right now is just to go through there's no bad question but to just go through the ones that i think um a lot of people are gonna get a lot out of and someone let me know when he comes on we're at 602. sebastian is on i think i'm i think he's muted yeah he is there you are i see you nice hat what are you doing i'm in um i'm in turks i'm at this place called the amanyara they they brought me down to teach have you heard of this place no dude it's insane i haven't no it's like it's it's it's way out of my wheelhouse i mean it's one of those what is that i'm having beef jerky oh god please i don't mind this salt before we kick it off i was talking a couple of people off the ledge because i haven't evidently i'm looking at the movie i haven't seen this movie fresh that you're in and you've got some people right now that are not eating me because they saw you running around the kitchen with a let what is this i don't even know what this was and i told him i said he's either gonna talk about it or he's gonna punch and give us an espn answer so i'm waiting you have to watch it that's a punch you just it's about protein where do we get it don well where's that where's that jerky from are you not allowed to even show me come on let me see no it's called chipotle of sweet and tangy it's gluten-free terrible for you put it down [Laughter] i knew you were gonna i knew you're gonna object no no okay i'm fine tone messaged me yesterday they were doing a muscle and fitness thing and they're working out with a rash they're all in the gym and they're all like pumping where you're like what are you doing i'm sitting on the beach with the beer in my hand and i'm like i'm like i'm doing this and i just start drinking the beer and frank's like you're on live right now i'm like they get off of me then i just hold up thank god that's amazing well you need you know it's good you need to you probably need to like take a moment for yourself too it's nice i don't know i've never been down there dude it's it's three hours from new york it's three hours from new york and um it was really easy to get in and out of here and it's just like it's on the beach with like crystal blue water and took the kids out to a reef today and we did some freezing they're there with you a little donny yeah donny's uh yeah in the shower right now he's like waiting to go to dinner he's killing something donnie donnie actually got into a bike accident the other day where he was because everyone bikes around here and he's biking and he's he comes he's like he's all shook up like what's up he goes i just flipped my bike i'm like what happened he's like i ran into this thing and i flipped over and landed in a bush i'm like i'm like did anyone see you and he goes yeah all these people see me i go what'd you do i just jumped up and i went i'm not used to the rear to the foot brakes it's like he completely punted and said he wasn't used to not having hand brakes and foot brakes so we were laughing our ass off but the monster he's going to be a monster um well i'm psyched to see him i'm psyched i'm going to be back saturday and looking forward to hopefully getting some training in the next few weeks so yeah no it'd be nice to get back into it um oh no it'll be good i mean you look great um we got 611 people on here right now dude this is pretty awesome well thank you for everyone for for for participating a year later our annual april check-in oh wait last year was march right or was it april i think it was march it was it was it was march it was march thank you sarah and now that we had sarah jump on we're gonna said we're gonna ask a question from sarah what's your absolute least favorite workout move and absolute favorite move do you do you have one you contrary to popular belief you know i'm not a leg man you got straight over i don't i don't really like to do the leg the leg workouts it's it you got a great time i know that's testosterone that's that's our bread and butter the legs right that's great we've had some great leg workouts by the way i missed that you know the problem is the legs i could do one squat and i'll get more results out of that than i will out of any upper body thing and that really pisses me off it is true though it's like lower body the amount of return even on your abs right have you noticed like all the goblet squatting we've done or double bell squatting we've done i really feel like and we and we do those are definitely better for me as as opposed to like you know the the the bar the the bar squats yeah bar squats it's a lot and you're you're always you're always pushing me to go deeper i'm like it's a pretty deep squat don i mean i'm pretty much on the floor at this point like i'm like sitting i you know you're what is it how much more deeper do you want me to go and hell like i'm like you know what man it's um you're not getting out of leg day if that's what you're trying to do right now no no we're getting eaten like either though who gets out of leg day shim shim never shows up on light day have you noticed that i just call it yeah he's always full of he's always like trying to do back or check call him out i'm calling him out we got a good question here ashley says we're kind of jumping right into the heart of this i think seb lash last year what was so awesome was how open you were about listen we all battle with specific things i know i sure as hell have um but ashley asked about you've been very open about your struggles with anxiety body dysmorphia dr lynn saladino no relation briefly touched on changing physical appearance in relation to mental health in her zoom call um hold on a second uh out of form with physical appearance being so tied to personal identity is there a specific look that makes you feel the most like sebastian that's a good question i think that's like what's your favorite look right is it tommy lee is that i know man i don't even really think of the look anymore to be honest now that i've gotten older like because your body as you know doesn't give you like the same result as quickly i'm more about like what feels the best what feels good forget what looks good i mean like all i was saying in terms of the body dysmorphia thing is that when you when you've had when you've when you've gone in different kinds of way up and down and stuff and i have like through my life certainly like when i was growing up and everything like you're just more conscious of you know yourself and and i think it's good and bad because i you can take that and kind of make it work for yourself in a way you can get very obsessive about it and and maybe will push you to kind of get better results but then you have to be careful that at certain times you don't you're not too hard on yourself either to the point where nothing you're doing feels good or you're you're you're being your own bully and that and that's obviously not good either you know but so you it's it's kind of like figuring out how to make that work for yourself but honestly i i since i've been running more in the last two years it's the running has been kind of a nice thing i mean you can't you got to balance it out because even if you run all the time right then it's your knees and everything you got to stretch and i and i hate stretching so that's that's another part that i got to work on but um i think i think if going forward i i i think the cardio higher rep thing that that's that's something that i really enjoy you know right yeah it's funny i mean i i was always right and i and i was a little away from running i think for the last year cove and i ran a lot and i felt amazing and then i got back into running the last six weeks and i've been running like three days a week religiously and yeah i feel incredible doing it but it's funny like if i if i just ran and didn't lift it's not enough if i just lift and didn't run it's like not like i i i personally like that balance um and um you said so it's good to it's good to utilize muscles too right because i think the muscle um i think as you get older muscles kind of retain memory right so i feel like to some extent it it helps you you'll keep them longer the more that you're working on them i i that's that's what i always thought i don't know you know better than me there no i mean listen i think i think you said something that any person who's successful in this field meaning fitness or or found a comfort level in um and you said it it's like you're not going for a look you're going for a feel right like the and this is what i'm trying to tell all the challenges on here is that don't obsess over what the scale says don't obsess over your measurements like obsess over the process of feeling good right like a mental and physical like and if you obsess over that process of feeling good or you at least start going down at that that path of focusing on the process of feeling good then everything else is going to follow what do you think about that no i like that i i think i think we are very obsessed with like instant gratification these days you know and you you can't you can't expect your body just to like suddenly and that's turn on a dime and that's the that's the that's the tough part about working out you got to put in the work every day and you're not going to you're not going to see the results until months later so there's there's moments where you feel like you're doing all the stuff and there's nothing happening right there's nothing changing and you know the way you might have envisioned it but you have to stick with it you've got to be patient you got to know that um it's just over time uh it's just that discipline but as long as i think as long as you kind of give yourself small goals every day then you're you're you're bound to be more successful rather than going like i'm gonna from now on i'm gonna run like six miles a day it's like that's unheard of if you haven't been if you haven't been running you can't just jump in like that i mean why don't you just try you know doing five minute five minute runs and then like walk the rest of the time you know for half an hour and then like in two weeks you do seven minutes and then 10 and then 15 and then you build you know absolutely and i think this kind of kicks into this is a great segue to the next question claudia doherty who's been on our challenge calls for two years um she says hi don and seb over the years working with don how is your training mentality changed thanks thank you for joining and answering our questions well i think you know i i i feel like i've been um certainly working with you i've i've gotten to feel a little bit more confident and not not as be not to be as as hard on myself i mean you need you need a good person to have in your corner obviously i think as you're as you're going down any kind of goal-oriented adventure so i to some extent you've helped me a lot you know kind of kind of get get a little less um be have discover more patience and and and not get so caught up in in i guess the result because everybody's body is different right i mean you're you're you might you might i'm sure you have like a a body muscle or or an upper body or whatever the lower like that just gets triggered easier than other parts of your body so then you might be able to do like those shoulder presses and then your shoulders are just immediately there and then it might take you longer on something else and and so it just depends on everybody's got it's got a different thing and i think um sometimes when you go to the gym like you get so lost because you're looking at machines and you're seeing all these things and you don't know what to do you should hit the one thing or not and it's almost like you have to you have to just give yourself like a plan i mean most of most of the people here on this call have like we're following some kind of a plan right yeah they're all following hopefully they are they're all following me but listen i think deviating off the plan is something that you've done a really good job of and i've probably one of the areas that i've matured the most because you know coming like i'm in a great facility here but you know i'm doing overhead pressing today and there's really two movements i can do with the weight that they had so i just increased the volume i set a timer i did 10 sets of overhead presses i did 10 sets of side raises i was able to do some high rep drugs and i walked out of the gym in 25 minutes and you know what i felt great from it right was that part of the plan that i was doing last week no but that's why i love so much of what you said sometimes you get into an environment where you just gotta figure it out make the best of it and you're gonna be okay if you're not doing what the plan says yeah and you gotta ask yourself like why are you doing it like your why has to be very specific or else you're not going to stick to it like why do you want to do this is it you know is it because you're curious you're discovering is it no i want to like you know i really want to get to be more active i want more energy in my life i want to i i so i i i'm just trying to get you know activate my body in every way no i want to lose weight no i want to look i want to i want to look amazing this like i don't there's nothing wrong with saying that like you could you could admit that if it's like there's plenty of people that are like you know i just want to look good naked i don't know like what there's nothing there's no wrong answer i just think i just think as long as you own whatever that is for you you know and and just kind of stick to it but i think sometimes a lot of people get into it without without really knowing why you know absolutely a good question in morgan jackson asks seb what's your go-to cheat meal and don't lie no i don't know okay pizza yeah i might say don't say like chicken and rice or some answer that like yeah no way i love pizza man yeah pizza um chocolate you know any anything baked goods those are all you do i can't do a cheat meal unless i'm also doing like ice cream after like it's either pizza and ice cream or it's like burger fries and ice cream and i feel like i'm really like if i'm gonna do it like i'm not like oh no like i just had it i had this amazing i had this amazing thing the other day it's called a souffle do you know it's a blue chocolate or grand magnet what would you have no it was a chocolate thing but i didn't understand that you take the ice cream and you drop it and it sinks slowly it's insane i mean that thing shouldn't exist it takes like 45 minutes to make too i i think it takes a long time to make it was it was a lot thanks for the picture man i really appreciate it i love you too i thought we were close um connie dalton she asked for sebastian i turned 25 in june so i'm curious if you could give 25 year old one piece of advice what is it or what do you wish someone had told you i love that question man i i just did what what what do you wish they would have told you at 25. no one cares about what i'm saying but it's it's more you know i mean i think back and forth i i think i would just look at myself and be like dude chill out man i'd give my honesty i'd go over to myself i'd give myself a little bit of a shoulder rub and just be like listen man be patient and just chill out like it's gonna be okay yeah i mean i think as you get older there's a lot of things that you look back on and kind of go like why was i so stressed out about that because it really didn't i mean there's there's real life things obviously that you know um and but but then it's interesting because i well looking back there's a lot of things that i felt like in in 20s specifically the early 20s that i worried about that didn't i wouldn't worry about now so i maybe it's just part of the process you know but i guess like just remember to not just remember that maybe one day whatever it is that's killing you right now might not might not be so bad i i love that uh kimmy wants to know what's your favorite healthy snack is there a thing like a healthy snack i mean like with celery i don't eat snacks i eat meals so i couldn't even answer that question a good protein almond butters you always like the omelet you like those packets i remember you're like i remember i do like those justin the the justin packets yeah yeah and almond butter was a it's a clean one um oh this is a good question cindy wants to know hey sebastian was it easier to lose weight to play tommy or gain weight uh muscle for civil war you were amazing don't lie to him no for me it's i mean it's easier easier to lose weight than it's to gain muscle i i still feel like it's hard because you gotta there's a there's the diet component you know there's there's a whole diet piece and then you have to rest in order for the work to kind of be applied you got it so there's a longer process there was with with the losing i mean you and i have talked about intermittent fasting i mean that's a huge part of it i think that goes a long way sometimes right right the 16-8 thing specifically and you did a lot i mean you i mean to drive yeah and then and then it was just like walking and running i mean and even so like i said it it's still there was still it was still hard to lose but it's harder than gaining for me i also think it's it's hard and someone asked me the other day about training athletes opposed to training people getting ready for for roles and they're like what do you think's more difficult and i'm like well i know it's more difficult and i'm like training someone getting ready for a movie role and they like got offended it was like a strength coach and they're like why and i'm like like we know tom brady's schedule like we know when they're playing games like we we we know his off days granted like someone's trying to kill him every time he's on the field but i think in the position your guys are in like like when i came out to visit you and cali like a shoot can go late for some reason like i don't know where you think you're cutting at 10 and then you're not out till 3 4 in the morning and that can really throw you down like schedule volatility is something that's really become a norm for you when you're when you when when you're shooting yet you still stayed pretty consistent with everything else you needed to do well i mean people lose i mean people lose like i don't know what's to happen if like i have to really gain weight and it's not muscle how are we going to do that don well i i mean let's not talk about it let's let's let's just not wait i'm totally open for it i if the role calls for it like if it's the right thing and it's meant to be like i would do it right like and again but i do feel like whether it's losing weight or gaining weight or gaining muscle or whatever it is for work for for a work purpose i mean again it i would still consult with you as i would with a nutritionist about trying to do it the healthier way because there's a you you still want to i don't know you know i i would still want to be able to kind of come back or or figure out what the next thing would be so yeah i think to do that what we now now now you're in my head like i don't know was that a hint but like um now i i think what we would have to do is i think food quality doesn't change right like like food would have i mean it's the same and you would still you would still keep active to some extent maybe not it just depends right like but like my point is the discipline aspect doesn't change what in regards to what the role asks for it's just you know just said i'm going to mute everyone right now can you just unmute for me because someone's on and they're unmuted sorry buddy and start talking as soon as you unmute um are you there yeah sorry buddy we're gonna have to do that because people keep jumping on um this is this is a good question by chaos um alyssa aka chaos she's fantastic question for seb and this is this is a deep question but being in the public eye and having to be bombarded daily with everyone's opinion on how you look or behave must be difficult what are some things you do to stay grounded and not allow the negativity surround or affect you while being happy with who you are and how you look i think it's a great question you don't read other people's opinion you're right ignorance is bliss to a point let's not take that too far because we love taking things too far these days i'm just saying like you got to be selective with i think what you know like what you're what you expose yourself to i mean i think you need a good grounded group of friends or family or people that you trust and whose opinion you really trust um to sort of consult and then the rest is just sort of out of your control you know you can only do the best you can to be yourself continue to be as honest as you can and own who you are and own your choices on your things and and and the rest like people are just gonna say what they're gonna say and and who cares i mean you know you know what that's probably what i love most about gym mafia like our group is that um no one's beating around the bush with me when i have to sit and have a conversation or opinion and you know how brutally honest everyone is and i gotta be honest tony and jim like their their street smarts are next level right like when i've sat down with them plenty of times and i've sat down with you and i think everyone like how many conversations have we had about things and i think it's important i think it's important to have at least a person in your life that you can turn around to and they're not going to give you a answer like i know ethan's been a big person in your life also like so having someone that's going to honestly tell yeah like yeah yeah of course i mean you you social media is not where you go for a substance in terms of in terms of like where you're looking at you know for for for validation like that's not what i it's supposed to be you know like you're you're gonna have to find that with your with your close ones with your loved ones with your family with people that see you interact with you day to day that know a little bit about you um you know social media is about awareness and it's about bringing the right kind of focus to specific things that deserve and and need to have the focus and the rest is just people you know unfortunately wasting time um in my humble opinion but you you need you need a good group of friends i always grow up with the idea that you're as good as the company you keep and and it's important and and you know you do your best and that's all you can do i i love that line i saw it recently show me your friends and i'll show you your future and i thought that was kind of cool someone said that there's some guy was yelling it somewhere and i just picked up on it and i was pretty well it's interesting because look i i think i think as humans we're we're very it's inherent for us to want to find kind of like our groups i mean that's how it goes back to all the way back to you know the beginning sort of we need other people we thrive off of other people with communities and being able to feel accepted being able to feel kind of included and bouncing things off of people so it's natural to have that and it's normal to want that um but i think it's it's still important that that you know that the whoever you surround yourself with you have to have the same mindset or values or experiences and and and to some extent you have to know that you'll be influenced by those people as well yeah so strong i think it's a good point uh christy campbell asked um do you remember your first ever audition and how did it go i don't even know the answer to this oh god i i've had some bad auditions for sure [Laughter] um [Music] did i ever tell you about the one where i hyperventilated oh when was this i auditioned for a movie called mother by um that was uh darren aronofsky movie and and i went into i was so worked up to try to like you know go in there i didn't get the part obviously i mean you know but but it was but by the way the scene was a guy who kind of blast in there don hogg gleason this amazing actor got this part where you the guy blasts into the room with like a gun and he's threatening people so it's like you got to go in there at a 15 so i guess i was like outside waiting the entire time to go in there and like they kept pushing me being like it's another five minutes another five minutes and i was just like by the time i went in there i just was like like i just went to like 20 level 20 and then i just literally told her i was like i'm gonna have to stop and they were like are you okay and i was like can i just slide down on the floor what is the problem and i was like i can't breathe and i was like my hand just twisted like that oh my god they're about to call an ambulance and i was like no no like i just need five seconds yeah i didn't get didn't get that part auditions are really hard man oh that's gotta be stressful you but listen you've done you've done um you've done public speaking you've you've had to be in front of like a thousand people like it's not it's not you can't even go back and watch some of my old like i gotta be honest like like i i was talking to you you gotta be funny dawn would that be woody you gotta but like some of the old stuff i went and did i'm just like oh my god like i can't even hear myself i i can you go back and watch olds i mean i i can't i mean i don't to sleep at night but it's true i'm not going to go back you think i want to watch myself doing a golf fitness video from like 2011 like are you out of your mind listen she might be in one of your golf videos oh my god could you imagine can you swing a golf club yes with with with strength uh yeah no i'd be a horrible golfer i'd be that person that like holds up the whole like line or whatever i mean no it would be fitness it wouldn't be i wouldn't be instructing you on golf thank god i'm not an instructor um all right we've got a good question here floor douglas who's training for a hundred mile running race jesus um has a huge site can you imagine doing a hundred mile you remember our buddy david kilgore with with with on he runs those hundreds it's crazy do you have any tips remaking forrest gump i mean no it's it's insane a hundred miles i mean i i i don't know i don't even know how to answer that do you have any tips for how to keep going and to keep your eye on the goal don't do it 100 miles why are you asking us floor that's way out of our league i mean come on 100 miles no man i mean my tip would be you gotta you gotta watch david david goggins that's it that's the only guy i would i don't know where else to go with that 100 miles that would be the only man i would i would go i'd play day i'd play him in my ear the entire time florian in all in all fairness and it's tough to ask us because we've never run a hundred miles but very challenging feats that maybe we've had to do like sometimes it just you you got to think about what would always scare me would would be quitting right like that would that was something that would always i kind of know if it's an ego thing or maybe something from my from my childhood or maybe with some things i battled with when i was a kid but i always told myself that if i you know if i if if i quit not because of injury not because of being sick but just because of laziness or because i just gave up right like that was something that i just beaten in my head that i couldn't tolerate i never minded if i didn't finish first in the race i just had to give my performance and okay let me let's just say something really quickly about giving up okay i would say this you gotta remember giving up i think i think giving up is is like almost like a virus in itself because once you give up like a little thing then you're gonna give up another thing and then you give up another thing and i mean it's as little as this like let's say you say tomorrow i'm gonna get up at 6 30 am and then you're like at 6 30 a.m and you hit the alarm and you're like i'll just stay another half an hour that little thing is going like the rest of the day so it's just like you gotta keep you know don't give up on the little thing because sometimes i feel like that can well there's well i want you to ask a domino effect no i don't and i agree with you and i want to get your opinion on this there's a line that i've been using with the challengers consistency trump's intensity because i really i honestly don't care if you come in and you give me 110 or 100 i just want you to show up and i feel like just the habit of showing and you know that like we've gone to some workouts sometimes we're not feeling our best or you know you know maybe travel or something gets the best you and we just kind of adjust accordingly that day and even if it's going through the motions like i think that's guys just show up but don't quit you know what i'm saying because that like you said i think that's contagious yeah um maddie thanks for adding to that that was fantastic by the way uh yeah perfect i love you [Laughter] [Music] guys as you know sebastian you're one of my favorite human beings so we can give it to you i love you dude uh maddie asked hey sebastian what are this is a great question i'm curious what are your some of your favorite go-to running songs um you know what you know what's a really good good one that sometimes gets me through is there's a i go to youtube and i go to white panda remix bette midler the rose what is it white panda remix oh white pandas like all these familiar songs like remixed and it's and it's kind of fun that could be that could be a good one um but you know what's weird recently i've been like kind of i kind of i kind of sometimes listen to podcasts doing it it's weird it it it helps to like kind of get that time get get something um sometimes listening to a conversation like makes me run just the same because kind of double dip a little bit yeah yeah i like that i like that you've been running more on treadmills lately or outside no no i do like the outside i think the outside is better to be honest i just think because here's the thing i've been looking at these apple watches and all that stuff and we have all this technology now that kind of you know is recording everything you're doing and all that and i and i was listening to a podcast that was talking a lot about how your body has inherent signals that know um when or like just suddenly someone out of the bushes just comes in and stabs you in the back no no hold on no no did you just do like this the horror movie in the making like this this pool behind me right now is like bubbling it just started bubbling it just scared the out of me by the way it would be like it'd be like a like uh um re astro movie like we're we like we're just witnessing things and we're on mute and we can't like tell you that like something's behind you anyway what i was saying got distracted what i was saying is your own body is gonna know better than any watch or whatever like you know how fast or when you need to slow down or like sprint you know so so i do i recommend outside running i like it a little sun plus i can go shirtless get a tan nothing's better than that so what are you gonna do well i'm glad i'm glad you feel okay about going shirtless don well i i just you know i'm running through my town you know don't cause an accident i'm not running through manhattan here i'm running through like the woods where i live it's not like i'm all right let's let's let's pivot off of that all right natalie uh cheshire asked with filming for fresh and pam and tommy so close together did any of the work you put in for your physical transformation for tommy lee bleed over into the filming of fresh no fresh came first uh i shot we did i did fresh first and then i was going to uh i was taking drum lessons on the weekends but but fresh was uh yeah and i was running a lot in in canada that's where it was are you still playing dude i haven't been able i haven't been home i i i want to continue but now that like sort of maybe the restrictions have gone down i might because i in new york where are you going to have the drums like i'm the neighbors are going to kill me like i can't you know i have to actually go somewhere to do it i need to find the place martini has a studio in his house really oh his son's his son's no joke his son's like an accomplished musician has like records coming out like the kid plays like 10 instruments but no i get what you're saying like yeah i couldn't imagine you being at mardini's house i'd start laughing my ass off if you messaged me one day mike would just be like making you do i'm like mardini won't stop talking did you just hear that dawn it's an owl something keeps bubbling out of this pool and i'm literally like freaking out right now i'm scared um all right see it's lying t-rex behind you stab me i'm like my pants right now hi don and sebastian i travel a lot for work and it makes staying on track a little challenging what are your tips for health for being healthy when you're away from home seb good one i'm punting to you on that i mean right we all we've established that no matter where you are you could run outside uh unless you're i don't know where uh but uh i suppose um you know i always think i always think about that 100 100 100 thing uh the 100 sit-ups 100 squats oh push-ups no i don't know was it was it no it was pull-ups push-up squats wasn't it i hope you're doing it yeah but i like sometimes depending on the hotel room i would i would actually try to do it they're very hard the pull-ups would like just like on a door frame you've got a really good pull-up though you could do yeah but we're talking about like if you don't have a gym right we're talking about if you're just in the middle of somewhere but 100 squats 100 sit-ups 100 push-ups a little run that's always good you can do that anywhere oh my god this is a great question and i'm forcing you to be honest on this one now you're always honest princess consuela asked you have a unique ability to tap into a huge range of emotions and make it believable you have made these relatable characters um yeah i'm sorry you've made these relatable characters but when you are diving into the minds of your ever darkest character do you ever find anything that feels familiar uh just tone sitting there don't do it sam don't don't do it um oh my god you know that's it yeah tones i i knew you were going to punt off that one but i still haven't um i have to put a little heat on you um let's see what else we have here okay leanna hillman i think i've asked you don previously but when you're both having a day you don't feel like doing anything what is your motivation to still work out also curious if sebastian has managed to try a british sunday roast yet i've never tried a british sunday roast have you i have i have not but you you wouldn't mind because it's a lot of protein protein and i think sunday roast um but yeah i have not done the sunny roast yet um i'm a big believer of that whole um sort of sometimes it's not it's not it's not the workout as much as like there's a few things that have to happen every day that the more you do them right define you in a way so i feel like even if i'm tired and i go and i literally just walk up incline walk on a on a treadmill for 45 minutes at a gym i still feel like i got i you know i went to the gym i i still i still was there i can still say that i that i worked out for me and even though it's not at a peak that day or whatever right i still manage something and and that still i think does something for the brain so it's just it's think um yeah i think some sometimes quantity is okay over quality you still get you get you still get something in there yeah and and i think i mean you've chimed in on that a bunch and and i can't stress it enough just you you've been the prime example of just getting in and doing something like it doesn't have to be perfect right like you just can't there's no way you're going to be able to get it perfect every time about this right like what are we really training are we training this are we training this i think we're training this i i believe that it's it's their um atomic habits is an amazing book and i always recommend that book because i i just think like a habit you will just feel better if you accomplish you know those three four things that you need to do every day for yourself you know maybe it's meditating maybe it's maybe it's a walk maybe it's i'm taking some time to just like i don't know like write down kind of like where i'm at in my head you just if you keep no matter what day you're having if you find a couple things to sort of do every day that that feel good to you then i think your brain will just immediately register that as a win uh even if you're not having your best day 100 and we got under 20 minutes left and you've been incredible with your time so i just want to try and get a couple more questions a great one there's a great one in from hayley meyer here she's asking um for seb what are the things you find help you to cope with big transitions like between fitness nutrition plans for yourself versus roles from character to character or even traveling while keeping up with everything like and i've never asked you you you that like you live a life where things have to drastically change like i'm at least in my home environment for the majority of the time i might have little trips here and there and they they almost feel like three-day vacations like you gotta pick up and move somewhere for three to six months this is this is a big deal well it's good and bad right because to some extent it's almost like plunging yourself in cold water every time which is which is good because when you're when you're not when you're constantly changing you you have less sort of um you're less inclined to kind of become complacent so to speak you it forces you out of your comfort zone so that's a good thing but then yes it can also get very tiring and kind of exhausting and feel like oh you know where do i live or where am i and and and again it's those things like i said for me it's like i need to meditate a little bit i need to like work out a little bit check in with myself i'll check in with some friends i'd bring my apple tv that's a big part of it it's just something that i know like i will have that's familiar wherever wherever i am i look for a good coffee spot and and then that's great because then i can go and have my little moments there you need a routine you got to have a routine that's it you got to find your routine and stuff and um [Music] but yeah i don't know no that was a good answer um laura's asking a great question and i'm very curious to hear this if you could take on the role of anyone real or fictional in a movie or series what would it be and why interesting um i understand you may have to think about that a little bit i mean i'm trying to think uh if i read something recently like a book that i was like this is an amazing look um i might have to think about that that's a tough one i don't know i need yeah i'm ready for some fictional characters though we're gonna kick that back later on um laura laura mueller asked how did you manage to overcome a negative mindset i'm already proud of myself because i'm working out but when i see my stretch marks they bring me down and i wonder how to get over this thank you laura i have stretch marks i'm just telling you uh well i i did because i grew up like it was really weird because i was like when i was 14 i i had for some reason like would you know i was still growing and stuff and then suddenly i had like a huge growth spurt right right and then i went up like i went to like 5 11 from five six i went to 5 11 in like five six months and it was and your body she's trying to adjust to that so it's like cares honestly like we all have it whatever it you know but but i think the the mindset is to just be like okay it is what it is like we you know you got to keep moving forward i it's there's i find like even as you get older it takes tremendous effort to stay positive it really really does like you have it's not just something that like rains down on you like you have to kind of like say at some point if you're having negative chatter in your mind or judgment or whatever self negativity um you have to go like at some point you have to make a decision go that's it like i hear you i'm good and now i'm gonna move on and like do something about it by the way i heard this on a podcast um that was um this uh this incredible i almost want to find it to be honest i want to tell everybody to listen to this podcast um let me see where where i can find it it's okay there's a there here it is diary of a ceo okay it's um craig david craig david opens up about his painful rise fall in redemption the diary of a ceo with stephen bartlett stephen bartlett why do i know that name dude this is amazing you have to listen to this to this man and what he says and about happiness about everything i mean he has been through so much and and it's just incredible like i'm gonna get his books but anyway it's on spotify episode 135 craig david opens about his painful rise falling redemption um and in that he talk he actually names his brain a name he gives his brain like a name um and and it's that chatter that negative thing right that we all have and he calls it something so i called mine harold so like whenever like i hear like harold being like telling me like all kinds of things i just go harold thanks but no thanks listen harold i i hear you like i know you're very worried but like it's gonna be okay you know like you have to just make the make the effective transition you know and and and pick a positive thought you know 100 uh by the way this other guy again i listened to sam harris he had he had he said this one um quote that i always listen to is like what what makes a distinction for people is like is your ability to be able to to actually differentiate a negative thought from a positive thought like if you go that thing i'm thinking right now is not actually a good thought for me so i'm gonna take it move it and then actually make a decision to think about something positive it's funny a therapist that i worked with years ago um told me that because i would get these negative thoughts in my head and it would like i would just carry for hours and like create these like scenarios in my head like a guy would bump me in the subway and i'd be thinking about it for like three four hours like some nut and he just turned around at me and he said something to me it was so simple but like any time that would happen again it's like practicing it's like you just go in and you make this stuff routine so when i get that thought i would immediately just think like stop and then drop and he would always just say stop grab that thought move it over the side and just drop and i would say those words in my head every time and it actually became helpful and it reminded me when you said like these habits right like making these things habits like they might seem tough in the beginning just show up and do something rather than turning around and just you know ignoring going back to sleep and hitting the snooze button you know no i agree but i also feel like negative thinking is addictive like it's literally it's a little bit of like um what do you call it a self-fulfilling prophecy like that's what you have to be careful because if you're allowing a con there's a conversation happening in your mind every time and if you're sitting there and you're like nobody likes me i i don't or and again it doesn't help you're growing up in a world and people are negative now like that's why i'm saying you have to be careful with what you're exposing yourself to every day you're reading comments you're reading things that like aren't really you know helping you don't feel like they're you know if someone's writing saying something to you you have to ask yourself do this does this person actually know me do they actually know how i grew up do they actually know what's going on in my life what was happening today do they know what i care about what i don't like before you just hand over you know that kind of attention that to something yeah they don't bet they don't necessarily deserve right i mean in the reality of it so shannon jackson asked wow i don't even know the answer to this sebastian john what were you sebastian and don my name is don not john lashon and don what were your first impressions of each other when you first started working out together like a couple weeks into training wait how do we i got this i i know i know this all right so i was in l.a and i was supposed to come to new york i started working with this other guy and he goes you gotta i i know the guy you gotta call you gotta call don saladino and and i go oh okay great because i was coming to new york to to start the play picnic right on on on broadway and we're gonna talk and i and i got on the phone with you and you were like and you're like all right all right okay so yeah listen man and you're like listen man if you you know if you really want to do this then i think great but look you know if you if you're going to be like you know four not four days in and then like friday you're gonna go out there and like drink a bottle of vodka you know it's it's just not gonna work you know like you're gonna have to you know i either want a seven day commitment or or not at all like you were very up front about it you were like do you actually really want to do this right are you ready for it and and do you know what what it entails and i always remember that because we were on the phone and then i came and then i came to new york yeah and then and then i i remember asking you about the role and you were like yeah i'm pretty much naked in most of the show well what's up the show and you're like the entire show and i'm like oh and then i remember going and seeing you there and listen you freaking killed it man it was you it wasn't me um good stuff but how many years ago was was that now that was uh 2013 right no um yeah probably 2012 2013 honestly might have been 10 years ago done that long oh and wait i didn't answer my so my my first my opinion of sebastian when he reached out to me i actually do remember this now i was like oh my god one of these guys right now guys like i know what's going to happen he's just going to like show off blowing he's not thinking of booze it's like typical no i'm kidding no listen it was it was um listen i i i gained one of my very close friends out of it and it's just been it's been a fun um it's been a fun decade and i'm looking forward to many more great times i love you man we're gonna keep going we're gonna keep going so courtney to everyone first sebastian first thank you and guys we're almost we're going to take a few more questions we've got eight minutes left seb thank you for your i appreciate your time i know travel's been nuts so thank you um so for sebastian first thank you you've affected my life more than you'll ever know for my question donna's exercise is called spider-man and superman's so what exercise would you like him to name after bucky we can name an exercise after you everyone makes this up anyway i mean let me name something right an exercise after legs of glory like something like some some squat movement like a deep sumo squat we could call like legs of bucky's legs of glory something like that yeah it's gotta be something with like the stare or like the arm or whatever the maybe it's lower body because you just hate it [Music] maybe maybe maybe you'll have a metal leg in your next movie maybe have them transition from the iron arm to like a metal leg like that could be cool super powers it's like a pogo stick like you could shoot out in this outer space or something crazy obviously it would have to be a curl of some sort like that's what i'm saying and why not okay i'll i'll let you choose it it is named after you so you can use pearl it's terrible um let's see what else let's take a couple more that's so um oh so charlotte charlotte's asking a good question hi sebastian so my business my biggest obstacle seems to be myself and my ability to self-motivate when it comes to exercising i'm in awe of the dedication you have when it comes to challenge of physically preparing for acting roles how do you motivate yourself and what advice would you give to help me motivate myself take a few more well i mean um i think i i feel like it starts with just recognizing that being afraid is a good thing like it just has to start there um and just just sometimes for me whenever i'm scared of something i actually feel like it's a good sign now because um it just means that i have to figure something out there and i have to kind of go down that path so the same way you think of like they you always hear people talk about anxiety how it's similar to when you're excited and adrenaline i think you think of it of fear the same way like if you're if you're afraid of something just just know that something's going on you're alive like in your body and like just like think about that a little more and don't think it's a bad thing it might mean that that's just like where you got to go next i love this question coming in that's a great answer sammy marie asked sebastian who what is your comfort character show or movie something that you put on when you're having a bad day that never fails to make you feel better tone no shim is my comfort character i just i go on social media and i just follow him and just start laughing and then i think mine is julia roberts really pretty woman i love pretty woman she's phenomenal i could watch notting hill any day like i'm i'm it's like i'll never feel like that's always it's always going to be a good one um i would say uh yeah maybe that one that's a good one okay i think she's listening she's a rock star she seems to be like out of all the oh my god one of the most amazing yeah everyone like everyone flips everyone's always in awe about her like you could talk to the biggest name in hollywood and she's like oh my god julie robert she's like um unbelievable um murley from murley from germany not from estonia murley from germany hi seb i'd like to ask you if you have any tips on how to get over social anxiety especially when going to the gym it's dragging my fitness journey down as i'm just really scared of people judging me thank you so much for being on this call it's a great question you know there's if you go on youtube there are and you just type in like motivational speeches there are all these unbelievable hour hour and a half like long compilations that people have made of just everybody quotes speeches put to music and it's so inspiring it's so inspiring like literally it's it it almost feels like you're going into battle and so that's what i do and and so sometimes i just listen to that and there's something there that happens that that i feel like it motivates so try that go to youtube put on motivational speeches and see what see what comes up perfect we're going to take two more questions and we're going to call it uh nikki makris said how did performing your own stunts change your fitness routine did you incorporate jewelry exercises like boxing or add any gymnastics drills that's a good question i didn't want to fly training didn't you i remember you doing a lot of school yeah but i would i would you know i would stick to the i would stick to sort of the gym routine and then and then the cardio became the fight training yeah that fight training was brutal like what you guys were doing that was impressive because that one just needs endurance and you're just doing that all over again you're just sweating constantly so it's like that that becomes a cardio so we just keep lifting yep last question and i like this one this has not been asked stephanie dana asked question for seb because you have to change your body so drastically for your roles do you ever feel like you disconnect with what your normal body type is i think that's a good question yeah constantly but i also just don't really think about like what my body type is i i mean i don't even know what what my body type is i i you know i mean what what are body types it just it's like something we like invented yeah i you know i mean it's like well i think you're i think you're also used to it i think you're what people understand is i think you're also used to the fact that when you're prepping for a role you've got to learn a script but you also have to recreate a physique for that script that's part of your script right like yeah yeah right for sure but i also like now look i mean you know i'm gonna be 40 in august i mean it's like you start to think this way you want your body's like this commodity you know it's like it's literally it's a thing that works to try to keep you alive like it's that crazy so i'm i'm part of me is like i don't i i want to protect this thing in a way you know so you have to at some point start thinking like what are you putting into it because you want it to last you want it to be around so be kind to it right and i and i think and i'm going to end i'm going to end on this i think what i'm most proud of seeing your journey um in fitness let's let's call it let's not call fitness let's just call health and wellness because tone likes using those words obviously health and wellness well this will yeah it's pretty pretty awesome but i think it was like there's i think you start getting really good at this when that maturity sets in and you realize that if you have to skip a day or if you have to have a bad meal it doesn't all go to crap it's like okay i did what i did i missed a workout i had a burger and fries like that that one moment guys isn't gonna define us no you have to first of all you have to have burger and fries or whatever the equivalent for you of that is like the cake the pizza what you have to have that you just have to kind of like plan it a little bit more i mean i guess like for me that's what i think of doing you know sometimes i'm like oh this sunday you know when i'm like in that sort of like run that i don't want to be i'm like this sunday i'm gonna have the chocolate chip thing you know like i'm doing i'm gonna have i'm just gonna you have to yeah and you have to you're not a robot nor should you try you know but but ask yourself sometimes like when you're feeling those cravings like hey like why am i craving this right now do i actually want this or is it just because like i'm bored or is it because i'm like anxious or is it because like you know this is what i it just try to become aware of where the triggers are you know 100 so we're going to close out guys that was a that was over an hour here's another health and wellness health and what i do i actually like i actually go back to um i went back to that post a few times just to listen to tone and jim shim is sick everybody said that we gotta do it we gotta go look summer's coming we gotta go back to the city we gotta do something no let's we're going to we're going to get the group together listen man honestly like you've been traveling like crazy and everyone's so appreciative of you coming on well thank you thank you guys i mean thank you for setting this up obviously i mean thanks for everybody that tuned in again it's always it's always nice when people want to hear and connect so hopefully some of this was helpful i don't know it was very helpful and it's my big ass from you every year so like next year we'll hopefully plan on doing our one a year this is fantastic for the group so thank you man love you all right i love you too i'll call you when i get back guys thank you thank you be careful out there love you [Music] guys enjoy
Channel: Don Saladino
Views: 9,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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