SEASONAL Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S1 E4 | SORTEDfood

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Welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London, looking for the exceptional things in food that will help make our and your lives a little bit better. In amongst closely ribbing each other, some of us are chefs. The rest of us-- well, we're normal. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you guys. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Take the cake. I'm gooey in the middle, baby, let me bake. Hello, I'm Jamie, and this is Ben. And what I love about this time of year is seasonal ingredients. What I don't like is this format. [MUSIC PLAYING] Well, I've got some bad news. And that is-- We're playing this game again? We're not only doing this again. But in the last episode, we said that Jamie could go first. No, we did not. And we all agreed. Stand there, just to kind of help you-- Oh, no. Hang on, what is the theme, and we sure that's wise? Look, what this means is that we've now got another 40 minutes to solve whatever problems I start. Janice? Reveal yourself. Well. Today's theme is, In Season. So it is currently the summer. And that all looks summery to me. I've been first twice, and I think that's the easiest job. I've been last twice. I've been last, and it was hell. I'll go last. I think I deserve to go last, yeah. I'm happy to pick up from Jamie. Oh, you nutter. [INAUDIBLE] Let's do this. Let's do this. Each of the boys have 10 minutes to create part of a dish, before passing it on to the next. The remaining four boys can't see or hear anything that's happening behind them. OK, so here's my thinking. It's summer, we're going to go with fresh flavors. [WHINING NOISES] So, I'm going to rush the whole chicken, because that feels like a really sensible thing to do, with 50 minutes. Roasted [INAUDIBLE] veg is a really good thing. So if I just leave that kind of stuff out, maybe someone will get the idea that that's what they're supposed to do. I'm going to have to get on with this. Which one's-- time. [LAUGHS] Oh, that is so hard. There's no way I can rub that on there. OK, I've softened my butter. My hope is that it will cook in time. But, honestly, it's not really my problem, after this 10 minutes is up. So let's-- this will help it go nice and crispy, lots of color on it. Mint, no. What's that? This one, [INAUDIBLE] What's the herb? It's a herb. What's it called? It's called green herb. Drop that on there. Let's see if that will be ready in time. So I think Ben's first reaction when he gets into the kitchen is, oh my god, Jamie's got a whole chicken in the oven-- it's a roast. The whole roast chicken is either the best idea I've ever had, or the worst. I have never once used a spoon to get the seeds out of a pepper. Why am I doing this now? [MUSIC PLAYING] Right. So he's going to come in. He's going to look in the oven. He's going to [BLEEP] himself, and see a whole roast chicken. Then he's going to see some [INAUDIBLE] veg, that we can roast. Some potatoes and some samphire-- I think that's all in season. Have I got us off to a good start? I've roasted a whole chicken, so I'm going to give myself an 8 out of 10. He has a whole chicken in the oven. I don't know if that's going to cook in time. And I wonder if we're better off taking a breast off of it and cooking it separately. He's committed. He's whacked up high. Peppers, I like that idea. Tomatoes, I love that idea. I'm thinking-- and I don't know if this is what Jamie is thinking-- something like a romesco sauce, with roasted peppers and tomatoes. Aubergine, I'm going to do that in the pan, because I think it will just cook a better than roasting it. Peas are so in season at the moment that it would be a shame not to use them-- as are radishes. So what I'm really doing is a little bit of prep. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK, so for romesco sauce, we have got roasted pepper, roasted tomato, little bit of garlic. Some bread, some almonds-- all blitzed up with olive oil. And together it makes an incredible sauce. Think of it like a Spanish pesto. All that needs adding is the roasted pepper and the roasted tomato, when it comes out of the oven. Lemon, oil, and leave the potato there-- see if he gets the idea. Rate my performance-- it's still super tidy, as Jamie left it. I've added a sauce got potatoes cooking, the aubergine's on the go. Should I have corrected the chicken? I don't know. It's not been a miracle. 7 out of 10? Oh, I'm a bit nervous. OK, we have some aubergines. We have some minty Jersey Royals. Oven-- oh, that's a chicken. OK, we're roasting a chicken in 40 minutes. That's not very long. What is that? There's no dish. It's just a collection of random ingredients. What's going on? What? I'm going to be like the guy in the middle who just does absolutely nothing but panic. What I need to do is think of a dish. That is my contribution, because nobody has thought of a dish yet. OK, so we've got tomato sauce, we've got chicken, we've got fresh tomatoes. I like that, I like that. Why is that there? What is that? I need to stop opening the oven So I'm going to open. The oven, I'm going to take the tomatoes and the pepper out. I'm going to put these in there. Maybe Jamie did that. Maybe Jamie thought of that sauce. But if Jamie did that, and he put chicken in, what's Ben done? OK. That's delicious. Whoever did that, well done, excellent idea. And it's done. It's done. I'm just going to take the legs off a little bit. That will help it cook a little bit more. Don't know what's going on with the samphire, the potatoes, and the radish. I don't know whether to just hide them. I feel bad, though. I feel really bad. I don't want to. How long have we got? Like, a minute? Yeah. I can't-- where do I hide them? [LAUGHS] I'm doing it for the dish. Oh no, no, no, people are looking. [LAUGHS] [INAUDIBLE] some little croutons, as well. He's going to put these in, because these only take, like, five minutes. He might put the peas in. I don't want him to put the peas in. Because, really, Mike should be putting the peas in. They take 30 seconds. And then [INAUDIBLE] will plate right at the end. I think I'd rate myself about a six or a seven, in terms of performance. I panicked quite a lot. And, ethically, I'd probably give myself a three. Because I've really messed up someone's work, and I feel really bad about it. No. What have you done? [INAUDIBLE] why I'm here is to relax. Don't panic, it's all under control. There's a chicken in the oven. What is that? A potato. [LAUGHS] What the hell is that? [LAUGHS] There's a half melted, softened butter. What are they making? What do I do? OK, come on. So next stop is Mike, who's going to be plating. So I have to get everything ready for him to plate on. Croutons, they're uncooked. What else is there to do? Where do I go now? What are they going to be plating with? The chicken is going with that sauce. There's no, like, oomph to it. Couscous. Couscous is simply equal ratio of couscous to water. I feel like this couscous needs a bit color, and a bit more texture with it. So I use some radishes. Fresh tomatoes, as well, in there would be good. [INAUDIBLE] Idiot. It's the whole point in bloody couscous. All right, those peas are done. Let's put them in cold water. I've got to think about Mike now. [INAUDIBLE] into there, once that's been forked up with some seasoning. Finish that bit off. Just do that, Mike. That's all you've got to do. That all together, he can make some sort of beautiful couscous salad of sorts. I think blues are quite nice. Milo, what do you reckon? I think I've played it cool. I think I've been productive. And I'm probably going to give myself [INAUDIBLE] I give myself a strong nine. It's only Mike's to screw up now. I'm out, I'm out. It's time. OK, I'm nervous. Roast chicken-- how far along is that? It's on max. [INAUDIBLE] An overcooked chicken is the worst thing in the world. I literally don't know-- has anyone left me any clues as to how long that's been in? If Jamie put that in straight away, then we might be OK. But if that one second or third, that might not even be done in time. Now, I'm not doing anything. I'm just looking at it. Because that's going to help it cook, isn't it? I don't know what to do. I'm putting it back. Peas, they're done. Are they? Not really. I'm just going to start plating some-- what? [LAUGHS] What happened there? I can just put everything on the plate, and then just dump the chicken on top. That'd be funny. [LAUGHS] Do I want to mix that into that? Am I being left any clues? What am I doing? I have no idea. I'm just going to have to take this out. A chef definitely made that. And a chef probably put that in there. That's got Jamie written all over it. All of that's got Jamie attempting to do what Barry or James would do written all over it. It's definitely cooked. It might be too cooked, to be honest. This was on max, so it made me feel like there was a panic to get the chicken cooked in time. I'm out of my depth. I'm literally so out of my depth. I don't know where it goes. I don't know what it does. And this is supposed to be stirred into the couscous. I'm a flappy little dweeb right now, aren't I? Maybe I just sling it all in, with the couscous. And we make a couscous salad. So let's just go for it. People will [INAUDIBLE] going, ahh, what's he doing? Or they're going, yeah, that's the idea, Mike, keep it going. In it goes. I feel like what's going to happen now is either people are going to see this revealed at the table, and they're going to all think, that's not what I had in mind. But you know, it's happened now. What the hell do I do with this chicken? I think I'm gonna have to chop one. How about this for a shot? You've never seen an overcooked chicken birth a lemon before, have you? Firstly, I'm using a serrated knife, so this is already not correct. Oh, that is just about there. That is juicy. OK, great. Should I do pulled chicken. [LAUGHS] [MUSIC PLAYING] This is a mish-mash recipe. 20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds. [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHS] Why did I do that at the end. OK, that's happened. I think I've pulled something together. I don't know whether it was right. I would rate myself at probably a 6 out of 10. The guys that created pulled roast chicken, with a couscous salad, in romesco sauce. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good luck, everybody. Good luck, everyone. I think I'm sorry. I don't know. [LAUGHTER] I have so many questions. There are a lot of questions. Hey, great play, mate. Thanks. [LAUGHTER] This might be one of my proudest moments in these [INAUDIBLE] videos. I can see two things that I started cooking on the plate. [APPLAUSE] Hello, everyone. I didn't think minty potatoes worked with romenesco. Or romesco. Or romesco. [LAUGHTER] With romesco sauce. So I hid them. [LAUGHTER] You hid the Jersey Royals. [LAUGHTER] I felt so guilty, that I couldn't look at any of you afterwards-- because I didn't know who had done them. And I hid them under the counter, so that no one else could [INAUDIBLE] I do think it's going to taste delicious. I just don't know what it is. I'm not proud of what I've Dig in. Oh, yeah. What is this hidden? Is that radish? Make sure you get some of the hidden radish. I wasn't expecting couscous at all. [INAUDIBLE] We've got the flavors of romesco, but we've lost the sauce element of romesco. The romesco sauce. We've lost the punch of that sauce. My thing is I was really excited by the table of what I felt were in season ingredients. So peas and potatoes, crab, squid, and the tomato. It has tomato in it. There is tomato in it. I think what we've ended up with is couscous, which we in the UK have all year round, in the dry store. And chicken, which we eat two million of a day. But there's nothing wrong with that. It's good food. We're being told off. And I wouldn't be offended [INTERPOSING VOICES] You wouldn't be offended? I wouldn't be offended [INAUDIBLE] It's really nice. Jay, rate it out of 10. Well, I mean-- Just rate it out of 10. You don't need to describe anything. Five. Six. Four. Three. Oh, I was going to say three, because I thought it was too harsh. A three. I would just say a four. So on average you're looking at a 70% for a pass. I think it's clear that we have, um, failed. Out of interest, what did you all rate yourselves? I gave myself a six. Nine. [LAUGHTER] Oh, wow. Nine. Mr. Couscous gives himself a nice. Mr. In-season Couscous. We've literally got a real insight into Barry's brain there. That was an insight. That is an insight. Wow. [INAUDIBLE] Let's end that there. We're done. [LAUGHTER] Unbelievable. Please comment down below. And let us know which order you would put us in. And, for once, I'm not that worried. And while you're being active underneath our videos, you should also make sure you hit the bell. If you are subscribed, and you haven't hit the bell, then you're not going to be notified every time we upload on a Wednesday or a Sunday. We could just replace the word bell for Barry, couldn't we? As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks, and hope to see you in a few days. I don't think James and I should stand this close together. We're wearing the same shorts. It's just embarrassing. Why are you referencing it? That is a wake up call for you. [LAUGHTER]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,697,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pass it on, pass it on sortedfood, seasonal ingredients, cous cous, chicken, pulled chicken, chicken cous cous, remesco sauce, how to make cous cous, how to make romesco sauce, cooking challenge, sorted cooking challenge, blindfolded cooking, blindfolded cooking challenge, 5 person cooking challenge, roasted chicken, whole roast chicken, roast vegetables, summer vegetables, seasonal food, cooking seasonally, cooking in season, recipe relay challenge, sortedfood
Id: HyHun3u3L7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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