Chef Reviews Kitchen Gadgets | WHICH ARE WORTH BUYING? | S2 E6 SORTEDfood

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I'm never going to buy it but it's nice to see a vegetable slicer that doesn't look completely lethal

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ImNotASWFanboy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

"It's very hard to swallow from this angle"


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nerdychickpea πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now I really want to know if the samosa maker can make tiny toasties.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theang πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm not sure I've heard the word "knob" that many times before

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theang πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ben was way too excited with the sushi gadget. 😬

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shrimp_Logic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

My office has a few of those beer pumps. Good fun but pain in the ass really compared to bottles or cans

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scotland1112 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven't watched it yet, but I see that mandolin - I have one and have given out several as gifts and I love the thing. (And GZ is pretty entertaining to watch on the TV while selling it) Can't wait until I get home from work and see what Ebbers thought of it.

EDIT - It doesn't look like the one Ebbers is showing has the Zakarian branding, but it's definitely the same slicer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/psu256 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
(metal clanging) (egg cracking) (pan sizzling) (bright music plays) - Hello, and welcome to Sorted Food. - It's kitchen gadget time, and we've got a very exciting lineup today. - We are going to test, review, and explore whether any of these are worthy of a spot in your kitchen. - Ebbers our personal chef in the hot seat first. Are you ready? - So ready. (upbeat music plays) May I? - Of course. - I always have mixed feelings about these. - Come on. This is the fun, Ebbers. - Oh, oh! Fresh out the box, quite a good hinge and a great snap. (wood snapping) (laughs) And I like the engraving of the brand name, Sooshi. - The name gives it away. This is the Sooshi maker. The Sooshi comes with all you need to get started on your journey from humble beginner to master sushi prepper, made completely from clean, smooth wood. - [Jamie] Barry. - [Barry] Don't do it. Don't, don't, don't do it. - [Jamie] Barry, look what you've done. - [Barry] Made completely from clean, smooth wood, this sushi maker contains a mould for your sticky rice and filling of your choosing and a prod to ensure the rice is evenly pushed in and pushed out. - Can I make some sushi please? - Of course. So step one is to soak the machine or maker. Give it a dip. Give it a dip. Make sure it's very wet. So you want to pack the rice into the maker. - I'm intrigued to see if this genuinely does work because I don't make sushi often, so when I do, I always mess it up and think I could have done that better because I'm out of practice. - That goes on here. Oh, it definitely needs some pressing. - Yeah, what you did, Ben, you didn't wet it properly. - I don't know how much wetter it can be than stuck in water, but. (laughs) Ooh, squelchy. That was wet. - [Barry] Oh, good, good, good! Ha! - Same, same. - This sushi is now sodden. (Jamie laughs) - A little clumsy, but then- - Oh, don't be so hard on yourself. - if you've ever tried to actually roll it, that's quite clumsy too. So now we get to put our filling in. - Now this is the bit for me that I find very satisfying because usually I find it very hard to get my salmon bang in the middle. - [Jamie] Yeah. (happy music plays) - Oh my God! Wow! - Wow! (happy music continues) (glass clinking) - That's means you got a firm grip. (Ben clears throat) - Oh, God. - [Ben] And then, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-shi! (Barry raspberries) - [Jamie] That's how the sausage gets made! - Wow. Wow. - So at this point you could serve it as is, or you could roll it in some sesame seeds, or you can wrap it in the nori sheet. - Which we've got here, let's do that. Now you always want to allow the nori sheet to draw some of the moisture from the rice. We could try one more while we wait. - Do another one. (bright music plays) Surprisingly satisfying to just see how it all works and tessellate. It's a great bit of carpentry. Step behind to get my weight behind it, and then- - Oh, no! He's cooked his leg up! (laughing) - [Barry] It's just nice and very satisfying. Oh, and it's the perfect size! - [Jamie] Don't call it a log! - [Mike] Don't call it a log. - [Mike] I don't know about you guys. If they came out of my kitchen in that consistency, I'd be proud. - [Jamie] If they come out of your kitchen, I would be very proud and very impressed and quite questionable about how, what happened. - They are very uniform. I think, as I was cutting them, you could tell they're not quite as tightly packed. I think when I typically roll with a mat, you're kind of putting it back on itself and it is a little on the wet side, but uniformality and simplicity, it absolutely works. I was quite surprised. - Okay. Shall we have a stab at the price? - I'm gonna go 19.99. - Β£27.99. - Ooh. Okay. Fair bit more than I thought. If you do make sushi often you'd probably have the knack and not need it, but if you've never tried it and want to get into it, it's a good stepping stone. - Well, it does work, doesn't it? - It works. (bright music) - Number two, Basil, lift the cloche. - Okay. A hexagonal toastie machine. - Oh, you've gone bold with a guess. - That's what I'm going for... (lid snaps closed) (laughing) - I'm sorry. - Close it, I'm scared. - Does this just make a lot of mini toasties? - Barry, this is the Smart Samosa Maker. This samosa maker gives you a way of making healthier samosas quickly and easily instead of frying them and making them oilier than a spa massage, this machine bakes them. It also gives you a way of making batches up to 24 deep-filled samosas at once, meaning you don't have to spend all day in the kitchen. - Just to clarify, 'cause sometimes we do need to have this transparency. Are they your words or the manufacturers? - I, they are the manufacturer's words. - Right. - I want to know what you spa you can go to and get massaged in ghee. - Barry, what do you think? (Jamie and Ben laughing) - First up, grease up my samosa machine. This bit doesn't tessellate quite so well. The pre-made filo pastry has to lay on. - [Mike] So that there is the pea and potato recipe actually from the manual that we've made for you, mate. - So already. I'm doing it, and the filo is cracking. - So traditionally, as I have been told by Kush, you would take your specific samosa dough. You'd roll that out, and then you'd fill that with your filling, and then you'd fold it over in a triangle shape, and then you basically go up and down and up and down, folding it over into a samosa. They can be deep fried, but Kush's mom actually just brushes them with a little bit of oil and bakes them in the oven. So this is not too far away, how some people are doing it. - [Jamie] Well, it's quite, it's very far away, isn't it? Look at it. - We haven't seen the results yet, but if these work then I'd be intrigued to try it time and time and time again, with different pastries. Filo, possibly puff, maybe even some shortcrust and mix up the fillings like cheese, like feta and spinach and do kind of that. Do some sweet ones. We did the bouncy samosas years ago, literally crack a bit of bounce in the middle, like job done, basically triangular pastries. - So it's been about 10 minutes. I think it's about done. The paler ones in the middle, that's where I double-wrapped. - Ah. - Ah. - [Barry] Which might be why as well. It's not what I'd expect from a samosa for something new. I'm not quite excited by this. Why, should we try some? - [Jamie] Yeah. - They don't look bad. I mean, they don't look like- - traditional... no. - real proper simosas, but they, they don't look unappetizing. - Cheers! - Cheers, cheers. (crunching) - I do the samosa thing. - But having the same crack and crunch. - Well, filo adds a different texture to it, but it's not bad. - No. - I tell you what. The filling, which is from the booklet, tastes delicious. Are we doing a terrible thing? I don't know. - If someone said to me, "Baz, knock up 24 samosas," I would, there would be a big sigh and a just a bit of panic. - You saw the fuss he made putting together a Christmas tree advent calendar. - Exactly. - The admin of making a samosa. For me, midweek is a bit too much. We have a machine like that, it's really simple. I'm a pre-made filo. It's a wicked hack. - Do you want to take a guess at how much this cost? - I'm going to go in and say that is about Β£46. - Turn that six upside down, 49. Well done. Very close. - Right? Okay. - Wow, that could have gone in a few different directions. - Yeah, you can get really nice waffle for a hundred pounds, and that's slightly lower quality, but a very specific use. So 50 quid feels about right. - And if it was less than that, I'd question how. - Didn't expect this, but I think I might take it home. - I don't think that was the offer was it? - [Mike] No. - That's what I said about storing it in the back so we could all use it when we want. - I'll take home. I'm gonna take it home. (bright music playing) - Time for number three, Mike. Lift the cloche. (bright music playing) - Vacuum cleaner. (guys laugh) Slicer, dicer, French fry maker, mandolin. There it is. That's what I was looking for. - [Jamie] That's it, Mike, you've guessed it. This is the Once for All multifunctional vegetable slicer with stainless steel blades, manual food cutter for chef and household. - [Mike] Once for All. - [Jamie] So it's an all in one vegetable chopper, which performs perfectly for slicing, stripping, julienning, and dicing. There's no need to change blades. You just rotate the knobs, press the handle down, and you can cut various veggies and fruits into any shape and thickness that you want. - It doesn't feel stable like. - Well, Mike that's because you haven't found the collapsible feature. Ah, there you go. Look at that. Now it's sturdy, AF. - Okay! (bright music plays) Cool. Let's try it. This hasn't been thought through. - So on the back of there mate, you've got three different knobs. You've got a big one at the bottom. That is your thickness. The two small knobs at the top will then change the direction of the blades so that you can have it as slices, you can have it as dices, you can have it as juliennes, or batonnets. Right, let's go slices of cucumber. You want to make sure your little knob's all the way around to the left and now choose your thickness. (machine chopping) - [Ben] Excellent rhythm. - Well, what's the consistency like? - [Mike] It is very consistent. - What I'd like you to do is turn your big knob all the way around to eight, and then your left knob, turn it 360, lock it back in. - That's made the spikes go right out. - Let's use the potato- - Yep. - and make strips of potato. - Sounds like chips to me. - Chips, mate. (machine chopping) - Lads! - What you got? - Chips! Chips! Mate, I did want chips, but I'm also now a little bit hungry for like Parmentier potatoes. So for this, we need to start with thick slices. So you're gonna want to turn your left hand knob all the way back around again, 360 degrees. Lock it in. You've already got the big knob on the thick slice. - A one, a two, a one, two, three, four. (machine chopping) - You can put your slices back in and you're going to want to rotate your left knob. (machine chopping) - The ferocity of the spring, like coming back out, flicks these forward, watch. - [Barry] Hallelujah! Hallelujah! - Once for All. - You, you're not going to get like a perfectly diced dice as if you were to trim the edges off, make a square, and actually do it by hand yourself. I mean, but look. This reminds me of like a sofrito. - Let's do a carrot and let's julienne. - [Ben] Yes. - [Barry] Oh, okay. - So I think the thing with all of these types of machines, and we've tested multiple of them in the last few years. - They've been the backbone of our advertising revenue. Let's be honest. - It does depend a lot, usually on the shape of your vegetable or whatever it is that you're trying to chop. But when you get it right, this seems to work. - Normally they're absolute dog crap. I'm, I'm pleasantly surprised. - Can you see yourself using something like this at home? - It's the things that require good presentation or bulk, mostly. I could actually imagine myself using it here in battles, like genuinely to speed up. Like the time trials, it would make things quicker, like bigger, bigger portion sizes, doing stuff in bulk. I genuinely would use it for those things. - You three might also need it for your next shift in my deli. - Oh. - I heard that got shut down by the Environmental Agency. (Ben laughing) - So let's talk price. How much do you think we paid for the Once for All Multifunctional Vegetable Slicer? - Do you know, like this isn't the type of gadget that strikes me that you'd buy from Amazon. I'd imagine in getting it from something like a Lakeland or like a shopping store, and I therefore would say Β£25. I'm not sure I'd pay more than Β£25. - Okay. Well, we bought this from Amazon for Β£27.59. - Again, I can see, see a use for it. I think you'd get Β£27 worth of usage out of it, if you were going to use it. It would be a waste of that money if you bought it because you thought you'd use it and you never did. (bright music plays) - God, Ebbers. I can't wait to lift the cloche on this one. - What could it be? - I don't know! - We've had a lot of fun today, but it's about to get more fun. - Oh! - Oh. - It looks like a coffee machine, except you don't get this bit on a coffee machine. Tell me that this is what I think it is. - And this is indeed, Philips The Perfect Draught Keg Machine. - Yeah. - We have tested over the years, a number of devices that give you that draught feel at home. - They're all crap. - Actually. Can I, can I just stop you. What we've done in the past is cheap versions. - Yeah. - None of them have worked. So we've just gone, "screw it! Try the proper, big, expensive one and see if that works." Am I right? - You are right. And we also got a keg involved and we chilled that and I preloaded it into the machine because unlike the others, this actually chills it for you. - Oh, okay. Nice! - Gabriella Cilmi! Right. - (beep) Such a dad! - Their words; "This pours perfectly cold draught beer from tap to enjoy with your friends or to relax after a stressful day. Sturdy, with a real bar tap handle that fits perfectly in every kitchen, man cave, or holiday house." - Everyone loves beer. - Or be any person's cave. - Any person can like beer. - Any person cave. - Yeah. Or cooking studio. - Human cave. Now out of the box, there's some instructions you have to follow, the quick startup guide. And if I'm honest, very easy to follow. Lots of diagrams, lots of telling you when things should click in. The top pump kind of goes onto the keg. Then you get, this will be a little tube that goes down the front and clicks in. Again, everything clicks into place. You slide it into what is a base that is a refrigerator inside the machine. Once you've opened it up, you clamp down the blue, and you leave it to chill. (upbeat music plays) - [Barry] Perfect. - The Barry one. (Barry laughing) - [Ben] They do say the first one, you have to run it through the pump because at this point there was air in the pipe. So the second one should be better. (upbeat music continues) - Oh, here we go. He's got it. No, no, he's got it. He's got it. He's done it. There you go. Mastered it on the last wave. - Oh wait. - Hey! - That's what a beer mat's for. - It goes without saying it wouldn't be a sorted pub without some sorted grub. We've got beer snacks as well. - Oh! - [Jamie] The machine made, but. - No, we just have to keep, keep the kitchen busy. - Cheers. - Cheers. - [Mike] Lovelace. Oh, IPA. Floral. - That is wonderful. - So if these beer glasses are 33 centilitres and you'll get about 18 out of a keg, if you use the continental 20 centilitres, you get 30. The one we bought was 37 quid. - It's about the same as buying cans of beer. Yes. Obviously you going to have the machine on top of that. Different, but yeah, this is the closest to draught. That's almost actually indistinguishable from a draught pint. The head is a bit more bitter. It's creamy and a bit more bitter than the actual beer itself. And that's what you want because it provides the balance between the head and the bit. And that provides a really good amount of that bitterness with the airiness. And I like it. It's a bit extra. Isn't it? It's a bit big, like it's this thing on your work top. Where, where is this going? - You've got to have a big kitchen, granted. - Yep. I also think you have to have immense willpower. - [Mike] Yeah. That is so true! - What? Not to pour yourself one for breakfast? - Yeah. - If that was on my worktop and I knew that there was cold beer in there and I'm working from home, why would I not be having one at lunchtime, right? That's not good for me. I know that. - How deep are you willing to go to pay for this? - Β£300. - I'll throw in a keg and a half as well. With the glasses of which there were two, 249. - This is Splurgeville. That's what that is, it's Splurgeville. It's not "cor, I need to get this, now I've been paid." Mike, during that last conversation, I discovered something about the machine and I'm gonna need your help to show what I think might be its best feature. So this is detachable. So we can just move that out of the way. - Oh, I've always wanted to do this! - We can move this there and then- - Live the dream! - Three, two, one. (camera crew laughing) - Oh, this is the best job ever. - Well, whilst Mike is busy, over to you guys. Which of those gadgets would you love to get your hands on? Comment down below. (Barry laughing) - One more. (crew laughing) - It's very hard to swallow from this angle. (beep) - Now, do you know what else I like? I like strips- - [Mike] Okay. - Of carrot. - No, you've never said that. - I do. I do. - You've never said that. - I love strips of carrot.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 719,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cool gadgets, amazon gadgets, new gadgets, best tech, tech gadgets, cool gadgets for home, sortedfood, sorted food, sortedfood gadgets, sortedfood gadget review, sortedfood useless kitchen gadgets, useless or not, kitchen gagdets, kitchen gadgets amazon, kitchen gadgets review, kitchen gadgets test, sushi maker, veg slicer, beer machine, samosa maker, sushi, samosa maker machine, samosa maker reviews, philips perfect draft, philips perfect draft review, cookut sushi press
Id: AL8d7s7PvTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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