Season Of Transition // Shiloh Fellowship // Patricia King

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i had a message all planned and then when i was up praying this morning i felt the lord change it and for those of you that are preachers don't you just love it when he does that i actually do who wants to preach something that is not the lord's will right you want to just hit the mark but the burden that i carried this morning when i got up to pray for you was that many of you many of you not only in this room but online you are in huge transitions in your life but also our our whole nation is in a big transition right now the world is in a big transition right now and many people are in chaos just not knowing which way to go not knowing where to plant their feet not knowing what direction to go in because we're in transition and transitions are very challenging they can be very very challenging and they are vital though as you move from one place to another in life but they definitely are not always easy has anyone known transition to be easy right it's just it's always got lots of little unexpected things in it so i want to give you some keys today that will help you transition well and transition with ease transition seasons can be very vulnerable times how many of you have felt vulnerable in the midst of transition and you think whoa and i think our nation is vulnerable right now in the transition that we're in and we need to definitely know what god is saying but if you know how to move through transition successfully you you will be blessed you will be so blessed and if you don't you could encounter disillusionment hopelessness despair depression and you can be hindered from moving forward so we want to make sure we get it right and um and imagine yourself if you're stuck in transition imagine yourself just being stuck like israel when they were in the wilderness and they were only supposed to be 40 days in the wilderness but they ended up there 40 years because they they didn't understand how to work through the transition so they kept spinning wheels they were going around and around and around years later decades later they're still in the same wilderness in the same transitional place and we don't want to do that transitions are difficult and vulnerably vulnerable because number one grace is leaving you for where you have been but you've not arrived yet for where you're going so all of a sudden all of a sudden you feel this grace left and you think ah i feel naked like it's like what happened you know i i just can't operate in the same way that i used to but i don't have a clue where i'm to go yet you know i don't know how i'm to move forward so it can be a very difficult and vulnerable time and secondly when you're in transition you don't necessarily have the blueprint yet of what's ahead of you you know that there's a change but you don't know what it looks like you don't know all the components you don't even know how to apply your faith necessarily to it you just know that you're in a transition and i think of abraham god said abraham leave your family and follow me but he didn't give him any blueprint he just said do it you know so abraham knew that he had to leave where he was but he didn't know where he was going and he didn't have a plan he only knew that he had to follow follow god and thirdly where you are where you are currently is familiar but where you are going is not and oftentimes familiarity can be your greatest enemy and people sometimes do not transition successfully because they're too comfortable and familiar with what they've lived in in the past season and so it feels comfortable and the unknown is not the unknown is not comfortable and so sometimes people refrain from moving forward because of the uncomfortableness of moving forward and i give you the example of israel leaving egypt in order to leave the land of oppression they had to transition through the wilderness and it seemed worse to them in fact they even said when they were in the midst of transition they said well we want to go back to egypt because we don't have any leeks or garlics here you know and they were just all caught up on the leak and garlic thing i don't know i mean it's kind of overrated i think but i mean i've never been without leeks and garlic so maybe i don't understand it it's almost like toilet paper during coved and how about childbirth how many how about childbirth do you know that there's a stage in childbirth called transition and for those of you who have borne children you know all about that one right and it is where you think you're gonna die and it is where because i've worked in many case rooms and and and i've worked in labor and delivery and almost everyone in it will say i can't do it i can't do it i'm not gonna do it i thought it's too late it's it's just too late but that transition part is the hardest part and it's like forget it there's no way but forward now you know you've got to come you've got to complete this but but it is called transition and then for you mothers that gave birth you got through the transition you gave birth to the baby but then the real transition really begins because now the baby is no longer inside of you that baby is outside and he is or she is waking up in the night and eating diapers changed and all kinds of of care and that's a big transition your whole life changes and transition what you're transitioning into will be a life-changing situation that you will encounter and it'll be glorious people who have had the children will tell you that it's so amazing they change your life but it's so amazing okay so i'm going to give you some keys to help you transition successfully i actually have a coaching course i have a mentorship course called 12 keys to successful transitioning where i mentor you give you exercises to respond to in that so that you can activate it in your own life and see how you can transition and you can go to patricia and find out more about the at mentorship courses that are available there for you but the first key is god plus nothing equals everything you need and you need to remind yourself of that when you're in transition because everything's so familiar and there's curveballs being thrown in transitions all the time that you're not expecting and right when you think you've got a little grip on the change another curveball comes oh my gosh i can't take this and that's when you have to remember just a minute god plus nothing in this transition equals everything that i need god god you are all that i need right now and um in proverbs 3 5 and 6 it says trust in the lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight he will walk you right into the place where you need to walk but it's going to take trusting him and believing that he is all that you need the second key evaluate evaluate first of all the past season what things do you need to learn from the past season that you just came out of and it's really good to do some inventory there it really is i've learned so much from looking in a previous season and even like especially from the mistakes of the past season it is so enlightening when you embrace those mistakes and say wow that was a blunder now how can i do it better and how can i realign to make that work for me and not against me and so it's really good to look at the past season and to evaluate also evaluate the destination of your transition now in first chronicles 12 32 we see the the sons of issachar they discerned the times and they knew what they were to do because they were able to discern the times and so when you're in a transition ask the lord to give you the glimpse the glimpse of where he's taking you it might not be that far in front of you but whatever that glimpse is say lord i want to evaluate that what that looks like and maybe you want to start dreaming just close your eyes and dream dream big you know dream dream of the the lord's goodness being shown to you um god wants to partner with you in the transition so when you go before him and say lord i'm just here to dream big with you i'm here to evaluate what this change is going to look like what this is going to look like to me in the years ahead what it's going to look like for me next month and so i want to spend time with you and ask you to give me that glimpse that i need and help me to dream with you and i'll tell you for sure that it's from glory to glory that's a little hint for you it's not going to go oh no the lord's going to transition me into a bad place no it'll be a better place no matter what's going on around you he will be with you to transition you into a better place the third key is to take courage now courage is not the absence of fear it is not the absence of fear it is the ability to face your fears so when you get attacked by fear when you identify fear you say i'm going to be courageous i'm going to rise up and i'm going to move forward no matter what no matter what this looks like i'm going to take courage right now and i'm going to trust god to keep me i'm going to trust him to strengthen me i'm going to trust him to lead me forward no matter what i'm taking courage and i'm going to overcome all the intimidation and the fear that i'm facing at this time and it's going to be so beautiful too to see what god does during these transition times in joshua 1 verse 6 it says be strong and courageous for you will give this people possession of the land which i swore to their fathers to give them be strong and courageous now here's joshua talk about transition moses died moses the great leader who's been with the people all these years has died and i just want to say this is that a lot of our great generals in this last number of years have passed on to glory and so it's a new season for us right but then joshua was visited by the lord and he said be strong and of good courage because what moses couldn't do you will do and he's saying to many of us today what what billy graham couldn't do you will do what reinhard bonka couldn't do you will do and you might think whoa that's intimidating that's intimidating but the lord says no be strong and of good courage and that's what that's what joshua laid hold of he was strong in the lord and he took courage in the lord he he took hold of the promises and god said meditate in my word day and night why because that meditation in the word would make him solid and strong that's what would make him solid and strong and i just want to say to you that as you're moving forward in this hour stay very close to the word of god stay very close to what the word says do not stray from it we have people right now believers that used to be strong believers in the lord questioning the bible's authority questioning the authority of the word of god this house will not do that we will not question the word of god we will be a remnant that stands for the word of god we're putting this stake in the ground but that's what will give you your strength that's what will give you confidence is when you stand on the word and believe the word believe it be strong and courageous for you shall give this people possession of the land which i swore to their fathers to give them now i believe that we are in a season where you will see many reformers raised up many reform there's going to be so much reformation and that's why we have to be in much prayer right now according to the word of god because if it doesn't come for a godly reformation it'll be a demonic reformation and we've already seen some of that we've already let way too much happen we have not addressed sin for what it is we have not preached on hell we have not preached what sin looks like and why we should stay away we have not wanted to mention the word repent or anything like that and as a result of that there is is so much confusion in the body and people are hurting themselves and hurting society hurting coming generations because of the choices that they are making because they came off the word because they are not believing the word we even have um you know in the national level of things we've got people even wanting to remove out of the pledge of allegiance under god let's just remove that part you know that is happening right now and so we need to be strong and courageous in this time of transition as we are seeing things transition we need to be strong and we need to be full of courage to address these things and not to be fearful and of course we're going to address them in love we that's what we believe in in this house is that we can be have strong truth coming the sword of truth actually coming forth out of our mouth but it has to be in love we need to have love as we're bringing it forth but we need to be strong and courageous and i know many ministries that are in transition right now ministries are in transition because they're they're they're being challenged on what they believe and they're being challenged to go into liberal theology and say well this is okay and that's okay no we need to be strong and courageous and you need to be strong and courageous even in your own households jesus said that even in households there would be battles against each other and so we need to determine who who we're going to serve we need to determine that jesus and his word is our standard above anything else and there will be those who disagree there will be those who will attack you if you stand on the word of god there will be divisions in household but there will be reward in heaven if you stand courageously in the lord there will be reward in heaven and we are going to stand strong in this hour and stand according to his word we're going to love well we're going to stand on his word well and we're going to give people possession of the land and that's what it's for right okay key number four is to know your next step now most of the time in a transition you don't know 10 steps ahead you don't have the full picture of what's ahead but most will have at least one step ahead okay you say yeah but it's just such a little step it's just something so little it doesn't matter just look at that step because once you take that step usually that's when god unfolds the rest okay and sometimes he doesn't show you the next thing until you do that step when we got involved with human trafficking and fighting that demon and fighting that whole system behind that we knew the bigger picture was that that thing had to come down but when you looked at the whole picture he thought how do you transition from not knowing anything about it to taking it down how do you do that and god just gave us one step forward he gave us one assignment he gave us one thing to do and as we did that then the next thing got birthed and then the next thing that got birthed and so you don't need the whole picture you just need the next step and i want to encourage you because in psalm 37 23 it says the steps of a of a man and in some versions it says the steps of a righteous man are established or ordered or ordained by the lord and he delights in his way god delights in the way and so god wants you to have confidence that he's got you he's got you and he will give you peace as you move forward you'll just have peace and you'll put you the next step forward and god will be there in that step and then he'll lead the next one and the next one he'll give you peace as you move forward now you don't want to take a step in the wrong direction but you don't have to be afraid of that because i'm telling you god will definitely check your spirit if you're not to go in that direction i'm telling you he will speak loud if you're going off into a direction that's not good he will warn you he will warn your spirit he will even send people to warn you say this is not good but you'll know in your spirit no this is this has not got the metronome of peace going on in here i'm going to give you a testimony i call it my outreach from how but it was because i took a step in the wrong direction okay so i'd been over to albania just after it opened and we had had an amazing time on that mission field many people were saved the power of god moved it was amazing and one of the leaders said would you come back and do some leadership training because i mean everyone was brand new converts right he said would you come back and do some leadership training and i said yes i didn't pray about it i just said yes we would be happy to serve you we'll do that and so i got back home and this leader contacted me and he said when can you come and when i prayed into it i felt a check in my spirit a lack of peace i did not feel the grace of the lord jesus christ on it at all in fact i felt a resistance in my spirit and i thought whoa um so i had this wrestle going on in my mind and i thought but i gave my word and lord your word says that you know we're supposed to honor our word we're supposed to have integrity and so i gave my word and so i bypassed the check probably the check would have been like if i had listened at that time the lord would have said it's not for now it's for later or something like that or it's a different way maybe you could do it some tapes and send them over i don't know what he would have said because i wasn't listening i just was thinking in my own mind but i gave my word and i've got to keep my word i'm a woman of my word so i gave him some dates that were available and he said that's great and so we were all set to go and i went to buy the air tickets to go to albania which is a long trip and i felt a check i felt the holy spirit say don't get the tickets you're not to go and i say but i gave my word and by that time he had already set up all the meetings over there and gathered all the people together and i said he's already gone to the the uh thing so i've got to go so i went and bought the tickets i bypassed the check in my spirit you know i'm just being open and vulnerable with you to show you what you can what will happen to you when you're naughty okay so so anyways i went and bought the tickets and then the next day i get a call from the travel agent saying we have to cancel your ticket because the flight canceled and we can't get you in on the same day we can get you in the day before the day after but we can't get you in on that day now that should have been enough so i i went to my team and i said you know i'm wondering if i'm supposed to go or not you know duh um and because all these things have happened i felt this bit of a check and can i have you pray because these are intercessors that know how to hear from god so they prayed and they came back and said yes you're to go cut the head off of the goliath and go okay so i thought okay okay that's a word from the lord but inside i'm thinking no that is not the word of the lord inside i knew and god spoke to i think it was paul and he said you know like when he'd heard from the lord he did not confer with flesh and blood and i just went ahead and did it because i wanted you know i wanted some confirmation for my direction okay so i went and rebooked the flight and i was on my way to toronto there was an outpouring of the spirit in toronto at the time this was back in 94 i believe it was it was right right after albania had opened and so i had to teach in their school first so i went and i was teaching there and then after the school was over i was supposed to go to albania but i i got cold symptoms while i was in while i was in there and so i thought oh cold symptoms i don't think i'm supposed to go and this cold symptom could get me out of it because i've got medical insurance so it you know i could get my money back on the ticket so i called my intercessors and i said you know i've got cold symptoms i'm wondering if i should cancel this trip like was the spirit of stupid possessing me or what right and they said no we don't feel like you're supposed to cancel the trip we feel like you're supposed to go so i reluctantly got the whole time i go to the airport the next day i'm thinking i'm not supposed to go i'm not supposed to go i shouldn't go and then i thought but i gave my word but the intercessor said go but you know what i'm listening but inside i knew so off i go to albania when i get there by the time i got there the air conditioning on the plane got a hold of my lungs by the time i got there i had pneumonia i ended up staying at a doctor's house that we had stayed with the first time and he gave me antibiotics but i i couldn't even make it up to where we were doing the meetings because i was too sick finally on the third day i got in the bus and went up there and in the bus they have you know everyone smokes in the bus and everything and i'm i'm i'm recovering from pneumonia and i go up there and the pastor meets me he said i'm so sorry i didn't know how to get this news to you but all the pastors that were supposed to be at this event have gone away on holidays or whatever but they're not here so i thought okay but he says but we've got some other people that would love to have you minister to them so we met in a little apartment uh room because that's all that they have there really is apartments and they're all the same and they all have the same furniture so i went in there and they crammed like about 30 people into the room and they all got totally drunk in the holy spirit and started roaring like lions all of them so the neighbors called the police and the police came and just about arrested us so that night i go back to the place where we're staying and my husband and i were in this little room and we had like a two foot wide bed on each side of the the room and my husband's sleeping and i started having demonic visions and in this demonic vision this spirit like a rat was coming at me and i kept saying in the name of jesus go in the name of jesus go and it wouldn't go it just stayed there and and i was tormented and and i i said ron wake up there's a rat it's it's it's it's trying to get me and i was by by this time sleep deprived by the way i hadn't slept i had not slept from the time i left canada all this time i had not slept so i was sleep deprived so i am going not so i mean i was just like off so my husband said in the name of jesus christ i rebuked the rat amen and went back to sleep so i tried to jump into his bed with him to get protection but it's only a two foot wide bed and my husband is a big man and so that wasn't working very well and i ended up being attacked all night by these demonic spirits get up the next day try to go to the meeting again and it's like all hell is breaking loose everywhere so i finally said ron we're going home i am out of the will of god and i never want to be out of the will of god again we have to get back to the capital city get on a bus get back there and book a flight out of here as soon as possible so we get on the bus to go back and by that time i'm starting to feel um a bit healthier and i was hungry because i hadn't eaten all that time either i was nauseous i hadn't been able to eat so we go into this restaurant and ate the food and before i left the place i had diarrhea bad diarrhea to a point where hemorrhoids popped out the size of oranges and i just couldn't walk i couldn't walk out of the restaurant i told you this was an outreach from hell okay so i'm walking out of the restaurant like this my husband has to care both the backpacks because i can't carry nothing i can't even hardly walk and every step is painful so we get back to the doctor's house where we had been staying when we first arrived and i said i need pain pills i need pain pills and i hardly even take an aspirin right i said give me some pain pills i was in so much pain and so the doctor gave my husband something to give to me but when i took one it didn't help so i said give me another one and he said no you're only supposed to take these every three hours they're very strong i said it's not strong enough give me another pain pill and so we were there all night trying to wait for a flight we kept calling the airline trying to get a flight out of there and the pain was so bad in the night and i i just opened my bible and i talked about god god's curse coming upon the people with hemorrhoids and i thought because they were outside of his will and i thought i want to be in your will i just i don't know what to do so anyways we finally got on the flight we leave the building and into a taxi i had to go on my side into the taxi because i couldn't sit and i went in and it was just like hell painful i got out and he didn't bring us to the door because there was a special security thing you had to go through and so we had to walk like over a block to get into the building and so i'm like you know with all of our suitcases and so we get in there and i just kept saying to my husband give me more pills give me more pill i mean i i just can't take the the pain and so there i was taking all these pills that weren't even helping i was just feeling the pain no help they didn't even numb me i would have been glad to have died and gone to heaven at that point but nothing was working and we get on the plane finally we fly to rome and by the time we got to rome they had to take me off on a on a um on a machine that had to pick me up on a on a cart and take me down and take me into the building and take me to the next flight oh my gosh and so i was just i was just in agony we ended up in london finally got on an air canada flight and when i arrived on the air canada flight the pain started to lift i was on my way home i said oh god i never want to be outside of your will before again i never ever want to be outside of your will now god wasn't doing all that to me he wasn't doing all that but the devil was sure having a heyday but i'm telling you i'm telling you that i knew i wasn't supposed to go i knew it and if you're going to head in a direction that you're not supposed to go believe me god is going to let you know you do not have to be afraid of not knowing you just have to ask him is this the way i should go and if there's a big check just remember this story by the time we got to back to canada and i go to the doctors my husband takes me into the doctors and he examines me because i've got these huge hemorrhoids now and he and and he says oh my gosh i've never seen anything like this you know i thought yeah tell me about it you know so that's my that's my outreach from hell's story all that to say the steps of the righteous man are ordered of the lord and he will let you know if you are not to go in a direction and he will warn you and warn you and warn you but if you don't want to listen to him he could even send people that say whatever and you'll choose to believe them because it's what you want to hear but it's not his voice and that's what happened with me he was testing me i failed every test but the good thing about the test of god you get to take them again so i passed many others because i will never forget that there's something about those hard lessons that you never ever ever forget i never want to be outside the will of god again and don't worry about if you don't have hemorrhoids you you're fine you're in the will of god no i'm just kidding okay and if you do have hemorrhoids they can be healed and it doesn't mean that you're not in the will of god okay let's just clarify that one right now i'm getting i'm just digging a grave this morning okay let's just let's go to key five let's go to key number five okay key number five is remain focused on jesus colossians 3 1-2 therefore if you have been raised up with christ have you been if you have not been raised up with christ we want to know who you are because i want to lead you to jesus christ being your savior and your lord he is so amazing because the moment he comes into your life you're seated with him in heavenly places you don't have to work at that you just are keep seeking the things above where christ is seated at the right hand of god set your mind on the things above not on the things that are on the earth colossians 3 1 and 2. so what you focus on you empower so in transition try not to keep your mind too focused on all the little things within the transition because there's many loose ends in transition and there's many areas where the devil can come in and make it uncomfortable try not to focus on that focus on jesus praise him praise your way through your transition praise him day and night praise your way through the transition because whatever you focus on that's what you empower key number six make investment into the new season and you might want to intentionally pray prayers a seat into the new season make decrees into the new season make decrees into it when my husband and i were moving from the vancouver area of canada to kelowna that was the first time we'd ever moved from from one region into another in our whole married life and i think we've been married about 27 years at that time and um it was a big move for us we were moving you know our ministry everything into kelowna and what the lord showed us to do in the transition part of it as we were transitioning was to make decrees and so we wrote down these promises and sent them ahead every single day i would decree them ahead into the future and into our move i i'm sending this into kelowna i'm sending these so that when we get there we are going to live inside the structure that we built within the spirit and so god will give you promises for your new season take those promises and decree them into your future don't just sit back and wait for your future to come to you you build your future build your future with the word of god and some might like to invest through fasting through even getting training that you might need for your new season maybe it's a job transition that you're going to need new training for that's a good thing to make investment into a repositioning of of how you do things or where you're going to live and that it could involve that it could be financial investments into your new season in genesis 8 22 it says well the earth remains seedtime and harvest will too right as long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest so sow into your new season and in second corinthians 9 verses 6 to 11 it talks about sowing uh when we sow sparingly we'll reap sparingly but when we sow bountifully we will we'll reap bountifully so what about the decree of the word of god using that as an example if you sow that word into your next season and you sow it and you sow it and you sow it and you sow it that's what i'm doing for the nation on the firewall usa right now we are praying we have over 20 000 people i think on the on the firewall now and they are praying and decreeing the word of god every single day more is better more word is better why because you get a greater harvest it said if you sow bountifully you will reap bountifully and we're already seeing transition we're already seeing things break open it's awesome okay key number seven character development in second peter one five to nine it says now for this very reason also applying all diligence in your faith supply moral excellence and in your moral excellence knowledge and in your knowledge self-control and in your self-control perseverance and in your perseverance godliness and in your godliness brotherly kindness and in your brotherly kindness love for if these qualities are yours and are increasing they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our lord jesus christ for he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted having forgotten his purification from his former sins you'll notice here and all through the new testament you'll notice that character is developed through your choice through your choices you are met with choices every single day as to whether you're going to do something right or something wrong something helpful or something harmful every day you will have those choices and you can't just say i don't even have to worry you know or or think about developing character i've got jesus in me everything's fine no you have to partner with jesus with your will and walk with him in his ways you partner with him in that i got a text from a friend of mine yesterday and they were in a situation where they had a massive um thing happen within their home that was going to cost them thousands of dollars thousands of dollars and when they were investigating on how to move forward with this they were told by a representative of of a company that if they would lie if they would lie if you lie and say the problem didn't happen until this date it'll be covered by an insurance but if you don't lie you have to pay it out of your pocket and it was thousands of dollars and you know what they did they said we're not going to lie we'd rather pay the thousands of dollars than lie and i thought yes i love that i love integrity i love character like that it's just so beautiful but god loves it even more and even though it might be difficult it's really recorded in heaven and so the blessing comes back the reward comes back okay quickly key number eight flexibility our team calls this the gumby anointing you've seen gumby you can kind of it'll just move in any direction you turn it and in matthew 9 17 it says nor do people put new wine into old wine skins otherwise the wine skins burst and the wine pours out and the wine skins are ruined but they put new wine into fresh wineskins and both are preserved old wineskins become brittle but new wine skins are flexible and with anything new especially new wine it's very effervescent it's got a lot of chemical activity going on in it and so it can actually break the old wine skins if you put it in just like what jesus said but when you put it in new wine skins the new wine skin is flexible and when you're in transition you have to be flexible because where you're going you haven't been before and so you have to be careful not to revert just to what you knew in the past you need to seek the lord afresh and say lord is there something else i need to learn here is there something else i need to understand here as we are moving forward so be flexible and be teachable to do things in a new way key number nine finish strong from where you are transitioning from and this is really important philippians 3 13 and 14 brethren i do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet but one thing i do for getting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus you never want to let your past hold you back but at the same time when you're transitioning you want to make sure that where you're leaving you're leaving well and you're leaving strong i always tell people when they're they're transitioning in a job even say that the tendency is if you know you're going you just slack because you know you're going it's like right now i know i'm moving in fact i'm i'm preaching to myself right now i can feel it i'm moving right now and i'm not motivated to clean my house and i keep thinking i really should clean it but i think now i'm moving i'll just you know take care of it later but really you know i think i'll go home and clean my house right now because we need to finish strong in the last season right we need to finish strong and if you're in a in a job and you're transitioning do the very best accelerate so that when you leave they'll be in awe of how well you worked if you're leaving a home leave it better than when you first got it always leave strong because you will transition into the level that you transition from and if you did not have integrity with where you left then when you move into the next place you won't be able to accelerate in that place right away it's just a principle and you'll see it all the time you want to you want to finish strong you want to have integrity and that's in every every area of life including cleaning the house when you're moving okay key number 10 patience and endurance galatians 6 9 says let us not lose heart in well doing for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary and so have endurance don't grow weary be patient sometimes things take a while be patient you know if you want to grow swiss chard some of you might not even know what that is it's like a leafy vegetable it'll grow really fast you put the seed in the ground and you'll be eating in less than two months lots of it it just you know will flourish especially if you give it lots of water but um but if you want to plant an apple tree you're gonna you're gonna have to wait a while to get some apples but once you do get the apples they come back every year for years and years and years and years and every apple has more seed in it so some some things take longer and be patient in the process bill johnson stated in a teaching that i really enjoyed when i heard he says the gifts are free but maturity is costly and sometimes your transition is long and you will need patience and endurance as you're going through it and think of think of joseph right joseph wow he had this dream and it was from god it was actually a dream from god what he saw was a hundred percent accurate his family was bowing down to him i mean all that he saw was accurate but it was like 14 years of severe testing and walking through where he had to be patient and endure for the promise to come so never give up you know stand knowing that god is good amen did you get anything out of this this morning did it help you amen how many of you identified that you are definitely in transition right now if that's you stand to your feet if you're at home you can stand to your feet at home i'm going to pray for you thank you lord lord i thank you for the transitions that you have us in i've never seen so many people moving and changing even geographical locations changing ministry positions i mean it's crazy i've never seen anything like it and it's like we are we are being repositioned for something so big so so awesome and he is just helping us to reposition resettle so that we can soar in this new season and so lord we thank you so much for for what you're doing right now in all of us lord and i thank you for grace i ask for grace to be poured out on everyone now and for leo and andy and and chloe and micah jack as they're up and reading right now all of them in big transitions we pray a blessing on them lord god in jesus name and all of our family all of our church family who are in transition right now grace grace and divine intervention in jesus name to establish your people in the fullness of all that you have for them amen amen you
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 16,575
Rating: 4.9338841 out of 5
Id: EPcgIK2HV1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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