20 Prophetic Words For 2020 Part 1 // Patricia King // Shiloh Fellowship

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we are we are not just in a new year and not just a new decade but we are have entered a new era there is an era transition that we are in of course the sons of Issachar had a a discerning ability they could discern the times and knew what to do and so it's very important as a house we are committed to listening to the prophetic timetable of God because the whole Bible the whole word is is truth do you know that it contains truth but not every element of it is is designed for a specific time it's all true it'll all work within any given time but there's emphasis of the Spirit what he is doing to create a fabric within the realm of time that paints his picture that infuses his being into into history and so it's very important that as a body that we listen carefully to what the Lord is saying so that we can come into alignment and in this next season there's a lot of shifts that we are making we've been preparing you for months through the preaching of the word through prophesying and so that we are ready to align with God because a big move is coming a sovereign visitation of the Lord is coming and I said to the Lord II years ago I said Lord I never want to run ahead of you I never want to run behind you I always want to be right where you're at and I want to be in every single move if you're gonna move I want to move with you I don't want to be stuck out in the wilderness and find out that you move 20 years later right you know I want to be right where you're moving so as a house we're very committed to hearing what the Lord is saying so that we can be right where he is and represent him well within that season and that's why we bring in prophets that's why we prophesy that's why we teach that's why we give you the word of the Lord so that you will know how to walk with God in any given season and be a part of what he's doing so it's interesting that we are inside of the year now 2020 on the Gregorian calendar and second Chronicles 2020 says to put your trust in the Lord your God and you will be established put your trust in the prophets and succeed and so we see here that in transition in times of transition you cannot lean to your own understanding and neither can you lean to old ways because the things that worked in past seasons might not necessarily work in the new season and so we always have to have our ear close to the heart of God we have to have our heart close to the heart of God as well and we put our trust in him even if he leads us into unknown territory we put our trust in him knowing that as we do we will succeed we will prosper and then he says put your trust in the prophets now we're not asking anyone to put their trust in man jesus said he entrusted himself to no one because he knew it was in the heart of man so even though he loved everyone perfectly he knew are fickle behavior right he knew that we had the potential it says in in Jeremiah that the heart of man is deceitfully wicked above all else who can discern it so Jesus understood that so he's not going to put his trust in man but he loved man perfectly so what we're looking for is to put our trust in the voice of God that comes through man okay so we separate out the voice of God or the actions of God from the person delivering it we're a house of honor so we believe in honoring will always honor the voice will honor the person but we're looking for we put our trust in the voice of God we put our trust in what we see in the spirit we never want to mix that up so we honor his vessels we honor well in this house and thank you for being so honoring and but we are looking for the Lord because when you hear his prophetic voice when he discloses to you what he's doing in any particular season or era and you align with that you will succeed you will prosper and we are in the decade of the pay which is a Hebrew number slash letter meaning the mouth and the last decade in the Hebrew calendar was a decade of the eye and now we're in the decade of the mouth so we are going to speak what we see and of course is 20/20 vision so we're gonna see a lot clearer in this next decade then we ever have before but it is time for us to open our mouths it is time for us to speak the truth that God gives us and there's going to be more communication in this next era which means there's going to be vulnerabilities that we are going to have to look at as well in this season and we will be ready for it we will be ready to be used of God because he is revealing his heart to us so some of these first first points that I'm gonna give you our review because over the last few weeks we have been delivering prophetic words as far as what we see God doing but I want to review them and you will hear a lot of these same words you will hear from many different prophets because you should be hearing the same word from a number of different prophets because the Lord will confirm his word with at least two or three witnesses right because that's what establishes it and the more you hear it the more it will get in you if you just hear a prophetic word one time you might get parts of it but you don't get the whole thing that's why it's really good if you get personal prophetic words that you get the tape or the recording write it down write down everything that you remember from it try and get it as accurately as you can and review it because the the big yes that you have inside of you to what God speaks is what establishes it in you and the more you meditate on it the more you will get it established so the first word that I'm going to give you which is a review we've already preached whole sermons on this is that we are in an era of Reformation now in this last season in this last 25 to 30 years you would have heard the word revival revival revival revival renewal we knew I mean who will renewal those were the words that the Holy Spirit was oiling in that season he was bringing refreshment to the people of God everything in this last season was about being refreshed in your faith refreshed in your love refreshed in the revelation of who God is and his love to you and so this last season was all about renewal and revival but there's a transition and we need to hear what the spirits saying because if you stay in revival alone it's you know it's not that you're gonna believe revival behind we need every day we could be refreshed every day but if we don't discern where God's taking it we will miss walking with him and Reformation is very different from revival because Reformation is takes apostolic anointing revival takes prophetic anointing Reformation takes apostolic anointing and we're gonna see the emergence of very powerful apostles in this next season but the word reform means to become better or to make something better by making Corrections removing any faults and implementing solutions to remake or reform and so you can see the difference between that and revival which is to receive refreshment and renewal and empowerment this is very different this is a building we have to build Reformation means the act of making and improvement especially by changing a person's behavior or the structure of something and so in Reformation there's a lot of change implemented new containers for the time being built new structures new wineskins are going to be needed it is a time of change and change is hard for people a lot of people don't like change it's hard for them to make change but we're gonna ask God for flexibility in this timing because we're going with him we're not gonna be stuck back in the wilderness looking out of an outhouse moon-shaped hole watching the cloud move forward without us right we're gonna go in that cloud a reformer a reformer is someone who tries to change and improve something such as a law or a social system that's right out of a dictionary definition but reformers right now in this season are being marked and we did a whole message on that last week and about qualities that are that God is looking for in the reformer what marks a reformer and this house we are saying yes to the marking of God for being reformers and so when you come inside this house you're going to come inside the marking of the reformer anointing because we have said yes to serve the Lord in that area no matter what that means no matter what he requires of us to be used in that way we just gave God our yes and you're going to find that especially the younger generation I see the Millennial especially is that leaders are going to be raised up out of the millennial generation who will have a strong uncompromised voice for justice issues and there's many justice issues not only in the world but in the church that need to be addressed or things that need to be adjusted and aligned even within the church that need to be spoken into in this hour and you're gonna see a fearless breed of Millennials raised up to be a voice for those issues and they will be relentless nothing will make them shut up because they're gonna have this fire burning within their heart and they're gonna get the word out okay so watch for those Millennials now of course there needs to be you know carefulness I'll talk about that a bit later there needs to be careful miss but they are going to be raised up as powerful leaders for the area of justice and names that you have not known to this time up to this time they will be there there will be names brought forward that you you will become acquainted with who God is marking for this hour now a lot of people have prophesied in the past a nameless faceless generation I I can't buy into that prophecy to be honest with you myself I'm just gonna give you my conviction on it and you can weigh it up and if you want to believe differently I'm totally fine with that but the reason that I don't believe it is because when I read the Bible God's really into names in fact he writes whole books of the Bible called after a person's name and throughout church history I've never seen a revival yet that doesn't have names attached to it in fact if you were to think of the Welsh revival right now whose name comes to your mind Evan Roberts right immediately it comes to your mind what about the first Great Awakening who comes to your mind the Wesley brothers and Edwards what about the Second Great Awakening Finney every single move has a name that is attached with it the paid a price that God marked for that season and every single one of them just started out as humble believers before God going through the fires of affliction being honed by God as vessels to be used by the Masters hand and all throughout the Bible you'll see the dealings of God the preparation of God how many of you know the name of Joseph what does that mean to you right but you see even in the word how God prepared him you see the preparation of David you see the preparation of Daniel you see all their stories how God walked them through the fires of affliction and molded them and brought them to a humble place of contrition before him so that they could be used you are gonna find names surfacing that you never knew before we are never to idolize a person never to worship a person but we do honor who God has his hand on and in times of Reformation especially in transitional seasons you will know that the Lord is going to demand oftentimes a change in relationship and associations and so we are looking actually for those who are connected to the same convictions that we are feeling in this season and so people are going to come together when you carry a conviction and you all know the teaching in this house anyways you know the teaching on God's law of attraction is that as your soul is positioned it's what you attract to yourself when your soul is positioned in the Word of God you will attract the manifestation of that word but it works in relationship to when you have conviction let's say about the fullness of the Spirit the prophetic word the apostolic anointing for the church all those things about the conviction of righteousness you will attract people of like spirit like attracts like that's what the law of affinity or the law of attraction is like attracts like and so in this next season we will be attracting people that believe the same about Reformation about the righteousness of God about the truth that God has revealed just the nature of the way that that law works and so as you position yourself before God you're gonna find that some of your relationships are going to change in fact some of your relationships are going to be very challenging we'll talk about that in a few moments on another point we're gonna find in this season of Reformation that the older generation and the younger generation are going to run together and it's never been modeled in church history as it's going to be modeled in these coming days because the younger generations voice is going to be discerned by the older generation and respected but the younger generation is going to respect the wisdom of the older generation and the two are going to flow together and it is going to be amazing and in Malachi it says the spirit of Elijah is going to do a work within the people of God in the end times that is going to bring the generations together the hearts of the fathers to the children the hearts of the children to the father's and it will be a beautiful thing it's not about hierarchy it's not about pride it's about humility in each generation serving and loving each other and honoring each other and he said if that doesn't happen curse will come upon the land but if it does happen we know that blessing will come and according to Psalm 133 when there's that kind of unity that kind of love that kind of together together nests there's an oil that's poured out from heaven all the way down and that's what we're going for that's what I want it do you want that do you want that for the house that's what I want in this reformer anointing you're gonna see warriors it's a warrior spirit reformers are not just those who hang out in the glory cloud all day as much as as much as I'd love to spend the rest of my life doing that if we're gonna say yes to God it's not in that season I remember during the season of renewal we would fly our teams back to Toronto all the time I mean there wasn't a month that went by that we didn't fly our teams back and we just hung out in the glory I mean it was such thick manifest glory that you'd be on the floor a lot of times I remember Heidi that time she was like for a whole week couldn't even feed herself or even go to the bathroom on her own or anything because there was too much weight of the Lord and like you couldn't even do anything you just roll on the floor and laugh or whatever and even in the middle of the night in your hotel room the fragrances of God would come in the Angels would come in I mean you just got blasted I mean that's nice but that's not what this next season is gonna look like I'm just gonna give you a heads up here but will there be glory oh yeah you know why because Psalm 24 says that the Lord he is the king of glory but who is the king of glory the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty and what battle the Lord of Hosts that is his name what is the Lord of Hosts who is he he's the captain of the armies of heaven and revelation 19 is going to be a key scripture in this next season because the Lord is coming out of heaven into the earth on his white horse in full armor and with a full army and that army it's not just any army it's an army clothed in white it's an army that is righteous it's an army but it's gonna contend for the truth that sort of truth that is so powerful and he is the king of kings and the Lord of lords and there's gonna be awesome respect toward him in this next season and warriors are going to be marked Reformation requires war because you have to contend against resisting forces and it is a lonely place for many but God's gonna put a warrior spirit in us and we will fight for his glory this isn't about a personal fight this is not about selfishness this is about the cross and this laying down our own ambitions our own desires our own everything for his glory and say God I will fight no matter what I have to do no matter what I have to say no matter what I what price I have to pay I will do it because I want to be marked as a warrior for righteousness and reformers need that marking and if you want that marking you can just say yes for it right now and he'll just slap it on you real good okay the second prophetic word that was number one the second prophetic word again it is a review of what we've already been speaking into but is definitely exposure exposure is coming and it's a good thing everything that is in the darkness in our own hearts even is going to be exposed and I would highly recommend and we've been speaking into this for a number of weeks now but invite the Holy Spirit to put a light on your heart let him show you I was just speaking with someone recently who's saying I want to step down out of my ministry position because I need to spend time with the Lord and get the issues of my heart even the attitudes of my heart cleanse and I'm gonna spend hours in the presence of the Lord so that he can deal with these things I love that I have such respect for people who will humble themselves and do that great respect who will watch over their character above their gifting and this person that I'm talking about they're extremely gifted and called definitely called by God marked by God anointed by God operating in the anointing but because of his love for the Lord he says I'm stepping stepping out of a number of things right now so I can give myself to the Lord and let him shine the spotlight on my heart and I just have tremendous respect for people who will do that but if we don't do it for ourselves s what it will be done because God's jealous for this he wants us to have this beautiful heart that's filled with his glory and love and this exposure is not just exposing you know things that are not of God it's good exposure calling it's gonna expose new areas of anointing he wants to bring you new DNA you know that you maybe never discovered before it's not new DNA but just you know just things that you never discovered in the Lord before it this this this exposure anointing is also going to include that and you're gonna see things in yourself that you never saw before you're gonna see callings and it's stirrings in your heart that you never saw before you might have said well I could never do that I could never be an evangelist and all of a sudden you see in yourself a passion for souls I could never be a prophet and all of a sudden you see within yourself this longing to be a speaks for God you know you'll see things that you never saw before they're gonna be exposed in this next season in this next era now in Ephesians 5:11 and 13 it says this is the apostle of grace speaking this by the way he said do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness but instead even expose them no we hear a lot these days about don't expose love covers love does cover but it doesn't hide love covers sin but it doesn't hide sin and it and it doesn't lie about sin either and and and it doesn't twist things about sin you know it covers in that it nurtures you give covering to people and to one another and even to yourself as you're coming through into the light you nurture it covering good covering good ministry covering even we'll shoot it straight to you if they see something operating in you if you are covering someone in the Lord and you see something that is off love will speak right into it that's what good covering will do if you're covering your children properly and you see them going astray you're going to speak into that that's what covering is love covers and it'll cover a multitude of sin no matter what a person's going through love will cover by speaking into that and so we're going to see this and and you know people say well we shouldn't talk about that's what dysfunctional families do and we've got a lot of dysfunction in the church in fact this morning I got a I got a text from a investigator friend of mine who sent me this text let me just open it up here for you so I make sure I quote it right this was out of North Carolina this just happened a North Carolina pastor has been charged with more than 100 felony sex offenses involving three children authorities said and this has been for 20 years 20 years back he's been abusing children in his ministry position for 20 years exposure a hundred a hundred charges this is hot off the press but you know what if you go back in the news and look over the last month or two its exposure after exposure after exposure after exposure and that's what Jesus said in Luke 12 to 3 he said everything hidden and covered up will soon be exposed well this is the season for the facade is falling down and nothing will be kept secret for long whenever you have whatever you have spoken in private will be public knowledge and what you have whispered secretly behind closed doors will be broadcast far and wide for all to hear what I just read for you is off fox news this is this is secular news this is out there for for the whole nation to see and when you are nailed on a sin when when God convicts you hopefully because the way he works is he'll come to you first you'll come to you with conviction the Spirit of God will conviction don't tell me that a person who's been exposed for sin never had the conviction of the Spirit that would be a lie because God is a just God and he will go to you first and you'll have to wrestle inside and if you cover it up and continue in that sin he will convict you again face to face heart to heart and again and again and again and again and again but if you do not listen and you continue he will then open up someone's eyes to see it around you most of the time it's a person who loves you who will speak into it maybe sometimes someone who doesn't love you but the right response when they convict you is to say thank you so much would you help me that would be the right response but if you lie about and say no you're off that doesn't you know that's not true you know I'm not doing that and you're lying and stuff like that if you cover it up he will send more people to you and more people and more people and you always have to come forward with the whole thing God isn't you know interested in an iceberg effect where you let a third of the top of the iceberg be known and hide everything else just to get people off your case God knows and he will continue on until it's completely uprooted he's after getting to the root he loves you does he want to shame you of course not God's not into shaming you he's into delivering you but you will shame yourself you will shame yourself if you do not deal with these things and so it just be just be honest and tell the whole thing you know when God is nailing you do it because the longer you wait and there will always be exposed to your realm of influence so the larger your influence the more it's going to be exposed if you have a small influence it'll be exposed to that influence if you have a large influence it'll be exposed as large as your influence is but it will be exposed and eventually if you keep not dealing with it and you continue in the sin continue in this and this is Hebrews 10:26 27 to 29 I believe it is if you continue in that sin there's no covering for it but there's complete exposure and shame comes with that exposure not that God wants you to be ashamed he just wants you delivered but if you refuse you get the shame of man the devil will come after you he will condemn you he will destroy you he will do everything he can to bring you down but you are responsible for that because you kept covering it when God was desperately trying to set you free and it will never remain uncovered up it will never remain covered up never and if it's not uncovered here guess what if it's not dealt with here guess where you're gonna have to deal with it and that's scary that's pretty scary and so let's have the fear of the Lord on this and let's walk before the Lord in love he loves you so much he wants you free and we cannot be entangled in the world we cannot be entangled with the lusts of the flesh we cannot be entangled in those ways we cannot be because it will hurt us it will hurt us and it will hurt those around us and our sin is never just about us it's never it will always affect others and we've taught this in the last month where Adam sinned that one man sin is this it says is him a New Testament that one man sin affected all mankind that sin went in to all mankind went into the atmosphere brought decay brought corruption and your sin today will do the same thing it will do exactly the same thing but the good news is through one man righteousness was made available to all and we can change the atmosphere through one man's righteousness so who are we gonna live for Adam or Jesus we're gonna live in Jesus amen and we're gonna live a life that will please him and bring pleasure to him in this season of exposure God is going to appoint whistleblowers and this is never this is never a happy place this is never like oh god please anoint me as a whistleblower you know no one no one ever no one ever asks outright Stephen did you ever ask the Lord to make you a whistleblower no one ever wants that one because your voice your mouth is gonna be used to bring exposure and you know what happens when you do all hell will break loose against you because the very ones you're exposing don't usually come and say oh thank you so much I'm so glad you brought my sin into the light thank you thank you thank you you know that's not usually the way it goes they will lie about you they will resist you they will curse you they will go public against you they will deny everything that you ever said and try to build a narrative around it that shows them that you know they're okay and you're not and that's what they're trying to make the public see so that the public will will go along with them take the pressure off so who wants to be a whistleblower and yet if God's calling you to be one you need to be able to say God whatever it takes I'll pay the price whatever it takes I will do what you need now we have to be very careful when we whistle blow it can't just be because we've got a urge to have justice because if we go into this type of operation of the spirit without the wisdom of God we could blow up the ship and hurt everyone around we have to know exactly the timing exactly how to do it exactly how to pray through it exactly how to approach it this is a massive anointing but there are going to be whistleblowers and I want you to pray for them pray for wisdom when you see them raised up pray for wisdom and pray that they will have love in their heart and humility in their heart because they're gonna walk a lonely walk most of the time they have the the one that they're blowing the whistle on will oppose them and we see this on secular media right now because there's a man out of Hollywood that is being you know on you know in the public eye and there's been whistleblowers on him you know even back for years and at first when those whistleblowers came forward they they were being massacred on many different levels but God must have given them a strength because they're still standing right but those whistleblowers are paying a big price so pray for them and they live a very lonely life too because most people don't want to jump on board they want to see what happens first say well I'll just wait and see what happens and then I'll make then I'll then I'll give my voice to it okay and so the whistleblowers walk very lonely for a season and so pray for them because God needs them he needs them to blow the whistle he needs them to blow the trumpet he needs them to bring the exposure and I've heard even many Christian ministers saying we shouldn't have exposure but there might be seasons when exposure public exposure is not the right season for it not the right timing for and we need to walk in the fear of the Lord for that but there are times when it is needed and it is times when the Holy Spirit is saying now and we cannot you know we cannot condemn the operation of the Spirit we want to be with Holy Spirit so we need to have wisdom we need to understand and when things are brought to the light we are going to deal with them you know if anything is brought to our light we want to deal with it if anything in house or with our leadership or you know members of this house if anything comes to our attention we're gonna do everything we can to offer the help that is needed to bring freedom because that's God's ultimate heart he's not out to beat people up he's not out to shame people he wants people delivered amen and so that's what we're gonna contend for but we are gonna walk with God in this so that was number two number three and again this is a review but this next era is an era of solutions supernatural solutions and I want to bring good news to you this morning whatever problem you are facing right now in your life it could be even you think oh that's just a small problem but if you ask God for the solution he will give it to you supernaturally there is a revelatory portal opened up right now I've experienced it for a number of months such as I've never seen it before real direct clear revelation being given and it is available to you no matter what you're facing it could be a family issue it could be a health issue it could be a financial issue a spiritual issue if you ask God he will give you the solution because this is a season where he is oiling solutions and it is coming very clear very very strong Jeremiah 110 says see I have appointed you this day over the nation's and over the kingdoms to pluck up and to tear down break down to destroy and to overflow to build overthrow to build and to plant and so you'll see here that the solution didn't just require a quick fix the solution took we have to dig up and uproot everything that caused the problem to begin with that's why exposure will come first you can't have a solution if you don't know what the problem is and if the problem runs deep you have to take an axe right to the depth of that situation or it will grow back again so it's like if you find out that you've got a crumbled foundation in your house and corrupted pipes under there you're not just gonna slap some more pavement on top of it right Francisco you got to take the whole thing up and redo it fix everything that's in there and so this is a season of solutions and especially for the church we are going to have solution we just came through something ourselves where we were involved in in an exposure situation after the exposure became official I was I was undone I just felt sad I felt disturbed I felt oppressed I said God exposure us hair but it doesn't look like anything's changed he says well I'm gonna anoint you for solution now an apostolic portal opened up and it was amazing and he gave us the whole structure the apostolic structure for the building of a brand new department in our ministry called voice for victims said it's already fully operational it was within one week of that download that's how fast solutions are gonna come and so we're able to actually do things now to help the issue and will continue to receive downloads for solutions because we're not just gonna say oh there's a bunch of problems in the body of Christ we're gonna build the solutions we're going to be part of God's answer to the problems we're not going to be a negative body that looks all there's negativity here there's about stuff here we're going to be people of faith and we're going to be people of purpose who partner with God and say God we're gonna make this better and that's what Reformation is about to make things better to correct what's wrong and make things better and our life is gonna get better Church life is gonna get better the body of Christ is going to get better everything's gonna get better because God has solutions okay the fourth prophetic word is God is laying a plumb line the sort of truth and again this is a review but I had a vision back in December when we were in a prayer meeting and I saw the sword of truth come out of heaven the Lord spoke to me he said this is the sword of truth what you're seeing I actually saw the sword come out of heaven and his point went into the earth and it connected heaven to to earth and he said this is my plumb line and it is the sword of truth and it was a two-edged sword it sharp on both sides and the scripture came to me out of Romans 11:22 they said behold then the kindness and the severity of God the kindness and the severity I didn't say the kindness or the severity there was a kindness and the severity and God is going to reveal the fullness of who he is in truth in the revelation of truth and it's not one or the other but you are gonna find in this next era that the revelation of the kindness of God is going to accelerate you're gonna see things about the kindness of God and understand things about the kindness of God that you never saw before you are gonna be experiencing the kindness of God the goodness of God like you've never experienced before but you're also going to experience his severity now a lot of you know as parents you'll know what kindness and severity is all about right tsiyon because like let's say you know I remember when my boys were at home and you know we were we were training them to be responsible and you go into the room and they're closer all over the place you know they haven't picked him up put him away or whatever I said Chad Sean pick up your clothes put him away and it was with kindness put it away now when I went back a few minutes later and they're still playing their games and the clothes aren't picked up then the voice changes Chad Sean pick up those clothes and put them away now can you hear the difference in the voice tone well God has difference in voice tones too and we're gonna have to get used to a different tone it's a love tone there has to be loving it like you would never with hate or man's anger yell at your children you stupid idiots you know pick up here your clothes I told you and whip them and scoring them and stuff like that that is not loves voice but as a loving parent you will speak severity when needed your voice will change the voice tone will change but every voice of God is always loved it's just it's just a stronger tone and so we're gonna hear the severity of God in his tone but it's a love tone and it's a love voice that he's gonna give but he wants us to believe the word and every part of the word because it's a sort of truth and it's not you can't just choose what to believe and as a house we are committed to the Word of God we preach the Word of God we nurture you and encourage you to read your word every single day to meditate on the word to study the word to spend devotion time in the word that's who we are as a house but we love the Holy Spirit too and we love every part of what the Spirit of God represents and what the Word of God represents and we can't just throw parts of the Bible out that we don't like it's all God's voice and so we want to listen carefully to what God is saying and put everything in its right right context we want to bless God with the honor that we have towards his word now in Hebrews 4:12 and the amplified version it says for the word of God is living and active and full of power making it operative energizing and effective it is sharper than any two-edged sword penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit the completeness of a person and of both joints and marrow the deepest parts of our nature exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart and so God wants outward to go right inside of us and rightly divide right right he wants to rightly divide what is soul and spirit what's of our carnal nature what is of the the holy nature of God he wants us to rightly divide it and walk in the fullness of who he is and that's what we're committed to as a house now there's gonna be tension and war within the church as a result of of what God is going to be doing and what he's going to be emphasizing in Matthew 10:34 239 he says do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth I did not come to bring peace but a sword there's that sword again for I came to said a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's enemies will be the members of his own household he who loves father and mother more than me is not worthy of me and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me he who has found his life will lose it and he who has lost his life for my sake will find it and so we have to make a decision in our own soul how we are going to walk with God and what we're gonna believe and it can't be a compromise because of our family I know I have friends who live in the Middle East and they came out of a religious background and they actually lost their family because of their faith in Jesus Christ excommunicated persecuted like you wouldn't believe but they made a choice for Jesus and had to leave all their family and it was a big family all their family behind they became despised by their own family but they were willing to do it because of Jesus and because of his word that they believed in Jesus and that's what Jesus is saying he said believe me what I'm caring is not going to bring peace to your households necessarily unless everyone believes me right if everyone believes then it's great peace multiplied peace but he said I'm not compromising that's basically what he's saying I've got this sword and I'm not compromising you're either gonna be with me or against me and this sword has the potential to divide households and the conviction of the spirit and the conviction of truth in these coming days is not only going to divide families but it is gonna divide church families and your you are going to see tensions within the church because of those who will take a stand for righteousness and those who will take a stand for for covering up things and giving license to sin there is going to be a battle and as a house and we'll just tell you upfront I mean we always have as a house we are committed to the truth we always have been we always will be and so if you're not committed in the same if you stay here there might be vexation in your soul because we are not moving we are gonna go with God a hundred percent we're gonna go with God amen and we're gonna stand on his his truth we are we we are gonna walk with Him now one of the areas that you are going to see manifests in this next era is concerning sexuality and it is it is so perverted right now it's perplexing to me and I just heard this last weekend I heard from a man of God that I was having some dialogue with it he was acquainted with a ministry that is promoting sexting and self fulfilling sexual acts to Christians and they are teaching even seminars teaching couples how to enjoy themself more it's a group group thing but also how to have open sexual relationships in other words couples you know sharing amongst themselves you know we see this on media media as being a big voice for the devil and normalizing immoral sexual behavior so immoral sexual behavior is being normalized through media well the church keeps quiet about how many sermons have you heard in the church about sexuality not much right we want to avoid the subject but as we're avoiding it media is running rampant with it and they are all over like even the hours that children watch programs there's just like modeling for the next generation what is called normal which includes fornication adultery perversion homosexuality all those things are being normalized today so our little children are growing up in a world of media where the devil's prophetic voice is telling them this is what normal is this is what you want to do this is this is for you and as very very dangerous especially if the church keeps her mouth shut so what do we have to do we have to speak the truth because if we speak the plumb line down at least they have a chance if we don't speak the word they'll never have a chance they'll never have a chance how will they ever be able to know the truth if we don't speak the truth if we're too embarrassed to talk about or if we're too afraid of the backlash we're gonna get by speaking the truth we cannot we have to speak the truth in love and even within the house if there is fornication adultery perversion you know the different things that go with I'm not gonna mention it because there's children in here today but I mean if these things are going on within the house let us help you because wherever you sold of the flesh the Bible says you will reap corruption there is no way out of it it will not end well for you if you are violating the Word of God it will not no matter what society tells you it will not end well for you and we want to rescue you from that and we will do as church leadership we will do whatever it takes to see you set free and please don't be ashamed don't let the devil shame you if you've got a heart of conviction and you are bold enough and courageous enough to go and ask for help you will squash the devil's power there are problems there are so many Christians addicted to pornography and you know what keeps them addicted they are afraid to bring it forward and get the help we will do whatever it takes if you need professional counseling if you need deliverance ministry whatever you need we will walk with you and we will fight with you and for you in the midst of it we will do that for you we are committed as a family without shame but if you choose to just stay in it and ignore the Lord's voice and continue to you will reap corruption and Jesus said a little leaven in the house will leaven the whole lump and so we have to be good stewards of that and make sure that you're all safe make sure that you're all flourishing that's our hardest leaders that you all flourish but the only way that you're going to flourish is being one sit cleave to that plumb line and then we have the joy and the release the goodness of God and thus in issue you know it has to be addressed and we can't be afraid to address it it has to be addressed in love not in condemnation not in judgment you know critical judgment but in in love speaking the truth in love we have to set the bar and I'm gonna tell you something so often we've talked about this before too but so often I hear people say well it's just you know it's my own issue it's just my own deal it's never your own deal one man sin infected the whole world Adam's sin went into everyone and it went into the atmosphere and yours will - no Steven you were telling me yesterday over dinner about Finny's revival in Rochester right and Rochester was known as as the most righteous city in America right okay okay according to the Lord's report right Rochester was the most righteous City at that time and that there was a dethroning of principalities in the heavenlies but you can't just point your prophetic gun up in the air and say come down Dark Prince it doesn't work like that they're not gonna listen you know why because if there's sin in a region they have license they will go to the courts of heaven and say hey they can't do that I mean we've got legal access here look at all your look at all your people sinning and that's what happened you know like Vinnie he preached with conviction and he preached repentance in his meeting spirits of conviction with all in fact he did even walk into buildings without saying a word and the spirit of conviction would fall and people would repent and turn completely to Jesus Christ there's such a spirit of conviction on him and in his meetings when even people were in agony with her sin in the process of being repentant they say I want to get saved he says you're not ready yet go sit over there in the anxious section come back again tomorrow and he would make them wait until they were totally burning with can and ready to fully give themselves to God the thing is Finney's revivals were the most successful for the longevity of people's faith and personal conviction over 80 percent retention after I think 20 or 40 years later when they were testing it in different testings over 80 percent retention I think Billy Graham's was what under 3 percent so that's pretty huge right so the principality's came down over at Rochester that's awesome but they didn't come down just because someone pointed a prophetic finger and said come down Dark Prince look at the example of Daniel Daniel goes into fasting and prayer and he is confessing his sins and the sins of the people for 21 days and there's no response from heaven finally Michael comes finally an archangel comes out of heaven and says from the first day you started praying your prayers were heard God heard them but I had to battle in the heavenlies now why did God's Archangel have to battle the Prince of Persia in the heavenlies why did it take 21 days in order for God's messenger to come and speak to Daniel it's because of the sin why was God why were God's people in Babylon they were in Babylon because of their sin they were oppressed because of their sin because they had had been idolatrous they walked away from God they did their own thing they were immoral there's all this stuff was going on and as a result of that God put the whole nation in bondage they were given over to the Babylonians and that was the most brutal heathen nation in the day they were under a big horrible oppression and bondage why because of their own sin so what was Daniel doing he was confessing sin for himself and for the people that's what caused the Principality to lose his power and so 21 days non-stop fasting prayer confessing sin and appealing to the heart of God finally there's a breakthrough and the messenger gets through now I want to sober you up a little bit here and I don't like to prophesy you know me better I like to prophesy you know a lot of glory and fun and all that stuff but I'm telling you our nation is in trouble our nation is being weighed in the balance right now and how would you feel if a nuclear assault hit this nation from let's say an alliance of Russia of China of Nations and the Middle East they get together and they decide to attack God's alliance Israel right here in the US and they start demolishing cities with nuclear blasts destroying the nation and then they go after Israel it would be horrible wouldn't it think of your own life think of your children so I think of your grandchildren's life do you know the only thing that would permit that is that we have destroyed our shield the only thing that would allow that is sin in the nation as the church goes so goes the nation now the Lord showed me in the spirit scales and up until recently the skills of righteous behavior and faith in God and belief in his word and obedience to his word has weighed heavy heavier than the sin but now we're being weighed in the balance and it's like this right now and guess what's starting to tell if we hit a tipping point we're sin in the church ways out righteousness it's gonna go like this and when that happens there's no protection for the nation and who's at fault we are we are completely responsible because we loved our pleasure for a moment we decided that we would just love to have the pleasure that came from sexting rather than rather than obeying God we decided that we would want to open up a homosexual church instead of obeying God we decided that we would want to embezzle funds rather than obeying God and every time that we give ourselves over to the enemy we are fuelling principalities over this nation it is never about you God loves you but it's never about only you I should say it's never about only you and if this nation were to come down and you were feeding that principality with your sin it will be exposed in the eternal realm you will be exposed for being responsible for the fall of a nation in the same way that God's people were when they went into exile in Babylon and we've been promised the goodness of God the overflow of God the abundance of God we've been promised so much in God and all of that is for every single believer but if we are yielding to the devil a' says in romans 6:16 whoever you yield yourself to those whose servants you become I says if you yield yourself to sin you become a slave of sin why because the devil says AHA I have legal right I can destroy you I can steal from you I can do what we have to learn to hate the enemy I went on after I heard my friends share about what was going on in those seminars without one Minister I went online to do some research and I was like I'm shocked an appalled and I found out when I did the research that there was actually you can see it for yourself if you go online it's like there is a whole website on how to use Scripture to seduce someone through sexting and they even tell you what scriptures use is right there you can find it for yourself and they go in stages well this is the first stage then you can go deeper and then you can go deeper and they give scripture references for every single one that is an abomination and we cannot be silent we have to expose it and we have to be unashamed in the exposure of it and the speaking of the truth because we have to align to the plumb line of God I don't care what people do to me I'm gonna do my best to save this nation to save my children to save my grandchildren to save the coming generations by aligning to the truth and the minister is gonna say oh that's what whatever you know whatever feels good to it it's okay the blood covers that is a false gospel that is not the truth the blood covers yes but it's all tied in with repentance oh we're shown so much mercy that if we do sin or when we sin we have an advocate with the father and we can may be made immediately right but that's not giving us license to continue in sin in fact in Hebrews 10 it says if you continue in sin willfully there is no longer a sacrifice for that sin the blood does not cover that you're left to pay the penalty yourself for that one but you're also left in the hands of a devil and he will destroy you it says God is not mocked Galatians 6:9 God is not mocked whatever a man sews that's what he will reap if you sort of the flesh you will reap corruption anything can be forgiven well that's right God is so merciful and he is so kind but he's an uncompromising God and even in our own households he said I didn't come to bring peace I came to bring a sword you know I've talked to parents who who have said you know my kids are doing horrible things or you know shooting up on heroin or whatever and they're looking at porn and you know I'm bringing their boyfriends in and to the bedroom and having sex I thought what are you doing allowing that in your house they said well I can I don't have control over it they're just doing it I thought what it's your house I remember on something much less than that and back back in the day I had a talk with one of my sons and I said what you're doing right now it's not allowed in this household we have a standard and it's not allowed now he was 18 at the time so I said you have to make your own decision on how you're gonna live your life and if you're gonna live according to what we've taught you or not that is your choice but if you choose to do things that are not according to what God shown us you have to do that on your own but it's not going to be in this house so your other gonna get that out of the house or or you will go with it but there is no compassion as far as toleration for carrying on to lower our standard and some people say oh that's so hard but you know my child you know they need to feel loved will love love will tell them the truth yeah but you know I don't know how they'd ever survive on their own well so are you going to empower that sin are you gonna empower the evil that they're walking in by showing kindness to them what did God do when Adam and Eve transgress he kicked them out he even put a guard around them put angels around forbid them to come back in I mean there's your example and that's love did God love Adam and Eve he loved them you better believe he loved them he he provided for them he loved them but he wouldn't allow them in his holy territory and we have to understand that now as I said last week when a person's a new believer when a person's a new believer they you know it's like a new baby right a baby comes home from the hospital and they you know they might spit on you and they they poop their diapers and so you got to clean them up numerous times a day every time you change the diapers you know for newborns or so you see a poop in it that's a good sign you know the systems are working well and so you clean them up but if they're 15 years old and they're still pooping their pants and you're cleaning their bottoms at fifteen years old there is something wrong because they shouldn't mature beyond that and they learn how to live appropriately they learn how to be responsible and that's what God wants us to do he wants us to learn how to live responsibly and I don't buy it when someone's been a Christian for 15 years and they're out committing adultery fornication getting drunk every night and saying oh well you know it's just God's love no you feed an infant the milk of the word but when you're mature you eat eat meat and so what you can tolerate in the life of a new believer as you're helping them learn is way different than what we should tolerate in a mature believer but if you're 12 years old and you're still wearing diapers let's get you the help that you need you've either got a very horrible medical condition or you're just an idiot the emergence of the prophets of bale vs. God's prophets we are going to see in this next era a prophet is a voice piece an Elijah say there was 450 prophets of bale and 400 prophets of Asherah and they were voice pieces for for sexual sin basically it was sexual idolatry every kind of perversion there and it was rampant in the land but how many did God say did not bother me 7000 did not bother Nate to bail I'm telling you there are more believers that believe in this message that we're preaching today than those that don't and we need to just make that number larger and we need to be bold even though there were 7,000 others where were they hiding out where were their voices when he lied to became the whistleblower where were the other voices they were hiding out in caves we got to come out of the cave in the decade of the mouth we have to be a voice for truth and for righteousness we have to be a voice for God in this hour because we're gonna win there are so many that love this down in fact they're waiting I hear it all the time over this last month I've heard people say over and over again thank you thank you thank you I just I just needed this I needed to know that people were on this side because they've been carrying it but they didn't know how to oil their mouth well we're gonna help you get your mouth oiled we're gonna give place for that and we are gonna help the body find their mouth in this next decade it is time for the Elijah company to emerge and to turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the chill to the fathers well that was number four we'll have to carry on for the 20 over the next few weeks right well we will get there because it's important to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying it's important to prophesy this it's important to give God our yes how many of you felt your yes on this message today right amen because this is who we are this is who we are this is who you are you are God's chosen people you are the ones that are saying hey God I'm living for you a hundred percent I'm gonna build community with you I'm gonna build a safe place for coming generations I'm gonna intercede for your will to be done this is who you are and we prophesy over you that that is who you are we will always remind you who you are you are amazing Shiloh nights you are amazing you are awesome you are an awesome family and I so appreciate that every one that I know of you I know that you have that heart in you you have that heart and in these coming days you are going to be oiled more and more by the anointing of the Spirit to be his reformer to be those who will walk with Him and build with him in this hour to lay hold of that plumb line of truth and to wield that sword well that's who you are and you're gonna love greater and better than you've ever loved before we're just gonna let the lovers amen the kindness and the severity be operating through us when we have strong medicine to give we'll just put honey in it we're gonna put honey in it that's why you said you for my children in Canada we have cough syrup called Buckley's and of any of you Canadians no I mean every Canadian know what Buckley's is we hate it but it's one of the best and so my kids hated it I just put honey in it and it made it go down right and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna help the whole world we're gonna help the world come into alignment with heaven and we're live like heavenly creatures we're not gonna have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of God we're going to be people who live a hundred percent according to the Word of God and the promises of God if that's your heart stand up and give the Lord a big praise give them a big praise
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 38,307
Rating: 4.8640094 out of 5
Id: Tc4qI6fVD0k
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Length: 64min 32sec (3872 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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