Emma Stark - Leviathan - Church at CI Glasgow

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I'm not offended and and I know you're imbibing truth even though your eyes are shot and so don't you love that we're family and apparently this is about the last week and where people will concentrate fully through your sermon there's great chart done on what length of sermon and what sort of content you can get away with at different times of the year did you know that and that actually from about this point on as we get closer to Christmas people just don't concentrate but then you can go in for the really the heaviest stuff you can do in September apparently anyway so this is my last opportunity to get your focus not the early to not focus when Sarah Jane's speaking next week but okay so I believe that God is calling right the true nature and mandate of this house and that we are I can't how many years we've been doing this nine and I'm were nine years old something like that and for all those years there was such a force of wanting to raise the gift of prophecy in the earth and I taught about it till I could stand on my head and teach it upside down and you guys have generated I reckon were probably know about twenty seven thousand man hours of personal prophetic ministry in this heist and few places in the earth get to give themselves to one gift as we have done over the years and obviously the lion bites I mean those that just blows my mind I think Sam wrote two or three lion bites 24,000 people read them and they I mean then I have lost kind of that it's multiple millions have been read and it's about 70 nations every morning that those words go to so when God starts to change the Mandate of the hice we're a taking note because actually we've been on such a forceful trajectory for so long and God is saying to us you are you must not be just a heist of the gift of prophecy that strengthens encourages but you have to be the heist of the profits and there has to be a people who will speak with a new level of anointed communication in the earth because I don't know where the national prophets are and I don't know whether you can cite national words whose prophesying about BRICS I did prophesy but who is who's prophesying into the destiny of Nations and if there isn't that in the earth realm you know that there's not going to be a people who are grown-up enough to rule and reign with Jesus on the earth when he comes back and I believe that God is saying that there is an anointing to speak and that mountains will move relationships will heal business deals will gain traction job interviews will be successful Nikki exams will be passed hallelujah well done you hallelujah Jesus and so we're starting to see the anointing for for what happens with this spoken word gained traction and we're starting to understand that we have to speak so that there would be no misunderstanding that there will be no muddied waters that there will be no painful gap between us and the person we're speaking to or the people we're speaking to and that there will be no demonic filter as what comes out of our mouth goes to land on somebody else's ears and I think we have to say that who's seen their business grow since June you seen your business grow who's seen their prophetic level increase since particularly since June yes yes no it's not dead it's a definite yes who's felt more weight when they communicate with people than they did before a few of you are nodding your head and I think there was a real shift in June where we started to preach on God is giving you an anointed voice for communication remember that but I have to say to you I think the enemy has risen in his camp he's terrified and he does have a migraine but he is trying his best to bring a kinder attack to attack munication in this are to attack relationships to make interactions strained so that there will be struggle in business deals and job interviews now some of you will just need to to take this message this morning go I need to know that for when it's difficult and some of you will say no actually I'm in a live challenge right now and I need this this morning so we I actually find think that this morning we find ourselves in tension between annointed communication for business and the said job interviews prophecy all of that and there is this rising battle and we're standing in this place so first Corinthians 9 26 I do not run like a man running aimlessly I don't fight like a man who who's beaten the air in other words there is an anointing not to shadowbox when it comes to the pars of darkness that we are here to punch and hit it in the face and to land so what is the enemy's name that deals with communication anybody know this spirit it's written H is a lot of written in Scripture Leviathan ok so this morning we are dealing with Leviathan alright so David G of powerpoints are they ready to go as I'm going to go through some scriptures just so you can track with it and now Leviathan is written off it's a wreath animal a serpent it seems to be quite difficult for the translators to get an accurate description in scripture because it seems a number of different ways it's described it's liken to a crocodile or a large sea monster it's sometimes described described as whale or hippopotamus like in the Word of God Isaiah 21 7 refers to it as a coiling serpent or a crooked serpent and the root of the word Leviathan means to twist and Bend on the other hand those next two scriptures Sam and job you see something that doesn't look as water-related where it's described in both those scriptures as a many headed fire-breathing dragon a many headed fire-breathing dragon so we're starting to see that it's quite an intimidating looking opponent its name also in Scripture means mourning or grieving as in depression and a lack of joy it's also part of its remit it is mentioned six times in the Old Testament five as Leviathan and one as mourning or sadness however and this is a little bit interesting in some 104 that next one on the list we see that it's a real animal that God created this is not just mythical or the writers of Scripture trying to describe something they've seen in this spirit this is actually a real animal now whether dinosaur-like or not we are simply not sure but God talks about creating this beasts job 24 is perhaps the most in-depth conversation where a whole chapter is devoted to describing it when we will be in that chapter this morning but it is seen in that scripture as a symbol of demonic par okay so perhaps the most notable that we would associate with Leviathan if I ask most of you tell me the first thing you know about Leviathan you may well quote job 41 verse 34 let anybody know what that is or maybe you might not quote that scripture at me okay anybody know where those creatures Leviathan is king over all that our pride or the older versions talk about Leviathan being king of the children of pride there is on the screen so whenever you find pride you find the spirit of Leviathan and it is used in the Bible to represent God's pride enemies and any partnership with it puts you against God because pride will always bring destruction pride will build and destruction in your family your marriage is your relationships your churches it will cause hurt and pain it pride makes you build walls and makes people unwilling to walk towards reconciliation restitution so we know from the New Testament God's common on Pride and James 4 verse 6 that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble now the translation said God resists the pride so any partnership with Leviathan and pride you will be resisted by God one of the few things God says that he proactively resists so this is not a partnership that any of us want so high does Leviathan work it predominantly works through the mice and these set of scriptures in job 41 will show this it is empowered through I'll go for the one at time is in power through lies accusation criticism fault finding and slander and if you're impart nur ship with it you will speak condemnation and judgment it loves you to be negative about somebody else and if I was to say has anybody just never spoken a negative word nobody would be able to raise their hands if you did I would deliver you of a lying spirit so Joe 41 the first one can you pull in the Leviathan with a fish fish hook or tie dine his tongue with a rope now in other words it is an untamable tongue that the Leviathan has and those who partner with it have an untamable tongue and you cannot easily stop their lies you cannot easily stop their gossip you cannot easily stop their negativity and we all know that once you have started to speak negatively about something it is virtually impossible to turn yourself around to start to pour blessing over isn't it we know once you're doing there that turnaround moment is a challenging thing to find Joe 41 verse 3 will he speak to you with gentle words the answer is no this is a harsh spirit that loves harsh angry words and so if I asked you honestly I'm not asking for a show of hands did when did you last speak critically or without gentleness a bite somebody most of us would probably score this week ok Jobe 4114 who dares open the doors of his mice ring to bite it with his fearsome teeth and so we know from that that it is being like being caught by somebody who's speaking negatively is like being caught in the jaws or that are sore and have teeth in them yes you know that and so has anybody been caught in the teeth of a verbally spiteful attacking person yes I think we all have and you know that when somebody speaks negatively it is incredibly painful when that is release job 41 verse 8 if you lay a hand in him you will remember the struggle and never do it again and that scripture is really saying just you know what Leviathan leaves a mark verbal attack leaves a mark and many of us tragically know that very painfully job 41 verse 19 to 21 firebrand streamed from his mice sparks of fire should it-- smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot of fire over reads his breath sets coals ablaze and flames dart from his mice and so what we are learning from that is that this is the lead demonic strong man that will oversee all broken communication we already know that it's a crooked serpent we already know therefore that it's devious and sly and cunning but then it will twist what you say it will Bend and distort and blow things out of proportion and as I travel all around the world and we stand in different churches I would love to tell you I don't see this spirit I see this spirit and I tell you the place I see it most commonly is in a thin strip between the clergy and the congregation like a haze it sets itself up so the whatever is communicated between leadership and church just never seems to gain traction or what the church want to share with their leader always seems misunderstood I have dealt with it a myriad of times in churches as we have travelled so that's not saying that anybody is partnering with it is just saying it likes to flow around relationships contorting whatever you are trying to communicate so it says smoke blows from its nostrils and it means that it there is cloudy communication issues when it is breathing that means phone lines emails as well as conversations and you and I probably all have a myriad of stories where you think how did what I say get picked up like that and why did that seem so I thought it was been really click cleared it up did I not do a good job there and yet actually you could have been doing an outstanding communication job but actually you were battling with this smoke that poured from the Australis of Leviathan so if your relational communication both in your marriage or your friendship groups or even your work environment is a mess then Leviathan is likely to be at work but happy days no longer I just felt such an anointing from God to go after this this morning and to make sure that we are a people who can speak with traction wherever we are in our homes in our ministry in our businesses in our school environment because we have got to bring an end to the days of the misunderstanding of people of faith it's like the world is set to deliberately misunderstand even though you're saying something kind and loving and supportive and gentle like because it comes from your mouth it's like it's all it's got a smoke demonic smoke all over it just even as you start to speak so it's an arrogant and independent spirit job 41 verse 4 says will he make an agreement with you and the answer is no it doesn't like covenant and that is why when it's in marriages a marriage is really struggle it doesn't like covenant it doesn't like partnership and it tends to be arrogantly self-sufficient it says things like I know it oh I know how to do this button than anybody else does and I'm gonna do this because if I do it it will be done right so it's not great in the sphere of delegation it says I don't need anyone it keeps people from seeking help it wants you to stand alone and it loves you to be isolated and if you have ever said I don't care what you think you will probably have partnered with this spirit in that kind of independent way and you and I know that we are supposed to be interdependent that God has given a great need for one another and God has never intended us to ever do anything by ourselves and was anybody not and at the evening session of our conference last weekend the Saturday night a few of you okay let me just repeat bishop bill Hammond our Bishop in the States how does do the most remarkable offering I have ever seen and he trained us not just to give as individuals but to give in partnership and it was if we were celebrating the 50th organization of Christian international obviously this is a Christian International Church and he wanted people to get together in the room who would add their money too together to give $50,000 per group and so he said who wants to give 10 grand and five people round to the front and foamed formed a cohort to give 50 thousand who wants to give five thousand in this ministry gave ice ice no David and I joined the group that were giving five thousand dollars who wants to give a thousand who wants to give two thousand five hundred right there waiter and there was no judgment over what some you brought there was just this sense of this group together are going to give and it's going to be the total and we're going to benefit collectively from that sum of money given I've never seen and it took us it took us 20 minutes half an hour there was a thousand two hundred of us in the room it took to get into these cohorts of giving grips and I actually believe that there is such a model that our Bishop is setting for us that it is not just that we need each other you know when I needed meal cooked or I need a friend or I need some prayer but actually well you know what let's give together and our collective you given a mine I'll match you in their might and we're gonna believe for your breakthrough or for my brakes or for break that there is an anointing even on corporate giving in this our it is a phenomenal thing so I think God is saying to us this morning you know how much are you really and relying on others and a lot of that is our pride that we don't want to say you know what right now I need help right now I need help and how much do we fix things ourselves alone and when did we actually last say to know what I really need you to stand with me when we were that that lacking in I really need you to stand with me I had a really stressful week I just need you to come and give me a hug this morning I don't need you to even say very much but I just need to acknowledge that it's been tough and I just need your embrace or do we just say you know what I'll just I just pretend it's all okay and I'm just gonna get through on my own and when somebody says are you okay I'm just gonna say what my 11 year old says fine fine fine fine fine fine fine how was school find if I was fine fine okay maybe that's just eleven-year-old boys but um no it's not oh oh it's so fresh you learn today okay five that is we wore against this there it's it's very easy for us to go kiamashi a monastic I'm killing you in the name of Jesus but actually the warfare is as much a choice to be vulnerable that humility position of warfare if we don't want this I think are the same just look deal with it in your own lives but actually own it so own this revelation that when you start to release not just lion bites which are the individual words but when you start to release lion roars and we are collect and I'm training you how to prophesy to nations there's no hindrance to that this is national transformation stuff okay next job 41:24 laveyan set site to harden your heart says his chest or his heart depending on the translation is as hard as a rock as hard as a lower millstone that's the heavier of the mill stones and so I don't really want to show of hands God is my heart heart but actually if you were to do a Holy Spirit MRI scan of your heart it would be surprising if there wasn't a little bit of it that was a little bit hard and a little bit cynical or judgmental or sarcastic you you you know this stuff I don't need to labor that it is stiff-necked job 4122 strength resides in his neck dismay goes before him and that means that he's stubborn and obstinate and if we're honest most of us are and sometimes we dress up as you know I'm just really determined and I've just got this persistent grace on my life but I think we do need to tell the differences you know we do need to tell the difference between determination and demonic stubbornness that does not yield okay Leviathan hates to be in the place of servanthood job 41 five okay we got it can you make a pet of him like a bird or put him on a leash for your girls a little bit of an altar pet but I don't know what Joe was thinking about there but God is asking here will it serve is it tameable is it a well-trained pet and of course the answer then is no and the violin says this everybody else ought to serve me don't ask me to serve you you make a space for me I'm not going to make one for you give me a platform give me room and pride doesn't want to serve and we see it in our children don't we from a very early age and we say no you have to load the dishwasher and we train them don't we that actually there is a rightness in serving it only works to serve itself and asks itself well what am I going to get out of this situation and if we ever just want to to do the the sexy things to be seen by people rather than the backroom things so that people can witness how great we are then you will be resisted by God it wasn't this a habit preach you're all clapping and cheering along with me who pride networks together and this I think is perhaps one of the saddest of the verses this is Jo 41 15 to 17 may not have that his back has rows of shields tightly sealed together I think one translation talks about scales actually so it's scaled animal and so then they're so close together this is scripture that no air can pass between they are joined fast to one another they cling together and cannot be parted which is a quite a description of a scaled-back and the tightness of the scaled-back and what you find from that is that people who are in partnership with this spirit and some businesses are going to partnership with this spirit in their totality is that they group together and they cannot see reason and they cannot be parted and when it says in that scripture not even error can separate them the word for that as you know is Ruach which is breath which is also the word for spirit which means there's no spirit of God in this sort of collective partnership I have to say that I do think that charismatic churches have been really and weak in dealing with this and that actually as much as we thought that denominational churches were pride in their traditions I think charismatic churches are no different in joining together in pride in their in their suppose it freedoms and then partnering with this and you know that when you see this in a group they are people become shot down to the power of God and a group of pride people can do epic damage I don't know whether you ever met that in a business I certainly worked in a business where this was and you just there was no reason to be had in relating to this particular business and we know from proverbs 13 that pride breeds quarrels and proverbs 28 that an arrogant man stirs up strife but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper so if Leviathan is floating around your life and trying to shadow and blow his smoke around you what will be what will your life look like well your prayer life will be really hard and this is from job 41 verse 3 Willy keep begging you for mercy or will he make many supplications to you so that's saying look if you catch the violin is it gonna beg for mercy and that point there is referring to prayer that when the violin is a rind is gonna be very difficult to yield and make supplications to God and so we know that the violin is a spirit of Prayer lessness it will shut down your prayer life it will shut down your family's prayer life it will shut down your ability to press into the Word of God it will shut down your ability to move forward in this spirit you will not find it easy to come into the presence of God and it will limit your zeal for who God is and if you struggle in inconsistency in your prayer life it is worth saying God have I got a blind spot somewhere a my pride somewhere have I let Leviathan in now for some of you who are saying no I don't think the partnership is that severe but it is a model to pray some of you may have Leviathan just one step removed snorting from somewhere right there and you can feel that struggle in intercession and prayer and passion for Jesus just starting that is not because you have failed let's be very clear about that that's just because you're under attack okay but we're going to deal with that this morning you will never enter your destiny and this is more in terms of full partnership with it just so we know the fullness of what this demonic strongholds seeks to do in the nations because of course Lucifer as he was back then lead worshipper of of gods walked among the sacred stones and the stones of fire as we read in Ezekiel he partners with Leviathan becomes pride and of course we see the ultimate in God resisting somebody's partnership with Leviathan so if you think Oh have I partner to have a not partner to have a partner it was it is it just an attack one step removed or have I actually hold in the hands of this thing let me ask you these questions if you are in partnership with it your idea of sympathy would be everybody needs to sympathize with me rather than I sympathize somebody else my idea of suffering is not that I see suffering and move towards it but that actually everybody should come and suffer when I'm in pain with me my idea of the sinner is the man for whom I have a great dislike hate sometimes my idea of a sinner is the man for whom I have a great dislike my idea of a meek man is the man who yields to me my idea of a contentious man is the man who always will take issue with me my idea of a wise man is the man who will listen to me my idea of unity is everyone will agree with me my idea of a good sermon is one that hits and fits everybody but me my idea of cooperation is everyone should work with me so to partner with Leviathan top tips if you're wanting to partner with Leviathan this is what you should do use the word I as often as possible always be easily offended be jealous and envious think about yourself as much as you possibly can talk only about yourself to everybody trust no one always remember a criticism write them down store them up read them back to yourself so you can be offended always expect to be appreciated be suspicious determine yourself to find the faults in everybody else get out of serving at all costs if you possibly can do as little for everybody else never forget that rare moment where you turned up and served Sulc if people aren't grateful to you insist on consideration and respect demand agreement on all your views always look good and be selfish at all times so it's the parent we do when we talk to bite Ephesians find some of whom we taught through thee for your rest let's not against flesh and blood but against principalities powers and rulers and spiritual wickedness and we went through and they've done a couple of times before what those four levels actually mean it's the top level of AIA --then is a principality it sits in the top level but the next level dine it's children would be things like religion and you can see why religion would be in partnership with it because religion thinks it's the defender of truth it attacks the new doesn't like change and Leviathan and its minion religion hate revival they hate Reformation and they hate the refreshing presence of God so if you and I in this building are in contention to see the nation revived and revival is on our heart and we want Awakening and we want Reformation we've got to deal with Leviathan and religion head-on and not be scared to say actually we are taking you right we are breaking partnership with you and you are not slowing down the move of God in the nation and I have to tell you I think this spirit in Scotland thinks it cannot be cast out and it is so grinded and rooted it's going to resist II D our deliverance of the nation it's thinks that Scotland is his and we have to grab hold of a moment and crush our pride and recapture our joy because remember I told you it's like depression and sadness or mourning and that you know from the days I used to work in pharmaceuticals that we sold more antidepressants in this nation particularly in Lannister the Mars were selling Mars bars and then actually we cannot say that this nation is a nation full of joy that actually the assignment Leviathan has sat on the psyche of the people so that we get internationally the name Durer as a race the vison is a serpent spirit' these are the last three scriptures and then we're going to go to war look 10 verse 19 I have given you the authority to trample on snakes what did I say it was a serpent spirit' and scorpions and to overcome all the part of the enemy and nothing will harm you or some 74 14 it was you God who crushed the heads of Leviathan and gave him as food to the creatures of the desert can I tell you that to the International prophets Dutch sheets and Pierce are on Leviathan again I blast preached about Leviathan maybe it was 2013 I would have thought at this school of overcoming the ice but actually these two international prophets are saying this is the year for killing Leviathan and Nations and using his skin as a as a shelter for your houses as this scripture goes on to say and as food no would I like to eat Leviathan probably not but the point of it is here that there is a victory that ultimately cuts this thing up so it can even reform to rise again Isaiah 27 verse 1 in that day the Lord will punish with his sword his fierce great and powerful sword oh he loved the thought of God's sword and the size it must be he will punish Leviathan the gliding serpent Leviathan the coiling serpent he will slay the monster of this sea and what we know is because this it tends to live in waterways spiritually and you'll find it in nations that are a lot of coastal regions a lot of waterways Sarah Jane and I when we're the Commonwealth Games here for whatever they were surgeon and I felt like we woke I woke up one morning we need to kill the vison on the phone to Sarah Jane certainly need to kill Leviathan is I in the Atlantic Ocean we need to stop it swimming up the Clyde to deal with to and bar it from affecting the Commonwealth Games and putting nation against nation and so and we went dying to with and I was looking after loads it there were loads of children at that point oh you were there you were there yes loads of children they had all the McVeigh children of mine and those of us and Sarah Jane and I and this myriad of children right children were going to kill the Vice in so and we the children can do children can do this so of course there's a ship called Leviathan in the was the Transport Museum in the Transport Museum so we weren't going to do some research on that we got all our anointing oil and we got unto the boat that crossed the river and I said ascertain flirt with the boatman distract him and I'm going to pour just anointing oil distract him and the children and I are going to pour oil I across the water and we're going to say Leviathan you cannot come up the Clyde and the children were so amazing we got to the other side we done the oil we're praying and I remember it was like they just saw in this spirit and one of them says I just see I just see these gates go up under the water and it can't swim up and in effect the Commonwealth Games was at you I could was that you was that you okay and these and these children are just are just going for it and then we got the boat back and and the boat my must have thought what on earth at least weird got up to so when these creatures are there if our children can do it we can do it and say actually we're not having this anymore in our lives and nothing is greater than the power of God and when we're filled with his power and authority we can break this thing's par so I want you to stand to your feet any questions before we start to repent because we're going to repent and then we're going to speak the opposite no that's not a light-hearted you'll get the Christmas carols in a couple of weeks and that Lobby mulled wine a mince pies okay any questions any thoughts code you say to you do you think Scotland is a pride nation you think we're cards yeah cards yeah so sad cards yeseo waa RDS Oh cards say the same words at the same words and eyes were queer coffee it's a communication battle yeah you know we're we're queer card dawn yeah not we're cards we're cards yes okay do you think England is the pride nation do you think Scotland secretly pride I do you know I heard God say about brexit and a good number of days ago and I I heard him say to me Emma you prayed over the years for the destruction of Leviathan and I am on it and I will give the UK and a shockingly awful deal in brexit to Humble the nation and the Lord says do not worry when you see that happen I'm gonna publicize this way to do not see do not worry when you see that happen because the lorises that will mean it's the end of the days of me resisting the nation and I will be able to come in with revivals and Awakening on the back of the bad deal for the UK that's what I heard God say to me okay well I'm gonna get us to repent just so if we have got any of it I don't anybody brave enough to say I might have got a little bit of partnership a few of you gone who anybody you feel like it's really been pressing at my door I feel it like one step removed I go go for it yeah get it-- crazy I'm just gonna grab grab my phone because somebody sent me a text about it and if I can find it [Music] obviously I said that Dutch sheets and international bras one of the prophets in the North East of England a guy called Joe you and some of you know him he texted to say he woke up this is this week he woke up in a boat in his in his vision and someone told him to get rid of the crocodile on the deck but it was a massive crocodile but it was looking beaten and weak so the sense of it's been something we've been attacking and its teeth were starting to break but when we approached it or the Joe approached it it tried to escape and scold off back into the water and they believe the crocodile to be Leviathan so actually I think you're not the only prophet who's had a dream this week about Leviathan coming on board and Joe used to be a fisherman before he ran the church that he runs up north okay any other comments before we start to repent yes rose yes we didn't manage we're going to okay we're going to pan for a list of things let me tell you what they are so that you can pride when we thought too highly of ourselves broken relationships where any disunity actually is is our fault independent hard-heartedness stubborn an obstinate lack of serving and critical and negative talk so we're going to close our eyes and we're just going to go down that list okay and and then we're going to speak speak the opposite so let's just close our eyes together and if you can repeat after me that would be great father God in the name of Jesus we repent for each and every time knowingly and unknowingly that we have partnered with the spirit of Leviathan father we're sorry for thinking too highly of ourselves we're sorry for our pride filled moments father we're sorry for our broken relationships and any part that we played in them father we're sorry for our independent spirits and hard-heartedness to other people father we're sorry for every moment we've been wrongly stubborn and obstinate father we're sorry we're we didn't serve and we're the words of our mouth were critical father forgive our negative talk father we ask for mercy in our sin and we receive your forgiveness father grab us by the hand and lead us in your paths that we might be christ-like in all that we do in Jesus name Amen so let me just speak to it and before we start to pray the opposite in the name of Jesus where Leviathan is in anybody in this room I bind it where it's under our skin and where there is a definite partnership as the Word of God says we bind the strongman so I bind that strongman I'm mute it and silence it in the mighty name of Jesus and we call it up and write quietly and cleanly on your breath and we say you do no more harm Leviathan in the mighty name of Jesus and so you guys know the drill this is spirit therefore it comes out on the breath and so some of you will need to take a big deep breath and just right it comes quietly and cleanly on the breath we don't rely for any Hollywood histrionics with a demonic at all it just comes out on the breath and it separates itself from you right now in the name of Jesus because Jesus is a demon tormentor and the use of his name and in his name and in his par it vacates and exits because of Jesus victory now if any of you feel whoo that's a little bit stuck just take another couple of big deep breaths I know it all comes on the breath and Leviathan leaves us right nine so we just speak to Leviathan in this ministry where it has distorted communication or relationships and we bind you in this building some of you just may want to just lay hands on walls we bind you in this building and we say you exit this place right now in the mighty name of Jesus and we say there will be no disunity and there will be no relational loss and there will be no garbled communication and we just kick you out of these premises in the mighty name of Jesus and we welcome that family anointing that Christian International has and we receive in place of Leviathan the family ties that bind us together in Jesus mighty name and quickly grab yourself into payors pray with somebody you don't normally pray with that share anointings just grab somebody you do not normally pray with okay switch yourselves up there's folk over there in it go in happily interrupt and just lay hands on somebody hey Emma nananana she ki yeah and just in Paris yeah hell the mind everybody got somebody if there's three at Nikki and oh yeah Nikki Cindy or yeah mix yourselves up yes Lindsay do you want to go with Nikki and there we go okay are we all in pairs all right and we are just going to speak the opposite because when you clear are you gonna speak the opposite and fill it and so we're gonna speak life it just says on the screen I speak life into your communication I speak life into your prayer life I speak life into your serving your relationships your heart because remember shuts the heart dine and some of you just need to linger where you feel they particularly need a release I speak life into your speaking so when you speak life into your destiny and life into your unities some up there but I so go for it in the name of Jesus just bless each other so as you finish that let's just stand it hold hands with one another and I'm just going to pray that corporately as you as you come to the end of that prayer keep going if you've not finished and so in the name of Jesus we speak life into our communication collectively that that life would come in house in our relationships but that life would go outward as we communicate to a world that needs the house of the prophets established I speak life into our collective prayer life that we would be a praying people once again that there would be rising up in the midst of this company a passion for Jesus that is untamable undiluted and on personalizable that father there would be even a fire of passion that would rise again in the people we speak life into the collective serving that this will be a house who knows what it is to wash the feet of one another father and both naturally father and metaphorically father we speak life into relationships for every brother for every sister for every aunt for every uncle for every cousin wherever there is damage father we just loose your spirit to go forward from this place that there would be a restoration that there would be an overturning of any damages the enemy has done that there would be life that there would be life that there would be life in every relationship that we have father we speak life into every heart associated with this ministry that there would be a healing deep within that there would be an aliveness that there would be no more coldness or fear or worry hidden in hearts and I speak a fullness of abundant life John 10:10 life into your hearts right now I speak life into your speak that your words would go forward that they would not fall to the grind but that they would be like the prophet Samuel words who when I and he did not lose one of them that your words would be like your saviors words that don't return void but go out and start accomplishing that which needs to be accomplished no matter where you find yourself I speak life back to your destiny where you feel you are off track or that you have wasted years or that you don't know what to do next we speak life into your future and life into your destiny and I speak life into our unity and in the name of Jesus we stack we and declare over this house that this will be a heist of the profits for the nations in Jesus think if somebody a big hug and say I'm glad you're here amen
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 14,667
Rating: 4.8345866 out of 5
Keywords: prophecy, prophetic, Christian, Jesus Christ, church, warfare, Leviathan
Id: N0qEjPvjoE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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