Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb // Shiloh Fellowship // Patricia King

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well the title of my message this morning is pledge allegiance to the lamb and i'm going to give you um you know a couple of backdrops on how how this started forming in me in this last last week first of all um i have felt by the spirit that in this next season the greatest entity demonic entity that we are going to be challenged by is the spirit of antichrist and i did a whole session on that and we overcome but we need to be aware that there is a spirit that is going to resist all that jesus is all that he represents and all that he is in us and so we're going to rise up stronger in this hour because of resistance any one of you that you know goes to the gym you know that resistance is what builds your muscles and i can attest to the fact that without exercise your muscles are not built okay so um we are looking forward to resistance training in the spirit but also um i had been made aware that at uh the uh democratic convention in a couple of the caucuses when they were decreeing the pledge of allegiance that they removed out of it the under god they just removed god out of it and it it it grieved me i thought this is more than just you know a few people choosing to remove it there is a spiritual entity at work that is trying to remove god out of our nation and we will not let that happen we are not we are just that is just not going to happen the creator of all the universe is is bigger than anyone's ability to take under god out of out of the pledge of allegiance but i don't know if you know but um the pledge of allegiance was actually written in august of 1892 by a socialist minister uh francis bolami and it didn't have in the in the original it didn't have under god in it it was written not with under god it was actually eisenhower in 1954 during the cold war when america was resisting communism interesting when america was resisting communism eisenhower had officially put in the pledge of allegiance under god so that's why we read it now i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all and the cold war i mean a lot of you might have been around during that time i remember the uh tensions of that time the fear that was in the air at that time but i believe the reason why we got through it without a big nuclear war taking place which could have happened was because of statements such as this where national leaders would say no we're going to put god in our allegiance we're going to make sure that that that he is named that his position is in place and that's what brings peace to to um to our nation so i was i was really concerned when i heard that that that was happening and of course we know what's been happening at sports games and stuff there is a spirit of antichrist that is challenging our allegiance to the lord not just to the nation but to the lord who who owns this nation all the earth is the lord's all of the usa is the lord's and the fullness thereof all it contains and all that dwell therein so we have to always remain loyal and faithful which is what allegiance means and and and stand on the statement that this nation is under god and be immovable in it so that was something that stirred me today and then also i was reminded of ray boltz's song the pledge of allegiance that he wrote in 1994 so it's a while ago but most of you probably know that song pledge allegiance to the lamb i love that song i've always loved it as a new believer i loved it i just um you know it it just struck something in me it it made me identify who i was and when i heard that song i was only by that time probably 20 years old in the lord and it was just like wow this is this is for me this is who i am this is my statement and so i was reviewing the song um knowing that unfortunately ray boltz who actually wrote that song after 30 years of marriage and struggling he was struggling with homosexual identification and fighting it for 30 years and kind of threw in the towel at 30 years with his struggle and left his wife and his four children he now goes to a a gay church i understand and has a partner still has relationship with his family but he gave in to to the struggle and i'm not minimizing the struggle at all i mean it would be a horrible battle and i think many many people battle many things it could be you know right right now we've got um on the table politically we've got uh people who are fighting for pedophilia to be legalized for bestiality to be legalized for polygamy to be legalized i mean there's all kinds of things because they have internal struggles that they're emotionally connected to that they feel well if if only i could have license everything would be okay and so i i i was grieved when i i thought okay he wrote pledge allegiance to the lamb and then lost his belly and i'm praying for him like crazy because i really believe that god's going to bring him around i had such a burden for him this week and others who are fighting too we have to have compassion and lots of love as well as truth right now but these are the things that that were stirring in me and i thought we are coming into a day where it is not going to be easy peasy christianity anymore we're going to have to pay a price for our faith we're going to have to make statements like i believe in jesus and the whole gospel and every word that he wrote every word that the lord speaks i believe it and i will not be compromised and i will not just you know overlook things because it's you know the majority of people uh feel that way i'm going to stand on the truth and i really believe that we're we're in for a battle and many prophets have been prophesying a civil war within the church in a civil war within the nation now i'm not saying that that's going to be an outnut war with guns and everything although you know we're americans so maybe but um but it's definitely going to be a war in the spirit and we're already feeling it there's resistance and you know doing like things that are very radical like making statements that well god can be anyone that you want him to be it's not you know just jesus is kind of narrow-minded and you know it can't just be one we've got christian ministries that are taking these stands right now a universalist approach and philosophy um we've got people who are believing that moral plumb lines aren't valid in this day that we just love everybody except everyone except everyone's beliefs accept everyone's um moral decisions and it's just come into anarchy it's just in a in a horrible mess so we're already actually in the war we have two police officers fighting for their life right now because of this kind of battle pastor francisco was saying that in portland there was a man was it that um was just walking on the street and someone asked him if he was a republican and when he said yes they attacked him shot him and killed him oh and and killed him okay so i mean this is very um like overnightish right like this is just we're in a new day it's not it's not how it was and it won't be this is a new day and so we have to understand the times that we're living in and position ourselves for it and give god the glory and i was reminded you know as i was uh preparing for this morning's message i was reminded of my own salvation experience and prior to my salvation experience i was a basket case but i was involved in so many things like the new age the the oak hold and in mindsets that were so anti-biblical but i didn't know it i didn't know it and when you are a sinner you don't know that you're a sinner you just you know you just are believing what you believe and that's why we have to love we have to love people who are in sin because they don't know it like before i was saved i believed that abortion was a kind act i thought it made sense to me and so i became an advocate for it until the lord changed my heart until he made me understand and so we the church have to be very loving we can't just go criticize and judge and lamb-based uh people for what they're believing if they're in deception we need to speak the truth in love and really pray for them and i think of of of saul saul um thought he was doing god a service he was a leader in his day and he thought god god was was worthy of having this this false cult and everyone in it killed because he honestly believed that's what christians were so he was having them killed he was having them arrested he was coming against the faith but the church prayed for him and nowhere in the bible does it say the church condemned him it says the church prayed for him and when they prayed for him god got through knocked him off his high horse took him up into heavenly encounters and he became the greatest apostle as far as his input into the new testament church the greatest apostle in in history that we can see okay so that was as a result of the church praying and that's where we have to have a heart right now for anyone that's opposing the gospel we cannot get into the devil's war we're in a war but we can't get into the devil's war we have to have love as our weapon and truth of course so i was reminded of my testimony and when i came to the lord the night that i came to the lord i actually had first of all a vision i was unconscious i was on my deathbed and the devil came to me first in a vision and he looked so beautiful and handsome and his voice was velvety and somehow i knew he was the devil i don't know why because he didn't look like a devil he looked like a real handsome kind person and he said if you give me the child that's in your womb because i was expecting my my second son if you give him to me if you dedicate him to me i'll work out all your problems i'll work out everything for you everything will be fine and he faded out of the vision i heard him audibly in inner audibly he faded out of the vision and then jesus came in very faint very faint i didn't see him clear like i saw the devil it was just this knowing that he was there and i felt his arms were stretched out towards me and i didn't hear him audibly but in this in my thoughts i heard him say come to me and you know what there was no contest between the two of them there's no contest i just said in my heart i couldn't talk because i was unconscious but i remember this very clearly i remember saying jesus if you're for real if you give my child life and i you've got my life i'll give you my whole life and i meant it now right after that i came out of convulsions they took us into the the operating room removed my son by cesarean and i saw this glow around him after he was born a light all the way around him and i knew that jesus had delivered us and i i had faith even though i hadn't heard the whole gospel yet but i had faith and i knew that i had pledged an allegiance to this one who saved our life even though i didn't know the bible i didn't know his ways i was still pretty messed up and didn't know the truth i had no one to share the whole truth with me but in my heart i knew that i'd made a promise to god that i was going to keep it was a covenant that i'd made that i was going to keep because he gave me life i made that commitment so at the time i thought like um god was probably into the new age and the old cult because it was spiritual so i thought i'll just do more of that you know because i gave god my word so i was in the hospital you know practicing my new age stuff wanting to be faithful to this commitment i made to god and a christian nurse came in that i'd worked with previously and she swore at me and said you know you're going you know you're just working for the devil and you know this is you know the devil's stuff i mean she just let me have it and i remember thinking she doesn't know how important this is that i serve god i gave him my word but you know she could have actually shared the whole gospel with me led me into a born-again encounter she could have done it right there but instead she just saw my confusion and my deception and she came at my core with that and condemned me instead of save me and let me tell you something you cannot condemn if you can't save so um anyways i remember just thinking well i guess she doesn't understand and i went six months before i actually heard someone share the born-again experience with me and when i remember that night just crying out before the lord i was so messed up my life was such a mess and i said jesus if you come into my heart because i didn't know about him actually coming inside your life like that i said if you come into my heart and forgive me my sin you know i just want that and i didn't know if he would or not because i didn't know if i'd transgressed too much or whatever and he didn't hesitate he came and i felt like liquid love came in and all the guilt the shame the the self-condemnation everything it just it just dissolved in a moment and i remember knowing that that commitment that i made in the hospital was about this and this god and this person and i've i've never turned away that was you know over 45 years now 45 years and i've and i've i've always stood strong in the lord but i think it was because of a pledge it was a commitment and today we see that pledges and commitments aren't worth very much and we need to get back to knowing if i make a commitment if i make a covenant if i give my promise if i give my word then i need to keep it and if i make a mistake and and i and i don't i need to make it right i need to to reconcile that and but we're we're living in in a society that if we don't like something we'll break a contract we'll break marriage covenant we'll break whatever because we don't understand the importance of pledging an allegiance and especially to the lamb the one who is worthy and so we are going to be challenged in this day there's going to be challenges for your faith and what i want to invite you to do right now is pledge your allegiance to him because when you do it'll keep you when you're you know when you're in a hard situation when you're being challenged when you're being tempted you'll be able to say no i made my i know who who i made my allegiance to and i'm not changing it is a covenant of love that i have with him it's a covenant of honor it's a covenant of faith that i will not back down from and i believe that there's an anointing here today to establish that level of commitment in our heart that we will not turn away that we will not go a different way now in matthew 10 32 to 39 let's look at some word i'm going to read this out of the passion translation if you openly and publicly acknowledge me that's jesus speaking i will freely and openly acknowledge you before my heavenly father but if you publicly deny that you know me i will also deny you before my heavenly father now you might be thinking i could never deny the lord but you see we haven't been put in that position yet perhaps you think i've come to spread peace and calm over the earth but my coming will bring conflict and division not peace because of me a son will turn against his father a daughter her mother and against her mother-in-law within your own families you will find enemies whoever loves father or mother or son or daughter more than me is not fit to be my disciple and whoever comes to me must follow in my steps and be willing to share my cross and experience it as his own or he cannot be considered to be my disciple all who seek to live apart from me will lose at all but those who let go of their lives for my sake and surrender it all to me will discover true life and that's what god wants for us in this season is to give our all to him and we say this all the time but we need to let it you know become flesh and really burn within us that god plus nothing equals everything that we need if we lost absolutely everything you know we've lost nothing because we still have god you know people are saying well you know what if a crash comes what if an economic crash what if we lose our houses well we've lost nothing are you kidding we have jesus and we have eternal hope and eternal future and we've got to start really anchoring ourselves in in that hope because we don't know what's ahead totally but we know one thing for sure jesus will be glorified for all eternity and we will be in him and we are on his side and he will always look after us and he will always be there for us we have lived in great affluence as a family but we've also faced really deep poverty and i like the affluence better but i will tell you something that when we were fighting a poverty spirit and don't ever accept it you fight it if it tries to attack you you fight it but in that place jesus glory was so strong his love was so strong there was never a day that we went to bed when we weren't in peace because he is so good and he looks after everything and moment by moment you go through these tests at those times in your life where you say jesus you're all that matters and you're brought back to it because you see all the different challenges before you and then you say but jesus you're all that matters and it's so beautiful to be in that place where jesus is all that matters god plus nothing is everything that we need so when we look at jesus living a life of pledging allegiance our hearts can soar because he was amazing first of all he pledged allegiance to his father his heavenly father to fulfill the father's will and in gethsemane he he was crying out he was in agony he had so much spiritual pressure on him and at any time he could have thrown in the towel and said you know what i'm gonna cancel out this assignment i'm just going to you know go back to heaven i'm going to you know i'm just going to forget this this is too hard but he never did but he did say it was hard and he even said as he was sweating drops of blood he said father if there's another way if there is another way but not my will but yours be done because he had pledged allegiance to his father and he knew his father's will and he was willing to do whatever it would take to fulfill that will because he made a commitment to the father but you know what he also made it secondly to us and when he was on that cross and he had gone through so much he had been beaten he had been scourged he had been slandered he had been denied he had been forsaken he had been ridiculed and he had a whole crowd out there in front of him the very in that very crowd where the people he had healed the people he had delivered the people he had set free the people he had forgiven and they were shouting crucify him crucify him and it says even his own disciples abandoned him his own disciples were not there for him but he was committed because he had pledged allegiance to you and to me and you were in that crowd two thousand years ago and he looked at you and he said this is for you i said father forgive them for they know not what they do he forgave all my sins because of his pledge of allegiance to me and to you he saw you in that crowd he saw you in that sea of humanity pushing against him and all of us were enmity against god before grace came and filled us all of us were it says all flesh is enmity against the spirit and he said father forgive them for they know not what they do and then he he gave his life he not only forgave us sometimes you can forgive and tolerate have you ever been in that place but he didn't he didn't forgive and tolerate he forgave and then laid his life down i got to be like that i've got to learn what that level of sacrifice means i've got to learn what that level of allegiance means not only to god but to humanity what does it mean to be like christ to bear to bear my own cross like him what does it mean to love with that level of love that no matter what you do no matter how bad you treat me no matter how bad you you defile me and slander me and no matter what you do that all that squeezes out of me is love because i i know what it means to pledge allegiance not only to the lamb but to you like i've got to be absolutely honest i wish i was there fully but i'm not in fact god reminds me constantly how far from it i am but it's my heart and it says in first corinthians 14 verse 1 that verse 1 that love is to be our greatest aim why because that's who god is that's who god is and that we need to be ready to lay our life down for the nation for for for each other and right now we're just in such a mess there is no allegiance there is no commitment there is no love or very little of it just bashing everybody everyone bashing each other we have just connected into the devil's fight and we just use every opportunity as christians and we feel validated by to judge each other and to judge this judge that hate this hate that and it's just a mess where is the love and jesus said that they will know that you are my disciples by the love that you have for one another now we have to learn what love looks like because there needs to be a lot of truth spoken in love right now uncompromised truth but i don't think that we can truly pledge allegiance if we aren't fully in love the reason why jesus could pledge a full allegiance to his father was because he was completely in love with his heavenly father the reason why he could pledge allegiance to you and i for all eternity is because he was smitten with love for us there's no other reason and i just got to be like him i've got to be like him conflict is going to challenge your allegiance but it will also strengthen it so don't push it away embrace it in matthew 10 34 to 39 jesus said never mind that's out of the nasb i just read it in the passion translation you can read it in other translations when you get home let's uh go on to first corinthians 1 18. i just want to look at a number of scriptures about the cross for the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power it is the dunamis of god the cross the place where allegiance is sealed the place where allegiance is tested the cross and it's foolishness to those who are perishing as foolish and it doesn't make any sense what die to myself died in my own pleasures died of my own soulish longings what that doesn't make any sense how can i be happy i'll tell you you don't know what happiness is until you engage and embrace the cross then you'll know true happiness it's on the other side of it is it painful when you're in the midst of a cross experience it is the flesh is it's hard on the flesh but on the other side of it is so beautiful in galatians 6 14 may but may it never be that i would boast except in the cross of our lord jesus christ through which the world has been crucified to me and i to the world so that's not talking about you know people is talking about the system the system and the spirits behind the world that entices people's affections and it takes them away from the lord a system that is contrary to the kingdom of god and paul's saying i'm boasting i don't boast in myself i boasted god because it is it is it is his cross it is his cross that has worked within me that i can push away the world and all of its lust easily because i know where my allegiance is and that's what he boasts in the power of that cross the power of that of that death to self the power of taking it up and don't let anyone tell you that the cross isn't significant for you today don't let anyone feed you that garbage the cross is central to our belief because before resurrection there has to be death and ultimately we know that we're new creations in jesus christ but those things have to be worked out with fear and trembling and you can't work anything out if it's not already in so we already know it's already there but in order to experience when the flesh manifests when worldly desires manifest that's where the cross saves us again and again and again saying no i pledge allegiance to the land i'm i'm just dead to that i'm dead to that i i just reckon it all dead because i'm not living in that that's not who i am philippians 3 18 to 20 for many of whom i often told you and now tell you even weeping that they are enemies of the cross of christ whose end is destruction whose god is their appetite and whose glory is their shame who set their mind on earthly things for our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for a savior the lord jesus christ this is paul the apostle of grace speaking to believers and he's saying that there were those he's weeping for him he has compassion for love for them because they're choosing the wrong way i'm in a situation right now where i'm just weeping over a situation because someone's change turning the wrong way and you keep calling them back and they just choose the other way and and it's just like god you know they've got to come through you know it's the intercession that is needed to see that uh freedom galatians 2 20 i have been crucified with christ and it is no longer i who live but christ lives in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by faith in the son of god who loved me and gave himself up for me oh what a beautiful scripture i remember years ago i was struggling i had um i had been founded and grounded in the grace of our lord jesus christ as a brand new believer so i i just loved it um grace never led me to desire sin it actually was like led me the opposite you know i just you know without effort you know you just resist sin because it's just not who you are so i was grounded in grace but when i went to a mission field the leaders in that particular field were bound by a legalistic spirit but i'd never i'd never been subjected to a legalistic spirit i didn't have a clue what it was um never knew what it was so i didn't know how to rightly divide it but within five and a half months of being in that mission field under a legalistic spirit where it's always pressure to conform outwardly change this and then you'll please god do this and you'll please god you need to look at your problems you've got this wrong with you and this wrong with you and this wrong with you but no matter how hard i tried to fix it it was never enough and it never will be because your flesh is still the flesh i mean it's just you know you fix the outside and it's still the outside and so it actually damaged me at that time it took me years to recover from that and i struggled i came back home my spiritual leaders discerned what had happened so they they helped me theologically to understand the right position to stand and that's very very important but um i you know i was i was pretty messed up and i was still continuing to minister but i was constantly dealing with self-condemnation and i remember coming back from portland oregon we're driving from portland up to canada and i'm in the backseat we just finished meetings and you know people had been blessed and everything but for some reason i just felt condemned congem condemned everything was wrong with me and and and i was trying to overcome and i just was in the backseat crying out to god and then all of a sudden the scripture comes to me i'm crucified with christ and i started laughing and crying i thought i'm dead i'm dead and you can't condemn a dead man i'm free i'm free i'm free from this condemnation i'm free i'm free from this self-judgment i'm free from the devil's lies i'm free i'm free and it was just like whoa nevertheless i live but not me but christ in me and i went back to my roots and i got delivered from the the fruit of legalism and religion and it's brutal and if you have been bound by that i i have compassion for you it is it is heart and i i speak freedom for you i speak deliverance for you in jesus name because you are so loved by god and you will never be able to live the god life unless you understand that beautiful work of the cross and that you are dead you were crucified with christ actually and so hallelujah you're free you're free to live the life of christ in you and if any part of you rises up with that old nature manifestation you just say no you're dead you're dead i'm not even going to try to fix you i just call you dead dead dead dead in galatians 5 24 now those who belong to christ jesus have crucified the flesh with its passion and desires galatians 6 14 may it never be that i would boast except in the cross of the lord jesus through which the world has been crucified to me acts 1 8 but you will receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses both in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and even to the remotest parts of the earth this is what i believe god is giving you right now and today in this service is he is giving us holy spirit boldness he's giving us holy spirit power to overcome he's giving us his holy spirit two thousand years ago he gave the church the holy spirit and holy spirit is with you now to overcome anything that you might be facing you have received power you have received power but it says that you shall be my witnesses and that word witness there is from a greek word martus which is what we get the word martyr from and one of the meanings of it is those who after his example have proved the strength and genuineness of their faith in christ by undergoing a violent death now most of us in this room probably are not going to die physically for our faith maybe some of us might if if we are i think it would be an amazing privilege um an amazing honor um i mean it's just beautiful and some people say you know i'm just scared stiff to be a martyr well then you're not one you know because if you're a martyr you love it you know but in that it's talking about again this dying to ourself and there's pressures in life that will come and especially opposition to your faith that will make you die to everything in you except your faith in jesus christ and that's what the holy spirit's power will do for you it'll make you so strong and so uncompromised that no matter what anyone says that you will speak the truth in love with so much love that no matter what they do no matter what they say say no i die to the ridicule i die to the embarrassment i die to the rejection i'm dead to it because i'm a living martyr but i will live for god because i pledge allegiance to him i have pledged allegiance to him now what i want to do as we're finishing here is i just believe that god wants to empower you afresh to set you apart as those who pledge allegiance to him but also for those he loves which is the whole wide world it's all the church and all the world and that we would be willing to speak the truth in a perverse generation without compromise and without being afraid of what people can do to us that he means more to us than anything because there's a lot of change that's been happening you know back in the 60s and 70s and different nations around the world free nations what we have called ourselves at the time christian nations we had bible reading removed from the schools prayer removed from the schools then things got politically incorrect to say as one pressure after another pressure after another pressure so that we are taught to deny the lord jesus christ to deny his truth and to deny his word and we're at a place right now where it's pretty big it's bigger than it's ever been in this nation the opposition to the truth bigger than it's ever been and we need to make a decision on who our allegiance is with i don't know about you but i'm going with the lamb who so loved the world that he laid his life down for everyone that all could be saved now that doesn't mean that all will be hopefully they will but everyone has a choice it's a possibility that all can come in i'm going for that one but they won't come into the kingdom without their will being aligned to him but we the church if we love well we can see a massive harvest i remember a number of years ago shirley uh seeger and i i think it was around the year 2000 around 2000 i think it was we were in vegas with cameras and it was when the whole subject of same-sex marriage was on the table and we were going around vegas with a camera going on saying hello we're from xp media we're just doing a documentary and we're wondering if you want to be a part of it what do you think about same-sex marriage okay so everyone this is in vegas which was termed by the world itself as sin sin city and proud of it everyone that we talked to almost every single person said that'll never happen no i'm not for that no that's that'll that's crazy that will never come through was only three years later that it did got established by law right and um i remember one situation that was so funny because we were just going wrong with hey can how can we interview and there's two guys doing a drug deal but we didn't realize that until after we were kind of right in the middle of it and i said to the one guy says what do you think you know like what do you think of same-sex marriage he said no man that'll never never happen and i said why why do you think it would never happen he says well because the bible says it's just bad it's just bad the bible says no he's in the midst of a drug deal but he's saying that same same sex marriage is a bad man because it's in the bible and then i asked the other guy and uh i said what do you think he said no man that'll never never happen i mean that's crazy man and i says why do you think it's crazy he says where the babies gonna come from man you know and so we we just kind of moved on from them and they continued with their drug deal but i'm just saying that that wasn't that long ago that was like 20 years ago and it was a whole different climate than it is now and now we're being told to be silent in the decade of the mouth we're being told to be silent we started out this year with masks it's time to know our allegiance i remember sitting in the restaurant with shirley at that time when we were getting ready to go to the streets and we both went into a vision it was like we were being put in jail for our beliefs because we had had illegally spoken against homosexuality as a sin spoke about as i said and we were put in jail and we both had we're sitting in a restaurant and we were both inside the encounter we thought the day's going to come when believers are going to pay a big price for the truth but if we don't pledge allegiance now when that day comes it would be easy to maybe oh well i'll just not bother saying anything right now we've got to be ready for whatever i remember coming out of that encounter and saying wow well that'll be really something i guess is a prison ministry coming up you see they can't keep us out of god's will they can't nobody can the devil can't keep us out of god's will and will some of us need to lay down our life for our faith yes you might actually lose your life for your faith but he's more worthy he is just more worthy and it's going to be wonderful whatever we get to do for him in this hour but i want to play this video unfortunately for those of you that are watching online we are not going to be able to play this for you because it's a gray area on youtube and we don't want to lose our ability to broadcast so we can't broadcast this live but you can go to youtube and find uh pledge allegiance um by ray boltz it's a it's a video um and and i think it'll really minister to you and again as we watch this let's keep him in intercession too and others like him who are struggling and suffering that they come into the truth but let's um let this song minister to us and i think i'm going to ask you to stand if you're able to and if that's comfortable for you to stand and at any point during this song if you feel the lord touch your heart that you want to you know just make a fresh firm commitment to him come up to the front come up to the altar and cry out to him and and take a stand and say here i am in this new season to pledge allegiance to you no matter what for the rest of my life you you are it without compromise so anytime that you feel that during the song just just take your liberty and come on forward to the front and and we'll just agree with you for a seal on that heart amen so father i just pray for everyone in the house and especially for those that are watching online that won't get to um uh be with us during the time that we uh minister during this song that uh you would bless each and every person with a fresh commitment to you and to those whom you love in jesus name amen
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 3,486
Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Id: QJTOr_cgwWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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