We got a Roadmap for Classic! | Pala alt leveling | Season of Discovery | | WoW Classic

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome it is a Friday and the Friday right before the holiday so I thought you know what got a bit of spare time let's do a bit of streaming this afternoon so wherever you are in the world hope you got something nice planned for this weekend a bit of time off whatever it may be and we can get started first of all snippy hello shaky it's prob you thing if any ever heard at Shan's P quite possibly then again people in the EU called druid's doooo which is just it's just wrong man like it's wrong cider how you doing B I guess you're looking for BS Moy hello and Michael as well so um before stream started today I was I was going out touching grass I know it's hard to believe and uh obviously been I've been leveling my dwarf a little bit off stream and uh as you can see he's got he's got a rather nice hat on there and I thought why don't I have a hat like that so I was at the check out of a shop and I saw a a hat and I thought you know what I'm going to try and get something that matches and I managed to find what is perhaps the smallest Santa hat you've ever seen like it but it just about fits on my head it only cost a quid to be fair but I I've gone for the I've gone for the matching look he's got the braids in I don't have quite enough I don't have enough room to do that but uh yeah we're trying out here let's bang the music on there we go that's better that a home bargain it was some like home Bargain shop I just saw this like trough of of Santa hats and I was like yeah I'm going to get one of them yeah I went with a look so uh yeah we got we got me we got the dwarf obviously I'm I'm taller than a dwarf right okay it's just the just the upper bit here okay no cope I don't have it yet yeah I'm I'm still working on it I've got a long way to go before I can match this a quid like a dollar yeah yeah exactly pretty much [Music] lot of plans unfortunately none of them involve well yeah I'm going to be away a few days as well so it's all good though which one's the character which is you yeah I'm working on it but um yeah I was playing this character a bit off stream I did want to get to level 20 to try out uh seal of command with seal of martydom uh we'll get on to that a bit later I guess but I'm hoping it it wasn't working how I'd hope like I'd heard different things about seal twisting but I I tried it myself and uh yeah not surprised div Storm's doing better but more importantly right now is that I'm sure as you have already seen we did touch on it last stream uh depending if you were here or not Hello mad Tinker it's me thanks for the follow uh is that we have a road map um which we've never really had before and this is this is this is something they started doing with dragon flight when when it works it's magical otherwise it's underwhelming the short version is it doesn't work uh unfortunately it doesn't work while seal twisting other seals together does work but the ones you want to work aren't working so yeah that's that's why Divine Storm's doing better but I guess you s guys have seen this now right minimum requirements to tank BFD I don't think it's t taxing on tanks I think it's more getting the right runes on yeah what rable said man if it worked it would be so fun like when I found out you could twist righteousness into martydom I was like oh hold up cuz I played the TVC I played rep P back in TVC and it was amazing and I was like if you if you can do command it'll be great and I found I found you can't do command I'm like uh unfortunate but yeah first thing to touch on we did do it go it last stream you've probably seen it I do have a video going up about this tonight where I go into a lot more detail on what I think will be coming out with each new phase obviously we know a little bit for phase two already um but speculation as to the dates where they're landing on this whole timeline what new content there will be and just the the whole thing really you know how I expect season of Discovery to look from start to end hey how you doing thanks for dropping by do I have any C content planned I do but as you can kind of see here we've got a fair old weight haven't we so um yeah can I get this in a a better picture for you guys actually that's a bit better isn't it let me check that you can see that oh yeah yeah that's that's fine and aelian hello as well so uh if anyone's still playing wrath cuz wrath has seen one hell of a drop off since season of Discovery we have Ruby sanctum I think that was was that confirmed now what day it'll be it's quite soon isn't it and then after that we have the uh level cap advancing to 40 we're going to have new runes I've heard speculation we're going to get two we're going to get two new engraving slots and three new runes per one of those engraving slots so possibly six new runes for each class I have no idea whether that's true or not by the way that is like pure just I've heard stuff about it and and then of course we got the cataclysm classic beta we've got solo cell found coming after that or sell founder mode blizzard are trying to rename it to sell found mode because they don't want something in an MMO being called solo even though it kind of is solo can't get into season of Discovery the level 25 rating seems so lame you're going to replace items by compl completing the wrathy quest that's not true for the items the items in the raid are crazy good they are immense uh you're going to be wearing these items to replace them with the next raid I guarantee it um but yeah it is it's it's kind of a different vibe for a level cap though [Music] right but yeah you you'll get a lot of mileage out the gear I'm I'm very confident in saying that it's kind of like um you know if if you played it right when we went from vanilla uh like classic in 2019 to TBC and everyone was saying oh man you know TBC you you replace your gear straight away turns out you don't I I was still wearing some of my KN Gear Well into Kazan and Beyond and then moving into wrath I was still using a bunch of sunwell gear at end game actually not a bunch just a couple of items this changes big time in Kata the cata gear is like it just the power level's like fo it flies through the roof nothing you've seen before like you I think you replace Shadow Moon before you hit 85 by the way it's that good like it's that big of a difference which is crazy right cuz Shadow m is Bonkers [Music] good logging into RAF white to Ling heroic for a bit yeah I feel that we got our um guess we got our cleanest run so far last night but last night now we have we have the 10% buff in don't [Music] we you're a first time well player in season of Discovery nice yeah I think it's a pretty good time to try it out I think if you go and try different versions of vanilla or classic it's going to sort of warp your opinion a little bit on on how the game feels cuz this is a lot I guess it's a bit faster pce things are a bit easier in general it's fun though so you know it's supposed to be different that's kind of part of the appeal like the gear of making uh the appeal of making uh gearing your character to make hard fights easy oh yeah yeah classic if I'm honest classic isn't about hard fights um it really never has been I don't think it will be if you're looking for hard fights at the moment um there's rap classic and when Kata comes out that's going to be harder but I I don't think vanilla is really going to give you what you want if you want challenging encounters and there are there are different versions of w now we can all make our choice but yeah I I don't think it's going to be hard the hardest thing we had so far was kis and that was because of the spell resists and other stuff right hello solar n how are you doing uh but yeah then we have self am mode which I'm looking forward to personally I I never really minded the whole more restrictive thing that hard hardcore had with the whole you know not being able to trade and stuff when it was unofficial so I'm looking forward to giving that a go vanilla's more about Good Vibes yeah vanilla's easier and more simple that's how it's always been [Music] remember when you walked away from Wow and saying it was this huge deal about it because they're trying to make money as a company and then you came crawling back for the same reason huh um don't know you have to show me when I said that if it was because of that video I made in TBC when I said I was going to explore doing more content I did explore doing more content cuz I was a bit concerned with the future of the game giving how TBC was going I didn't say I was quitting I've be making content about this game classic well since it released consistently from day one before it released in fact so yeah if I want to keep making content about it I'm going to keep doing [Music] it no slacking thank you uh then anyway afterwards we have level 50 new runes and a new raid I don't know what this is going to be to be honest so I guess initially the impression is that it's going to be either Scarlet Monastery or what else could they have here cuz Scarlet Monastery doesn't really fit with a level 50 count does it what's cell found oh so cell found is just it's basically hardcore mode but you can't trade use the auction house or use the mailbox I don't know what they'll do apart from that but those are the three kind of main things to it the idea is that you're a self-sufficient character 50 must be sunken Temple possibly scholomance maradon sunken Temple scol is a bit high level NOA doesn't fit to 40 uh yeah yeah you're actually right it doesn't it doesn't no I think about it the last B is like what level [Music] 35 yeah you know what you're right yeah you're right sunen Temple guys can you imagine if they readed sunken Temple you know those puzzle rooms where you have to like activate the statues in order and stuff imagine if they made that really complicated and like you'd have to figure it out and the first people are trying to do sunen sunen Temple but they can't figure out the [Music] puzzle oh no that could be funny Zak I've always enjoyed zorak a lot again the the whole executioner event when you're on top of that I guess like pyramid thing not pyramid the you know the stairs there's like millions of mobs that spawn below you that could be a lot of fun uh when's the estimated date for 40 uh well here it's they've got it a late winter so I'm thinking probably uh late late January maybe even early February but I'm thinking late [Music] January [Music] hey J how are you doing yeah thanks for dropping by I appreciate that the event in ZF the only fun thing about it I don't know it just it's one of those iconic dungeons perhaps that's because of how good it is right it's so efficient to do a zg run uh Z zg ZF wrong Jan 25th for 2 months yeah I think you're about on track Ruby sanctum will be in January looking at this yes yes it will be I mean the PTR came up last week or [Music] something but then you have the whole quest to summon the optional boss Gilla and the carrot on a stick imagine an epic version of a carrot on a stick where it's not just it doesn't just affect you but it's like an aura for your party the super carrot on a stick I think they could have a lot of fun with upgrading some of these items to Epic that's one thing I would say about BFD they put a lot of new items in the game but they didn't really they didn't upgrade anything do you know what I mean it's the same with Noma like there's some really cool items in [Music] Noma uh let's go over here like from the last boss especially this thing can you imagine an epic version of this where maybe they put its cool down to like 3 minutes it has a bunch of more stats maybe it gives you some spell crit and you know when you have this you can just blast on an AOE pull I think this is the probably one of the most interesting items in the raid there is as well uh in case you didn't know that there's already been a data mind update to the manual Crow pumer Mars would be weird CLE run the wings backwards yeah I guess you'd have to rout it a bit I know what you mean like you do the you do one of the sides and then you have to backtracks otherwise you go down the waterfall yeah it is a bit unintuitive I agree let me show you this new version no thanks thanks for watching elmoto I appreciate that so again this has been Daya minded It's not obvious it's not confirmed right but but but but we have one of these so can I put one so essentially this the problem has always been that it has three charges so you go and farm one you get it you use up the charges and then you have to go and farm another and this item has has been biss forever for feral Druids because unlike other melee classes they don't their attacks don't scale directly from their weapon they go through the auto attacks and through attack power so so there's a bit of a difference there yo and hes as well thank you for joining as a member I appreciate that thank you very much but this new version instead of it having charges it now just increases your attack speed for 50 50 je I can't talk now increase your attack speed by 50% for 30 seconds with a 3 minute coold down so depending on how fast we're getting from boss to boss this very much could be up for every boss you're doing and interestingly they've they've class restricted it to Paladin Shaman and Druid obviously if you're you're wearing you're a druid you're going to pick this forever right the original doesn't have a cool down I don't actually know typically items like this do share cooldowns with other things it's just not explicitly said but I I I didn't get one back in the day I had no experience using it so I really couldn't tell you but it's 50% for 30 seconds anyway so I'm not sure and Andreas with the prime over on Twitch thank you Andreas welcome welcome and I appreciate you when you equip it you get 30 second cool down to use it that's quite standard though um what about when you activate the item does it put anything else on coold down like do you activate it and then it's like oh you can't use a health stone for 30 seconds maybe [Music] why not Warrior they don't deserve it well if I'm honest um I don't think it'd be too great for warrior because of this right here speed 2.0 that that is not what you want on a warrior at all you want a slow weapon which is scaling with your quick strike and what will then be mortal strike right [Music] when you go for your next pumer oh the thought of having to go through your next per pumer no it doesn't Okay um so I think even if Warriors could use this they probably wouldn't just because of this this really isn't what you want as a warrior unless unless imagine this Warriors could use this and they got Titan's grip and you have some like pendulum D pendulum of Doom four point weapon speed main hand and you have offhand automatic crowd pumer and you get 50% attack speed for three uh for 30 seconds can you imagine holy crap that would be busted that would be unreal busted and warriors are already doing great by the way like I thought they kind of suck this phase turns out I was wrong huh that's predictions for [Music] you no's full of Mechanicals you like to go Fury yeah I was thinking about that so obviously my my main alss are Rogan they get saber slash which does a bunch of bleed damage but if you're hitting Mechanicals that Mechanicals don't bleed inspired a generation of Warriors that would be yeah that would you would't be ready to see what they do PSD farming pendul Doom I mean who knows what we get next phase right like we got the we got an epic sword this phase maybe we get an upgrade next phase um you know you get some new epic sword but pendulum is still amazing and it's it's a level 40 weapon right so I remember it's B in the 39 bracket yeah 39 there we go that 4.0 speed 38 DPS plus this um but anyway Warriors Warriors can't use it okay so that and they don't have Titans grip either that we know of that we know of maybe they will but that we know of uh so Paladin Shaman Druid obviously this is great for Druid the only thing I'm thinking about for this for Druid is that when you get one of them you're just going to use it on its cool down forever right like we'll be in nextx Ramis and you'll still use this on cooldown do you think they will have put it on a rune something or do you just keep it in your bag and slap an agility enchant on it and whenever you decide you want to do well on this B you just put on your crowd plumer and [Music] go keep it in your bag forever I think you would right an epic version you want this to be even better I don't know it's it's pretty good already it's pretty good [Music] already Mele H to farm hod and SGC oh yeah I feel like I was a warlock and I was glad I didn't have to do that stuff and I was I was an alliance warlock as well so I didn't have to mess around getting the um War Chief's blessing either in some ways I'm I'm glad I picked a lock back in classic D's insane star surge crit yeah I've seen some people who get basically they get boosted to get star surge they get summoned to the run is at level one and at level one star surge literally costs no mana and it one shots every thing like some of these runes are crazy powerful is this better than Fist of the wild yes it will be better than any weapon you can equip because of its on use after its on use has faded then Fist of the wild will be better so you'll want both that's fun it is kind of fun and you know it's not hurting anyone really is it unless you met someone in PvP then oh the oh then yeah it'd be hurting them it'd be hurting them real bad um but yeah and the other exciting thing about about this is uh Shaman are it seems very likely going to be getting a two-handed enhancement Rune this is not confirmed this is just blizzard kind of they hinted at it pretty heavily that they had heard the feedback from people so when you're a Sharman you're going to be have some kind of two-handed enhancement Rune and you can put this on and absolutely Blast for 30 seconds again the issue is this you don't really want a super fast weapon when you're using wind Fury but I guess it kind of evens itself out right wild comment yeah we get a few of those don't worry about [Music] it uh will Druid win Fury still be good with Shaman having win Fury totem yes it will and I'll show you why so if we get wind Fury totem there and then we get wild strikes which is this so one of the big difference is that this gives so there's a few differences uh one if you're putting this up you can't have Grace of a which gives some agility I I forget how much do you actually do you have Grace of by level 40 I'm not sure if you do um see also oh you don't huh well you're going to be using wind Fury then huh um but one of the differences is it gives a flat amount of attack power whereas the Droid one gives 20% so actually the shaman one until people are rocking about 600 attack power is going to be better than the excuse me than than the Druid one so yeah but late game we're going to have way more than 600 attack power like way way more uh at which point wild strikes will outscale [Music] it like to see broken build sometimes yeah I mean you remember when you remember scorpins at the start of the Season that was something [Music] right [Music] my last video don't agree about the issue that casters doesn't have any scaling for spell power I think it's already bounced the best example would be bounce D at the moment I mean bounce D kind of just star surges by far and away their best ability and blizzard blizzard kind of gave all Caster some better spell power scaling like not directly uh um but what they did was they introduced these two new items which are really really easy to make and cheap you can probably get these for a gold each and they give seven and seven uh which is it's like an indirect buff to every single Caster uh by them putting these in the game you're at 400 already holy crap yeah I didn't realize it was that high I guess it's different for different classes like I'm on my rogue I think I'm about 2 220 230 but I'm missing a few items still you R dwar yeah roll dwarf to escape the tyranny of the scorpid I feel that but yeah this is just one item that's being updated who knows what else there is this again this is just data mind we don't know whether this is in the game for sure bounce DW is busted for PVP yeah I mean that that's the other kind of take on this right like um if I'm play my warlock then I like I destruction's my PVE spec and I'm okay with that and then for I don't need destruction to be the best at everything like I can go I think it's Affliction or demonology one or the other both of the others are better for PVP but when your class has one identity that does DPS I think I think they should be at least fairly decent right again that's kind of tricky for Druids cuz they do have two DPS identities one of them is melee one of them is caster and at the moment ferral's kind of great in PVE and it's pretty good in PvP right um cuz like Star surge gets attack power scaling then again balance is a monster in P in PvP CU you can just star surge you can Sunfire you can Moonfire you can kite people around in circles and just delete them like you've got sixc button that cost like no Mana and if it crits it does half your health bar they're so good a geared Warrior okay yeah yeah I guess some some classes will have more than others balance D is fun it does look fun in PvP 42 yard range imagine if balancer had travel form this phase as well like holy crap this is this is why I was saying in some of my videos that I wish they' not just buff rune but use the runes that exist to put more power into vanilla abilities cuz it's it's like Star surge hits so hard now but it's still not very good in PVE the thing is in PVE it has a cooldown and it's like Star surges so much of your power that the fact that on a coold down kind of makes it a bit worse in a way in PvP though you can you can run people in circles you can root them you can heal up you can escape you can you know Mount up you can go into stealth you can do all these other things so it's good but when it comes to PVE you hit star surge you're like bam that that did a lot of damage and then you go back to Casting rap and it's like oh this is terrible what if you know star surge came down from here to here and rfh came up from here to here instead of star surge instead of Blizzard just buffing star surgeon putting up to here and then buffing other runes more which puts it up to here it's like you don't want abilities up here and your Avail vanilla abilities are down here you want you want a bit more you know a bit more of a uh I guess what's the word word bit more balance between them I guess class balance [Music] right your favorite runes are the ones that ex uh change existing abilities yeah I think they're interesting too like incinerate for warlocks it Buffs all my fire spells so I can feel good about pressing rain of fire well that would be usually garbage or imilate for example wish Mor runes complimented each other people people just pick them to synergize a minmax yeah they'll they'll always be a minmax right um but that that is the nature of the Beast anyways just move I might log out I've been chatting away G by jeel star surges if two two Dr star surge you from stealth then uh enjoy your trip to the graveyard that's all I can say then we have the Kata pre patch and many of you guys playing Kata or you just you just here for season of Discovery that's all you care about you know wrath is done maybe you were done before wrath but it's like uh that's it kind of thing s so enjoyers understandable no I feel that um yeah there's obviously a bit of weight between 6 uh 50 and 60 here you enjoyed CER leveling ooh that's a that's a bit of an out of their opinion who can't be having one of those mad kind of hype still okay I like that no interesting C you're all about season of Discovery okay I guess most people are leaning towards the season but the season is newer um oh dracoon thank you appreciate that uh but then obviously we have the C pre patch we'll have a bunch of new stuff in the games the wgan and goblins and new races improve Guild features I don't know whether that includes the guild um leveling and stuff I guess no but I don't know transm and so on and then you know the wildest thing to me like if you're looking forwards to cada we realistically have another 6 months of IC see 6 months like start of Summer's June I thought the whole point of classic was so that we didn't have to wait this long in final phases anymore I don't want to wait 6 months [Music] man Phase 2 is going to be the best it's going to pop off it's going to be so fun having level 40 talents like I completely agree but yeah 6 months of ICC still won't get Shadow M I mean you know what this is 6 months of 30% it'll be more like it'll be less than that but yeah it'll be a lot if you wanted if you wanted Rafa the Lich King ERA this is kind of it right they're giving you this along to sort of get your fix instead of giving you an actual server this kind of feels like what it is I don't know if that's some crazy Theory but there's it's just a long time saying that okay saying that in um 2021 nexx Ramis 40 came out in December and TBC wasn't until June 1st so this time frame seems kind of lengthy but at the same time it's not unheard of I guess it's just kind of when you have it laid out in front of you and you can see that plan like H that long but they've done it [Music] before and then shortly after that in summer we have level 160 new runes and endgame activities so this will be I I guess you know we have fa we have phase one at the moment we have phase two here phase uh three phase four there's kind of like a post before and after a bit for season of Discovery isn't there and it should be interesting to see how things are at level 60 and how everything plays out cuz by that point in time everyone's level 60 everyone has all their abilities everyone has all their talents and at that point it's just down to balancing the runes isn't it but assuming we get two new engraving slots and three new runes per phase coming up that's what 1 2 3 4 5 six that could be six potential new engraving slots with two runes each so we could have 12 runes at the moment and a and 12 more to come as we progress that kind of makes sense in a way right like at level 25 we have half our runes by the time we're level 60 we'll have all of them yeah so what we have at the moment is is kind of you know its own self-contained meta which is going to last for as long as it does but things are going to grow and expand a lot in this season and I I know I've been pretty critical of it right with the whole cter versus melee thing but I just don't want Shadow PRI and boomkins to uh to basically get the same experience they could have got playing classic era but just having a few more buttons to press do you know what I mean uh my Paladin's on wild growth as well yeah for my next character I was even considering going hoard on Crusader strike I know there's a few of stream ing people there and the thing is that with with when I stream I don't tend to ever raid cuz I raid a bit later on in the evening in the evening so uh in the evening and a lot of these streamer people just raid in the afternoon cuz there that's when they're streaming so that's when they organize the raids kind of thing and I think it would be nice to raid on stream now and again even though I do enjoy talking as more than you know as much as playing the game really in the evening I mean for me right now it's 3:39 p.m. so there's quite a few more hours till the evening um also also I'll be able to roll horde and I go Shaman and I can I can buide my time and play an elemental shaman at level 40 when I'm fingers crossed they should be in a better State than they are now there's a lot of endgame activities um I think this is just going to be the maybe the open more PVP stuff perhaps could be something else as well also camor how you doing it sucks you have to heal the whole phase yeah it's I mean it's it's what I've been saying in my videos right spell ranks like your the rank of lightning bolt you have sucks hey yo CCS how you doing brother you can one people we on one shot people in PvP true true true but that's cuz of lava best isn't it it's not cuz of anything your class does by itself that it could do [Music] before and that's why I keep saying that blizzard should put more power into the basic abilities rather than buffing runes like when you're level 40 your lava burst will have a double crit damage modifier it will have a 50% chance to overload and it is going to always crit when you have flame shock up like bro this ain't balanced like I can tell you right now Elemental in PvP at level 40 is going to pop off 40 it should be good you get 38 you get a new rank of lightning bolt and at 40 get rank two chain lightning oh okay then yeah that sounds pretty good most OP classes right now are just us us your rune for casters unironically yes uh that is the stay firsts M they have a bit more of a synergistic relationship cuz a lot of their damage is tied to their weapon and their attack power but yeah it is what it is um but that's our road map I guess it seems pretty good um we don't usually get these at all so having something is uh better than nothing I would say [Music] want boomies to get better yeah I feel as though they need again they just make Raph and Starfire not terrible like they could they could they could keep buffing star surge all they want it's just going to make it ones shot people in PvP harder yeah that's that's all it's going to do really te and PVP they're nasty in PvP for sure uh do you think we'll see rogue's main tank raids like uh bwl MC and so on feels like they need a lot more abilities to main tank uh I think they're actually fine on single Target it's AOE where they struggle just cuz their tool kit doesn't support it and by the time we're at that level their agility combined with potential new stats um when I say new stats I mean a tier set suited for that um class rooll right maybe they get a tier set which vastly reduces the coold down on evasion or changes evasion so it's a bit more of an active mitigation tool rather than just you press it and you dodge everything will warlock be good for tanking at 40 I think they'll be okay but they need some they need some help on the AOE front yeah I think that single targets good but they need a they need a bit of a bump on the AOE side of [Music] things you need Clash you don't see main tanking competitively as lock they've been okay in the raids I've done so far they've they've they've been fine um but again the the main threat generator is a fire spell and when we're in Molton core with a bunch of big fire Elementals a fire spell ain't doing nothing nothing so that's a problem they could get some kind of imulation Aura type effects like they're having a rra of the Lich King but if that is a literally uh Hellfire and not emulation Aura there's a talent in the destruction tree where Hellfire can procer stun so it would be actually turbo broken if they did that but it depends it could be imulation Ora and not Hellfire can't just have all the tanks being able to AOE apparently we can't no apparently that's a bad thing I think all tanks have should have some AOE um but not like not everyone needs to be as good as a prop p is Sharman tank are good too yeah Shaman absolutely pop [Music] off U but there's our road map yeah I just thought we'd talk over that quickly looks pretty interesting uh happy to get one of course and there's a video out a bit later tonight which is going to have a bunch more speculation about what content will be coming out in the future what I expect to see when the different phases will be and all that stuff so that will be out in uh well later tonight now obviously I've copied myself to the in-game version here and we are going to be doing a little bit of leveling artics thank you Warrior feel so bad in PvP you can't wait for Ms if they gave Warriors Ms and PVP and change nothing else they would be insane right now uh Warriors are not far off being crazy good in PvP uh so first of all uh I gave myself a little bit of a Christmas present here in the post in the mail post um this is totally ethical okay if they're bennies which I'm giving them myself they're they're okay to use right like no one's mad no one's mad about this are they uh let me just uh P that down there real quick I need one more level this is all level 21 stuff I think y let's go don't forget my health potions I remember [Music] 60 is going to be the same as always with OP Warriors Warriors are pretty damn good right now and I yeah I don't see them getting any worse like the the rage mechanic is just kind of op got a question for you what do you think the time we got on the left after the hits what do you think the time we got on the left of the final endgame content updat in the road map oh I think yeah it's just going to be pretty much stuff from original vanilla right it's not going to be anything too crazy what I am sure unsure about is where does Cara crys fit in this are we going to get the level 60 and miss the quest turn in we'll get after it's fine also I uh I may have got I I may have picked up some World Buffs as well and uh that's better now we're level some nice ethical leveling well we're going to run round and two shot everything the true rep P leveling experience oh nice these hypers spawn as well that's handy H you got to have some World Buffs for leveling this is classic the bo of black Fab as well is immense like 20 20% move speed if they didn't do anything else oh nice a level just get my Christmas present on here real quick and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one okay y we're [Music] good and need to get some of these wel plings there's some more up here we'll go down this way what attack power do I have I have 288 attack power I'm pretty sure that's more more than I have on my level 25 Rogue by the [Music] way yeah this uh this Paladin should be hitting pretty hard also I get I I forgot to send myself a shield I meant to do that I I was I looked out and I randomly found a group for the avenging Shield thing we put the my runes back on but I forgot to buy a shield have to put reuke on for now and Cru strike there we go now we should be doing some damage one shot oh if anything crit that would have one shot it this two-handed Fury still The Meta I don't know for warriors uh if I'm honest he's going to get [Music] there uh oh there's one Ser is still pretty busy is a Friday afternoon though and given the time of year not quite one shoting I'm going to show you the seal twisting thing so you can seal twist seal the righteous okay so if you check out up here you see I've got seal marom active if I activate righteous you can see it persist for just like a millisecond before it wears off that gives you the chance to seal twist for some reason this doesn't happen with seal of command and it's it's so disappointing if I run up to this guy I change seals as I hit it it'll hit them with both of them it's quite Mana intensive though like I've gone full on into the uh what's it the cast redu the Mana cost reduction going go P adjust this cuz I won't always have a the world buff and SE command just doesn't feel very useful unfortunately we get Divine storm I will do eventually uh need to do that and we'll go hand in here what game am I get for Palin of the wolf uh of the tiger bear gorilla anything like that as long as it's giving me strength uh that's the main thing I care about command's great when I have Divine storm yeah I mean that's just cuz obviously you wen't use mdom anymore but before that it just yeah it's not usable what's the add-on for the stats it's called extended character stats if I hit this guy and everything crit I should be one shotting them I just want to try and one shot some it no oh the pain of missing when you're seal twisting as well I remember in TVC how important expertise was and the whole expansion you could barely get any expertise and you're like always dying to get it belt of 100 deaths never got it by the way people people who played melee in TBC know what I'm talking about stupid belt from Lady Vash never saw it drop or I saw it about one time and it went to a rogue or something or a Dr no it went to our feral Druid tank that's what it went to cuz yeah you got to have that mangle here haven't you might might I'm going to forget so often it's only 5 minutes is s so s so the new one yeah this is not quite as [Music] good you can use bomb just fine oh seal of wisdom yeah yeah true yeah I found mana's okay again I did put Five Points here instead of here and I just went judgment and seal of the Crusader just do you even use this on bosses it just seems kind of garbage so I just went three in deflection cuz if you parry you're obviously going to attack faster yeah seal of wisdom I just read that and I was like huh greetings pick that one up how many quests do I have a lot uh let's get rid of that we'll get rid of that for now I'm not about to do it anytime soon you need something and that in o two strength three agility that is not bad don't mind if I [Music] do good day to you and that one again they're pretty good I just have something that's a little bit better half toine uh ND rather not just turn it off for now I was using it bit off stream but I don't I don't want to half back to oine I think I pretty much completed that zone I'll just work out as I go Shadow Magic actually I'm level 21 I might be a bit low for that uh what else can I do [Music] here I could finish off over there yeah that might be worth doing yeah I might do that [Music] let's fly on over unless H Shadow High pendant no I'm just a bit too low level to be doing this at the moment where I am at yeah we'll go do we'll go do um lock what can I do for you even if I what is this flight path blizzard come on this is this is like the classic wow special you pick up a flight path and they're like ah we're going we're going to send you through two Capital Cities cuz we've made this game and damn it you're going to witness it either week or yeah usually when I'm off stream I can I can like catch myself when it's running out but on stream I'm just chatting away so I'm going to like forget it all the time people are going to get mad in the chat oh I guarantee it is the stat one you're working yeah no problem so it's extended character stats ECS and that just G it just gives you information you kind of wish you already had so you know your defense your Mana your spell stuff in general of the flight around Black Rock Mountain yeah I mean when you're going that direction it's nice but I'm going here and the game's like I'm going to send you this way instead of you know just like that kind of nice having the long flight paths you can take a break that that is kind of why they made it like this uh it's not just seeing the world obviously so you can step away cuz the flight paths are designed to take a while like some of them going from tasil or all the way down to what's it called gadgets and that's like a 12-minute flight path and yeah you get on that 12 minutes and you're like okay I'm just going to go tidy up in the kitchen or something have to try that one yeah it's it's just good for finding out your stats especially if you're a Caster you can see what numbers you actually have here Alliance cumor flight paths there's one of them which [Music] it's something like salar over to rater or something where instead of going like this it sends you like that or something it's absolutely ridiculous add on for the quest log being wider that is leatrix Plus ltp or leatrix plus do you install it this has so many options on by the way very good add-on can recommend that everyone gets it if you don't have this add-on you should get it by the way it is one of my top add-ons for the game uh and then you go to is it interface yeah interface and then you can just enhance stuff and it will make it better it's like I don't have enhanced professions on at the moment cuz it was making the auction house add on I I have clothes so I couldn't open them both at the moment it was kind of annoying but let's say I did turn on so usually my cooking screen looks like that I do a little reload and now it looks like this it's pretty good up the kitchen asand asand style exactly yeah it just it just makes stuff a lot easier to see um the the normal Quest L it's like you can probably see uh the dark Shore quests I have here and the rest of a mystery you have electric spaps not that one I think I have both yeah they're both just really good have you never known well now you do you think they'll make raids reset every 3 days even at 60 if they keep them as 40 Man raids probably not and I think the plan for them at the moment is to keep it as 4man raiding but I'd be kind of down for something more casual cuz like even at the moment with a level tap level cap of 25 I've missed some raid lockouts and I don't really care about it and from a like gearing my characters perspective I should care cuz this gear is crazy good but I'm just like oh you know if I miss it I miss it yeah I've enjoyed the 3-day reset a lot too see you fiveman content this has almost been like fiveman content plus hasn't it heroic fem mans ah I doubt it I doubt it if I'm honest I'll tell you that much I am on wildgrowth EU Mr clown Fester while the chances gadgets and becomes a hub in phase three for level 50 uh maybe if zul for zul fors the The Raid maybe maybe but I think it' be something quite Central to where the Raiders didn't do the BFD because of Gatekeepers who want you who want you to C it with every raid log and consumes into every fight yeah that's unfortunately the Pug World in of Warcraft it's there's always been people are very unwelcoming and we they they'll find any reason to filter you out of their group and sometimes it's not even why they tell you like they'll tell you you don't have enough gear but really their friend are just logged on it could be a whole variety of things people might not always tell you what the real deal is anyway before we land I need to go PE real quick so I'm just going to be right back okay okay all right chat behave iby [Music] Abby [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello people using gear score in season of dis Discovery oh my I I I actually can't believe that like I saw people starting to do that and um like there's a reason people never use gear score before before um ref of the Lich King it's cuz it just never made sense to do so uh where's the in keeper here it's actually crazy that that's happening again back off with you hello Mr turd how are you doing today yeah it's like oh can I put my PVP drink kit on oh that's going to contribute a lot in the rail let me tell you what Lou what can I do for you oh my quest log drop that drop that I wonder if I can solo these Elite quests I like soloing Elite stuff I think it's fun I might try that great to meet you Quest FL add-on do I use this is just a leatrix plus the PVP trinket gives zero damn it they thought of my idea man ah I'm going to have to equip that item from the uh the the shifting what you call it from the void touch thing does that give gear score that five spirit it's giving me is going to matter guys believe me wait did I not pick those up oh the quest tracker here is just questy in case you're wondering about that what is this absolute mess going on on my screen get rid of that no get rid of that oh I didn't pick it up oh it's my quest Lo yeah oh it's not full oh okay I've got it now right let's go my Buffs are running I need [Music] XP they probably give five or so they'll give something right but like I know for example the Epic items were way they were like really undervalued right uh so we'll go do the Idol quest over here and I think righteous fur's in this Zone too right Boon them while you run imagine you you I'm going to guys I'm going to Boon up I'll run over here I'll un Boon Boon has a one a cool down by the way so like I I couldn't even do that if I wanted [Music] to uh any tips on how to make enough gold to buy the runes from the secret vendor uh the MS cost so much in the auction house and the Rune itself is five gold questing after level cap is very good um I have 192 gold and it is just from Quest after level cap so find zones you haven't completed quests you haven't done just get them bang them out o little Patrol there's something similar to this in the Barons isn't there I've seen so many hardcore characters die from it did these guys even drop [Music] anything should I try and do this no I'm not going to be able to do this am I like there's no shot n especially if they don't drop anything [Music] it's coming from wrath a Bad Thing wrath Harding uh wrath raiding is way harder than classic yeah it is I mean you're right and it always has been it probably always will be as well it's fine um this game isn't about being super hard it's just about collecting some nice items and having fun they're for Quest are they no shot yeah I think so I have the finest we right let's sell all my old stuff here goodbye items and that nice safe travel great to meet you the hoorde version is ah I see you got my attention we have fun in oh this is this is a crazy thought no fun only minmax let's stun cuz uh stunning is actually a DPS increase cuz they cannot Dodge block or Parry tip of the day you're welcome pretty good kill time but these are green mobs though I'm going to seal twist as well I'm a filthy tryhard uh so someone said the rumors down here I know the Warlock one is in the corner or when when you said the trog camper do you mean the ones further south like the ones um the ones over here dude I'm I am doing damage you got ads oh there's there's ads huh um I know didn't know that was a thing uh anyway um let me try let me try it again for you are you knocking out all the quests at Max or just going to spam dungeons once the level cap goes up pretty much yeah I'm planning to do dungeons I do have a quest log which is pretty much completed on my warlock I'm kind of thinking I just want to hand in for the gold though because I think that I'm going to be farming stockades pretty much uh once the level cap raises but there are still so many quests to do that you can do you can do so many different things and still have your quest L full but again I I'm kind of leaning towards I think it's going to be more worthwhile um just handing everything in and then going grinding dungeons I know what hord will grind I guess you'll do stockades right right stock you're probably not going to do stockades as hard uh Shadow fan key yeah this is for a warlock thing uh you get um Shadow B volley here yeah you just curse this guy and he comes to life and you kill [Music] him remember in 2019 you thought they were whall players imagine imagine aou a group of three gig CH players just RP walking around in a Zone oh I think I just yed that from him sorry about that personal uh have a blessing of [Music] Might I'll go for the geomancer first of course another Auto attack Dodge hate to see it welome to RFK um I guess is is that better than stockades why do I keep saying stockades s Shadow fan keep they both start with an S which means they're practically identical identical identical grave you can get some good loot from graveyard for sure do I think season of Discovery will advance through expansions or just St vanilla uh I'm like 99% sure it will stay vanilla if I had to guess if if it does not stay in vanilla I will be absolutely amazed so I'm sorry if you're a TVC enjoyer but I just don't see it happening hope they make a permanent version it is fun right cuz this level 25 bracket we have right now you may never be able to experience this again in any version of World of Warcraft ever this could be a one-time thing we have right now like you realize that the same with the 40 bracket or the 50 bracket this might not happen again the graveyard R spawns yeah they're good do more seasons I mean that that that's the big question for the future right like is this is this just a onetime thing are they testing Classic Plus what's going to happen at the end people will miss these brackets yeah people are going to look back and they say oh man do you remember a season of scorpions when your Scorpio pet was better than literally every class in the game I mean people are going to look back and be like damn that was fun I mean when the Scorpion's literally soloing you in PvP you're not laughing about it but after the fact you will be getting through these mobs real fast I am now uh it's taking me a bit to go but still very efficient I should buy some decent water do you think Rogues will be S here at 40 yes I I I'm going to be honest I I said Rogues wouldn't be that good at 25 and I was definitely wrong about that uh they're really good the one potential problem Rogues will have is that nun is full of mechanical units and the Mechanicals cannot be bled and they cannot be poisoned uh so if if blizzard are keeping true to the vanilla structure there you might be in for a bit of a struggle [Music] Miss how can you miss him man he's stunned youtil going to pop off I hope so I hope there's more options than just cuz I feel like it's going to be combat swords all over again right combat's so good at the moment with sa slash I hope for there's some variety nice all done the back St mutilate oh yeah it's I mean you could just play dagger Rogue right just your standard daggers and you're good uh let's go hand in here and then I'm going to try try and solo no I I was just thinking I should have taking a different Quest forward then but it's fine we're going to do the quest up here and then we're going to go and try and solo the elite stuff unless there's a group if there's a group I'm not going to be like no I must do this solo Warriors are going to be dumb at 40 Warriors are going to be look Warriors have no right to be as good as they are at the moment in this season they should not be doing this well Warriors are going to absolutely destroy in future phases and you know what at level 25 at the moment on a warrior on The Horde side you have no competition for loot if a male item drops you get it can you imagine that you're playing the best DPS in the game and you're playing a good tank and if an item drops you get it as long as there's not another warrior in the group you just get the item like that is crazy to me right you're a hoorde warrior yeah man I might honestly make a hoorde warrior just I can be the loot vacuum I just appear and I take all the items on Alliance you have paladins to contend with and and there's a lot of paladins right believe that still it's uh not bad and then the the worst thing is right these these Warrior players these damn Warrior players they still come for your leather items cuz they're like oh actually it's three DPS better I'm like bro come on you get every single male item you still want the lever that's that's classic though the meme back back in the day was every item is a hunter item the real meme is every item is a warrior item unbelievable unbelievable what's happening safe travel hello fax Merry Christmas to you the Paladin healer roll on the shadow gloves a Healer rolling on those is just easily lost like what are you doing man how are you uh Quest log um what can we drop you can pick all of the stuff up here pretty easily so I'll drop that you my attention he won them and equi them what the hell man that's you shouldn't be doing that that's some kind of Master loot angle from there on let's get a little targeting macros these buzzards are a bit spread out Mountain [Music] B they in a group they are in a group what you doing buzzards oh don't look like it all right then and that's why you pick those little rocket items actual insane pulling game spell that even the healing gear is Warrior gear true once you get your uh Diamond flask we'll see actually didn't they change that on Hardcore so it doesn't work [Music] anymore or am I just imagining stuff there's quite a few buzzards up actually usually usually these guys are absolutely everywhere I think they broke it I think they did you know they changed oh they changed it in season of Mastery ah well rip to your uh Warrior healing gear dreams then I guess you know it never made sense that it's scale like straight up there's a patch note where they Nerf that interaction and then they just left it in classic and they're like just just leave it in I guess it's it's here now fun for the memes though I guess like was there ever really a warrior player who was getting prioritized healer loot over a Healer but if your guild was doing that you're you're in some absolute clown shoes Guild there's that's all I can say about it anyone confirm his shadow resist was broken uh not broken are you talking about in The Raid they they did Nerf one of the bosses in the raid yeah one yeah one the boss has just had a lot of resists [Music] right it's great until a warrior got Mage blade oh my that is not right that even has 1% crit on which is a great stat for Holy pal cish yeah exactly and Galah I didn't even realize galast had Shadow resist to be [Music] honest let's hand this in here real quick but no I heard some stories like uh like like Jonas is saying there in the chat about GD KPS and warriors uh what was it called rejuvenating ger from bwl the warrior see sees the reu of ger and they're like woo that is now that is some biss right there going to be bidding that up hello cow bungo and to you you I hope you're having a good day getting might again how long are my booths I care about more about boa black fathom cuz honestly the the best thing about this is the movement speed like 20% move speed is actually crazy in the shoulders from whing cabins seal you for every 4 second yeah there's um so the thing about Diamond flask is that when you use the trinket it would snapshot your total healing so it wasn't like healing for five it it just a warrior could equip a bunch of healer gear drink a diamond flas change into DPS gear and so they had 1,000 healing power I I don't know how much was realistic but let's say they had 1,000 healing power the trinket would have healed a,3 or something every 5 Seconds was it and as long as you get that trinket on the actual ticking effect would persist so it was just Giga broken like fights like lower the when you couldn't heal your warriors just Diamond flasks at it and ignored everything what a time to play a warrior on PVP it's like you're pushing a base you equip your diamond flask set you pop it you swap back to all your DPS gear and you're healing so much that you're unkillable it's funny but uh that's classic for you not particularly balanced but funny [Music] holy damage I'm out leveling these guys quite a bit though but that's the fun part of playing melee isn't it oh messed up seal twist I really wish you could seal twist command man it's it's actually kind of a let down you can't I'm SE twisting righteousness just cuz it is better than not doing it but not a lot better uh one more ball can't play without the boom buff it does feel good to use and uh you know you just you set your he up in wherever's nearest to whatever faction you're playing and if you ever die or it wears off you just he back go pick up another and then just I don't know go chill while you're on some flight paths for 10 minutes getting back I'll seal twisting work I will show you exactly how it works right now so you see this little buff I have up here for seal of the righteousness when I press seal of martydom you notice there's some like buff that persists for just a moment of my last seal so I go for martydom I press righteousness you see it like persists for just a moment so this little window means if I attack join that window I can apply both the on hit effects from both of my seals uh so I'll show you this in practice now I hit this be so it's attacking me I press my seal of marom and I attack and I check here and you can see I've got melee seal of marom seal of righteousness that's a seal twist now the shame is when you when you use use seal of command to another seal you don't have this little leeway period so if you see I press command here then go to marum it doesn't have that little um grace period which means you cannot seal twist them and if you could seal twist in uh season of Discovery it would be kind of similar to how it was in TBC you'd be able to potentially proc six attacks in one go cuz you've had your you could have your melee attack which can proc wind Fury you'll have your seal of Commander attack proc which can proc wind Fury and you'd have your seal of martydom proc which can proc wind Fury so that's six attacks in one Global and that would have been possible if you could seal twist seal of command uh unfortunately you cannot so yeah unlucky I [Music] guess but that is that is Seal twisting but leveling it's just kind of a a semi-relevant mmax which makes things a bit faster I just do it cuz it feels good to pull [Music] off uh there are some settings you're putting on to make the bar do that no this is just weapon swing timer uh back in uh this one here back in TBC I had I like a full UI thing to where I could see the window where I needed to change uh from one seal to the other but in this one in this one I'm just like mobs after three Auto attacks with how I'm playing so I just don't need to I I just I seal twist when I'm first taking them and then that's kind of it oh you can add them yeah yeah yeah if it was viable at end game I would but it's not so is what it is I'm afraid hello pick that one up and time to kill some crocodiles was a good idea prob movement speed in the well buff yeah it's really [Music] [Music] useful we have the Wrath option with yeah I mean the Wrath game play is your button comes off cool down you press the button that's that's basically it right it's it's pretty straightforwards but I completely agree Glen uh I I really wish you could seal twist command I think it's such a fun gameplay style and I know it's not for everyone but if you could choose then I think it'd be good then again like there's there's Choice and then there's there's Min maxing right one of them will be better than the other chances are seal twisting will be strictly better on single Target but as soon as you're cleaving or a trash Divine storm is going to absolutely decimate it right but yeah I'm I'm not sure why they removed the interaction cuz it's very specifically being removed like you can seal twist other things not just this Hi how are you or just not this I should [Music] say ref p 25 uh yeah yeah it is um you can you can exorcism you can Divine storm you can Crusader strike you can judgments they work a little bit differently in some cases but yeah PVP they're mental oh yeah I've seen R is nasty in [Music] [Music] PvP it does good damage as you can see though like and to to be fair these are gry mobs but I'm kind of planning for the future so I can do some uh I can do some higher level quests when I reach them yeah the the choice isn't there at the moment yeah you're right if you could seal twist I think um marom would be better on sing single Target mom's weird at the moment cuz it's meant to be like this utility spell they keep trying to push the whole Mana restore effect but so long as Divine storm is divine storm it's just not going to change I don't think but you know what we're early days into the season we'll see what they do do like the idea of questing to get gold but the amount of hord ganking is unreal at the moment um there should be quests in Wetlands red Ridge Mountains duskwood um of course I was going to say Ashen Vil but that's like ganking Central isn't it uh just i' definitely get the questy addon installed if you don't have already and just see if you can scout some stuff out we got the crocus meat done we need two more skin usually this Quest takes a while I've been lucky I'm been paying attention for colleagues I've been talking but delete some items delete that there we go Ashen Vil is very rough I bet it if you're on a PVP server people are they're going to be looking for blood they're going to be hunting you down and that is going to be the reality of your situation there so if I was trying to chill and Quest a bit I would go to literally anywhere else um man I need to get better bags on this guy too [Music] Ashen veils a war zone can you imagine right next phase strangle Thorn Veil is the PVP Zone you think you've seen you think you've seen some like war zone at the moment just you wait all right just just you wait it is going to be crazy and everyone's going to be like Ashen veil's okay for questing it's not great STV is like incredible for questing going from 25 to 40 you're going to be spending a lot of time there whether you want to or [Music] not just St Vietnam yes exactly y Al the Warlock am I happy with it myself yes I'm very happy um warlocks are they I think they could be doing a little bit better was a tank um both on threat generation and AOE saying that I really haven't tanked much the raids that I tend to play in there's people who are like super dedicated tank players and they they tanks are what they do um and you know if they they want a tank that's fine you know I'm happy to DPS uh but yeah I've been very happy with warlock so far the fire spec yeah I'm playing the fire [Music] spec [Music] uh so we need one more crocolisk skin yes I'm yeah I'm on a I'm on a PVE server so I don't have these same worries this is part of the reason why I've rolled here I don't mind PVP occasionally but I kind of like it on my own terms most of the time I'm just kind trying to chill or when I'm streaming I just like talk in with chat and when you are when you're on a PVP you kind of have that it can be as as few as one or two people and they just decide that you're going to be pvping now so that's why I play here but again that's my [Music] decision you should play on the server which you think is best for you on some my else I'm I'm planning to roll on PVP servers I'll probably roll Crusader strike ho on a you I know there's a bunch of uh there's a bunch of people who stream already there which would you know be nice to play play with them a bit I guess you know I've been making content for this game for uh oh a bit over four years now and yeah it just be nice to get to know a few people who do a similar kind of thing a little bit better right uh let's get one more crocodile here Crocs any Crocs mythal is going to be 5G piece oh yeah you know actually there's some really funny gold Farm I don't know if you guys have heard about this which is only available to One race in the game we've never had a gold Farm which is race specific in World of Warcraft I think maybe there is but I don't know about it I'm Ying that and torren yes yes you know it is Toren so yeah I'll give those the other one don't tell them you're doing it uhoh I'm going to make it I'm going to say it in a video eventually but the thing is right so at the moment our professions are Capp to um I don't have professions on this guy they're capped to 150 right so we can't get anywhere past 150 however Toren and gnomes natur as well have bon have a um 15 bonus to some of their professions through their talents now torren have 15 bonus herbalism so it's a racial specific Advantage now if you get that 15 bonus herbalism ratio and you combine it with a pair of crafted gloves that give you another 15 bonus another sorry not 15 bonus the gloves give you five bonus herbalism you can get to 170 herbalism and at 170 herbalism you can pick a gold Thorn and gold Thorn are going to be very useful next phase you can make a bunch of great end game when I say end game I mean like level 40 right you can make a bunch of really good end game level stuff like um the good Mana potions elixir of agility uh there was something else that was good yeah that's that's a short version you report to Blizzard to fix it what I was kind of that gnomes would get some bonus right like imagine if you're a gnome and you can get some like crazy crafted engineering items you 15 bonus in engineering like we've never seen this meta exist before where one race can get advantages and I think that's so cool have to survive the areas I can go around hammerfall in the wrathy highlands like if you're a Toren Hunter and you don't have herbalism you should roll immediately and start picking gold thn I guess right it should be good gold right [Music] right no's the only one running around with iron grades imagine yeah have I been touched by otk not that I'm aware of what are the gloves I'll show you okay so the funny thing about the gloves is they the're Alliance only so you have to buy them from the Alliance vendor and then trade them through a neutral auction house there should be some on your auction house already I went and checked the horde Auction House on the server I'm on and people have posted the pattern for the gloves uh but it's a leather working and uh eyes gloves and herbalist gloves this one here so you need 135 to craft and it gives you plus five herbalism this process is insane it is it's crazy it's like oh we can pick some bonus herb but you need to be this specific race you need to have traded this for a neutron or now you need you need to know all these things right 50 silver a piece that's not bad and the location of this Fender is um oh I don't have it on right now it's like over here I think is it over here I think I think it's over here you might have to wow head this but over here sounds way too hard it is a bit of work but if you can just buy the pattern off the auction house and then do a little round of somewhere in the wrathy highlands then it could be good herb enchant the herb enchant is only plus two so it's not good enough unfortunately uh it's plus two or three same with the mining enchant these guys are lightning Bol they don't lightning bolt I can just pull all these what am I doing three mobs want to have a go then I'll be fine strangle Kelps just good enough yeah I mean what I'm saying this should be good next phase um just based of what we know at the moment I need this die yep you 21 you haven't done the Varan fist uh no I actually haven't started it yet if I'm honest I do need to do that you are right you're completely right cuz verigan's fist is big I completely forgot about that I've just been kind of playing the game for shame absolutely imagine playing a paladin and not getting Varan fist like what are you doing man where'd you get the red hat well in in game or in real life n but in game out I just got it from a random mob bosses also Dro them what's hitting me wait what that is some social aggro if I've ever seen it like I didn't even touch them and they're just lightning bolting [Music] me got a little stun so we can't Dodge that Paladin damage you got to love it the merlock and Ming Co yeah actually I solded that um not long ago on my main and the merlock has he has both the hats and shoulder pads uh do I recommend any of the paid leveling add-ons I mean zygor's free from what I'm aware rest of X PR is free up to level 20 um I've used rest XP a bunch in the past like I know it works well obviously people are always a bit funny about leveling add-ons when you have to pay for them but I think it's okay for people to put in hard work and to expect some form of compensation for it uh if you think about it it's kind of wild that every add-on is free and think of how many hours you've got a use out of dbm or anything else and it's completely free right zor's free I thought it was free yeah uh I could be wrong [Music] oh no someone else got it you don't need a leveling guide you don't I mean you're not you're not [Music] wrong you don't strictly need it it's just going to be [Music] helpful yeah I'm Ying this one cyles is monthly oh okay yeah I I actually didn't I didn't realize [Music] that there a free trial then has an a membership version okay yeah I mean there's a few options at the end of the day it's um it's just people putting in time and effort and trying to get something out for themselves which I don't I don't think there's anything wrong with that I know people have this like phobia to the idea of pay addons or like you could make money from add-ons but honestly if you get so much use out of something then I think it's okay to give something back in some way a damn it he's using this now that is the world we live in but yeah Adam have always been free you're not wrong you're not wrong and people say it's it's paid add-ons but it's it's like they're trying to sell the guide portion and like the add-ons free and there's always kind of like people get mad that it's a loop Poes and stuff but at the end of the day for me it's pretty much if if people put a lot of time at an effort into something I think it's okay for them to get some kind of benefit back to themselves from that yeah hard work deserves to be rewarded okay that's I don't think this is like a crazy take if somebody's put 500 hours into an add-on and they want to make some dollars from it then you know what good for you um if that's an opportunity in the market and you filled that first then uh well done I guess cuz somebody else would have come along and done it otherwise Creator wants it to be free that's for them to decide I mean for rested XP for example the Rune portion of the guide is free you can you just install the add-on it'll tell you where every Rune is no cost yo Ryan thanks for dropping by never shave the beard who I don't even know what I look like without a beard at this point in time I would be scared to find out I could have one of those chins that's like diagonal it could be scary you know um what shall I drop here no h these are all kind of useful uh this one I think yeah what's on your mind my no warlock hey hey you leave you leave my Nome Malone okay I've got at least a few more few more years of hair up here I'm totally only wearing I'm only wearing the hat today because it's it's it's it's Christmas it's festive okay my hairline is absolutely fine copium what's the room part the add on I I'll just show you uh so if you install rested XP you don't have to pay for anything you install it uh you get the add-on and then there'll be rest of XP Rune guide and you can just Rune guide and you just click the thing and you you get the Rune that's it that's it so yeah if you want to find runes if you if you find yourself just wowe heading runes and you don't want to do that just get the add-on and go find them like where's hand of Reckoning I kind of want to get that today apparently I might leave this on for hand of Reckoning actually yeah it's freak uh so it's everything you expect for an add-ons nice let's get this hand that in and we go back yes we go back over here first time playing Alliance it's been a lifesaver rest XP yeah I think I want to level on horde and I imagine when I do so I will use it especially when I'm streaming um I just kind of want to talk to ch a little bit more rather than like have this laser focus on the game and my quest route uh and I think it' be nice to do that but again it's all down to you maybe you want to level without guides maybe you want to you you want to load up thoughtbot to level and read stuff you know you do you when it's questing there's no Min maxing there's no competitive element it's just just play the game and have fun and do what you want to do do it's okay it really is right so we'll try these Elite here and then I want to do this Quest and then we go hand in that then we go hand in that and then we're going to have to run back over here to hand in by that point I should hopefully be 20 uh 22 hate it be a monthly sub yeah I I didn't realize IO was monthly I I thought it was three I think for some reason yeah I didn't realize that I when it comes to leveling I've used questy and um more recently I've used rest XP beyond that that's that's kind of it but we're going to leave this on I'll go get this Rune afterwards cuz I do want to get this there's a free trial only up to 13 Oh I thought it was up to 20 they must have changed that then thought Parts how you found tidal charm back in the day wow that's a great drop to have got that item is good [Music] forever there might be a few groups going here there's a hunter okay all right guys I'll just BRB one moment again is for ah boy when you have a coffee before stream and then you start streaming you have another one damn that's some real life debu right there and I hope you choose a main for season of Discovery you mainly uh you mainly PVP you between priest feral feral and Warrior priest at the moment is actually god tier like straight up priest but um mainly healer at the moment mainly healer priest uh saying all this feral is fine I think balance is a bit stronger Warriors are okay but they're extremely gear dependent however they stand to gain a lot of power at level 40 but healer priest is fantastic like absolutely Giga s tier amazing you like to DPS ah I see um I kind of say go Warrior but you're not going to be you're going to need a lot of gear you're going to need to play the game a fair amount if you don't have as much time to play the game um H yeah it's a bit of a tough one you love Shadow priest Shadow priest is great the thing about Shadow priest is uh they're extremely good in small scale or jeweling based PVP if you're in larger PVP in a Battleground they're not so good but if you're mainly One V oneing and looking for over open more PVP they are absolutely the best of those three you tried warlock but it's [Music] boring that's just what I think though there a group here let's uh try and get in um are you doing these what about Hunter Hunter is also brilliant uh yeah very very strong in PvP at the moment uh we getting in the group oh nice we are sweet Hunter yeah in terms of PVP at the moment Hunter and priest are kind of they're standing at the top rat is also very good if you're Alliance oh two level 25s I'm getting a bit of a freebie here Rogue is fun I need I still need to rank my rogue to three I want to do that this reset oh he's just going he's just going in on you I'm competing guys I'm on the damage meters I swear I'm not doing I'm not doing bad for level 21 though huh I is wearing a sword and board though I guess tier list what the top three do you care more about open world PVP and small scale battles or Battlegrounds and sort of larger scale PVP cuz that is going to really depend on what I would say oh chest get a little might seal twist how much trying it to get rank three it's like um wait do I not have rebuke I do oh use my ability ground some well PVP I don't know it's so hard to answer if you want to do damage Shadow priest just AR the the they're incredible in Jewels are like small scale but when you're in larger scale PVP they the thing is Shadow priests wear you down they like don't burst you out they they they just heal they Shield they DT and they like rot you down they're really not that great in Battlegrounds in Battleground it's all about the Healer priest Barrell is like okay at both but balance at the moment is better Warrior is again okay at both I think it's better in Battlegrounds but Warrior stands to gain the most from being level 40 so I would probably go Warrior but you're I don't know it's hard to say it is hard to say I think all of them are pretty close for what you want yeah I I'm sorry to try to give a vague answer but this is it's it's a tough question Warrior I think Warrior will be the best at 40 for how you want to play the game but you need a Healer behind you that's that's always been the caveat with Warrior Shaman Sharman are kind of you can play some like tanky build at the moment and that all right Elemental at 40 is going to be be disgusting like there's no way it's not overpowered it has to be overpowered see Arenas and season Discovery I hope so I think there's enough people who actually would like some competitive form of PVP as much as you can just you know pre-made Battlegrounds at the end of the day it's like can you think of another online game where you can just queue into randoms and it's considered competitive like it I mean it's not it's just not it is a big step though going from Battlegrounds and open world PVP to some actual competitive format so I don't know whether they do it I kind of I I really doubt they would to be honest hello Nidia how you doing it'd be cool I think RPGs would absolutely pop off by the way in uh pic I think they will be so popular I'm not like a huge PVP myself either but I I really do believe RPGs will pop off not AR not Arenas so much Arenas are kind of like they're just very restrictive and I yeah they kind of force a very narrow meta as to what's good leveled a hunter to 25 on a PVP server yo I'm thinking of uh rolling an all on a PVP server pretty soon I was going to Crusader strike cord probably make first character as a shaman though I'm I'm kind of down to play Warrior on horde a big orc warrior with my two-handed axe Zog sounds fun why' you hate TBC so much R's worse wish we could about TBC um I mean Hate's a strong word uh if I'm honest it is my least preferred out of the classic expansions so far like you're not wrong in that regard I think it was mainly just so I did raiding for the most part right and the group wide Buffs and the rotations feeling quite like vanilla just kind of were a bit of a let down for me personally Crusader strike's been a blast I yeah I'm I'm looking towards that for sure you a rogue Warlock and a hunter too holy crap you just play everything don't you uh Hunter and warlock for PVP if you have those two uh either hunter or warlock are both amazing at everything they're good in PVE as well they're good solo they're good Battlegrounds the good they're good at everything you can pick either one at the moment things may change at level 40 but we shall see uh so we're trying to find some ogres loan yeah these sh spawns this is one of these really old mechanics in the game sharing spawns uh I think the enforcers and the ogre share spawns TBC is your favorite I know a lot of people really love it and they're kind of disappointed it didn't get an arrow server ogre ogre where are the ogres what I think of season Discovery Hunters Hunters have been on a wild ride but I keep hearing people saying oh no they Nerf the hunter they Nerf the Hunter and damn they're still pretty good like went from see remember when Hunters at the start of the Season people are going to look back to this right people will look back to this and they'll say do you remember when you could use eyes of the beast on a scorpid and it could be any other class in the game that's kind of the beauty of the season you just you just don't know what wild stuff is going to come out you know um Hunters insane yeah they Hunters are they're known for being very good at a low level rage let down on other than the someo I yeah I really like somewell if I had one thing to say about somewell I wish it had like one or two more bosses cuz it was it a six boss raid it it just felt like you got into the somewh you were blasting and then the raid was over if it had one or two more bosses just just to pad it out a little bit not even more trash just another boss or two it's weird these mobs have rage usually they they never have rage I don't know why they gave them that we need one more ogre and we are done you preferred BT and hydel hydel there's no way you preferred hydrel what are you saying man I don't think I've ever heard anyone have that take ever oh my I do not I I never want to go back to Hydra that place is like a prison you felt it's like Warcraft free all I mean okay you know I'm not I'm not going to say your opinions wrong but um it it wasn't my favorite you love Kyro there's no way there's no way people like kyel all right I mean fair enough you know well fair enough okay if you like it you like it there's nothing wrong with that oh there's a rat where is he thank you rested XP you like Hydro I can't believe people like it but again it's it's opinion based stuff all right so it's fine but Hydra can get in the bin and stay there thank you that's what I want to hear about hydel what's this guy drop though but just some random green man it's kind of disappointing what most of the BRS drop in this game it's like literal garbage and we are done I think um uh oh no I need one more brute I could probably solo brute right they're done I I'll do the last brute by myself that is no problem that's a war Cry 3 I never played War Cry 3 you know I I never played the RTS games I feel like I kind of missed out I was going to play them when blizzard um re-released them but then it was like an absolute clown fiester when they did um I I know if you guys saw that the the Warcraft 3 re-release and stuff I never played it I know yeah yep y I'm sorry to say like I've I've I've watched them okay I've watched them on YouTube I've watched YouTube videos about them I've I know the story I know what goes down I've just never seen it firsthand and again I was going to play it when they re-release them but then the re-release was just it got such incredibly bad press that it it kind of made me not want to play them do you know um so I need one Mo g fruit there's one right sir where are you at no G brute in there I think I can avoid that guy right yeah he's miles off oh he's level 19 Elite I'm going to activate stone form that big extra armor buff it still holds up it sucks but it's good enough maybe I'll give it a go then would would you guys say playing Warcraft reforge is worth it like for a first time experience do you think I should buy it and play it through oh it respawned I just don't want him to heal the other guy oh there's two of them oh there's two of them got bubble play the original do the old one is it just like Graphics that's different or what what's the deal is did they revamp The Voice lines and everything we done here we are done we are done good reforged is horrible oh I's see it's the same but imagine releasing a new game and everyone's like yeah it's the same but worse ouch it's just the graphics yeah I understood they redid the graphics and the cinematics just find an old copy I will find one no I can I can buy it it's [Music] fine y Tech I do occasionally stream yes since season of Discovery came out there's been so much new stuff in the game that I've wanted to do this again the cinematics are not redone oh okay I thought they were you can't buy the old version what oh I will have to find it then turn this in here we should be level 22 fairly soon what' I [Music] get this is classic leather gloves of intellect and Agility love to see it you can't I had no idea you couldn't yeah yeah oh you can turn old graphics on reforged okay so you can you can still just buy it and then just swap it over yeah that makes sense the game is fine the issues and how they handled everything around the game I thought the issues were pretty much entirely with the game like I remember people saying it was it was scuffed it it it looked bad it just wasn't faithful it didn't feel like reforged I thought the issues were entirely with the game it auto deletes the old game I'm getting mixed replies now but I can look into it either way buggy broken mess H cuz I mean it would be good to play I've watched the cinematics through like you know some of these YouTube channels that like they they combine all the cinematics into a complation I've watched one of those through so I I do know what the story is on what happened I guess it'd be nice enough to play it right release it was buggy and the multiplayer was awful there's been so many mixed opinions on big game releases recently hasn't there thought the Warcraft 3 was necessarily one of them but it's so every game noway when it releases is it's incredible or it's uh complete flop is wind for enchant now no it essentially works the way it always has it's um you need to have a feral Druid in your not no not necessarily a feral Druid you need a druid in your party with a certain Rune they equip the Rune and it will give your weapon a temporary buff so it really does work how it's always worked yeah in that regard man's level 11 what are you doing huh why why are you here uh hello hello Mr Mage sir and he he's wanding he's helping zero zero damage so far he's Frost over um has he started his festivities a bit early perhaps he's he's arcade missil in he's just going off give him another one give him another one what what is what did I just see what did I just witness is that a bot huh he's just run off into the distance where's he gone sir he he's gone no no he's down there no that's somebody else where did he's vanished he's actually a wizard he's just he's using invisibility he's playing a different expansion he did help out though he um yeah his AR what was that his AR missiles hit like once he will never be seen again he's he's straight up actually vanished I don't know where he's gone all right well I I don't I don't know what to make of [Music] that leveling what why was he up there at level 11 though like level 11 why maybe he's new to the game you know what I he's he's just enjoying his game having a nice time using literally every single Mage spell in this spell book He's a true Chad I just can't understand his methods he doesn't care what the matter is he's like oh I'm going to frost ball and then I'm going to Fireball I'm going to Arcade missiles a bit it's blizzard are sending their [Music] agents let's hand this one and do you get a good ring from this this Quest actually if you're Alliance this is really worth doing cuz rings are kind of hard to get unless you're like me and you uh you have the auction house spec um it's a good ring good very good ring for the level you can get it at see you soon we'll turn that [Music] in and what else do we have to do now we have to hand in yeah we have to hand in all this stuff over here and then we are going to oh I could go get the Rune yeah I'm going to get get this Rune actually I'm quite near the Rune I should sell some stuff first classic vanilla your bags are just constantly full of random stuff what can I do for you right what can we sell here so pretty much every I mean some of these stuff are Boe but they're not going to sell for much more than vendor at this point cuz server economies just move really fast so I think that's about good be good what then do I use to see where the runes are this is rested XP you can just download the you don't have to pay for anything the Rune add-on part of it is free you just download it and you you find the Rune you want and you just click where it is and then you follow the arrow I guess Divine storms worth it I was in Northern dark Shore yesterday and there were some people trying to find a group for it but I was like level 16 or something so I was like nowhere near high enough level so we're going to try and find this so open the sunken Relic underwater and loot it for the libram of a Justice [Music] oo it's so worth it yeah if there was like if if this was one week ago there was probably a raid trying to get that Tower but now it's like two or three guys and I it just wasn't possible with me being such a low [Music] level cring single Target 200 damn that's pretty good that is pretty good there's a few groups up here too it's quite active ah my Dark Moon first Buff's gone I got 35 more minutes on my Boon so apparently there's a rune in here or a a chest I need to loot I should say allegedly oh the arrow I do as the arrow commands when your satav tells you to drive into a lake you just do it it's the right direction when does DMF end I have honestly no idea uh they've changed how it works in season of Discovery so I really don't understand it anymore down here right I've seen this chest before actually yeah Sunday apparently there you go Sunday right so libran of Justice learn a new ability after slaying 10 enemies stunned by Hammer of Justice okay so I need to get things to low health I need to Hodge them and I need to clap them dwarf treasure finding as racial as AA is unironically a very good racial like for the chest and stuff so can this be any level enemy H okay right I I didn't want to one shot him and then I stun and then oh do they need to give XP I guess they need to give XP right that guy did not give XP so I need to find some higher level stuff yeah needs to be killed while stunned that is what it says so I guess it's like a 10 minutes worth of stuff right uh I just need things that are a bit higher level I am level 21 which is pretty high to be here uh these guys are high enough level reparing the seal twist okay don't one shot him now St and okay yeah I got one stack of the buff yeah yeah you just need you just need to give XP 10 minutes of content no way guys you're not going to believe what's going to happen I'm going to wait one minute between each pull it's going to be [Music] incredible actually wait I'm not going to wait I just I just kill stuff and get some gold while I'm [Music] here 20 seconds one more attack don't crit okay oh he's running he's running away as well we run away I'm just going to make myself some bandages if that's okay with you four copper drops look it's uh [Music] wait okay no don't kill [Music] him okay make that 11 minutes well we'll be done real soon guys real [Music] soon okay just just just bear with me we're pretty much [Music] done so this reminds me a battle for ashon Veil I was sometimes you're there on your warlock you know when you're playing battle for ashon Veil you're trying to summon people to wherever you are and uh you you're like you you pull the wildlife around you you pull the Stags you pull the wolves and you're like you're drain soing and you're like all the other warlocks are drain soing and you pull a mob over and I swear it's always the rat Paladin they see a mob near them and straight away they're like boom Divine storm Crusader strike and you're like bro I I'm not even channeling drain Soul can you chill please and it's always the rep p i I don't know what it is they get a reputation or something thing I should just go do other quests as well there's no point like standing around here waiting for this but I'm kind of done with this Zone otherwise right I don't need to be in this zone for the quest though do I yeah I'm just going to go to [Music] Wetlands as long as I as long as I have this little libran thing yeah the r PES are they're experiencing their new found [Music] power glad you they can keep threat off your Mage I mean apparently rep P threat is actually like Bonkers cuz the with Divine storm they're double dipping from it dealing damage and it healing four party members so it's like doing turbo threat [Music] generation and they're just crazy good I know tanks were tanks use um Divine storm too right which is kind of neat this is one of the cool things about the Rune it's not just Divine storm is no longer a rep P ability it's now a paladin ability and you can use that as a tank you I mean you could use it as a Healer it sounds garbage but but you know you could in theory there's nothing stopping you from doing that use DS as a tank yeah I've seen all of all all the tanks do the prop tanks it's multiplied by righteous Fury uh yeah yeah it should be it should be absolutely yeah Divine storm and consecration I mean I don't have all my ringe yet but if I was tanking I be going so Divine storm goes on chest and then Avenger shield and then what' you put on hands righteous Fury I guess I don't know where that goes to be [Music] honest and a Breck on the hands yeah that makes sense sense I've got like none of the hand runes so far but I guess they're just a bit harder to [Music] find almost like the class was extremely powerful to begin with just boring yeah from I mean from a utility point of view the Paladin has always been incredible it just didn't quite have the numbers right but now it it does have the numbers and it has that great utility so it's starting to Shine the good healing runes oh yeah I heard the um what was it Divine sack is the is that the ratchet Rune and the rep Rune is Beacon or is it the other way around it's one of the two right this the face to waiting room depends what class you play it may feel that way but a lot of classes are very strong right now safe travel should macro aveng a shield I I meant to buy a shield earlier on so I got I got really lucky when I was questing in red Ridge and the mob spawned in front of me and there was a group of people doing it uh so I managed to pick it up um but I I just don't have one that run in Al right now but I should be having a macro I made one here uh to SW weapons but I just forgot to buy a one-handed weapon and a shield to the point where I can just throw out it throw Avengers shield out you need something let's pick that [Music] up hi see you soon Pal's popping up I mean numbers wise apparently palons are one of the more popular classes in the game despite them being Alliance specific ding three more levels to go which is surprising I don't think we have numbers on iron for.pro yet we have a quick look demographics no I don't think we do rep is Beacon you haven't gotten it yet yeah it should I think it is yeah Alliance is overplayed it always is in vanilla every single time I've always said it's perhaps the one version of wow where allian is overall the more popular faction and typically it's been because of U paladins but now we have a bit more balance between the two factions we've them been giving each ofs [Music] abilities thoughts on Mages being able to heal with W you submitted to ticket about it on day two because it seemed like it should work only for them to add it later it's it's a pretty nice quality of life buff the thing about Mages being able to heal with wands is it's kind of like their um it's like their downtime right we can start regening Mana through the 5sec rule which other healers could kind of do already also other healers don't have to worry about hit chance whereas Mages do which is a bit scuffed and they don't have to deal with [Music] [Music] that but I think it's uh it's pretty good I mean there's a good Arcane wand in BFD as well I don't know if I have the updated version installed um I don't know Gass drops a wand called like Dread light or something which is really good you should try and get that the alternative is cookies oneand from deadmines this one yeah get get the one from um BFD cuz no one else ever wants it cookies is eight less yeah I mean it's it's kind of free right you just get it and you get it the FD ones from a quest the ones from in quest is Shadow damage though if you're an if you're a Mage and you're a Healer you want an Arcane wand and the Arcane wand from Gast is the best one spec oh it gives like 25% damage doesn't it or something crazy that's actually not bad it's not bad at all sure does there you go yeah I I yeah you're right with the the the version I have salute is just I have the classic version they've split it and they right to split it because um whilst you want a an original version you want the seasonal version so I just need to go and store the other one you been pleas with healing Mage yeah I've seen the um they're not doing too bad you didn't heal with one damage as a mage they did update that you now can heal with Arcane damage as a mage this was a change that they made um how long ago not too long ago we're just going to go through this way a good chck range yeah I don't see any downsides I mean again um Mage has this whole like atonement discipline esque vibe to it which they never have before and when blizzard originally put disc priest in the game they did not have to deal with this hit chant stuff they just got it through their talents so I think them giving Mages alternative ways to heal especially through ones is it's just something that makes sense to do but yeah this whole all disc priest thing with atonement that started in cataclysm by the way but leg the big difference is that Mages have way better AOE than disc has ever had like disc has never been this good at AOE ever and there's a reason for that which is why when um arcan mes first came out and they could heal they had to Nerf Arcane explosion scaling by like 80% On Healing too expensive to a pie Beacon yeah disc is again with atonement it's always had this kind of weird space to it well I don't know if you ever done Mythic plus around a thing as disc I used to do it during Legion and stuff on certain weeks they' just be terrible because if you don't have something to hit they just suck like they're really bad a little overtuned but a little overhanded but I agree yeah I think plus is rast yeah I've heard that really good in um at least the past few expansions I haven't played it for a bit when I say a bit I mean a very long [Music] time but yeah if you are a mage you should definitely try and get an Arcane wand if you want to heal that is something which is going to help you out a lot Dre M you couldn't miss the emerald dream ah true the closest I got to that was the Druid order Hall I did the emerald nightmare but I was playing a frost Mage back then the start of Legion Emerald nightmare not the most memorable raid unfortunately in fact it was the easiest Mythic raid that they have ever released and probably that they ever [Music] will damn it's a few people here seems to be enough mobs I'm just going to start killing stuff oh he just invited me all right that works [Music] too someone's dead in the party where are they power buff girls well great Guild name maybe ilgen off I remember wiping on ilgen off a bunch a big an fight wasn't it they had to try and burst the heart or whatever it was is that another that's another group [Music] oh boy he's got some boys coming here hello Al how we doing wasy oh it's been a while yeah someone has just pulled absolutely everything here I don't know where there's like two groups I guess they're more than more than four pun for lium oh true yeah I I should be paying attention to that you're right you're right and there's number two he's pulling everything again absolutely everything we're just absolutely going in here now I'm the one pulling the bubbling DEA from wiing wiping the raid I I don't remember the specific debuffs I just remember there's a there's a lot of tentacles coming out the ground and they were causing a lot of problems that's why I remember about Mythic Mythic OV or just ilgen off for that matter wait are we done oh yeah we are done all right sweet unless I use my op racial to Y this chest before anyone else notices it wait I've already got a box though but what if it has a blue in one of these one of these strong uh not strong solid chess I was playing a hardcore character and it had a twisted chanter staff in it this one could too or it could have nothing that's you know that's usually the case nice get my [Music] stack classic boxes suck most of the time you know when people ask me to you know when you see a box and people ask to roll on it I usually don't even bother I'm just like this is going to be bad like they're always bad I swear but no I had a um it was a hardcore character actually I was trying to level a mage AOE grinding I did this all like in my own time I just did it for fun and uh I was I remember I was naming them after the Wizards from the Wizards Tower and RuneScape so I think my first one was uh triborn and he died at level 19 and then I had grag he died at level 20 and then I had mizgog and he made it like to level 30 something and then I sort of stopped playing cuz I think something else Wasing coming out at the time maybe ICC or whatever it was and the mizgog was absolutely blessed he got the Twisted chanter staff from a chest in the wetlands at level like 20 something and then I was grinding in hillsbrad the OR camps um like over herish what's it called not hammerfall whatever this Camp's called and he got the um Zealot blade which is like eight spirit and a bunch of stats which obviously isn't great if you already have Twisted Chan staff but it was decent oh he's rest running there you go there's your help aren healing potions a handful of silver these ones are yes the greater healing potions are about 50 silver I don't know what you need to make them actually uh crafting Alchemy healing rer life Bloom Kings blood yeah these run are about 50 odd silver all the the ones below that though are just worth nothing pretty much we're doing a nice rid of cross country Mana potions I've seen that worth quite a bit Mage Roy and strangle kelp Ah that's why strangle kp's worth money oh and the the better version uses strangled kelp too ah if you're getting strangled kelp I always find this place up here is really good but it's probably quite contested right realm I am on wild growth [Music] EU Yer master running across the lands with his Boon find kelp and clams at the same time it's not an STV is it annoying sounds like it's an STV to me now to me no oh okay um is it in talk to me far north of dark Shore huh oh M Royal I'll take that I help the Threshers oh yeah like um up here I guess this bit Yeah I never see anyone up there actually join us on living flame you see the problem with living flame is your server's always locked I don't know if it's locked at the moment even a bit further than that okay that's really far north but living FL blame on both EU and na is just constantly locked and you can't make characters got water breathing it's not so bad the potions are cheap though you can get the potions that last about an hour or something oops um which cost like a few silver did you get the KY come on come on I know I'm new to streaming but I'm not that new also there is a Rog Rune over there but since I need to ask what is the Mind Goblin Rune just out of curiosity I I need to know now uh absolute l classo let you play as a goblin oh sick yeah I might have to go get that I have to go get that for [Music] sure I'm gobling up these Subs hey Calamity the tier one damn that's generous you just pop straight in and drop that straight away yo I saw you um admittedly I'm a bit of a lurker and stuff but I saw you started again recently with season of Discovery so I hope you have fun and stuff and it's uh it's good and you hardcore players right you're getting the um what is it the sellow mode at the start of next year too so it should be interesting right mind gobbling these balls on your chin oh boy we're going full on out now huh we're going all out yeah it's been good all right I mean I honestly I saw from especially a lot of the like Giga vanilla enjoyers that before season of Discovery they were super skittish about it I guess like worried it was going to suck but I found for the most part all of massive vanilla enjoyers like I'm not saying you're like a super vanilla purist or anything but a lot more people have enjoyed it than I thought they would I ask you about the H run can would you please oh not even close I need to know what they have is Rune now what is the H Run please inform me my lack of knowledge on the H run is eating me inside have a nice day loser got him oh my God that's you know i' I'd heard the Mind Goblin one I actually hadn't heard of that but there was no way it wasn't some meme so have a see have a nice day why couldn't you have said that wait you did say have a night and you said loser okay yeah that's um what's on your mind um that one's on me though all right good one good one at least you didn't ask me about the ligar Run cuz that one's really hard to get not many people have the ligar run yet it's super rare you want to understand don't worry about it can I help you uh oh I want that be careful what's the ligar run I don't don't worry about it you wouldn't get it what can I do for ligar runes exactly your back on rough bronze boots how many three h okay I'll get them later uh what quest do I want here oh I could go get another booth and then Hef back one day you'll be old enough to understand the leg maroon but that day is not today farming for the ligma room was rough felt like sand ah yes I mean that's the ligar r isn't it need help or the alliance Lima what I'm not sure to be honest I'm really not sure well met can I help you the up do R that's like the origin story of the meme it seems quite mysterious yeah that's what I hear they do say that they do be saying that uh do I want these quests here yeah I guess I do what can I do dog run yeah I have no idea I mean what's up dog greetings be careful hi off with you the Candice run hey there can't say I found any Candace yet sure Candace what could that imply it's it's just all a mystery to me I really am out the loop here safe [Music] travels let's get this Quest here and full on the quest log again yeah we'll delete that welcome the St cand this Rune fit in your backpack h i mean they they go into an interface not your the boat just left I hate this game all right we're going we're going this way we just we just got to discover it the future the season of the dad jokes it's actually true so we need the young Croco lisks let's get on and Target things these T to be kind of rare over here Young oh young Wetland crocolisk all right blizzard why don't you just put that in your [Music] thing any good log out skip spots not that I know of here but um maybe in other zones maybe yeah I know you need to be kind of in a cave and then to have something that's off the ground a little bit I don't know if we're going to get that where I am at the [Music] moment where I am now is not good for logout skips it's just open world and flat no good oh my Buff's running out right I'll try and get my um Rune stacked up here what's a logout skip spot it's um so basically if you're inside a cave or an area with I guess space above you let me seal twist this to make sure I get it during the stun yeah there we go uh and you log out the game will um so okay right it's not just that so if you're inside a cave or an area with a roof above you and you log out on an item which is suspended in the air or just not on the floor when you log back in the game will automatically teleport you to somewhere um that's your nearest by graveyard so it's a bit wordy to explain but I don't know if you know the cave down kind of here you can log out on top of one of the mushrooms and it will teleport you to a nearby graveyard and this works with any indoor space to any graveyard in the game it's just kind of hard to show you exactly how it works without doing it but um yeah there'll be like stuff on YouTube about it you get it it can be useful the trick is right it's knowing where you're going to go CU say you're playing a hardcore character and you do a logout skip sometimes you can be teleported to the middle of a hoorde camp and you just die which is not what you want you'd rather not have that happen to your [Music] character but yeah it is very useful uh it can save you a bunch of time particularly people are trying to speedrun and stuff they always do that oh I missed the guy I'll get the next one you get an add-on yeah it's um I forget what's the add-on called actually does anyone know the logout skip add-on it like puts circles on your map where where where you log out and where you log in again on this guy okay five more Stacks to go got helmet morbent fell level 25 is heavy hey grass are you uh did you get the male helmet is that what you were going for log out skips is the add-on name okay yeah that that well that makes sense doesn't [Music] it I'm going to have to wait a bit for this merlock to respawn here ah you are well that's big then that's the preious very big previous C gats on that for sure that's a puddle jumper I don't want them no my world Buffs are gone I'm without my 20% movement speed what will I do hello Konami am I in b no not of my characters are in B working towards it my closest one is my warlock but I'm still missing like probably about eight items or something crazy oh IRL I mean look I've got the matching transmog at the moment with my in-game character I don't know if you've noticed but uh we pretty much look alike right I've gone with the exact same look you know I've got got I've got the Hat I've got the beard uh obviously I'm I'm not 4T tall in real life okay I'm I'm totally taller than that but aside from that you know I'm I'm going with the uh the realism today you're thinking of leveling a Palin to tank would you recommend it uh yeah Palin tanks are extremely good um I haven't played it personally but I played with them and they're great um I can recommend them I do enjoy playing with a prop alley tank the other option before BFD would be humbert's helmet from the dwarves in Hills Brad I mean if you're doing more bent fell you're Alliance right um and I've seen humbert's Helm traded through the neutral auction house some of them appeared on our auction house today on wild grow and they were going for 110 gold like bro you've got to be out of your mind to be playing a to be paying 110 G for an item there's no shot like you you're getting eight you're getting eight strength from that thing already morbit morbit fell was the original Mor in time he did it before it was popular all right respect his name let's get rid of some of this crap any Gems or pearls no pears very sad what you going to do at 25 your Paladin initially the plan is to just kind of level it and enjoy that I'm not really planning to raid on it I kind of wish theising seal of command worked if that worked i' probably be a bit more inclined to play it at end game but at the moment I'm just going to level it and have a good time not a big issue when someone can open their wallet unfortunate or orbe it true yeah my passes exactly your passes need need you to open that wallet done this guy another stack nice three left any gem nope spark Mal has 16 yeah nine strength on a head slot item like just don't don't care about anything else nine strength good like it's probably it's better than humitz um if you're a male usually you're a warrior or a paladin um I think you said you're a paladin uh and nine strength is better than nine Agy all day easily without even thinking about it insane by a $100 pixel helmet H here you don't want to hear about gdkp and raft do you huh yeah people uh people are happy to drop some gold on the hobbies and people see this is a hobby so they just throw money at it I don't know Wild West isn't it uh palons get two attack power strength so so yeah uh in fact they get more than two attack power for strength I'm not sure whether it's viable to do so this phase but you have this Talent here which is when it's capped out it gives you 10% Extra Strength uh so realistically they gain 2.2 per point so strength is very good for palins so I need gobler whose name would have been very appropriate a few minutes ago on the stream okay Mr gobler where are we at oh he's up where is he oh TR invite him please join thank you take that he does enjoy a bit of goblin thank you [Music] sir what's the defense cap at the moment for warrior tanks I do not know the answer to that I'm afraid I am unsure what that would be let's try and get these young cocalis done too targets young W my favorite rapper uh do you think dkp are going to become an increasingly frequent occurrence on wild grow uh they will do on every server um it kind of it kind of is what it is whether I like them or not it's just at the end of the day people want put together a group where even if they don't receive an item they get some kind of benefit from it and Sr will never do that and gdkp will so there we go damn hello hly I remember uh leveling together on TBC launch that was back in the day a bit wasn't it CIA still going by the way carrying on into C but uh yeah it's good to see it thanks for dropping by who is a who is the leveling with us it was me me you jari bch and there someone else anyway yeah is what it is just hope Bots don't ruin sord I hear they're pretty popular um on my main account so my rogue and my mass yes that was it oh Mass um but yeah on my other two characters I've got two of those males that say people have been banned so I I do think they're banning people is just not not kind of it doesn't appear to be keeping up at which with the rate people can get new Bots online cuz the level Cap's 25 and it it doesn't take too long to get there even with all defense SK in the game I don't think you hit the cap that's true actually yeah um Warriors and Paladin specifically don't gain those benefits through their talents I just I guess you had just have to assume hope you don't get crit too high uh crit too much even that's done nice two more and we'll get my Rune walked over to Hills BR collect on hunters for a few hours while grinding fishing andrs yeah um if you try duskwood like duskwood is wild if you're ever questing there people skinning around here like or here there's so many of them I think part of the reason is we aren't a locked server and we're PVE and if you're on a PVE server there's no like people can't mess with your day on the opposite faction and that's leading a lot of people to I think they're choosing to bot here cuz it's just easier right nice didn't know CA was still going unbelievably yes you know it's uh with how icc's been it seems as though a lot of guilds are struggling on the server but we are still going still clearing IC weekly and am I imagine I'm going to be raiding them in cata if they're still going in cata I'll still be raiding with them in cata willing cosplay I'm doing my best I've even got the Hat see dedication one more skin I need to stun them as well I keep forgetting I'm so inconsistent red Ridge shouldn't be a neutral zone what's the equivalent to Red Ridge for horde it's kind of like the Barons isn't it but Barons is Barons isn't contested right Baron's horde Stone Talon yeah I guess that makes sense there's just Stone Talon kind of sucks for Alliance like I've done all the quests there on season of Discovery cuz I wanted to get do it for gold but it is like it's it's not great if I'm honest one more crocod actually I need I need two I need to stun something for my room Mountain Ashen Veil that is it one more and I guess I need inventory space right it's just not going to work so I'll delete some of this crap get one more Croc and get my room i' like what five quests there's actually a surprising amount of quests in stone Talent it's just they incredibly inefficient to do usually so you would never do them um I think there's a good 8 to 10 in total but a lot of the quests are like okay pick up the quest in stone Talon okay yeah just go to Iron Forge real quick and you're like bro that's that's like unbelievably far away and then you go back and it's like okay thanks go to Iron Forge again you're like please stop sending me to Iron Forge just give me another quest uh that's kind of the problem with stone Talon uh yeah same with Stormwind there's a few Stone Talon quests that send you to Stormwind if they just sent you to something a bit nearer by darus maybe it'd be okay but they don't they're like okay just quickly go to the other continent for me yeah uh that is vanilla for you though isn't it the only horde I've seen in red rdge are doing uh they're doing runes I think horde have some runes in red rdge you have the tower one for warlocks I don't know what else you have I whether that R spawn the Blasphemous guy is that just for Paladin's Avenger Shield or is that for hord in anyway I I don't know incinerate oh true true incinerate yeah incinerate one one's quite easy though the tower one's a bit of a problem isn't it Crusader strike sword heavy I know there's a lot of streamers on that server um so I would guess it would be but we don't really [Music] know I'm raging blow um yeah I don't know what raging blows from thinking about it but okay good to know on one more crocolisk bless me with the crocolisk blizzard send me the crocolisk loving flame is tilting heavily to horde also I mean you can tell from whether they restrict um faction character creation can't you if they're restricting something all the time you know the other faction's busier it's like you can just tell the the game is telling you that's the case need one more I'm going to go up here see if there's one [Music] more yeah I'm thinking of making a an ALT hord alt on Crusader strikey you and it would probably be a Sharman cuz duh I mean just like I can't make them on Alliance can I or a warrior I think they'll both be kind of fun I haven't made a hunter yet either we kind down to make a hunter I haven't made a mage I haven't made a druid um I think that's it those would be my choices right now uh did they increase the level at which Mages learn teleport I don't know if I'm honest I I I know portals are level 40 and you can't get them quite yet but I couldn't tell you anything else man I wish I wish mes have portals already that would be so nice all Druids have to be Toren well yeah Druid looks kind of fun not going to lie cuz if I'm playing on PVP server I kind of want something that's good at open world PVP and Druids are great at open world PVP right now because if I pick shamer like R and Warrior's are if you're solo on a warrior you're just going to get bullied aren't [Music] you the lock Uber service at least we can make some money out of our shards though can't we right last one one cross color skin and one Rune thank you very much oh no okay my attack missed all right well guys we only have to wait one more minute I can make the female Tor and Dr they're big a beautiful Druid that all will fear and respect I'm just going to K this guy over a bit this was so annoying it is kind of annoying it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have like rank one of Hodge the last 3 seconds going to make try him over here if I heal he's not going to re he's not going to reset is he hey there we go run on right um by questy just went through like a million different things but there it is Hand of Reckoning runon woo so paladins that's the taunt it only took 20 years to get nice sweet so taunts the targets attack you and while you know it you generate more threats and if you drop below low Health you take less damage amazing amazing this is exactly what Paladin needed to play [Music] prop and I feel like a lot of these runes are really easy to get to get to the level 25 ones and the ones from ratchet and the um can I do for you the greetings Go With Honor friend go do Divine storm I do need to do Divine storm but I don't know how many other people will be doing it and at my current level I kind of need other people to be doing it honored with the ACA and the grisbee were weren't so bad I don't think they were so bad I don't think you had four thrs helping you yeah that's that's the way to do it isn't it that's the way to do it prob get Divine storm at level 17 the thing is it's only going it less and less you're not wrong um but I think I think when I have decent gear I could solo both the towers I soloed them on my Warlock and I know that is easier than a paladin but Paladin's a very strong solo still um oh and Varan yeah you're right I should pick up Varan too yeah I I need to do that as well absolutely you're [Music] right well there is a lot of stuff left to do and even if you don't get last this phase they'll be easy next phase too right anyways you done a lot a two with some of these grinds on well that people complain about like people complain about getting honored and you look at RuneScape and it's like yeah just do a few hundred hours for 99 fishing and then nobody bats than I at that but people lose their mind and well don't they different game though isn't it very different game guys I've got a head off uh that is my stream for today I just thought i' pop on for a few hours and uh you know see what's up play a bit of the game uh do some leveling chat about the road map and whatever else and yeah just have a bit of a good time um so yeah obviously it is the uh it's Friday so it'll be the holiday weekend here I hope you're having going to have a nice time about um over this weekend you know whatever is you are doing uh enjoy yourself I will see you it should be sometime next week if not the New Year depending on how long how long am away for what kind of state of mind I'm in after having uh consumed several things over the holiday period but we shall see won't we all go black ey Friday uh maybe we'll save it for the weekend I need I need to drive on Sunday a bit so I can't go too much a anyways guys uh thank you all so much for dropping by today tuning in thanks for all the subs the follows everything else uh particularly if you want to help out you know do drop a follow on Twitch if you wouldn't mind I'm trying to reach partner over there and uh just everything kind of helps going into that but anyway guys I shall see you very soon I hope you have a good holiday weekend whatever it is you are doing I wish you all the best and uh I will catch you when I do in the next one very soon also video out out tonight about the road map and stuff so look out for that look out for that in a few hours from now all right that's it guys all right peace out enjoy your time
Channel: WillE
Views: 17,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0_kp-SHUgU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 26sec (11546 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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