Alt Rogue Time | BIG Caster Buffs INC! | Season of Discovery | | WoW Classic

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen good morning afternoon evening whatever time it's out where you are a bit of an earlier stream today than usual usually I'm on a o a good 3 hours or so later maybe even more than that but today I got on a little bit earlier I managed to get everything I wanted to do so I was like you know what let's stream a bit there it is how are we all doing today there's quite a few in the chat I was wondering how many people there would be really earlier on but yeah there's uh quite a few of you thanks for dropping on by giving us content while na is down I'm doing my bit I doing my bit so uh I uh I will admit does everything sound okay by the way I think the in game sound might be a bit quiet called off work just for me just for me oh shut let me turn you up a bit in game or is everything sounding about even let me know cuz uh I I just love changing stuff in between stream and then I can never really tell how much they've changed [Music] game sounds Al low I've got you give me a moment me put you over there and then L you vid hey thank you I'll put that up a little bit game sound should be a little bit better but uh well I just turned up a tiny bit but anyway who's in here I guess yeah quite a few you we got punch Joshua how are you doing Beach IPA hello Cory welcome Jason how are you doing everyone else so yeah I um it's been a moment since I've streamed really I uh I meant to stream more often then I was like man I need to do these videos these are quite beefy videos I've got a lot to talk about in them so they they take some time to put together and obviously I want to focus on that uh and then um I I thought you know I'll play a rogue a little bit I wanted to start it on stream but then I was like eh you know I just kind of want to start and um you blink you're blink and I and suddenly you're level 20 I don't know how it happens really it's crazy um I don't know how I'm already level 20 a Tweed Brit I do have a flat cap asalan I do have a flat cut it's not with me at the moment I've kind of got Tweed cussions behind me you can't really see them that's my professional sound proofing Rose get some love next FL FL FL what's a flase show the Warlock we can check out the Warlock quickly there has been some progression for sure and hello bear over on Twitch how are you doing this handsome fella look at the drip on this Sky the purple through and through he's got the Hat the okay the shoulders don't quite fit he's got the he's got the purple orb he's got the dagger the chest it's got some leaves on so it's not exactly what I'm looking for but then the boots let's let's have a quick look at the Warlock and then we're going to play Rogue okay you recommend doing sfk as Alliance absolutely yeah there's some very good gear in there so this is my warlock uh I have merely played the game okay quite casual um I have only got a play time of a p Tre uh 3 days 19 hours so yeah I haven't really been on the game that much you know just been taking it fairly casual so far but uh this is the Warlock here is his gear I still really need a neck and there's one from the raid that I think has bonus Shadow damage which I want haven't managed to get that yet but we have the yeah just about to see dread Mage hat this is one of the reasons you want to do Shadow fan keep this is from Shadow fan keep it's annoying to get to his Alliance yeah it's a pain and if you die in there you respawn it South sure so uh don't die engineer cloak that was from a quest chain efflorescent robe that's from a quest chain I didn't even know existed war on gch neck oh you're right I should buy that yeah I'm actually honored yeah I am honored I am honored um I'll go do that later you don't want to see me walk down there now I've just got some crappy wrists I need to upgrade these These are these are garbage I have the gloves from The Raid 69 armor nice um bonus Shadow damage that's good this is from The Raid this is like in the original BFD drop table so that's not updated uh just some Boe legs which I got when dungeoning the boots I need to enchant these or something but um they're really good they have they bonus spell damage hit chance there's kind of everything you'd want on these and when you use them it's kind of like a mini threat drop and the threat drop is actually really good I didn't think about it till I started using them the belt an sfk to um yeah I I used to have that before this I think I've got in my bank this one yep yep still got that they're both good they're both good uh what else have we got so we got the boots uh this was from BFD Quest reward honored with Silver Wing Centinel quest for your epic um void touch item silvering Sentinels friendly BFD Quest warlock Quest and finally that's a Boe from the final boss in the raid so yeah he's looking pretty good and in the outside the raid I've been playing haunt demonic PCT and master chanler and inside the raid I've been playing uh chaos bolt incinerate demonic tactics War song Ring uh oh yeah I've got the ring this one oh they changed the dagger oh okay yeah I was wondering why it was a Boe but like it's so good for warlock tank it's got armor on I I don't think a lot of people see that at first but it does have armor [Music] on so it's pretty cool I've got a lot of upgrades left to get though like I need the uh I need the two set from the Raiden stuff the Bow's good from warong yeah but you have to get warong revered and yeah I don't know about that I don't think I'd want to do that much Ashen Veil dagger on the armor I know it is strange by the way stitches um let me show you this I don't know if this is B whether it's a meme stitches in Westfall he drops he drops this and it has 50 armor on I'm like hm I've got my dagger with armor on I could put this with armor on and then I press meta and I'm getting 500% bonus armor is that actually good cuz that's a lot of armor that's all I'm [Music] saying maybe that's the secret abys stitches yeah I know value sounds okay I mean the armor stuff is surprisingly good uh right let's go on the Rogue they're level 25 uh not 25 20 no appreciate that carango there's also been actually one more thing before we actually start the leveling one more thing is um how do I have 8 gold I've got 122 questing yeah all questing I've pretty much only got um dust wood left on my warlock I've done pretty much everything else is hello Gandhi we've had some pretty big class tuning so um I like to look at Warcraft logs I know sweaty player and all that it's I found interesting right and at the moment this are the these are the standings over the past two weeks I'm going to do a video about this real soon by the way and these are how things are looking so these are the top 5% of people on every class and uh as you can see there's uh physical damage physical damage physical damage physical damage physical damage most of it physical damage Caster Caster Caster a bit of both C Caster Caster Caster Caster so what I noticed was I don't have my curse on do I oh no I do nice the pretty much all the stuff which is doing well is physical damage and all the stuff that is not doing so well are casters and there's like a there's like a divide right in the middle I'm playing the Warlock right I do the gray quest uh no so the the the benefit of the quests is they turn bonus experience into copper and when quests turn gray give wear less copper so nah just do the green ones and above there's a oh yeah there is Philip yeah the the tote of Affliction that's just a better version isn't it don't think about that but anyway ah this is how we're looking at the moment and this is just raiding by the way like PVP is completely different like warlocks are absolute Gods um Hunters are I mean Hunters are amazing at everything let's be honest is this Al it I don't think so no I think it will be after you on na for the maintenance and we will get this on you tomorrow is my thoughts 300 armor yeah it's not bad is it but uh casters are struggling so um I've got a video about this coming up in uh it'll be Friday now so it's still a few days off I'm still working on it and everything but um I want to just check out some these class changes so this is what got posted today so the size of some of these Buffs is actually crazy uh star surge for balance Druids damage ability increased by 182% cool down reduced Mana cost reduced flanking strike they're just trying to make it kind of usable pred to monili damage increased by 100% void plague increased by 200% can you imagine that an AB ility is getting it it's like that's getting it damage tripled isn't it in practice I understand that void plag and twisted faith of the same they're the same Rune though right so you can't have both of these as you pick one or the other I think for single Target you I don't know you probably pick Twisted Faith right I'm not sure we'll have to see how priest do cuz looking at this right now damn do they need some help yeah tripled yeah [Music] cuz priests right now they are in the swamp like they they are not doing so hot same with boomies fro you know what I thought Frost would be quite decent this phase I was hyping up in videos and then Dam damn they suck my bad I guess whoops uh don't always get it right apparently you see the Mages I mean you got Arcane you got fire but um oh you have a level 20 Frost bolt yeah I feel you on that I've got a level 20 Shadow bolt and it is garbage like it is unusably bad uh Rogues are they're kind of getting a buff and a debuff if that makes sense uh so we'll see in a moment the saber slash Talent with remorseless attacks is bugs when you have roress attacks up saber slash just has a passive 40% bonus crit so uh abuse while you can for leveling by the way you're going to see this soon it's really good and they're going to make it scale with mangle soon which an actally count as a bleed so there are some things you can't bleed like think ahead to nun how many things are going to be mechanical and you can't bleed them that's going to suck maybe you just play a different Rune though no Mana is bad for the damage you do well I've got something else for you in a moment on that that we'll look at and for Shaman lava lashes increased Mana cost decreased overload has a 50% chance to trigger okay this I'm telling you right now they're going to have to Nerf this in the future cuz 50% chance to proc on overload is Bonkers like this is nuts when we get to level 40 or yeah level 40 or some point beyond that they're going to have to rerf this like there's no shot this stays at 50% like imagine when even for Resto Shaman when you get chain heel can you imagine 50% chance to chain Hill and it overloads is NoMa confirmed yeah n will be the raid at level 40 and du wield spec 10% to hit while dual wielding so um I guess you just can't miss anymore and boa black fabon it just gives more it just gives spell hit and some spell power so all in all some pretty big Buffs there there's also one other thing I wanted to look out for Mages where is that R is the worst uh they'll be changing it though oh wait I've got it here yeah that is that is that overload thing is going to be disgusting man like wait and see how good that is we'll skip that bit for the moment uh black F's the elemental resistances lowered for a bunch of bosses by the way so the merlock boss I didn't even know he had Shadow resist um to be honest but it was lowered from 75 that's that's like what your pet has when a level 30 something right and a lus jet for nature again I didn't notice that one too much Kelis though Kus was the worst Arcane and Shadow resist lowered to 25 from 75 so if you're playing an Arcane priest on Kish Arcane priest that's not the right one Arcane Mage you're not just going to be suffering this is your Mage healer love this this this bit here that's kind of it 25 x extra damage get close to it can prop from itself yeah it's it's going to be crazy that overload thing and the uh Priestess is inside they now have zero resist I remember trying to kill them as a warlock and it it just didn't work like you you press your buttons and nothing would happen and um yeah just a few of resists or lowered in general so we should have a should have a better chance to hit stuff and hopefully like the melee DPS aren't just absolutely crushing every single caster which is what we see at the moment uh we'll tell a few more resets will go by but as I said I've been keeping my eye on this Warriors a couple of days ago a couple of resets ago were down here and they've gone up and they're going up and they're going up and I thought Warriors wouldn't be very good uh yeah about that when you get some gear and you put well Buffs on turns out they are good yeah they they've just confirmed Noma at the moment we don't know about Scarlet Monastery and the final thing to cover for updates is Hunters so um basically if you've been playing a hunter like there's so many memes going around at the moment that ENT you're like a scorpion that has a hunter pet that's just following you around like the scor pids holy crap they're so powerful and what the dot is doing so much damage so they're taking a look at that as well a pretty big look at it so essentially they they're going to be nerfing its damage I think and making it stack up a bit slower um is the tldr of what we have here the Epic two-handed sword oh yeah for sure yeah everyone is's doing super well has that the Scorpion is the hunter that is literally how it is um and Hunter pet scaling is also being nerfed is the tldr there and aspect of the lion is going to be redesign so it will function as an aura and not an aspect so you'll be able to have um it'll be called heart of the lion eventually and you can also have aspect of the Haw on at the same time I'm not really sure what this does for melee Hunter I guess just yeah it's kind of whatever isn't it you want a link sure it's just all on wad there you go yeah if you just go on wad classic you you'll see all [Music] this oh it I do the same damage but at five Stacks yeah that that's probably a bit more fair isn't it hello boria who would have guess B is a good in classic yeah but we're level 20 I thought you know level 20 you don't have you don't have Death Wish you don't have wreck you don't even have Berserker stance like no way Warriors will be good turns out they are good yeah when you give them a 31 DPS twoand weapon um this thing that uh it's like a mini bone reever's Edge lowers the target's armor as well like this weapon is insane man insane know what else is insane the U what's it called um Calis what's the new item you C drop yeah Rod of the ancient Sleepwalker check this out right rod of the ancient Sleep Walker level 25 item okay I'm just going to bear in mind the stats on that for a moment you want to see how insane these C these items are okay so uh we going to put those b side by side there Stafford Jordan level 35 26 spell power 11 intellect 11 Spirit R the ancient Sleep Walker level 25 six spell power 15 intellect 14 spirit level 25 item better than like for like level 35 item this is how good these BFD items are by the way it's pretty good right the weapon DPS yep oh my bad you're going to be you be popping this on get a wind fury on that bad boy start clapping but yeah overall Hunters are being changed up a bit I I I kind of hope Hunters haven't already peaked if you know what I mean CU they've been so powerful so far um we' they had the whole scorpion meta and that got nerfed and they had oh explosive shot pre Nerf right there was that too uh where am I going here I'm sure I was doing something ah yeah this oh I'm all right thank you that's a really nice message I appreciate that that two-handed Source sword versus wind kangar anything yeah I mean if you look at um you will replace it at level 40 though like Whirlwind ax is better and every Warrior can get Whirlwind ax pretty easy how are you see you later uh def Brotherhood so might tryer deadmines actually o looking for looking for more tank heel tank heel priest Mage heel oh boy uhoh people people have seen Warcraft Vlogs and they're starting to roll they've seen the light they've seen the logs and they're like hang on a minute this isn't season of casters roll melee right now I'm on wild growth EU you replace at 30 oh that early okay I mean yeah once the level Cap's raised it's it's kind of is what it is you know let's pick this Quest up here actually do I have space uh I don't have space what can I drop drop that for now need help right let's go and do the peler quest down here and then I need to pick up some Thunder Brew can't Jew you then unfortunate mjor so fun right now yeah I hear Mages I mean the actually I hear pretty divisive things on Mages the biggest thing is that Arcane surge is kind of meh and people want that to be buffed cuz Arcane surge at the moment is kind of uses all your Mana doesn't really restore much Mana which is a a bit unlucky [Music] well your service down with Miner up well I think you'll be on na and I'm on EU and we have different times I'm afraid they do our maintenance at like 2 or 3:00 a.m. uh tonight yeah so so we don't really have problems with that did they do your maintenance in the middle of the day or [Music] something 200 enhancement oo yeah I need to uh I'm surprised I'm only on my second all you know or my my first all I should say right I've got my main and this is my all 7 to 9 a.m. that's kind of annoying if you have like the day off or something and you get up and everything's offline wait is everything dead here huh I we'll try up here actually wait now I need to go over here as well didn't I do you use ECF movement I do indeed yep I am an es [Music] [Music] dfer suppose that what you get for being an unemployed student well you've got two hours to do something useful that's up to you [Music] I was kind of hoping this Zone would be a bit less layered apparently we do have seven but it's still kind of busy where's my hear why is it an oine weekly shower there you go think about that is there any difference not really um when I taught myself keybinds I just I was using WD and I was like well if I moved everything one key to the right I'm going to be able to get to much more of my keyboard than if I kept it as it is and I did that and I learned key binds like that and I've stuck with it ever since it's just what I'm used to now works for me all right Mr thunderbrew I would like some it's a quest I am struggling with the quest log situation right now can I drop um this yep drop that got my attention all right thank you the Forbidden law exactly yeah I might just go over to Red Ridge here oh I do have the poison Quest though o should we do the poison Quest I do not remember how to do this at all I'm going to die yeah let's go do that they ever got to increase the quest log I doubt it it would be nice I guess but you it's just uh just one of those things isn't it get rid of that yeah I'm I'm going to get farmed by the way on this Quest I I know it's one of the most dangerous class quests in the game remember when I was doing the Rogue hardcore video and I was like look guys uh get vanished at level 22 before you do this by the way cuz if you mess up you're going to die so now you can see that without getting vanished at 22 and without reading a guide he's in trouble I couldn't have done I was I was drink I couldn't have done nothing I I mean I I tried I tried I really [Music] did Sprint I'm going to need Sprint for the quest also these are these guys are high level what you did not I thought about it I mean what could have I done really as a rogue what could have I done actually I could have um use an explosive rocket and then sprinted [Music] away opinions on Hardcore outlasting Season of Discovery I mean inherently it should do cuz season of Discovery is a season right it'll have an end date but um yeah I think season of Discovery is going to be quite a bit more popular for a while then again they did say at BlizzCon they're going to do that self found mode at the start of the um what you call it start of the uh right well met so we sent another agent claven Tower I've been stalking this Tower so again there steal the tower key break in the tower uncover the contents of the chest take whatever information you find back to Maas Shore oh and you get thistle tea as well nice I didn't know that see you around season of Discovery hardcore Realms can you imagine that I guess it's not so bad now we know where all the runes are but it would have been rough so you need to um need to pickpocket someone here right like the uh drone people where they [Music] at going to die I'm I there is a very high chance I die on this where are the mobs hello mobs the right side of the Tower so the mobs just dead at the moment or why would anyone kill them I thought you can't even kill the def drones like they have too much health and they just onot you they're all dead but man why are people killing them all right there's the sentries but oh there's one go go go so if this resists I need to get out of there fast right he's level 23 so there's a pretty good chance this does resist I need I don't know if I need to sap him oh nice all right part one done and now all we need to do is go up here and I think there's some trick with these Tower sentries too like you're meant to sap them and it lasts for longer let me [Music] check yeah I I seem to remember the some kind of trick with the sentries like they have some huge stealth detection or do you just have to be sneaky sneaky let's give you a little Mark so I can see you easier we got one there one there two up there okay that seems like a good patroller both together let's Carry On Up and is's the more at the top make sure I'm line of sight there's the dude and sentes there are no more sentes so I guess I have to sap him and then loot the box right where's the Box aha chest locked wait do you need to level lock picking distract I don't have distract I'm just going to slap him and uh pray that this works oh sweet but but I have the key huh to soon lockpick skill not H man I knew you needed lockpicking for this yo blach chpa thanks for the five gift memberships holy crap that's super generous man uh wait let me just get out this Tower I'm going to die like the sap is going to we off and I'm going to die soon okay uh probably dead here just about what level lockpicking do you need oh man I don't I enough skill I do have lockpicking uh it's a it's at one I guess one isn't high enough right 18 ah man all right well I I'll be coming back to that then I guess 80 yeah I didn't realize okay well I guess that's on me yo bleach IPA again I I appreciate that so much that's super generous of you thanks and uh congrats everyone that got a sub nice RNG there I will say you can raise it up to 90 yeah I I I got the Quest for it but look apart from that though I did good though right I I got there I didn't die ah close if that was Hardcore I would have got it first time as well yeah I'll go and do the redridge thing ala's mail this is it I just uh I forgot until I Mouse over the box and it said locked and I'm like yeah I have the key so what's this for then using your condent so long well yo thank you again uh give him back I guess door to the tower huh what do you mean door I just went through the front door what door to the tower hello 5 hour eny yeah usually I I only have cam on for streams really cuz the videos I I write everything down so you can kind of see I'm reading it ites it doesn't work I've tried it in the past and was like ah this is awkward where'd you read about the cter Buffs uh let me link you something real quick we went over earlier in the Stream if you do want to uh check the VOD but there you go have a little look at that that should sort you out there's someone else asking about it there you go there is no door to yeah I I guess I just needed 80 lockpicking right but unfortunate um let's go over red Ridge and actually do some quests or something though cuz I feel I haven't done nothing yet uh let me see unless I can get a unless I can get a DM [Music] running yeah you know what I'm just going to go red Ridge and uh try and get some XP how'd you get the enemy name plate so far [Music] um um cter Place wait can't you do this through this interface you're in combat no it it did say it was locked we're just going to Red Ridge and actually get some Quest done CU I've just been talking and then we've been failing at Quest so far not made the most progress today oh apparently the US servers are back up so if you're a of a US disposition you should be able to get back in and radical Ewok as well sorry I'm totally just glazed over that for a moment there I say youve been watching enjoying your wild content for a long time keep up the good work well thank you very much for the five I appreciate that as well and uh yeah I hope I can keep putting out the good stuff for you but yeah I'll um I'll do that lockpicking at some point cuz I guess poisons are nice to have yeah they like crippling poison is pretty good right yep no worries I just get your cruel bar and the cape in five runs by making your own groups that is the way to do it but um yeah I want to kind of be doing something while I'm streaming if you know what I mean when I was leveling my warlock we had we were spamming a few DM runs and we had two cruel bars drop in a row and nobody in the group could really use it the only person that could use it was a um a paladin but one of the paladins is Holy and the other one was prop uh not prop sorry red [Music] let me check this thing about the name plates again I'm sure isn't there a slider here where you can um change the name plate distance I thought there was did they move remove it it used to be the slider on this that went up to 41 yards you could never actually have it at 41 yards um but yeah it it Vis it visually said that at least right let's get these quests what can I do for you oh maybe it is just wrath maybe I'm thinking about wrath yeah I I might be they should have it on this though right why not name plates are show not far away it should just be 20 21 yards uh the same as anyone else you can't go beyond 21 yards in vanilla uh it's not 41 I Don't Know it looks like 41 but trust me it ain't 41 if it if it was possible to put on 41 I would have that but uh I don't I know that at least yeah okay so let's um actually do some quests yeah hello okay Quest log is full tell me something new I'm going to drop this for now I probably won't end up doing it how are you you need something what can I do for you hes eight get rid of that one you need something man this is the real struggle of classic okay go farm some merlocks looks far no I trust me it's just 21 yards I I wish I wish we could have it go further I do doing stealth runs oo that's a good idea yeah if you're pretty geared I've seen people boosting other dungeons too [Music] damn everywhere's kind of busy we'll try over to the side over here am I feeling burned out on season of Discovery n I'm good I mean I know a lot of people who have like multiple 25s already and a Raider logging on all of them I do have 125 which I have played pretty excessively but no I I kind of just do things in the game which I think sound fun I don't try and overdo overdo it or anything and I would like to play everything see I'm like damn that's a grind and then they put it to 60 like 50 to 60 is oof pretty huge f is the Stream so good am I okay or have I gone off stream lagging a bit [Music] um rebounded it's back yeah it's uh yeah yeah sorry about that I did try and change some settings to improve it but the the British internet I have here is not very good not very good at all here where I am here at the moment with with a cable in my download is like C to about 50 and my upload is like five or six I was in Spain earlier in the summer and on the Wi-Fi we had an download of 150 and an upload of 300 holy crap why is why why is England so far behind when it comes to internet H here we [Music] go I forgot to buy bullets that'll be fine onto the road gaml which hasn't really changed much to be fair are the bus out now on you I'll be able to tell you in a moment so at the moment remorseless this should be consumed um when I do an attack I think I can pull these with evasion up right oh sweet nice you just randomly took Agro yeah it saber slash isn't consuming remorses it should be doing but it's not it's just like 3E 40% [Music] crit now I should probably help out I kind of just randomly dump those mobs on him does he have yeah I don't know why they want to know I guess battle shout or something updates AR know they should be uh after you after your servers come back up on na they should be and for us it'll be tomorrow morning on a you seem to have 325s here ahead of me oh he's farming the supplies if I was him and I was farming supplies I'd go to uh here up here where the NOS are that place is better in my experience at least I farm them up there but hey if I do this uh yeah free help I'll take it [Applause] you struggles of Internet some of the countries are really good and some of them are just terrible this guy is doing damage man does he have the sword B Blade no he doesn't have the Epic one but he's just like two shotting these merlocks here so close to getting all your runes yeah I guess the the runes that are annoying to get are they the is everything these are just normal hits like Warrior Warrior straight up never left is just such a good class I'm just going to follow him um but yeah the the rep grind run and the like gold Farm one the one in Ratchet those are the two big problems all the others tend to be uh pretty simple to get fing these for gold no I don't think they drop no they don't drop the good clams you need the is it giant clam or something for the watch columns iridescent pearls even then I think they're going down a bit he got his thing is arms or Fury better I think people are playing Fury right right it's Fury but with two-hander is that right Road tanks are behind the rep and Ratchet W yeah that that is a grind I kind of wish they wouldn't do that you know put the big impactful gameplay runes behind something that's so restrictive which you really aren't going to have done until level cap org for an iridescent Pearl that's still not bad yeah you're still happy about getting one at that price yeah on the Rogue at the moment the only runes which I really feel do anything for leveling are quick draw and saber slash and the rest of them are just kind of me like I don't even have a rune on my legs I'm like I I'm just never going to press blade dance it's not worth it but things will change later on for sure arms and raid Fury and PVP our times change oh it's been the other way around hasn't it this guys hit hard just run away he should run in fear I tabbed before I ah combo points disappearing When You tab is actually pain I need to get used to not [Music] tabbing yeah I I can't do that group of three I'll die on them maybe with evasion and health po but I'm not trying it how many crits two crits in a row can I get a third no don't about the shadow strike to saber SL macro I have no idea never heard of that but um it's fine nice to have seen the classic team updating the game so quickly yeah I think they've been doing a really good job um man some people on the forums have been like and Twitter it's like unreal how impatient people are with stuff it's like the in the space of these two weeks we've probably seen a similar amount of updates and attention to the game as we have within like the past 12 months and for some people it's just it's never enough you know man considering the classic team the impression I get is pretty small right um and they are looking to grow it but some people just uh it's the game you know see they're earning their living off it with what they do is developing it but yeah just uh I guess chill out a bit you know updates will come you know you had to you had your Hunters with the Scorpion pets who would run around on shotting everything and now they've nerfed them a bit some classes are having more problems than others in the raid they'll buff stuff or Nerf stuff and guess they'll work itself out kind of thing thing is with season of Discovery I guess if you started W classic or you've mainly been playing classic is we've never had a game where they've actively tried to balance stuff it's like you play classic it's okay you Ro Warrior uh yeah you're a God Forever by the way play TBC um you play a hunter you're good you play a mage you're good play an elemental shaman or moonkin or Shadow priest it's like yeah you're going to be middle of the table and that's just how it is and it always will be that way but now in season of Discovery it's like oh I'm bottom DPS uh bliz when are you doing something about this and Retail doesn't get changes this fast either by the way like nowhere near this fast does duw wield Hunt is duw wield melee Hunter viable I don't think so now I think that want two two-handed weapon cuz a lot of the damaging attacks are based off weapon damage so I would expect that to be the goto someone will always be bottom of the table yep that is that is life there's got to be a first place and there's got to be a last place and it could be you but maybe phase one right now your last place if you give it a month suddenly you'll be first snappier than retail I think it is yeah yeah I would agree with that Mele hunters in the next phase yeah they're updating the um what's it called flanking strike I'm kind of intrigued by it I feel as though melee Hunter melee Hunter I feel as though melee Hunter is going to scale really poorly though cuzz you get one point of strength per or attack power per strength sorry and everyone else that uses strength as a main stat gets more than that so yeah I think they they're not going to scale too well need to watch out for these mobs if I pull these I'm just dead enjoying Paladin but afraid they'll be bad the thing is Paladin have stuff which is based off of weapon damage and that is uh that is what you want cuz melee weapons are kind of a big deal in this game so I think they're going to remain kind of where they are where you're not top DPS but you're not bottom either you're like good you know just good uh which is which is generally fine right cuz if you're if you're at the top for too long you tend to get n unless you're a warrior of course because you know Warriors whoa what these respawns man need to calm down uhoh all right we'll manage bombs away kick that please don't run away let's not waste my combo points the bleed should finish him the health pot the health pot did a lot and now we need some bugged crits here there's one another oh I think I'm okay [Music] though let the bleed finish him off yeah it's not bad not bad that is with evasion but Rogue feels pretty strong leveling this one of the reasons why roll Rogue um everyone was saying it was kind of crap mind you I do have loads of boes so this is not like the organic experience you would have had if you were playing Rogue as your man uh how I liking season Discovery a lot and do you think casters will Top the DPS meters in later bands uh no I think Mele are going to be better for the whole season if I'm honest um up until 60 cuz I've actually got a video about this that I'm doing pretty soon and melee every single melee spec bar enhancement is doing better than every single Caster spec at the moment and we're at like the earliest part of the season um melee just have certain advantages that casters don't have to deal with such as spell ranks for one right if I'm if if I'm on my warlock I cast Shadow bolt and I have rank four and Shadow bolt does about 100 damage and at level 28 I would I would learn rank five which does about 170 damage um and when you're melee like if I'm a rogue what's the difference between my Sinister strike ranks um I've got some add-on I can't see it yeah it's like it does weapon damage plus like a bit can you see that there let me check yeah you can yeah so it does weapon damage plus 10 like if I get the next rank of sinister strike it's increasing the damage by a really small amount but casters are so dependent on spell ranks for like power increases and when we're capped at certain levels you just get like you're you're missing out on so much potential Power by the fact that you're hit by these level brackets and melee are just not adversely impacted in this way whatsoever uh so yeah I think M are going to be pretty much better the whole season uh hence the Al by the way this is why I'm rolling a Rogues my second character I will still continue to Play Lock of course cuz they're good for gold farming and stuff and I just like the class um like we talked about some of the Buffs earlier if you check the start of the VOD uh like they're adding 200% bonus damage to a shadow priest ability they're adding uh 182% to a moonin ability like some of the casters are just absolutely in the swamp in terms of damage they're doing and that's unfortunately just vanilla another issue is spell damage and spell resist and stuff like what gear has spell damage on of practically none of it outside the raid whereas melee oh pretty much everything I have these aren't even new items all of this stuff is from vanilla and it all has things that increase my damage casters just don't gain good access to uh stuff to increase their damage again I I go over in the video that I'll I'll release it soon um it's almost like casters a missing a stat imagine if there was a stat in the game called willpower or something which when you when when you put one point of it on increases your spell damage by one or something honestly feels like that they're missing something almost you know about feral Druids yeah ferals seem very good they have this like unintended like not an intended but I just didn't think about it when I initially read them um with how they work with wild strikes is that usually when you have wind fury it's just on your main hand weapon but for ferals they're getting wind fury on every single attack so it's like they they're just getting more chances to win Fury if you know what I mean so yeah ferals seem very good and uh we'll see what they get next phase there was some like automatic crowd pumer thing data mind which is just manual crowd pumer but it doesn't have charges I don't know if that's real Hello can I get some respawns I'll try around the corner yeah we don't scale weapons at all and that yeah and that cuz like again earlier in the VA we're looking at the new staff from The Raid it had it has 26 spell power 15 intellect so this thing is absolutely cranked as a Caster you could back in original vanilla in 2019 you could wear that into Molton core and it would be good whereas the new melee epic sword uh You' be replaced by level 30 or 40 melee just outscale the crap out of casters and uh what they've changed so far doesn't change that um so yeah also the stuff like dots don't crate Channel defects don't crate and the whole thing with casters is is that part of their power level in vanilla is meant to be putting on more intellect and yet here we are most of the casters are saying man I'm going o I can't even keep a float on the boss fights we have at the moment so uh yeah it's a melay world and we're just casting spells in it unfortunately I I might be wrong though you know it's a pretty like one-sided opinion on it I think but um yeah that's just how I feel I don't know how you guys think about that spirit's a bad start yeah Spirit should be a general stat unlik a universal stat almost cuz spirit is I I guess it's supposed to be more of a Caster stat but outside of healers who have like the meditation talents Mages with evocation it just it just doesn't do anything it does nothing what if I I'm want my Warlock and I get Spirit I'm like oh whatever you know wait ink giv spell power that's what they did in cataclysm o got toofer no can't interrupt both oh there's another thing to save runes as well so um let say warlock at the moment are the best casters and you'll probably have noticed that runes uh runes aren't like ordinary abilities right they scale up with your level you don't have to go back and train a new rank of a rune and warlocks can use incinerating chaos bolt which are both runes so they have base manacost instead of flat manacost and they scale up when you level up so your incinerating chaos spell are correct values for level 25 was the entirety of my my other spells my imilate my corruption my shadow bolt they're all scaled to whatever spell rank I have so when you're a Caster you really really want stuff which is based off your runes not based off your um usual abilities I think I'm okay here Theos for a cast interrupt bit unlucky getting behind there right gouge Spirit was kind of a Lu St yeah it is a bit it's kind of a bit out there isn't it addons I can show you in a moment I um heal I'm just dying I'm just heal po does cats not scale with weapons no no it does not I don't know about lacerate does that scale with weapons uh here you go add-ons we should have to check through the VOD again or something I uh I I need to do commands but you know I'll get round to it there you go and uh weak Horrors got an energy tick bar this thingy here debuffs on name plates which is is what it sounds like and Nan Shield just shows when you have a shield active so if I had a powered Shield that' be a little Shield next to me think they learn a lesson this uh bracket with cters I hope so cuz I mean eventually if they just give them enough extra numbers through patches like they arei and balanc DS at the moment they should work but I feel like each patch they're going to have to come back and like absolutely Giga buff them to be able to keep up with melee can't wait to see how good overload will be it'll be I think it'll just be eh at 20 uh 25 and the biggest issue at 25 you have is uh lightning bolt sucks as a real t tldr on the situation lightning bolts just not good lava burst is great I do I have AG on these the reason lava burst is great is because it's a rune and it's dynamically scaling with how powerful you are have to run here our his lightning bolt is not uh I think you'll see a big Power Spike at 40 though as [Music] Elemental but then again it depends what spell ranks you have at 40 maybe the the latest rank of lightning bolt you learn is at 38 and your next one's at 46 in which case sorry unlucky your rank of lightning bolt sucks again uh cuz for me on a warlock um I've looked at the spell rank cut offs and at 50 the next rank at Shadow Bol gets 52 so uh spoiler alerts in advance shadowbolt is going to suck at 50 great oh yep they gig above spell pars uh yeah all that I mean they've tried to do that with BFD right they've improved the spell hit chance from the um boa black faom from nothing to 3% um oh my God I'm done here I'm just talking I can do talking or questing as you will find out on the [Music] stream what's more important for cats I think strength is the better startat I don't want to tap here I wanton my shoot that guy y okay I can Health pop just a bit worried about getting respawns on me here yeah I'm just going to health pop lightning BS the frost M curse with a level 20 yep yep yep it is what it is unfortunately imagine if they change casters your abilities to dynamically scale and they all have base Mana cost do you think that would be a good change or is that like too far cuzz that would be such a big buff to every level bracket pre 60 um what am I doing now St do actually we'll go we'll go up here there's a hypers spawn no one ever takes this hypers spawn spot I always have it to myself that would make melee useless I don't think it would you know I don't think it would MP5 I don't think MP5 is the the problem it's just damage I feel like scaling abilities would be a bit much cuz it is vanilla and you still do want to down rank um not so much if you're a Caster like there's the odd scenario where if you're a you know Mage in PvP you want to rank one Frost ball right you you don't want that costing whatever it does in Wrath where it's a ton of Mana yeah base manacost would help out a lot of [Music] specs how would you feel if they made the big Grime runes Boe so you could use them on your alts I think I could very well see them doing that next patch you know I doubt they do it this patch um just because like how long's the patch going to be 6 weeks 8 weeks thereabouts maybe you have time to grind it maybe you don't um and then when the next patch comes around they can say okay uh you know maybe if you're a bit behind we're going to make this [Music] easier do I know anywh to grind the logistics for horde I don't I saw Scotty J put a video out about that though which is a bit more tailored for [Music] horde but Alliance um I just got them while I was questing and then when I needed to grind them I came and killed the NS over here if you're on a PVE server you could do that if you're on PVP then yeah don't don't go to uh red Ridge that that's not going to be doing yourself any favors get that oh I don't need to kill these yet do I you're on M growth I am indeed Mike and hello Zuki how you doing [Music] to watch out for one of these guys I was playing a hardcore Rogue once I pulled one of these and there was another one of these wels behind a tree or something and I I because you can cast through trees cuz why not and uh I was I had the one guy and I thought I I thought everything was fine Fireball comes through the tree and I die I was only like level 16 though so unlucky increase Mana back from seal of the mar h i mean that's good for Alliance isn't it but there is another faction lost the major same way yeah rip what can you do [Music] a what can you do you're farming these murlocs um I was farming them a moment ago I was just questing though uh for the actual supply box I was doing NS over here on my warlock let's go kill some balls it's kind of busy actually I thought there'd be less people on these Liars um I guess it's it's 4 p.m. most of Europe's going to be past 5:00 p.m. now people are about at these times aren't [Music] they have they both blessings to 10 minutes you know the wild thing about blessings agren himself plays a paladin man if I could do an interview with him I'd be like uh yo but how about those five minute blessings though cuz he's I mean he's rep Paladin's pretty good but uh you know if you could just bump them up to like 10 minutes maybe 15 cuz if you play a paladin uh you're not getting greater blessings till level 50 by the way oh no till after level 50 look a you're not getting them till the level 60 bracket holy crap you're going to be doing 5 minute blessings for like 8 months okay right sorry if I've ruined your day there best way to get supply to wanted you just got to grind you just got to grind my friend there's not too many Secrets kill some mobs open chests Get Lucky oh minutes feel they feel terrible yeah they do they just like I I don't even know I understand they they don't they want to keep things as it was in vanilla and that but five minute blessings is just pain even even battles battle shout and stuff right like battle shouts 2 minutes but the thing is Battle shout is you just press the button every 2 minutes and like yeah you're done you know it's not a big deal blessings it's like okay I've got a buff you and I've got a buff you and I've got a buff you and man it's a pain I almost wish they could put like a minor a minor Rune slot you know somewhere and you could just get them easily 5 minute on Rock by yeah imagine imagine your equivalent of righteous Fury having a 5 minute duration imagine defensive stance having a 5minute duration so that's what it [Music] is hello duck man I'm afraid I've not tried them yeah sorry I can't answer that W growth good as Alliance um yeah it seems pretty active I mean I'm happy here depends really uh it's PVE server I think the main reason you play it is cuz you just want to chill a bit and not have to worry about open world PVP in this phase or future ones yeah yeah this area is the hypers spawn by the way for balls if you need to farm balls you should come over here cuz there is always one up at every single moment where's another there he is and no one never takes this place either ever ever it's always free and Adam shows the debuffs that is uh just debuffs on name plates if you uh yeah if you just Google that on install it as a we corer and that will get it you love to see those three crits in a row that's how you know the patch isn't up on EU by the way CU saber slash is still bugs with Relentless strikes feels good man to only show my ones [Music] yes uh so I need one more snout obviously you know I only need five snouts but some of these I guess some of them just don't have snouts Apparently one crit only one crit two crit I am making the most of this Rune while it's bugged that's all I'm going to [Music] say just the Ashen Veil event pop yeah I got honored the other day so to be honest I haven't done it in a minute the thing is right about PVE servers is um we don't have faction Q restrictions so on PVP like the I saw a tweet about it the other day from um one of the blizzard guys that apparently all the PVP servers are within a 3% margin on either side of faction balance cuz they put faction cues in the game so it like can't get worse than that but we don't have those restrictions on PVE so it tends to be the case where Alliance is done them are waiting for horde cuz there's just less hord players you know explain the bug real simple this Talent here remorseless attacks after killing an opponent the yields experience RoR I get 40% increased crit chance and that applies to saber slash and saber slash should consume that effect but it is not consuming it so you when that when that buff is active it just has 40% extra crit chance it's pretty nuts for leveling and they're going to fix that soon they know about it by the way so if you have a rogue get yourself Sab slash and get abusing like see many crits I get here one two those white hits would just lock and shoot and another crit it's pretty good pretty good it's broken yes that is why I'm using [Music] it saber slash is 100% damage is it I swear I've used Sinister strike and saber SL crit [Music] more you can just sit astrona yeah you can yeah you can do that if you want I if I figure if if I'm doing the event I'm not working like I'll I'll participate should you get you just get more rep from par participating anyway oh don't feel that yet lucky I didn't get another box okay most organized classic inventry looks good wild gr Alliance yeah I mean it's it's fine as a server no complaints um it's PVE servers uh they always tend to be kind of like this oh my God what is man doing over there oh boy is he making it or is he dead oh he's not looking good he's put freedom on oh he's level 23 he'll be fine he'll be [Music] fine have an urge to do all the quests up to 25 well if you do that hang on o actually have a health po I mean I have on hands in my bag apparently I'll be fine uh yeah if you do that um I've done that and I have 122 gold and I haven't done dwood yet and there's quite a lot of golden dust Squad the thing is right when the patch comes out and everything's raised to level 40 there's going to be so many people coming back to the game it's going to be like of a fresh release so I figure when if you're in the open world all the mobs are going to be so contested so you're probably going to want to dungeon grind now I wouldn't dungeon grind on every character cuz um it's just not super entertaining if I'm honest like staring at a wall and just dungeon grinding but on my first character if you dungeon gr to like level 27 or 8 then I think that's going to be pretty good you know so I I might actually wrap up dquad and just straight up complete everything then find myself a group uh for when they raise the cap slam dungeons cuz by the way when they raise the level cap we our characters are going to be so powerful like if you're raiding and doing all of that stuff we going to be absolutely blasting dungeons do I have a guild the one I'm in at the moment is just um The Guild I play with on Raph so no at the moment at least but um maybe when I I I I can join one on another server or something I'll make one on another server do you think if they made the runes behind the big bee uh try that again if they made the runes behind the big grinds bind on the counter will be better uh I think they could do that when they raise the level cap I don't think they will do it for this phase so yeah um if you're trying to like get every Rune on every character it might just be really grindy you could risk it and say you know what I'm just not going to grind this Rune or maybe you play a class where you're like okay the Rune here is not very good so I'm not going to get it but I I want to level as many things as I can during phase one and I really doubt I'm doing the rep grind and the gold ratchet grind on every [Music] character I'm just going to hope that they uh make it easier to get basically that's my plan cross my fingers and pray that blizzard agree with me people want everything about putting in the work ah it's just going back really and having to do things again like we've seen this in retail countless times where people do something on their main and then they're like I don't want to do it again can I have it bind on a count please like in BFA uh with Essences for example these spiders do so much damage man the clickbaits me clickbait I don't know what you would be talking about there sir but no there are big cab bus right there depending what you play of course [Music] poison prevents passive healing I mean it's just making my health bar disappear nasty man yeah I think it's okay to expect a bit of help getting stuff on other characters um once we go past the first phase if you already did the grind how would have you not put in the work yeah I guess you have one time right and I mean I don't know about you guys but having unique chest is kind of a pain at the moment that when I was doing this grind I I went over here farmed a chest walked back over here flew back over to Stormwind filled the chest in flew back over here again walked back up there farmed for 2 minutes got another chest went back to the flight path flew to Stormwind filled the Box handed it in repeat about five or was about six seven eight times it's not the most thrilling [Music] gamepl I'm dying man I keep dying maybe this is what people were talking about to the Rogue it's the level 20 death we to start falling off huge pain it is pain it is not make them unique yeah or maybe say you know can carry three chests like if you carry three that's that's fine it's going to take you about an hour to farm three probably maybe I don't know maybe you're lucky it it felt like it me took me over an hour to farm free I'll tell you that spider meat done um we're not going to do the lockpicking cuz that is boring it's going to take ages three will be nice I think three sounds pretty good it's the W key to move I use E I am an eser I have not used WD in a very long time very long time you it recover them didn't that get patched you might to be careful with that I'm not sure if that got patched you know [Music] run more stamina and stuff I should really food and that I can afford it I just sort of don't have it at the moment there any Condors nope what else can I do around here axes h no we'll try and get the rest of the Condors down here you've deleted a ton of them yeah I i' go and check that if you can restore them before you carry on cuz I did hear they are patching that why not WD people ask about this quite a lot is using e SDF really weird or something uh it's just when I learned keybinds I just switched everything over one key to the right cuz I figured I'd be able to press more buttons on my keyboard [Music] how's blade D you don't have the Rune um put it like this I I I don't want to spend the one and a half seconds to put the Rune on my legs that's why I think of blade dance yeah that's about all the way I can subm it up like that Condor go go go [Music] go uh but yeah it's I mean it's fine when you have the tank room but before that you just don't spend your combo points on that is never ever worth it ever uh you SCE and dice or I don't know rupture occasionally on [Music] Elites what's the the saber slash macro it's just a start attack macro there you go just put each of those on a different line it just makes you um not have to right click stuff when you want to start attacking I'm not going to yink I might have been able to get that but you know he dotted it and I play enough warlock to know the pain you put your dotts on something then someone just walks up and tags it and you're like oh okay [Music] then Rogue feels awful this bracket what did you you roll to um were you trying to DPS or tank so I think like even when I was doing videos about the Rogue I I thought Rogue tank look really clunky uh with no AOE and having to Tab and all that and then I found out you have to do the rep grind to even get the Rune to make it viable but um I'm not really planning to tank on my rogue to be honest be DPS I am kind of hopeful they'll put a some kind of AOE Rune in in the future though I shouldn't be wasting my uh proc like that should I hello Luke damn been a while back to streaming yes [Music] sir they uh they put out some new big update for classic so I've been giving it another go it's been fun they should yeah you can imagine right fan of knives or something [Music] nice we are [Music] done oo that's what you like to see right there the classic Quest log um I'm going to try and farm the I want to do the Black Rock axes I'll hand this in and try and do the NS yeah the NS up here not played well in a while yeah it's uh been quite a bit happening in classic really had hardcore mode and then you had this and yeah a bunch of stuff enjoying a season of Discovery so far yeah been a lot of lot of fun I kind of want to play everything but man even though the level Cap's only 25 takes a minute to get you takes a minute to get there right such is classic for you though eh he a road tank it was easy to be honest I think Road tank single Target uh threat especially looks great like the Rogue single Target threat must be so high cuz you're Parry Hasting you just do good damage once they give them some decent we I think they're really going to start scaling and I think they will it just seems like such an oversight right what can I do for you um I know agen I think said on Twitter it's like you know every class isn't meant to be able to do everything but even like FAL Druids who don't have great OE threat they have demo raw they have swipe which deals like about as much damage as a level seven Auto attacking but you know it's something need something farewell how many 25s do I have only one I know big Casual Gamer this is my first alt not supposed to be an AOE tank yeah maybe that's it maybe they're just like okay Rogue you do single Target T tanking you're going to do great threat you're going to be amazing at that uh hand this in thank you had to do it what can I do for you let's go see if belly grubs [Music] up oh he is nice I do have evasion so I should be able to just tank him right and a healing [Music] potion do I have my bag of marbles no where are they hey I must have bang [Music] them five combo points fce and dice I think I just let the bleed do everything here right he still does hit pretty hard okay don't crit me now elf pot just keep my bleed going oh he's doing his Dash thing that's a hit this is where you cheese it by the way you don't need to pull it all the way back to the guards I mean you can [Music] do splice and dice for the Cosmetic effect oh I'm shooting with my dagger nice I'm out of ammo okay we are going to have to take him to the guards but not while he's doing his Dash thing why didn't I keep my combo points I need reset okay well I'm going back to town hey there damn it when I look how much ammo I had can you even buy ammo here hold let me assess the situation okay uh red Ridge Mountains who sells ammo General Goods okay Lindsay not down here General Goods Lindsay where you at there she is [Music] okay help you find something yes I need bullets I need more bullets um heavy shot want those yeah you never think about on your Rogue running out of ammo being a problem do you I don't have evasion this time either maybe I do pull him to the guards otherwise I'm going to have to K him around a bunch bag of marbles for algalon season of Discovery Well if I Bank them did I just not do the quest [Music] huh I don't if I did the quest you know I don't think I did right take two oh sweet someone doing it oh he's in the group uh can you in this you the leader I'm got to start hitting in hope they invite me oh well we don't get the glory of doing it solo but uh you know guys if I had ammo trust me I was going to get it okay nice you do now yeah you suddenly do I don't even have between the eyes yet let's hand this in can I help you I should sell some of this stuff you get so much crap from uh questing in red Ridge you need something trainer isn't there a someone I can sell stuff to in here over here nope I'll go down here [Music] yes this is like the classic bag situation got about a million different items greetings and I can't be bothered working out which ones I need so I'm just going to start selling stuff I think let's grab L pants e food I'm good for food fish liver oil oh I do need that big buff yeah I think that should be good for now actually need a few uh a few things right a few things that is pretty much the same as what I've got at the moment that should [Music] do let's go up here and try these quests I've Got a Feeling there's going to be a lot of people here cuz there usually is uh but with these quest for the iron rivets and Pikes you can go into that uh Cave around here where the warrior stuff is so I'm going to be doing that and hopefully I don't die hopefully maybe I might but I might [Music] not [Music] all right before you start on that I'm going for a PE so entertain yourselves for a moment okay I'll be right back [Music] um [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] too [Music] soon [Music] e [Music] we all good behaving I hope [Music] so let's carry on um so let's see Kip says I know you focus on classic content do you like to play retail in your free time or is it something you don't really care for um I haven't really had honestly I haven't had time recently like straight up that's what that's been the main thing there's just been so much happening in classic that I really haven't had much time to log into retail um also a big part of retail for me has always been the end game content I like doing the Mythic stuff primarily um Mythic stuff definitely more so than Mythic Plus or anything and man is that time consuming like real time consuming so yeah it's not really something I've had too much of a chance to look at on cg3 with a prime as well over on Twitch y I appreciate that man thank you just come in here and drop it in straight away thank you I uh I appreciate that a lot by man there other versions of well they do say so I'm not really sure about dragonfly like it it seemed as though it was super popular at the start and then it it just I I I don't know everyone everyone like seemed to give me the impression that it kind of fell off a bit I know however I'm just seeing content about it which kind of pushes you in that kind of opinion um maybe that's what it is right but um yeah and then there's the whole trilogy thing as well which is crazy yo cranky Andy as well with a prime I appreciate that thank you so much welcome welcome hope you're enjoying the stream and having a great day the world what is it not the world wakes uh the the world Soul Saga yo three expansions in one one that's going to be a lot of contemp right a locks getting buff there are no plans for warlock Buffs at the moment Lucas what we have at the moment is what we're getting and to be honest I think we're pretty good we're a bit lacking on AOE in meta apart from that we're we're we're the best Caster DPS and we're a solid tank so I think we're good and also we're absolutely disgusting in PvP so I I don't think warlocks have too much to complain about right now I was trying and get this chest uh sneak over yeah of course you can't do it in combat what am I doing man does only cat press mangle and Savage draw I'm not sure actually I am not sure I'm afraid have not leveled a druid yet y fuba sorry I saw you on I saw you on YouTube man reactions wait did this have something in but yeah I appreciate that thank you I am glad you like I open one of these chests the other day and uh logit Ely someone had taken the supply out of it they taken all the items of worth and there was just a banana in it like who does this okay if you open chest and just leave a banana in it you're a bad person and hope you step step on a Lego yeah that's all I'm going to say I know it's pretty severe pretty strong statement but it's true warlocks good yeah I think they are good you only read ttch t no no I've got both open I've got both open we good a Lego in Minecraft of course not real life like I'm not some kind of psychopath old gamer so you're the one who's been doing it are you not acceptable Hunters need a buff I saw a video the other day of a hunter scorpion this was before they they nerfed the poison thing and the hunter scorpion was literally walking about and soloing people and then edited it to make it look like a proper like PVP movie from back in the day oh it was brilliant I can't remember what it's called now but it's like the Scorpion would pop out and just start ones shotting people people you're a rogue okay All Is Forgiven I I treat your actions as in roleplay theme don't Fubar with the prime as well yo thank you I'm glad you like the content man I appreciate that it's watching on YouTube or twitch better a few um honestly I'm not sure you can only kind of stream on both recently and I started streaming again recently so I was like I figure I'll do both cuz you can kind of thing oh am I dead here I'm just going to help out I don't know just watch one whichever one you prefer I I don't mind I really don't mind Rogue is fun I am looking forward to getting deadly Brew I don't know why but I just think it looks fun is inv Venom playable or is it like garbage you're just playing saber slash at level cap right I think rogue's fun though what part of the reasons why I rolled a rogue is wasn't just cuz they're doing a lot of damage in the raid but that does help uh part of the reason was cuz I just wanted to roll something which felt like a bit of an Underdog because when I was playing the game early on streaming it and so on everyone was like oh man you know Rogue leing holy crap We've Got It Bad this is so hard I'm having to eat after every mob and I'm like oh okay I want to see y I want a bit of that I want to see how that feels and uh it's it's okay now granted I am not having the fresh server experience you already know I'm stacked on Bo I haven't got any rares or anything but you know like decent Boe with agility and stamina and stuff on yeah I think they're fun and I know they're good in the raid like I know that for a fact they finding Warriors for the number one spot they are and Hunters um Hunters are up there too I'm kind of a bit I don't know if this controversial I I don't know if Hunters have already peaked the season of scorpions is soon to be over oh ding 21 four levels to go and what happens after the season of scorpions cuz the Marksman build with uh sniper training and what's it called lone wolf that got nerfed pretty heavily pre-launch cuz like I think everyone knew that would have been Giga busted if they pushed that live but then sniper training like you have to stand still for 6 seconds for 10% crit it's like that must feel terrible to play Oh liking the hypers spawns in here the season of gorilla can you imagine that that Thunder storp topping The Meters ooh Ro a lock for your main my man good choice and you're considering a rogue well that's exactly what I've done and I'm very happy with both so far Hunters have not Peak do you think phase two will be better the reason I'm saying that right is because Hunters they don't scale well right we all know this they don't scale well because um I think it's partly an itemization thing but also partly because of a lot of the damage is Magic which doesn't scale with anything like I'm telling you right now when they changed explosive shot people are bitching about it but I think when we get to dungeon grinding dungeon grinding between levels 25 and 40 you're going to be so happy to have explosive Shar cuz if you don't have if you didn't have that your AOE would be terrible but when you do have it your AOE is going to be pretty good at the end of the day explosive shot and chimara shot are competing for the same kind of thing right they're both single Target they were both single Target nukes but like explosive trap volley all these other things they're just they're pure magic damage right there's no scale in there you want stuff which scales with your weapon or to have some kind of Rune like explosive shot which scales with your ranged attack power using saber SL quick draw in between the eyes o I like that I I wish you could play um Shadow strike with uh labber Slash or those other ones I really like the idea of being able to teleport people as a rogue I think that sounds so cool melee weaving will be king with a nice flow hitting C Raptor oh box oh skeleton keys that's a good one that's a good one we're happy about that I will go and do that soon okay thoughts on this thoughts thoughts wind Fury working on ranged weapons op or would that be fine what do we reckon op op they can't be dodged or Parry this is true that's true you're right you want to play all the classes but you don't have the time here's the scary thing I do have the time and I I want to play all the classes and I still haven't been able to maybe a bit of tuning kind of like an overload effect then so wind Fury has a chance to fire an extra shot that deals 50% damage maybe it's kind of like wild quiver in rap uh if you know about that it's like where that's every time you shoot you have a chance to fire an extra shot which deals some nature damage why did C hi logs during the ice C race my brother I have no idea I didn't even know he did if if anything we probably wiped on a boss which was meant to be easy and we like H hide the logs boys I know they look super fun it sucks yeah spoiled for choice right it's not the worst thing in the world is it all right let's get out of here we are done so next we are going to the NOS are a bit high level I don't want to do that yet 21 to get a deadmines running wouldn't it too soon see if I can find the in here um de mind de mines dead mines let's go hand this into he to Wolf with the tier one over on the twitch wow thank you I appreciate that a lot you've just straighten rolled in and thrown that super generous of [Music] you I appreciate that a lot looks like we're on for a dead mine run boys as we have a rogue we have a Prest healer sweet all right let's go turn these in and we'll get over there I guess we need another DPS and a tank so if we can get ourselves a Caster of some sort a warlock a mage any of that tank Rogue I wish I could um I don't have the Rune the Rune is locked behind the W grind unfortunately so uh it's it's very much out of my hands right let's go hand this in here it's an lfg tool it's not like an official thing it's an add-on uh L LG bus in board I know like PE it's it's not an lfg toour like straight up what it does is I'll show you it takes all this stuff here and puts it in a window and then you can just see what people are posting and then you can click them and ask them about things that's all it is it just takes this and puts it there that's it pretty simple um move that back and we're good let sell some crap and I need to fly over there quick oh my God you know I'm just going to mail stuff to my [Music] Al why not a world chat I mean that just works like I found a group doing this in a few seconds so yeah what can you say it's pretty good uh you know I'm just going to KN the bullets I need more bullets send those over to my bank and let's go we've got a deadmines group so we have a tank Druid by looks of it a priest healer a Mage and a warlock so if cruel Barb drops I'm getting it that's that's the takeaway from this how are you so we are going to absolutely pray for the cruel [Music] Barb fgr done to band I mean it's just taking information you can already get and displaying in a better way it's not like it puts the group together for you or anything like you still have to actually ask people to join the group and [Music] that need help uh let's go over here and [Music] I would recommend using it by the way um if you don't want to like sift through looking for group it is a good add-on and I don't think it's outside the spirit of vanilla or anything like that it's just taking one thing we already have and putting it somewhere else it is all good and Alex PE as well with a five I appreciate that man thank you here's your phase two merly Hunter build 30 3100 BM BM kill command lion runes gorilla for thunderstomp Hae rabid Rex and strength male can you get a gorilla at 30 where from also thank you I appreciate that Alex but can you get a gorilla at 30 so I thought they're [Music] like from strangle for and Veil right yeah the STV ones but they're above level 30 though aren't they [Music] you're downloading it I mean it's good it's good 33 yeah the um the ones on the road right this is the add-on uh lfg bullet board oh the level Cap's 40 yeah yeah I'm I'm dumb you're right you're right of course I'm thinking I thought the level cap was 30 for a moment there yeah yeah okay Thunder St there do they have thunderstorm for that level I'm going to have to go on Petopia real quick here I guess they do thunder storm gorilla okay could get jungle thunderer oh yeah they're yeah they do you're right that sounds pretty can you imagine you have your you have your gorilla Thunder stomping you're spinning around with your ravager yo that sounds pretty sweet actually actually I like that monkey strong too true so we're heading on over who are we waiting for oh waiting for me Sprint do I need anything else before I go in uh 17 food I probably I get a stack more food looking for something specific one of those thank you why strength when agility give more avoidance and the same damage Hunters don't gain melee attack power and strength do they uh sorry from agility Hunters gain Mele attack power as a one: one ratio from strength I think so if you're a melee Hunter and you have ravager and you want to be spinning around you're going to have to put strength strength on agility is still good by the way it's going to give you crit but Hunters have the worst crit scaling in the game uh by far by the way by far yeah one to one strength one yeah exactly what Val said you're looking at it I wish they would increase the power of strength to attack power for hunters because I think they're going to they're going to scale very poorly a yeah agil oh it's melee as well okay that's not bad then maybe they'll be all right but either way it sounds fun BM BM with your gorilla and lion runes sounds kind of Giga Chad I'm going to [Music] lie oh got some big beefy boys over here to the Toren Sharman with his jewal wielded Rune isn't that from the rep or something isn't that really hard to get by level 17 my man's been [Music] grinding got your scorpion which is uh unironically doing more damage than most classes in the raid at the moment oh strength from all gear from Armory there is yeah there definitely is and you get to farm the SC Scarlet tabard too which looks pretty [Music] cool uh so we're just waiting for the Druid who's early here and ravager right ravager oh dual wields easy to get okay okay why hord here cuz D damal not damal deadmines I'm I'm thinking of the wrong DM deadmines drop some very good items so it's worth doing you don't know me what's up [Music] bro good afternoon to you I hope you're uh I hope you're doing good not too cold where you are though it probably is worse than where I am that's for sure oh it's the gold Farm rep in Ratchet yeah so it's not easy to get so level having that level 17 is impressive have wild strikes we have a feral Druid yes I didn't even think about that one degree ah yeah it's plenty then eh it's been worse I bet it has I bet it has right this is the first deadmines run on the Rogue uh with the group I'm in at the moment if craw Barb drops I've have been very fortunate uh that I'm pretty much going to get it so finger is crossed that we can see it oh you don't need the Rune it just Buffs it ah I didn't realize that okay but the rune's good though right it's it's being buffed to 10% hit right let's go do I have any food Buffs um I have some red Ridge ghoulash I think that I'll have to do right yeah this is my food buff uh best I can do would you like if they added more race class combos um I think I'm kind of okay with what we have at the moment blizzard did say by the way um they kind of almost hinted that you should just roll what you think is cool and that maybe in a future phase cuz obviously I'm human Rogue and if you're playing a melee in vanilla you want to be human cuz sword spec that's kind of how it is in the moment but they kind of hinted that they may be changing that or it might be improved in some way oh my God this this tabin is already killing me man oh don't die he's going straight in with a big pull here I should uh wait that's not a n those are my Rockets okay need to remember not to do that season discoveries too easy um it definitely is easier compared to vanilla I I won't disagree with you at all I don't think it makes a less enjoyable experience though um I've still having a really good time with it it's times like this you wish you had some AOE or blade flurry right but it is what it is pop on an invasion there this is kind of chaos right now I feel like my wind Fury should be proing more kick [Music] that yeah it's it's easier for sure like you're not wrong you're not wrong the enjoyable bit for me though is just finding out new stuff and how new classes work um which really hasn't been diminished by if anything it's it's been increased by the new abilities right that's the point of the Season you've died as much you know what they say overconfidence is a slow and Insidious killer man I love having wind Fury already this is so nice let's get that guy before he runs away wind Fury that one there's something about wind Fury that's just so satisfying it's easy yet you get as for preus for BFD it is are you on wild growth by the way numi or did you roll somewhere else I don't think I've seen drama here you finally get to be a shaman tank yeah that's that's like the awesome beer right have all these new specs that are viable oh you are okay yeah fair enough yeah I will say I still died like a bunch of times in the season like we're doing a lot more damage we have a lot more utility but at the same time stuff just kind of hits hard let's not pull the boss yes I'm just tabbing saber slash keep my buff up I don't even want the stealth in cuz I want to uh big for your oh nice I just soaked the stun I don't have a threat reduction do I do I have faint oh I do uh yeah no no one saw that okay I totally know I totally know what I'm doing uh remember to put your abilities on your bars guy guys guys guys you have a gun as a rogue yes I do I'm not afraid to use it I'm pulling aggro a bit off the Druid I'm not giving him any time though to be fair I'm like straight zzing these mobs and he's picking them up really well you know fair play okay so first bit that of deadmines that can catch you out when you clear this boss a mob pack spawns behind you we'll catch up with the group but we'll see if they get us they usually do wrong target I'm not seeing them yet I'm waiting I'm looking for them I'm looking for them I'm expecting them to get us on the way back it can be a rare down here as well minor Johnson yeah he's not up this time I think there not as as a rogue in a dungeon you kind of just saber slash something you s and then you uh slice and dice and you repeat right like there's not too much to it is there I'm doing my job I don't have AOE so oh here's the pack and we're getting three together now let's get on the aoka first he's not going to do much damage and I can kick him does have Frost arm which is kind of annoying there we go nice another bandana DRS are similar yeah yeah it makes sense that they will be give the tank a moment okay that's a moment yeah I kind of want to go engineering now I feel like I I always want to press these little explosive Rockets I got from a quest baby daddy hold up a wrong kind of stream Jerry what are you doing man we do that on the other side calm down controversial to well skills hibernate usable on players and eism usable on forsaken you know what go one step further make forsaken into their own faction should forsaken really be part of the horde make them their own faction and they're always PVP flagged and literally they just try and kill everyone guarantee you forsaken players would love that that's all they really dream of they just want everything to be an open world PVP Zone give them their dream look the Mage is popping off living bomb living flame it's pretty good A little bit scared about pulling stuff here but hey I'm just going to follow the tank I'm here for two reasons to press saber slash and to collect my cruel Barb at the end of the dungeon yo Nate what's up Zan's pill the third faction I tabed minus Target minus combo points why we in combat how' you like The Raid so far the raid is a lot of fun uh they reduce some of the boss resistances a bit so casters should have a just an overall better experience in there so I'm looking forward to playing my lock um I think next raid I'm doing is Wednesday on there uh we'll see how things go uhoh I've been feared oh no oh no it's better if I just try and hit stuff with evasion keep them off the other two y let him pick them up tabbing a bit too much here W combo points on the Rogue it would be such a good change I think if you did that you you'd be surprised how much pvpers would hate you for it I think there's a group of people who are like this would completely destroy my class kind of thing from a PVE perspective though I've got to say it's uh it would be nice cuz even if they gave them a redirect ability like um uh it's it's from cataclysm right there's an ability where you can Tab and then press redirect it's on a one minute cool down and it will change your combo points to your new Target even if they gave them that it's still kind of clunky right like it's this extra Global that just doesn't need to happen I can't believe it really took them to mop until they did that for real you hate that tabbing removes them yeah oh we got the auto Shredder that's uh part of a new R grind I guess I just need it they're only worth a few silver four strength three intellect that's not an upgrade I just need it uh greed even but yeah it is kind of clunky just feels like one of those things that they did in vanilla where there was maybe wasn't much oversight for it like how it would actually play in practice and everyone's just gotten used to it and said well that's how it is so everyone's expected to accept it now but could things be better should they be better maybe no poisons I do not have poisons yet we went to do the quest earlier and um yeah it turns out my lockpicking isn't high enough so I couldn't do it yeah unlucky I'll finish this guy not having AOE here perhaps is he tank dead don't die bet they'll get fan of knives and it'll apply poisons I don't even know iflying poisons is that good they do scale with attack power now though right maybe it is good enough oh said out of nowhere no we stopped the bre kind of stop that from happening outrange him while he's noed uh can kick that deadly Brew use sharpening Stones instead I'm not quite I don't like fully understand how work if I'm honest I I need to get it firsthand and really test it out but um yeah we'll see on that rooted on those moments where you want to play a gnome you just remove the route interrupt that never mind he's recasting nice pretty easy comeback think Warlock tank is op in PvP it's pretty good um like there's no doubt about it it does have weaknesses though like it's it kind of goes for its Mana bar and it has to stay in melee range to drain people so if you can burst it down with casters or Mana drain them they can be quite weak to that I just think people are getting used to fighting against it cuz if you've run into a warlock tank as M you just you just die like that's it you shouldn't be doing that it's a pretty hard counter where's PVP R it does make you tanky if you don't have it uh people just go on you and you're pretty squishy as a warlock explain how the PVP system works in season of Discovery so my understanding is it's we still have the ranking system that existed back from vanilla uh so you you PVP you gain honor and then eventually you'll go up in ranks and you can buy gear based on what rank you've earned I don't think there's rank Decay anymore so when you earn when you earn a rank you stay that rank now um I think I still need to do more PVP on that on that side of things but uh yeah it's basically we can only get to rank three at the moment anyway so it's not a huge time investment haunt is better in PVE and leveling I love haunt I always use haunt I think it's great depends what you need in p though you can be more flexible I'll try and outrange that debuff I think so which Quest do I have here I've got the red bandanas I've got the quest from outside as well we can do those later tunic of westall that' be great to get exis and Rune uh yeah for sure and you can do stuff like um turn evil what is that only working on dead from paladins oh it's only on dead isn't it yeah yeah I think it is uh okay turn evil yeah okay that's that's unfortunate then I know in TV see they changed it to work against Undead and demons but I guess in classic that that is not the version we have speaking from experience yeah okay I see yep can't gouge him trying to gouge Mechanicals oh boy Rogues wait to the G gun raid and everything's immune to bleeds everything's immune to gouge everything's immune to Blind oh boy these Engineers are the annoying ones I think or is it the Craftsman I don't know if I want to go down there uh yeah uh I don't have gouge the wrong guy yes this is a bit we're not going to have gouge back up all right well this is a bit of a Fiesta okay watch the Mage on the DPS meters now the Mage is literally going to do everything I'm just the single Target guy I pick someone and I hit them then that is my job another slice and Dice off of him yeah it's probably not me worth doing that I didn't pick up improve slice and dice I figured I'm using saber slash so I have dots and everything so gouge wouldn't be as good but improved gouge still is pretty nice what number character is this only number two um two agility 3 is that better it's probably pretty close and I could get them for like a few silver off the auction house it's not a big deal delete some garbage nice gouge the worst the decent interrupt it's it's a pretty good ability I like it a lot it can give you a time to bandage give you time to run away in dungeons I guess sh is bit more of an interrupt but as a rogue you're kind of just single Target guy yeah to make sure I'm not capping my energy either we're doing a full clear of in here oh can't Ki that apparently interesting you chose Rogue any reason um I just thought they were a bit of an underdog class I guess I was going to roll Palin or Hunter uh for my next character I kind of do want to play Palin quite soon after uh Hunter I think the thing is when you're like one of the best classes at everything in the game there's a pretty good chance you receive a Nerf he's in front of me I meant to gouge that it was the wrong way around but yeah um there when you're the best class of everything there's a pretty high chance you get a Nerf I still would like to play Hunter but it's not like going to be as high priority so Rogue looked like a bit of an underdog when I was leveling initially everyone was saying oh you know rogue's got it really hard leveling Rogue isn't that great and I was a bit I wasn't that hopeful about how they perform former tanks or even DPS but it turns out they're good DPS that's a gouge that one but yeah so far I've been enjoying it you hate the Rog go I think they're just uh until you get to 25 and you get some runes they they're going to play kind of similar to how they've always been I have to say playing with wind fur feels pretty good my next character probably a hunter yeah maybe horde maybe I go to the Zog Zog side we go to orar we make a Sharman maybe Miss how does garot Miss I didn't have range in time palden yeah I think Palin's fun but it is very overplayed I guess there's a lot of them what does Expos do okay pretty garbage he a road tank and BFD it went well yeah I I think they might be better than I gave them credit for if I'm honest don't see many Road tanks so one of the runes they need to get to tank is behind the big rep grind thing and I think a lot of people just haven't done it yet to be honest um maybe I didn't help the situation by saying they're going to be they look garbage in videos but uh you know maybe maybe not they're probably fine it's just not having AOE is kind of clunky right when you tab you lose all your combo points in that op is overplayed overpowered overplayed maybe a bit of both um who we targeting here is that wind Fury yes Alliance have wind fury it's a new Droid buff called wild strikes pretty cool that's season of Discovery new stuff for you a small AOE Rune next phase I think that is very likely very likely I would be surprised if they did not I'm doing fine on damage anyway only a leveling dungeon though so you can't really draw too many conclusions from it as hunts got NF they they are going to change scorpion pets they've already said so in a patch going to make it the your scorpion poison is basically going to need to be at full Stacks to do damage so changes are coming D doesn't have a any decent tanking spec they seem rage stared uh I mean I don't know they seem fine I haven't played one like so I'm just saying that couldn't gouge him in time hello what's he hitting look at this little sword this hul ability you there check out that noise the Changers were live today they will be live or they should be alive after Na's reset goes up which it already should be so yeah they should be live on na but EU it'll be tomorrow morning pretty much by the time we've got them we're under attack a to swamp repel the invaders no rooted one those times where you wish you were a GN look at Mage though Mage by the way uh it's kind of good in dungeons if you didn't know uh this isn't like unusual or anything M just just do this in dungeons they just blow everything up it's nerfed already it's dead is it that bad like is it really that bad yo reptile thank you is Al viable for shamans it got buffed uh the latest patch oo got buffed from a 33% proc chance to 50 I still think they're going to be kind of me if I'm honest but they uh they're better when than they were did saber slashes bleed work on the Mechanicals on EU we haven't had the patch on na it should not work on Mechanicals anymore but uh we're a bit in the past over here so for us it still does he doing 47 down to six o well season of scorpid um you had a good run you had a good good run what else can you say it's really bad maybe there's another pet right like when we came into the season was anyone like yo wait for scorpions though they're going to be topping the DPS meters not really we just need to find what the next op is maybe there is an ex op maybe it's Wyn or cats are just good with the extra Focus regen uh dirt yes this is why grow for you Alliance obviously which is yeah PV yeah I know they did reduce the scaling on uh spell power for pets so lightning breath will have been nerfed scorpid sting will have been nerfed or sting or just whatever it was [Music] called I'm doing some respectable damage zones when we're on more single Target I can hit what I need to I wish we had Focus Target or um I don't really know what the tank is hitting and I can't put them on focus it just doesn't exist in vanilla for no particularly good reason Target Target macro perhaps I don't know new hotness chimeras it's chimeras the season of the scorpid has ended Let the Season of the erab begin maybe that's it but yeah magical effects will always be better cuz they they don't have to deal with armor pretty much so yeah you do want those if you can get them last two bosses miss a Smite then we're on to the ship so I don't do I want nothing here the black qu cutless is that main hand is CR Barb main hand I guess if they're both main hand then Mr to Smite thie blade one hand three agility full bar one hand oh okay I want them both then yeah right so the ads first of course holy storm with music [Music] Majestic onto the boss I just want to get my DOT at Three Stacks before he hits 50 in phases nice you landord I don't think I can keep the dot up though it's going to reset during the stor have to improvise they built storm the stone masons did nothing wrong they built Stormwind and the Nobles scam them we are the bad guys we really are making me angry it will show Target Target uh yeah yeah I have that I have that it it just doesn't help me know what the tank is hitting cuz I can't if I had focus on the tank I could have their frame here and it'd show what they're hitting but I can't so yeah smites Reaver uh so we're in classic so Rogues can't use axes unfortunate [Music] brother that's okay the thief blade is okay but it's fine for B bar crw Barb is the big prize here should be able to get a macro for Target of Target pretty sure you can it's just I I I don't know what I'd macro it to it sounds kind of clunky if you're ATT tank with single Target honestly I just keybind skull to something and you can mark something with skull and uh yeah then your DPS can go full Zug Zog without you having to worry about the messing about Mouse over again it doesn't really tell me who the tank is hitting I just want to be hitting whatever the tank is hitting so I know I'm not going to rip threat but uh again again it's like not the biggest deal is it skeletal Club yeah I could go for that true true yeah the the def Arc was made made maybe a bit um maybe not the best uh let's say uh course of action given the wrongs that have been done against them generally you don't want to become a criminal organization you know generally or the cter Buffs uh we talked about them earlier on if you want to check the VOD but basically Shadow priest and boomkins especially are receiving some pretty hefty Buffs so if you play either of them then hopefully they're better yeah I think I pulled away extra one there that's my bad my bad you paused at the wrong time that's okay uh Shadow priest and balance stuid and elemental shaman I guess if you go on wad though it's all there you go on wad you go to the classic section and go to most recent hot fixes you'll see what's up yeah is a we Oro you can show a friend of a a frame of a tar frame of a target of a Target I can't talk Target of a party member there a weak hor for everything yeah the start yeah yeah those are the ones I'm talking about I'm just going to evasion here the tanks getting bashed up pretty bad so I can tank this guy little bomb I don't know whether it'll be enough for shadow priests and moonkins and all the others but uh hey at least blizzard have seen the numbers and they they basically agree by their actions that something needs to change and these classes need a buff will it be buffed to mobs they are buffed yeah we're just that strong they are buff already they're doing more damage than they used to cuz on my warlock I can run into five or six mobs start them all up and kill them that warlock is insane in PV at just farming stuff but yeah that's that's the season it's kind of vanilla but a little bit easier at times right keep my DOT up here yeah not not really much to do apart from pressing a tce and dice is there I guess that's Rogue though uh first time playing w we had a question what is the better one-handed sword on Main hand and Dagger on off hand or better main handed dagger and sword off hand though it's not really about weapon type so much as weapon speed uh in your main hand you want a weapon that's quite slow so a bunch of your abilities scale off the damage your main hand weapon causes so if you got a fast main hand weapon that's going to do a lower amount than if you have a slow one so here I've got a 2.60 speed one uh which is really good uh your off hand it doesn't matter as much when you have poisons uh level 20 and Beyond it's generally better to have a fast one so you can apply apply poisons more often um but yeah again it's not as big of a deal just make sure you have a slow weaponed in your main hand uh and daggers really cap out at 2.0 speed there's very few daggers above 2.0 so go with a sword uh go with a mace go with a fist weapon anything like [Music] that the Adent shows the debuffs that is a weor weor called debuff buff on name plates you do want one for fast steadly Brew okay yeah I haven't used that Rune yet so I I haven't see how it worked out yet but okay fast weapon off hand then there you go don't see me before been watching for a long time well I don't tend to show my face on the videos in fact I extremely rarely do cuz I I write stuff out for the videos essentially so I I read them so it's a bit of a different Dynamic right backstab and Ambush aren't dagger only they are yes unless you play mutilate we want slow both oh true true actually I don't know how playable mutilate is but you know not not wrong not wrong so want to be careful here not to pull this guy this can quite easily become a disaster um I'm going to have I don't want to get if I stand behind these mobs and griefing I can pull him I just have to take the pares here yeah okay we good util light's good I I picked it up I just haven't used it yet partly because I just don't have good daggers but also because I I don't point pois I guess you do want poisons right not as good but pretty close I'm glad to hear it's pretty close options is always a good thing I should get a weor for um slice and dice feel like it'd be useful to have it a bit more visual on my screen so Captain green skin and then we have have big Edwin van CLE thr bar bars every time don't curse it you're cursing it not going to drop now I really want to try out the backstab build as well with uh Slaughter from the Shadows I think that looks I don't know why I just think backstab rogue's fun I think it's cuz whenever backstab crits it just does a big number and uh monkey brain like see big number you know you want in venom deadly brew that makes sense yeah yeah like the whole Rune package right just 14% don't say that it's 100% we're going to believe we want a thing from this guy I think he would drop a pole arm for the Druid one time oh oh the staff okay that's not bad not bad I guess the Mage and the Warlock are going to be fighting over that one ni who's winning and the Mage wins the Warlock rolls in eight ouch Druids can't use pole arms oh yeah yeah yeah you're right yeah that's a rth thing isn't it I always find that so weird I I just I just kind of assume they can you know classic hey classic right vancl to be honest I have two good things here I have this nice P but there's a um a good Quest reward too so I I don't really mind if that drops and I lose it that's kind of whatever but crw Barb CR Barb actually should be killing the ad he's going to sum more or do I tap back to keep the bleed up tap back to tap back to keep the bleed up definitely he Mage is doing about a billion threat as they do get that up slice and dice tab back new bleed oh just about that back new trash mark new bleed ice and dice tab I think we just kill the boss here the ads despawn with the boss don't they that use and dice the Brotherhood shall Prevail and no one's looted it yet let's finish these mobs two cloaks for oh I'd like the cloak too ah not cruel Barb however however do I even need that or or do I just give it to the tank it's got 11 stamina I have two strength six ay I think I just give that to the tank right PVP I'm on a PVE server like honestly am I going to use this it's base there's no shot that's Base Four strength three Agy versus six Agy two strength tunik is's West wait let me let me check let me it's got Le yeah Easy Pass Easy Pass I would we tunic of Westfall over that yeah Quest is better give it to the Druid he he wants the stamina yeah you got to be a considerate Rogue oh and the stiring rod too there we go nice got that uh just pass that one the others will need it uh pass didn't I pass but yeah this has 11 Agy which is just it's just better for a rogue um than like compare the two four Str rank three so that's s that's seven usable stats total um versus 11 it's actually not close tunic of westf is Miles better miles better let's go hand in the fire sa westf for PVE I think they're the they're pretty pretty good they're both pretty good who won the wand the wand Was Won by the priest and everyone else passed on it any luck we didn't get anything from that D the I keep trying to want say diam all we're not doing diam all we're doing deadmines uh no but I'm going to pick up my tunic of westf 11 agility that is a ton of Agy uh strength and Agy are both good stats for rogue you prefer agility because it gives you attack power and crit um most strength and Agility give you one attack power though but obviously agility gives you the crit uh it also gives you some armor as well so a little extra bonus you know if you have a tank think we're done y we're done yeah did we did not get a cat we didn't get a parrot either strange two in classic I think Rogue strength is [Music] one wait isn't Rogue strength one one attack power for one strength I think it is the classes that get two per point of strength are Shaman Paladin Warrior strength is one okay yeah yeah I thought it was it's weird that sharming get two isn't it Druid strength oh yeah Druid Druid as well yeah drw you're right you're right so basically on Rogue strength is nice but given the choice you take agility fal's two and feral get um in fact it's more than two for some classes like pal Palin have 10% extra through Talent so it's 2.2 ferals have hearts of the Wild so it's like 2.4 right next phase they do anyway you can't get that Talent yet not going to Rogue tank I can't at the moment really uh the Rune that you need for tanking is um behind a reputation grind which I just haven't done oh I have a point that there what's my pled on this character my played is we're about level 21 and a half 16 hours 29 minutes is that good it seems all right seems all right and that in and that in tunic of Westville thank you very much and we're got this prospector's chest piece by the way which costs like 15 silver is insane it has two strength six Aggy if you're playing a rogue or a druid buy this thing like buy it it is so good uh but obviously tunic of westall that's going to be an upgrade let's check out the transmog here it looks pretty it looks pretty bad it looks pretty bad um oh let's go hand the bandana quest in too want to be a balance D patience we'll see how things are after the Patch I am hoping your balance streams can be a reality world of full banks tell me about it my my Banks just the the chaos just kind of grows over the course of a stream and I just send stuff to alts and sort out later uh okay so what are we getting here so have a solid short blade a scrim sh dagger so I'm upgrading my off hand here I think they're both I think I take the the sword right cuz I'm a human sword for the off hand thoughts over the dagger 1.8 speed do I care about poison application that much probably not yeah I'm going sword I think sword's right nice take care of Aron dagger off hand I think the sword is good now that is a rogy looking Rogue damn looking for something specific safe travel H scaling and pets not dying from AOE pra I'm preing for you I'm preing hard they already pet your pets already do have scaling by the way tldr and Boon Kim Buffs star surge after the Patch is going to do 182% more damage 182 and it'll have a shorter cool down and cost less Mana so it should go from being a wet noodle to a less wet noodle essentially Mage Nerfs nope they're stupid op they're they're okay they're okay they're very good in dungeons like you see a mage in a dungeon you're like holy crap this thing needs a Nerf tomorrow but n the outside of dungeons they're just okay thoughts on rat I think rat looks very good and fun and it doesn't goo from what I hear and it does a lot of damage yeah R thumbs up hot noodle yes yes very hot one enjoying PB after Classic me too me too man me [Music] too yeah and the resistance is BFD got Nerf like don't overl that that's a big deal like without changing anything else they're going to be just improved hen's in PvP I hear they are a menace in PvP you get clapped with a hammer ad Justice and you just get sent to a graveyard before you can do anything is balance Drew dead at the moment it is at the moment after the Patch we'll see I hope they're better I really [Music] do storming music lovely box unlock tanks pretty good could use some more [Music] AOE um where we at here P from what I hear it is but guys um that is going to be me for the stream today um it's OB see I want try and stream more um I the last time I stream was last Tuesday and I don't want to leave that big of a gap between things um I want to do two or three times a week at least but obviously what I want to do is you know put out the videos for you guys so you get in the content it is fun to chat about the game though right just got here there's always one guy that says that I swear um but yeah it is it is always good to chat about the game see how the state of things are going and uh yeah it is fun to just throw on the streams you know it's good to good to chat right more streams but the plan at the moment for me is minimum to do one on the Tuesdays and the Fridays um I started today a little bit earlier than I have previously and it seemed to go pretty well maybe me starting when na servers went down was a was a fortunate coincidence um who knows though but yeah a lot of people are like yo yo how are you playing the game though and I'm like well you know this's this there's this other continent um but anyway yeah it was fun uh thank you everyone for the the the primes the gifts today everything that I've got that's I I didn't expect that super generous of everyone uh I never really know what to expect when I throw on a stream cuz uh I just don't do this that often recommend moving the camera yeah I I I want to improve the camera a bit but it's it's just the setup I have at the moment anyways guys thank you so much for watching today uh next video is planned to be on the Friday I'll probably be live before I release the video on the Friday um thank you all so much for dropping by today I hope you enjoy the rest of your day your evening wherever you are at in the world and I shall catch you on the next one oh yeah remember to follow on Twitch or YouTube or whatever if you want you know that's okay but uh yeah I hope you have a good rest of your day and I will see you again in the next one very soon
Channel: WillE
Views: 26,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fPItIC9npLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 38sec (10658 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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