This is Why People Love Season of Discovery so Much (Classic WoW)

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I think it's fair to say at this point that a lot of people are enjoying season of Discovery from classic Andes streamers even retail Andes who have never played classic wow before everybody seems like they're having a good time with this new addition to Classic wow finding the runes getting the crates and just falling in love with classic wow all over again or maybe for the first time however I've seen a number of comments popping up in my comment sections here on nixi of people asking what's the big deal like why do people like season of Discovery so much isn't it just classic again with just a few little flavorful additions so with this video this is a rant there's no script or anything with this video I want to explain off the top of my head why I think people love season of Discovery so damn much of course before we dive in I do have to thank this Channel's sponsor zygor it is world of warcraft's ultimate add-on for classic wow retail wow it doesn't matter if you're looking to level faster make more gold get those achievements mounts pets zygor does everything there's a reason why everybody uses it you can check it out links Down Below in the description and use code nium for 20% off so let's just Begin by establishing a premise all right people absolutely love classic World of Warcraft this is OG wow this is 2004 World of Warcraft at its finest this is the game that changed the gaming landscape as we know it bliz entertainment went from a very popular RTS company to being like a megalithic gaming Titan company pretty much overnight once World of Warcraft came out due to the sheer massive success that this game brought millions of people from all around the world tried wow they fell in love with the game immediately some of you guys watching this video right now still might be playing to this day and you started in 2004 or in my case I started in 20 2005 classic wow has a vibe to it it's got a thing it's got a a hook that just really took the World by storm and so it's no surprise that when blizzard finally decided to re-release Classic wow in 2019 it was a huge success later on they released season of Mastery another big success they later on decided to release World of Warcraft classic hardcore another big success and now blizzard is releasing season of Discovery a sort of classic pluses experiment to see how the community would respond to it and people absolutely love it now I could make an entire video laying out all the reasons why people love classic wow so much from my reasons to reasons that come from the community that I gather from you guys I could make a whole video about it maybe one day I will so what I'm going to do is I'm going to talk about the two big things that I think are the uh kind of big contributing factors as to why people enjoy season of Discovery so damn much the first thing that I would like like to talk about is Discovery and progression one of the things that is so good about classic wow is its sense of Discovery and its character progression as you play through the game now back in 2004 we were obviously discovering Azeroth for the very first time we had never been to Dun Maro we had never been to ashenvale or to Molton core or whatever we were discovering Azeroth as a land a new that we could descend into and find what Adventures that we could in this brand new world when it comes to Classic wow another thing that we discover as we play through on a new character are new weapons new spells new abilities new Talent combinations we find a new story every time we make a new character and the thing is everything that you can discover in the adventure while playing your character on classic wow everything is actually impactful everything has value every time that you get a new Talent point every time that you get a new bag for your character you get a new spell you enter a new dungeon you wander into a new zone for the first time you constantly have this feeling of becoming more powerful of Conquering the world and just you've taken another step in a great adventure and it feels freaking great and the thing is Blizzard recognized this blizzard saw this in classic wow they saw that players loved this about the game and so what did they do well they gave us more things to discover in the form of runes and they gave us more things that fueled our progression in the form of things like the crate system players love how everything in classic wow feels impactful and worthwhile and so blizzard gave us these runes that feel impactful and worth pursuing and worth playing with these hidden runes that when they're discovered have abilities attached to them that can even dramatically change the way that you play the game in your class as a paladin for example you might be someone that really wants to tank but paladins aren't really that good at being tanks but once you find that Aventure Shield Rune once you find that taunt holy crap a new way of playing the game just opened up to you being a worthwhile tank to your guild and to your group as a mage you might be like yeah it's nice being a DPS but then you go out and find the healing runes as a mage and you're like holy crap I can be a Healer now I can actually fulfill this role to my group and that's incredible whenever you do find a room you feel like your character has progressed grown in power just like whenever you level up your blacksmithing in your character and you can finally craft for yourself your first green pair of male pants just like when you go to that class trainer as a warlock and you finally learn fear just like when you descend into Wailing Caverns and you get that next piece of the serpent Fang set every time you decide to pursue a path in classic wow or you make a new discovery or you see what's around the next Corner feels impactful it feels worth it and it feels good to get those accomplishments one of the things that I love in season of Discovery for example that adds to this Progressive element of the game is actually the crate system look leveling up your professions in classic wow it's not necessary but damn is it helpful and having these little crates that you can sometimes find out in the open world in chests from drops and so on that allow you to turn them in to get a little bit of silver or if you've got the right professions you can actually take the time to stock up these crates with those rough Stones those copper belts or whatever it is that the damn crate is asking for you can take that time to not only level up your profession but then go and turn that full supply Crate in and make some money off of it I love this system because it gives you a further incentive to go out level up your professions all the more and yeah you get a little bit of money from it but the real reward is you have progressed further in that mining that blacksmithing that leather working whatever and now you can craft New Gear not only for yourself but for your fellow players this allows you to engage more in the in-game economy making new things new items it's taking you further and further towards like what the cap is for professions right now which I think is 150 right 150 there was already reason to level up professions but now blizzard has just added even more and it's great that's the first thing or maybe two you know Discovery and progression but the second thing that I would like to talk about is the social element of season of Discovery one of the things that classic wow is so well renowned for is its social element after a certain level when you log into classic wow it's only a matter of time before you're going to end up in a group with a group of people whether it's to do an elite Quest do a dungeon maybe to survive in like Ashen Vil World PVP even like in Original Classic W I'm not even talking about sod there or even just to get with a group of people so that you can get like the same credit for a like a quest mob or something players are constantly buffing each other they're trading items because profession items and things that you find in the world again actually have real value and impact the point is classic wow has a huge social element that people love about the game because let's be real about something okay I don't know why so many people tend to forget this when it comes to an MMO but an MMO does not survive because you've got flashy pixels and awesome game mechanics yeah that's fine but guess what the game will get boring after a while and you know what keeps people playing the game for 18 freaking years it ain't flying dragons it ain't new particle spell effects it's the people it's the friends the community is the Anvil that a game an MMO lives and dies on and people love classic wow because blizzard be it intentional or not pushed the community element right to the front and said look you are going to make friends in this game or you are not going to survive you are not going to be the best and it is Great Blizzard again recognized this and they said oh well if we're going to put this new Rune system into the game if we're going to put like you know some big update into classic wow we should add a social element to that update the Rune system yes there are runes out there that you can go and you can earn completely on your own but there are other runes out there plenty of them where you need an entire group of people in order to get it hell even the the just the finding of the runes the Warlock metamorphosis Rune was just found thanks to the effort of all these different warlock players coming together on Discord chatting it up and being like dude how the heck do we get this thing and then finally unraveling the secret and discovering this badass Rune that damn Tower in the north of darkshore even if you are a level 25 Paladin or warlock or whatever you ain't going to survive walking up there by yourself you need a group of people to go up there to work with you in order to get the damn orb that's on the table at the very top and it's fantastic World PVP in ashenvale dude as soon as World PVP pop up in a Zone and classic wow people are like dude invite invite invite they get together and they fight that's what they do groups of horde groups and Alliance all killing each other and guess what Ashen Vil is some big ass World PVP zone so if you go to ashenvale first thing that happens message appears in the general chat hey inviting people to fight The Horde you know post me for an invite okay and then you join a raid group and you're running around killing horde players or Alliance players whatever black fathom deeps you got a brand new easily accessible raid being being added to Classic wow a 10-man raid converted from a dungeon excellent the reason why people love season of Discovery so much blizzard recognized what made classic wow special the sort of you know Proto primordial elements of classic wow that people enjoy so much Discovery progression the social element of the game so on and so forth and rather than adding some BS new system to the game that felt completely out of place in classic wow blizzard just said well people like classic let's just give them more classic people love Discovery and progression let's make it so you can discover runes out in the world let's make it so you have extra incentive to go out and progress your professions let's just do that people love the social element of classic Wow Let's Make a lot of the runes require groups in order to get them let's add an easily accessible 10 10 player raid to Classic Wow Let's lower down the level cap a bit so that you know more people can get to level cap level 25 they can feel like a bunch of badasses like yeah I did it I hit Level 25 in classic wow they can go out they can raid they can engage in the world PVP so on and so forth blizzard didn't do anything new they even just took damn spells and stuff from future expansions and just threw it in classic wow and like okay here you go this is what you're looking for this is what you're seeking to find that's it this is how Blizzard's philosophy needs to be going forward not just in classic wow with whatever season of Discovery is going to turn into down the road but even retail wow guys like dude if your game is beloved because of its social element don't try to kill it add to it if people love your game because they love discovering all the cool new things and systems and they feel like everything's impactful and they're progressing you know as a character in your world don't change that just maintain it don't make it so that the world is easy as pissed to Traverse through make it so that every time you get a new piece of gear you actually feel more powerful then you can actually survive the world a little bit easier if players love the social element of the game if that's the thing that keeps players playing for 18 freaking years don't sit there and say well let's create a single player version of the damn game that's not the right approach you you're trying to fix something that ain't freaking broken and the reason why people love Seas Discovery so damn much is you didn't try to fix what wasn't broken you just gave us more of the same crap that we were already enjoying and that's why people love sod so much that's it those are my quick thoughts based on those comments that are popping up in my YouTube comments section again no script I'm just ranting and speaking from the heart here I'm sure you guys are going to think of things that I didn't think of in this past however long it's been of me recording this if you have anything that you want to say leave it down in the comment section Below guys we're nearing 500 ,000 subscribers of course I'd appreciate if you hit the Subscribe button and the like button you know I got to be a typical YouTuber and be like yeah you know got to hit that goal 500,000 maybe we'll do something special for 500,000 we'll see maybe I'll make like a celebratory Machinima or something like we'll see but either way thanks for watching the video guys I appreciate it and I'll see you in s so
Channel: Nixxiom
Views: 102,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, season of discovery, wow classic, classic wow season of discovery
Id: Jl5x-B4UvFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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