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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen it is the 30th of November 2023 and somehow someway we're still playing classic World of Warcraft the second seasonal server the blizzard are going to release and this one I'm going to be honest I'm a lot more hyped for than season of Mastery This Is It season of Discovery something that we've been waiting for for I don't know almost feels like the Classic Plus beta in a way let's flip this over though this is a very professional streamer have you know oh there he is ladies how's everything though how are how is everyone doing in the chat I hope everything looks okay and sounds okay on the stream uh if I'm honest I haven't really streamed for uh you know two years so if uh if you could tell me everything looks and sounds okay I'll be really happy um but yeah there's just so much to get through before launch it's so exciting before we go on a whole gamer I'm sure that's how it's meant to be said not the other way around right uh yo I appreciate the five man that's so so kind I haven't even got started and you've done that and Lee Barrow as well thank you I I try my best I try and get everything sort of you know working and making sense for you guys so uh I'm I'm glad you know I uh uh hope I can continue to do that PO back down here sounds great perfect let beard I hope there's no frame drops or anything so well I moved fairly recently and I have a British internet which is so bad it's so unbelievably bad uh but you know we do what we can we do what we can uh what server am I playing on so I am I I've been thinking about this I've been I've been kind of torn right right up to the way where we're having this server release and for me there's two main options which would be RP PVP and I know there's already a bunch of guys going on The Horde side there uh such as kungen uh and guzu that I've seen so far and it would be nice to play with those guys but um I don't know if I'm going to do that initially cuz my roots in classic what I started off with was of course the Bal gnome and I feel as though I have to start off with a BAL gnome at the same time I kind of want to do PVE first and there's a few reasons for that as well all rumors RP PVP as a streamer server yeah uh now I I mean I played PVP in 2019 and um there are fun parts to it don't get me wrong but especially when you're streaming you're just kind of two people away from the stream being derailed and them deciding what you do when you don't get to do do you know what I mean uh so that can make things quite difficult whereas I amum I'm quite interested on the PVE side of things this season experimenting with a new Rune combinations The Raid content probably isn't going to be very hard let's be real um but just seeing how things play out on that side of things and so I'm probably going to going with the PVE server at least initially I've been banned by looks of it let me just oh login servers okay hang on hang on uhoh uhoh okay we we're starting off also golius for the five Great content thank you with your luck I appreciate that man I appreciate that so much and uh okay now it begins now it begins I guess 17 minutes left until launch wherever you are in the world it'll be 17 minutes so uh oh the que's climbing already the Q is climbing but uh yeah initially the PVE server I think will be the play for me um but I I do want to play on a PVP server too cuz the especially the battle for Asen Veil on PVE servers is that are you going to Auto flag during the battle how's that going to work I I don't really know and I do want to PVP during the season I just want a bit of agency over when I do PVP if you know what I mean uh especially if I'm streaming as well like I mean come on we all know we all know how PVP is in classic well right the Q and the queue begins it's 15 minutes and the queue begins do I just keep pressing Q or do we watch something until the serers up emergency m is please don't tell me that please tell me that's C oh no wait it's actually not we'll be performing emergency maintenance and the game will be unavailable during this time I just want to play the game no no BL I showered for this can you believe it that is unfortunate oh well keep pressing the button ah yeah was a bit unlucky it said 9:00 p.m. it did say 9:00 p.m. that's in 15 minutes to be fair maybe okay maybe it's really fast emergency maintenance okay they're going to be done in like 5 to 10 minutes so we're all going to be on for log on time okay don't worry guys okay the que's gone up can everyone else apart from me stop queuing please are these on the classic Realms yeah if you go down to um yeah it's World of Warcraft Classic on the B night launcher you'll get here uh for the people asking though I am indeed planning to play the Warlock during this season at least alici I I'm I'm liking warlock I'm liking Hunter and I'm liking Paladin at the moment but the level Cap's 25 so it's going to be so easy to get to level cap and then I'm probably going to be going to play on different servers as well Paladin first first I think Paladin looks really good as for the moment I guess we're all playing the uh refresh the server game huh anyway what what are you guys playing put it in the chat what what's your first main what are you roll what are you rolling straight away got a mage got a hunter balance D I like that warlock priest okay that's quite a quite a bit of variety here sham oh got two shamans yo DUS cam I'm playing warlock first for sure oh dusam thank you for the prime as well man I appreciate that so much thank you melee Hunter Mele BM Hunter is anyone specifically going for the uh new specs like you're not trying to play something you already know how it's going to be cuz me I want to play a warlock but I'm kind of leaning towards more damage you know retrieving realmless let me just try pressing this again okay yeah I'm back in q lock tank lock tank Melly Hunter healing Mage yo where are the uh where the roadrs at not Road say Road Road tank zy thank you for the primer thank you welcome troll Mage oh troll M it's funny isn't it troll is like you rarely see it in vanilla and then you get to raap and everyone's a troll aren't they you see servers oh for real you're in okay H hang on hang on hang on come on blizzard I made videos about your game for so long please let me in one time one time oh they're offline okay as as long as I get through the queue and I can see the servers I'll be happy oh adamore thank you so much for joining welcome welcome I appreciate that so much there are seven servers okay do I cancel and press reconnect here uh yes this I am on EU yes do they still have the troll names like streamer realm for the Realms in there we have 11 minutes 11 minutes I guess they're spinning the servers up but they're not quite ready [Music] yet stay in okay okay I'll leave it I'll leave it oh it's so exciting it's just never been anything like this before the classic because the whole way through classic so far we've kind of known everything that's going to happen we've like had this blueprint like there there's people like me frankly who have been able to go back through years of content and try and put together videos but this is It's just something new man oh okay oh okay those are our names so Crusader strike RP PVP lava lash RP living flame PVP Lone Wolf PVP wild growth I don't want to play Wild growth man got seric called wild growth that is uh that is not my first choice yo Le Lee bar thanks for joining as well super generous of you man I appreciate that a lot hiden leave did somebody from CIA send you by chance okay I'm just going to assume you're from them so I'm going to be a growther initially I want to play on Crusader Strike It just sounds cooler than while growth man oh wait we have an we have an RP PVP and an RP ooh do I just roll on the RP then you haven't got your name sh on na a can I want to roll on Crusader Strike It just sounds better I I'm not sure which servers are East and West uh I'm I'm any you boy uh for you know we don't have those problems fortunately one way or the other I think I'm going to stick to my guns and and say what I was going to do uh which my first character initially will be on PVE but I absolutely do want to Branch out after that cuz my first character is going to be the one I play the most but yeah I I want to feel it out right so I want to see whereever people end up rolling because it would be cool to you know play with some other streamers some other people that I know and I already know a bunch of people are going to roll different factions on different servers so I think I just do the thing that I want to do initially and then we uh we do it we see where goes from there it's been all right so far say hope you got the Lich King it would also take me a bit to figure out how to do that but uh yeah fingers crossed we're okay so far so I guess we have seven minutes right I think I'm going to be a wild grer at the start and uh we we'll see how that goes 15-year-old 19yearold I have you now 15y old game man we yeah two PVP servers I wasn't expecting them to do an RP server to be honest like just a pure RP server what's the difference between uh RP PVP and normal um so RP PVP is essentially just a PVP server uh so anywhere you're in the contested Zone you will be automatically flagged but uh you're also meant to pretend to be a guard when you're in a major capital city I think that's what it means uh I guess I guess we're just in the waiting now does anyone remember with previous releases they just they just said online right you didn't have to long and in out did you need to refresh I seem to remember another release they just came online oh there's Russian servers penants and Shadow strike there you go when you go to RP um I guess I don't know if I have a weird opinion about RP but it's like I always I always think of RP servers kind of like they're like wildlife sanctuaries you know they're kind of they're kind of sacred right you don't go around messing them up trying to bring Vibes that they're not really designed around I think people that play RP should kind of have their own space to do that even if they're not all rpers you know so unless I was fully dedicated to RP I'd primarily just go to a normal server so I'm going to be a wild grower and why does it have to be a drud ailly hello Das coffee enjoys one right here RP servers people are nicer that's the thing I mean I've seen a lot a lot with the um big streamers that they are planning to go on RP PVP servers um and I think they're doing that because the na server grobbulus was so successful historically and I feel if loads of streamers Pile in they're not going to get that same experience that they're really chasing could be wrong could be wrong Y in I appreciate that too uh thank you so much uh will the servers go live when you're online yeah specifically me blizzard are waiting for me they just get get my intro out the way uh but no when um I think they will just move to online does anyone else know is anyone watching any of streams are they refreshing or what are they doing how you download this you should you should already have it downloaded Jim if you just uh log in on World of Warcraft classic that should do it for you uh you don't have to do anything else and then just come to the seasonal serve a bit and you should be good 3 minutes though I'm refreshing I don't want to log out cuz I think I'll get put into a huge queue yeah do not for fresh 7 Minute que that's what I'm afraid of man what I'm afraid of uh Kyle this is a you I don't even know what the na names are yet also if you're in Russia there's a you know you've got penants and Shadow strike they're both cooler than wild Gro yeah classic than change [Music] servers uhoh uhoh nope good idea though yeah I'll I'll try that again in uh one and a half minutes one and a half minutes until season of Discovery logging into game server yeah just just keep at it these servers are going to be so busy tonight uh yeah it's going to be hard there's an RP server there's two RP servers on a u I guess there's two on na what am I rolling I guess you'll find out when I'm in online in one minute speak a little of wild growth you know I agree I I actually played a druid for a lot of World of Warcraft I've raided on Druid for so many years and it is one of those buttons you just press 30 seconds 30 seconds please just come online please so I be on I'll be on wild growth at the start as I say like the level Cap's 25 it's going to be so fast to get to 25 okay it is it is 900 p.m. which is release time my time in uh 5 Seconds two one and um uh what the servers aren't on um bliz what blizzard keep the time please emergency maintenance oh no right I'm going to try this didn't break my game last time so it'll be fine again ETA 9 Minutes where's that from was that Twitter let me have a look on the old X which sounds kind of wrong maybe I spend a lot of time looking at x okay change real seasonal offline it's up I'm not on yet let me in yeah one minute late blizzard one minute ah truly a multi- dooll company Council Marine join 1.6k Q yeah I think if you just log well I guess it's kind of crying over spilled milk now but you log in different server then go back and it should be all right it's not up I I can't believe my chat would lie to me I absolutely cannot believe that when's the serers out the server was out uh 2 minutes ago but uh not for me uh let me have a look here see if there's updates World of Warcraft I guess it's just a new server experience and uh you you just sit here and wait a few extra minutes yeah nothing up y we we're just waiting a little bit extra huh I guess we're we're we're discovering how to log into the game together I I guess this is intended as part of the Season not quite the discovery I had in mind but we'll go with it server names updated oh is that for a [Music] then is this a rune this is a rune this is the uh server login rune the first one we need to figure out how to be it real new this is going to happen yeah I mean to be fair the last few releases have been pretty good even TBC I got in pretty fast wrath I got in pretty fast hardcore got him pretty fast it has only been three minutes though to be fair should I try swapping around again they did update we without to log in okay that's good yeah I guess they're just fixing a few last minute things then hardcore servers marked as wa they actually are too yo guys if anyone wants to play hardcore uh I'm sorry there's going to be a que okay TR please try playing another server at the moment relog there's no way I'm relocking right now you are mad Global launcher at 3:15 yeah apparently no they're offline too I guess they're they're all booting them up at the same time or something the oh they're the same name as the na servers okay expect that I thought they'd be different they usually are different it's not working okay bit a bit of patience is anyone is anyone watching anyone else is anyone online yet like is a single person online nobody is I mean that's okay then like if if no one's online that's all right I'm okay with that if the if no one's got a problem then that's good few minutes left I'm hoping they'll just update you know I think they will so would it just refresh I mean people have already said the na server names refreshed without them having to do anything so I am very much hoping there will be the same case with the servers coming online emergency on the launcher uh yeah I don't know I think that might be something different we shall see yeah while this is loading I'm going to go grab some water real quick I'll be right back one sec right that was actually my secret tactic to get blizzard to put the servers online I thought if I went away for 30 seconds they would put them up as soon as I left but it didn't work they up and up for me come on blizzard 8 minutes 8 minutes can you believe it refresh they added two more I really don't want to refresh Deads I'll be going for wild growth first of all wild growth will be my first server there might be exclamation mark server in the chat I don't know if that'll work how do you RP in PVP servers where you walk up to someone you say hello can I can I please shoot you with a bow and then they'll either disagree or agree and you can go from there refresh didn't work yeah I would not recommend refreshing if I'm honest there's a 10-minute queue a 10-minute queue isn't too bad really considering is an a oh no this is all a you uh Dad this is all a you I don't know what they're called na apparently they have the same names but uh yeah better audio here I'm kind of surprised to hear that not going to lie um that's a good thing I guess thank you they have the same names yeah usually they're always different right which makes sense cuz if somebody says white man I know they're talking about a na if they say fire more I know it's a you yeah I feel like they should have been different uh I antipathy thank you uh you canel load to me on my classic era server page and then log into there to refresh I tried that by logging into uh just one of these servers for error then logging back on seasonal it didn't change anything I think when people start hitting the server logins everyone will get there together it's okay oh and we're in uh rpers sorry no servers for you I guess let me in let me in let me in let me in come on uh noome male Warlock Beed facial hair face we're in boys let's go the intro y yep yep yep oh my God what is this man I turned all the add-ons off holy crap hang on you we're going to have to multitask it and I swear I I sorted out my ad before for this come on come on come on right let's go where's questy oh my God there's so many people already there's so many people okay wolf meat wolf meat wolf meat I think if we go over here there's a few more walls right wait why do I have death log on okay the first of many in 2019 classic my first Shadow bolt was a CRI in 2020 okay cool two server launch shadowball crits in a row what does this mean there it is there it is easy as that still logging in I think I might have got some good RNG on that oh I'm looting I'm looting I'm looting taking a while come on get it get it get it get it get it beat the Mage beat the Mage yeah the the servers are chugging right now oh that's new that is new okay first new item uh wolf Jawbone using a summoning ritual interesting very interesting yeah this is uh the servers are suffering a bit right now it's an a this is on EU more stuff in the bag yeah yo bliz uh if you're listening blue leather bag a small blue leather satchel please um or red I'll also accept red okay next one I I'll get on the next one I'll have this all looted any moment now all the EU service of fault yeah man this is going to be uh there's going to be a lot of people on for sure let's got a few more wolves here how far across the wolves go I'm looking in the wrong bit let's try and hang over here I remember in 2019 you just kind of instead of trying to run around and get wolves you just pick somewhere where they spawn and wait there and eventually blizzard will deliver ah so let's find somewhere as a wolf wait how's somebody already died lemon lemon what are you doing man like the server's been out for a few minutes and you're dead let's try waiting on this wall can't connect I just keep trying guys honestly the servers are going to be so full uh yeah this is this is like the W launch experience all over again go go go go go did I get it nope yeah people have started moving over to the side now it's a b that's no good two wolves over here I might get this one if I'm lucky that's someone else has hit it yeah so we're just going to have to wait here and collect our wolves as they come up thank you yeah I hear there's some pretty big cues I mean you can't really group for these quests I'll do four minutes not bad not bad but yeah these collection quests you uh you just have to do them solo it is what it is kind of thing yeah I might even be able to loot this before the next one comes out 2,600 K on wild growth and a wrong we're trying for the next one only three more wolves this is the bit where it's uh you you want to get ahead of the pack kind of thing this is pretty it is pretty unplayable to be fair there we go two more two more training that daer skill on loot it loot it there we go two more two more and then surely we will be head of the pack right close okay okay that one respawned a bit faster 3K yeah everyone I think everyone's having pretty big Q CS at the moment but uh this this server was I I think season of Discovery was always going to be pretty huge uh playerwise oh this one's kind of hypers spawning right now just get this killed get this killed real quick we get the next one there we go all right quest number one is done yeah the I mean the past few server releases they've done have been pretty good oh there's level two as well loot that um let's head on over and hand in yeah I haven't actually done these starting zone quest in a little bit to be honest great to meet you not going to lie the the past few times I've done leveling I've done rested XP this time I figured I'd turn it off and just kind of figure it out as I go but yeah it's probably not going to be as efficient B the Lone Wolf is that you're all rolling you see guys this right here is why you go further over there okay you don't want to be on six people on the tag like look at this man there like a whole raid on one wolf okay just go more that way okay go more that way if you're in the if you're in the gnome starter Zone press XP yeah I know but it's just so convenient isn't it see you soon how are you P the stream gets to loging without a queue and I right so we got this wolf Jawbone a reagent used for summoning in a ritual so level two on the Warlock I think you can pick up the quest um get an imp right uh so I I want to go and head over there and pick that up first cuz it's in the frostwolf cave down here uh so we're going to see how that plays out login servers figured out you're in a queue of 5,750 that's not what you want honest I should probably be taking my clothes off in game and uh selling them so I can buy upgrades we'll see what Mr Alamar has for me here though and this in you have a great now Beginnings install and power uh stolen power learn the spell engraving haunt oh I've been experimenting with a new type of magic a rune that can channel f energy into fuel powerful spells frogs there's a camp of those rock your Vermin to the Southwest see if you can find a rune stashed among the possessions okay so we're getting haunt as our first Rune that's pretty good yeah I'm definitely happy about ha I think haunt is one the best runes for LEL we could have gotten uh let's just turn the those on yeah Horn's a good rune for sure and then this uh this one will get me my imp so yeah we're we're going to head over here and get both of these actually should we do this Quest first oh do I have the one with a mug deliv the stack of letters yeah I actually haven't done this in a bit so let's head over here and do this one PL on streaming season discover consistently yeah I mean as much as I can to be honest it's um it's kind of a bit of a different way of looking at things cuz usually in classic we kind of know everything in advance and there's not a ton to be discovered as it were so this changes things up a pretty huge amount so hey as long as I'm having fun and stuff to do yeah I'll keep on playing this server and it's pretty pain now but I imagine in a few days it'll be all right let's just try and do something that other people aren't doing right now 50 paldins all right how are you be good good sa and that one in kind of want to find this new Rune is they said it be among the trolls items really we need to do this trog and B uh Quest first don't know how many layers there is there must be layers though right there's so many people 30 minutes to get the RP PVP server I mean back in my day the classics release in uh 2019 anyone remember what the cues were like back then any of you guys play on Classics 2019 release oh yeah we can join this actually it's good idea who cares about leveling fast yeah I guess it's just about staying ahead of the pack right you don't always want to be fighting with like 10 people over a mob was this guy who's offline h i remember in 2019 I got kicked I managed to get on and I played pretty late into the night and I got kicked off and the queue time was uh I think it was 6 or seven hours and I just went to bed I was like okay well all right I guess I'm not playing the game anymore yeah this is kind of the way to go though just find somewhere and bom out the truns no I'm not sure what this person is I'm going to leave carry on farming my trog I'll be level three soon yeah the server literally says go to sleep H oh uhoh okay well the server's just all right I think that's a message guys so that's going to be the end of the stream uh you know we had a good run uh what can you do uh oh y I mean it's half n my time right it's that's bedtime okay oh oh no positioning Q 5,16 6 6 estimated time 2 minutes 4 minutes can we get a 6 minutes any 6 minutes okay 12 uh you can start okay 34 uhoh guys I know what to tell you this this isn't a good look this isn't good um um uh oh boy streaming World of Warcraft release is you just you just love it and the thing is the thing is I guarantee you the PVE server is one of the less popular servers y blizzard said oh you know if uh if if there's a queue you know you're going to have to deal with it I mean I'm pretty sure I pick the least populated server and we are stuck anyone else get kicked off right then any uh any else who thought they had streamer benefits it turns out they don't guys it's only 36 minutes though yeah what's the other stuff uh streamers do reacting I guess we go reactor mode and I didn't even get my Rune yet you hate to see it I guess you guys are all in que as well huh they need to have more servers let's see if they've announced anything I kind of doubt they will to be honest um unfortunate as it is I think they're just going to leave stuff like this and say uh yeah it'll figure itself out which level did I get the Rune I got it a level two uh from the at least from The Gnome questing start or the dwarf one the one where you get the Imp Quest inside the uh the kind of in area towards the start typal blizzard launch I mean you're not wrong but like I was hoping it'd be better you know cuz the past few server releases have been good and imagine they do have more servers and then those servers are kind of dead and they have to let people transfer it's like they can't win do you know what I mean and was it for the first two levels laggy very laggy yeah the servers are not the best two servers I mean yeah if you play on PVP there's I mean there's RP PVP so there's three servers uh does NA have five total as well what server right here well gr leing flame living flam is a 50k Q Is that real by Bana okay okay yeah that that makes that about makes sense let's see uh nip on Twitch real quick wait how come asman gold still online what the hell man is he getting special Prairie what is this place living Flames uh refusing new players are you trying to roll hoorde or Alliance that might be the faction que thicking uh thicking kicking in already kicking all a bearded folk well I guess I'm go I'm I'm looking on Twitch literally everyone is uh login screen uh login screen login screen login screen login screen wait Go's on man how did he hack his way in not fair clearly wild growth is wild growth is where it's really meant to be at but uh you know we just got unlucky it's some play but how many of you guys online like are you online and it's just crazy laggy and kind of unplayable you just joined and you discovered the login screen yeah yeah you're going to discover something this season that's uh not what you expected unplayable on living flame it's hardcore uh no so there's no hardcore mode on the seasonal servers at the moment they may do it on the future I haven't heard whether they will do or not but at the moment no we don't know about that my Q's gone up man what is this this really is the uh World of Warcraft experience uh so guys you know I can just save you a bit of content here so let's say I was playing the game right now this is what it would look like okay so uh you know you don't need to worry about me playing the game imagine I have a sword instead of I'm a gnome and I'm shooting a Shadow Ball oh there's one hit there's one hit wait for another wait for another wait for it it'll be coming soon there you go there's oh they all did it together that time uh so yeah uh I think in other words the servers aren't working too well right about now I mean he got in but uh did he did he though cuz looking at this right now it's not looking too good he's on the RP realm I'm kind of surprised the big streamers have gone with the P round to be honest I mean the RP PVP no it yeah he's playing with a he's playing actually playing with a it's season of Discovery change one-handed swords and now have a 20 second swing timer and do 20 times more damage yeah you just haven't heard about it yet it is rough though I think everyone everyone's getting this experience pretty much who else have we got if there's one thing I've seen from streamers it's uh can't go wrong with some react content who else wait Matt season's online hello he's he's he's not even lagging huh okay wa in the mind it's crashed is he dead oh now he's alive he's a higher level than me too man he's just better at everything not fair streamer prior where's my streamer prior though I think I uh I think I might just got a bit unlucky with what I picked to be honest a bit of a bit of bad RNG as they say Alliance restricted I don't know I've heard there might be some Realms which are already getting kind of restricted but I'm not sure what I'm looking at now is a big old login screen there a apparently I I logged in too early I logged in too early and I'm I'm now suffering for my sins while gross Alliance restricted that's not possible there should only be faction restrictions on PVP servers but it is a bit annoying not going to lie I want to play the game and find out the new stuff man they aren't even taking any more login requests I've seen that before actually G get Fury of storage as their first Rune that's a good first Rune yeah cuz you're going to be playing um balance until Level 10 at least aren't you yeah that's pretty cool that's a good first Rune ah this is uh it's going down though slowly but surely we can only hope the 46 minutes is not 46 minutes okay it's moving a bit it is moving a bit slowly but surely level three R I can only imagine what it's like to be such a high level imagine I log back in and they've like reset my character I don't have my name anymore I don't have the gome I just log in and uh there's nothing that's it it's over how about that think you you can play on launch day yeah it's uh it's my bad huh it is my bad I knew this was going to be a crazy launch it's gone up again Alliance locked on the PVE server no there can't be locks on PVE servers the faction cues are only for PVP if you run roll a PVE server you're good you don't have to worry about that that's kind of part of the reason I've rolled one the PV server faction locked huh you can confirm what uh uh that's not how it's supposed to work you had to make a hoorde warlock ooh I think I go Undead Undead's just so iconic with how they look yeah I actually have an undead warlock at level 60 both were locked that sounds like a blizzard problem to be honest oh man they're going to have to end up making more servers aren't they do you think they're just going to weather this day one cuz like everyone's in a is everyone in a queue right now like how many are playing how many people are playing and you're like it's fine you can't feel any lag there's it's just the game as normal where is every server just lagging like crazy or you're sitting here thinking uh you know I want to play the game playing fine it's perfect you're playing on perfect servers man wait say you're fine you're on wild growth say the hell are you in the human starting zone I guess unbelievable yeah you are okay so it's not it's something to do with oh you're a dwarf what all right I just got unlucky then huh well bad luck me I guess it is going down though slowly very slowly female dwarf priest what the hell that's several misclicks in a row that's the only way to put that re hasman stream I think he's currently doing a bit of cardio he's uh making his way up to storman by the looks of things um maybe he's going to pick up the quest we deliver some stuff in storming perhaps you know see what's going on there I'm watching but uh I'm also waiting I mean my estimated time is going up and my position's going down so is that a good thing slows down as you get closer that is not what I wanted to hear but we'll uh we'll keep going we we'll keep going we'll try and get back in we'll trying to you know figure out something I do talk about the servers there were a few interviews that were released actually I don't know if I want to just talk about stuff or actually watch [Music] them season of Discovery most viewed category on Twitch though okay yeah we'll take that we'll take that the sh uh servers shared there shouldn't be no I I don't know why they've given them the same names that's really strange usually they would never do that um for some reason this time they [Music] have I'm sure it will be back up soon though guys drop the alert if they make new servers yeah I mean I think they're just going to stick them out day one and hope that people kind of filter into servers but this is uh it's going down it's just real slow yeah I I know how much I can do but we we'll carry on we'll carry on we'll see what we can get to liard underestimated this yeah I think they did a bit to be honest cuz I I fully expected this to be way bigger than hardcore so were like a lot bigger this is kind of the evidence it's just frustrating for everyone isn't it unless you're in Game of course and watching me and thinking the streamer never gets in unlucky how much how many how many how many how many try again oh 10K so bad okay yeah so at least we're we're not bad we're not that bad oh you just got to laugh at it what can you do what can you [Music] do uh let's have a look lizard tweeted they really weren't expecting that many players I like I don't know I feel like this was so obviously going to be really popular um five servers is it's not many do you guys remember how many servers they first announced for classic wow in 2019 anyone remember that thank you B see if I can find it wasn't it 20 or3 I think it was like 203 like genuinely 2019 classic had about five or six servers per region I can only find updated ones yeah they did they did like a handful of them then they're like hang on why do millions of people want to play this we're going to have to release more servers yeah they added so many so many more and then a bunch of them died 5 hours on pyw Sean yeah I was on I was on ganis on launch that's how servers are at the moment there's nothing on here yet for um season of Discovery I guess there classic era 22k that's not bad wrath 400k and these are all the servers they closed this is how many servers have died in classic Wild by the way yeah big number huh and there was some really active servers in here too flame lash Phase 2 never forget never forget if you were there you were there anyway yeah bunch of servers didn't quite make it and for isn't too reliable no I mean you're right it's not but uh what else do we have it's just basing off the raiding population so what are we saying here we've gone down from like what 4K to 3 and a half that's not bad we'll stick it out we'll we'll see where this goes hello master sheep yeah it feels like that the position go down an estimated time go up which is not the thing you would hope would happen don't understand how the queue works you know what I'm not I'm not sure if blizzard understand how the cues work I think there's just a number on my screen and it's showing me an estimated time but I don't really know whether that correlates to any meaningful number other than you can't log in right now a lot of people will never log off just like 2019 exactly the same remember people log in and then just auto run their characters into a wall somewhere and be like yeah just staying logged in you know I'm fine I'm in I'm in I've got mine as long as I'm in that's all that matters I'm currently planning to play at Weller I am playing a warlock I'm just not actively playing it I'm all thinking about playing it in the future uh possibly in about 58 minutes maybe sooner than that you know we don't [Music] know yeah there will be warlock gameplay eventually uh it might not be any time soon but there will be it is uh it's pretty difficult to play right about now though many of you guys see the video they did yo uh I'm going to do that streamer thing I've noticed what streamers do is when they need something to do they open a video the problem is I usually make the videos so I can't really react to my own videos it's a bit of a problem uh you know I didn't really think about this before turning my stream on but um you know throw on a video yeah how do how do I react to the video when I make the video I don't know how many of you guys have seen this but uh check this out real quick if you fancy where's my chat gone we're going to watch a video chat pause the video give the opinion I like your style ja you know I need to take tips from you you you seem to know what you're doing here let me pause the ingame music this is intro to season of Discovery it's a bit of a a talk between I guess the blizzard devs for the stuff they're planning for the season and what actually happened um the we're still seeing a pretty beefy queue right now so let's fire this up shall we see what's up J yeah I I guess some other people have seen this but you know what tell me if the sounds all right so World of Warcraft wow cast hello welcome to wow cast today we're going to talk about wow classic season of discovery and I have two special guests with me today I'm noral Veta I'm a lead software engineer on Wow classic I'm Josh Greenfield and I'm a senior game producer on W okay pause number one uh you know I need to get a lot of value out of this video okay so feel free to count uh by the way I think the the classic wild devs in general have been doing an absolutely amazing job like especially the past few weeks since BlizzCon I don't know if you saw but for the na Realms they were they were like putting streamer server on the realm names and stuff it's just it's just great meme value and I really like what they've been doing recently um yeah I I don't know whether it's the change in culture at blizzard with Microsoft taking over uh what is it what it is but yeah it's just been good recently classic so what is season of Discovery season of Discovery is a uh interesting new Twist on Wow classic that sort of revisits and recaptures the exploration aspect of World of Warcraft and really encourages players to get in tune with Azeroth and really pay attention to their surroundings and pick up on things that this could be me if I was in the game right now uh unfortunately I'm not but I can watch someone do on a server that is working you know so it's uh that's something that might be different things that might be new to them and experience that with cheering about people that other players yeah to add to that too season of discovery due to kind of seasonal nature of it it's a really great opportunity for us to take kind of a lot of risks and wild chances on things and so also to kind of ask what if questions like what if you could heal as a mage or what if you could tank as a rogue or a warlock and these are all super interesting twists on the class fantasy that we've sort of know and love about original World of Warcraft and gives you a new way to approach a new lens through which to view the original World of Warcraft world how does a new character experience season of Discovery is it different than wow classic it'll be much the same as original World of War when you first create your character you know you'll kind of load into the game World at say North sh ABY if you're a human go kill wolves kill a few Cobalts but when you hit Level Two pretty much right away you're going to get your first quest to discover your first Rune ability and that's the first taste of the discoveries in season of Discovery so you complete that Quest you get your first Rune ability and these are usually really impactful Rune abilities but after that the game doesn't really tell you what to do it just kind of says go find more and that's really what season of Discovery is all about is going out and rediscovering the original World of Warcraft world can you explain more about what runes are runes are essentially abilities that players can find through various means uh out in the open world there are 12 per class in the 1 to 25 leveling bracket and there will be additional runes in later leveling brackets players will essentially like Josh said venture out into the world they will uh work towards discovering these runes uh and some of them are a little bit more involved than others that being said they are tied to some really cool abilities that players yeah I want to see the later game ones like the you could put runes behind such in-depth Quest you know the the one that starts with the Fallen Hero in Badlands like they're just showing meta then you know the Fallen the fallen heroes in swampa Soros the that entire quest line is absolutely huge the one you need to uh kill all the demons in the bad lands then you go to asara you talk to the Demon Hunter guy and then you come back again imagine if they had a rune at the end of that Quest and it was meta as well actually it wouldn't be meta cuz that it wouldn't have fit the level 25 bracket but you know hypothetically or imagine if uh stitches for example dropped a rune or something in uh in duskwood a palden rune probably because you know H can't have easy access to doing stitches yeah there's a lot of potential cool stuff to happen here you know find interesting new ways to play their class so how do R discoveries play into the class fantasies um so if you can imagine yourself as perhaps a mage right Mages are able to manipulate fire ice uh and even time in some cases uh and so you can imagine those discoveries for Mages sort of playing into those things you may end up having to manipulate those things over the course of having to uh discover and solve some of the riddles that will earn you some runes yeah to add on to that one of the things that we're really interested in with season of discover giving a little exploration to know how does for example a dwarf priest differ from a Undead priest and how would they channel the energies of the light and the shadow differently and there's it's safe to say that there's that's going to play into some of the discoveries and some of the things you're going to need to do to find some of the priest abilities what are you most excited about I'm personally very excited for players to really uh immerse themselves in Azeroth uh in a way that I I feel like was easy and it was kind of the only way to experience wow classic when it initially launched because you didn't know what to expect you were kind of uh adventuring out into the world you couldn't just go and look up a guide on where to find everything or what to do and so yeah I mean it's it's definitely true what she's saying about discovering the world but I feel like people just people are going to find stuff out so fast these days right like there's going to be an add-on by the end of the week that says if you want this Rune go here do this do that you know what I mean it's uh it's going to be found out pretty fast but I guess for the you know the time being discovering stuff it's not bad I I look forward to having players experience that again I think for me the thing I'm most excited about is new raid and dungeon content you know I'm a big fan of in-game raiding and we've got some really amazing stuff coming in season of Discovery you know we talked about this at BlizzCon that the first raid is black fathom deeps which is a you know it's an iconic leveling dungeon that we've converted into a new raid instance um we've completely from the ground up rebuilt all seven bosses in the raid yeah it's yeah I'm excited to hear they've rebuilt all the bosses up the ground up um so they didn't have to do that they could have just put more numbers on the stuff in the in the dungeon or I guess raid now and it would have been a bit more challenging but yeah uh they've decided to go above and beyond that wild growth we're still at 3.2 uh ASP usual the time in queue has been going down but the estimated time has been going up so uh yeah I'm I'm sure it will solve itself right so we're just doing a watching a few videos in the meantime AR my Q I was I swear I was one of the first people in the game and then I got kicked out of the game and now I'm here in the queue so it is what it is it's so much fun uh and we got a lot of great feedback from BlizzCon on this and we're super excited for people to actually see the whole raid in the wild are there any adjustments from BlizzCon that you can talk about yeah we've been listening to a lot of feedback ever since BlizzCon we've been reading social media we've been play testing still internally amongst ourselves uh We've one of the fun things about season of Discovery is we've gotten kind of a crack team together internally on on the classic team and the greater Team 2 World of Warcraft team together and we've done a ton of raid play tests ton of class play tests and we've really been kind of we've narrowed down this process to kind of process that feedback and act on it quickly so we've already made a number of adjustments uh since BlizzCon and I think players will be uh pleasantly surprised by a lot of those I hope best thing about BlizzCon for this is that we got a lot of great feedback on the raid and you know we kind of tuned The Raid for fun at BlizzCon right like it was wasn't particularly punishing we wanted people to really go in there and have fun but we've maybe cranked it up a little bit for the for the live release and we think it's going to be a really fun Challenge and we also think it's going to be really rewarding we've uh tuned the rewards to be very powerful for this level band and we think people are going to have a lot of fun with those yeah I Am Not Gon to lie I still think it's going to be classic rating so it's not going to be very difficult per se like you're not going to be wiping for hours on this stuff but there might be one or two mechanics per boss fight look at these orbs everywhere you imagine you run to these orbs maybe you get a damage buff you need to kill the boss maybe you take some damage something like that I don't think it's going to be really difficult though that's not what classic raiding is really about but yeah we'll see this is the first raid they're doing uh and they've they've already told us they're going to do nomun I guess we'll see that in a moment though players have been asking what's the right way to level up in season of Discovery I don't think there's a right way to level up in season of Discovery um you know the leveling journey in season of Discovery is going to be pretty similar to how it was in original World of Warcraft you know you can do quests you can uh fight monsters you can also do dungeons but the thing that we really do like about the season is that there's so much in the outside world that you know you might find it as a little bit better use of your time to level in the outside world to be able to find those runes and be be able to keep your eyes peeled for wherever they might that's the Rune I need wait he's getting in the cave that's what I was going to get before I got logged off he's already got his imp as well ah oh it's it's going down yeah someone in sat uh s chat said it actually it was going down faster that is going down a little bit faster I guess some people have work tomorrow at least in Europe um yeah we'll get in soon surely absolutely surely yeah on on on PVE servers RP or otherwise there shouldn't be faction cues we'll see though be lurking you know over the next Hill or in the next cave or crypt and some of those runes will also uh encourage players to team up and uh you know solve puzzles together uh and so that there's there is going to be a lot of collaboration involved I think between players what are some unique approaches that you guys are taking with season to Discovery yeah I think that's one of the most exciting things about season of Discovery is it's a it gives us a chance to really try something daring and new and one of the things we're really trying to do is keep as many of the discoveries that you're going to find on your class kind of hidden in a secret and to that end we're not having a public beta or a PTR we basically going to everyone's going to experience it all at once to but we are going to allow you to day to mind runes and then update them together uh it will be fresh for everyone uh in those first few weeks we're going to see a ton of information sharing and and secret finding communities pop up and that's super exciting to us another way in which we're kind of experimenting here is that as you know there is a Zone wide PVP event in ashenvale and we have uh plans for other you know Zone wide PVP events in the future as well we want to make sure is that everyone's on an even playing field one of the things we're doing is we we will be actually trying to enforce some amount of faction balance on season of Discovery servers oh wow um and we're leaving it all very configurable so we're we're going to kind of keep an eye on the situation and and figure out what what kind of balance feels appropriate I want to move on to another player question that I've been seeing and that's which at the moment is no one can log in so uh yeah you can't have faction B balance problems if nobody can log in that's for sure uh how will class tuning work so we very purposely uh you know we'll be keeping an eye on on all the abilities on the pppp situation on you know the the raid and making sure that nothing is too absolutely Bonkers um but we have been prioritizing fun over Perfect Balance um there is some aspect to things kind of feeling a little bit wild in a game that I think is very fun and important to to have uh especially in season of Discovery where we're kind of going into this with this experiment experimentation mindset yeah particularly with the kind of level banded approach too um trying to kind of Chase perfect balance as we create as we move through the level bands is it's it's probably not a great place for us to spend our time we're definitely like IGN nor said we're going to look for outliers and things like that but really we're focused on making each class feel very fun and lean into each class's class fantasy and each level band um and then we'll you know obviously make adjustments as we go we've seen a lot of uh players talking about um basically trying to science through all the abilities and trying to like math out how they're going to like succeed in the 1 to 25 leveling bracket and that's like really awesome but it's also like hey that's that's the first bracket you know things may shift a little in in the future brackets as you gain more abilities and you know and and as a season progresses so what is the next level band after 1 to 25 uh the level 25 to 40 level band we're very excited you're going to be able to get your 31 Point going be also going to be able to go into a new raid and uh we're happy to confirm that it is going to be neron that you're going to go into at level 40 can't wait for everybody in the party to get lost no ra who can't wait for someone in the raid to say let's jump right let's jump down and then someone's like no let's not jump down and someone jumps down everyone wipes you already know it's going to happen and it is going to be glorious it is an alliance territory how will hord get there yeah um one of the things we're doing with all the raids in season of Discovery yeah this is a bit of a funny thing it's like they just go by a booty Bay right there's a teleporter and the pet that pulls everything that now that is the real experience is we're actually you know we're keeping the quests intact we're kind of re redoing them in a lot of cases we're upping the rewards for them but one of the quests that The Horde has is to actually get a teleporter from stranglethorn Veil to neron and so we're going to maintain that Quest and like you said it is a line territory so we're going to do a little something special for the hord here so that maybe they're on an even playing field uh going that deep into alliance zones speaking of PVP as you're leveling through that you know 25 to 40 uh leveling range I think a very iconic Zone uh for players especially those who uh play on PVP Realms is stranglethorn Veil and so I don't know that might be a really good candidate for another Zone wide PVP event Shadow uh Shadow I see s and I read Shadow Scarlet monry should have been the 40 raid I think it will be as well they'll have both of them in the in the 40 bracket at least and then for the 50 bracket I don't know maybe they have Black Rock Mountain as the PVP Zone they have BRD like BRD has to be a raid BRD is already in it's big enough to be a raid uh I'm sure they're going to be doing that more than four service how am I doing it's G down a little bit we'll carry on so with the new level band from 25 to 40 what do players need to do um so I mean the the cap is just going to raise so they'll be able to level to 40 and they'll level you know the same way they they typically would maybe in Wild classic uh with the exception of there being a lot more for them to kind of stumble upon in the world and uh unlock some additional abilities in that band with your characters uh what happened to them after season Discovery that's something that we've been uh keeping in mind we do want players to uh be able to preserve their characters that they have uh you know sort of embarked on this new season of Discovery Journey with uh and so we don't have concrete plans to share as of right now but we do want uh to make sure players characters are persisted in some way when the season ends yeah we we yeah this is like the this is like the big question what happens to these characters imagine you play these characters with all these new abilities like we we've got three Run slots at the moment by the end of the season we're going to have a bunch more and like what do they do with them you know because this is at the end of this is a seasonal server and season means it has a start and it has an end uh and that end is going to be quite brutal like can you imagine a seasonal sery character going to era it'll be like feel going from Legion to BFA I I don't know how many of you guys did that but you just lose so much of your character's power overnight and it will just feel terrible so fingers crossed there'll be something bigger and better after season of Discovery if you know what I mean want players to go somewhere with these characters uh that is a a natural place for them to end up you know we're in a situation now we're creating new items we're doing all sorts of new different things there might be new item sets things like that and would those work in Era potentially not but it's very possible for uh seasonal characters to end up in some place that's not quite era but some place really cool so when you guys are playing on the build and testing it out do you guys have any fun stories you can share yeah yeah tons uh one of the funniest things about season of Discovery is when we're playing play testing as a group internally together we end up in situations where someone's like oh yeah this thing is from the original game right and we're like no that's actually knew and sort of the inverse of that is whenever the hardcore PTR actually came out that first day that it was up you know I had logged in and I had created a dwarf character and there's actually a quest in coldridge Valley that asks you to get a rune in original World of Warcraft it's completely unrelated to the Rune system but I panicked cuz I forgot and I'm like getting on the phone with QA and trying to like oh no it's in the build it's in the build it's not it wasn't it was totally just so it goes both ways there's a lot of that kind of funny uh is this is this is this new is this old uh effect that happens and it's it's just every time it happens it's usually funny there was also a really uh ear really early on there was a rogue Rune that uh essentially allowed them to kind of like kick somebody and knock them back a little ways and there ended up being a bug maybe someone added an additional zero or something but like there ended up being a bug where like the knockback was insane such that you would just knock them into orbit basically and like we saw you know like someone demo it and we're just like yeah maybe not and you know in the interest of making sure classic still feels like classic the knockback in general was something that we kind of decided to to to move away from so you won't be able to knock people back as a rogue but it's it was just a funny you know what if you could knock somebody off into the totally different zone so before we wrap up is there any other updates that you guys can share yeah you know since Bliss we've been watching a ton of feedback and oh hey Josh hey Nora Hi Bethany um you know I we're really strapped on time and you know people really haven't been asking for anything like this but I just made a new two-handed Enhancement Shaman Rune and I want to hear what you think about it that's great man but we're kind of in the middle of something right now meing on two hand in hands sorry guys they're doing it so hard yeah well I guess that happen I'm confident of that there we go there it is two-handed enhancement I'm kind of surprised they didn't go with two-hand enhance in the first place you know it just makes so much sense for how vanilla works but uh nope you're going with je wield first of all and then we'll see how that goes blizzard making jokes I know this is crazy and does blizzard do this so we're only down we've like literally got through half the queue and the estimated wait how's the estimated time gone for like 50 minutes to 12 the twoand Rune when the twoand Rune happens at level 40 for Sharman I can play Sharman I I already want to play horde eventually this season I think they'll look really fun wait on a countdown Classics internal interview agren said 200 sham was stronger in their internal tests than Jew wield that's pretty interesting um I guess neither of them have wind Fury so you don't know exactly how it's going to go but that is uh it's pretty good either way looks like a lot of people are waiting though everyone still in Q like how many of you guys are playing how many are in Q jump from 18 minutes to 121 nice mine did the opposite so um I I don't know how I feel about that I mean we're going to I look it's not going to be it's not going to be 12 minutes I can tell you that right now it's not going to be 12 minutes but uh we we'll try a bit more we'll see if we can get back in like I do want to push at least a few levels tonight if I'm honest the plan wasn't for me to do some crazy 24-hour stream or anything like I want to stream season of Discovery for fun and find out the new stuff kind of in the most authentic way I can and you know people in chat can have fun with that as well then that's going to be great but I'm not planning to like stream you know how it is with World of Warcraft like people go crazy streaming it and playing it for 16 hours a day and it is what it is but uh I I still want to put out a lot of videos on YouTube and keep up the quality I've um have on the channel so I just want to stream for a bit of fun um chill out you know have a chat with some people about the game uh so you know I just hope when you tune into the stream it's not going to be me staring at a login screen trying to come up with content you know what I mean the minutes don't mean anything they really don't like it was 3,500 q and 50 minutes when I last a lot and uh now it's this so I mean we we'll try and get back in at least tonight and play a little bit more but um I think the popularity of season of Discovery has either gone far above what blizzard expected or they have the they have their ideas of what the server cap should be and they're going to stick to that and players are just not evenly enough spread out if you know what I mean beyond the different servers I feel as though it's kind of the former and they've underestimated it and if they put probably one to two more uh servers in each region they'd be okay but um again we don't know we don't know we're just waiting and seeing at this point yo Pon puncho thank you for the five thank you uh do you know which PVP server is na West Coast I am not sure I'm not logged into the na Realms at the moment could anyone help I believe they have the same names right which PVP server uh and a servers West Coast yeah I I'm not sure I'm not sure but we're going to we're going to we're going to stick it through going to try and get back in tonight and do a bit more this is uh are there any Aussies in the chat at the moment I know you guys usually don't get a server but your server release times when you get them are so nice I would would love to have a server release in the morning that would be perfect for me but yeah morning releases are great for Americans they're not bad either but when you're in a you it tends to be quite late though to be fair um usually it's 11:00 p.m. and now it's 9:00 p.m. flame is Central is Central West Coast I'm not sure how how that works EU worldwide releases we get Siff yeah we do but the alternative is we release one day later I mean I could I could wait I could wait for that oh most have been 2 to 3:00 a.m. you wow that's quite late yeah it seems like uh it seems like whoever you are there's a bit there's a bit of a Quee why have they picked the same server names for each region it's so weird like they've never done this before and now for the season of Discovery they picked the same server names for each region do you know what I mean it's just kind of strange stupid yeah I guess I mean I assume there's some kind of region internally why they've done it but it just feels a bit strange the decoy names I mean they're out now they're alive so I'm assuming they're not who can say really but a 400 minute wait time well going to be there for a while wait by the way guys this is how m this how little the estimated time means estimated time 2 minutes positioning que 8,000 yeah I uh I think you're going to be waiting a little more than 8 minutes there or 2 minutes even yeah you're playing the RP server well to be honest I I I just kind of I don't want to roll someone who's kind of streaming the content on a RP server I I'm just going to say I wish a lot of the bigger streamers didn't roll on RP servers I feel like they're trying to recapture what grobbulus has when in 2019 they all rolled on Felina on a on na at least and um it's just going to be different these days it's not the same environment and if all the big streamers go to the big servers or the same server then it's going to create something different um I mean we'll see how it plays out eventually of course but it's uh it's going to be different for sure yeah yeah we'll be back in in absolutely no time your Q's moving now okay that's good to hear man I I wish for this release I I could have been streaming the game like I really want to get into the game and just find out the new stuff in it and I'm here sitting in the queue trying to talk about it I'm like I'm sorry about this it's kind of unfortunate but yeah it's blizzard releases for games sometimes they underestimate it sometimes they overestimate it like there's an argument one way or the other you know you can not release more servers and tell people to deal with it you can release more servers and then they end up being dead in a few months time yeah I did cly they would know they started layering if they there should have been so many so many layers before release I really should have um I know how many of you guys ever played RuneScape before old school RuneScape any uh RuneScape players give me a little something in chat but if you could log between servers and pick what that server is based on what it's named for like imagine there's a server that's called raid or imagine there's a server that's World PVP and there's a server that's I don't know enchants and there's a server that's whatever else it may be like you can have a server for each type of thing and when you want to do that thing you go on that server and you can find that thing and it it just works so well in old school RuneScape [Music] map but uh yeah in World of Warcraft this is how it's always been and uh hey what do you know uh nearly 20 years later we're still getting that same experience yeah I I think it's just been more popular than they've expected uh like a lot more of that oh Pon thank you appreciate that I've been in Q for an hour 662 in line I hope you are on soon I will I don't know how long I've been in Q for now uh it's I don't think it's an hour yeah if is an hour then uh you know it is what it is but we're counting down kind of feels like 2019 classic all over again get your remote desktops out prefer to log in from wherever you are in the world uh you know do whatever you can and just stay online I think logging in at level 25 were kind of a we're kind of doing this to ourselves in a way like you already know we a level cap of 25 there's going to be people who are at that point in like 10 hours or something so trying to like absolutely blast on launch probably isn't really the best of ideas but at the same time I do want to play the game and if I want to play the game uh well unfortunately I have to be in Q Yi servers are smooth I wish that's the you finally get servers and are the best ones how about that layers happened I actually checked uh Nova World Buffs when I was logged in see if there were any layers and it wasn't showing any yet but I didn't log it I didn't Mouse over anything so I I'm not sure want hit 25 and 12 hours uh yeah actually yeah you're right yeah that's that that is not very much yeah it will be a bit longer than that but the thing is it sorry the thing is it's not going to take too long oh nice my my estimated time just went up to 87 minutes guys the will be content in an hour and a half who is hyped for that yeah wild growth is currently growing uh if you just wait for it uh is wild growth Na and EU different yes I don't know why they've picked the same server names but they have you just got in well welcome to the loading screen uh this is uh this is pretty much the stream that's representative of the season of Discovery so far don't worry we'll we'll be in soon we'll be in real soon okay promise promise I'm not missing anything same server names because they're the same but why are they the same it doesn't make sense they've never done this before there's not a fire more EU and na there's not a white man EU and na it just doesn't make sense yeah we're just we're discovering something the quebe is long very long apparently yeah I'm hoping P when I get back in there's oh yo guys I'm going to be in the game in under a minute under a minute guaranteed the the screen says under a minute okay under a minute guys it's going down it's going down did you see that it just went down it just went down okay okay he he layers layers layers layers layers layers you're in you're in oh okay guys they're Ling the servers guys I uh yo I need yo I need to pee I was planning for at least a few more minutes of content but I need to pee so bad right now okay so if if anyone if I get in before now okay just tell me all right I'll be all right 530 okay I think we're going to be back in pretty soon Alliance restricted on Lone Wolf two people saying that oo wait Alliance are restricted I'm kind of surprised I thought there would be more actually wait wait wait wait let me take that back no I'm not surprised no that makes total sense actually yeah no I'm I'm thinking about it the other way around Adam enjoying his uh his bannies there from his uh Furious storm range run must be nice it's always yeah yeah I mean I would expect these servers to have more Alliance players in general um but yeah we'll see how they go streamers play alliance more people in general in vanilla just tend to play alliance um yeah it's always been the case absolutely always you could even say this vanilla is the only version of World of Warcraft where on average there are more Alliance players than four players okay it's down to 500 I think they've added a bunch of layers because of Paladin um yeah a large part of it is down to Paladin there are several reasons why more people tended to go Alliance uh so obviously there was a Blessing of Kings which scaled up really well uh might and things are just on average more that a better and just B easier to apply than uh strength of Earth and Grace of Earth uh they also get salvation which you can't easily get on horde uh they get fear Ward which is just generally nice and yeah they just scale up quite well oh and also when you come to actual pvping and ranking in vanilla which a lot of the more hardcore players do care about when you play alliance typically there are less pvpers than on horde so you can kill up instantly whereas on horde you're sitting in a 20 or 30 minute que which is just it just feels terrible right even if um Honor games are proportional and ranking is proportional you just don't want to be sitting in a queue it's boring as I'm currently experiencing but Alliance players don't have to do that so much they can get into game after game after game and they you know they just bang out experience and honor yeah there's there's a number of reasons for sure for need Salve yeah I mean people say they have um what you call it uh tranquil tranquil but it's it's just nowhere near as good as salv is like one Paladin can Salve an infinite number of people tranquilize 20% threat reduction for five people we'll see though you know it's a seasonal server things will be different hello Steve um Alliance gnome warlock as usual you already know you've been watching me long enough you already know but yeah I I really do want to try out um especially Sharman on The Horde I think I think they look great I'm just overall really enthusiastic about pretty much every single class identity that's been put in the game and we are nearly through the queue okay I'll try sh absolutely Steve absolutely like come on I want to press a lava burst in classic lava burst just feels so good to press 4 minutes 4 minutes holy crap zero Lenny got a celebrity in here hey yo thanks for dropping by man I uh man your videos are so good like for real Dark Souls was it dark souls 3 or two of the IGN guide recently holy crap that was good I watched the full thing thanks for dropping it you watch myself I'm sub I'm subscribed man hey hey this guy this guy come on yeah yeah your stuff's good man I appreciate it it's good okay we're pretty much in the game okay we're in the game we're in the game boys all right the the stalling the whatever you call it is over we're in the game and I've immediately Maiden list has lost me my mob uh let's just get you in the group wait I can't even invite a guy called Maiden lless you discovered it through me hey my man that's awesome uh I hope you enjoy yourself um you know it's it's it's only a moderately crippling addiction you'll be fine yeah that's that's awesome though I'm really glad you you you popped in that's awesome what are you playing Lanny give me the uh give me the details don't say hoard or you're banned do add-ons work um I've got details up here you need to know how much damage I'm dealing right this turn my options off man okay this is a lot more chill now this is a lot more CH I can I can deal with this hello JS I remember you level three level three there we go only uh 57 to go guys I'm officially a 10th of the way there wait that 20th m is hard you're a human good boy always wanted to be the Lich King uh managed to be managed to see him last night hey yo man I hope you get the kill soon it's a great fight even on normal uh don't any let anyone tell you otherwise it's not a walk in the park uh enjoy that yeah for sure man I'm struggling against these BS they're strong one one more one more I need those yeah I do so is everyone else back online now is the Q anding over cuz if the queue issues were about an hour long I'm going to call this a really successful launch by the way so bad the Firestone build imagine imagine if they buff warlock's uh spell and fire Stones there still qes okay there's still a few Q's though login servers are full huh oh this is so much nicer right how many layers are there though I can't tell I'm sure there are layers this add on here Nova World Buffs I should be able to Mouse over and it shows me how many layers there are I I can't see that right now though found any runes no but uh I do have a quest for my first Rune um not sure it's it's I'm not sure it's showing questy no it's not showing in questy right now the database doesn't have it it's season of Discovery I guess um but it's uh apparently it's in a chest in this troll stronghold over here so I'm going to go and discover that rather soon then he killed a rorn hey yo I mean r sporns are um you know as the their name suggest Pretty r rare so I wouldn't expect to be seeing too many of those if your runes are from a rare spawn that's going to be hard to get okay so that's the trog Stone I need a lot more BS now let's try and get these BS and uh I guess a lot more people are logging in I assume a lot of people have gone to bed now as well or just you know said yeah we'll do something else few times are still bad yeah I think they're um I think they're to spin up more layers not more servers so I think it will kind of resolve itself I hope at least hello David yeah I uh the I mean in the past the live streams have been kind of a rarity for me but season of Discovery has kind of changed that because there's I just feel like there's so much more to do in the game like before now I've kind of I played the game and I've known everything there is to know about the game in advance maybe not everything you know best pvper but a decent amount of other the game um but yeah this season really does changed things let me ask this though is there anyone who's here who has watched one of my live streams before today cuz my last live stream uh and I went to look was uh during the burning Crusade beta which was in May of 2021 so yeah it's been it's been a while it's been a while I'm not going to lie yeah I I would be surprised uh if anyone if anyone was still there you think I did Sean you think you did I'm liking this respawn like the rest of you you expect to be in Q oh no no you see when you turn the stream on you get priority you know yeah I mean I really don't stream very often so I I'm not surprised to hear that but um yeah I mean thanks for all tuning in today it's really this season is something that's completely new this is part of the reason why I'm I'm playing it is because we just don't know what will happen uh we we don't know what there is to discover what the new runes are how things are going to play out and it's just really exciting and this makes me want to stream the game more than anything that's happened before more than any expansion release or new piece of content yeah I think there are still quite a few few uh streams streams Realms which are restricted or have issues only four more crack BS and then we're going to find our first Rune which will be ha which if I had to pick a room for warlock I would have picked horn uh cuz haunt is uh the thing about haunt is not only it deals damage but it heals you as well and the heal is a big deal two more the sharman's first Rune is overload oo I want to play a Sharman now such a first that's such a good first Rune yo overload when did you get lightning bolt level two or four you get lightning Bol level one don't you that's your first spell you have Auto and lightning bolt yo I want to play a shaman now okay this I'm going to play this season way too much yeah you get it level one y anyone who knows what what's the first rune for your class just put it in chat D fre raft that's great I feel like blizzard has a good uh good handle on these things you know Penance for priest yo Penance is so good rogue rogue is Shadow strike wait can you Shadow strike without a dagger can you Shadow strike with any weapon if you can Shadow strike with any weapon that's so good she get stealth at level four it's like a 25 25 yard I think camar shot for hunters my oh I love this season I love this season so much already this is so good melee weapon wow what is it 150% damage D Discovery why 25 raight classic yeah I mean I I do still play rra by the way and I'm going to play Canada but um I think for these streams I I just have more to do in season of Discovery what's for warrior I heard Warrior is uh Victory rush and assuming is Victory Rush Victory Rush is the best Rune you could get at level two lock run yet no no no I'll get the lock run soon you going for that now I'll take that one thank you very much uh what haven't we heard about yet uh we heard Druid Rogue we had priest uh Mages get icelands what else is there German Hunter barer Warrior yeah I think that's everything yeah I think we've heard everything we we'll be getting our first Rune real soon real soon I think it's a chest in this dungeon that I need to loot uh I'm just going to go in here and check this out right now level cap 25 yes the level cap is 25 uh spec will I be leveling um yeah I I haven't really thought about it if I'm honest I assume Affliction um soz I'm getting haunted straight away oh level four level four oh wait what did he drop raid robe I looted a green Idol that wants me to kill six enemies with Moonfire yo that's so cool what' you get as a reward wandering swordsman oh my God I I can't wait till I find some of this stuff just get me out the starter Zone man get me finding the things uh so what am I doing here I just need to kill I need to kill three of the acolytes doesn't say you need a level four okay okay I see loot that there's the boss that'll be the guy that's annoying to kill uh so we're going to do a little bit of a parkour this isn't hardcore uh no there are no hardcore realms for season of Discovery at the moment come on I can't get out there fine whatever I don't need to get out there I just kill this guy instead fous about professions yeah so you should be able to level professions up to expert which is 200 you can't do I know you can't do Artisan cuz Artisan you need three you need level 35 which obviously we can't get yet um and also for Artisan you need to go to like feather Moon stronghold or Alderman or all these other places to train the the final rank 22 Yeah 225 yeah yeah you're right you're right have you got see like I my brother I do not know I'm on wild growth EU uh I am thankful for that not going to steal that he's evading I think I don't know why I'm trying to parkour up here I could just walk around okay one one more try one more try one more try there's no way I can't make that man but yeah maybe maybe they'll do hardcore servers for this eventually I guess they haven't initially because if I was blizzard I wouldn't do hardcore servers for this um the point of these Discovery Realms are to discover and experiment not to play safe and not die do you know what I mean so yeah initially just take it slow find stuff out do what you can and then maybe down the line they uh enact that why is there three together do I pull all three here uh okay what was that how did all three not pull Reser strike feels so good I bet it does man I want to find haunt I need to look out for a chest in here and uh I need to find the acolytes as well is the chest up here no it's not up here is it D see oh n hello going to try warlock tank initially I want to play warlock as a damage dealer or a a DPS but I I'm kind of down you know if people want to have me in the group I'm down I'll do what I can chest is in the back uh like down here I'll find it okay five more ice is feeling really good now skills always have been vanilla yeah so when you level up your game plus five skills into uh your talents it's just some weird visual work it doesn't really do anything functionally but yeah that that's always been a thing any race Advantage Sun Season seon of Discovery exactly the same as normal the same races that were good in vanilla are SE a good in season of Discovery and they have not changed anything in that regard so if you want to be an undead or an orc and be great in PvP you can do that if you want to roll a human because you want the sword skill on the ma skill at level 60 you can do that they haven't changed anything you click seasonal oh classic seasonal seasonal not dead am I do I have any food there yeah yeah maybe they will do a hardcore one day on this I you know when hardcore servers came out I was kind of considering doing it but um I don't know why I didn't hardcore really speaks to how I enjoy playing the game like I really like the leving um which apparently a lot of people do seeing as how popular hardcore has been but I just never quite committed to it but then with season Discovery coming out I was like you know what this is it I'm going to stream this I'm going to have some fun with it I'm going to chat with people and uh we're going to see what's up turn around right side I feel like you've given me directions so late I'm going to lose them now and you're going to be like he's going the wrong way man he's going the wrong way you missed the chest I was looking over the balcony for a chest man right side the ledge there was a chest down and right okay I got I got you I got you I will go I will go I'm just going to try and not die first of all might be bad now I pulled two of these guys um doing a little bit of uh kiting I think I'm okay here oh don't crit me don't crit me don't crit me oh and you will not see that on a hardcore stream by the way just don't get crit it really is that easy okay so down and right is what I heard demon skin right you're right down and aha wait I can't click it huh why can't I click it retrieve the Rune from a group of trogs these aren't trogs they're trolls yeah but I can't click it though I I I don't think my mouse is showing but I can't click it it says trogs these aren't trogs they're trolls Rock jaw yeah this is this isn't the place this isn't the place wrong cave it is the wrong cave yeah right I need uh I need two Frost M novice so two of the casters and I can get my imp and uh be gone here the camp in the beginning yeah I I'll go and check that out afterwards we'll just get two of these novice uh cuz we're going to need to come back here anyway for the uh boss guy here think we're just going to try and Camp a novice here I think Mages have the same Quest or something of the likes hello Craig you knew where the CH you did see the chest to be fair uh and I'm sure a lot of characters can loot their uh whatever it is from there come on novice hello D I feel like I'd be better off going up there for these guys they're not respawning too fast there a Tru oh they sure spawns man we're going to try going around here I think they share spawn so sharing spawns is two mobs when they respawn can respawn as different things basically found any runes I I probably should have but I haven't uh so I suck at this whole Discovery thing by the way TR well trol well I need novice no novice up there TR well we're just going to kill this guy and hope they uh yeah yeah these novice are quite rare um but I do need them to get get an imp anyway so it is worth doing this while we're here kill the well yeah I guess force respawn he's respawned as the wrong one though hasn't he let him get it man sold his clothes what is wrong were you oh there's one only one though Discovery is a we are discovering I think they're random spawns you know uh cuz I've killed I should have got that one got that one um but the yeah they they do seem to be spawning as one or the other 5K Q's already yeah I've heard a lot a lot of bad qes don't need clothes for Discovery hey maybe you're discovering something else oh he's got haunt already man cheating only need two more novice though two more noice yeah it's a bit of a struggle now getting these last two B warlock if I was a warlock wait everyone's got this horn Rune already should I go and try and find the horn Rune or should I stay here what do you reckon I feel like I should get this horn R cuz I've lost mob tags twice to it already for well yeah you know what we're going to go get the Rune the season is about discovering and we are going to discover so Rune there's a camper those Rock W J into the Southwest Southwest so probably around here Kar level Kar level two is so good so oh my God look at how many people there are I'm actually behind like seriously it's all good though guys cuz the level cap is 25 there is no rush so Rock Jo Vermin to the Southwest that's Rock trog over here there's a frost mean trolls Rock door any uh any any knowers oh over here perhaps chest in the camp I can see Rock drawer to the Southwest but they don't really have a camp back okay go back on my way they we're all doing that other Quest there am I am I am I blind or there's nothing here I mean there's these aren't Rock drw these are these aren't trogs they're trolls yeah I I'm not too sure be honest where it is go back to the starter place what can I do for you what's on your mind see you soon good right we we'll go back over it's by the starting point oh W what I've oh is it like here this is a bit of a camp and it's just that easy you you loot the chest you get the Rune there we go wow how did I miss that so bad well there's our first Rune runov haunting teachers you the engraving ability let's go get that well the two worst starting zones worst starting zones hey I don't know I I kind of like them all what's on your mind s that back in real quick that was timed and oh yeah I I didn't do that one yet yeah yeah yeah worst D Dr I mean if we're talking for the server launch they're all going to be pretty bad I really do like the night of starting zone a lot um because of the music the ambience the environment it's it just is very up my Alle I enjoy a lot it's not the best like gameplay wise what can I do for you keep your feet on the ground wait where do I H this in how are you safe Trav you saw my drunk real quick I have the finest wires in the Land There we go see you soon huh oh wait wait wait you it's it's a learning process guys okay huh wait do I have to turn off some add-on oh wait there we go there we go okay there's our first Rune so unleash a ghostly s on the enemy dealing damage increasing all damage over time effects so we apply it to our gloves and let ta it heals for all damage dealt wow that is so good and it's only 14 Mana wait what that's better shadowbolt that heals you for 14 Mana dude that's crazy that is so good right let's finish off these quests here yeah I I I probably should have uh picked that up a little bit sooner you're meant to do that so what is this then by the way wolf Jawbone cuz that that was not in vanilla unless I'm like completely misremembering this was not in Vanilla some someone tell me I'm wrong someone told me this was in vanilla and they remember what it's for cuz I'm pretty sure it wasn't I know maybe this is a super rare drop that no one's seen before or so good it's new yeah I I'm pretty sure it's new right no idea what that is that's the that's the exciting bit right let's finish up this real quick so these three items are outside stolen Journal oh that's the um guy in here and then we need two more noice that's is only getting worse in here so we rack up wrap up these quests and we're kind of done with this starting zone is anyone El playing uh elf anyone else playing the starter Zone got one of these yet oh there's the taunt tap love to see that anyone else got a wolf Jawbone yet in their playr is this like Giga rare and I got lucky oh level five by the way region use ritual okay one more novice you got one as a warlock okay that's all right then I mean it is common only 20 more imagine hopefully get one more novice in this corner here SP it lizard spawn it now this does so much damage though is a null and a wolf drop I can see that they're like okay get this this item from this starting zone this item from this starting zone combine them all together but like summoning for what because we already have void Walker and we have uh succubus by level 20 but that's it like what are we summoning we know everything there is to summon this a fun server it is a fun server yeah I guess you're not wrong a f guard imagine a f garden classic you can't request invite to group really ever tried Ascension no I I I haven't no this is this is is all very new to me um but yeah I'm I'm really enjoying it so far let me just get this final novice here and then I can get the uh named Quest and be out nice that does so much damage it's an instant cast and it heals me but holy crap this is good ja bones are 1.15 okay okay so I'm going to hand I'm going to hang on to this then right going to hang on to it um one two three right how many people got that then uh this him him invite you invite invite invite invite hey the classic experience boys next one is when dingo blood oh okay sometimes I wish I wish they just made these Shir spawn cuz like me just spamming invite on five people that or four people that I'm not going to talk to is is it the best game design probably not but you know it is what it is did we get it nope one next one for sure y Jeremy haven't played in decades you just just install yeah yeah you just install and uh go to w Classic on the battle night launcher and then seasonal you'll be able to find this and yes Trac seasonal is out and I'm playing on wild growth EU we'll get the next one right here I should make a macro for this stuff really but I'm just spamming Tab and my horn keybind and we missed it again but I'm going to have to uh I'm going to have to make some uh I'm going have to call my group a little bit here what have we got here we got a m we got a mage a warrior and a warlock okay my entire group sucks at mob tagging why did I invite these people we're literally all so bad my Mage a fire blast Warrior is auto attacking and there's another warlock yeah okay man I invited the first four people and I'm regretting it on we'll we'll get the next one though right boys how are we so bad wait Ma just can get iant do these guys not have ice lant they don't you know addon menu in the menu well you should do you can get add-ons hey thank you General thanks for the class guide yeah I I I wonder how they'll turn out so I did the uh I obviously I did the class things and how I think things will turn out but we never really know until they go live so we we'll see there's no shot we've missed it wait we did get it huh oh oh my God okay we are onwards with auto yeah it's just um in yeah usually I would tank by meling or Auto or something but we got the haunt now which is instant cast and it's pretty uh pretty quick by that usually never handing that Quest yeah it I mean it might not be worth it but hey um oh I need to turn this yeah I'm not doing that I'm not doing that I am not doing that Quest okay let's uh let's get rid of that real quick there's like a million people site there great to meet you and then that be good anyone know what the whid supply boxes give you I've not heard of them could be something new yeah I'm not sure I am not sure let's go hand in these though we should be pretty close to Six and then we can go over to uh Carinos over here and we got one Rune and we need to find out what the wolf Jawbone does cuz I have no idea how addons to work I'm I don't really have any special thing to tell you uh I'm not I'm really not sure I just did what I'd usually do and they worked um yeah I I can't be much help morning Alan if it's morning for you not quite for me interesting there we go and oh we got some uh XP from the stolen uh Power Quest as well Daylight's burning and they're actually engraved to a piece of armor as well so if I if I unequip those gauntlets I lose the Rune and if I put a different one on I regain it again again interesting so if you're pvping when you drop combat you could swap armor sets and you swap Rune wonder if that puts the runes on cool down if the runes are just off of cool down when you swap them that could be opy yeah interesting uh right let's train corruption and you have a great day now and Corruption which runes am I the most keen on for warlock I guess my main I would like to find Shadow bolt volley you got a bag my man you're luckier than me sometimes I've played the character and I've got two or three bags before I'm level six it's like it's a blessed it's a blessed play through that that not agonizing over these have to use a rune n no you can use runes multiple times um you just kind of yeah so it's it's kind of like an enchant it shows you an interface do you want to replace it or if it's a completely new Rune you just go and use it and then that's that shadowbot volley really is it's funny like I spent the whole of classic or vanilla I should say playing a spec that pressed literally one button and then I get the opportunity to play a completely different spec that pluses more than one button and I go back to pressing one button again don't get DED okay yeah I think we're good yeah Shadow shadowbot volley with Nightfall that is what I'm talking about okay when you get shadowbot volley and you get two points in Nightfall and you have a 4% chance to proc down corruption te and you have corruption running on like four targets or five targets and that's 20% uh chance to proc instant Shadow Bol with Shadow B volley yo that is going to be some damage ha to level five I mean you can get ha to level two in this season and it is pretty powerful yeah I think we're just going over here right now hey so some someone's level 10 take note let's say uh yep someone's managed to get level 10 already and here I am at level five usually level 10 takes you about 2 hours if you're being quite fast maybe a bit less and I've only played a m uh uh yeah okay it doesn't tell me how long I've played you 10 on to be honest if you're level 10 already you're doing really well you're doing really well how Classic Plus so far I have one extra ability and I have to say it's pretty good pretty good what's everyone to level up though you you level five like me are you doing better did you beat the que when you got Crusade strike I bet I bet what server I am on wild growth EU what can I do for you what can I get for you today too early to know which realm is best yeah you're right it is it really is well I think at the mo the time being just roll around which seems good for you hi let's get that watch your back yeah I think warlock is going to be such a strong leveler with um keep your feet on the ground what can I get for you today be good well interesting warlock training you're an inke keeper safe huh please why is the inke keeper trying to teach me warlock training see you soon to meet you keep your feet on the ground reload that seems broken what's on your mind there we go see you soon yeah the inke keeper uh he's had different IDE uh wait where is the Warlock going here thought he was upstairs huh the season of discovering new bugs yeah apparently I thought it was up here wait uh uh dwarf warlocks yo for real in cataclysm I'm I'm down with Bing a dwarf warlock outside oh yeah of course yeah he's outside by the cauldrons isn't he yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right you're right over here now I'm just so used to warlock people being underground somewhere you know need assistance um I have no money have now is there anything new here I wonder I guess not right it's it's all going to be kind of the same stuff here yeah yeah I I I would assume so away you died telling me that well your sacrifice is appreciated at least it's not hardcore here there let's pick these quests up man I haven't done this starting zone in a minute there's an efficient way to do this Zone and I don't remember it by the looks of it you need bears and BS though hardcore looks silly I'd be Downstream hardcore how are you but um what's on your mind yeah maybe I will you know maybe I will do I take a profession now talk to me I haven't really thought about professions whatsoever how are you like at all H do I say mining here and go engineering or the engineering guys around here are the mining one yeah he's engineering tailoring then drop it after you have bags mining I feel like you can't go wrong with Mining and after I'm not going to take jeel Gathering I think I need a mining people what you do thank you and we need to enable find the minerals let's go how do you play season of Discovery just need a uh subscription and download the game log in through the World of Warcraft classic servers and it should show you as seasonal and you can log in from there and uh yeah that's pretty much it go on from that point thanks imagine wait can you see this on my screen let me just check real quick you can't how do I move it across okay I I can't figure out there's there's some level five M the Nam X on our server actually I could have moved my cam but uh oh sexi is that you Andrew are you the guy oh wait you can see it already I'm done there it is level four priest one shot yeah Penance is going to be so good at an L level like so good the fact that hits three times is crazy good uh so we have that now we want to do the got wendig go or B meat we'll try the wind it goes oh boy looking pretty busy huh yeah yeah that haunt off very nice how's you yeah Gib R after after the isal login I was sitting in Q for man probably a good hour but uh after I've been in Q uh it's good now no lag um it's pretty busy but I yeah no complaints really our server shared no but they they do share the same names for some reason which I've I've mentioned it once or twice tonight it's quite strange usually servers don't share the same names but uh for this occasion they they do there you go hold I should get my ow shouldn't i r PVP is the streamer server yeah I guess for the big boys it would appear to be so I'll take that thank you is this new no treasure trails this is uh this has been the game since forever but maybe there's something new at the back of the cave 45 crit man this haunt ability is crazy I need life tap as soon as possible cuz I'm not making the most of the heal of uh from it at the moment heal so much heals even in R this ability heals a lot does anyone know if um honk can crit if anyone else is playing the Warlock anyone seen crit yet what my crit no I don't have the addon installed so I can't see how much crit I have so many new items yeah I got one new item too I I got this I don't know what it's for yet it can crit amazing amazing so it should heal as much as it crits right bottom left map piece and then you UND Dead Zone uh yeah that that sounds new yeah I I don't think there was a map piece before it can all right that's uh that's pretty damn good then well plus one for me Alliance or hord better for warlock uh I think that depends if you're going PVP I think horde is just uh a better by a big margin because um thing is if you're playing Alliance uh you have this little racial called will of The Forsaken and a lot of people a lot of Hall players like playing Undead um but if you don't care that much about PVP Alliance is fine but if you really care about PVP I would suggest going hard not doing bad here with the tanks this haunt ability is really good this is like the uh usually with warlocks you struggle on tags so bad or less CH St chance yeah that's good too absolutely they're both very good picks um I love I love this horn ability so much this is so good what to do with whad supplies I have no idea I've never got any of those also Philip hi uh I think it's the same XP rates oh level six level six a tenth of the way there right that's how uh that's how leveling works it's one for one uh in terms of vanilla leveling but the level cap is 25 so you're going to get there super fast yeah I'm not even using my Dots here I I don't know if it's worth between horns and Shadow Bol you just kill stuff so fast got the third warlock Rune already hey yo you're doing good I'm surprised they' been haunt instant cast um in Raph it's not instant cast in cata I'm not actually sure whether it's instant cast I haven't looked at that yet want demonic tactics demonic rce yeah there there okay I think ha's the most exciting out of those three wendig go blood yeah someone mentioned that before so I've got my wendigo blood I've got my wolf Jawbone and I assume there's another item right resist on 30 minutes s oh the Scorpion right right in um Valley of Trials yeah that is that is the hord starting zone experience H personified you can make more 10 them in a capital city okay bit of extra gold then gold does not go a Miss in this game that's for sure one more one more I'm not doing bad here in terms of quest it it's like really busy but um there's enough stuff spawning to where it's not bad and then we need to kill a lot of BS by Lu of it a lot of BS World firstest 25 well I can tell you one thing about the world firstest 25 it won't be me hello VY when this go live this server went live uh 2 hours and 30 minutes ago now this is this is as far as classic goes this is pretty fresh is that ha it is ha it is haunt in vanilla yes you're right and uh it's instant cast level 25 well you're just better at the game that's all there is to say uh so we only need one more here see if we can get this now instant yeah no it's a powerful version for sure one more why do need is a wand as well though and last one really am I still actually on seven I am actually on seven okay one more add on for the mid screen thing that is [Music] called Doom cool down pulse right here I'll sort out there's no way I haven't got this dropped like six six times in a row now this is actually the classic experience there six times in a row okay this one this one I'll get it though right and Horn thank you okay right let's go getting back get back into our almost 13 years with a gnome Rogue are they still good yeah I think Rogues look decent this uh this season I suppose give it a go the thing is right we're only leveling up to 25 at the moment so we don't know how things are going to look in the the long term so even if you pick something and you don't level it too much or you know it's not really for you it's not going to be a huge time investment comparatively so I just find something you like you think it looks cool play it see what you think you know if it's not for you you can move on if you enjoy it hey you know stick with it excited to get back into it I hope you enjoy monic Grace on global that is a shame I remember talking about that in a video and I was like I kind of hope it's not on global so you're getting the respell cast out of it then yeah yeah it feels bad on global who is that dwarf fighting a Yeti no way who was it tell me I need to know so we're killing BS and Bs as we say in the UK uh there should be a few up here right Invincible on your D jid must be pretty nice with a free wrath cast looks pretty busy over here though or oh wait mining need to do some mining of course in vanilla you need to mine multiple times oh man didn't forget about this are there any bears around here or balls what's corruption tick with this on Pi for 12 that's not bad this feels so powerful with having horn this instant cast and heals you like really powerful three dots up straight away into shadowbolt and then heel back to full yeah I think I can train uh drain life at six as well this is super strong yeah I feel like Affliction is going to be the go-to leveling spec for warlocks at least ah okay there's a few layers huh I don't think there's 10 layers I think that's kind of lion yeah I really don't think there's that many there's got to be a few though for sure how many BS around here I think there are level seven or eight ones over here maybe I go try that yeah this horn Rune just feels so strong so strong this hardcore uh no the the um seasonal servers are not hardcore there might be one day but not at the moment yeah I want to go train LIF tab it feels like I'm I'm wasting life points on these horns at the moment thank God yeah maybe there will be one day you never know never know what blizzard are planning to do but I think for the seasonal service they want people to try new stuff out and see what they can do figure it out themselves a bit wonder why retail remove life tap I remember playing a warlock in uh I've raided in BFA and was it a legion no it was a legion I think they removed life tap in BFA and I found it super annoying so every single other Caster did not have the life tap apart from warlock they're like the only this one's new huh they the only people that have LIF t wait wait wait this guy's new I see the soul of one who's wanted and the Soul who one is instant huh this guy wasn't here before he definitely wasn't here before Glick void twist Soul broker the soul of an innocent and the soul of The Wanted huh anyone seen any of those yet might involve drain Soul o that's a good idea yeah the this guy definitely wasn't here before I play this game far too much I know he wasn't there before all right life tap we'll train that and Shadow Bol yes please and that's it see you one who is innocent wanted are there any quests in Domo where you have to go and kill one guy specifically I I don't know if there is I guess that's what the season's all about yeah I'm really not sure there yellow and red I think it might be a bit simpler than that innocent I don't know was it easy to discover the ha Rune oh yeah yeah definitely yeah I I probably made it more difficult than it needed to be you just go Blue a chest which is nearby the starter Zone if your gear breaks no runes oh for real I guess that makes sense what did I just get crit for did I just get crit or did I eat something NOP I just got charged for 35 non crit damage yeah that is the that is a classic experience for you right there how charged for a quarter of my health second rune for Paladin is inspiration examplar underwhelming yeah that's um not great in PVE if I'm honest if you're your solo leveling that's kind of extremely average like you don't really care about that whatsoever gloves don't use horn you see how my action bar here where it says R if I take that off nothing so yeah you do need your gloves on yeah the runes you use are directly tied to uh whatever gear you're using uh so we need a few more don't need that but I'll take the XP okay he to the kill War get blood frenzy off jeweling a rare spawn I love that that's so flavorful a human start Zone on wild growth pack there's just five camping every spawn yeah it was like that for the gnome place as well I mean I I guess you can see this it's still pretty busy it's still pretty busy um but you know we're getting through it yeah I think for BS I'm going to go around here a little bit more around here uh there should be some more night of zones chill yeah it um it tends to be a few L players in it at the end of the day human is very popular no man dwarf share a starter Zone and then you have night Health where the rabbit name show I probably just have Critter showing on a is showing on into face for name bars missed it next one if you go out of your way just try and grind something that nobody else is grinding and it won't be as bad this instant cast horn I was going to say how good it is and then it resists what I'm going to do for gold in the season uh I play a warlocks so uh you know I hit Level 40 and I walk up to my uh my trainer and I say hey uh give me the mount and then give me the mount for free so I don't really have to worry about gold that much uh privilege class by the way but later in the game I guess what I've always done I've always um like at level 60 the uh what's it called uh the place in southern winter spring we get eye of shadow dark whisper Gorge I farm that or Dore least jump runs those have always been my goto 90 silver I'm sorry I I'll hand over your 90 silver for my Mount okay so we need one more B rib and we need to kill some BS love empty s yeah they'll fill up warlocks have so many abilities in the UI I don't worry about that you just Farm mobs if you're in the starting area and it's super busy I think farming mobs will be better it just depends whether you can find mobs to farm um but Quest really aren't great for experience at a super early level uh so if you can just go and F mobs I would suggest you just go on Farm offs but again that depends on your server that depends what's free it depends what starting zone you're in but yeah just give it a go if you can um get a few Bears now uh there should be there's one there someone's got that one we'll try up here try up here should be a few shift and I've never really liked the map on screen I know what you mean this thing here but I just don't like it it also overlaps with I don't even know I have a DPS meter like I'm level six by myself but I still have a DPS meter cuz I need to know starts Talent at 10 or uh talents at 10 or one talents um will be at 10 runes will be at as early as level two not one yeah least I I need to know like come on if if you don't know how much damage you're dealing World of Warcraft are you really playing World of Warcraft there's a b oh no one's taking it well I actually got that any R rain yeah I've got one Rune the rune for haunt which found in a chest in the starter Zone that is the only one I found thus far and is a goov run and it's an instant cast haunt deals damage to some enemy when they die it heals me it's really good what mod in terms of add-ons the relevant ones like the ones that are actually doing something right now are uh classic or aerations is showing the actual cooldown on this that's kind of it I have a lot of add-ons and not not many of them are really doing anything uh so yeah say questy oh yeah questy yeah questy is a pretty good one I forgot about that I just take it so for so for granted power levels uh increase compared to vanilla absolutely yeah 100% uh my character is so much more powerful already with one Rune than it was in vanilla absolutely characters are more powerful and they said they're going to buff the mobs to make them do more damage but I don't really feel like I'm taking more damage yet what's questy uh so quest's pretty much an add-on to show you where quests are on the map if you don't have an add-on the your map will be blank you will not have an idea where any Quest mobs are with questy they show you where for example things that drop the item you're after are on the map so it is extremely useful um and if I honestly if I was to say get one add-on for classic it would be questy for sure let's get one more be here and that is uh yeah questy this one here yeah I I would I would absolutely get that I can't believe I forgot it it's I you just take it so for granted when you've had it for so long that you don't think about it but yeah it's very important unplayable without you you're absolutely right I agree that horn Run go man it does so much damage too makes classic to retail for you oh you're out there reading the quest I don't know I don't know oh one hand I like the quesan classic a lot I like the slower pace of it and running around the world and stuff on the other hand I'm not really out here reading every single Quest you know what I mean like I'm at some point I'm you know kind of happy to just follow along and chill kind of thing yeah to request for you yeah I've used that in the past too on Hardcore the um I forget what it's called the add-on that as the AI voices I thought that was great but I kind of heard them a few times in a row and then I had kind of heard them you know what I mean whatso this is wild growth EU there's the last bir don't play while for the story I mean quests aren't always super story heavy they're like hey Adventurer go um uh yeah go over there and kill some BS uh uh I'll give you some gold and that's kind of the extent of the story you you kind of a lot of it make making your own story which I think is kind of cool to meet you watch your back what can I get need to buy keep your feet on the ground real vanilla was unforgiving I remember I remember playing it I remember reading the abilities and my internet was so bad that I could not open web pages to thought about stuff and if I got stuck on a quest I would just not do it move on to the next Quest and go grind mobs or something and that's how it was like full on Boomer mode that's what w was back in the day and uh I played that and I'm still here and you know what I'm happy to be here uh so I want to pick this up yeah yeah I want to pick this up wow well CU I'm yet I mean I was like back in the day I have no about that no doubt that I wasn't good um it was fun at the same time I liking it so far yeah I've only got one Rune at the moment which is haunt but it feels pretty impactful and quite powerful uh so it is it's kind of familiar but it's a little bit different at the same time so yeah I'm enjoying so far what can I do for you yes the quest roll over here ha feels op yeah ha is definitely very strong for sure 5K Q yeah that must be a bad que I whatever you're on I guess on the PVP ones the original Grand 60 I I remember doing it yeah my first 60 back in the day was a hunter and it was I I really don't remember much for it I I wish I actually paid more attention to you know caring about how long it took what went into it and so on and so forth but I just I just played the game I just played the game one day hit I hit 60 and I just carry on from the there right I think we're just going to go over here going to bed yeah I mean I wasn't planning to be on for super late tonight I know I'm like level seven and stuff but uh I I kind of want the streams to be uh something that I do now and again zipping on a little bit gentle a little bit be a little bit um but yeah I just want this streams to be something that I do now and again really um I planning on streaming uh season of Discovery quite a lot um obviously compared to some of these other guys who are doing 24hour streams they're going crazy with it they're going to be level 25 by tomorrow and stuff that's just not really what I'm looking to do to be honest because um at the end of the day I do want to keep the videos up on the channel and the quality I've um hopefully kept up on the channel hopefully that's shown um cuz I have put a lot of work into the channel over the past especially month or so it's been crazy with the amount of uh information that has been to cover on the season um but yeah this is I guess this the first stream I haven't streamed anything in a little bit over two years since the burning Crusade classic came out and this is truthfully one of the first times I feel as though I can fire up a stream and really have things to do right things which I don't know things to be excited about and just hopefully share that with other people who want to tune in and watch that um so that's really why I've decided to come back do streaming and to try this again for the season of Discovery uh even with expansions I really didn't you know get this feeling if if you know what I mean so defin it might be a different vibe from streams a bit more laidback or something but I think that's what what someone who streaming puts on kind of reflects themselves a little bit so I hope that does rub off um but yeah uh either way guys this is the first stream for season of Discovery I'm going to be streaming the majority of the content I put on for season of Discovery obviously if I log on it here or there for an hour or two myself and I'm taking a break I might not fire up the stream for that cuz I want to commit something a little bit more um but it's been good though there was quite a bit of a queue unfortunately it is what it is um you can't really do anything about it it shouldn't happen again though I think they got over that hurdle pretty fast um streaming on YouTube yeah I mean I I'm going to do on uh at the moment you can do YouTube and twitch at the same time so I'm I am planning to do that and to continue on doing that where I'm on YouTube and twitch at the same time and you can you can really just tune in on the platform you prefer um however you want to do that that's no problem um but yeah that's that's pretty much it for the first stream I guess for season of Discovery it's it's not the most progress ever but at the end of the day the level cap is 25 and there's going to be so much to discover to find out to sort of you know enjoy with throughout the duration of the season so um yeah and I plan to stream it when I'm playing for any good duration of time to throw it on and yeah chat with you guys again um but yeah I I guess that's about it uh I hope you guys enjoyed the stream today uh if it's the first stream you've watched you know say say hi or you know remember to subscribe all that good stuff and uh yeah I should be on the uh the coming days we'll be on that and we'll carry on out from there and we'll just continue with the character find what there is new in the season talk about all the new updates all of that good stuff and Carry On from there I guess but guys uh thank you all so much for watching today uh I I imagine I'll be back on tomorrow enjoy your night I hope you're not long in the cues uh have a great time and uh I'll catch you when I do okay all right take care everyone
Channel: WillE
Views: 75,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1V2lwV75Z2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 6sec (13086 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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