John Krasinski interviews Steve Carell on Some Good News [FULL INTERVIEW]

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This was fantastic!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Montblanc_Norland ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love this so much

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lyss1320 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
on a personal note this week actually brought a whole lot of good news because it marked 15 years since this haircut was born that's right it was the fifteenth anniversary of the office and for more on that story we go now to our entertainment correspondent Steve Carell Steve is this working thank God for Nancy your mom be like hold on let me just highly produced show I like it sign thank you very much my daughters did it by the way so beautiful this will be the graphic at the bottom of this perfect I love it how are you man well well how you doing I'm good this is what happens when I self Eisley we're both looking dapper this is how I am 24/7 I admire the fact that you are dressing up like this every day they say that's one thing that you should do you should always you know in these days of isolation we should be you know showering and taking care of ourselves and exercising we're wearing suits and doing great nose I guarantee you that the bottom half of what you have on does not match the top I am definitely wearing jams if anybody remembers oh my god so Steve this week marked a huge anniversary for you and I we were on a little show called the office and it turned fifteen years old yes week I mean I was a waiter when I got that job I was 23 years old I was a waiter and after the pilot I went back to waiting tables because I was sure nothing was gonna happen with it and and we all kind of came into it with that vibe I remember none of us done anything huge we were in this sort of it felt like we're in a wreck company like we were just doing theater every week with the same people different shows and I also remember the crew was unreal I am so ridiculously spoiled in every job I've gone to since because I you know that's the only downside for me is that I was shown how good it really can be on the first go-around in a good way it sets the bar really high total that we want it to be at least in certain ways equal to that I don't know if it ever will be but yeah I mean for me it was my it was my film school theater school everything all at once people ask me now how the hell did you become a director still don't know still answering that question for myself but the office for me was film school would I don't think a lot of people know is that door in the office that never opened in any of the episodes the reason why I never opened is because that was the writers room and I'll never forget in those first episodes whether it was diversity day or you know any of the first few or the pilot as well but you'd have six to ten people burst out of that door like a clown car after you didn't take and be like that was amazing keep that line do this other thing that will reverse these now you say that line and then I go back into the room and I remember just thinking is this what the creative process is all about yeah it was everything it was everything and just such a special moment I just love that people are celebrating 15 years because for me I will celebrate that forever I mean people always ask this question so I have to ask you do you have a not one obviously but in your top memories what were some of your favorite memories all of our exchange around the the micro flat-screen TV I finally broke down and bought myself a plasma TV check it out the a physical dinner party where you said and when people come over you just did it only moved that far I don't scream check this out folds I think most of the memories have to do with things that we shared as a caste you know when we're we were doing fun run and it was about 105 degrees outside and everybody was just dying I mean it was really it was a hot terrible day I said to Cheney Alfredo I remember when you when you did the episode where you played Santa and we're very upset the Phyllis was already Santa and so you were asking people to come sit on your lap and Brian thank God was chosen to sit on your lap that's the other time in my life I don't think I've laughed harder when he sits down and you say what would you like and your air goes out and you went what was sure just and I'll never forget you saying to say toys just say twice would you like for Christmas little boy I don't know I I didn't know you were gonna ask me Dad happened I didn't know nobody's ever let me sit on their lap before I just do ice please I was supposed to be the button of the scene where they cut to me and I did a Jim face I was never there I was physically never there but because by the time they got to the swish pan to me I was out I was either on the floor or I had left the room part of what was so much fun about it is it everybody in the cast was rooting for everybody else people would step back when it was time for other people to shine and celebrate it like like when you when you came in as Dwight that day it was like it was crazy watching Jim do Dwight and you're a very good impressionist in general I don't think something people know Michael oh that's funny Michael and then also at the same time the most emotional I've ever been on a set certainly I know we've talked about it but I was sort of hoping that they wouldn't do your scene in my seam that the episode where you leave last I think you and I counted I think it was either 17 or 19 takes where there wasn't an audible word that came out it was just it was just action and then you and I going I think we should just say anything advise for tomorrow at lunch oh okay and then tomorrow I can tell you what a great boss you turning out to be best boss I ever had that was that was really that was that was tough that was brutal but it was again - everything you were saying it was that idea of family you were literally you were leaving summer camp you were leaving home you were leaving all these things all at the same time and those massive emotions of knowing that this would be the end of something that was you know sort of a monolith and ways in your life some of my most fond memories are personally or professionally are entwined and connected with that it wasn't even at the end I think we were like five or six seasons in and I remember you saying to the cast you said guys no matter what we go on to do we will always be known for this show whether you're even if you win an Oscar or do something crazy like that you'll always be remembered for the show and what an honor that is people come up to me all the time and say you know you'll always be Jim and I went thank God for that yeah yeah there's really no downside to it at all it's it's great I mean what if this is what we are all remembered for which probably will be the case what a great thing to be remembered for for now as well and listen I know everybody's talking about a reunion hopefully one day we just get to reunite as people and just all get to say hi I mean just to see your face it's so great I miss you a ton man it's so good to see you and thank you so much for doing this we are trying to start a news network just for good news and and boy are you good news you make me smile ask for sure next time we do this I will put on I'm gonna put on a suit and I'm going to do and and it's gonna be a little more in character right great and I'm gonna be you know I will be your special correspondent whatever you want me to cover from the Greater Los Angeles area there it is you're our local Los Angeles correspondent today you're our entertainment correspondent but who knows the sky's the limit for you I really think you're gonna make some I love you and I can't wait to you crazy who's that goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SomeGoodNews
Views: 4,421,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Krasinski, Steve Carell, The Office, Michael Scott, Jim Halpert, Dunder Mifflin, micro flatscreen, zoom interviews, Some Good News, SGN, bestbossever, steve carell interview, steve carell interview the office, john krasinski interview, john krasinski steve carell, john krasinski good news, good news john krasinski
Id: JNvpcGV1frQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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