My Walk In Woods And Stone Mortar Mix Flower Pot In Ga.

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good morning i'm helen from georgia and i'm out here in my yard this morning looking like rain any minute this this is my golden rods that i have in my yard and i'm not gon i didn't bring y'all any coffee because i'm not gonna be here for just a few minutes right now uh i we're going on a walk before i start because it looks like rain and i want to i want to walk around and show you all the flowers and all the beautiful things that's blooming before it rains and that might be any minute i may get caught in it i don't know but y'all if y'all have some coffee i'm sorry i didn't have time this morning to get y'all any and this is all i had left right here i'm gonna make it do oh yeah that's good good hot black coffee and i'm gonna come back to the table but i'm i'm gonna show y'all down here around this what's blooming and we're gonna go for a little walk this morning i don't know if i can take my coffee or not i'm i can i don't know i have to oh i don't know let me see if i can take it with me okay okay i'll start right here look golden rods okay this is in my yard right here this is my path right here that i can walk through now oh i'm gonna set my coffee down just a minute okay i don't know what you call these either i've had them for years and years but i don't know what they are and i'm getting tangled up i'm having my coffee out here on this log and i'm i'm going i'm not through walking yet but i'm just showing y'all some stuff and i'm gonna drink some coffee on the way y'all it's cloudy and it's probably gonna rain today before i get through with my project up there but but if it does i just go up on the porch because i think i can do it on the porch with no problem okay let me have another little sip of coffee and then i'll walk home it's awesome to be out here in the woods uh walking and enjoying what god has made and and what he's let bloom it's just awesome y'all thank you lord for all the beautiful things that you've given us to enjoy uh being outside and looking around what you have made for us to walk out into and drink our coffee in the morning and thanking the lord for all his blessings that he's given us because he's given us a lot of blessings we probably don't even recognize that he's give it to us but make no mistake he gives us blessings that we don't even know about that he did that but we think maybe it was something else but i thank him every day for my blessings because i know he gives me blessings each day i'm living and that's a blessing because i'm 83 years old and i'm i'm healthy as far as i can tell i mean i may not be healthy always but i'm gonna enjoy my good health while i got it ain't that right y'all [Laughter] okay it's a good thing i got good health cause uh i'd be in a mess if i didn't oh okay let me get up and show you all this log that i'm sitting on if i can here it is you know that big old oh i see i see a morning glory blooming over here at the end of it there it is is that that awesome y'all oh my goodness i'm not good with this camera walking there's my little bag that i made long time ago when cody was little i put it on the side of a little tote bag is that not cute y'all he's a sweet he is so sweet he's a sweet young man all these things are blooming around my pond so pretty and all over there here's one okay let's go on i need to go get some bread and feed them while i'm out here let y'all see now i've got flowers blooming all back in here i planted okay here's the path y'all here's some trees that fell they were two okay this tree fell in a storm and here's another one that fell in a storm and there's two up there that are gonna fall i got trees falling all over the place over here okay let me go on around here and get over this log ugh [Music] here's the woods lord y'all this quality of this video might not be good i'm walking and trying to hold the camera i'll try to fix it the best i can for y'all okay i'm gonna get back up here hey some beautiful flowers up here there's some golden rods y'all i have trees falling everywhere ah i'm telling you but it's so peaceful and i love walking in my woods i love going outside sitting on the porch on the at my table and drinking my coffee and just looking around at all the beautiful beautiful things we have to enjoy and we do have some beautiful y'all done seeing that it's dry oh my goodness i'm i'm gonna go get some bread and feed the fish so y'all can see i don't know maybe dropping rain i know it's gonna rain because they said it was but i don't exactly know when i'm gonna turn this off until i wait a minute i i think i can walk and y'all i see something i bet y'all don't know what it is i bet you y'all don't know what this is let me y'all probably never heard of it okay right here you see this white stuff oh down here is dry leaves this is what you call rabbit tobacco that's what they always told me it was people used to smoke that stuff it didn't do anything to them it just something it just i don't reckon i ain't never tried to smoke none of it i don't know why but that's what that is it's rabbit tobacco and people people long time ago didn't have any money to buy tobacco so they they smoke rabbit tobacco i don't think rabbits smoke it but i don't know where that name came from but anyway that's what that that's what that is i i haven't seen any of that lately but that is that was some of it okay let me let me put my things down oh i see the fish already out there ready for me to beat them let me turn it off okay i got some bread if i can throw it straight they like bread oh my goodness they're splashing out there oh they eating that piece up y'all i say i'm never bored i don't even know what board is i'm not bored because i've always got something that i can do that will entertain me and that i love and i don't i mean i'm i'm just happy out here doing this just being outside and looking at nature and seeing the flowers and seeing the fish and anything that is nature and y'all let me let me zoom up there if i can you see those trees up there there they're about to get ready to turn they're turning yellow now so it won't be long before they'll be falling being fall weather there's the flowers over there yo right here this morning i got up and i looked out the window and i saw something and i said what in the world is that it was right up there right up there i couldn't figure out what it was so i went and got my camera and i zoomed up on it it was a little deer walking around and just standing there looking i'm gonna put that in this video where y'all can see that's uh what what i have out here to be entertained why i'm not ever bored how can you be bored when you have so much beauty and so many things that the lord give us all to enjoy and i know some of us some of you can't get out and see all this but i'm showing y'all so y'all can see it because you know i know everyone is not uh like me uh can get out and walk around and do things in my yard i know that that's i pray for all my people that uh watch me and that i i hope i entertain some because i know i show things maybe that they may not get to see again they may have seen it in time times past what in the world is that up there there's something up there on that tree what is that it's a knot i guess good gracious that's a big tree y'all i'm telling y'all that's a big tree i don't know what that thing is it must be a knot let me show y'all that tree is way up there oh and i want to show y'all something else too i'm gonna turn it off till i get there okay y'all this is my elephant ears it's growing back here okay this here's one this is a walnut and this is the walnut tree look at the walnuts i don't think y'all can see them because i can't hardly see them myself but let me show y'all something else y'all see that gourd that that gourd's been up this since last year and it's still up there someone someone sent me a walnut cracker so when i when i pick them and they dry and i start cracking them i got something to crack them with thank you for sending me that walnut cracker i still got it and i'm going to use it okay let me go back up here to the house see y'all in a minute okay y'all one more thing i wanted to show y'all before i left from around here this this is this is my moss that's growing in my backyard it is i put it in my flower pot sometime i'll show y'all how it looks there it is it's just sitting on top of the ground any anytime you want some you come out here and when i run out there it is i'll take this to the house i can always use the mouse has pine straw in it but you can get it out okay there it is how could i be lonely and bored with all this there's my little pond it's kind of uh dark looking but anyway here's something else this is called dog fennels if y'all ever heard of that uh that that's growing in my yard in my backyard where it's kind of growed up a little bit but i guess i'll get through some time and tell y'all stuff but that's what this is this is dog panels we don't do nothing with them i've seen something they call fennel but and it sort of smells like that but i don't think it's the same thing okay i'm gonna see y'all at the table see y'all in a minute oh let me tell y'all this thank you all so much for watching my videos and subscribing and sharing and clicking the bell and thumbs up what a blessing y'all are to me i am so so blessed for y'all y'all are such a blessing to me all right i'm gonna see y'all at the table for sure this time here's my butterfly bush isn't that beautiful okay okay i'm back from my little walk [Laughter] it was fun i enjoyed it it was beautiful i wanted i wanted to show y'all all my i had i took a little a picture of my moon flowers uh yesterday evening so i could show y'all because i'm out here in the daytime and they they close up in the daytime they bloom at night y'all and look i picked some more of my little uh flowers around there ah that's so pretty oh i love yellow and thank you all for this shirt thank you for this beautiful shirt it goes with my stuff that i'm doing uh okay i don't i've done this around already this morning showing all stuff and walking in the woods and all that stuff so now i'm gonna tell y'all what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna try to do you see this basket it's an old old basket that i've had everything i've got is old y'all including me but y'all remember i i guess y'all remember i don't know if you remember or not but i remember i was trying to put some rocks on some cement they kept sliding off sliding off so i have decided to try something else now i don't know if it's gonna work or not but i'm gonna give it a try if it don't i'll try it again another day i don't know uh i hope it works so i'm go i'm gonna get my cement and bring it around here and take my table down and y'all can see my beautiful beautiful flowers how pretty they are i hate to put them up i think i'll put them over here somewhere in the background and so y'all can keep looking at them uh let me see if i can find a place i'm going to turn the camera off and see if i can find a place and then get ready for my pot making okay y'all i've got my basket this is the basket i'm gonna use for uh my pot today uh no no it's rainy weather and it could rain at any time so i'm just trying to if i i may have to move up there i may have to move on the porch because if it rains i can't stay out here in the rain okay i've got a little bit of this mortar mix left let's see where's my head oh here it is this is my measuring cup i'm putting two cups [Applause] of mortar mix in this bucket i'm gonna put three cups [Applause] okay that's three cups three cups of mortar mix and two cups of sand georgia sand i don't guess y'all can see [Applause] i'm doing it a little bit different today i'm i'm in a hurry and i'm trying to beat the rain i don't know if that's going to be possible okay i got it mixed up now i'm gonna put my water in here y'all know this is another project with 30-minute mortar mix y'all i don't think the weather knows what it's wanting to do i mean it is predicting rain the sun will peep out and then it'll go back in i'm going to keep my mixture kind of thick this time because the last time i tried to do a project which was with regular seedling it would not hold they kept falling off i don't want to get it too thin that's about the way i want it right here just thick finally you know that'll stand up [Applause] okay y'all y'all know you have to work fast with this stuff because it doesn't it gets hard fast 30 minutes 30 minutes okay i've got some rocks right here i really don't have no room okay i'm gonna start with this white one i'll stick it right down here they're not gonna be the same color and i think i'm gonna have to work fast so so so [Applause] so so [Applause] so so so y'all my camera cut off [Applause] i guess y'all know i'm leaving the basket in there [Applause] y'all know on wednesday we go to a hospital and pray for uh people that are in the hospital and people nurses and doctors and all the people that's in in uh out there in that stuff but our preacher said that the the uh the virus has slowed down so thank you lord for for that blessing oh my i do believe it's raining yes it is [Music] oh and it's coming down pretty good too oh in the world am i gonna do now i wonder is it gonna rain much let me see if i can move my umbrella over it if it don't rain too awful much and i might can stay out here i think it that's not gonna be the case i think it's gonna see because it started and stopped and started and stopped i don't really know what to think [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] so now it's locked up [Applause] [Applause] now we got some strange weather in georgia it starts and it stops and it don't know what it wants to do i don't think but thank the lord it decided to stop right now and i didn't have to move all this stuff my club's just trying to come off [Applause] yo it's raining and i've got this i've got to take it in uh i'm gonna turn it over and see i'm gonna try to turn it over before i take it up there let's see if i can and it might be bad weather i don't know i'm gonna try to clean it up some oh now awesome oh i've got to clean it up a little bit around the edge but is that not beautiful y'all i'm gonna have to take it up i'm taking it up there now and uh trim it up some just see me at this sort of that just don't look good i'm trying to get everything okay i'm gonna bring it up on the i'm gonna i'm gonna turn the camera off i gotta get my camera it's under the umbrella but this is the rain real hard so oh gracious i didn't took my chair up there thank y'all i'll hear that thank y'all so much for watching me and all my endeavors i i i i do but this turned out great and this is with 30 minutes cement too all right i'm gonna take it on up there and clean up the rocks a little bit and uh i'll be back i guess if it don't it's been the rain bad but i don't think it'll blow on me under the porch so let me get my stuff on up there i'll be back [Applause] y'all as i was showing y'all around my yard uh i forgot to show y'all my plum grants they are about to get ready here's one oh there's one and y'all guess what it's raining i came out here in the rain to do this but i i have an umbrella and i'm not getting wet but it'd be okay if i did there's some way up there i'm not gonna melt [Laughter] y'all think so let me i think i can see those better right here oh they are so good have y'all ever had them they are they have a red insides and it's sweet and [Applause] they i don't even i think it's an old-timey plant because [Applause] i've i've seen them all all my life that they were in my grand grandmother's yard and all the older people most of the time knew about them so i just wanted to let y'all see that these beautiful plum granites when they get right they'll start i think you can i think they're about right now but i'm gonna wait a while and see what they do okay y'all i'll see y'all in the in the video when i get when i put it in there bye bye y'all is anybody gonna believe this i have moved all my stuff up here on this porch i've been cleaning off these uh rocks and i painted the top of it right here where it was uh cement and i i cleaned it up as good as i could and y'all came y'all are not gonna believe this the sun is shining like what in the world is going on but thank the lord now i'm gonna move back out there going back give out moving stuff but that's all right i got a beautiful pot here let me let me go out out there in the light where y'all can see it i'm gonna turn the camera off and move back out there for a minute and then i'm gonna be through with this y'all i'm back i'm back out here in the yard i'm telling you i have had a morning like it was okay out here this morning but it did look rainy but i we walked in the woods you know and it wasn't raining then it started sprinkling and i got my umbrella over here and so i went ahead and uh started my pot then after a while it started raining harder i had to get my stuff put it on the porch and and i i was finished doing it most of it out here but i i had some little pieces of cement that i got off and and i decided to paint the top of it like this color whatever color that is and it is beautiful it is beautiful yeah let's see if i can turn it it's on this you know little thing oh goodness that's not gonna work good i guess i guess it'll i'll have to turn it this way now sometimes things don't go exactly as you plan it doesn't it it kind of does what it wants to and and you have to work around the rain these days and so this is it this is my rocks that i've had for a while and you know i was going to make another part with it one time and it uh this the rocks were so big that the rocks would not stay up on it with that other sea man this is this is 30 minute mortar mix i about about can remember that now but oh it is so pretty and it dried in 30 minutes i i mean it was drying it was drying as i was working on it because i mean this stuff does not weight on you it it gets hard you mix it up and you better have it ready and i don't have i don't have anything to put in it i could put this in it oh that don't look too cute does it but anyway i'm gonna leave it in there just because it's yellow and i got on a yellow shirt and someone sent me this beautiful shirt and it says blessed and i am blessed and thank you for the i can't remember y'all y'all don't know how hard it is for me to remember everyone's name that sends me something i my brain just does not hold stuff like he never has really uh never has held stuff very long i some old-timey stuff you know like long time ago i can remember all that stuff but uh this stuff is happening right now uh sometimes i can't i can't keep up with it but i appreciate it and i thank you so much and i guess i'm finished with this project and it's beautiful y'all try this uh oh you know i put it in this basket and that cement is all in that basket so it's not going the basket's not going anywhere if the basket goes anywhere this cement will be here so i think it's beautiful and i won't well i had a time with it really i i mean not a time doing this i had a time with the rain and trying to i had i started to go up on the porch two or three times before i did have to go it was it was it was raining pretty pretty well when i went the last time it was but you know it didn't last too long you you never know rain what it's gonna do you don't know if it's gonna rain a long time or rain just a few minutes and stop or you don't you don't know what it's gonna do you just have to wait it out and i was trying to get this project finished and and i did finish it and it's beautiful it's beautiful and it's old you know i relate to old stuff ah it's kind of old looking you know and that that's okay old looking is okay long as you okay and you old that's all right you can look old just just don't act old it's nice out here but there's they say the rain is coming uh more rain and i'm glad i got out here and got this project finished with before it really come up sometimes it rains on the porch not very often but if it's a blowing rain it will blow up there but uh i'm just thankful that that it held off as good as it did and [Music] i hear my phone ran somewhere i don't know where it is gracious anyway thank y'all so so much for watching this video and have a blessed blessed day and be kind to each other going through these sicknesses and going through deaths and going through all these things remember them in your prayer because there are a lot of that going on that we don't know about and but but it is going on and and thank the lord for his blessings each day because we do have blessings that i've just said that one time i think but anyway it don't hurt to say a blessing and thank the lord for his blessings because we should thank him because he's he is our blessings and we we're so blessed each and every day to even be uh here and doing what we're doing okay i i'm i'm tired i'm a little give out and i'm gonna go in the house and rest some and okay y'all i found my phone and it was ringing and it was uh one of our church members uh wanting some pictures that uh sunday is pastor appreciation day at our church we we have a pastor and associate pastor and uh he's wanting pictures of them you know over you know over a period of time to show on uh i think he's gonna make a little video or something about it and so he was calling to ask me to do that and i told him i was the busiest old woman he ever seen in his life and i am but i'm gonna try to look that up for him you know i think i was telling y'all bye i don't know i i heard my phone ringing and it was up there covered up and i didn't even know it was i i can't keep up this stuff y'all all right i'll see y'all in the next video bye bye
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 20,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Walk In Woods And Stone Mortar Mix Flower Pot In Ga., Mortar Mix, Stone Flower pot, Walk in woods, Flowers in my yard
Id: NpdqkRnn15U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 54sec (3834 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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