How I Fry My Bass Fish I Caught In Ga.

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i'm helen from georgia and i'm in my kitchen this afternoon it's not morning but i'm having a little coffee i had just a little bit left so i'm gonna just drink it and there's no more uh there's no more in the pot so i can't get y'all any today but anyway i know y'all have coffee and y'all can drink coffee with me while i do this project and y'all look my flowers i found some real ones today they uh my daffodils are blooming and my little uh laura peddlings is what this bush is right side of my door out here they're trying to bloom after i scalped it a while back i i cut it back because it was so big and it was just i just got out there cutting and i like to cut it all down but anyway it's budding back out and it's blooming and y'all uh y'all have asked for this yo if y'all don't like it it's y'all's fault [Laughter] if y'all don't like it it's because y'all asked for this so this is what i'm gonna do today let me have a sip of coffee i'm all unnerved i get trying to get everything ready and try to get uh my stuff done and get it ready for these videos gives me out a little bit unless i'm fishing and that don't get me out but this does y'all know i made a video of going fishing my grandson called me stephen hodges he called me up early in the morning and said let's go fishing i said oh i don't know uh so i finally decided i would go so i got all my stuff in the hou i take the whole house when i go fishing i take everything i got so if i need something i'll have it but anyway i went i got lost again i went down and he told me where to go and which way to turn and all that but i got down there and i got turned around and i could not find the place so i finally called him up and i told him where i was at i was i was back on that main road i was supposed to be on i i was on another road turned off but i was sitting there at that road and and he told me come to that road and and i said okay i i'm i'm i'm here and and he he called me back he said i'm at the road where are you i said i'm at the road where are you he said i'm right here you i don't know where you are i said i don't know where i am either but anyway i had done been to a church up there where i uh let's see what was the name of that church i don't forgot but anyway i said yeah i was i was at that church a while ago i i didn't think i was right so i come back this way he said well go back to that church and i'll be there i said okay bye i took off to that church and i was sitting there looking around i didn't see him nowhere again i said well stephen i'm i'm at the church where are you he said i'm behind you and i look back there he was well i turned around and followed him to the place i would have never found it y'all i'm so i'm not good on directions y'all i i can't i get lost easy and i don't know where i'm going and i i don't know how to get there don't know well we went fishing all day all day we fished i caught three nice fish anyway stephen said well we better go because you i don't want you driving home after dark i said okay took him up there to his house well lord behold he gets out aboard and gets out by fish gets a big old long knife out and he filleth and fish scales them and belays them for me so i wouldn't have to do that is that not awesome y'all i i'm not used to that kind of stuff i'm used to doing for other people not nobody doing nothing for me but yes he he filled them fish and he had a lot of them to fillet he done it too that that afternoon he he uh that evening he he laid all them that was in that uh cooler and he had a job i'm telling you i i brought mine home and i i cooked some one time so y'all have asked me to show y'all how i cook fish in georgia this is how i cook fish i don't know how most people around here i think cook them this way i don't know but anyway i'm going to cook them and show y'all how i do it so y'all y'all bear with me y'all are the sweetest kindest caringest people y'all have loved my videos and and the little my little great grandson red-headed he has a red hair he likes to fish too and some more uh steven's children love to fish so but i really really enjoyed my day fishing that day i had a ball i didn't eat nothing i didn't drink nothing i fished all day long i throwed that spinner and and stephen called me the next day and said grandma how you doing after all that fish i said i'm doing good how are you doing i love that fishing oh i'm telling you but but you know when you throw a spinner as far as you can and i throw them just as far as i can because i want to get all up in the bushes and everywhere and on the bank and in the trees and everywhere else that i throw it trying to get it a long way out but when i got it home steven would take the boat over there reach out there and get it sometime i got hung on a log down in there and he'd reach down there and get my thing a loose i'm not used to nobody doing that for me i'm i'm just i was amazed and i was looking for something in my tackle box what you looking what what you looking for grandma i'm looking for a hook he got down and found me a hook i put it on there we fish that we fish it was so much fun y'all but anyway what i'm doing today i i'm talking way too much and i won't just stop for a start thank you all so much for watching my videos and subscribing and sharing and clicking the bell and y'all do share my videos i i see it on that y'all y'all do share my videos and i'm so thankful uh it's just amazing that i do something that's entertaining to some people i know everybody don't like that kind of stuff but i do and and i think a lot of other people do that can't get out and some people are homebound and they can't get out and get in the pontoon boat and sit on a bucket all day long and and fish and but it's fun to watch others i watch other fishing videos and other kind of videos and it's fun to me to watch someone doing that it's just it's entertaining a lot of stuff on the tv and the youtube and all is not that entertaining to me because i'm not into that you know and all but you find what you like and you watch it and you enjoy because that's how that's why it's made for you to enjoy and to be blessed by and and y'all are my youtube family and i'm so thankful for each and every one and i know my kitties and my little puppies don't care about fishing videos but they like my birds and i'll be back outside because well the sun is trying to shine a little bit right now but it rained all day yesterday and it was raining last night but it cleared up so i'm gonna get my stuff out and show y'all what i'm gonna i don't even think i drink any coffee i i just forget all about what i'm doing y'all see where i get lost i can get lost and let me tell y'all one more thing for before i go yesterday not yesterday but day before i think i was outside my cane is out there and buried and put in tubs and all kind of stuff for the winter well i saw some sprouts coming up so i said well i better get out there and get this stuff planted right quick because it needs to be in the ground so i got out there and chopped and dug and dug and dug and fertilized and done all kind of stuff i didn't get my camera out because i didn't show y'all all that so i didn't figure y'all wanted to see it i just i just needed to get it done before it rained well i had some gloves on and i was picking with that old pig thing that i got to use and i i took one glove off to open something that i couldn't find out how i couldn't get it open with both hands because it was had old dirt on it and everything so i took my glove off and i was working and it started raining well i gathered up all my stuff right quick and i was looking for my glove that i took off oh and i could not i i found one i couldn't find the other one i was looking everywhere i went back out there in the rain looking for my glove well anyway it slapped up a little bit and i decided to go to the mailbox to check the mail while i was on the way to the mailbox i looked and my glove was on my hand yo you i feel so crazy when i do stuff like that i was looking everywhere for that glove that i thought i took both of them off but i didn't i didn't take the one off and i found the one and i couldn't find the other one it was on my hand y'all bear with me please cause i do some crazy stuff and i can't help it i don't know if it's cause i'm getting older what it is it's really funny but it's sad in a way because i lose stuff a pretty good bit you know i i i eventually find where i put it but i can't keep up with everything i i'm just falling apart i really i don't know but i'm having fun i'm enjoying my my youtube uh channel and my youtube family and all the people that watch my videos thank you so so much all right let me get over here and get my stuff out i'm going to show y'all what i'm doing all right let me get let me get over here let me let's put my flowers over here to the side i got onion a tomato oh what else oh i'm gonna make i'm gonna fry fish for my supper and i'm gonna make cold slaw and i think i'm gonna fry just a few french fries i i'm gonna be so full i won't be able to move probably when i get through but anyway this is what i'm about to do and i'm gonna i'm gonna cut this cabbage let me get my knife y'all we in georgia i don't know how everybody else because i've never been anywhere else that they uh you know don't cook fish and everything i don't i don't know how other i don't i have never been nowhere to do do stuff like that i don't know how people do it but this is how i do it and i'm gonna show y'all the best way i can okay i'm gonna put this aside i don't need all of that and i cut this little thing right here out it's a little hard core i'm going to cut it out i'm going to keep later that i'll put it in my tub out there that i put uh all kinds of organic stuff and anything that uh they'll deteriorate in my tub i use it for fertilizer okay i got this onion y'all it's the biggest onion steven brought me a 10 pound sack of onions and they are vidalia onions and i got something planted but anyway i don't need all this all this onion i'm gonna save it to another time it'll be fine it won't go it won't hurt nothing to cut it and leave it and i got this to make let me wash it my fish is over here i haven't i hadn't showed you my fish yet because i'm gonna i'm gonna do them last okay this is my this is my potato peeler that i've had a hundred years and i wouldn't take nothing for it because it cuts look it cuts the skin off of this tomato so good i bought other ones since then and i have not found another one that does this good i i have i i don't even know where i got it but i do know that it's the best one that i've ever ever had and i wouldn't take nothing for it it is it peels so good did i tell y'all yes i told y'all that i'm gonna fry my fish they gonna be last they gonna i'm gonna fry my fish last because i don't want them to get cold i this don't hurt to go ahead and make it a little bit ahead okay there's my tomato i'm gonna pull this right over here i'm gonna grate this cabbage okay here here's my bowl that i'm gonna do it in okay maybe i need to bring your camera over here closer with okay this is a lot of trouble really it i like i like my uh cabbage grated up fine i don't think y'all can see for my hand but i don't know how to do it i've never really done this before on camera okay that's that's my cabbage i'm gonna grate a little bit of onion in my slaw by day onions when they come in season boy you could do all kind of stuff with them okay okay i'm gonna put my tomatoes in there now i don't think i'm letting y'all see good because my hand's in the way but way it is in here i don't know how to do it and let y'all see any better okay okay i'm gonna put some salt in it to taste whatever y'all like i don't put pepper in it till i go to eat it and then i put my pepper on it okay now put my this is this is what this is what i use in my coleslaw and well wait a minute i got something else i do [Applause] y'all see this this is sugar i put a little bit of sugar in my coleslaw so and y'all i put a little bit of ranch dressing in there because that's what i like where is it at oh i said that's enough i don't put much i just put a little bit y'all know i don't i don't have a recipe i just this is what i do and and really i haven't made any of this in a while because there's nobody here but me and and cody didn't like this kind he didn't like this and i just didn't go to much trouble to make stuff for myself uh you know that i like i made it just suit him what he liked so okay there's my uh my kohl's rock okay i'm gonna set it aside now i got that done okay i'm gonna peel this potato hurriedly a lot of people may not be able to eat like this like fried foods and stuff but i like i like fish this is how i like fish fried oh and the way i do it i i like it uh that's how that's what i'm cooking for today it's me because ain't nobody here but me so uh i'm gonna cut this up in a bowl i'm putting it in this water because potatoes if you peel them ahead of time and you leave them if you leave them out and not in water they'll turn brown and i don't want my potatoes brown i want them the color they are now and i just cut them up any old way no certain ways just just french fries okay there's the potatoes i'm gonna set these over here out of the way oh i know what else i'm gonna be forgot something i know uh this is a this is the fish i put them in plastic bags because i i froze them oh look what a piece of fish y'all that was that was a big fish [Applause] i'm gonna wash it and cut it up [Applause] oh man i'm gonna have fish to eat tomorrow [Applause] okay there's uh there's the fish that that's not all of them y'all that's just part of that okay this is this is my fish that i have washed and i'm gonna salt and i'm gonna go ahead and mix up my hush puppies and put them in this and let them be ready because when i get started cooking fish it's full time cooking fish it's it's not uh you're pretty much pretty busy okay this is my cornmeal it's plain ornette's cornmeal you may not get it everywhere i don't know but uh that i get it at my grocery store uh i'm gonna make that much and i put self-rising flour like one or two table tea a big spoons okay what i put okay i'm gonna put a little bit of salt in here and i'm gonna put onions in here onions onions onions you know i love vidalia onions so uh i'm putting everybody don't like onions cody did not like onions so i couldn't put onions and everything that i wanted unless i cooked something for him and then cooked me some and i didn't do that a lot let me see if i got y'all in the picture i'm i'm not good at inside videoing too much i don't even know if y'all are seeing this maybe y'all are y'all this is what i was raised on this is what we ate all the time when i was a little girl because we didn't have any money and we didn't have any money to buy stuff so my daddy went fishing and caught fish and my granddaddy planted corn and we had meal and and we had uh i don't i don't know where flour came from i don't think we made flour but they must have bought it i don't know where they got it but anyway there's the there's what i put let me let me get a little water i just mix it up with water yarn it is nothing fancy about this recipe it's just a plant that's all i can say is just very easy and it's very good it might be just good because i was raised on it but uh people like it around here you know they they like uh hush puppies and fish and the way we cook them we fry them mostly okay i'm gonna let this sit uh this is how thick it is right now but i'll probably have to add a little more with it whenever i get ready for it because it gets uh it gets uh thicker as it sits okay there's my fish i'm trying my best to let y'all see everything and i'll declare it's just it sounds it seems like it's about impossible okay i'm salting the fish now on one side that might look like a lot of salt but it's not fish are not good unless they're salted good to me okay this is a skin side okay that's now oh let me get the grease ready here to put on the stove i'm about to get ready to cook some fish here i got this little plastic bag out oh i'm going to put meal in it and a little flour oh i'm trying to need some meal i put it in this bag so shake it around and it'll get saturated okay anyway now i got to get my camera over here uh-oh got my i've got my coconut oil in this little thing i had another one but it was plastic and it started what uh oil was seeping out of it somehow i don't know how that was happening but it did anyway i'm gonna put my french fries in here y'all these are old old utensils that i'm using i i mean stuff some stuff don't ever wear out i don't guess this is western oil that i'm using okay i'm putting where are y'all this is this is my little bag that i'm gonna put my fish in and shake them up now this is not the greatest setup in the world for for me doing things in the kitchen if i if i had a bunch of them i would have a bigger bag but i don't really have a bunch of them so i i'm just going to use a small bag i'm gonna have to cut that in the middle because it's curling up i don't want it to do that it's hard to cook them blue and through when they curl up like that so i cut them okay here's here's my potatoes i'm going to saw them got a lot of salt in this shaker now i'm putting some self-rising flour on my potatoes this is how i cook them i i don't know if everybody i don't know how other people do it but this is the way i do it i put some flour on them kind of batter them a little and can y'all see oh gosh i don't know if y'all can or not i guess y'all can okay that fish is about ready to take up [Music] is okay it looks good that looks good all right man that looks good okay there's another piece in here [Applause] okay i'm gonna have to cut this too because it's gonna curl up i can already tell it is this is what happens when you catch a big fish uh it the smaller ones don't do this but the bigger ones will kind of curl up when you put them in that hot grease and this one looks like it's trying to i'm gonna cut it too see about my french fries here yes they ready all right look at here and y'all see i'm not let knowing if y'all are even seeing this oh i'm about to be done with the fish cooking now what i got to do is put my hook puppies in here and let them cook and that's the last step okay there's another piece ready [Music] okay there's another one i know probably some people can't eat fried food but i can and i i do i hope y'all enjoy for watching the video even if you can't eat fried food i don't i don't know know how any other way to i've never baked any of this kind of fish i guess you could but i have never i had never done it there's there's a piece ready i'll see when you okay i'm gonna change parts here y'all look how good that looks i'm i'm getting grease everywhere but that's how you do i guess that's how i do anyway oh they look so good i'll put them over here on the table this is the last step y'all this is hush puppies that i've mixed up okay i'm gonna start dropping them in here are y'all seeing it how i'm doing if the if the grease was deeper they'll turn over by themselves but i don't think they're gonna do it and this little bit of grease i hate to get put some more in here because when you use when you cook fish you you don't use that grease anymore sometimes you can use grease more than one time if it's not fish or something see what they're doing they would turn over if it was deeper but they're not turning over because it's if it was deep grease they would just flip over when they cooked on one side they would flip over to the other side yo it's so much fun to be able to cook and do things that you like and don't have to depend on other people to fix everything for you just a moment sorry i couldn't quite hear you could you please repeat what you said seriously i'm not sure i understand my siri over there is talking to me and i ain't even talking to her we don't understand what i'm talking about she said that's all right i don't understand sometime what she's talking about either okay there's my hush puppies i've been saving up all day for this and it's time now to enjoy some good old bass okay y'all i'm finished with my cooking and i one more thing that i that i like with my fish and that is bread and butter pickles i love them with fish oh i love these pickles they are so good y'all believe i love you cause i gotta punch up here that's my a french fries that's my hush puppies this is my fish and this is my coleslaw and this is my plate and it's got sections in oh oh i'm missing something y'all y'all i drink coffee in the morning and in the noon and at night but when i eat i i drink tea i don't eat i don't drink coffee with my food if i eat if i eat breakfast food like grits and i could have cooked some grits but i didn't need any grits i got all this and i i am got so much i don't think i'm gonna be able to eat it i may have to take some up to my son and his wife and let them eat some of it because i probably i can't eat all this but anyway uh i when i eat like breakfast or something i don't drink coffee i am crazy i reckon but i i like tea when i'm eating not when i'm just drinking out like outside doing a video i drink coffee but when i meet my food i drink tea and i guess that might be uh something to do with the way i was raised because that's how we did we didn't we didn't drink coffee well i reckon my mom and daddy might have it i didn't i just started drinking coffee after i got grown but anyway this is this is my food and i am so thankful for it and i want to thank the lord for this food thank you lord for this food we're about to eat thank you for all your blessings and mercy thank you lord jesus i love you amen okay let's eat y'all oh my goodness i'm gonna get uh which piece i'm gonna i'm gonna take a picture of my my plate when i get it done and then i'm i'm going to taste my fish oh here's a here's a little see i like my food like sectioned off like in separate little spots that's what i'm doing with this with this plate here that's got sections in it i like my food to be separate i don't like i don't like it running together i must be crazy or something i don't know but i i i'm just like that you know i can't help it i that's how i am oh and let me get me a hush puppy y'all look okay let me put me a pickle over here i'll put it right up here on the on this top right here oh this looks so good i'm gonna bring it over there and let y'all see it under the close-up i can't uh make it come up close when i'm over there there's my plate it looks so good okay let me taste this fish [Music] oh yo my slob mmm i'm a husband it's so good hmm y'all should be here i'd have to cook some more but oh let me drink some tea oh my my french fries forgot wow goodness let's go fishing again catch won't be oh my goodness how awesome y'all yeah y'all ought to be in georgia and my house smells like fish but i don't care it's fish eating time okay y'all let me [Music] oh it's so good thank y'all i can't i don't need to talk with my mouth full thank y'all for watching me cook this food i hope y'all enjoyed it was fun and i i really appreciate all my viewers and subscribers thank y'all thank y'all so much y'all bless my life so much and be kind to less fortunate people and let your light shine on others and and this will be a better place if we let a bright beautiful shining light shine on other people see y'all in the next video bye-bye
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 25,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How I Fry My Bass Fish I Caught In Ga., Frying fish, Bass fish, Fish for supper
Id: a_YCQLtr0sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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