Joshua Maponga on Philippians 4v4-7 (SPECIAL #Devotion, #Must Watch)

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[Music] Philippians 4:4 rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice first things first the church must be punctuated by happiness all doctrines that teach that church must be boring and serious are demonic because the human body will always want to go away it is happy you cannot force people to stay in a place of sadness and permanently lock them there while you are begging for their presence it's only a matter of time before they run away so smiling and happiness must punctuate all our programs in fact Paul says rejoice not only in the world in the Lord that word put there is ace within the peripherals of grace find your joy there what you say is holy be happy in it that's beautiful therefore the reward of being a Christian is not very word of finding blessings is the reward of living a happy life contagiously so rejoice in the Lord always number one which means at all times Allah so Maria always number two in all paths of life let happiness be your companion someone say Amen order in other words when you look at your time it's time to be happy where you are getting on the road get on the road to be a blessing at the feet of those that carry the good news be occupied with happiness what is the use of you frowning only to end up dead and being so serious only to end up in a coffin maybe for the few days that we have let us be happy come on tell neighbor be happy tell neighbor smile even those who don't have teeth it's okay you can still smile rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice he is a beautiful one let your gentleness allow somebody be witnesses be felt by everybody else you miss the face that follows at the bottom of that because the Lord is me you guys men are you are you reading your Bibles i reading above us are you reading your some channel are you reading also he trusting mind you must double check make sure I am on point I was a young boy at one time in triangle going to school hosting my grade four and while I was in school another boy started off trouble with me and I was so mad with him I wanted to hold him and bless him but in a I wanted to lay hands on him but he in a more personal way so I waited for him at the gates of the school and they told him a.m. China there's a leopard at the gate one of his friends says hey that guy is put his books on a tree he's waiting for you and in those days I was very good I used to tell people the grave decide hospital decide you choose where you want to go and while I was waiting I waited I waited I waited he did not come sadly I took my bag and I walked home sorrowfully with a group of my supporters who wanted to see the fight and I was talking while I was going away if he had come I wanna show you things yeah you bit someone and she says no I can see stars now I say you are in heaven after I knock off your eyes no see stars and then then now we honor to show him stars unfortunately and unknown to me the following Sabbath morning my father and I we take our bicycles who are riding to church seven dot vendors Chechen triangle and while we are dry riding out of simple location law and behold that boy appears with the deaths of yesterday I tried to slow down my father's is a come on he did not know the bedrock that was in my spirits to get other businesses sorted out I tried a couple of times until my father now went behind me to make sure that I was moving forward the only thing I could do was to pick up my finger and point at him that I was gonna do things to you was it not of the presence and the closeness of my father did someone hear me sometimes when you're walking through life come on point at a neighbor Philippians M says let your gentleness be experienced by everybody because the Lord is me but some behaviors that you can do when you away from your parents but when your parents are there I know from colleges for example where I was last week some of those kids when they go home they actually go and shave cleanup remove earrings and what everything when they are going home because what they are at home and what they are at school but why I change it because I'm going closer to my parents and I think that idea on our on our audience on is a powerful theology the theology that says we live in the presence of our Father therefore our behavior must be controlled by the senior citizen who walks with us now you can sing that song and he walks with me come on somebody and he talks with me tells me I am his own and the joys that we share come on feel like preaching in this place well as we tarry there none other can know some of those spaces we use we spare some of you guys because we know how close this guy is to us verse five and six but if there are problems through prayer in supplications by reading make your requests known before God to methods of prayer prayer and supplication what is prayer what is supplication prayer is when we whisper to God the intentions of our heart supplication when we persuade him because we are convinced that maybe has not had us that's importuning a woman who went to a judge seeking for justice knocked on the door the judge was fast asleep knocked again the judge was first until the judge says this woman is fixing me giving me trouble let me get out there and give me what she wants she was important H does English now opportunity means consistent in seeking what is right and look not letting go because answers are not coming forth come on guys the Lord takes time to take us there the idea is not taking us to the promised land he's preparing us to occupy the promised land that's why we take 40 years on a chain of two weeks because you're not ready you're not ready to leave in the promised land so it takes time to prepare you to get there this woman was consistent through prayer and supplication make your requests known before God then hear the celebration and the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding is a good translation will guard your minds styles of thinking your hats styles of affection in the love of all oh Jesus Christ whatsoever things therefore a pure whatever things are right what are the things that just appraise with if they be any virtue occupy your minds and your hearts with these things quality of our thinking the quality of our affection must be governed by the peace of yahuwah which is above understanding that shall long shall long becomes the controlling factor what is Shalom is not the absence of trouble but attitude in the midst of trouble someone with Miller typical Shalom is when a bird has made its nest in the midst of the waves while the waves are beating upon the rock the bird is just sitting on his eggs like nothing has happened happening in the midst of trouble yet remaining at peace now you can read Matthew when there was a storm and Jesus was fast asleep how do you sleep don't you care that we perish it is because that problems will never drown the master on board therefore our attitude in the midst of trouble measures the depths of our peace some of us are only as peaceful as there is no problem but real peace is how we deal with adversity and problems in our life it's my prayer that as we go from here may the Shalom of yahuwah rest upon you may the lord bless you in your going and your coming May causes countenance to shine upon your faces and may give you peace amen [Music]
Channel: MelVee Broadcasting Network
Views: 177,006
Rating: 4.8449612 out of 5
Keywords: MelVee Productions, Christian songs, gospel, gospel message, sermon, Bible study, prophecy, music, maponga, Philippians
Id: OTtxRbc01yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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