SCRUBS "My Musical" real DOCTOR reaction | Medical drama review

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He looks like he could play J.D. in the British version of Scrubs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HappyBot9000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s guy love between two guys!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jazco76 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Haven't watched it, but I'm generally not a big fan of 'reaction type videos'. Is this any better?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/djensbaas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for posting this; always had such positivity from this sub for the videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrHopeSickNotes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello and welcome to sick notes my name's Edie hope I'm a junior doctor from the UK working in emergency medicine and on this channel I like to talk about hospitals the human body and medical diseases in general explaining them in simple terms so that sounds good to you why not join Nina and I and become one of our lucky lucky subscribers today I thought I'd do a classic scrubs episode called my musical from episode six season six I heard it's an absolute cracker and many of you have asked me and requested for me to have a look at it I'm not expecting it to be super accurate so we're just gonna have a light-hearted look explain more what's happening on screen maybe get involved in some of the musical numbers and a chance to share my experiences too so let's dive into it no Superman [Music] plus I could hold back her hair are you okay ma'am how many fingers do you see call 9-1-1 emergency i've helped a few members of public while i've been off duty and coincidentally one of them happened you know because we're looking this episode while i was watching a musical I went to see singing in the rain in London's West End and a lady a few rows in front of me ended up fainting so while the theatre show was still going on my myself and her boyfriend carried her out into the foyer and luckily it was just a simple feint we just raised her legs in the air and Founder for a little bit until she was ready to sit up why are you singing wait why am i singing is there someone here with you someone that we could talk to okay so here we have the premise of the show the patient that's fainted it's imagining everyone is singing to her [Music] hello I'm dr. Kelso one delighted that you came so the doctors say you fainted then you don't know what's complain will put your mind at ease there's no Hill we can outsmart on behalf of all the work here welcome to Bob Kelso is sure good when did he learn to sing like that I thought it was just a grumpy old doctor that's dr. Kelso the kiss-ass of Sacred Heart you say you've burned your hand real bad we'll fix you up with some tea [Music] this is actually what it feels like when you finish a week of encores you think like the whole hospital is singing of dancing your case is very serious and we'd better start [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so get it if you think we see it you belong at Sacred Heart brilliant so I don't know the condition that makes you feel like everyone around you is singing but obviously your whole reality is shaped by your brain so you can have these bizarre symptoms when a particular part of the brain is affected Oliver Sacks the famous neurologist so someone that looks after the brain and nervous system wrote a book of cases called the man who mistook his wife for a hat so if you can mistake your wife for a piece of clothing that you're wearing your head I'm pretty sure there's a condition somewhere that makes you feel like everyone is in a musical so mrs. Miller passport audiological and neurological exams we cannot find anything that explains why she's hearing music so just like any good doctor JD's done a history first and an examination he's not sure what's happening so he's talking to his senior a neurological examination is one where we test the brain spinal cord and the nerves how about this for an explanation she's cuckoo pants cuckoo pants ah dr. Cox is right in his thinking if we were all out any kind of medical cause which we'd want to do a few more investigations first actually then we would think about a kind of psychiatric issue but clearly we don't use this type of language to describe mental-health issues so if these patient symptoms were caused by a mental health issue we'd call it a form of psychosis where you don't perceive reality correctly in this case a form of auditory hallucinations psychosis can be present in lots of mental health problems generally when they're at their extreme end of the spectrum so you can see in depression mania so extreme overactivity and most obviously schizophrenia schizophrenia doesn't mean a split personality although the name does come from the Greek and Latin meaning split mind so that's probably where the misconceptions come from people with schizophrenia have a really nasty illness is a long term mental health illness associated with psychosis so as we said it's a change in a perception of reality so they can have hallucinations delusions difficulty thinking straight and quite significant behavioral change people often think it's associated with an increase in kind of violent activity which absolutely isn't the case either so I often see people that come into hospital with new symptoms like this before we can say it's a mental health issue we need to exclude any kind of medical problem so we'd want to do some investigations hey miss Miller we just need a stool sample why do you need a stool sample if you think I'm just unmet cuz the answers not in your head my dear it's in your butt you see everything comes down to pills from the top of your head to the sole of your shoe we can figure out what's wrong with you by looking at your poop Kirk do you have a hemorrhoid or is it rectal cancer when you flush your Dookie down you flush away the answer it doesn't really matter if it's harder if it's loose we'll figure out what's ailing you as long as it's a deuces everything comes down to every wing from town cheerio fire and lymphatic yes the nervous system to all across the nation we trust indentification everything comes down to poo I think this is pretty exaggerated I think actually I'll change the song to this not everything comes down to poo only a bleed or infection in your digestive system so if you have any of these two then we want your my stomach hurts check the pool sprained my ankle shut the pool I was shot check the pool table statue to my effect the pool miner his first hymn venue [Music] a station [Music] whether it's two more attacks of the flu please want to paint yourself a big fat clue our number one test is your number two [Music] - clearly this is a bit of fun isn't it but all the things they're attributing to Pugh could probably be attributed to blood tests which would be much more appropriate for this patient we could find out that anemia and its causes look for signs of infection or inflammation as well as the function of the liver the kidneys and the thyroid gland as well all of these things can affect the brain we are running a test that's a waste of our time but at least you'll accept that she's medically fine she'll admit that she's nuts or I'll have to say snore just here with a cat scan and show her the door so I disagree with dr. Cox's approach here the patient has new symptoms and as we talked about earlier we really need to rule out any kind of underlying medical problem before we just assume it's a psychiatric or mental health problem a CT scan is just the type of imaging that can help us do that it can help us rule out a stroke or any kind of infective or inflammatory condition of the brain and also anything compressing the brain or we'd really worry about there is a brain tumor while we process your results we'll take you back to wait we've got drugs to calm you down so you don't stress about your fate it's best to know the truth that we have no doubt but you'll have to face the future oh my god it's so good I mean it's crying out for someone to make a medical Western musical knicking so these ideas I mean I would definitely go watch it look at the temporal lobe that could be why she's hearing music the biggest aneurysm I've ever seen the woman's at time so just to remind you guys an aneurysm is a weakness in the blood vessel wall so over time that weakness begins to bulge and the wall therefore becomes thinner bulging of the blood vessel means it can compress structures around it and this totally fits the symptoms because this aneurysm is in the temporal lobe so one of the four lobes of the brain the temporal lobe is the one on the side of the brain now the temporal lobe contains in it the primary auditory cortex so this processes all your information that you hear and also a very specialized area called Verna cave area now this area actually sort of comprehends and translate speech so how cool is that they've done this whole musical episode that has a total kind of medical basis for the premise very clever so as dr. Cox mentioned as well the blood there the patients are sort of ticking time-bomb what he means by that is as the blood vessel wall gets bigger we taught that it also gets thinner the thinner it gets the more likely is to rupture if an aneurysm ruptures it's very often catastrophic because the walls so weak and the blood under such pressure that is just not going to stop bleeding on its own so it can be potentially life-threatening and sometimes it's easy your to hide and explain all it is guy love he's mine I'm his there's nothing gay about it in our eyes you asked me about this theme we share and he tenderly repelled it's guy love between two but closer than the average man that's why our matching bracelets a Turk and JD if you know busted by you for the rest of my life or the only man who's ever been inside of me whoa whoa I just took out his appendix there's no need to clarify oh no just let it grow more and more each day it's like I married my best friend but in a totally manly way let's go it's guy love don't compromise the feeling of some other guy holding up your heart into the sky I'll be there to care through all the lo I'll be there to share the heart it's guy love [Music] that is absolutely brilliant they nailed it [Music] let's rewind that second so those things that go well together us too good to miss out on so let's talk about them quickly so the vena cava and the aorta are blood vessels that go in and out of the hearts of the vena cava goes into the harp supplying blood from the whole body and they alter is the main blood vessel that's takes blood from the heart and it sends it around the body so they go very well together mock Sicilian and clavulanic acid they work together in an antibiotic so here's our antibiotic and here's our bacteria as you can see our bacteria has a cell wall now the amoxicillin is a penicillin type antibiotic that means it has a molecule in it that helps break down the cell wall of the bacteria that's how it manages to help your body fight for bacteria the bacteria isn't going to take this line down though and it can develop resistance in the form of a chemical it produces that can attack the penicillin molecule meaning it won't work on the bacteria that's where Cabul Anik acid comes in so we add in Cabul anak acid because this breaks down the molecule that the bacteria produce so we're sort of one step ahead of them therefore globulin each acid and amoxicillin together we call Co or moxie club or augmenting and they work on more bacteria because they work on ones that are resistant as well so these two as Scrubb say work very well together we didn't have the tibia and a fibula so they're the bones of the leg tibia is our shin bone and bone just to the lateral side of it so on the outside is and you can feel both for these bones if you feel your ankle both of those two knobbly bits called the malleolus at the bottom the ankle that's your tibia the bottom of the tibia and the fibula good partners together so the left and right ventricle they had the main chambers of the heart so the heart is made up of four chambers two atria at the top and two ventricles at the bottom the atria collect the blood and the ventricles send the blood either the right side to the lungs or the left side round the whole body so the bench corte-real the real powerhouses of the heart and obviously they must have to work very well together so a hypodermic needle and a latest torniquet so these are for taking blood so hypo means under and Dermott means skin therefore a hypodermic needle goes under the skin so it's use it to take blood a torniquet we wrap around patients are more where we're taking the blood and it means the veins get occluded and so the blood ends up bulging before the torniquet it's easier to get the hypodermic needle in the blood vessels it's easier to take blood therefore the hypodermic needle and the torniquet they're very good partners too and finally diverticulitis and a barium enema so your large bowel so the last part of your gut just before all the food and everything is comes out as poof everything comes down to food is a lovely passage but sometimes this passage can be interrupted by what's called a diverticula so a kind of cul-de-sac or bulging of the bowel this is often caused by constipation now our normal passage of food and theses through the gut is now interrupted some of the food and fecal matter can get stuck in this outpouching because there's lots of bacteria in the gut the bacteria can proliferate and cause inflammation this is what we call diverticulitis not really used too much nowadays we can investigate that using a barium enema so barium is a radio opaque dye which means it appears white when we take an x-ray so it's good if we introduce it into areas to see the structure of that area and an enema means something we've put up the back passage saying that goes on the bottom so we put the barium up the back passage you all coat the bowel so that when we take an x-ray we can look for these outpouching it doesn't tend to be used so much nowadays we tend to do a CT scan [Music] [Music] I'm going to be okay that's what's going to happen everything [Music] right here we will stand for Tampa tomorrow cuz we swear to you you're going to be okay [Music] we did it work you're gonna have to tell us thank you by the way who's the best singers you know in your head what an absolutely brilliant episode of scrubs I think it's my favorite so far actually the way it's a musical but it's tied to the fact the patient has a dysfunction in the temporal lobe is just absolutely genius and all the cast deliver amazing performances obviously very versatile actors aren't they and within that as well we still have the heart of scrub so the storytelling is still there and showing the relationships of the patients and adopters and giving a little bit of an insight into medicine as well can't fault it was absolutely brilliant so it just leaves me to say if you've enjoyed this and want to see more medical dramas I've done some other episodes of scrubs and some other medical shows as well that you may enjoy thank you so much for watching and everyone that subscribed and loved the fact that you guys share these videos and comment on the videos it appreciate a lot so onwards and upwards we'll see how far we get shall we so until next time thank you very much for watching and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Dr Hope's Sick Notes
Views: 318,526
Rating: 4.9577212 out of 5
Keywords: doctor reacts to scrubs, scrubs review, my musical, everything comes down to poo, medical drama review, medical drama reaction, scrubs tv show reaction, doctor watches scrubs, S6E6, doctor reaction, tv medical drama review, zach braff, jd, scrubs reaction video, doctor explaining scrubs, how accurate is scrubs, real doctor watches scrubs, doctor breaks down, dr reacts, dt watches, dr breaks down, dr review, scrubs
Id: A3zQWRw-Q3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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