OCD is utterly DEBILITATING: Psych Doctor reacts to SCRUBS

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hi everybody welcome back to my channel my name is elliot a junior doctor in the uk that's specializing in psychiatry and on this video i'm doing another reaction video we're looking at an old school episode of scrubs that's all about ocd see there's a visiting professor coming today who's both a medical attending and a surgeon two specialties and to us that kind of makes him super dark super dark fine a super dock with obsessive compulsive disorder so ocd or obsessive compulsive disorder is actually probably more common than you might think it affects around one to two percent of the population and people get obsessions so very intrusive thoughts imagery doubts impulses that creates a lot of anxiety and the way that people then try and relieve that anxiety is by performing these repetitive acts called compulsions the relief though is only temporary and it inevitably just keeps coming back again and again and again okay okay how hard can it be when you step in your left foot first and simultaneously exhale as my right foot plants how hard not that hard exactly shaped head guy it's obsessions around ordering and symmetry that actually can be some of the most severe types of ocd and the most resistant to treatment don't completely know why but it's a common pattern dr kevin casey doctor kevin casey you know at my hospital then i'll make you sign forms if you want to cut open sick people you just have to bring your own knifey thingy scalpel that's the word dr kevin casey why do you keep saying your name oh it just keeps you from losing my uh jankies later thinking i forgot something okay dr kevin casey if you don't act on the obsession by doing the compulsion and the anxiety can be completely overwhelming now the compulsion itself often on the outside can look really really odd but once you know the obsession then the compulsion kind of makes sense because usually somebody is doing a compulsion to try and undo the obsession so for example if the obsession is about dirt and contamination the compulsion is going to be about cleaning if the obsession is about ordering and symmetry then the compulsion is going to be about positioning things and doing the same acts over and over again until you get it exactly right holy cow get out of dodge tell me this are you are you shaking hands nowadays well lifetime of therapy and uh a lot of zoloft just so i can appropriately greet you big guy oh boy i do have a three second limit boy who doesn't zoloft is the brand name for the ssri called sertraline it's one of the most common drugs that we use in ocd because it can reduce the frequency and the intensity of these obsessions and therefore reduce the anxiety and the need to do the compulsion the other ssri that is pretty effective for obsessions is one called isotalopram the therapy that we use in ocd is a subtype of cbt cognitive behavior therapy specifically the type that we use is called exposure and response prevention this involves being exposed to the obsession feel the anxiety but you're prevented from doing the compulsion in response to that anxiety you have to sit with the anxiety and tolerate it it teaches your brain that actually catastrophe probably won't happen if you don't do the compulsion and means that you need to try and find new and more constructive ways of managing that anxiety you start really small maybe with just imagery and imagining situations and then gradually build up to even more anxiety provoking things even up to things like you know cleaning a toilet for example without washing your hands again and again and again and again i never thought i'd see that guy again i mean he had to drop out of a residency class because of the god-awful severity of his condition problem with compulsions is that they can be directly harmful so for example using cleaning products on your hands over and over again can cause dermatitis they can be incredibly time consuming to the point that actually you don't really have time to do much else with your life and that affects work and relationships and lots of other things even sleeping and eating and doing the compulsions again and again just reinforces it as an anxiety management technique which in the long run makes the condition worse you know i couldn't have survived the medicine if i didn't embrace my ocd and since i was compulsive anyway you know i i read the same textbooks over and over i uh i went through the procedures over and over i imagine every worst case scenario over and over and over and over and over even though my crazy brain made me do those things it's still the best advice i can give to any young doctor expect the unexpected and you will never be surprised expecting the unexpected medicine is about right you do have boring days on occasion but the moment that you're usually hoping it's going to be a dull and boring day because you can get other stuff done or you're just really really tired is the moment that chaos usually ensues as doctors with scientists but we're also strangely superstitious what the hell he's anemic and he has bone fractures yet there's no sign of leukemia you don't diagnose leukemia off of a ct scan you need blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy come on dr cox you know i'm really looking forward to seeing you in action sir it takes a lot to make the big dog sit up and take notice i believe the word you're looking for is holy crap [Music] holy crap a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is keyhole surgery to remove the gallbladder usually in the context of infection and inflammation um it is without a shadow of a doubt the most boring surgical procedure i have ever watched and assisted with hands down dollars ditch water jd do you want to get a beer tonight do chickens wish they could fly i have no idea i like to think they do okay class we have a guest with us at rounds today happens to be an old friend of yours truly so let's all go out of our way to treat him with the respect he deserves okay hey gang my name is anyway i thought we'd change things up a little bit today instead of me firing questions that you like to see you all scurry away and get your textbooks and when you get back you actually get to quiz us a little harmless competition if my colleague here will consent to it i'm sorry you done with this peachy fine hmm i'm kidding you frightening bastard okay buddy buddy buddy yo buddy funny buddy funny buddy go get that box try not to touch me as much as such a dick i just don't understand why this guy bothers him so much carla perry is a dysfunctional unsuccessful emotionally damaged old man no offense sweetie i'm taking it being the best doctor here is the only thing he had to hang his hat on dr cox is incredibly narcissistic this exaggerated sense of self-importance that also comes with a need to be validated by others he's even more narcissistic than most doctors and you know there's a few of us about pay attention to me don't you know how great and amazing i am with narcissism it can often lead to jealousy it doesn't take much for a bit of competition to come along and then make her come face to face with the fact that maybe you're not the best at the thing you thought you were the best at bruises the old ego look i did my psych rotation okay i know my father abandoning us and only showing up in my life when he needs a place to sleep a free prostate exam is probably going to be an issue i get it but it's not like i'm looking for a mentor i just want a little validation it's like when kelso gave you a cupcake because you went four days without killing them that was awesome jd has so many daddy issues and great hair don't get me wrong great hair daddy issues and great hair i think when rational men are forced to face their shortcomings they all do the same thing blame kevin casey who gave him the right to judge me because i sure didn't i'll give him a piece of my mind see how he likes it blaming other people for your own shortcomings and vulnerabilities is a really common psychodynamic defense mechanism it's called projection sometimes we're aware that we're doing it sometimes we aren't found him brace yourself mister you're about to get an ear full jd style hey buddy hey hey uh give me give me a minute okay no kevin i have to talk to you right now damn it later is cool too i'm sorry like i spent the last few days meeting new people and trying to get used to this place and i'm stressed and i'm fried this is really poignant because it really humanizes ocd um and shows you what a debilitating condition it can really be like any form of anxiety related disorder when you have any other stress that goes on in your life it can make the symptoms of a disorder like ocd flare up to a much bigger degree and as much as we talked about the physical harms from you know affecting your sleep and your eating and damage to your skin at the crux of it it is utterly exhausting i just want to go home but here's the punchline even though my last surgery was two hours ago i guess i'll wash my damn hands i'm sorry no i'm sorry i'm sorry look this is a weak moment nobody's supposed to see this and mark my words i'll clean up the sub probably several thousand times everyone's got their own burden sadie and i'm not gonna lose people that dumps mine on somebody else now what do you mean what a brilliant episode i thought it was strangely accurate for the most part apart from the leukemia thing but about ocd really accurate humanizes it um really good piece of telly what did you think let me know in the comments below and let me know if you think there's anything else that i should be watching on mental health stuff in the media otherwise thank you very much for watching don't forget to like don't forget to subscribe and i will see you very soon for the next video thanks a lot bye
Channel: Dr Elliott Carthy
Views: 54,362
Rating: 4.9538107 out of 5
Keywords: mental health, psychiatry, doctor, medic, netflix, reaction video, reaction, anxiety, psychiatrist, physician, hospital, vlog, entertainment, brain, drugs, grief, death, personality, therapy, psychology, junior doctor, uk, doctor reacts, dr, depression, OCD, zoloft, sertraline, JD, turk, dr cox, scrubs, michael j fox
Id: WC3KxlraTFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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