The Lord of the Rings Expert Answers Tolkien Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED
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Keywords: lord of the rings, lotr, lotr history, lord of the rings history, tech support, wired tech support, wired twitter tech support, the lord of the rings tolkien, lotr expert, tech support wired, tech support cory olsen, cory olsen interview, cory olsen lord of the rings, cory olsen wired, wired cory olsen, j.r.r. tolkien, jrr tolkien, wired tolkien, signum university, tolkien questions, tolkien, tolkien wired, lotr expert wired, wired lord of the rings, lotr lore, wired
Id: ylkHs9kbYcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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This guy does a fantastic podcast series 'reading the lord of the rings'. It is...a perhaps too in depth. 170 odd several hour episodes and they're at the council of Elrond.
EDIT: It's actually 'Exploring the Lord of the Rings'. Btw, it is very much a 'class' that he is giving, there is an audience on discord that he is talking to and reacting with and he very much sounds like a college professor (because of course he is). They also do a 'field trip' in Lord of the Rings online, which I never listen to.
Really remarkable just how much lore and depth Tolkien's world has. Enough that people can study it for decades and still be piecing details together.
What a delightful guy. I want to hear him talk about this a lot.
You have to love people who are this passionate about a single thing. People don't appreciate how complex Tolkien's world is and don't understand what he actually created in just a few books. Not including his companion writings. Props to this guy for keeping it alive.
Is this what bible study is like?
I always thought that when Elves gave up immortality, they DON'T get to go wherever humans go. That was why it was such a big deal for Arwen to give up her immortality.
Are there any other works of fantasy or scifi that have the amount of detailed lore that TLOTR has?
As a non-native English speaker, reading LOTR is really difficult. I have tried twice and ended up giving up both times. Maybe I will try again sometime later, because I really want to enjoy it.
How wild is it that there are "Tolkien Expert"s? Tolkien isn't a school of science or engineering, he's an author. One man created an imaginary world with so much breadth and depth that there are people who study it and become experts in it, and they are taken seriously. What a thing to accomplish as an author.