Real Doctor reacts to OSMOSIS JONES | Hospital Movie Scenes Review

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hello and welcome to sit notes my name's ed hope I'm a junior doctor in the UK and on this channel we talk about everything to do with medicine the human body what it's like to be a doctor and hospitals in general so that sounds good why not join our community and subscribe down below now today I'm going to be revisiting another sort of movie that's got medical things in it and that will be osmosis jones the animated film from 2001 loads of you have requested this so let's crack on with it Ted second row I thought it was the five-second rule anyway either way I think it's been debunked a few times as you can from the imagine it's not really how long something it's been on the floor but kind of how sterile the floor is how much moisture is in the fetus or take up anything that might be stuck to the floor either way it's been in the chimps mouth as well so you just wouldn't be eating that egg okay so here we go breakdown intent yeah exactly this is where the digestion process all kicks off in the mouth so we have mechanical digestion that we call mastication so we have our teeth are jaw and our tongue will help to break down this or large parts of the food and we have enzymes digestive enzymes within our saliva as well and because our mouths are essentially exposed to the outside world we also have defense mechanisms within the saliva things like antibodies their proteins that stick to bacteria and virus to help us identify it and destroy them and things like white blood cells as well that also help to destroy bacteria and viruses and things like that and that is represented here in the form of osmosis James I love this look of osmosis Josey and it totally makes sense so this translucent outer layer that he has would be the cell membrane with the cytoplasm in it and the solid blue area in the sort of middle of his body would be his nucleus so all of ourselves contain a nucleus and within the nucleus is the DNA the set of instructions by which the cell runs itself I'm guessing osmosis jones is a neutrophil a type of white blood cell and it has a nucleus kind of like this so this is a cell this would be our cell membrane so neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that we call the polymorphonuclear white blood cells what does that mean well poly means many more means shape and nuclear reach so they have many different shapes of nucleus and it could look something like this so the purple would represent our cell membrane this would represent our cytoplasm in our cells and this would represent our nucleus so it's got can be in many different shapes so there's absolutely no reason why a neutrophil couldn't lift a little bit more like this and therefore look a little bit more like I carried that osmosis jones ilysm that is amazing so botulism is the type of thing that these people in the mouth would be looking out for it's a nasty disease that's caused by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum a particularly nasty bugs if it grows on the food it produces this toxin and it's the toxin that can actually paralyze your muscles and this can be really serious particularly if it you know paralyzes your muscles of breathing because you know you'll be unable to breathe and it can actually kill you so here we go sort of down the respiratory system and you can see all these lovely hairs that we call the cilia which are part of what we call the mucosa Larry escalators and mucus mucus and cilia cuz they're the name of the head and this helps you do they trap all the bugs and then the cilia help move up all this off nasty germs out of your respiratory tract that's what's called an escalator and then you typically well if you're a well it's kind of useful cough it up but normally you just naturally swallow in and get all those bugs get digested by your stomach acid go so anyway let's watch my cells at work with useful know that this is something that white blood cells can do they're migrating cells which means they can move around tissues which they need to do to be able to track some of the bugs and do their job in killing the bugs and this kind of goes hand in hand with our diagram at the fact that they can manipulate their shape in order to squeeze through tissues in the body love bilberry but the idea that one tiny neutrophil could have set off a huge muscle crab it's a little bit far-fetched but it does highlight an interesting point so a lot of the damage and symptoms from an infection aren't just caused by the bacteria and virus itself is actually collateral damage caused by your immune system in its response so it's tries to eradicate everything and ends up kind of not just sort of pulling to the right a bit but kind of running to the everywhere in an attempt to make sure every last piece of the bugs are destroyed so that's maybe what it's highlighting here this is quite cool actually these kind of hoover's that these presumably white blood cells as well because they look a bit like osmosis jones these hoover's that they have probably demonstrating they go cytosis so Faygo means to eat or destroy and psychosis means self so ego psychosis is one of the methods that your body kind of destroys bacteria and viruses by cell gobbling them up and breaking them down yeah and contagious okay so presumably this is our bad guy not sure he's a bacteria or a virus I'll just call him a pathogen in a minute that's any kind of thing that can cause disease he self-proclaimed very contagious so this is the term we use for how easily a pathogen is spread from one person to another so something like the flu influenza the flu virus is very contagious it spreads very easily and he's also demonstrating here high virulence which is they see how much harm how much damage a bacteria or virus can cause in the way that he's breaking all the tissues down very easily this virus or bacteria whatever he is would have a very high virulence factor we're beginning construction on a third there'll be plenty of new jobs for everyone on the back that is amazing don't worry about go bald there'll be plenty of hair cells left on the back I think I've got that to your little tease I cut this one with six micrograms of stolen adrenaline isn't that mine I swear I'll hold it for my so all the white blood cells and some of the bugs hanging out in the lymphatic system totally makes sense for med school and everybody understood what the lymphatic system was I heard it was like a drainage system but what's it got to do with the immune cells and things like the white blood cells well it all comes down to how your body gets its nutrients and gets rid of its waste products so our cells and tissues are bathed in this fluid that comes from our bloodstream so all the oxygen and nutrients come into the cells via this fluid that goes around the cells and all the waste products diffuse out of the cells now this fluid is then collected in this series of ducts called the lymphatic system and it all flows back into the bloodstream just above the heart now you might think well what has that got to do with the immune system well all the bacteria and viruses and de bring and things like that will also collect in this fluid and also go into the duct so it's a really good place for your immune cells to recognize and kill the bacteria and viruses that's why when you have an infection like a throat infection your lymph nodes swell up because your immune cells are sore activated and they're trying to fight the infection 78 trillion cells in the body all working together you're the only one of the things you can do it alone you ever think that might be your problem John that's an interesting point actually of a cell kind of it works on its own and goes against all the other cells and probably call that some kind of malignancy some kind of cancer cell I'm pretty sure that's not where we go with the story though what is that sheriff's tank [Music] special agents pricks Oh benzo meta fedra mean tricks and all the plans eases your coughs and sneezes so drink so benzo meta fedra mean it sounds like a real drug it's not but it does take its cues from some things that some drugs that might be in these kind of cold relief tablets so dextromethorphan is a cough suppressing medication that sounds a little bit similar and it also has some of the side effects that drixenol is mentioning so it can cause drowsiness as well and drixenol sounds a bit like tylenol which is often seen in these kind of cough and cold medications that's often known as paracetamol or acetaminophen it's all the same thing that helps reduce your fever and also it's a pain relief if you've got a sore throat from a cough or a cold and it's very commonly used to help treat that so this is brilliant so our sweat glands in the armpit here are represented by these kind of dirty underbelly of these bacteria gangsters kind of like the Mafia is perfect you know we have loads of bacteria all over our skin it's really important they kind of keep each other in check we call it our natural skin flora and you know it will all be different on all of us and we tend to get more growth of this around kind of sweaty area so in sweat glands and things like that cuz that's warm and it's a better environment for bacteria to grow think SIBO love virus let me tell you something about Ebola baby Ebola is a case of dandruff compared to me so he mentioned the Ebola virus you may have heard of this before he's had lots of nasty outbreaks in Africa in the last few years so to remind you a virus is not a living thing it's kind of a biological machine that infects other cells to produce more of the virus Ebola virus type hemorrhagic fever hemorrhagic means bleeding and it's as we use the phrase as we described earlier it's highly contagious so it spreads through bodily fluids and it's very virulent too so it destroys lots of tissues in the process so this guy's saying he's making Ebola look like dandruff we've got a pretty significant bug on our hands to this kind of identification that osmosis jones is doing is exactly what happens in the immune system your body is better at fighting infections that it's seen before so when it first sees an infection it has to build up an immunity against it we call this our adaptive immune response but it wouldn't be done by telephone in the brain that information isn't still in the brain it'll be stored by creating specific cells called t-cells and b-cells that would then be able to attack this infection should they see it again and the Red Death I've never heard of a disease called that but they probably made it read to fit this kind of fire like destruction that the animations doing and also may be named it after the Black Death which was a disease of cords the plague in Europe in the 14th century that could kill many millions of people that was bacteria that caused that red death might also be a reference to scarlet fever which is a bacterial infection from a bacteria called Group A streptococcus usually causes a sore throat fever sort of swollen lymph nodes as your immune system is trying to fight the sore throat and usually is well controlled with antibiotics but it can lead to long term complications such as heart problems and kidney problems as well and a quick google here throws out that the red death is probably a reference to the Edgar Allan Poe's short story about prince who was trying to hide from a disease called the Red Death nicely or literary reference there so bonus points of any wonder picked up on that one okay so Moses James is able to recognize it as a virus we're dealing with here not a bacterium that's kind of one of the roles of the immune system is to work out what kind of bug we're fighting and then to do that appropriate immune response according to that good evening in an act of selfless bravery a cold tablet stopped a runny nose today the heroic tablet is due to be honored later this afternoon they seem to be praising medications quite a lot here these cold things okay they can help symptoms but they don't tend to sort of stop things as well as your immune system so I would expect the nn news this is maybe a little bit of faint news they should be big enough the immune system a bit more I love the stock market stuff here is showing some of the patients vital so the temperature and blood pressure and also one of the blood tests the leukocytes so leuco means white and sites means cells so leukocytes your white blood cells on your body increases them because they're the ones that fight infection when it notices that there's infection going on so if I was a stockbroker in Bill Murray's body right now I would say invest in temperature add leukocytes because I think they're gonna be going up maybe we should put the city on full alert you know liquids bed rest you know just to be safe no such thing that is a brilliant concept you may think it's a bacterial virus itself that directly makes you feel unwell but it's not as your immune system is attacking an infection it produces lots of chemicals and it's these chemicals that are detected by the brain that makes you feel unwell and you may think why would your body do that to you well what happens when you feel that well well you rest up you do less things and that's because when your body's fighting an infection it takes a lot of energy things like increase in the number of white blood cells that we talked about earlier that happens so your body wants to preserve its energy so it makes you feel unwell so you do less things therefore it can use all the energy available to help better fight the infection hey that's a virus we should arrest him no man that used to be a virus now he's on our side let's kill you the flu shot that's funny you know Luis we have an informant that is a flu shot that is genius because when our body's exposed to a bacteria or virus our immune system builds up an adaptive immune response that's what we talked about earlier and that's the best way to deal with an infection but it takes time for your body to do that but some infections are so virulent so they caused so much death of tissue that your it would actually kill you or cause you harm before your adaptive immune response is able to kick in therefore we vaccinate people where we introduce an inert part of the bacteria or virus so your body can build up its adaptive immune response so cells and antibodies so if it ever reach meets the real thing it'll be able to kill it before the bacterial virus causes you harm so it's pretty cool the vaccines being represented as an informant here because he kind of used to be part of the bacterial virus but now he's working on the side of the body you don't tell me what you know about the sinuses for words absolutely right so vaccine will only work against a specific disease and that's because he only has in it the molecule that will help identify the bacterial virus that causes that disease so it doesn't matter how much osmosis jones pressurizes if you won't be able to come up with more information we are going to the brain of baby and we are gonna steal us one of these now this little sucker comes from a place called the hypothalamus gland hypothermic hypothalamus controls the temperature for the entire body we're gonna march right it sure does I'm not quite sure what this little glowing bead thing is supposed to represent but that was a pretty good lecture from the Red Death there so the hypothalamus yeah is part of the brain that controls lots of things actually so your thirst your hunger and also your temperature so when you have an infection your body raises its temperature because it helps you better fight infection because bacteria generally have grown up in the environment around so they prefer lower temperatures so your body increases its temperature it's kind of not as good for you but it's even worse for the bacteria so that helps you fight the infection better and the diagram he does is great but it's not quite in the right place the hypothalamus is in between the two hemispheres of the brain but it's actually quite low down towards the base of them rather than in the middle that we see here [Music] [Music] ah bill so that kind of white stuff we see the sort [ __ ] stuff that's actually loads of usually loads of dead neutrophils so all the white blood cells eating up all the bacteria and debris sacrificing themselves I mean I've never seen a heard of what exploding like that picked it big so you're welcome to everyone that invested in my stock market prediction oh yeah if it your body loses its regulation that that can have serious consequences in terms of your temperature would call it hyper thermy I see you've probably heard of hypothermia for when people are very cold hypo means low but hyper means high it's because the cells in your body are designed to work in a very specific temperature range all the chemical reactions in them you know particularly in the brain your body will start having you know massive dysfunction all over and if this keeps going on and it can kill you I wasn't designed to combat a virus read my label I've no sugar pills of good cancer just because they believed they could technically that is true what osmosis jones is describing is the placebo effect so when people believe something works they tend to get a better result symptom wise from it in the case of cancer being cured by the sugar pill it was no doubt something else that cured Dictation rather than the sugar pill you really know a sugar pill who cured cancer now but it makes for a good pep talk don't it you don't know what they say star the cold drown the flu there you go your body needs fluids now and lots of them I thought it was starve a cold feed a fever either way you should have be a drinking alcohol in this situation and you know if they're all medical myths anyway so whenever you have a sort of general illness you should always get plenty of rest drink plenty of fluids and take over-the-counter medications for the symptoms [Music] I don't know what it is the guy's burning up right let's move on my mark one two left okay so we're starting to see the effects of the hypothermia so Bill Murray's character has lost consciousness as the brain isn't working properly and that seen the intro car into the hospital that incredibly realistic one thing we don't do anymore but I think it's probably the fact that this is filmed a few years ago is we don't lift the patient we actually slide people across using a giant plastic board yeah we'd want to strip the patient off use lots of external cooling like fans and cold water like we're seeing here and we'd want to put in a drip and give people lots of fluid hypothermia they'd be losing a lot of fluid through sweating and things like that and also when people have an infection to this degree they also need lots of fluid [Music] yes oh those viruses would only be able to survive a limited amount of time outside of their hosts outside of the thing they're infecting and that can range actually from a few minutes to hours and something like the flu to actually quite a few weeks in something like norovirus the sort of sickness and diarrhea bug as we said viruses aren't actually alive so they don't die they just degrade and then no longer have the ability to cause infection see any reason why this kind of didn't happen like why neutrophil couldn't for a limited amount of time be able to survive outside of a your body and be able to attack something I mean it survives on your mucous membranes in your mouth and things too to try and fly infections yeah theory this could happen so we have a kind of t1000 moment from the Terminator as the Red Death is destroyed kind of ironically in the alcoholic as we talked about earlier how you shouldn't be drinking alcohol when well but high concentrations of alcohol will degrade bacteria and viruses by that I mean then bacterium vices have lots of proteins in them that help them do their job and it can actually damage those proteins seeing the bacterium virus aren't able to infect you can also break down some of the outer layers like the membranes of bacteria to not not it doesn't work but all that tear viruses but most of them the operative word though is high concentration of alcohol so you'd never be able to drink anywhere near enough alcohol to get the concentration high enough to be able to kill bacteria and viruses in your body the alcohol would damage you way before it had any kind of positive effect in helping you deal an infection he's not gonna make it while the medical team doing the patient has a cardiac arrest we should be doing chest compressions the reason they're probably not showing it is it's because it's a kid's moving and chest compressions look really aggressive in this scenario when someone's got a cardiac arrest their heart has functionally stopped beating that they're essentially dead the only way their brain and tissues are going to get blood supply is if we're beating the heart for them with chest compressions now and while we're doing that hope to fix the underlying cause of the cardiac arrest now a patient who's relatively young like Bill Murray's character is here we'd be pulling out all the stops for them we would not give up just on kind of one kind of cardiac arrest here we'd get on to CPR do try our best to resuscitate the patient try and bring them back okay so spontaneously coming back to life after an a systolic cardiac arrest having a DNA bead delivered to your hypothalamus via a neutrophil that's come from outside a cell this is all some pretty Hollywood magic here all of that stuff we know it's not accurate but probably the thing that is widely done incorrectly in medical shows we're saying with dr. strains as well when someone has a cardiac arrest and they come sort of back to life they end up talking with in a sort of few seconds or a few moments after you know survive in a cardiac arrest this doesn't happen so when people had a cardiac arrest in their all their tissues have got loads of waste products and they're starved of oxygen it takes them time to come back online so everyone will be unconscious for a good amount of time and will often be transferred to the intensive care unit for monitoring and support of their organs I mean it's a good thing he did regain consciousness so quickly because otherwise the hospital would have quite a big negligent lawsuit for not doing the CPR on this patient so there's my look at osmosis jones i thought it was absolutely brilliant if you guys haven't seen it already check the movie outlet because there's so many little gags to do with medicine and the human body in there that i just didn't have time to cover all of them so I just did the broad the broad topics I hope you guys did enjoy my look at it anyway again thank you for all the support all the likes all the shares and if you haven't done so already you can join our community by subscribing below so until next time guys I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Dr Hope's Sick Notes
Views: 782,901
Rating: 4.9434934 out of 5
Keywords: doctor reacts to osmosis jones, real doctor reacts, doctor reacts to hospital movie scenes, medical movies, medical movies scenes, doctor watches osmosis jones, osmosis jones movie scenes, how realistic is osmosis jones, osmosis, doctor watches, doctors watches osmosis jones, medical films, hospital movie scenes, osmosis jones doctor reaction, ozzy and drix, ozzy and drix reaction
Id: UhMPVp0V4qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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