Ob/Gyn Reacts (feat. Doctor Mike!) | Scrubs "Gyno Girls

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what made you kind of choose to keep routine joy in in your repertoire since my very first upload on YouTube in January of 2019 you have been asking me to collaborate like seriously to the point that one time I collected all the comments that just said that in a 24 hour period and posted on Instagram and it was outrageous there were so many we finally made it happen today we're reacting to an episode of scrubs he's gonna tell us a little bit about his medical student rotation in ob/gyn and also some of his residency training if you're neither from dr. Mike's channel welcome we are so happy to have you I post videos every Monday morning about pregnancy and gynecology and a little bit related to parenting so if you want to stay hit that subscribe button if you're just here for dr. Mike that's cool you can just watch this video too [Music] this is season 2 episode 8 of scrubs where they run into the gyno Girls the average resident owes over $100,000 in med school loans and makes about as much as the wait so you have to do things to make ends meet like you can cover someone chip I had more than that when I graduated from medical school and the amount that I had was still considered less than average by quite a bit him steal stuff from the hospital puddings not that I'm asking you to incriminate yourself but didn't you ever steal anything from the hospital so that you could eat or did you ever fill your trunk with pudding as a resident no I was fortunately well enough off that I could feed myself in my hospital they gave you a card that had a set amount of money on it for some reason always lasted the exact amount until the year ended and then it reset so like the end of the year I would maybe have enough money to buy a couple more like sports drinks that I could take home with me so I guess I took some extra sports trips home I had a residency friend who instead of using the money on his card for the cafeteria to eat his meals would bring a peanut butter and jelly like every day and then at the end of the month used the money left on his car to stock up on things like little cartons of milk to take to his house and stock the fridge is there one bathroom in this damn place that has toilet paper or do I have to start carrying around the basket of leaves okay I mean honestly if that's not every single one of us in this pandemic situation right now I don't know what is hey guys Dino girls 12 o'clock obstetrics and gynecology is the specialty that's usually dominated by women about 80 percent of current ob/gyn residents identify as female and that is just kind of the trend that we've seen over the past probably 10 years dr. Reid I'm dr. Gerson we were just wondering if you had any thoughts about your specialty because we really think your OBGYN material I can't go with dr. Gerson because I have to help you all right just give me a second I'm figuring something else as someone who is 5-2 and looked like I hadn't slept in six years when I was a resident I want to know why they're all so tall beautiful and well rested what was your rotation like as a medical student I actually didn't have residents I was in an area where it was attending run the attendings I work with were awesome they were excited about having students they allowed us to do a lot and participate in the care of patients as a family medicine resident we also do an OB rotation and the people that I worked with were really diverse we had all different locations ethnicities we had different genders it was a really good mixed bag so that you could learn everyone's style and really adapt some of the best qualities to yourself that you could be better at practicing obstetric care for those watching who aren't aware when you get out into practice a lot of times you kind of par down some of what you are trained in to kind of focus on the things that you really want to offer the most one of the things that often falls out of favor for family practice doctors is the OB and GYN side so you've told me in the past that you still do I think a little bit of GYN in your clinic now what made you kind of choose to keep routine joy in in your repertoire I think it's great when a pace you can come in for an annual physical exam and we could talk about their vaccines we can talk about blood pressure their diabetes and at the same time perform a pap smear or order a mammogram the patient is much more likely to get all the things done if it's happening in one place moonlighting sucks but Turk and I mcdu Jimmy Craig could and I don't care Jimmy crack corn I'm laughing at that little girl's face she's like looking at him completely blank face like I don't know how to react to you they're talking about moonlighting which is what residents can do to make a little bit of extra money you finish taking your licensing exam you can take your last one after you get out of medical school and then you're a fully licensed physician in order to practice independently you have to go on and do a residency in whatever specialty you decide to do I went into ob/gyn which is a four-year residency Mike went into Family Practice which is a three-year residency but during that time while you're fully licensed but still training to work in whatever specialty that you would like to work in you can do independent shifts for extra money at places who are really strapped for physicians usually rural places a lot of residency programs don't allow their residents to moonlight I didn't so I never had the opportunity to do this if your program let you do any moving lighting or anything like that when you were a resident it was actually offered to us to moonlight at one of the nursing facilities at our hospitals associated with and I never took my Hospital up on that offer but what I did moonlight was covering sports games because I had a huge interest in sports medicine being an athlete myself I said I want to participate as many of these as possible so I've covered high school college games football soccer even MMA once and it's truly a fantastic experience anytime you can step outside your comfort zone especially if you're being monitored by superior do it do it do it do it I just wanted you to know sir that I faced up to those kind of girls with a very strong and clear no thank you yes I heard about your note the point is that I'm out I think that in the show they're supposed to be resonant and after you have finished medical school your next year you are a resident and that's usually in whatever fields are gonna go into so this isn't really accurate to real life where they would be choosing a specialty at this point dr. gerson ever contact you you told her to talk to me she went to med school with a colleague at my hospital why are you so set on me being an OBGYN I don't know what her dad's specialty is but I find it kind of weird that he wants her to go into ob/gyn so bad a lot of people try to convince me not to go into this field because your work/life balance can be very hard to achieve especially if you have kids but it's possible and I knew it was possible and I knew I loved this field and wanted to do it highest income potential as a female physician is in obstetrics I don't really like that he said your highest income potential as a female physician isn't obstetrics because one it implies that there are fields you can't do because you're a female which is just bananas and then two it's not really accurate every surgical specialty gets reimbursed better than obstetrics for comparable procedures not to mention the incredibly high cost of malpractice don't you think that maybe it's time that you left those sort of things up to me I paid for your college or medical school your car and now your apartment and all your living expenses I'd have to say no even though I really appreciate everything that you've given me it's my life I stopped complaining and enjoyed a meal I like that at the end there she decided to stand up for herself being overly encouraged to go into a particular field if that's not really what you want to do is a recipe for burnout and unhappiness tank on your channel you've mentioned that your dad is a physician did your parents or your dad in particular have any strong feelings about whether or not you should go into medicine or what specialty you should choose you know it's funny my dad would always talk up medicine how much he loved it and how special of a field it was but at the same time he would give me the truth and he would tell me look reimbursements are dropping it's very difficult to get money out of insurance companies I struggle a lot with this maybe you don't want to do this maybe you should go into business and do well for yourself and he never forced me to go into medicine but he did force me to get a proper education I mean I could stay out late at night I could hang out with friends there were no real strict rules with that as long as I was available by phone or by pager oh my god I'm aging myself and the only thing he would say is you have to maintain a high effort so you had a pager that your parents contacted you want yeah I remember when I was in fifth and sixth grade I had a Motorola pager one of those really small ones and it would vibrate now I have to call my dad back I feel like only a physician parent would come up with those okay you're right I know what's refilmed Elliot I'm a hundred and thirty thousand dollars in debt you're gonna be all right in a previous video I asked you guys who I should collab with when I paid off my med school loans and we are so close so close to loan or payment you guys oh my god what should I do for a celebratory video what should I do for a celebratory video when I pay off my med school ones I know I want to collab with someone great I actually paid them off last year in 1929 debt-free I thought there was gonna be confetti on this or something I think very fittingly our first collab is with dr. Mike a video on his channel as us playing Medical never have I ever as a CDC foundation fundraiser and it's really funny and really fun and I would love for you to go watch it really strange from a patient's body dr. Jose this is how the game is gonna work if we ever did whatever then never have I ever States we're gonna raise our hands it kinds yourself to each other to me in the comments be kind and I will see you next time
Channel: Mama Doctor Jones
Views: 840,080
Rating: 4.9615741 out of 5
Keywords: obgyn reacts, ob/gyn reacts, doctor mike, doctor mike reacts, doctor reacts to scrubs, doctor mike reacts to scrubs, mama doctor jones, doctor collab, dr. mike, dr mike, mike varshavski, mikhail varshavski, danielle jones, danielle nicole jones, obgyn, family medicine, danielle jones md, mama dr jones, medical tv show, tv medical drama, medical drama review
Id: NspuMaI_fnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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