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thumbnail later word okay i'm gonna intro let me just go to my channel first so i can watch the stream uh a little bit better yeah that's perfectly fine thumbnail okay so we're doing a bit of a post post premiere q a of sorts so if you have any questions about the production i guess we're going to try to be comprehensive here i've got a the director stephen hancock you want to introduce yourself hello i uh directed and shot everything so if you have any technical questions feel free to ask me i'll go to push to talk so you don't get any background noise and uh daniel you want to introduce yourself hi um my name is daniel rhoden clark uh i did roughly half the music and sound for overlord i did the other half so uh any music and who knows which is which yeah it's a mystery figure it out where is the link to this by the way i uh if jeremy did i gave it to him already well i mean like so other people can join so i can like post on instagram and stuff here i'll put into it cool neat okay i'll i'll do the questions let me scroll up because holy spam spam spam [Music] is there part two nope all right why okay we got the same question from dollhouse why were the actors voices not used you mean more so why were the screen actors voices not used and the simple answer to that is time so like you can never have enough time on set but in this particular instance we really really kind of had to run and gun it yeah it was it was definitely more of a we wanted to make sure that the shots looked cool and were well above the look of dollhouse um and plus having the ability to flip the script if we needed to later like change lines rearrange things we had that flexibility so then we could ensure the pacing of the film was sound uh how many shooting days were there for this five plus the oh yeah we did some we did some reshoots so the beginning briefing scene uh all the shots of uh the two foundation agents at the front that are explaining the mission that was shot on a completely separate day most of the reversals of the guys sitting in their seats that was shot on location i just wasn't happy with the original uh images of the projection screens and all that kind of stuff and then we also added scenes such as them walking out of the hangar at the airfield and the montage sequence where they're walking through the rocky terrain and those were shot about i want to say two months after we wrapped up production because we just made the call like we needed we should get these it would just make it better so people volunteered their time and we got it done josh holman asks any deleted scenes you wish you could have kept i don't know about any scenes but maybe there was like there might have been a couple shots we might have had i don't know i think we used everything yeah i'm trying to i'm trying to remember if we had any because we originally didn't have enough time to do the montage um at the like early on and then you went back and reshot that yeah it just went from them talking in the woods to um to just them going up to the missing person's post yeah because we originally had like a crossfade for that and it was actually it was a good cut like it wasn't bad yeah it wasn't bad but it was just it didn't have the it didn't have that like you know it didn't get the travel time right you didn't yeah it didn't really give you the full scale of where they were and like how far out in the middle of nowhere they were and we really wanted to kind of translate that the best we could to uh to the screen with what we had to work with i'm gonna try and find another one i should probably find these as as as you're talking music on spotify there you go it's a simple one uh it should be up uh tonight at midnight so that's what i set it to if spotify decides to i am actually excited for that i love the music yeah uh i mean i guess we could talk about the soundtrack even though i haven't read a question related that so i guess if you want to go way way way back i don't know if i want to talk about like the entire things there's some people well there was a person who was initially going to be partnering with me on it that didn't i i don't quite know if i want to mention them you can it's whatever okay well um originally like you know it kind of sucks but like oh okay i didn't do it but originally um i don't know how we got connected but chris stedley from uh under oath was i think he got in contact with you and he wanted to do some music production with us and his soundtracks like if you go look up some of the soundtracks he's done they're pretty good and they fit definitely with what we were doing and initially like we spoke i think i got a call like a couple times and went over it and we were gonna we were gonna do that i think i was still gonna have dan on for some stuff just because i didn't want to waste his time um [Music] but then i think that like right as soon as the location costs spiked right before shooting i basically said yeah sorry we can't really afford you but like in retrospect we probably could have yeah so the funny thing was is that so i have a i'm kind of rooted within the florida film community and a lot of my friends uh are down there and he went to a the tampa bay underground film festival which overlord will also be showing at this december if you're any tampa people around here um and he would he actually did the music for one of the films that was in it and he saw dollhouse last year and he just hit me up on instagram he says dude i saw it i loved it like i'd love to work with you at some point i'm like oh cool all right that dude is perfectly on time by the way if you give him a meeting with the clock kick he's there he is very punctual like capital p punctual yeah i i've i've kept him in mind i'd like to work with him in the future he seems like a really nice guy but um so at the beginning like at the very very beginning i basically one of the things that i like to do is i like to have playlists for writing so like if i'm writing a scene or something i usually put a song on a loop that sort of fits the atmosphere that i'm looking for just to sort of keep me focused and in the mood to write and um i also like to do them for um for just reference tracks so like if there's like a part of a song and i'm like hmm gonna steal that yeah put that in the in the playlist as well so we ended up with like i stole the playlist yeah yeah you could post that somewhere uh 22 tracks worth of references which i probably didn't even use all of them and it's a lot of just random things that you wouldn't quite think are connected there's there's some through lines definitely i'll put the spotify link in the chat if you want to check it out if you have spotify people are going to think that's the soundtrack yeah probably but it's not um there was one reference track that initially we basically mimicked verbatim which is the first track in the playlist and then we just ended up not going with that because there was like a one section of a demo that i ended up liking more and i i definitely think it was the move there's one other one in there that's a little bit blatant but i won't say which well it's one riff from one but there are there okay there's a few then um but nothing too egregious i don't think i'm just looking through to remember what i stole i know we borrowed the vocal riff from vasura by tria sectori but like i think it's different enough for you to not really notice that was just i just drowned that one in reverb yeah yeah yeah uh someone asked does a cliffhanger denote a franchise well no i mean if you've ever read any junji ito story you would know that it doesn't um i think i'm gonna keep doing that i know it pisses some people off but like i kind of know in advance that they're gonna go oh you ended it um but i i like doing that because i like drip feeding information throughout the entire story and then i prefer to like withhold everything till the very end so it's nice sort of especially in short filmmaking if you hold the last revelation to the very very end that's how i prefer it and drew is telling me that he's getting hentai ads for uh underneath overlord well drew ads are based on search history so oh no i think you should should think about that i wonder if it's processed to 4k yet i'm getting i'm seeing a lot of questions about the like the stuff in the basement and the tentacles and stuff i'm just gonna let you know we're not gonna tell you you gotta come up with your own interpretations or look into it yourself because if we tell you then it's not fun you're not going to think about it anymore yeah uh hang on what was it i just saw one where'd it go it just saw a question i wanted to answer did new 7 or epsilon 6 enter the house it was epsilon 6. so hammered down were the security guys they're the security team around the house and the village idiots are the ones that go in to figure out what the anomaly was so then they can call in a containment team the correct containment team for whatever it is that is going on which i guess what would the containment team be would it be like the mole rats or since everything's underground well i had a list in like when i was writing and of like you know all the people that he lists off at the beginning in the brief by the way i think i saw somebody mention that the briefing was a little bit rushed and the answer is yeah cause it's an info dump and there's a lot of stuff that i had in there that i ended up taking out because it just dragged on for too long and frankly we didn't have enough footage to to cover all of it because like that was like that interest was a big worry um also drew wants the thumbnail can you like it to him to the drive folder uh yeah um so yeah that was a nightmare because like there was stuff like the roe that was gonna be written in and then i just decided not to put it in because it would have just dragged it out because i it's it's a dangerous game you're playing if you're gonna like literally start with an info dump and that's not easy to make exciting a lot of people don't like the casual operators well guys it's that's intentional yeah yeah we don't if you're an organization that doesn't exist it's easier to have just private contractors or people that you recruit and if they die well it's just some random dude that's one gucci gear the the thing that concerns me more is that it's harder for us to personalize them if they're wearing like exclusively like just military kit under their under their like gear and stuff it's like if they were all wearing like cry or whatever it'd be a lot harder for us to to give them more character and we get so much more room for the to characterize them which uh man thank thank god we we dressed in the way we did because they were shooting out in nice temperate cool weather that's when we were supposed to shoot oh yeah wait it got delayed and we shot it in the sweltering heat of summer it was awesome so good and it's like dude all the all the that they were wearing was meant to be like in in like the spring so like that m65 that drew's wearing is like that must have smelled like a river in haiti like that thing that thing was yeah this is the thing too is like all the masks are actually kickstarter awards so if there are any people here that are watching that were part of that the 300 reward where you get a mask do not wear them they are for display just like oh drew's musk yeah you're going to get a little bit of drewski that's what you're going to get to drew's bath water yeah so that's why that's why some of the visors were fogged like initially there wasn't a fix your seal dude line but like his visor is just so fogged from shooting that it's like i had to put that line in there well the thing too is that our advisor on set like he said he says dude i've never seen a perfect seal like anywhere like in the field before so if anything it's it's pretty accurate so i was like all right cool good enough for people people are still gonna about it yeah but someone's gonna about it whatever i mean i mean i've had a lot of military users say like i'm about 90 percent accurate and like that's good enough for me for that's that's what our limited budget gave us give me a million dollars and i can make it better well i have i've always seen it as like well we tried our best and that's that's good enough because a lot of people don't try their best yeah i mean we could have just winged it but we didn't do you expect better from us which by the way the the code by the way was a whole ordeal because we went through like a couple different versions it's like okay well we need to stop and going to the basement quickly so how do we do that oh well there's a code on the door and what if we just make it a timed thing like oh there's some faded numbers so it's like they just do it until they get it right and it's not a big deal when they get it and then there was another one like there's a really convoluted one that i think aaron came up with because he was like what if like it's connected to wi-fi and then they they connect the they connect it to like the foundation command and then they just brute force it and then they just say like overcome like hey we brute forced it we're in and then somewhere down the line i came up with the one two three four gag and i guess that's what made it in i like it i think it's really funny yeah a lot of people it was a good like it was a good time for comedic i really wish that we had one more shot after that because i feel like i feel like we should have let that joke sit and then they enter but we didn't have another shot so whatever i didn't even like we were moving so quick that i completely forgot to get a shot of them putting their nods down and i was kind of upset about it because like like jansen's character is wearing like modified dark edition call of duty night vision and i haven't seen anyone comment on it so i'm just gonna out myself now but like i thought it would be cool to like hey let's have like some in-house foundation looking nods because if you whenever you see like a close-up of them or like somewhere they actually do have lenses on them like they don't look like the stock thing and i had to repaint them i did everything i'm like you know it'd be cool to have found it like wireless foundation nods i mean neat uh and i never got any like detailed shots of them that aren't in the dark which cuts for special effects vfx i'm assuming one the overhead night vision shots of the helicopters and the entering the field to burn across and smoke orders the burning craw i mean obviously yeah the the the first two the isr shots with the helicopters are fake the isr of the of them walking towards the effigy is fake well that's the other thing it's like there's some real drone shots in these big drone shots yeah them approaching the building though those are real um the effigy all of that is real like we actually did here in the trailer by the way just gonna mention now before i forget if you guys go watch the trailer you can see the you can see the door to the basement that we painted out and it's also it tracks wrong with the the the drone so if you go back and watch it you'll see the door on the the side of the building that we painted out so that it would better justify the panic room um and the uh a lot of people like if at the premiere showing people thought that the that we didn't actually burn the effigy i'm like no that's real like that that thing was huge too it was 12 feet tall and 10 feet wide and we only had one so it we we like soaked it in diesel the night before so it would soak into the woods and then the next day we sprayed it down with diesel again with an insecticide sprayer and then kerosene to help ignite it and we did that whole thing in one shot that shot cost the shock cost us a thousand dollars for 40 seconds that refugee was real that wasn't that partly in effect just because we wanted more sparks and embers coming off of it but the fire is real yeah the ambers are fake but the fire is 100 real and we had we had fire team all that stuff there do you not do that without a fire team or a firefighter consultant at all like it was very very dangerous if you looked at like the picture that i posted in the community channel like that i think the day you were gonna do it it's like yeah long grass it's all brown this looks like a tinder box yeah like we i purposely set it up next to this little like ditch that was that had a bunch of well water in it so we soaked everything around that area but originally that whole field was actually tall grass and when we showed up uh someone mowed it and it was just lines of grass and then when we went to go shoot that scene there's a dude there with a baler making hay bales and we're like oh my god like this is not happening right now so we had to wait 45 minutes from the finish and we had to make sure that there was nothing in the area that was flammable which is another reason why we use diesel because diesel has such a low flash point and the fumes aren't flammable uh don't ever use gasoline to light anything no if you use gasoline you're an idiot so our the guy who the actor who is basson his name is john chavez he's actually a firefighter and coincidentally an emt as well so we like he helped us make sure that the area was safe and that what we were doing was uh like the right way to do it like when we we spent i want to say i want to say we like corey heinsley who's the one that she's the one that she was our production designer she's the one that designed the effigy we spent about two months i want to say on like burn tests and making sure that like how we go about this will be one safe and to achieve the the look and the effect that we want crusader zero six two five says this guy that fixed knots for living the army great job with the modified nods and just overall it's badass thank you man i appreciate that thanks it was a huge it was a very big undertaking so we're glad a lot of people enjoyed it um i'm gonna answer a question badly on purpose uh understanding idea the cult good idea i do have a question about some things where did you get the tentacle master dan how did you get the idea with the camera come on uh i don't know where any of that stuff came from it just sort of occurs to you i think most ideas do but the idea for like generally everything goes back a year so i played the video game dusk on halloween last year and i loved the first setting where it's like the farmhouse and and all that stuff i was like wow this is so cool and i'm like i want to do something that takes place in a place like this and so i guess if you want sort of early perspective into the production design i was like oh we want some like dingy brown farmhouse and then we looked at like a billion different properties that we were able to rent and we sort of landed on the red one and initially i was sort of mixed on the red one because i loved the profile of it and i loved the location but it was just red and i'm like that wasn't what i imagined but i've sort of let it grow on me because it does have its own sort of more remarkable and more unique aesthetic that has sort of i think helped shape the the general visual aesthetic of the film and the interior is just amazing on that property a lot of a lot of texture most of the i want to say about 85 of the film was also shot in natural light uh there was only three scenes i want us no four i think there's only four scenes where we actually used lights and that was the scene where lambert gets his throat open when they're having the conversation in the bedroom about what to do after the ice the first creature uh the basement obviously and when they're walking through the hallway with the camera like in the rooms there we had two led panels in there but that was it everything like for the sake of time we just shot everything in natural light and we used a haze machine to really give some good atmosphere and depth to everything to really carry the light over because uh it was it was nice that it was it was sunny and partly cloudy so we were in a lot of scenes were able to get those god rays coming through and it just really filled in the room if you want to make your shitty indie movie look a lot better get a haze machine yeah haze like a haze machine not a fogger a haze machine there is a difference hazers for interiors would literally make or break the look of your film because lighting is everything when it comes to the feel of what's of like what's going on in your in your uh in your movie yeah i i love the look of the hazer if you want to see like some really good examples of that in tv watch uh mind hunter especially like early in season one they use it quite a bit [Music] okay drew's in the stream i'm gonna bring him in finally sponsored by lenovo yeah yeah literally howdy drew howdy i was um cooking scrambled eggs while listening to you describe my musk yeah you're late there it is man's gotta have sleep all right that's unacceptable you don't need that that that smell on that mask is never gonna it's never gonna leave this earth it's gonna outlast the mask itself and that jacket that jason took right right didn't he take my idea i don't know it would be funny if he did though yeah what happened to all the clothes we threw most of them away because they were disgusting yeah they were nice infections uh i still have like the extras because it's like the because drew's character and uh david's character so like lambert and cicero they were the ones that were most likely to get blood on them so i actually bought five different sets of their uh tops in case we had to like reshoot it or if they got like a lot of blood on them but conveniently uh david's uh his shirt was like like a black and gray plaid and since he was backlit like he was mostly in shadow so you couldn't even tell if he was covered in blood or not which he was he had a lot on him because we shot that scene i think was it three or four times drew something like that um yeah like every time i remember blood being all over the floor whenever we ran out in the hallway and stuff and we couldn't like show the blood yeah i'm already on the floor we're there in this like how many near misses related to props and clothes were there so i know there was a couple um so some of the mounts yeah someone so john's bungees on his helmet uh pulled like literally broke in half of the night one of the night vision props but that was towards the end and we had a spare to do um the first day when i was taking the night vision props out of their boxes to set up like literally i had it in my hand i don't know what happened it literally just flew out of my hand and it blew apart on the floor and i was like wow cool you know it's a great way to start this uh and i think with the there and with lambert's death in the room with when his throat gets cut open uh there wasn't enough pressure in the uh the blood packet machine that uh our makeup artist uh tab tremble made so what we did is that that's why we went with that close-up of him holding his neck because which she had this giant turkey baster like this thing was like a foot long it was huge and full of blood and ran the tube in between david's fingers when he's holding his neck and she just just shot it all through that tube and it looked like an actual arterial spray uh because otherwise probably like you know originally that whole shot was supposed to be one take and the blood was supposed to spray all over the wall but we just weren't able to do it so we had to improvise and then not terribly realistic yeah not terribly realistic but when we sort of reviewed it it it really makes the shot a lot more shocking so it's sort of what we had to go with a couple couple moments like that where it's like well it's not terribly realistic but it certainly improves the shot which by the way how about the terminal ballistics on on tender when they shoot him oh yeah so all when pender died at the when they shoot him at the top of the stairs after the raid all of that what you saw is actually pretty accurate to what would happen that was a big discussion of like going over yeah like how would the shot work and and what would that look like because we we had that scene go through a few technical advisors on like the exit wounds the spray because if you watch it whenever it becomes available in 4k if you watch it like you'll see blood spray on the plastic behind him and you'll see two exit wounds like by his ass since it was like a uh what was it since it was like an angled shot going through his upper chest cavity and it will and they exited in his lower back uh so all of that like his reaction and everything like that's pretty close to what it looks like when someone actually gets shot and reacts to it and dies because that's all the detail work yeah all that yeah we wanted to make sure it was just even though like even the shelves were an ordeal yeah like because we went through i don't know probably a couple different revisions just for the shells yeah i noticed it's louder and louder hey there's one like the uh i can't even think of it the the ejection port cover you had to put something over it so it looked like it was closed right yeah yeah so yeah that whole thing was opened up like oh that was crazy it's luckily though it's out of focus so it's hard to even really like you have to really be looking for it how many how many dust cover mistakes were there oh so many i could yeah i i didn't even yelling at us like all the time for like for a dust cover being open yeah they would just flop open they would like you couldn't control it they would just come open and you're wearing a gas mask you're all sweaty you can't see anything like you never know and then someone's like hey it doesn't go yeah you just hear me like yelling in the background like close your dust cover i remember i think i do remember we like re we shot a scene because someone's dust cover was open because it was a it was like an obvious continuity error and since there were airsoft guns which i'm never going to hear the end of that but i mean like whatever they look just like the real thing anyways but like you can tell that it's like okay that's obviously not a real bolt carrier group so that was why it was important like keep your damn dust covers closed if anybody ever gets mad about airsoft guns being in your media ask them if they liked modern warfare 2 and then remind them that every single weapon from modern warfare 2 was modeled off an airsoft gun even the magazines by the way yeah if you check the magazines they all have little circles at the top instead of actual bullets a lot of hollywood films also use it as well sicario has tons there's some shitty ones that they use but a lot of the ones that they used are pretty good hang on how are the filters for the masks made so the masks weren't actually real they were airsoft masks and the filters had fans in them even though they some of them failed they didn't always work because it was you know cheap chinese masks but they the fans were there to try to keep your face cool uh the hoses were from a surplus site that i just found and uh we just poked them in and then just ran the tube into the backpack and then just had the zippers hold the tube in place that was really it and uh yeah that was another ordeal we went how many mask designs did we just not use um i think we had i want to say we had 17 designs total uh or something like that and then we just kind of went through and and picked out which ones looked the best uh i remember you didn't want to use the choose mask design no i think i didn't like it i think i did the initial design and yeah you did it and it was better i was like i was like no we gotta have we gotta have the a10 shark uh shark mouth man that'd be great and then it just happens that oh that's drew's character drew flies yeah it fit very well um yeah that lambert's was kind of difficult as well because like i'm i'm trying to remember all the discussions that we had because then like i went back and forth between all they're all gonna have unique ones too all they're all just gonna have one symbol that's just a recolor too like uh i think the last one was that we came up with was reyes mask as well like there's a lot of stuff that got like held back for a while yeah like it was it was definitely interesting too like and originally they weren't supposed to have a what is it night vision but i was very adamant like no we gotta have the panos it's tactical we gotta have it and um looking back now i will say this looking back i wish that we just like would have had people bring their own like dual tube night vision so then we could have at least had like you know the green stuff on their eyes because we the green lights that were in the night vision the panos just weren't showing up and i was like oh damn it but because i know like a lot of people were griping about that dollhouse it's like oh they're not real you can't even see the green and blah blah and all that but then like after i rewatch like zero dark 30 you can't even see it on there either so i'm like whatever i don't care like well next time whenever like i'm definitely if we ever do another sequence where we use night vision i'm just gonna have the cast bring their own if they have it um so then we can actually have like oh yeah that was all real and they could actually see because you can't see ones that we had everyone wearing you're just relying on peripherals and just looking down at your feet never forget the toilet paper nods from the uh rehearsals for yeah yeah we we had them wear baseball caps and we put toilet paper like four toilet paper rolls on the front so they could have like some form of uh uh what is it so so they knew like how far something was sticking out in front of their face so they don't hit like a door frame or anything so i thought that was a good idea i thought that was cool see what i questioned that uh considering you guys had sponsorship from evike and pts uh would it have been possible to tame gas blowback airsoft rifles through props i actually wanted to do that there was a there was a a uh a 416 model that evike had where it actually had ejecting shells but unfortunately that particular model was only available in japan and we wouldn't have been like we couldn't export them here unfortunately gas blowbacks was another option that we thought of but we just like it's just it's too expensive so we we just kind of went with all we can cg it and post without an issue uh originally like the first thought was we were going to actually have real firearms made with uh uh what's it called uh yup yeah blank fire adapters the only problem was securing like real suppressors and that wasn't gonna happen either so we just decided to go with just standard stock guns they're lighter uh it'd be easier for everyone to kind of like you know carry all that gear without worrying about real weight so maybe next time plays on is it really i don't know he's offline on discord let me see if i can get him on here give me one second everybody's going part two yeah every time they did that for dollhouse as well sorry guys not gonna happen like how long like when did we stop doing effects how long did that drag out for because we really pushed clay to his limit on those i'm sorry say that again he said how long do you how long are we doing x4 because we've um play on those for like a while i want to say let's see i think after we because we i think it was like a month and a half i want to say because like we gave him a timeline because we started in late july and i asked him i said hey could you get them done by late august and he said sure because we just kind of had him like immediately start on it um and then we after that it was just kind of like just adding stuff here and there because i remember he got all the primary stuff done and then when we needed to add the like help like you know like the helicopter isr shots and the effigy isr um what other stuff was there that more the mortar scene like that was added later uh it was just kind of like like you know like breadcrumbs here and there kind of deal whenever he was available so uh i want to say for the most part the bulk is probably about a month and a half but it was kind of trickled over right after we completed production in june so kind of he was kind of with us throughout it up until like the last month or so i want to say i might i might get uh i might be able to get clean here oh boy any creative disagreements you guys had oh probably tons i just don't know yeah a lot yeah there's always some you're always gonna put heads on something yeah like because it's normal i always tell people it's like levin evan and i have violent conversations about creative decisions like we'll yell at each other you know how every it's okay let me let me walk you through every editing problem i'll go steven this transition sucks and he goes what else can i do there's nothing else we can do to solve this problem there's literally nothing that you can do i'll go yeah what if you keyframe it so that it goes down on the next shot and he'll do it now yeah okay that works well because like i never because that was oh that was something that like i'd never considered because like because it's like we're because we're what we're trying to do is like we're trying to mesh our editing style and like and also going with like the way like trying to match it with the pre-existing cinematography so it's like all right cool so now how do we paste this with like three different you know types of styles without it looking weird and like i learned a lot on this actually like a lot of like a lot of the editing stuff because before like uh i i never really uh would do cuts on movement i mean i'm going to start doing that now because it looks better because i was under like evan's uh advice but also like a lot of the effects like the monster effects like through the camera like the face jiggling like i had no idea what i was doing i winged that whole thing i just wanted to after effects i'm like oh let's see what works you know so now i'm like oh yeah i was like oh yeah it looks great dude well because it was also under the the stipulation that that footage was going to deep be deep fried so yeah even if there was a discrepancy you're not going to notice it because the image looks like complete dog anyways but the uh like a lot of the even like the the symbols on the wall like glitching out i've i just duplicated that layer and i was just doing different uh what's that called the like the the layer overlay stuff where it's like dodge burn overlay light like that stuff i was just kind of going through those or layer styles yeah and i was like oh that looks cool because i found one where like whenever you move it around it looks like the the wall is covering it or whatever and i just kind of like jiggled it as the camera zoomed in i'm like that looks cool i'll never get over the you copied operator drewski's profile picture comments those are pop no way oh yeah i have seen no way yeah that's really great that guy looks like drew did you steal it wow yeah yeah we did we cloned him to have my uh one of my community members said they got whiplash when they realized it wasn't my voice oh yeah i thought that was funny well so the funny thing is it's like so drew was actually supposed to be the like originally we we were going to have you as the detroit the absolutely what was it the gamma 5 guy at the beginning kyle's character that was at the computer without the and red nose right yeah right now no yeah in the briefings who's by the way um and 2-1 by the way was that that mask oh my drew oh yeah no no that's right he was supposed to be vaz which is calvin's character uh and grantham was supposed to be cicero but he was overseas at the time so he wasn't able to go so we're like hey drew you want to be an italian guy with a an a10 mask he's like oh yeah oh yeah so it worked out it worked out pretty well um yeah i'm pretty happy with the result so i really forgot the corinthian was going to be in it yeah god my memory sucks maybe next time yeah what an unfortunate accident that i had to be sister all right please answer my question are you interested in the idea for our next scp film no there you go all right next get their next film is going to be a minion black film which will introduce evan royalty as the protagonist oh wow you don't want to see me on screen evan reminds me of a beardless ed sheeran i'm gonna make a regular bearded ed sheeran soon give me my custom character irl let's see do you guys have intentions of creating scp articles to the to your films and the corresponding icps uh i i genuinely tried at one point like uh for i think it was after first contact i started writing it i was like this is boring and i just didn't bother if someone else wants to do it go for it but like we just i've said to people like if you want to do it go for it i don't really i'm gonna be honest i don't really care um simply because like i'm not going to divulge much more information than already available in the film so an article doesn't really add anything so it's a cool way for someone to discover the movie like they read the article and then you know stephen oh there's a whole movie on this d26 is hold for oh yeah 26. yeah yeah they're in on the joke yeah that fog like the i've said i said hold for fog on set at least 100 times mr clay uh does the painting have any importance so the paint uh can we talk can we talk about that or does it matter well i'll i'll talk about it a bit and then you can talk about your end of that first off hello mr clay would you like to introduce yourself what's up can you hear me yeah you're good all right perfect epic what's up yeah no uh i was happy to do the vfx on overlord so i'm super stoked to you know see it all kind of in its glory yeah sort of as unexpected but sort of ended up being the way it was i don't really want to get into it to be honest but um i'm going to mention this before i forget it um the painting was another problem another problem because initially we weren't going to use an original painting we were going to take a pre-existing painting which was um just want to make sure yeah it was gonna be the son of man by uh magritte and um [Music] we couldn't even get the rights to use it which was a real son of a uh like i think what was it karen went and like contacted i think the the people who yeah she had it yeah she reached out to the like the people like the family like the people that were in charge of everything in europe and the us is apparently the i think it's like the only country right now that does not that it doesn't fall under like just free use but everywhere else in the world it's free use but not here in the u.s yeah so if you guys don't know like after like i think it's i want to say 75 years a painting goes into public domain so there's a bunch like that we could have used but they just didn't fit the son of man was literally perfect it was literally perfect but we couldn't use it so we had to make an original one and i feel bad because we should have shot it more we'll be i don't know what happened to that because i think you did and then we didn't use those shots yeah like i went and got some additional shots of it but it just like it just didn't it didn't match the environment like i wasn't able to replicate the like the room so it's like this isn't gonna work but my friend janae perrault she is a local painter here in kansas city and i asked her i said hey like do you want to you want to paint something for our movie she's like yeah hell yeah sure so she did two different oil paintings and the one that's in the film is the one that we went with so you might see more of that down the line um i i'm not i'm not terribly deep into vfx so i'm probably not going to produce the most interesting thing for you to discuss but um what would you say was um did you see sorry would you say that you learned anything uh like in from a technical perspective doing this um you know you always try and at least do something different or like push some certain technique a little bit further um so like when i was doing that whole like the the simulated 3d hole in the ground that was a little bit like you know every shot is kind of different in some way but that was kind of fun to you know try and simulate like the light in the one shot um where i had to kind of keep some of the light rays coming through on the ground onto the hole like to match the lighting and stuff that was kind of different and then it turned out super cool so yeah no like there's there's definitely stuff that that i was that was happy to like you know grow with you have no idea how many comments i've got saying hey you should you should collaborate with yeah yeah i get the same thing yeah yeah like i i've like tons like you wouldn't imagine how many well you probably could but uh yeah lots um i i i'm really sort of it seems ironic now and like post talk but like i i'm really hesitant to do sort of big effects stuff because i think that's usually the downfall of a lot of like indie short films yeah and so i was really worried that we weren't gonna get the effects to work at all like i was very worried about it so you can imagine my relief when everything came in and looked fine i was really blown away by the uh the hole shots yeah this turned out pretty cool i was thinking we'd have to use like irl reference and we'd have to like dig a hole and put a blue screen in it for it to look real but we didn't have to do any of that yeah like in the in the bts stuff that i'll uh have put hopefully i'm gonna try and get it done within the next week or so but like there are there are shots where you see uh noah who was the actor who uh played kolinsky like he's just standing in front of like this large like five by seven blue screen and i put uh like black electrical tape x's on it for like tracking marks which not kind of helped but yeah they're not really like not really but it's like i did my best yeah i didn't have a roto roto him anyhow like yeah it was yeah but like it it looked good like it turned out much better than than i thought it would i was like all right i'm pretty sure i'm pretty satisfied with that i'm cool with that anderson asks were the gunshots real yeah that dude police and pen or he's dead that dude is dead first movie to ever give up a life for the movie that dude was committed that dude was ride or die but he was actually both he died he's dead did any of you go to film school nope nope uh loser yeah i'm paying for it still hey i'll be paying for it till i die so i've accepted it as like another extremity on my body it's just gonna it's going into the casket with me gotta carry that weight yeah where did you guys get the masks for the film uh ebay i literally just like well originally i was going to order from amazon but the the black ones are out of stock but ebay uh had them they were like i want to say like 35 a piece if you just search uh m50 airsoft gas mask on ebay it'll be the first result hudson's is machinima for their film school honestly yeah you're not even wrong yeah like i like we started with halo machinima and then i i mean like for me like i just use that to test like visual effects like all of like all my machinimas were garbage but like they looked cool because it was just lens flares cgi and that was it so that's sort of the problem with like any kind of indie filmmaking is it like it's hard to find an environment that you can experiment in that's not going to cost you a fortune so like it was nice to have that to have just like free reign to make mistakes and not pay an astronomical price for them because like a lot of people who want to say be filmmakers it's like you're you're generally learning a lot of crafts at once like oh i want to be a writer director well writing is its own unique discipline and you you you seriously need to commit full-time if you want to make that into a serious skill that you have it's like you're doing that while you're learning how to do other filming techniques and stuff and how to light and how to edit and stuff like that and it's it's much better if you have sort of a the environment for it yeah when you when you when you do like every department or try it out you kind of figure out like where you belong the most like i can't like like i can't write at all i'm a terrible writer so i just let evan handle all that stuff if you look at like any film school a lot of people walk in they're like i want to be a writer director and then they come out with like i want to do this one specialization because maybe i don't actually like being a writer director yeah like i like telling people what to do and i like making pretty pictures so that's why i direct and shoot all my own stuff um because it's just that's what i'm good at and how much time we spent on this project well a year collectively a year over a year at this point because like the actual like writing process began like in november yeah i was saying in the beginning of november so like oh just about over a year i'd say which is not what it was supposed to be and it wouldn't have been that if covet hadn't snuck up on us like this was supposed to be in out easy not a big deal and then it turned into a nightmare yeah we were the hell crawl yeah this was supposed to be out like because we were supposed to shoot it in march uh and then it was supposed to be done by like late summer but just it's just how it happened so it's whatever um i think i mean like i'm not too mad because the extra three months of that delay allowed us to kind of review over everything you know and i think that's good because i was able to do more testing with corey on the uh effigy and oh and also like you know it's like it's just for safety like you know everyone was scared at that point and i was like i don't want to be like that guy where it's like oh he made a movie during like you know the kobe's scare and whatever and then it's like cool i guess unintentional corona yeah yeah there was yeah the corona on the outside of the door like i didn't even catch that until uh after i mentioned it in the chat yeah remind myself because yeah actually like the original shot didn't even show that like until we cropped it and like to follow reyes as he goes through the flashbang that reveals it yeah and like that that sort of snuck up on us like oh look look at that what was your favorite shot in the movie um i think for me man i don't know i i would say there's two for me i think the effigy shot is one of my favorites and the shot where they're carrying uh pender in the body bag into the main room where you see the god rays coming through the windows that was also one of my favorites yeah i like the title card oh yeah that's my my deacon's moment so like i i can't think of a single aspect of this that wasn't a complete painted yes i would say this is probably the easiest one of the easiest scripts ever just because the idea came to us early we didn't have to go like three months of like brainstorming which is unusual but like pre-production was like pretty much every day there was a pre-production problem or like contingency we had to develop and then then we got delayed because everybody got really scared in march and then we pushed it back to the summer and then in the summer everybody was dying and we thought everybody's gonna die of heat stroke see uh max green asked uh he's a first ac asked about the camera setup um used a sony a73 and uh sigma 24 to 72.8 and a sony q master 16 to 35 for the tight spaces on a ronin-s gimbal uh the slo-mo shots at the beginning we used an area alexa lf and mostly because one the cameras we had couldn't do slow motion and two it gave me the excuse to put the alexa logo in the credits and i tried to blend the footage as well as i could to kind of hopefully trick people to think most of it was shot on the alexa because i like proving the point that it's not what you shoot with it's how you shoot it but we didn't actually have an ac uh for the most part we didn't have a focus puller but we did have like an ac for the the setup and everything everything was just using the a7 3's uh autofocus system so how long did it take for 0.96 to process to 4k cause i'm still waiting um not too long probably like 20 minutes maybe really same length i'm still waiting for it to press to 4k how big was that file uh two gigs upload 4k video it's like sometimes it's like i want to say it's 30 minutes like two hours yeah i honestly couldn't couldn't remember how how long it took you compressed like that was it well it was like 25 minutes 27 minutes or something 0.96 yeah how long uh it was 23. yeah yeah it was something like that and you got that down to two gigs yeah wow now yeah i mean yeah my whole job is kind of i'm sorry uh is uh compressing and and that so dressed up all right again wayne gassman wants me to explain why we didn't have a focus puller so the atomos for some reason in their infinite wisdom uh had a firmware issue where whenever yeah whenever we had we were using a teradek uh no not a teradek i'm sorry we were using a vaxis wireless system so we had like video village we had all that stuff but the issue was that the atomos monitor we were using the ninja 5 was thought the vaxis was another monitor and it would not send picture so we just could we just couldn't pull focus so we just had to rely all entirely on autofocus yeah some of the shots there's a little bit of jank in the focus but like it looks fine yeah the a7 iii like it it was definitely the chat of the hour um i want to shoot the next one with the a7 s3 because which i have my hands on one now and it's it's next level so and you've also got the the new luts that match it too yeah yeah yeah the uh i forgot his name joel his name is joel and he's a cinematographer the phantom luts the uh that emulate the look of arie for the sony cameras it's unreal it's like beautiful blue boy cinema is shouting saying he's worked with you before i don't know if you know that is no thanks man appreciate it yeah he says he's worked with you on two projects i don't i don't know well yeah you should be honored blue boy [Music] i'm kidding i like this uh uh what did hooray where is where is it what's up frick i just lost it uh someone asked what he saw in the door i don't want to spoil it for anybody he hasn't what he saw in the door that made him do the thing i don't even know like everyone ever told me and then another person replies he saw him die yes he saw the hint i had by the way i pulled up the sap overlord another time because i was like double checking the link i put on instagram and that same ad came up so drew and he had revenue on how much it costs to make the film uh we made the film for sub 25 000. didn't we go over budget though no i thought we had to go out of pocket no i just used what was left over in the budget because i realized oh hey we got more money we'll just spend it on what is needed that's what it's there for full-length films kickstarter produced victor kate now you would need a lot more than 50k to get a feature-length film yeah like a hundred but it wasn't like thunder road like 500 grand or something and that was a kickstarter film i don't even know what that is it's a it was a kickstarter film and they they needed something like half a million and that's even like i i i forget the exact terminology that's that's like i think they call that zero budget in hollywood yeah wow that's literally nothing it's under a million it's a zero budget film i mean even a million is like nothing uh like i think and make a decent feature with a million though yeah i mean i would say like if you were gonna make like a like a standard drama you like if you had like five million bucks like you'd be set yeah all those cost a million dollars to make yeah so and it was really it was really documentary and it was dirty man but i mean it looked good but it was a it was dirty yeah i i was impressed most of all with like how many scenes they filmed outside because like for a million you know you'd think a lot of it would be shot in doors but they shot like a lot of like probably must have been kind of annoying to block scenes out like in in like outside which was impressive for that kind of budget i wonder what he's doing now because he did under the silver lake and i don't know i don't know what he's doing now still i want to combine a couple things so someone's asking about behind the scenes yes there will be behind the scenes i just have to put it together and someone asked if the helicopters were real uh no they were all yes it's all cg yeah yeah well actually so we actually the funny thing is is as we were getting this the helicopters like cg by clay someone like in our group was like hey i gotta contact that you know or fort riley or something it's like we could like we could have possibly access to real blackhawks and stuff i'm like it's too late now maybe for the next one that'd be cool i don't even know if like the script for the next one's gonna warrant it right but i mean like just having it as an option is is cool though uh the uh but no they were they were all cg the all the drone shots that have like the effigy burning and the helicopters in it are cg but the other ones of them approaching the house and expelling from the house those are real drone footage we use we use the uh the mavic pro 2 with the hasselblad camera not the zoom the zoom is stupid if you argue against me you're wrong uh the uh and i just used effects and after effects just to kind of get the look and then we sent screenshots of the isr footage to a buddy of ours who is uh around drones and drone pilots to kind of make sure like is this this is what they look like and he's like yeah i'm like cool when do you expect to commence your next project no idea we gotta we're gonna chill we're gonna chill for a little bit and then can i have a break yeah and then we'll then we'll get that ball we'll get that ball rolling so i'm gonna bring dad back into this so we had this amazing idea that we were gonna get it done on the 31st of october i feel bad about this i must have been up for like 18 hours a day trying to do it i think about online killing yourself i think on let me check the calendar um on the 25th so that was on sunday i sort of had the instinct of like this is not going to happen and at least not just some standard of quality yeah because we ended up making revisions all the way up to like the beginning of the week of this week i think yeah we were still making revisions like there were there were so many and so like it just wouldn't happen yeah yeah no it was a good decision i i feel bad about promising end of october and then we had to delays it's whatever it's done that's what counts yeah yeah it's better for it so if you want to know how much of a god dan is there's an adr line in the beginning the first scene and uh oh yeah that didn't come to me that different sounding it's just a bit of eq and like reverb and stuff stop being humble all right it's i'm a god it's perfect god he's a god someone was uh someone was mentioning the gunshots and that they're too quiet that there's sort of an unfortunate fact about gunshots the fact that they're just like unbelievably loud in real life so it's it's it's sort of a trade-off there capturing gunshots accurately in film is almost impossible yeah that's why sort of because those aren't those aren't exact either because they don't there's no rounds moving through the through the air to create like that would extend the the sound further because that would be additional and that's not there that's not even accurate either yeah it's just tough i i think that's one of the things i would like to spend more time on but i mean it's such a finicky ordeal i think it's it's probably okay yeah i i think they sound fine which that was a compendium of different things because like i basically made i think three or four different versions that we ended up sort of throwing throughout the project and like it was a combination of some suppressed sound packs and some i think boom library assault weapons and like i yeah i tweaked them for a while because i i wanted them to sound like they were being shot from inside a building which would make them sound even louder because you'd get the sound that would just instantly hit every single wall the immediate early reflection like if you're in the woods you get like a pop and then you would get like the reverb that would come in afterwards so that was a whole ordeal some someone asked uh where was it filmed we shot it in bland missouri which is about an hour southeast of jefferson city uh you can actually stay at the place if there's any fans here that live in missouri or around the area if you we booked it through verbo it's also on airbnb if you just search uh bland missouri it's literally it's literally the only barn looking thing like that in that area uh yeah it's like it's like 500 a night to rent or something but it's great like we everything that you saw in the film for the exception of the montage sequence and parts of the briefing scene were all shot there it's like 140 acres of land so it was super convenient for us and uh uh mike who was the uh mike and craig who were the location managers of that area were super accommodating uh and were really excited for it like it's like what i called it like i talked i think i talked to mike first and i was like hey uh we want to shoot a movie on your on your land and at your house and we need to burn something there is that cool he's like yeah come on out i was like cool they didn't even have to sell him on it he was just he was just totally ready for it so i thought that was that was fun i saw someone else ask like why no one was matching and i think we addressed this earlier it's just so you could tell the characters part that's really it the patches and stuff so it would be a lot more confusing if we were all matching it all wearing full black with no patches and no masks yeah i know that the that shooting it was a hell crawl but drew was there any part of the filming that was fun uh no the actual filming every part like not just goofing around on set i mean the actual filming i think i think the actual filming was really interesting to me because i didn't ever i've never seen a film set before and so seeing like just like how steven did it and how everybody else around steven was working with him to get every shot in and make sure we were like ready for each shot i don't know i i it's not exactly the fun thing but i found that like the most like interesting takeaway is just seeing like how like looking behind the scenes and remembering okay this is how i was like in this scene and this is how we set up this shot and all that sort of stuff was really interesting to see in the final film and compare it to my memories of like how we set those shots up um how it was how long did it take for you to like because that's the other thing is you had to get the you had to get like the raid rehearse like the day before it was shot didn't you no we did it the day of i think we did the morning of and then like at noon we did the raid wow but i mean it took us yeah we probably drilled um the the opening door we probably drilled like the the walk inside the house maybe three times we went up the stairs probably like five times from the door to the shot where we are walking up the stairs from when we when we flash the door we walk all the way to the kitchen we walk all the way back to the stairs we go upstairs that shot we probably did that i would say 20 times before we had the like actually put our gear on and then started to film maybe three or four takes i don't know that's how i feel we did it a lot because we would mess up we'd bump into each other in the hallway we'd look stupid and so we finally like we're getting it pretty dang good and that's the point with which they were like all right now put your masks and helmets and all the other stuff on because the masks in if we weren't trying to record an actual shot we would not be wearing the masks or any headgear because it was so hot like wearing a helmet it's fine but you don't really realize how much heat comes off your face so even if you're indoors in a 65 fahrenheit house it's like it is just i don't know i don't know how to describe it it's like you're just breathing out air and then that air goes to your your eyes and goes back in your nose and like oh it is disgustingly hot in those and so we would only wear those when we had to take the musk but uh but yeah i think i think learning the strategies there was fun and learning like hey this is how you breach a house like just learning the fundamentals of basically like breaching rooms and stuff and seeing it actually work out in the end and although it was like scripted like we were told exactly which room to go into how to go into that room and which order we you know need to go out at but you kind of saw like wow a real life you know navy sealed cqb clearing guy basically does this with just the fluidity of just he can figure out which room to go in at what time to come out like i think that was pretty cool to to to see that sort of stuff so that was the funnest part for me probably and also i liked uh i don't know i liked acting in the um in lambert getting his neck cut sequence because i got like purposely like thrash him into the hallway which you can't really see on camera but i'm like tugging david with like all my might into the hallway and like throwing him against the wall in the hallway and then he like falls down i slipped on his blood in the shot that was used in the film and so i like if you actually look really closely i fall down too but like we're wearing so much gear like it doesn't even hurt to fall down and it's like i like rush him out of the room and then i instantly just go whoop on his blood and just smash against the floor behind him i'm honestly just glad you didn't die a heat stroke because that would have been on me i can't see it at all i wasn't like when i was tired or anything i wasn't tired of heat really i was just just tired dude yeah i was working a long hours without much it was i was so anxious because like for anyone doesn't know i wasn't able to make it to the set at all so like dude you can't imagine the anxiety of just hoping everybody gets it right and like hoping that nothing terrible happens yeah because we were we were like on average each day was about 12 hours except for day two day two i think was a 16 hour day because we fell behind a couple hours the first day because of some wardrobe issues and that freaked me out we uh we went till we shot till like 11 30 at night and we started at like 8 a.m i want to say but since you guys are all basically animals you don't care you're just like let's get it done because like the all the whole sequence like the the scene where you guys are in the bedroom yeah where the door opens and they kill the creature and then you guys are having the discussion on like what you're going to do all i shot at night we had like diffusion over the window and we had two 1200 watt lamps shooting through it we had that one practical in the corner and that was it and we just emulated the look of daylight but like on the raw footage you hear like crickets and frogs and stuff outside it's really weird it was like we were in a casino because you have no idea what time of day it is who is the guy who played um jansen uh corey haynes you want to talk about a bit about corey yeah the last minute edition so yeah so gregory wong was originally supposed to be his character but he uh he had an incident yeah he had an incident in la so we like a week before shooting uh david lee hooks us up with corey haynes who coincidentally they live like in the same city and corey was like yeah we could just like yeah i could be there so this madman drives like after a full day because he's a police officer in oklahoma city and so from an entire day of working drives overnight to set and then works a full 12 hours on set in full gucci gear like all of his gear was real uh like was wearing a real airframe was wearing level four armor the entire time and like nothing on him was fake except for his rival mad man that was it didn't complain once it was unreal uh and he was he was the only one if i remember correctly he was the only one in the main team that actually did serve overseas like i think he led like over 200 combat missions in iraq so he because ty our origin our main tactical advisor was only able to be there for the first couple days and then corey helped us uh on like the x-fil scene and going into the basement all that kind of stuff uh after whenever ty was unavailable so it was kind of yeah so it was kind of good so it was nice to have the appointment be a legit guy right yeah so to answer your question robert wade uh i we we don't take like stuff up the site that we have plans for currently uh sorry man we we try to stick to stuff that we can be as unpredictable as possible i won't do anything off the site until i find one that i can add on to in such a way that would really really shake it up but like i can't fig i don't have any in mind right now uh have peanut get released into a preschool no darn did you guys have reserve plates uh all the plates were actually uh i went to home depot and i bought the inch thick uh insulation foam board and i just yeah and i just cut out foam plates and put them in as inserts because i noticed like one of the biggest complaints in a lot of movies which was brought up by uh one of my contacts at spirit of systems uh patrick shout out to patrick um he told me he says hey man like if you're wearing a plate carrier you guys should run plates because otherwise like what's the point i was like you know what and i'm like you know what go watch movies and see like their play characters and see how they're like curved around their body like like like it's gambason it's like dude what the yeah right so that was it's because patrick was uh is a marine and that was one of the things that he said like so he was like hey that's one of the things that we noticed so i was like you know what cool i will i will make sure that makes it in the film to make sure it was it's as accurate as we can get it with what we have to work with so it just they were all wearing foam plates just to kind of fill it out except for cory cause cory's mad man wearing real level fours so let me say regret that he did yeah we had the premiere showing a couple days ago he's like yeah after the first few hours i realized it was a mistake but i just kind of and i had i had foamies for him i said do you want to take those out i can give you real he's like no no no no i want to wear it it's my immersion i'm like all right man whatever mess with acting yeah yeah that's insane it's gonna be super nice if like we can get back other people like people from the cast to do another one yeah who did the designs for your symbols so evan you designed those i doodled a bunch and then somebody else like did a revised version of my doodles or i think we went with that yeah so again my per production designer corey heinsley fantastic to work with she like i gave her evan's doodles and everything and she's like all right yeah i can do like i asked her said hey we need a appeal and stick solution so she gave me like a stack of like these i think they were like they were about 12 by 12 like cutouts and we were able to just walk up to a wall peel these things off stick them on and then we were done like did a fantastic job for that solution and adapted evan's uh concepts like i i think she did like flawlessly for it so she killed it um someone asked evan are you worried about fans expecting content to your channel become exclusively sap related and do you have any projects not really to speak that you're excited to produce um i'm not too worried about it i think that like i have ideas like if this all kind of depends on if we're going to keep making this kind of content at all because i end up having to transition the kind of content that i'm making i'm honestly not gonna be too worried about it because it wouldn't be the end of the world to me if i moved on from youtube eventually um but i have ideas like i think there's some decent sort of carryover projects like i've mentioned before like i like the idea of like doing something in the stalker universe but like i don't know if i'm gonna even be able to do that it sort of depends if we're still doing this like that that really is what it depends on which the future remains very uncertain but yeah it's on my mind i'm personally not worried about it i love the cinematography throughout what's your thought process when you think of how you want to oh i just lost it there it is compose your shots so we scouted the shots i wanted the shot wow we scouted the location i want to say three or four times um and what i was looking for mainly was a lot of texture uh so the house majority of the house is all like like wood paneling hardwood floors like all that and there is a lot of large windows so a lot of natural light can come in and really just bounce around and have that nice shine to the wood so i like doing a lot of long takes and really showing off the environment as much as i can uh while also using natural light to your advantage and equip like what i said earlier on in the stream like using a haze machine to create atmosphere within uh your set really adds to that so it's like most of overlord was kind and most of the stuff that evan and i do like we create a shot list and we kind of just go we didn't really have a storyboard it's just we just have a shot list of like here's what needs to happen and i just kind of go with whatever looks best whenever we're there because we didn't have to worry about performances it was just make sure the shot looks cool and that was really it uh a lot of the rooms were very small so uh my first ac wayne gasman uh he supplied me with that 16 to 35 g master uh sony lens so i was able to get in a lot of tight spaces especially where that safe door is that was like i think i asked you this before drool was that like it was like a three by two foot space at the bottom of the stairs where that safe door is so we were i was shooting at 16 millimeters like i like whenever like john and like whenever bassan and jan said switch places when he goes to punch in that code his face was literally right in front of the lens that's how close quarters that was so it was definitely like very documentary and running gun style was kind of what we were going for and shooting on full frame really helped that and also i was able to capture a lot of the location that we were shooting on and you know just kind of like the beauty of the natural light that kind of flowed into the house especially outside like the only i think uh image amplifier amplifier for like a better words that we used was just a a rosco uh fogger and that was it and the sunlight just kind of did the rest like oh cool god ray's neat a lot of it was just kind of like your circumstantial stuff we're just like well that turned out cooler than i thought um so that was kind of it for this it was definitely more it wasn't really too clinical as far as like following the storyboard just had a shot list and went all right let's see what looks cool and that was really it clay how did you mask out the trees for the smoke shot be right back because there was the tree layer behind behind it and i was like man that's gonna be a pain in the ass yeah no i i paint i just painted a layer in photoshop and oh poor baby yeah it wasn't that it wasn't too bad it was hard to see where the separation was in some areas but yeah i wasn't yeah i was insane that shot looked i something about it looked kind of sus when i was like watching the original drafts but as soon as we put the color on yeah yeah no it was super hard getting the smoke to do what i wanted it to do yeah that was that was that was yeah that took a lot of simming and stuff but that was one that i was really worried about should we mention the nature of the shot as well stephen that there's something a little special about it oh yeah so so half of that shot is actually a matte paint it's a static it's a it's an extension like i just took a screenshot put it in photoshop and just half-assedly extended it but like you don't know because i told clay i was like hey listen the first thing that needs to happen in this shot is that i need a lot of smoke just to come in from the right side because that whole area is not real and it looks awful so you don't so you won't ever see it uh but because the left side of the frame is actual video that's playing and you can see the trees moving and stuff but on the right side you don't see that but since it's such a you know inconsequential detail like you would never notice it thank god it wasn't moving yeah and then so like it was originally a very wide shot and then we punched in and then i keyframed it to move to pan left which there's a there's a lot of that that happens yeah how many how many touch-up shots did we do for this two-minute account yeah we did a million oh yeah the doorknob remember the doorknob oh yeah so the so whenever they're dragging lambert into the room and they tell him to shut the door when you shut the door my ref you can see me in the reflection of the doorknob so i had to paint that out yeah yeah and i wonder if i have my ship post that i made with that yeah and there was also uh in that same shot which i didn't catch it until like i think two weeks ago um where you it it's not in it now but like off to the left of the frame when the camera is about to follow them in you actually see my shadow on the wall to the left of kalinsky and i was like oh i got to go in and i got to crop that out and then adjust it and everything so there like a lot of key framing happened because we were just moving at light speed oh i have it uh with everything oh you do still can you play it here no oh dang that'd be great it's good i'll just link it in chat you guys can watch it i want to know if the nods are real uh and they're really cool no they weren't they were they were uh just airsoft replicas okay everybody watch this every look at that link i can't click it but it's great so it's so good uh let me see how many how many times did lambert have to choke on water to get the right sound actually scp illustrated i think he did it in one take like it sounds just great yeah joking performance yeah yeah it's like a lot of experience but i can verify but it was uh yeah i think he did it all in one go like i could tell like like he had like a bowl of water in front of him or whatever although i mean i would assume he did otherwise the rest of his room would probably be wet uh what else do we got i think we're gonna start wrapping up soon if anybody wants to ask any burning questions now's the time to do it what is the transport chopper model clay that's a question for you uh that was just a black hawk so uh no it was yeah it was just a stock blackhawk model that actually is the one that i had for um zero nine six then i ended up not using it in a scene so it got some use yep okay it retained its value or it made back its cost i guess um somebody's asking about bts bts coming don't worry about it uh somebody else's like bloopers and outtakes gonna be i don't know probably not someone asked about the uh the gear so most of the gear was supplied like the all the hammer down guys the security forces they brought their own gear uh the plate carriers for the main entry team were supplied by lbx tactical they were armadis to play carriers which you can buy on their website um evike sent us some condor backpacks and they sent us two mark 18s and elite force sent us four hk-416s which we customized uh everyone else that showed up were already airsoft players so we just told them hey bring your furniture and just throw it on the gun and customize it the way you want i think there's a video of somebody like showing off some of the gear and it's like a lot of stuff yeah throughout themselves they're insane yeah mark ryan uh i think it's the uh something extraordinary to look up like yeah overlord gear i think yeah it'll be it'll be yeah it'll be his most of his stuff's like cry precision stuff and a lot of gucci gear and it looked pretty good he was actually the one that got yanked into the woods oh was it yeah that was him yeah i was because nope see how long was this on the editing room floor uh well we started like the minute we wrapped up production in early june so when we just finalized it like 48 hours ago so drew was literally hanging out in your room after shooting and watching you cut this thing yeah it was just funny yeah like so this thing was being cut like all the way back in june like this took a while and i had a lot of notes because i'm an okay i'm back rip um any plans to do more established scps not really i don't know yeah most of it come up with one i don't know maybe but i probably won't do it by this means we've got one more planned probably won't probably won't call for that how did you do the upside down anomaly puking scene clay yeah you know yeah you guys provided that play to the dude and uh just kind of stitched them all together uh did some liquid sim and smoked him smoke sam yeah um yeah you know what the one that was the hardest i think was the getting the smoke on the on the ceiling to move oh yeah yeah going back and forth yeah um i mean smokes sims are always fun because it's just kind of like just seeing how you know reacts to that just pushing the geometry geometry through it so we actually in the hallway is all fake yeah that was actually a shot we went back for so this location is three hours away from where i live so wayne and i went back out there to reshoot the pov camera shot of the creature walking into the doorway which was wayne shout out to wayne uh and then the ceiling shot of the after you know before we added the simulated smoke i had like i taped like blue x's on the ceiling and on the walls for tracking points for clay even though they didn't work like i tried at least you took multiple multiple shots did like i think i did like 10 or 12 takes like from several different angles just to kind of see like what works and what doesn't work and then the one that made it in the film it's like that's what we decided on and i definitely think like uh neat video uh the plug-in neat video was the godsend of this because especially with the crappy 8-bit compression from the native camera that like what we were using like really cleaned up all the noise so if there's any filmmakers here and you've been on the fence about using neat video we used it like throughout the entire film and it's definitely worth the cost i can second that yeah no it's good yeah all right i think we can i think we can wrap that up there um oh boy yeah this this was exhausting from start to finish you can't fathom how stressful this was to make throughout the entire thing like a single point where i wasn't completely anxious about the future of the project and i wasn't like worried about the outcome so if you're ever into this it's totally normal if you're if you're in that sort of mindset and if you're completely exhausted it's not unusual um i'm sure clay can vouch for that because the first time we met you sounded about the same as i did yeah dude i still feel that way i'm still so tired man so i think um we're gonna take a brief hiatus before we get back to the sort of next thing on the chopping block uh which you guys will hear about i don't know i don't know when it might be a little while to be honest and um i want to thank everybody who helped this project become a reality that's kind of insane how much support there was i mean both the kickstarter backers and everybody who helped out pro bono on set like is insane like that's that's nuts that that that that there was that much faith given on part of everybody in the project towards what we were doing that's um that's something i i i i feel i have to honor at all times so yeah yeah definitely like our crew were like there were there was not a time where people were not like working like on the crew i mean like the hammer down guys they were just vibing yeah but but like the uh but whenever we needed something like there there was always like a like like yeah i'll take care of it and everyone just kind of it was very last minute especially with you know all the you know given the current context of the world and all the things going on right now uh everyone was just kind of they just putting like all that faith behind it even though because there was a lot of people on set that i had never worked with before except for you know like my primary crew that i usually pick out but like you know we had you know the production designer or set decorator uh you know like like corey and amelia like first time working with them and they killed it uh working with uh ellis wallace as a my gaffer like like even though we like we only had like some you know a handful of scenes that were lit like whenever he did it he got it done uh and all the grips that were working with him too you know uh dylan and luke never complained once they were hauling ass you know like dragging the the fogger out getting all the extension cords out there uh jason our production assistant whenever someone needed something you got it done and you know like everyone like was nuts especially and karen's like her her script supervisor notes are so detailed like i've never seen a more detailed uh uh spread of shots uh than what she handed me and and with vic our first ad you know keeping everything in order and wayne making sure that all the camera gear and everything was where it needed to be and everything was juiced up and ready to go uh and even our like our technical advisors tai and corey like killed it yep never went like everyone just absolutely killed it so and joe poor joe dude second second ac stuff and also having to drive all the way out like back like an hour like west to pick up food and catering and stuff and and tony being in charge of everything especially when i think tony yeah tony had like a broken foot what yeah throughout this whole thing like just i think like it was like getting over having a broken foot or whatever yeah the dude was just like an animal like getting everything organized making sure everything was on track like it was it was awesome i was like damn all right this crew is pretty rad uh i don't think i'm leaving anyone out though like i'm trying to trying to think if i there's anyone else but like anybody's being left out i'm sorry i love you ratio him on twitter yeah just cancel me hello or blow up my my dms but uh but i think we're gonna call it there any anything anybody else wants to say uh i would say like for any updates on any future projects i usually post it on my instagram if you want to hit up yeah follow me at uh retro digitalmedia on instagram all of our updates are on there or if you want to join our discord server it's posted in the description don't do that why not do not join the discord server please don't just don't do it but if you want to interact with us on a daily basis and annoy us you can discord link in description go sub to go sub to dan uh after infinity music what's up to clay and uh and you've already subbed your ski but go sub to them anyway if you haven't um take care guys uh it's been it's been pretty great i'm gonna go sleep bye thanks for watching
Channel: Evan Royalty
Views: 219,371
Rating: 4.955173 out of 5
Id: IIc12y_iwaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 46sec (5506 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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