SCP: Ghost Town

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This dude did a really good job though he must have used black magic to get GTA 5 to look so real.

Only real complaints is that it ends kinda abruptly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GalagaMarine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh shit i have a bag of milky ways. That’s quality script writing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tony1393 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really like this. I even like that there's no earth-shattering revelations or big encounter with a famous monster. While it's pretty intense to us, for the Foundation it's just another day at the office.

EDIT: I also really liked the trash talk between the Foundation agents/interviewer and the GOC observer. We tend to think about these organizations in an abstract sense, so it's very humanizing to listen to people who work for them elaborate on their worldviews and justify their actions. Both sides even got some pretty good zingers in on one another.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Iskral πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I knew it was gonna be good when I heard the Volgun at the start.

That was a fantastic video. And it was all done in GTA 5? That's impressive.

It's nice to see an SCP video

The focus on a small-scale anomaly that isn't a guaranteed death sentence for anyone in its general area is a nice change of pace from the bigger, more bombastic scenarios we see a lot of. No world-ending threats, just one team doing their best to handle an unknown situation.

Great stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ceraunius πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is probably the best thing I've seen

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mcthballs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

30 seconds in....VOLGUN!!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJButterscotch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

really, really liked this. looking forward to ER's next project/film

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ayserra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The last one was so good and this one just co tinted the awesomeness. Love this guy, can hardly wait to see more from him!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Amaz1ngWhale πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn, this is really well made across the board. Voice acting, writing, direction, it's really well done. Honestly took me ages to realize this was done in GTA V until I started to recognize some of the locations.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RudeRunologist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
SCANNING . . . DRIVE ACCEPTED : > > NO MALWARE DETECTED O5 RESTRICTED ACCESS ENTER PASSWORD: PASSWORD ACCEPTED EXTERNAL DRIVE: >LETTER.MP3 >OPERATION GHOST TOWN.MP4 [microphone turning on] [Lawson:] "My apologies for the discrete nature of this message. This was hardly something I could discuss with you in person or over the phone." "It's come to my attention that your peers have called for an inquiry into Operation: Ghost Town." "I have no doubt that the forces who opposed Detachment Zero will be taking aim at them once again." "Now, while I won't beg for your defense of them-" "I will, however, supply you with more information before the inquiry is underway." "Within this drive is a compiled series of videos taken during the operation." "This was initially meant for the training of Detachment Zero's Blue Team-" "But now it serves another use. As full discretion; while your peers will be receiving this video as evidence shortly-" "I wanted you to get this earlier, and from me before the inquiry, not having been clouded by the opinions and..." "...agenda's of others..." "I respect your intelligence and ability to see through rhetoric, but I do not trust in the meddling and tactics of zeroes detractors." "I'm sure you understand..." [microphone turning off] EXTERNAL DRIVE: >LETTER.MP3 >OPERATION GHOST TOWN.MP4 [DISTORTED VOICE:] "The following video is restricted to O5 level staff. Only those with O5 Level Clearance may view and distribute this video. "Any unauthorized viewings of this video will result in immediate detainment and further punishment as determined in severity by O5 level staff." [Shinobi:] "(inaudible), this is Shinobi. Be advised: Bishop is entering the target building, over." [Bishop:] "I like what you've done with the place, General." [Bishop:] "The lomani technology group is not anti-security General, unless your issue is that you simply think we arrived here overdressed." "Did this become a safe country while I wasn't looking?" [Bishop:] "Well...That's what we're here to determine." "We want access to whatever it is that you're hiding in your exclusion zone." [Bishop:] "Frankly, we don't...All we have are rumors..." [Bishop:] "Depends who you ask. Your previous defector would have us think it was a discovery of great scientific significance." "My country's media would have us believe it is a concentration camp for the rebels trying to usurp yo-" [Bishop:] "We come as potential partners General... We're not here to question your personal notions of human rights." [Bishop:] "Well...We know that periodically a transport of some kind enters your exclusion zone." "These vehicles, airborne or otherwise, are not models that your current military backers own." "My employers believe it is almost certain that you've already struck a deal." "So..." "Whatever they're offering you. My people can do better." [Bishop:] "I see..." "Then, why are we having this conversation General?" [Bishop:] "lomani is hardly clandestine, we're very outgoing and transparent about our actions and interests." [Bishop:] "Well, you're putting me in a rather difficult position..." "How can I possibly disprove that I'm from an organization? Which in practice... would not tell you it exists?" [Bishop:] "I've given you everything I have to say General. I would encourage you to work with us, as I stated previously." "Whatever deal you have, my people can meet it. Thank you for your time." [Bishop:] "Korolenko wasn't interested, wouldn't move an inch..." [Shinobi:] "10-4 Bishop. Moving to continency alpha, over." [Bishop:] "Yeah...I'll call you later..." [sniper shot] [gun fire erupts] [Lawson:] "O5 approval just came through." "Bishop, you want to tell them what you told me?" [Bishop:] "General Korolenko's death went off better than expected. All relations between the military government and their partners appear to have been frozen." "As of this morning there has been a total exodus of all non-military elements within the exclusion zones' compound." "Iota-10's source gives us about half a week at the least before they return." [Kyoun:] "We still don't who their partners are?" [Bishop:] "Not a clue. I can't even find a middleman between the two groups." "Partner or no partner. We still need to know what the General was hiding from us. [slide changing] [Lawson:] "O5 wants us to preform a recon op into the exclusion zone. Once inside the target area-" "You'll do a full SSE on anything we can get our hands on. The secondary team will provide an escort up to the border-" "But after that, as usual, the infiltration team is on their own..." "If Team One should come into contact with anything anomalous, a containment team will remain on standby for when you're back here." "Our goal is to maintain a minimal presence, so that means no air support." "Save for an ISR drone. Comms will be bouncing off them-" "So... don't worry about line of sight... " "If compromised, you will 'not' stand your ground. Get out of there with whatever means you can. Any questions?" [silence] "No? Alright then. Let's try to get this plan developed by tonight. If you have any mission code ideas..." "...whiteboards over there..." [Kyoun:] "Shinobi this is Sicarii 1-1, radio check, over." [Shinobi:] "Sicarii-1-1, this is Shinobi, read you loud and clear, over." [rushing wind] [Shinobi:] "Sicarii 1 this is Shinobi. Be advised: we're seeing an unidentified vector moving in your direction, several klicks out, over." [truck engine] [Shinobi:] "Sicarii-1, be advised: We have two armed sentries watching the gate at you're twelve, and another guard watching from the rooftop at your 3 o'clock, over." [distant gunshot] [distant gunshot] [multiple distant gunshots] [Kyoun:] "Roger that... Guess we're going right..." [Pearce:] "Gettin' caught ain't so bad. Still counts as a stealth mission if you make sure there's no witnesses left." [fence creaking] [Shinobi:] "Sicarii-1, this is Shinobi. You're in the clear, over." [Fox:] "(Inaudible)" [Kyoun:] "Shinobi, this is Sicarii 1-1, we've passed Subruca, over. [Shinobi:] "Roger 1-1, enjoy the walk, Shinobi out." [Lance:] "Smooth sailing from here on boys." [Fox] "Fuck yeah." [Fox:] "(Inaudible) stove, makes some real food." [Lance:] "What? MRE's aren't real food?" [Kyoun:] "Gentlemen... Get some rest. Lance you're on first watch." [Kyoun:] "Hmm?" [Kyoun grunts] [Kyoun:] "You think your brain was trying to tell you something?" [Kyoun:] "You can always get worse... That much I know..." [Kyoun:] "Shinobi, this is Sincarii 1-1, we have past med-off, over." [Shinobi:] "Good copy 1-1, over." [Kyoun:] "Roger Shinobi, 1-1 out." [Lance:] "Dun' look like it was built yesterday..." "This place looks pretty fucked up..." [Fox:] "That large surface, down there in the middle." "What do you feel that thing is?" [Kyoun:] "It might have something on it." "Documents, records on what this place is for that we can grab." [Lance:] "What do you guys think about these guards?" "We could interrogate them, get some intel, we got the amnesiacs to make it happen." [Kyoun:] "It's "amnestics" Lance, fucking amnestics…" "And negative... Nobody speaks the language." "Stick to the fuckin' plan..." [Kyoun:] "1-1 to all Sicarii-1 elements. Got a door over here." "Gonna take Lance with me and check it out. Expect weak comms, over." [Kyoun:] "Starting to think this goes a bit deeper than we initially assumed..." [Lance:] "Proaabably gonna take a little while to copy everything over." "Hey, I saw an espresso maker in the mess hall if you wanna put your barista skills back to work." [Kyoun:] "Funny. Just remember to photograph any physical documents. Be thorough." "If they catch us here, we're not going to be able to make a second trip." [Lance:] "What about you sir?" "Got any plans for tonight?" [Kyoun:] "I'm gonna go topside and try to get a better look at that platform." [Lance:] "Roger that." "Have fu-" n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- [audio cuts] [Fox:] "Guessing it doesn't make any more sense up close?" [Kyon:] <sighs heavily> "No, it doesn't." "Lance, you find anything on your end?" [Shinobi:] <urgently> "Sicarii-1, you have an unidentified bird inbound on your position, over." [Fox:] "Are you havin' a fuckin' laugh right now?" [Kyoun:] "Shinobi, this is 1-1, do you have any traffic on local comms that may explain why we're getting a visitor, over?" [Kyoun:] "Granted, try to get a vantage point. I'll hold my position to get audio. [helicopter whirring] [muffled whirring] [helicopter whirring] [Fox:] "Civilian looking bird. I count three men, two guards and another guy." "I don't think he's a shooter, he's got a briefcase with him." [Kyoun:] "Fox, if we're compromised. Light up that fucking bird." [Fox:] "Roger that, they're keeping his spine up, so whatever they're here for, it's gonna be quick." [Kyon:] "Roger..." [???:] (Inaudible)"--I am not the guy for that. I don't even work inspecting it. I mean, just fucking call--" "--Melton! That or, you know... call your own people! I don't give a shit." [mechanical whirring] [mechanical whirring] [Pearce:] "Shitty hell, that's not good!" [mechanical whirring] [Lance:] "You need to get out of there. Right now." [whirring getting even louder] [whirring steadily getting louder] [Kyoun:] "If I move, I'm burned!" [whirring getting even louder] [Lance:] "Yeah, and if you don't move, who the fuck knows what will happen?" [machine starting] [Kyoun:] "Shit!" [audio cuts] [Lance:] "Kyoun, come in, you good?" [Pearce:] "We're burned... Light em' up!" [LMG fire] [marksmen rifle fire] [glass shattering, bullets impacting] [Fox:] "Pilots are slapped." [Lance:] "Let me see your hands! Don't FUCKING TRY ANYTHING!" [Fox:] "One of ours was next to your little pet project when it went off. What happened to him..." [???:] "What happened? He's good as dead." "Never gonna see him again." [Fox:] "How." [???:] "Well, if I uh, tell you guys anything..." "That's kind of asking for my employer's to kill me." [Pearce:] "If you provide us with actionable intelligence annnd your employer's catch on to it," "I'd say you got a 50% chance of getting axed." "However, if you don't tell us anything I can make it a-hundred percent...and because of you callin' your friends..." "We don't have a lot of time to make that decision..." "We don't have a lot of time to make that decision..." [???:] "-okay-" [???:] "--Okay, fuck..." [Fox:] "Think we can work together?..." [???:] <defeated> "You've torn the place up - the intel's yours anyways. What do you want to know?" [Pearce:] "Let's start with this... Who do you work for?" [???:] "What, you guys don't know? I'm from the United Nations." [Fox:] "Shit..." [Pearce:] "You're kiddin' me right now..." [Lance:] "Global Occult Coalition...Should've figured you cucks were on this shit..." [G.O.C Operative:] "You guys made a real big fucking mistake coming out here." [Lance:] "I could say the same to you..." [G.O.C Operative:] "So you guys are... what? SCP Foundation?" [Pearce:] "Just a couple of friends came out here for a walk..." [Fox:] "Why is the U.N here?" "What is that thing out there?" [G.O.C Operative:] "Good question. Truth is we don't have a clue. We guessed it was built under the iron curtain." "But there's nothing from the old government on it. Hell all the facilities and shit. That's stuff my people built around the old construct." "Locals only noticed it last year." "Whole thing looks as if it just kind of showed up, out of thin air. By the way it functions." "That doesn't sound that far-fetched. That shit you saw out there. That's its principal function." "Periodically, without us activating it, the shit powers on, and warps out any foreign bodies within it's area of affect." [Fox:] "The fuck's that mean?" [G.O.C Operative:] "As far as we know, it's like a rift. Goes from one dimension, to another. It's clearly man made--." "--But I don't know how it works, or who the fuck made it. All we know, is that it works. Anything standing on it--" "--is tossed out of our reality in an instant." [Fox:] "Does it go two ways...?" [G.O.C Operative:] "I mean, yeah kinda. They'll fire up again in a bit. At which point anything can return. After that--" "--It closes for another season. Runs like clockwork." [Lance:] "What's the military government getting out of all this?" [G.O.C Operative:] "I dunno everything, but from what I hear on the grapevine..." "Immunity. In return for our use of the anomalous object, the UN will overlook the human rights violations committed on part of the military government." "They won't let us move it out." "And the exclusion zone has been put up under the worry that other rifts might come through in this area." "But there isn't a lot of evidence to back that up." "I'm sure there's a strategic advantage involving the civil war, but I'm not sitting in on those conversations." [Pearce:] "Love me some dirty politics." [G.O.C Operative:] "Save your fucking moralizing, you people are no better." [Fox:] "You mentioned earlier... The person can safely enter AND exit the rift machine without ordeal..." "Why'd you assume our friend is dead? [G.O.C Operative:] "Well... well that's uh..." "Because of how we use it." [Fox:] "Explain." [G.O.C Operative:] "Okay. So the dimension itself. It's not particularly active from our limited observation of it." "We haven't been able to find anything inhabiting at other than birds, insects, and rodents." "It was clearly inhabited by someone, at some point, due to the fact that there's infrastructure present." "But we dunno what happened. However, it remains a useful asset to the G.O.C." "Internally we call it Black Horizon." "If you are an informed party, you'll know our mission statement is the acquisition and subsequent destruction of anomalous entities." "Well, this is what happens when we encounter that which we cannot destroy..." "Captured assets are transported here, and dumped into the rift machine. If we can't kill them..." "...Well, they might as well be pushed out of our way." "Makes them good as dead." [Lance:] "You dumb mother fuckers..." [Pearce:] "So our friend, is in that fuckin' place, with a shitload of un-killable anomalies..." [G.O.C Operative:] "I mean, yeah, basically..." [Fox:] "Can we get a signal through?" [static fading in and out] [static interference] [blaring static] [wind falling] [Kyoun:] "Oh shit, SHIT!" [woosh] [grunt] [strained breathing] [omonious woosh] [light impact] [Faint Woman's Voice:] "Hey...! Over here!" "Over..." "HERE!" [water splash] [muffled growling] [gasping] [distant roar] [Kyoun] "1-2 this is 1-1, I read you, over..." [Kyoun:] "Fuck..." [Kyoun] "Son of a bitch..." [faint footfall] [clattering] [β™« omonious whistling β™«] [whistling fades] [Fox:] "Folks giving us about an hour until the bad guys show up..." [Lance:] "And the T.L?" [Fox] "If he heard me he's in no position to reply..." "1-1 is officially M.I.A. As such, I'm assuming command of this fireteam." "Passed the word on to Shinobi, got us approval to extract our new best friend." [Lance:] "Sooo what do we do now? We gonna leave the T.L?" [Fox:] "Negative, you heard the man, door closes in a bit. And it goes two ways." [Lance:] "We're gonna make contact with the enemy way before that happens." [Pearce:] "You make a sound like it's a bad thing..." [Fox:] "If he comes out of there and we're not here to support him. He's going to be taken captive." "Then what's already a major incident is going to get a lot fucking worse." "We don't have a choice but to defend this position until that gate closes." [Lance:] "Look, I like the guy a whole lot, but we don't know what's in there. He could be infected." [Fox:] "You've got the anomaly manifest. Pass them over to base (indecipherable) work it out with the containment team. Right now--" "--We need to get our prisoner ready to extract. Lance, he's your charge." "Meanwhile, Pearce and I will move the bodies, kick some dirt over the blood, and deploy explosives for an ambush." [Pearce:] "Roger that..." [Fox:] "Oi, where do you keep the keys to the MRAP's?" [Lance:] "Prisoners secure and out cold, Fox, where you want me?" [Fox:] "Find somewhere on the left where Pearce and I can support you." [Lance:] "10-4." [Fox:] "You know what I just realized..." [Lance:] "What's up?" [footsteps] [chirps] [footsteps] [faint metallic creaking] [footsteps] [bird chirp] [faint rushing wind] [metallic foot falls from above] [foot falls getting closer] [foot falls getting closer] [door opening] [faint metallic creaking] [???:] "I see you there." "I see ya..." "Trust me... you'll be just like us soon..." "You've got to go..." "YOU'VE GOT TO GO..." "BEFORE HE GETS YOU!" [faint humming female voice] [humming female voice] [???:] "Hey... You've got to get me out before it comes back..." "Please... Don't leave me in here!" [metallic rumbling] [slow creaking...] [frantic demonic screams] [doors slamming open] [doors slamming shut] [door creaking open] [faint metallic creaking] [Fox:] "All Sicarii-1 elements this is 1-2, prepare to detonate, over." [Fox:] "Three..." "Two..." "One..." "Execute." [explosions] [LMG Fire] [suppressed carbine fire] [LMG fire] [explosion] [LMG fire] [LMG fire] [marksmen rifle shots] [Lance:] "Mother-FUCKER!" [pin being pulled] [explosion] [LMG fire] [Fox:] "RPG's get in cover!" [LMG fire] [explosions] [LMG fire] [LMG fire] [pin being pulled] [explosion] [marksman rifle shot] [bullet impact] [Lance:] "Ugh! God dammit!" [suppressed carbine fire] [suppressed carbine fire] [suppressed carbine fire] [changing magazines] [Suppressed Carbine fire] [Fox:] "Lance (inaudible) and get that fifty on them." [Suppressed Carbine fire] [Suppressed Carbine fire] [LMG fire] [Lance:] "Roger that! Moving too." [LMG fire] [LMG fire] [Bullets Impacting & Ricocheting] [LMG fire] [Distant LMG fire] [LMG fire] [Turret moving] [.50 Cal firing] [LMG fire] [.50 Cal firing] [LMG fire] [Wind swaying] [Rift Starting Up.] [Kyoun:] <desperately> "God fucking dammit!" [Rift Starting Up.] [ERR0R] [Rift Beginning] "God fucking dammit, God fucking dammit!" [Rift Starting] [Pearce:] "Kyoun thank fuck! Get to the MRAP we're leaving!" [Fox:] "Get in the fucking (inaudible) let's go!" [Bullets Ricocheting] [Lance:] "Shinobi, this is Sicarii-1-4, moving too (inaudible), over." [Shinobi:] "Good Copy 1-4, stand by for status on the extraction team, over." [Bullets Ricocheting, .50 Cal Firing] [Pearce:] "What happened in there Kyoun? What the fuck was in there?" [Shinobi:] "Shinobi to Sicarri-2, be advised Team 1 is Two Mikes out, over." [Lofflin:] "Solid Copy Shinobi, weapons ready and standing by for Team 1, over." [2-3] "This is 2-3, I got eyes on the target vehicles. Ready for detonation." [Explosions] [Lance:] "I'm gettin' the fuck out of this shithole." [???:] "Enemy Laptop secured, it's time to move." [???:] "Next hotwash is coming up. You Team-1 guys better have a good explanation for this shit." [Lance:] "I'm...Going for a drink..." (Inaudible) [Bishop:] "If you're feeling a bit left out when we give you back, my people could make use of someone like you." "A mole within the G.O.C is invaluable." "What do you think-" [G.O.C Operator:] "Save it..." "You think I'm gonna work for you guys? Do you even know what your employers actually want?" "What their actual endgame is?" [Bishop:] "Do you?" "So many interested parties shaking hands. How can intent ever be ascribed to your superiors?" "For all their faults..." "My people are insular enough to keep our ideological framework focused." [G.O.C Operator:] "And my people are legitimate." [Cuffs Rattle] "You're just a fucking outlaw state." "You guys act without the consent or will of the people of the people, breaking international law, causing irreparable damage to foreign nations." "You are completely without borders or respect for the geopolitical consequences of your actions." [Lawson:] "But we act with the superior doctrine." "You're all the same damage at war. But for nothing!" "In addition to that, as evidenced by "Black Horizon," you remain unable to completely fulfill your own mission goals." "Your necessity, is refuted, by your own actions." [Cuffs rattle] [G.O.C Operative:] <sighs> "Are we done here?" [Chair Sliding.] [Standing up]
Channel: Evan Royalty
Views: 1,371,541
Rating: 4.9554458 out of 5
Keywords: scp foundation, scp creatures, scp wiki, scp agency, dangerous scp, scp, exploring the scp foundation, what is scp, object class euclid, scp 106, scp 173, scp explained, horror stories, object class keter, scary stories, exploring series, is scp real, scp containment breach, scp 049, scp 096, scary, top 5, top rated scp, highest rated scp, scp 682, top 5 scary, scp 001, top 5 scary videos, scp 999, scp 079, scary videos, scp-173, scp-087, euclid, secure contain protect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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