Sci-Fi Marathon | Family Friendly | Sunday Night DUST

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(Action Music) Mom (Sound of faint breathing) Mom (Medical device suddenly beeps) (Medical device suddenly beeps) Damn It! Uuuuggghhh! Army Diagnostics our optimal projections optimal sensory recall optimal follow graphics very for upgrade vital party software not compatible I Sensed urgent attention. I'll give you tension army. The time is 97.1 the time is 9 nothing. Okay got him. Thanks nuts. I sense tension Check your phone. Hello Shay Wow I know you have a thing for me, but this is sending toward restraining order territory We have the biggest presentation of our careers. And this is how you act you'll be the end of me I sense tension. Do you really oh, come on. Okay. Listen, just just relax a little bit. All right, just there it is That's a spot you. All right Okay Did we start in 15 minutes? Okay bullet points, okay Thanks for attending our demonstration on memory rehabilitation for those recovering from Alzheimer's combination of nano technology Pharmaceuticals actual practice of sensory recognition. Hmm five distinct senses for our specific memory Listen I know you're up to something So whatever it is Get it done fast. I won't keep working your schedule for you Okay She'd be proud to be Ted for what you're doing here No, no. No what we're doing. Yeah Okay, listen, shake we are going to knock this out of the park. All right. Bye Yes, absolutely about the end of it. We will have change a landscape on this stupid disease All right Gotta go what Ted? Yeah, gotta go. Gotta go. Gotta go. Hey, you're not as clever as you think Yeah, don't act like I'm an idiot But Dr. Rose was Just come with us doctor, okay He found an intruder in our top tier level five classified alpha laboratory, what's that? exactly She showed up out of thin air at our most secure room no camera footage showed her entering No ID We're running a DNA profile now What does she have to do with me We found this on her person That would do it it's on you we'll be watching closely Can I get you a coloring book or juice box or anything Oh Polyphosphate no, I Studied French in middle school I can translate I don't know what your wife Rossi is for No le monde shuffle met Alice. I was a actually ma a trend. Apparently lepton Cooper very V Lafosse a kid who man Mizell je m'appelle OB Education and you are an animal children But to operate through a banana ma each his innocence Osprey create a souvenir Theatre new metropolitan even Dickie Aviv Jerusalem pretty bubbly pond Pourquoi walk then me vision men to whom I think I got that one. She said clothes you Hold on Hanoi, can you trust you know, it's why they call it trust standstill No idea here's a card I'm probably fired. I'll call you take care of itself And you're taking everyone it's just an exercise stay calm Nevermind it's not go go go go go Yeah yourself occupied don't you know well and I don't mind as a brain, whoa What do you think you're doing? Stop? Stop touching stop touching. Okay? Start talking instead now that I can breathe a minute. What about Um, let me see. I don't know. Where are you from? How did you get in the Alpha room? Why are you in my life right now? What's your favorite color, you know things like that? 2068 censoring recog passphrase Well Let's go back to that 2068 part year 2016 Pardon interruption. Sorry, but it's a girl's DNA and you really need to see this? Detained dr. Rose write down. Yes, sir So if you're from 2068 and time travel exists they haven't had any progress in the orthodontics industry red flag says I You know it strange how the man who denies time travel whatever exists is the same one who in fact invented What? Their fellow employees in their muscle are coming your now You said you would help me see her again. Why? Might be hard for you to fool. Oh it always Go for the Grand Slam The 2068 Memories knowledge emissions and information can all be hacked and this time but Iran has taken control with only one line He hasn't tapped into yours. You created a kill switch if you fell into the wrong hands It would kill you but your secrets wouldn't be the enemy's property. We have you back but in a comatose state It's these secrets that can never throw him in a vacuum. There's a passphrase we need to do so the Punk'd is why you do I Left her owner last night alive a Brain deteriorated a Vegetable skinny I Left her why I Don't know no She wouldn't have left me her baby So I try to go back even though it's not real to be with her not leave There are two types There are two types of potent memories OB once of great regret and one's okay well How do you You can't run for everyone forever you can't shut everyone out you'd have to love again trust again not be alone No one to know no one to lose and also no one to get now. Stop feeling sorry for yourself Stop publishing mother- It's bleeding. You people die Theodore and even normal if you don't help me now, come on Remember the good times even the small ones Ted My name is Miley che me and I am your granddaughter Are you now? Unauthorized personnel Approaching doctor main I need the phrase countless lives depend on it grandpa. I can get you to Love like death changes everything. It's gotta be it Shay, huh. You do get it That was it. Now. We need to retrofit this room more for travel latest holographic sup, frame-up. Yeah. Yes Hello my OB, how may I help you this time? I'm five running sequence initiated You don't me I'll help you the consciousness pills are back you want how much time you're there With her in the hospital, right? I'll finish up. Come on. Have fun Why are you torturing us? They should both be doing well my parents don't love me Thank you, so you won't leave the house tonight Charlie Charlie answer the man. This is the first one since we agreed to hang it up and we almost died lunchtime Okay, okay just shut up you can't pinky swear over You're so dumb fine Pinky swear pinky swear pinky swear. All right. No, leave me alone. I'm going back to sleep Nope you call it? All right looks to me like we have a traitor on our hands. I'm not a traitor I asked you I you know what? I look better. Well get your pocketknife This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me. Okay, look so more Jeff one last time sue me Yeah, Miss Lee will my dad's chums like you for breakfast don't you know, my ears go to 18 double hopping Snooks 8gw states charlie. What's the first bullet I travel a very first rule. I know the rules didn't honestly I don't care Are you suicidal miss? I'm dead. Serious. I don't want to drag you guys back in my mess again, okay? Look we're your best friends Charlie and that's what best friends are for You guys making out Funny things it's um guys can explain Tom buck just What I Saw Shawn Well, you might as well tell her no, no way. It's bad enough that you guys are here I'm not risking her life to battle. I'll take care of myself Ill could you get this it was a toilet water. Oh, no, she Didn't finish so My mom was lost when to spray that okay just wise up here his mom's dead That's why he wants to go back so much It's fine So, what should we do about her I don't know I won't tell anyone about any of this. I promise You know what no, I don't believe her guys I gotta say I really do I think she's left. Thanks is very trustful not very trustful. Look you've got very Busty what are you doing here Bobby? Would you keep Bobby's dead. Alright loser now how many higher age you know my Challenge a blabbermouth over here to get told us Neanderthal routers going you followed all the entire universe the second I told you that time machine Okay, let's go anywhere cute yes you are okay We don't have time for this, all right look I don't care anymore crazy or not But this time machine works and only we do it right now the story's gonna last so night Why do you want a storm huh so we can hear you freaks killing my sister I've been called a lot of names in my lifetime. Noxious flat-footed a heart attack waiting to happen Did someone call me flat-footed? Well, okay, let's see most of them most of them I repeat are true but I ate all Right. All right. Look the time machine needs a power source available in any time any era and in our case we have my name Jinx what perfect for each other Can we go back 30 BC to see Cleopatra. No, sorry. It doesn't work like that. It's not like back to the future We can't control when and where it takes us to max. Why are you entertaining this? Huh? I mean even if this works, but alright, what if it spits you out in front of some like giant t-rex that just wants to Call me meaty, and that's final she's coming with us There's meat enough I Won't have to Hide mr Just a little rain sunny go back Okay, oh good going to Jeffy's You might want to find something to grab onto Huh escape, we're just gonna use means good put me over here Okay, let's go find my mom Charlie sunny You Luckily the end of Gonzaga gnarly Feels unit one feels unit one May 28 519 p.m. Inhibitor test pre-show Setlist Cap can you get your box of science shit out of the van before we go? No, gosh. Yeah, not a scientist. You majored in English changing this whole thing Right Are you part of that? You've got them for everybody no one's gonna try my Cap you wanna walk me through this fiasco here. What am I looking at? Acoustic conduction inhibitor my design attached to the preamp stage. We all have him. Oh good This is your dilation level, but I already said it don't touch it Rises volume volume this volume Obviously, this is gonna help some time. We overloaded theory. They'll shut us down before Situation, okay. What's this field test? Miss research I have a theory Wheel is cool. It can act like a normal regular band for like a half hour forty minutes Anybody have a pick only have one. How do you leave one pick? Still starting fires, man. Ok, before we all get totally sidetracked we're dragging the first time man first tempo is perfect Totally disagree still happening mags. Well something happened Ben. Yes. How's the inhibitor? Do anything. This is the same as Kenny from Vanna witch's house party and the garage two weeks ago and you know wait How come you get to be kept I'm a couple of tools you to have the same nickname Oh miss confusing your amp caught fire In the garage nut caps, and you have got to be kidding Kenny's house I mean like why are we responsible for every basement with bad wiring all of a sudden? It's not the wiring Rob That's right. Scorch marks on the power transformer identical the friend Benowitz house party this whole area here It's incredibly unclear what's going on in this area. Okay, can we understand? We're all a little jazzed up right now But we have a show to play then like an actual show at a rock club first one long time coming and you know We're not gonna cancel on account of a little smoke a little smoke from what don't be ominous. Don't be sensational Are we really talking about canceling? Why? because of that Can you get us up and running in the next hundred minutes? barely How can we play tonight? There's one shitty emergency exit in that place plus the front door That's 210 cellino's really unprofessional. Okay band meeting I didn't want to get your hopes up, but I have it on good authority that pool party Eddie is coming tonight is a big fly very good authority in fact, and you know party, Eddie and full party Eddie parties Exactly pool party Eddie parties who party Eddie party's lead to blocks blogs lead to vlogs vlogs Lita, you know whatever so on and so forth like hey, do I agree with the fact that one guy gets to decide which band is which no, No, but Beth what's going on right now? And that's how it works now apparently, so that's what's happening guys What good is pool party Eddie if we burn him to death? It's never gonna be perfect for cos we can't keep obsessing over every little thing What is that it's a tape A cake. Yeah, I could tape was it today? research Wave ensue. What are you saying? You're saying that you put those down there and are you Saints not the wiring? What the hell does that mean? We liquefy tapes Look It's never happened twice in a row. So it's not gonna happen tonight. It's sporadic. Empirically speaking. That's good Science plus kept I mean you'd have a chance to get more data. Hmm I want to play as much as anybody you think I don't want to play awesome shows all day long But I have to refill another exception at the firehouse now. I don't want to know later. Someone's gonna start asking What we've been trying to do for once one time, okay fine no one else cares whether we survive or not Neither do I I've done all these safety shit and obviously no one's taking it seriously Do you have any idea how many kelvins we must be generating to do something like this? Anybody we're wearing the jumpsuit it's a lot Oh Boy that's pounding. Okay. Go for a run right Oh Pull my balls we shouldn't have done that. That was bad right boy You're right. Just don't cut the dye Who exactly could have died? Nobody came? Not nobody look Barney. He came right he gonna die. No he wasn't there six weeks we play field units out so frustrating 18 tape decks down the drain Why's your open not here Stealing clouds on the front entrance then was totally right by the emergency exits Totally sucked so sound guy and I had to escape to the bathroom window. I feel incredible, right? That was the best show ever cosmos man. I thought probably since caps birthday party. It was a good party. He's the best party You're burned that looks really bad Max I know I've been a real stickler about the safety shit and everything, but I get it now Exact same page. Are you crazy? I feel a little crazy We could have killed somebody if they showed up pool party Eddie showed up. What no, he did We're dangerous a million bands are dangerous bands play shows people go to they don't liquify tapes We're just poor people starting fires together. Yeah, and hope you bet you no can do that Are you okay? I don't know I don't know What's clicking What is that my Geiger counter Slowly okay over here over here over here Yep, you were saying something about the data somehow inaudible frequencies created by the four of us are generating when I now believe to be a self-sustaining electromagnetic group of unstable possibly radioactive energy Which is bypassing the preamp stage entirely Handers Demark Frequencies you've heard of this nobody's heard of this to my knowledge Sniffs it's got education party inspector Guardians playing at show. It's gonna be packed We're doing it right obviously we have to do it We could burn the place down sighs parents are dumb on the existence from run away We do in favor plus kept would have a chance to get more data I mean, I'm not saying we didn't sound good Band meeting kept brass tacks. What are we dealing with science-wise for starters? We possibly created an entire. I like that I want to come back to that but short turn more like for Friday survival wise also crowd us and crowd we're gonna have to And I can modify the inhibitors, but we're gonna need more than jumpsuits Can we still get the lightning? We're gonna have to purchase a few things Okay, who wants to keep going and see about burning this house down Friday Why is it the vault pool party Eddie we had a pool party one time someone died Right, of course back then. He was just a heavy Well, that's not a very good Sparky Sparky wanna play ball Sparky Sparky Sparky, it's time to wake up Spark Sparky Is he gonna be okay Sparks touch sensor appears to be non-functional I'm gonna have to open him up Wow, how old is this little guy? Almost 15 had him since I was little You must have babied him first Jen's weren't engineered to last more than 5 years How are his legs his legs aren't the problem It's the motherboard But you can fix it no I could if I had the parts Volt hasn't made them in years. I'm afraid no one has He's got to be something you can do I'll tell you what, I'll Check around and see if there's any scrapped first Jen's at any of the workshops Come back tomorrow No promises, though Kind of spark doing They said they could help them I guess we're gonna find out tomorrow tomorrow They say there's anything they can do. She's gonna look for some parts. That's good news Be okay, buddy Cake tailor our volt engineering technician will see you now floor 700 39 I Checked inventories everywhere. The only first gens left are in worse shape than yours There's just nothing left to salvage. Can you just patch him up a little bit? You can last a little bit longer. I Wish I could We have lots of other models though ones that will last the rest of your life. I could give you the discount code They have incredible features far more than spark from self defense modes to Mobile music and entertainment and high efficiency solar cells means that you will never have to lug a charger her around again Thank you, but no Peter Peter I told you I don't want one of those things I've had Sparky for 15 years. I can't just replace him with something replace. No babies just being himself He's in there Sparky it's back you wanna play ball
Channel: DUST
Views: 711,447
Rating: 4.7953005 out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi, short film, dust, watchdust, filmmakers, science-fiction, aliens, sci fi, science fiction, indie film, sci fi anthology, sci fi anthology series, sunday night dust, movie night, 1 hour of video, long videos, scifi anthology, sci-fi short film, sunday movie night, sci fi short film, love death and robots, sci fi movies, artificial intelligence, family friendly movies, family sci fi, kid friendly, kid friendly videos, live chat, hour of scifi, twilight zone
Id: 57AQOSkkqvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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