SCP: Dollhouse

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13 minutes



👍︎︎ 323 👤︎︎ u/yeetman76 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

As usual, superb work! I'm really curious about this anomaly though, and I wonder if the distortions during the credits have anything hidden in them. I love the idea of this one, especially with the (seemingly) cognitohazardous number sequence. I've always felt that there's just something unnerving about numbers being repeated like that.

EDIT: Also, I really love the portrayal of MTF Omega Orange here, tightly knit but still humorous at the right times. Their equipment, movement, and overall training is also worthy of applaud.

👍︎︎ 253 👤︎︎ u/Regularguy256 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I fucking love these so much. Sidenote, I’m really glad to see a more “tacticool” take on MTF guys take hold. I guess I’ve just never liked the portrayals like clueless security guards at worst or super space commandos at best when they’re probably mostly modern-ish operator types pulled from Tier 1 special operations like Delta and DEVGRU.

👍︎︎ 217 👤︎︎ u/Lucky1941 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man, now I want a series like this on Netflix or something. Kinda like a Black Mirror but within the SPC universe.

👍︎︎ 128 👤︎︎ u/OGCelaris 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm so happy we have a person like Evan Royalty doing this kind of content for the SCP universe. The level of quality is superb. While Netflix shows might not be possible with the universe, we still have content creators like this. Great job as always!

Edit: Also some of those sequences were legitimately terrifying!

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/HoLYxNoAH 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies


Edit: Just watched it. Really good. Good job, man.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/SmanDaMan 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

That was short but spectacular.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Cynical_Tripster 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Okay so...I watched this 4 hours earlier....

I am just getting ready for a shower....

i fucking turn on all the lights and close every door..

Then when I start to get in in, this crosses my fucking mind

I literally step back out of the shower and fucking check if the closet light is still on and that the door is closed...

That’s how fucking scared I was of the ending


i do not feel safe in my house anymore...

Wish me’ll be a semi sleepless night

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/SCPunited 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was just amazing!

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/Lumi0007 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
TOC to all stations: Payload Zero is one Mike out from the target building. If anything pops off, we're gonna have a hard time telling people it was a gas leak. Depends on what happens. Powers, what's the pool at now? Save it, Coleman, you had your chance. I wasn't talking to you, O'Neil. Powers, when's the bettin' close? When we get out of the car. You gotta call it? Depends on the pool. Fletcher? 250. Given the intel - Cognitohazard. That's my final answer. Done. Hell yeah! Always wanted to take your fuckin' money! Ready up! Let's get it, boys! Payload Zero-One to TOC. We've passed 'vector', moving to the target building. Over. Roger, Zero-One. Over. TOC, this is Payload Zero-One. Building secure. Moving to SSE. Over. Zero-Two and Three, on me! We'll handle the first floor. Time to go look for nothin'. Come on, Coleman. Foundation's gotta know what kinda porn Middle-America's got stashed in their closets. Computer's a mess. Nothing's workin' right. I think it's got the clap. Any intel? The densest part of this hard drive is the directory for a program called YAVA. It's software that's been running since before we got here. Looks just as fucked as the rest of this machine. Keeps crashing, itching and rebooting. What's the program do? I don't know, it just spits out code, all gibberish. You guys personally know any shrinks? Are you asking because it's related to the mission or are you just curious? The female occupant. Any idea why this is here? If she's living with this shrink, possibly in a relationship, why's he bringing his work home with him? I don't know, I'm not a shrink. Didn't your friends in Langley do her background? Yeah, none of this came up. How the fuck does somebody get institutionalized and not have that go on record? You see that? She was in for a year. What did people think? She just went for a long walk? If Langley missed that, how much else don't we know? Yeah, it's very spooky, but it's not the kind of anomaly we're after. Keep looking! Hey, TL. Can you come here for a sec? What is it? Anybody else been in the living room since we came up here? No. Okay. So who moved out all the furniture? Hey! Stop right there! This is Zero-One. We've spotted Suspect Two. Moving to apprehend. Over. This is Zero-One. Lost contact with Suspect Two. Searching the area. Over. There a hidden door or some bullshit? I like a challenge. West. Get up here! Right now. Couldn't have gone too far. You find anything down there? Nothing concrete. What happened up here? Suspect Two walked into this room from the other door. We went after her, but didn't find anything. TL, you gonna need to see this. Got something? Come here! Check this out, all of you! Are you seeing this? Or have I finally fucking lost it? Fuck me! TOC, this is Payload Zero-One, we've passed 'trigger'. Area appears to have non-euclidean geometry that extends the house to an unknown degree. Moving in to reconnoiter the new area. Over. Roger, Zero-One. Status on Suspect Two? Over. Suspect's location is unknown at this time. Over. Roger that, proceed with the recon mission. If you feel as if the AO is too large for you to fully explore, get you and your men out of there. Over. Understood. Zero-One out. Any luck? Nope. Just a lot of shit I don't understand. O'Neil, you know anything about the word 'Cardoon'? Affiliations are still unknown at this time, but it's likely to assume they are not the attackers from two days ago. If it is indeed a raid, then the methods employed don't line up when compared to the MO of the previous attackers. It is however possible that they may be connected through an anonymous tip between the two groups. What mutual benefit that would imply can only be speculated. Wait. Something's... Not... Right... Stay frosty! 23. 12. 15. 23. 12. 15. Fuck! My NODS just turned off. Mine too. I can't see shit. Coleman! You see somethin'? SHIT! Coleman, you good? Yeah... What the fuck was that? Sir, we need to go. Right now. 23. 12. 15. 2̶3̴̊.̶͑..1̸͐2̷̨͑.̸̈́ ̴-- TOC, this is Payload Zero-One, we have a threat in the building, current weapons possibly insufficient. Permission to clear out? Over. Granted, Zero-One. Get your men out of there! Over. Roger that. Zero-One out. Fuck this house! (Powers) West, let's go! (West) 23. 12. 15. You've gotta be kidding me! 23. 12. 15. 23. 12. 15. TOC, this is Zero-One. Zero-Six is down! I repeat: Zero-Six is down! Possibly KIA. Over. What should we do? Nothing we can do. We need to move. 2̶̘͒3̴͔̊.̶̗͑ ̶́ 1̸̗͐2̷̨͑.̸̧̈́ ̴̌ 1̶͚̈́.̸̣̍.̶̗͑5 ̶́ It's rather late to call. How are you doing? We heard there was a gas leak. Is everything okay? Everything is fine. Nobody's come to the house? No, there is nobody here, everything is fine. If you insist. Just checking in on you. Completely understandable. Alright, well, sorry to wake you. Have a good night! You too! Goodbye. Target is no longer present. Tried to raise you guys earlier. What happened to West? He's gone. What? How? Dude got fuckin' vaporized or somethin'. Did you see anything else while you were in there? Anything that might point to what we're dealing with? I don't even know how to describe it. It was almost like a broken video game. Everything was glitchin' out. Even the suspects. Any clues on your end? Just speculation. I think - this is just a guess - I think what you've seen here is connected to this computer. These glitches appearing may coincide with a lot of what I've seen on this machine. I think it's affecting everything in the area. Don't really know how or why, but like I said, it's my best guess right now. So theoretically, if you're right and if we take that shit with us, it could possibly begin to affect things outside of the house? That's assuming it isn't already doing that. Could have spread across this whole block for all we know. So do we leave the laptop here? That's a very good question. Why don't we just hit the power switch? No. We don't know what will happen once it's off. Yeah, I don't wanna be part of that experiment. Here's what we can do: I can stay here while you guys return to the vehicle. I'll copy the important files over to a secure drive and then shut everything down. You sure about that, Fletcher? I'm sure. I'll stay, too. If you go down, I can finish the job. Try to make it quick. Let's move out! Good luck, boys. So much for that bet. Come on, O'Neill, nobody's ever won that. Yeah. I always wanted to see a ghost, though. Fuck! My NODS are no good. You almost done? Yeah, we're good. Let's go!
Channel: Evan Royalty
Views: 3,042,834
Rating: 4.9511905 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, scp 049, scp 096, scp secret laboratory, secure contain protect, scp secret lab, scp containment breach, scp 173, сцп, dangerous scp, scp agency, scp creatures, safe, anderson, scp 169, water scps, underwater scps, scp foundation lore, exploring scp, scp foundation explained, cthulhu mythos, object class euclid, exploring series, horror stories, scp explained, is scp real, object class keter, scp wiki, what is scp, tale, story, secure, contain, protect
Id: xVx2jyDPinw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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