096 | SCP Short Film [4K]

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- Big brother, this is Echo Romeo Alpha, target is secure. R-T-B. - This is Inspector Arlia, beginning session five of the investigation of incident 096 dash one dash alpha. I am here with Dr. Daniels. Hello doctor. - Have you caught it yet? - Yes, you'll be pleased to hear containment has been attained. - Oh thank god. - We do have some questions, obviously. It's been very difficult to get a clear picture of the case. We hope you can help us. - Yes, yes of course. - Good. Now, Doctor, for the record, where were you when containment was broken? - I was on an excavation in the mountains, comparing lab samples with local geology. - And, in your absence, who was in charge of the lab? - Dr. Oleksei. - And how was 096 being held? - As per protocol. 096 is being kept in a class 13 containment cube. No windows, no cameras, no one that is possible to see its face. Any instrumentation or life support system is in strict compliance. - Thank you. And when exactly was containment broken? - I haven't been informed of the exact time yet. - Yes, of course. Apologies Doctor, we're a bit disorganized ourselves. Doctor? - Are they watching us? - You must be more specific, Doctor. - The 05, are they watching us? - Yes. - Well then, maybe now they'll listen to me when I say, we need to kill it! This could have been a catastrophe. - Unfortunately, it's a bit too late for could-have-beens Doctor. - What do you mean? - Let's start from the beginning, shall we? Relax Doctor, all protocols have been followed. All personnel inside stage two containment saw its face, unfortunately, that was just the start. - Recording. - Okay, this is researcher, Michael Allen. - And researcher Daryl Landry. - Reporting an event with 096. - At approximately 15:57 audio blips were picked up by sensors alpha one and alpha two. There it is again. The readings are showing 096 on the North wall, stationary. We should get Oleksei down here. - It should hold right? - Just get a hold of Oleksei. - Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit . - It rapidly became clear that 096's target which we've labeled 096-1 was nowhere close by. - Wait, wait, wait. In the event of a stage one breach, the automated protocols insure that a sleeping agent is-- - The automated protocols failed to start. In the event of an automation failure, it would be up to the operations chief. In this case, Dr. Oleksei. - Well, where the hell was he? - He was found hiding in the janitorial closet in division three, dead. - Dead? - Indeed. - Oleksei, you idiot. - I'm sorry for your loss, Doctor but we do have a lot more to cover. After breaching the base, 096 moved in a straight vector towards the mountains. - Big Brother, this is Hog One. approaching estimated target location, over. - Copy Hog One, maintain vector. - I think I've got something. Target visual. - Clear for strafing round, over. - You're clear. - Ineffective on target. - Copy, going hot on two mavericks. Three, two, one, fire. - Direct hit. - No effect, I repeat, no effect on target. - Copy Hog One, return to base. Retrieval team, maintain vector. - 096 proved difficult to keep track of. It doesn't show up on satellite thermal imaging, often times. We were only able to track it by the path of destruction it left. About two hours into pursuit, it crossed a state highway. We were lucky it was lightly traveled at the time. But 12 people still saw its face. - We needed more preparation for when, not if, but when there was a breach. - You did have a considerable budget, Doctor but it seems that most of your focus was on the SCRAMBLE Goggles? - Yes, I've said time and again that the SCRAMBLE Program was the only achievable technology to give us a fighting chance. Especially when you assholes wouldn't let me do proper research. As I said, it has always been a when! - Doctor, please. We have a lot more to cover. Finally, 096 reached victim 096-1, a young man who lived on a small farm at the foot of the mountains. With his wife and newborn child. - Ian? Ian? - Are you bothered by something, Dr. Daniels? - Why didn't you let me kill it? - For the record, Doctor, you don't know how to kill it. Much of the research you've requested equates to torturing 096 which is inhumane. - Inhumane, inhumane? There's nothing human about that thing. This is insane! People are dying! - Yes, Doctor. People have died. Isn't that a tragedy? - You people are a bunch of goddamned psychopaths. - Our only concern is to secure, contain and protect. Which brings us to our next point. Your SCRAMBLE Goggles. Tell me, how do they work? Just for the record, Doctor. - They're mixed reality goggles. Each eye is fed a video feed and an AI detects and scrubs out 096's face from the image. - Brilliant solution to a very complicated problem. Expensive too. It's a shame they didn't work. - What? - Let's continue. - Tau One be advised, you're approaching the compound. - One bravo, clearing structure line. - One alpha, nearing target. Target confirmed. - Copy, marker placed. Proceed with bagging. - Moving to you, alpha. Initiate bagging What was that? Shit! Something's wrong, SCRAMBLE is ineffective. Fuck! Engage. - Alpha and bravo, fall back. - The entire team of MTF Tau One was terminated. Eight of the best mobile task force we have. - They should have worked. All my tests, they were supposed to work. - All of this brings us to the source of this tragedy. Open it. - What am I looking at? - I believe the important part is still in the envelope, Doctor. - Is this? - Yes. What was an original photograph of 096 in the wild. - Someone photographed it? - We dated the photograph to the 1980s. It seems the original photographer and all of its subsequent viewers were completely unaware of 096's presence until our young man at the farmhouse, that is. - This has been scratched out by hand. By who, how? - Your SCRAMBLE Goggles proved to be somewhat useful after all. - Echo Romeo Alpha One? What's wrong? - Nothing. Holy shit! Bag in place. - Copy, Echo Romeo Alpha. Move to extraction. - I found something. Big Brother, target is triggered. - Apparently 096's face was so small in the image, it took up less than four pixels. - Four pixels caused all of this? Four fucking pixels? I'm sorry. - What are you sorry for, Doctor? - Everything. They were supposed to work. All my plans, the goggles, they were supposed to save lives. What was the final casualty count? - 15 civilians, 48 foundation members, 63 deaths in total. - So, that's what all this is about? So much death and you want someone to pin it on, eh? Someone to punish. - Doctor, in here you will find the clearances necessary to begin termination trials on SCP 096. The 05 Council has come to your side. - Do you mean, I'm allowed to kill it? - You're allowed to try. All we ask is that in your termination attempts, you solidify the research and create a more effective solution to our containment needs. Dr. Daniels is there anything else you'd like to say on record? - No, no I think that's everything. - Very well then, this concludes session five of the SCP 096 dash one dash alpha investigation. Doctor again, my condolences to you for the loss of your colleagues. - Oleksei, we did it. - Good work. - He's smart, I'll give him that. - Yeah. - Are the 05's still online? - We're still here and Inspector Everette is right, well done Arlia. - Thank you madam. It was short of a confession, but I believe we have enough. - It's a shame, Daniels really is brilliant. If he were more motivated, perhaps he could have unlocked the secrets to 096's uncanny sensory abilities. - Easy two, he's proven his point. - The only thing he's proven is that he is as much of a monster as he considers us. - That's enough. Inspector Arlia, after everything you just saw, has your hunch been confirmed? - I believe so . The way he handled the photograph, he's definitely familiar with it. I suspect he's been holding onto it for a stunt like this. - But still, how could he have warned Oleksei? His absence in the control room was our first lead. - Outside help. Has Oleksei given us anything new? - No, he's staying loyal. Although his initial discrepancies are damning enough. - Get what we can out of him. Then he's to be terminated. Quickly and quietly. Remember, he's officially already dead. - Yes, madam. When do we inform Daniels that we know he orchestrated the breach? - Only after he kills it.
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,337,552
Rating: 4.9715471 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scpfoundation, scifi, fan film, scp foundation, 096, scp 096, movie
Id: MEOZkf4imaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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