Siren Head: The Movie #2 [Unofficial]

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No one saw it coming It was expected to be a simple mission Somebody talk to me An isolated mansion, surrounded by vast forest With wanted drug lord and few cartel soldiers in it Report in! Do you copy!? An easy target Yet… We weren’t the only ones… Who thought the same way Multiple casualties If anyone is still alive, report in! Move Let's go, let's go, let's go! Marko, get moving! A lot of smoke and dust up there Approach with caution Understood No tangos in sight Looks quite Copy that What a shit was that!? Probably just a wind Okay cowboys, we got a clock to keep Let's move out We're on it Understood sir Command to... Team Bravo Status report We're just coming up on the area now, over! Copy that Delta 3, you copy? Give me a sit-rep Area is secure, over Bravo team, do you have a visual on the target, over That's a negative... We're unsure as of target status Eyes open, watch your sectors Blackwhale report Clear sir All clear Text on paper: "There is a monster in the trees! But no one believes me" Marko take point! Let's move it! I need some action Careful what you wish for This is not a drill assh#les Sweep through the perimeter We've got eye on.... Unclear... We've just encountered a have structural damage in alpha sector around park and ...static sound... Looks like it has been damaged recently Seems like something really huge ...static sound... ...static sound... Follow the trail of derby and report what you find Roger, on our way Move in! In position Main floor clear Copy that. Main floor clear! Text on paper: My new friend wants me to leave. Because Siren Head monster is coming. But my papa does not believe me. P.S. He might look scary, but he is a true friend, who is here to protect us!" Room clear! Roger that! All clear! Move up! Yes Sir! Text on paper: Sir, we've found missing patrol.Everyone was killed, except for Mike.Yet he died shortly after, due to his injuries. Based on his last words, they've been attacked by “something huge striding through the trees” In agony he screamed, that it is coming here. And then passed away. I am going to gather our men and do a proper sweep of a territory around the mansion.Whoever killed our men, we will find him and make him pay for that.I'll report to you, as soon as we are ready to move out. John. Top floor clear! Copy that! All clear, squad regroup on me Roger that Where the hell is everyone What the hell happened here You see anything? I got nothing dude, this place is dead This is weird bro Where the Hell did everybody go!? You see anything? No nothing here, let's keep moving All teams move out Oh man, it's quite... It's quiet moments like this, that make me most nervous Alright, stay frosty you guys Roger that Has enemy contact been made? Negative Command, no visible activity Something is not right here... Oh, you just now realising that Yeah, not sh#t Eyes open guys, eyes open! Jesus, what is that smell Watch those alleys Hey, look at that! Hold up! I got something! Standing by! Damn, are you seeing this? Dear god, what is that!? What a hell!? You see that!? Holly Sh#t... We got a problem guys! Found them! Over here! What's happening? Oh my god... Actual are you seeing this? You've got to be kidding me... Sh#t guys! They've been killed! What the hell happened here? That can't be normal... Actual this is 2.1, what do you make of this? I am not sure Sir What the hell killed these guys? My god... Damn, that's brutal man Don't let your guard down, they could be anywhere! This is looking really bad here Stay sharp, who ever wasted those guys, might still be around What happened here Look at all this blood These bodies have been torn up Look at the size of that footprint O'Neil What the hell did we just walk in to Sh#t, Your guess is good as mine man Is that a body? My god... What the hell did this? So what happens now? I guess the mission is over? No it most certainty doesn't Eyes up Reed! Unreal... Looks like somebody put up a hell of the last stand here I can’t believe this… All this time… That thing was just standing there In front of our eyes… And none of us noticed it… Until it was too late… Everything happened so sudden This battle… or better to say this slaughter… Lasted for less than 10 minutes… Until there was no one left alive… Except for me… Strange that this creature didn’t finish me off as others… And instead left me here to die… …Almost as if… It using me for bait... It is still close… I can hear it… I… don’t know who will find this recording… But please… I beg you… find my son… He left this place, right before the attack And I bet is hiding somewhere close... in the forest… Funny… Turns out… All this time he was telling the truth… And… There was actually… A scary monster hiding in the woods… Shame… None of us… Believed… Him… You see those bodies back there... All melted and sh#t... Christ This ain't right man Sh#t, what the hell was that? You hear that? It sounds big... Wait, you see that over there!? I don't see anything... Something moved! What's going on? Something moved, over there! You sure? Something else is here with us... What ever it was... It was big and... What the hell set that off? This isn't good! Find it and shut it down! I am on it! I got your back! Be careful, no way to know what set it off Let's go man! Hurry! Wait up! Text on paper: Long Horse told me, that Siren Head monster will attack and consume everyone here soon... Because he needs strength... to battle a more terrifying monster Text on paper: I don’t want Siren Head Monster to drain away my life force so he can become more stronger... What the hell was that!? Son of the... What the hell was that? Harrison do you copy? Holly Sh#t, what was that!? Can you see anything!? Where... What... What is it? I got movement... Oh sh#t... Let's go, Let's go! Contact! We got contact! Get this thing the hell of me! Look out! Man down! Man down! What the hell is happening! Common you ugly b#stard! Damn he is dead! Need back up now! Covering fire! Covering fire! Holy sh#t!!! This is really bad! Somebody better tell me what the hell just happened up there! I think they are dead! I think they are all dead! Check the camera feed Damn it, we've lost contact with sector alpha 9, is there anyone down there, that can give us a sit-rep Negative Sir This ain't good man, not good... Who the hell are we fighting here with Listen up! Stay frosty, watch each others six and let's take this b#stards down! Got it!? Understood! Good copy! Roger that! Alright, let's get this done! You know the drill! Affirmative! Spread out! Keep moving, let's go, let's go! Watch you sectors, move and shoot I see something! Hostiles up ahead! There! Right there! What the hell is that!? Contact, everyone put fire at that thing! Yes Sir! All guns on him! Engaging now! Take him down! Extended line! Delta get your team over at the flank! Roger that! Target sighted! What the hell is that!!! Sierra 2, Sierra 3, team up and close him down On it captain! Anyone got eyes on, call it in! Yes Sir! Lost visual Where did... Holly sh#t!!! Contact! Watch out! We're hit! We're hit! Mayday! Watch it! Watch it! You are getting to close! You are getting to close!!! Brace for impact! Get of the street! Move! Move! All Delta and Bravo, please report in... Do you copy? If you can read this message please switch to.... ...communication system... Repeat, please switch to... on your communication system... Status? We've got casualties and several injured over here! Samon's gone! Chan is bleeding out! What about Stiver!? He's dead... Damn this... Sh#t, this is a massacre! We need to get out of here! Now! Alright, regroup and reload! We are going to hold this position and await for reinforcements What was that? You hear that!? It's that thing again! This is not good... Oh, we're in a sh#t now... Get it together guys! We got movement! Left! Left! I see him! He's over here! Get ready! Sh#r, Sh#t, Sh#t, he's over here! What the hell is that thing! Defensive positions This creature is so big! We're all dead! We're all dead! What do we do now!? Open fire! Take him down! Fire! Fire! It's coming this way!!! Hold your position! This is suicide!!! Hold your position got dammit! Put fire at that thing now! Bullets only piss this thing off, run!!! Jesus Christ! Sustain Fire! Let's take this monster down! That ain't a fight! It's a god damn slaughter! No! No! No! NO!!!! Fallback! Fallback! Bullets are not going make a den in that thing! We need to find another way! Time for explosives! 11 o'clock, frag him! Grenade out! Frag out! Common you ugly b#stard! Can't see sh#t though this dust! Is it dead!? No way he survived that! We will be digging him out of the rubble! Holly sh#t! Watch your Six! It's back! It's right on me! A huge... Move to the vehicle! Let's go we gotta get out of here! Control... We're being picked off one by one... Requesting an immediate heavy backup, requesting paramedics, we need!!! Oh god! No!!! Dammit this is 2.1, does anybody read me? ...This is ground unit... ...We're about to be overrun any second now.... ....Oh god, oh god, no.... Get us out of here! Go! Go! Help me! You can't just leave me in here! Please!!! How many we've lost!? Almost everyone! Let's regroup and...Holy shit!!! It's moving!!! Behind you!!! Shoot it! Shoot it!!! I am out of mag! 38 bodies… And only 1 survivor… That’s the outcome of that night… I still can’t explain, how my unconscious body was discovered outside of the burnt barn Almost as if someone dragged me out of there But who or what saved me? Is still remains a mystery As for the monster, who wiped out my entire team It disappeared without a trace Since then, I’ve spent my whole life trying to track him down With each year learning more about his powers habits and most important, weakness All my discoveries I’ve recorded on tapes Play them, if you want to learn more But keep in mind This supernatural entity, doesn’t like to be stalked And the more you learn about him, the higher chance is that he might come after you Worst-case scenario recording Well… If you are listening to this tape… It means, I’ve failed to stop him… And now the burden of killing this supernatural entity falls on your shoulders I am sorry I really hope you will succeed where me and others failed Also you must know… He is not the only monster, that lurks in the darkest corners of our planet There are others as well… Some are even more dangerous… Than Siren Head I see you...
Channel: Secret4Studio
Views: 27,263,540
Rating: 4.7799439 out of 5
Keywords: sirenhead, siren head, siren head movie, siren head animation, siren head creepypasta, siren head scary, sirenhead trailer, siren head in real life, siren head horror game, siren head sound, siren head vfx, Shutter Authority, siren head short film, сиреноголовый фильм, Siren Head Returns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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