SCP-031 North Korea Hotel (SCP Animation)

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A construction worker puts the final nail into the wall of the room he’s working on. He stands up and admires his work. This is going to be a beautiful hotel one day, a true triumph for not just him, but the entire country, and he’s proud that he got to play a small part in its construction. He starts to pack up his tools, there’s plenty more rooms that need work. It’s a massive structure that will ultimately hold thousands. What a modern marvel. As he finishes putting away his tools, he notices something. Through the still doorless frame, he sees someone walk by in the hallway. Normally he wouldn’t think anything of it, there’s plenty of other people working on this floor of the hotel, but there’s something about this woman… could it be? No, it’s not possible. He takes out his wallet and opens it. Inside is a faded photograph of the construction worker when he was still a young man, barely more than a boy really. Standing next to him in the picture is the most beautiful woman he had ever known. She was his first true friend, his best friend, and he always hoped that maybe it would turn into something more. They grew up together, shared so many experiences, but then ultimately they were separated and lost touch. He was never able to find her again, but as the picture in his wallet shows, he never stopped thinking about her. Could it really be her though? He runs into the hallway and calls out. The woman stops at the end of the hallway and turns around. She’s carrying a tall stack of boxes that are blocking her face. She sets them down and he sees… that it really is her! They run towards each other, laughing like children, like the way they used to, and embrace in the middle of the hall. He can’t believe it, it’s been so many years! He never thought he would see her again. How long has it been? “Too long,” she tells him. He can’t believe how little she’s changed. The years have hardly taken any toll on her, she’s just as lovely and beautiful as that last day he saw her. He asks her where she’s been, what she’s been doing, is she… married? She tells him no, and that after they lost touch, she feels like she has just been looking for him, waiting for the day she would randomly see him pass by on the street, so that they could reconnect. She just never thought it would happen that they’d be working in the same place at the same time. The construction worker can’t believe it either. They both start to ask each other something at the same time, but then stop and laugh at speaking over each other. “You go first” he tells her, “no you” she responds with a laugh. Just then they’re both interrupted by the sound of a whistle. The work is finished for the day. That’s the signal to pack up and go home. The construction worker tells her to wait there, he just has to go grab his tools and then the two of them can go down together. But as he turns to leave she reaches out and grabs his hand. “Wait” she tells him. He stops and turns back to her. “It’s ok” he tells her, “I’ll be right back” but she doesn’t seem to want to let go of his hand. “Please, not yet” she tells him. “I just want you to stay with me.” He looks down at his hand. She’s gripping him so tight that it starts to hurt a little. “Really, I’ll just be a second,” he tells her, “then we can go somewhere and catch up.” But still she won’t let go of his hand. “I need you” she tells him.She steps close to him, pressing her body against his. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth and he feels himself doing the same. “I’ve always needed you…” she says as their mouths are about to meet. “I need you forever.” The construction worker screams as the tiny tendrils emerge from the woman’s body and plunge into his flesh. He opens his eyes to see the girl he once knew morphing into a writhing mass of fibers, each reaching out towards him. A long tentacle-like appendage wraps itself around his legs before whipping up and around his body, constraining him, as a second tentacle wraps around his head, stifling his screams, before popping his head off of his body. North Korea… it’s a country that’s shrouded in mystery, whose government, culture, and day to day life is a black box to many foreigners. But there’s another secret inside, one that even the SCP Foundation is desperate to get to the bottom of, one that they know as SCP-031. SCP-031 is a massive organism, estimated to weigh more than 7,500 kilograms, that can currently be found in a very surprising location… the Ryugyong Hotel which is located in Pyongyang, the capital of Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The giant creature lives within the ductwork and maintenance infrastructure of the building where it has spread to all 105 floors of the hotel. Each of its many tendrils ends in a pod-like growth called a sporocarp, which are approximately two meters in length and covered in many cilia-like structures. Subjects have reported that when in the presence of these sporocarp, they don’t see them as the writhing mass of organic matter that they really are, but rather as an individual from their past, often with one whom they shared an intense emotional attachment. When taking this form, the sporocarp will try to convince the subject to remain with them for an extended period of time. The sporocarp will then attempt to make physical contact with the subject, and if successful, its cilia-like structures will begin injecting digestive juices directly into the subject. This will lead to the start of a process that will eventually cause their flesh to be broken down, consumed, and then incorporated into SCP-031’s body mass. Unfortunately for the victim, this horrific process does not kill them. At the same time they are being digested, a flagellum, which is a tentacle-like appendage, will emerge from the sporocarp and wrap around the subject’s head. This flagellum has its own set of tiny tendrils that penetrate the cranial cavity and replace the victim’s brain's blood vessels, which has the effect of keeping the brain alive and functioning. The head is then removed from the body and the brain is transported to the central mass of the SCP-031 organism, where it too is incorporated into the creature. It is estimated by Foundation researchers that SCP-031’s mass contains thousands of such brains, and by all appearances, they are still alive… and conscious. The Foundation first became aware of SCP-031 in 1948, following reports of police activity in North Korea at a location where multiple citizens had gathered near a refugee camp. Those gathered were proclaiming their love for a cult-like leader they referred to as “The Beloved.” The civilians were able to be calmed through the use of gas based tranquilizers and amnestics by Mobile Task Force Psi-7, who then recovered a mass that would later be known as SCP-031 and secured it at a local containment site. The SCP-031 creature only weighed 75 kilograms at this time, and still had a vaguely human shape. It did not seem to be able to incorporate other matter into its form at this point either, nor could it take on other people’s forms, with its only anomalous effect seeming to be its ability to inspire intense feelings of love and devotion. The breakout of the Korean War in 1950 led to the destruction of the Foundation containment site, and all anomalies housed there escaped. Following the end of the war in 1953, all of the escaped anomalies were accounted for, all except SCP-031, which was presumed dead. Little more thought was given to the terminated anomaly until 1992, when the SCP Foundation caught wind of reports describing numerous fatalities involving workers at the Ryugyong Hotel. A Mobile Task Force was sent to the hotel to investigate further, but after none of the members returned from the mission, the hotel was locked down and all construction was halted until further notice. By 2008, the increased infestation of the still windowless hotel led to local officials starting construction again to finish the building’s exterior and hopefully hide the presence of SCP-031 within, which led to the deaths of even more workers. It’s estimated that at its peak infestation, more than 75% of the hotel’s 3,000 rooms were infested by SCP-031, but reclamation efforts have been able to reduce that number substantially. Flame projecting equipment is able to destroy SCP-031 tendrils and sporocarps, as well as any personnel who have become assimilated into SCP-031. Reclamation efforts are ongoing and local officials continue to work with the SCP Foundation to facilitate the ultimate containment or neutralization of the entity. But there’s one more strange twist to this story. The more astute SCP experts may have noticed the similarities to SCP-1427, a large slab of beryllium bronze with mind altering effects that is also located within the Ryugyong Hotel. How is it that two anomalies, both of which strongly impact the human brain, are both somehow housed at the same location? Some clues exist in the form of a classified communication chain between two senior members of Foundation staff. The two discuss the obvious discrepancies that exist when there are records of two anomalies both existing at the same place at the same time, with neither file referencing the other. It leads to a strange paradox where for one to exist, the other isn’t able to. And yet, they both do exist. Teams sent to investigate SCP-1427 will find SCP-1427, and teams sent to investigate SCP-031 will find SCP-031, and yet the first team will have no memory of seeing SCP-031, and vice versa. When the teams were sent at the same time, they were unable to find each other, as if they were existing in parallel dimensions, each with its own version of the Ryugyong Hotel housing its own version of an SCP classified anomaly. Do both anomalies exist? Or perhaps neither of them do? And both SCPs are in fact the result of a third, as yet unknown anomaly? The answer to that question remains unknown, at least to the two senior members of staff who were communicating about the contradictory files. Both were relieved of their duties under… well… suspicious circumstances, and for the time being, both files continue to exist in the database, just as both anomalies seem to exist in the Ryugyong Hotel. For now, this Euclid class anomaly continues to be contained as well as it can be within the ducts and maintenance shafts of the Hotel’s central spire. The three secondary spires each contain a Type-9 Heaven's Blade Restriction System that focuses a disruptive energy field towards the central spire. This system prevents SCP-031's psychic energies from escaping the structure and affecting any off-site personnel, as North Korean teams continue to push back against the spreading tendrils in the hopes that one day they will finally be able to open the hotel. Now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr. Bob, like SCP-024 Game Show of Death, for another anomalous location that is both strange, and very, very dangerous. And make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly, as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 970,773
Rating: 4.929513 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-031, scp 031, scp031, scp north korea, ryugyong hotel, ryugyong hotel monster, scp ryugyong, scp hotel, scp pyramid, ryugyong, north korea hotel, north korean hotel, north korea skyscraper, north korean skyscraper, scp-1427, scp 1427, scp1427, scp brain, scp brains, scp tentacle, scp tentacles, tentacle monster
Id: I5vQacP-fDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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