SCP-3887 - Monster Under the Bed (SCP Animation)

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“There’s a monster under my bed!” Almost every parent has heard their kids make the claim, and it’s usually nothing more than some unusual shadows, or at worst a household pest scurrying around. Parents usually tell the child to go back to sleep, or maybe try to dispel their fears by shining a light under the bed. It’s a childhood rite of passage, and one that usually passes soon enough. But for one young woman in Missouri, the monster under her bed was very real - and very dangerous. SCP-3887-A doesn’t seem like she belongs in a containment facility. She’s a twenty-four-year-old woman who lived a quiet life in her hometown until things went horribly wrong. She doesn’t appear to possess any special abilities and the Foundation is able to contain her without any difficulty. But wherever she goes, death and destruction follow. It’s not her doing, but there is something out there that will not stand to see her hurt in any way. Her personal monster under the bed is very protective. Something another young woman found out the hard way. Incident 3887-A-1 occurred in 2014, when the young woman was attending a party with her girlfriend. Her partner was berating and humiliating her in front of the guests, which was apparently not a rare occurrence in their relationship. Suddenly, something manifested under a nearby table and before she could react, her girlfriend was brutally mauled by the unknown creature. Her limbs were completely severed from her body, and died at the scene. An undercover SCP agent who was implanted within the local authorities, made their way to the scene as soon as possible and found SCP-3887-A in a state of shock. And who can blame her, after the encounter she just had with what would come to be known as SCP-3887-B. While 3887-A is a normal human with no unusual abilities or characteristics, 3887-B is anything but. Foundation scientists have described it as a humanoid entity standing over seven feet tall. Its skin is greenish-grey, and it has two long, sharp horns on its head. Its head and neck are covered in thick black hair, and its eyes are a striking yellow color. Its mouth is full of sharp fangs similar to that of a shark, and its elongated arms allow it to move on all fours. It has a long, hairless tail that resembles a rat’s, and possesses both male and female reproductive organs. No one knows where it came from, but they do have an idea why it’s sticking around. SCP-3887-B seems to be bonded to SCP-3887-A, and can appear in any darkened area within a five-meter radius around her. While its favorite location is under 3887-A’s bed, which has since been brought to the facility, it appears to be able to teleport wherever she is, just as it did during the party when it made its presence brutally clear. It has odd eating patterns, and is able to gain nourishment from practically any object, whether it resembles what we would consider food or not. Its favorite treats for example? SCP-3887-A’s socks. But it does have one weakness that has been useful in containing it - it can’t stand the light. And it doesn’t just hate it, when 3887-B is exposed to bright light, it develops blisters and wounds and flees to the nearest dark area. SCP Foundation scientists are at a loss to explain exactly what this creature is though, and SCP-3887-B seems to be a chimera of multiple animals with multiple types of DNA. It possesses DNA similar to humans, but also from a type of Oryx with similar horns, as well as a rat with the same type of tail, as well as a common cane toad. And then there’s even some DNA that doesn’t resemble any known creature in nature. Studying it further has been trickier though, because it seems to have the effect of disrupting any electronic recording devices near it, causing lasting damage if it’s in proximity to them for too long. There has been one bit of good news for SCP Scientists though, because while it has shown that it can be extremely violent, it has not attacked Foundation officials… Not yet at least. Its good behavior may not have anything to do with how it personally feels about Foundation staff though, and is instead all thanks to SCP-3887-A. 3887-A has been completely cooperative since she was taken into custody by the Foundation. She doesn’t perceive them as a threat, and so far it seems like SCP-3887-B is following her lead. It has a strong emotional connection to the young woman, and when they’re alone they show affectionate behavior towards each other. While the creature does not seem to like the Foundation, it doesn’t seem like it wants to become hostile - unless the Foundation gives it a reason to. When 3887-A was interviewed following the tragic incident, by undercover Foundation Agent Bellamy, she was panicked and terrified. She admitted that her partner often treated her badly, and believed that the creature was trying to protect her. She admitted that she had seen the creature before, she even had a name for it, she called her Grenda. 3887-A always thought she was crazy, now there was proof though - she was not imagining the monster under her bed. Describing Grenda as her “boogeyman”, the young woman talked about how she had known the creature since she was a child. She grew up in an old house in the country that was full of strange sounds that made it sound like something was in her room with her, and sometimes she would even catch a glimpse of what she thought was a monster under her bed watching her. She tried telling her parents but they thought she was making the whole thing up, and even she was forced to wonder if she was hallucinating or had somehow imagined the whole thing. But then when she was a teenager, all of her doubts were put to bed. One night 3887-A’s parents were loudly fighting, a sadly not rare occurrence in their household, and she locked herself in her room to get away from them. As she hid, Grenda emerged from under her bed for the first time - and talked with her. And she isn’t the only one that Grenda is willing to speak with, she’s also sat down for her own interviews with Foundation researchers. Well the researcher sat down, while Grenda remained under the bed. Foundation Researcher Dr. Tanner interviewed Grenda, who was cordial but guarded and remained deeply protective of the girl under her protection. She expressed feeling guilty for getting 3887-A in trouble, but Dr. Tanner assured her that 3887-A was not being punished and was being kept at the Foundation for her own safety. He offered that they could keep Grenda safe as well, but she responded that as long as 3887-A remained safe, then she would be as well. She explained that her kind fed on the anxiety of children, which was why they lurked under their beds. She was apparently only supposed to remain with this girl until she was ten or so, but became attached and decided to stay with her which was against the rules of her people and as a result she had been exiled from her home. At this point, Grenda offered to show herself to the researcher and began to emerge from under the bed. Unfortunately, as has become standard when attempting to document SCP-3887-B, all of the recording equipment malfunctioned and was unable to record Grenda’s appearance. The Foundation continued to have questions about this pair and their strange relationship, and interviewed SCP-3887-A again, this time by a Dr. Garden.3887-A told Dr. Garden that she had been sleeping well and had been spending lots of time talking to the entity under her bed. That led Dr. Garden to bring up a theory about how 3887-B had come to exist. The young woman speculated that Grenda may have been created from her fears. One of her first memories of being scared was when she went to an aquarium and a massive bull shark came close to the glass where it bared its rows and rows of shark teeth, the exact same kind of teeth that Grenda possessed. In fact all of the traits Grenda exhibited, like her rat tail, seemed to connect to childhood fears that she had experienced. 3887-A always felt alone as a little girl, and she believed that she might have manifested Grenda as a companion who was there exactly when she needed her to be. This raised the question of whether SCP-3887-B really was the unnatural entity, or if SCP-3887-A is the source of the entity’s existence. The next interview with SCP-3887-B would raise even more questions. When Dr. Garden went to interview SCP-3887-B, it was clear the entity was agitated. Grenada became hostile as soon as Dr. Garden entered the room, saying she was hungry and didn’t want to answer questions. When Dr. Garden said that 3887-A had provided it with socks, the entity reacted with anger. The socks were just a snack. To live it needed fear. 3887-B fed off human emotions - specifically paranoia and anxiety. SCP-3887-A used to be full of them, but now she was unusually calm in the facility and it was having a bad effect on her companion. When Dr. Garden promised to talk to supervisors, the creature became more agitated - and reached out from under the bed, grabbing Dr. Garden and pulling her under the bed. No one knew what would happen to Dr. Garden under the bed and SCP-3887-A was quickly summoned to try to calm her companion down, but when she called for Grenda, there was no response. It was feared that Dr. Garden had been lost to the area under the bed that no one can access, but then thirteen minutes later, the doctor suddenly emerged from under the bed. She was bruised, soaking wet, and missing articles including shoes, socks, and her glasses. Later Interviews with Dr. Garden would give the best picture yet of where SCP-3887-B comes from. Dr. Garden described being pulled under the bed, which then led somewhere else entirely. She fell for fifteen seconds, still held by SCP-3887-B, but when she landed she was alone in a large cave made of black rock with purple gems in the walls. The cave contained a waterfall, a lake, and what looked like SCP-3887’s secret home. It was filled with pictures of the girl she was bonded to, a violin, some stuffed animals - and large piles of the girl’s socks. SCP-3887-B was there in the cave with her too, watching her. She would catch glimpses of the creature - her white fangs and her yellow eyes. She was terrified and ran screaming, trying to find any way out of there as the creature pursued her. She couldn’t evade her forever though, and eventually Grenda grabbed Dr. Garden. She was lifted into the air as Grenda bared her shark like teeth, but instead of eating her, the creature instead took off the doctor’s socks, and thanked her before somehow sending her back up into the darkness. She then found herself back under the bed, surrounded by worried SCP personnel. Since then, SCP-3887-B has not brought anyone else into its home, it seems feeding on Dr. Garden’s fear was enough for the time being, and the situation has remained stable since. The SCP Foundation has been able to develop relatively simple containment procedures for the two entities that make up SCP-3887, as neither is currently hostile. The two are contained within a standard humanoid containment cell with the bed at the center. SCP-3887-A is given standard amenities, a healthy diet including a vitamin for some minor health issues, and her own control over the lights in the cell. She has requested and been given a gaming system for entertainment and up-to-date entertainment media but was denied access to the internet, a pet cat, and access to the on-site recreation areas due to the risk of SCP-3887-B getting loose. The facility does have plans in place in case “Grenda” decides to become hostile again though. While SCP-3887-A normally maintains control of the lights in her cell, the Foundation has a fail-safe installed so they can turn them up at any time. Since SCP-3887-B reacts negatively to bright light, the lights can be used as a security system to send her retreating back under the bed until she can be pacified through other measures. While neither of the SCP-3887 entities appears to be seeking to escape, it is impossible to predict where and how 3887-B would act if 3887-A was free from her cell again, and whether she would attempt to harm those she perceives as a threat to 3887-A as she did in the past. So for now, the Foundation is focused on keeping both of them pacified - which, in the case of 3887-B, means a healthy supply of socks. But there’s one other lingering question the Foundation hasn’t solved. SCP-3887-B referenced being exiled from its kin for breaking the rules and was confined to a cave. That means there might be others like “Grenda” out there - and they may be more aggressive and less scrupulous than she is. While no other specimens have been found, the SCP Foundation will be keeping a careful eye on any reports of monsters lurking under children’s beds. They might just be telling the truth. Now for another entity that lurks in a seemingly bottomless pit, check out “SCP-354 - The Red Pool”, or watch this video instead.
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 694,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-3887, scp 3887, scp3887, 3887, scp monster, scp monster under the bed, monster under the bed, monster under bed, monster, euclid, scp euclid, euclid class, scp euclid class
Id: rz8eHSFe7hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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