US Presidents Play Among Us 1-3

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what's going on Joe we haven't even gotten our rolls yet I don't think he was talking about the game Joe don't try no gay [ __ ] on me I can't make any promises Mr President Joe you are literally the president right now can you guys mute your mics future mic [ __ ] screw these guys I'm only playing with them so I can make a click bait YouTube video how do I play the video game oh [ __ ] this card swipe thing is hard oh let's go I got it okay let me see if I can try again bro this machine is broken ah I'm humping Ben Shapiro whoever comes in my way I'm gonna make sure to kill them and then blame it on sleepy Joe of course I still can't do this [ __ ] I'm getting out of here holy poop fart Shard on top of a dart while I'm smoking a card I can't do this oh damn it's man shell should I kill him [ __ ] I am such a [ __ ] for not killing him I wonder what Michael I mean Michelle is doing right now bro I'm actually about to break my monitor where the hell is everyone and no way they are all together I'm killing whoever I see next on site thank God it's Trump bush is definitely the Imposter he keeps chasing me I know Obama is extremely sus he's just trying to run his ass away so he can kill someone bro I can't believe evil bunny together oh oh someone else is coming why is Donald's orange ass running for me get wrecked loser no I died oh my God I finally made friends where are they going haha I'm humping Michael and Ben Shapiro ain't no way bro just kill me already Bush This timer is so goddamn long I want to vent but that would be sus nah I'm running away from this dude he's about to kill me at any second let me fake card swipe even though I'm not an imposter so they vote me out [Music] I still can't do this dude swipe finally this damn timer I'm a kill okay let's go I finished the task in Med Bay I wonder if anyone died yet oh my God it's Shapiro's [ __ ] ass ha according to my hypothesis camera room then Obama must have killed them and vented into med Bay I was right I always say oh shoot I died Biden your ass isn't dead someone reported a dead body where's the body oh my God is that Jill Biden you dumbass no it's Michelle I don't know a Michelle you mean Michael Obama's husband hey what the hell her name is Michelle and she's a lovely man I mean women oh [ __ ] Trump told me you were married to a man my fault can you guys shut the [ __ ] up I am the one with the Talking Stick I reported the body shut the hell up nerd and do my homework how about you shut the hell up and provide the American people a service by closing your mouth and never talking again damn that was a lot of words but I agree with you anyways I was casually strolling by from cafeteria when I see Obama coming from Med Bank oh my God just tell us where the damn body is little boy a little boy where nah what the hell that's just weird Biden stop hitting on me and the rest of you corrupt politicians shut your trap and listen to me nah I'm not listening to a little kid that hasn't been a president Like Us big boys Trump you know I was never a president either yeah but you should have been the way your ass built like a man you've made this joke like 20 times already I could be doing the same the way your shrimp dick makes you a women guys stop arguing and listen to me by the way Michelle huge fan of your work nah bro this nerd is a simp and you are a war criminal anyways the body was in the camera Obama killed Clinton and then vented to Med Bay where I saw him who's Med Bay Biden that's the name of the room I was in also Ben Shapiro you are just wrong I never went into camera room invented I was just doing tasks in Med Bay possibility of that timing is extremely unlikely it is definitely you Obama how about what is the possibility of you shutting the hell up oh shoot Bill Clinton is dead man I would see you on the TV and [ __ ] I knew your ass was dumb but I didn't know you were this dumb how about you get off the TV and suck these nuts don't talk to me with that gay [ __ ] [ __ ] how about you shut the hell up and kiss me on the mouth um guys get a room I agree with Michelle this is incredibly inappropriate and no women women should be in such a situation that would make her feel this type of discomfort calm down little bro she don't want you shut the hell up you incompetent orange man man I'm voting Biden so his ass can't talk again guys just vote to skip and we will watch Obama do his Med Bay task okay fine you guys can see it I am not the Imposter that's what the Imposter would say bro ain't no way oh my God Biden what the hell you voted for me I used a world-class lie detector Proctor next to me to put all of your guys samples through a test according to the polygraph you scored the highest likelihood of lying and thus I conclude that you are the Imposter what the hell Biden was right too bad No One Believes him anyways whatever I'm going to show everyone that I'm not actually the Imposter oh this is so free I'm going to get him so good and then Michelle will notice my exceptional efforts for calling out her husband as imposter in a game of Among Us oh shoot am I the Imposter why am I faking this test now everyone can see that the bar went up and I am not the damn imposter he clearly faked the task and Obama is the Imposter why did you call the damn meeting because the bar did not go up after you performed your task therefore you are the supposed imposter I don't know if I am colorblind or not but my High hillbilly eyes saw that [ __ ] go up yeah I definitely saw it go up that's a lie it did not go up I can attest to that Trump your dumbass wasn't even in Med Bay don't lie that's Matt says You must be the Imposter Ibaka no I'm the Imposter I faked the task in Med Bay I'm voting for myself I agree let's vote Biden's [ __ ] ass out guys Biden is clearly showing signs of a severe case of dementia let's vote to skip yeah and you're showing signs of being a [ __ ] I agree Biden is imposter and Shapiro is a [ __ ] I'm voting for Biden agreed I'm voting for Biden too oh what the heck I didn't get out bro Joe I'm so lost right now anyways I think it's Trump he's mad suspect shut up that bar did not go up you're stop calling me his husband fat ass all right guys you tripping it's Joe how is it me oh you just said it was you oh yeah it is bro that [ __ ] is so clearly Trump I know I'm right oh [ __ ] Obama is on to me I have to make sure to get him this round and shut his ass up I think he went this way hopefully he's alone so No One's Gonna See Me Clean Sweep him oh [ __ ] it's Trump he definitely just tried to follow Obama to kill him nah bro Trump is out to kill me I have to stick with Shapiro and look at the cameras hell nah bro I'm going back to the cameras and I'm going to stay with Obama what the heck man they are definitely onto me that stupid Shapiro guy wouldn't let me kill Barack this is so dumb if it weren't for that kid this game would be over easy nah bro I'm not trying to do tasks I just want to press this big red button in the middle what does it do yo Biden why did you call for a meeting oh [ __ ] that's what the big red button in the middle of the cafeteria does I just wanted to press the button what is wrong with you Biden calm down bushy wushy it was an accident what the hell did you call me I'm voting you out you guys are going crazy I'm just voting to skip yeah I'm gonna do that too what the hell why did you vote me little kid I voted you because you're the Imposter old man whatever you say kid you're wrong though Trump's right I'm the Imposter I will kill you Biden why the hell do you keep you kidding that I keep saying that because I am a sussy wussy Baca bro what is wrong with you let's go time to access I mean do my tasks man I need to start killing people or else they are going to finish their tasks actually I doubt Biden is doing [ __ ] we oh shoot I'm supposed to be doing tasks oh what the flip ever man I swear Bush needs to get his ass away from me oh my God I'm killing all the Rocks I'm doing such a good job as an American Samaritan oh [ __ ] what the hell am I doing this is a task right why are Biden and Bush acting so suspect I am humping Obama nah bro what in the hell is Biden humping me in the game finally this timer is about to end time to kill someone all I have to do now is the stupid admin swipe card you can do it Ben just not too fast and not too slow 20th time is the charm [ __ ] me oh my God now I can finally kill Obama's husband Michael ah where are you running from take this get [ __ ] on kid what the hell I literally knew it was Trump oh my God I can't do this stupid [ __ ] I keep trying and I keep messing up oh my god I've never counted this High let's farting go let's see what Trump is doing ain't no way he's doing O2 as a task I'm dead he's definitely imposter I'm a genius yeah me Ben Shapiro I got him with the fake task he doesn't expect a thing what an idiot got the blicky uh drum it holds 50 uh what the hell is this man Biden doing I'm saucing I'm saucing I'm saucing on you I'm dancing I'm dancing I'm dance oh [ __ ] Michael's [ __ ] dead oh my God my precious queen died what the hell hell is wrong with you guys don't worry she's not dead what are you talking about she's obviously dead oh yeah guys don't worry she's dead boy what in the hell shut up Trump it's literally you you are an imposter I saw him fake O2 as a task I don't fake any tasks you can't redeem yourself Trump I was watching the camera you were the only one who could do it because I don't think Biden even knows how to kill I agree let's just vote him out yeah it was definitely Trump I'm voting him even though I want to vote by nah that's cap I'm voting Shapiro he's sucks as hell yeah me too doesn't matter us three already voted and the game is clearly finished who won Biden you dumbass Trump was clearly the Imposter no I am the Imposter bro there ain't no way I'm getting off this damn game ha I called it out I am the smartest to ever do it let's go but I'm getting off good game guys among us tomorrow yeah I'm down too no one asked you Ben Shapiro time to play some Mario Bros Biden we are still playing Among Us oh my God the joke is not funny or the second time you say it Biden that would be goofy as hell if Biden was actually the Imposter though I literally am Biden shut your ass up and mute your microphone hey don't yell at him like that oh my God I'm so sorry Queen who the hell even invited this Shapiro guy Loki should I just kill Bush right now and vent Trump's ass won't see it let's go I'm being such a good boy and doing all of the requested tasks I'm given in a timely manner this weird-ass Shapiro kid better get his ass away from me holy [ __ ] what did I do I pressed all the buttons I'm too lazy to fix that [ __ ] someone else got it where the hell is manshell going let me kill you oh my gosh are you kidding me there is no way that I'm going to be the one to fix this reactor meltdown oh damn I was watching my tickety talks I know Biden won't fix that [ __ ] even if his life depended on it oh my goopidy doobity I want Michelle's boobies this game is going to be over soon I'm humping the reactor thingy oh my God there's no way no one is fixing this thing [ __ ] it's about to count to zero let me kill someone oh damn I died Biden killed in front of me and tried to stall out the reactor timer wow wow calm down little girl I'm dead Biden that is not a girl that is a prepubescent man also you aren't even dead oh [ __ ] then why didn't the kill button not kill me Biden you crippling fossil the kill button is only apparent to imposters not crewmates but I'm not imposter Joe what's your argument against not being the Imposter if you vote me you are a sauce honestly that's all the evidence I had to hear it's clearly Shapiro of course Clinton lying again like he lied about cheating with Monica Lewinsky shut your ass up you joke of a politician right did you just growl at me Rose trying too hard to be a speed clone can you guys shut the fart up vote Biden is clearly Biden yeah no [ __ ] Sherlock shut up [ __ ] ass hey don't talk to my husband like that I'm so sorry Queen I will not talk to your temporary husband as soon as you fall in love with me like that what the hell you guys voted me out I'm not even imposter ah ain't no way bro yeah you are most definitely the Imposter don't worry guys you old asses finally made a right choice in your life am I lost I wasn't even impostered oh my [ __ ] god time to play Super Smash Brothers Biden you dumbass we just started another game of Among Us oh [ __ ] I'm sus you aren't funny Biden nah imagine Biden is the Imposter again mute your mic [ __ ] shut up Biden the game didn't even start yet therefore I did not break it screw these guys I'm going to kill every single one of them and make sure I win in the game of course now on God I'm going brazy this round wait am I impossible I'm about to scare Biden so this baby pees his pants let me fake admin really quick even though I'm not the Imposter oh shoot why is Trump humping me man where is everyone I need to kill someone and vent away 24 racks on my wrist got him with the Blick make him right on my dick oh [ __ ] I'm gonna stop man you ever wonder why this ship is always so damn broken that we have to fix it all the time ha allowing this nerd thanks man get your big for me hey Biden mute your mic okay fine oh shiitake mushrooms what is happening I can't see [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's Biden Trump and Bush I am suicide vented holy poop Trump freaking died Ain't No Way Biden just killed in front of me it is so clearly Biden I saw him kill in front of me how is it me I was with Trump the whole time um you know Trump is dead right yeah it's most definitely you you even unmuted your mic to tell Trump to get away from you shut up little boy it's literally you I'm voting you [ __ ] ain't no way bro it's most definitely Biden he would not be smart enough to kill and blame someone else hey Obama are you calling me stupid yes you can't even pronounce my name right no I think it's Obama shut up I'm gonna vote you out you annoying [ __ ] did I stop fighting and just vote Biden no don't vote for me I did not kill Trump I think yeah Biden that doesn't sound very convincing it's most definitely Biden unless he just is dumb and second impostered you know that actually could be the case oh [ __ ] I should have voted Clinton so I could play another round as imposter I literally knew it you were so bad at this game Biden there's no way you got imposter two times in a row Joe no I'm not imposter what are you talking about Joe playing Among Us with you is actually harmful the amount of brain cells I've lost wait Joe isn't the Imposter there's no way I'm so intelligent and attractive I'm destroying all of these politics there's no way they all thought it was me I can't believe this man Joe didn't see me man I'm really confused who the Imposter is now because of Biden's dumb ass let me see if there is a body behind electrical oh my God bush is chasing me [ __ ] get your ass away from me oh thank God Michelle saved me can we just talk about what in the hell happened last meeting if it wasn't Biden then who is it Bush was the one that blamed Biden there's no way it isn't him Ben you aren't right go back to making shitty YouTube videos how about you go to jail for your shitty presidency calm down you angry little boy anyways whoever is the Imposter killed when the lights were off and framed Biden then why didn't he report the body because I killed Trump Biden just mute your mic and fall back to sleep okay Bet cutie damn I wish I was Obama right now for real now bro that's weird as hell I'm about to leave Rose never had a cuddle sesh with the boys sounds like you are missing out guys we are here to find the Imposter you're right Queen Shapiro Michelle don't want you also I think it's Bush because he was trying to kill me in electrical what in the nut sack is your [ __ ] ass talking about I don't think he is imposter I think Biden just threw and now it looks like Bush's sus I'm voting for Bush it is so clearly him if you guys don't vote him you were just dumb calm down little girl let's just vote to skip there's still four crewmates I am not a little girl Obama I am a little boy I mean man someone needs to give this kid a lollipop so he shuts the hell up why don't you check your wife's emails next time you [ __ ] on me [ __ ] screw your Shapiro wait what in the hell did you just fart in the mic and I will do it again okay I need to think tactically about how I will maneuver this next kill button is a real one for backing me up for not being impostered no mommy please oh shoot it was just a dream we were right or dies me Michael and Bush better stick together this whole round I should stick to Bush and Clinton because I think one of them is the Imposter Among Us fortnite balls I'm a spooky ghost man can this little kid just win already I don't want to do any of these stupid tasks oh my God someone locked me in this room I'm scared someone is going to vent and kill me okay I have thought of the most masterful plan I'm going to execute on these mere mortals bro it's been like five minutes and no one has died oh my God why is Shapiro's dumbass following us now no more lights for you guys now it's time to kill someone and use my genius ability to get by another round oh what the hell I can't see anyone where am I I really hope Bush or Clinton doesn't kill me after all of this time together and now you're dead oh no not my queen no Michelle my husband I mean wife is dead the queen she died Shapiro that's crazy how much of a simp you act to Michelle yet still managed to kill her actually I killed her I didn't stop unmuting your mic you are dead boy you look like snico if you had three chromos I just server muted his ass may I have the chance to have those moderator privileges which I will take into great hands as well hell no I'd rather give that [ __ ] to Biden's creepy ass than you can we just focus on who we are going to vote out I've never seen someone more committed to being a fake imposter in my life how do you know what Biden said do you speak anime I mean Japanese too no I just know a few phrases same the only one I know is there's no way in hell this little boy just said that yeah I'm not going to lie Shapiro I might have to kick you from the server after that one that would be unjust I've not broken any of the Discord or servers terms of service whatever let's just focus on the game I saw Shapiro kill yeah that's enough evidence for me I'm voting him what this is why you are dumb Obama and Michelle deserves a real man like me how does his voting have to do anything with his love life not gonna lie Clinton you're like the last one to talk about love life screw you Bush I'm voting for you well I'm voting for Shapiro because I saw him kill Clinton whatever you do vote for yourself not Bush why would I vote for myself because I voted for you already and I know these two voted me so vote yourself so the Imposter doesn't win no screw you I'm voting Bush what the heck you threw don't throw a fit angry boy it's just a game it is more than a game Obama it is my right to exercise my Democratic power the hell does that even mean let's go I want a sussy man Biden why do you keep saying that and also how the hell are you speaking while being server muted I'm just built different whatever anyone down to play among us tomorrow I'm down same with me oh my gosh me too no one likes you what's up cuties isn't that snico's favorite movie you would know you Dollar Tree sneaker looking ass hey don't talk to my husband like that [ __ ] don't tell me what to do Michael hey don't talk to my husband like that guys calm down and mute your mic I do not listen to any type of authority [ __ ] ass bro it ain't that deep just mute your mic I will not mute my mic and listen to people that are part of the Illuminati bro you're actually crazy if you think that [ __ ] is real yeah I'd be crazy too if I got dumped by Kim K shut up you old man just know I will beat you in the 2024 election and rule the world why did you say that [ __ ] so zesty you are the last person that can say that thank you my good friend and future vice president Donald J Trump I am not going to be your vice president you just ass [ __ ] oh my gosh guys calm down I am server muting you all finally I can think I'm killing Michelle's smart ass there's no way Bush killed me this quick oh [ __ ] I need to bump that new Drake song right now let's go the lights are still off and no one saw me event I'm actually too good for these shitty titty itty bitty looking ass politicians they silence me but they can't beat me I'm gonna make sure all of them know oh shoot my timer to get ice cream went off 100 on my wrist I just want to suck some dick oh [ __ ] I've been hanging around Biden too much how do you do this stupid task why the hell is Bush humping me I could kill Biden so easily right now no I'm not gonna I know he'll confuse everyone more if he's alive which one is the channel for the baseball games this map is so damn big I don't know where the hell I am I hate being a ghost I just hope my hubby doesn't die too I'm Kanye West daddy oh [ __ ] I wasn't supposed to say that oh this is my favorite part but deep down I think about you all day Mommy I know I'm a pit bull but Dale mommy finally I'm almost done with this test let's go how the hell have we gone this long and no one has found a body I unmuted everyone because the Imposter has taken too damn long to kill someone Biden you can't just do that also how do you have the perms to do that anyways I'm just bill differently please mute our mics again I don't want to hear Kanye's ass talking again it's yay Bush I know you aren't talking you are the worst politician to ever walk the planet calm down little boy who are you talking to you know we kicked Shapiro out right wait that wasn't Ben Shapiro talking no it's yay Jose yay not a you dumb heck why are you talking like a little boy oh my God Biden stop mentioning little kids I don't swear because I am above all of you sounds kind of sucks to me you know I would respect that if you weren't anti-semitic too everyone calls me that but I love everybody everybody except for that's wild that you said that yeah that [ __ ] was crazy you know I think it is better that we mute everyone oh what the heck screw Biden for silencing my word now that the lights are off I need to figure out a way to kill someone again I might as well kill yay or Kanye whatever his name is so he can't talk again I think Michelle is most definitely dead since I haven't seen her anywhere and she didn't talk when our mic's unmuted too I'm such a sassy Baka gabagoo these guys better turn the lights on I just want to press the button so I can talk again my voice needs to be heard hey I'm messing with the lights and fake impostering oh shoot I accidentally turned on the lights let's go in the press the oh what the shepherd's pie oh my golly was caught myself swearing take that [ __ ] ass I'm just better oh hey it's Obama let me follow his ass I mean ass I mean ass what the hell let me follow Clinton oh shoot my batteries died oh wait I'm using a keyboard I wonder if anyone has died oh [ __ ] why did the report button just appear oh damn someone's dead wait that looks kind of says that I ran back to follow Obama oh my God Shapiro died bro it's yeah okay dumbass and thank God he died now I don't have to hear him talk again oh shoot just like I guessed Michelle is dead too I think you mean don't even say a [ __ ] ass well where was the body the body was in the office I know for a fact on a stack that [ __ ] was not Obama or Biden it's Obama dumbass no it's Biden bro what yeah how do you know I didn't kill the little kid you know what I'm not going to even say anything this time yeah how about you don't say anything and kiss me boy what in the hell damn I wish that was me wait why did you say I'm suspicious in chat Clinton because you aren't suspicious bro what I think Biden's ass is rubbing off on you a little bit too much now my ass is not rubbing against anyone bro guys stop with the suspect [ __ ] anyways I think it's Bush yeah me too why do you guys think it's me it's either you or Trump but Trump is too bad at this game to be doing as well as you are hey it's not me but I don't suck [ __ ] yeah whatever so who are we voting Clinton yeah vote for Clinton wait what the hell how is it me because you are mad sister Biden did you not listen to anything I just freaking said no I'm voting for Bush guys vote for him too it is most definitely him it is not me you guys have no evidence you're just using false logic wait I forgot Trump can vote too guys please don't so just vote Bush nah don't vote me vote Clinton I'm voting for him now yeah I'm confused I'm just going to vote to skip how about we vote to make Trump eat a salad how about we vote to get you impeached okay I'm voting Clinton even though the Imposter is clearly bushed what the hell you threw Joe you didn't throw it's not me it's Clinton suck my nuts Obama wait let me do that boy what in the hell this episode has been way too sus today no you're just mad that you aren't getting hit on ain't no way bro why did I almost get voted out oh my God the Imposter is chasing me oh shoot the next round started screw this game I'm playing Clash of Clans I better not die this game would have been over if it weren't for bidens or Trump's dumb ass beep I'm gonna kill Trump even though I'm not the Imposter and I'm literally finished with all of my tasks how is everyone not done also why is Biden suss ass following me oh [ __ ] I haven't done a task yet whatever these stupid wires are so difficult I'm going to poop my pants how do I drink this soda whatever oh damn someone closed the door well I guess I'm stuck here forever time to Freestyle again okay time to turn off the lights and kill someone else because they are finishing tasks soon yeah on God I'm the best rapper in the game make them weak with my fame if I don't mess with you then you lame suck his dick till it drain wait no [ __ ] there should be someone in here according to the admin table oh no way it's Bush oh [ __ ] I'm dead damn I wish it was anyone but Biden whatever pre-kill anyway how have these guys still not turned on the damn lights yet oh [ __ ] I was flipping the switches the wrong way hopefully they keep the lights off until I get there let's go I'm humping bushes a ghost I wonder where bush is oh he definitely just killed Biden oh [ __ ] they are all together let me just act natural and follow them where are we going guys let me press the big red button oh [ __ ] I can't because I'm a spooky ghost I know the body has to be somewhere over here oh look I was right it is Bush no I died Biden what the hell you are dead you can't speak wait we can speak when we are dead no only I can because I'm built different no I'm built different because I'm your daddy nah that's us as hell also I know you're not talking because Pete Davidson is your daddy oh my God stop crying you big baby I'm server muting both of you guys finally those two moons are muted now who is the Imposter oh it's Clinton Biden literally said he killed him and this is the second body he reported no it's not me I know it looks us but you have to trust me it's Bush Clinton I think it's you I mean unless you were just so unlucky but it has to be you how does it have to be me and Obama already voted for you it's too late we know it's you GG shut up it's you Bush I voted for you Trump you have to vote Bush so we can win the game Clinton it's definitely you there ain't no way it's not me too late I'm voting you out no let's go there's no way we lost right let's go GG Biden how in the hell did your AI clap also how did you unmute yourself too yeah I want to clap the only thing I want to clap is melania's cheeks shut the hell up that was why wait what Clinton wasn't the Imposter let's go I'm too good at this game haha I had everyone turning on Clinton oh my gosh there's no way we got played like that it's most definitely Bush [ __ ] Bush better get his ass away from me I don't want him to kill me oh [ __ ] maybe I should start doing my tests now come on where am I supposed to even go let's go I'm doing my first task I think we can win this is actually too easy damn who would have guessed bush is a good imposter just like he got away with being a war criminal let me just wait three more seconds I win let's go did we win Biden shut up I'm getting off guys calm down among us tomorrow I'm down me too okay subscribe
Channel: Presidential Gamers
Views: 3,090,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: US Presidents Play, Us Presidents Play Video Games, US Presidents, Joe Biden Plays, Trump Plays, Obama Plays, US Presidents Play Among Us, Presidents Play Among Us, Michelle Obama Plays, Presidents Playing Video Games Among Us, US Presidents Play Among Us Ai, Joe Biden Plays Among Us, Trump Plays Among Us, Obama Plays Among Us, Presidential Gamers, USPresidentialGamers, US Presidents Play Among Us 1-3, Presidents Play Ai, Presidents Among Us, Presidents Among Us Series
Id: GSOXq8x6-SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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