SCP-1919 - Hotel of Duplicates (SCP Animation)

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You hear their footsteps coming down  the halls. Or are those your own?   Can you even tell the difference? You can tell  they’re getting closer and you can feel the hate,   the rage. You turn, shaking, and finally  see them standing right in front of you.   But in that moment, you might as  well be looking into a mirror. And who knows? Perhaps you are. You just don’t  seem to remember having so many reflections... Have you ever heard the saying “You  are your own worst enemy?” Of course,   it isn’t usually meant literally. But what if  it was? What if you had to fight a monster…that   was you? All of your flaws are reflected  back at you. Your strengths, your weaknesses,   your deepest fears, with no way to escape  except a battle to the death. Either way,   you’re not making it out alive. It’s just a  matter of which version of you survives. But   this isn’t a thought experiment. No, according to  the findings of the SCP Foundation, it’s very much   a reality. There is a place where this nightmare  comes to life, and it is known as SCP-1919. SCP-1919 is a hotel and converted  mansion, built in the early 20th century.   From the outside, it looks pretty much  like it did when it was first built,   and it almost looks like a  comfortable place to stay…   if you ignore the eastern side of the building  that has sunk partially into the ground. The inside, however, is a different story, where  it’s clear the ravages of time have taken their   toll. The floorboards and ceilings are rotting,  collapsing in on themselves, and the rooms are   filled with debris. It’s deadly enough to explore  the hotel for these reasons alone, but this is   only the beginning of the danger for a person  inside. In order to determine just how dangerous   it is for either one person or group to enter the  structure, the SCP Foundation planned a series of   research expeditions into the abandoned building,  led by Foundation scientist Dr. Limkiewicz. The first expedition seemed relatively  normal, at least it did at the start.   A 39-year-old Caucasian D-Class male known as  D7 was sent into the structure with a camera   and a communications system, guided remotely by  Dr. Limkiewicz, or Dr. L, and another operative,   a former head of the MTF Tau-11 “Youth Hostiles”  who is referred to in this file only as T11. When he arrived at the building, D7 was  unable to get inside through the front door   or windows. After several minutes of trial  and error, he was finally able to get in   through the western entrance. Dr. L picked  up a strange, high-pitched whistling noise   upon D7’s entrance into the building, but it  quickly faded away and was disregarded by T11.   D7 discovered a torn painting, a  portrait of a young woman with red hair. Next to the portrait, shallow scratches  could be seen in the wall, the floor,   and parts of the ceiling. Suddenly, D7 ducked  into a hiding place, alarmed. He, and the other   two operatives listening to his audio feed could  hear heavy breathing… and it didn’t belong to D7. Dr. L recommended that D7 evacuate the  building at this sign of another entity inside,   but T11 overruled, ordering him to disregard  that instruction and continue his investigation.   D7 was told to stay at a safe distance  from whatever was inside with him,   and attempt to capture it on video. D7 turned  off his flashlight in order to better hide, but   T11 commanded that he turn it back on. Whatever  was caught in its beam of light was difficult for   the camera to see, but it threw D7 into a panic  and he began to run in the opposite direction. When prompted to explain what he  saw, D7 simply said: “It was me!” D7 ran through the dark, panting with fear  and exertion. Unable to see where his feet   were landing, he tripped over something  and came crashing onto the ground,   dropping the video camera. This allowed the  observing officers to finally see what D7   was so frightened by, and it became  clear just why D7 was so terrified. A man, identical looking to D7,  approached from the end of the hallway,   making its way toward the real D7. It was  followed by another man who also resembled D7,   and another, all running toward the  original. They all looked exactly like him,   with a few notable differences. They  were dressed in the same uniform,   with the same build and the same features,  but each had something slightly off about him. One was missing eyelids,  another had malformed hands,   and the third had its lips fused together  into a fleshy mass beneath its nose. Dr. L moved to cut the camera feed, but T11  demanded that it be kept running. D7 couldn’t   be seen by the camera, but the microphone picked  up the sounds of flesh and cloth being torn, along   with pained, panicked screams as the duplicates  set upon him. After a moment, the screaming   stopped. Two hours later, the camera was broken,  and the expedition brought to a troubling end. This was the Foundation’s first glimpse at the  creatures inside of SCP-1919, and it was not   pretty. It did, however, allow them to begin  understanding the nature of the building,   and what happens when a person goes inside.  It appears that when a human enters the hotel,   several humanoid creatures manifest throughout the  building. These creatures look like the subject,   and are equipped with the same clothing or items  that the subject brought inside with them. Though   they are nearly mirror images of the subject, they  are always slightly warped in a variety of ways. These have included changes to limb and digit  length, joint mobility, sealed nostrils,   lengthened jaws hanging loose and limp, missing  eyelids, and lips that are fused together.   These creatures are highly aggressive  toward the structure of the building itself,   as well as to the subject that they resemble.  They do not, however, attack each other. They   appear to operate with a hive mind, exhibiting  swarm intelligence like that of an ant colony. Once they have been spawned by  the entrance of a new person,   they will not stop until said person  either escapes the building or is killed. After the unfortunate end to the first expedition,  the Foundation prepped for a second trip inside.   This time, three men were sent in with  Dr. L’s guidance, known as D3, D4, and D9.   Video cameras were sewn into their clothes to  leave their hands free and to help avoid some   of the issues that came up during the first  expedition. This small team was sent in with   the orders to terminate the remaining copies of  D7, and further examine the hotel’s interior. Upon opening the door to the building, they  were immediately attacked by one of D7’s copies,   which D9 was able to quickly dispatch  by firing his weapon at its head.   Next, after a great deal of reluctance,  the three men entered the building where   they spotted something unusual inside.  Dr. L was horrified when the camera feed   revealed seventeen discarded video  cameras spread across the floor. They didn’t have much time to react  to this new discovery, however,   because two doubles, one mirroring  D7 and another mirroring D9,   emerged from the wall and began to attack.  Dr. L ordered the team to take shelter,   then called the team of guards outside of  the hotel’s perimeter. They were ordered   to begin an immediate full perimeter lockdown,  preventing the doubles from leaving the hotel. D3, D4, and D9 attempted to make their  way to a safe corner of the building,   but found themselves met with a murderous double  at every turn. At this point, Dr. L began to hear   an unusual sound over the microphone feed, a  high-pitched whine like that of a dentist’s   drill. The operatives on the ground couldn’t hear  a thing, but on Dr. L’s end it was deafening. As the team proceeded deeper into the hotel,  they became overcome with a strange feeling   of foreboding. Dr. L ordered them to turn  on their flashlights, but they refused and   begged Dr. L to keep quiet. When prompted  to explain, D9 said: “she can hear you.” The operatives stopped responding,  but their camera feeds caught a faint,   glowing white light coming from  beneath a door. The door opened,   and the light flooded the camera, making  the images it captured hard to decipher.   Just a few frames of a quick-moving female  silhouette were captured before the cameras   cut to static. The bodies of D3, D4, and D9  were never recovered, nor were their cameras. A third expedition was also sent into SCP-1919,  but very little is known about what occurred   during it. The video transcript is highly  classified and only those present for its events,   or approved to research SCP-1919, have access  to it. An update to the SCP-1919 file following   Expedition Three though, indicates that new  information was revealed about the hotel   during the excursion. According to the file  update, there is some kind of being at the   center of the location which is causing all of  the other creatures, the doubles, to appear. The only information available about  this being is the use of the word   “her” in the official Foundation log about  SCP-1919. This seems to match up with the last   moments of the operatives in Expedition Two,  when they told Dr. L that “she can hear you”   and the few frames of a female figure  that were captured by their cameras.   Nothing else is known that has been made  available to anyone outside a very select few.   Only the original report exists, and all  other copies of it have been destroyed. The Foundation has undertaken special containment  procedures to make sure that none of the entities   from inside the hotel escape, whether they are  the “evil twins” spawned by humans entering   the building, or the mysterious female being at  the center of the entire disturbing phenomenon. The Foundation has classified SCP-1919  as Euclid and a two kilometer radius must   be maintained around SCP-1919, with all  roads leading to the building are blocked   or diverted so that no vehicles are able to  reach it. This perimeter is guarded by a set   of at least forty armed and armored guards  at any given time. As it has been determined   that the doubles spawned by 1919 are equipped  with whatever the human they are copying has,   no one is allowed to enter the hotel  with body armor or weapons of any kind. Anyone that approaches the perimeter that  is not part of an official expedition team   will be immediately terminated. No  new expeditions teams are allowed to   enter the building unless all doubles  from the previous expedition have been   exterminated. In the event that they cannot be  exterminated, enough time must elapse between   expeditions that the previous doubles have starved  to death. Though they do not seem to feel hunger,   the doubles do need to eat to survive, and  will die when left alone for long enough. SCP-1919 has been sealed off  from the rest of the world,   so that no hapless civilians can wander inside and  find themselves torn to pieces by warped images of   themselves. But that comfort turns cold when you  realize that the SCP Foundation still does not   understand what causes these doubles to spawn. Is  it scientific? Supernatural? Or something else? No one can be certain. Even more inexplicable  is the entity at the center of all this,   an unknown female presence capable of wreaking  frightening amounts of violence by turning   victims’ own images against them. What is the  purpose of these funhouse mirror nightmares?   Who is she, what is she, and what does she  want? Currently, the doubles have shown no   interest in leaving the hotel except to attack  intruders, and thanks to that fact, as well as   the reinforced perimeter outside, these copycats  have not appeared outside of the building itself. But what happens if they do escape,   or if the entity that controls them decides  to make her home elsewhere? There is no   telling what could happen if this dark power is  allowed to move beyond its current containment. Are you prepared to fight a vision of  yourself, twisted almost beyond recognition,   lunging after you with wide bulbous  eyes, unnaturally long arms,   and a distended jaw hanging down below its  neck? Better hope you never have to find out. Now go check out “SCP-001 - The Children -  Ouroboros Cycle” and “SCP-055 - Anti Meme”   for more anomalous curiosities  from the SCP Foundation!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 357,665
Rating: 4.9595628 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-1919, scp 1919, scp1919, haunted hotel, scary hotel, sunken hotel, hotel of duplicates, euclid class, euclid, scp euclid, scp euclid class, hotel monster, hotel monsters
Id: 4mkeIhQCmj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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