Scorched Earth Beginner's Guide and How to Get Started - Ark: Survival Ascended

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wrong button hey how's it going everybody Welcome to Arc survival ascended today we're going to be talking about scorched Earth the new expansion that just released onto Ark survival ascended now how would you get started well we're going to jump into single player and I'm going to guide you through the process it's actually pretty easy but it is really really hard if you're playing uh for the very first time I would recommend that you play on the island it's much easier and safer um area to get started but if you really like punishment let's jump into scorched Earth because it can get rather intense and very chaotic at times but it is extremely rewarding so to start off let's go to here we're going to go to single player uh you will notice if you have scorched Earth installed that you have it right here there is the island up above it and then also all your other modded arcs will be up here uh you click go into single player with scor earth started and it will take you to this screen right here where we can create our character now if you already have um a survival that uh is ready then you can do that uh let's see let's load a preset I've got one right here um matter of fact if you're doing this I would recommend you go through you customize your character however you want it and then you click save and then that allow you to reload your preset however you want to right there it's actually pretty cool all right so let's go through let's create our character now there are different varying spawn spots where you can spawn now there are a few ones that are a lot more difficult than other others now um much like the arc survival ascended or Arc survival evolved that came before this um where it says that there are easy and medium and hard spawn spots these are really just different levels of hard because you never know what can be spawned in um things uh you can drop down and a raptor will just eat you the moment you spawn and it happens that is scorched Earth key thing is brush yourself off respawn try again until you get to a spot where you don't have that const L happening all right so uh let's pop in let's go to mean we could go Midlands uh West right there we go this one right here as well I actually prefer this one right here but also uh this one right here is actually pretty good South 3 and Midland South is actually really good both of these are good now all of these will get you into a pretty decent spot this one way up here will put you close to the blue obisk which is actually a decent one even though it says it is like the hardest one ever you know it's got this red little thing on there that's just an intimidation tactic don't believe that little guy all right okay so now that that's G uh done let's uh pop down here and let's just spawn this doesn't Wasteland skip through that you can enjoy that if you want I've already seen that many many many many times but yeah for your very first time I recommend you go through and you do that all right so here the starting screen when you start and let's get talking about a few different things cuz I'm going to treat this beginner guide like you are just jumping into Ark for the very first time because everybody's excited about scorge Earth well the first thing you're going to want to do is run to a spot where you're not going to die goal one achieved all right so now we can actually kind of take a look at the area around us and you will see over there there's some stuff that's fighting a raptor um it's two morellatops against the Raptor the Raptor's probably dead we could actually get some go get some fresh meat over there if we harvested up the Raptor's corpse but you have to wait until the Raptor dies if you jump down too quick and also there's a raptor right down below us which means that that's going to give us a little bit of problems and also if you're sitting like this I would recommend if you can actually take a breather do so so where you can just see how the area moves wherever you see movement that is generally either something that's going to help you or hinder you and by Hinder you I mean eat you and it's not even going to use ketchup mean literally you're you're like your own self Ketch uping meal to these creatures it that's just the way it is you sauce yourself while they're eating you and this Carno down below may actually aggro on us and then come up here so I'm going to try to get up a little bit higher and then get stuck and fall down okay so that happened just now you all saw that all right so uh let's pop into here all right so now we have H stats Health uh this right here and by the way fall damage is definitely a thing that's why I have uh um oh less Health right now all right this right here is your amount of hit points that you can withstand stamina is the amount of uh is it's it's a a a skill point or a stat point that determines how much you can do any activity sprinting does it uh harvesting things with a u a pick um anything like that uses up your stamina ability oxygen this is how much how long you can hold your breath underwater food this is how much food you can um how much food you have there's stuff all right we'll just pretend we don't hear it it'll probably come eat us but it's fine all right um this is your food stat whenever this reaches zero you start taking damage because you need to um uh eat some food if you eat food this will go up depending on what all you eat and all the way up to 100 where it'll stop I would recommend don't leveling that up ever same thing with water this is the exact same thing as food only with water water is a very very important stat on scorched Earth because it's a desert it's dry it's desolate you will be going through water whenever you sprint your water and your food are going to be going down your water faster which means that chances are you're going to be dying really quick if you sprint everywhere in the early game wait this right here is a very important stat this right here determines how much you can carry I would recommend boosting this one pretty quick not as quick as a few others though melee damage this is whenever you are hitting something with a physical object um it determines how much damage you do at 100% you do exactly the Baseline damage um anything over then you will actually start building up a multiplier over time crafting skill this right here determines um how well when you craft blueprints or um custom recipes not the regular ingrams but custom recipes like food and stuff like that how good of an effect it has and I'll those are for a video for a later time and not in this video just know that in the early game you never need to uh boost your crafting skill because it really does no good at in the early game once you get to the late game it has huge benefits but in early game you're not going to be able to get any of these benefits fortitude this right here is your ability to ability to withstand the elements also your ability to withstand toror because in this um game there are two different types of damage there is physical damage and there is torpor damage torpor damage when you reach maximum amount of torpidity you will fall unconscious and things will be able to have their way with you that is also how you tame creatures in this generally sometimes there's ways that you can actually feed it by sticking berries up its butt and doing things like that but for the most part you're knocking something out with its torpidity meter once it reaches zero it will fall or once it reaches 100% it'll fall asleep and then you'll be able to feed it and then nurse it back to health that way that is what the torpidity meter does but when a dinosaur such as like a scorpion uses a torpidity attack on you your torpidity will raise up and when you fall asleep it won't actually try to feed you and nurse you back to help to um uh to tame you it's just going to eat you and bring in all its buddies to eat you because like I said before you are a self saucing meal to the dinosaurs it that's the way it is that's your role in this ecosystem enjoy all right so uh one of the first things I would recommend that you do is either fortitude or stamina stamina determines how far you can run and stuff like that fortitude determines how much you can withstand the elements I'm actually going to go stamina first we all worry about fortitude later now when you level up you will go to the ingrams page this right here and every time you level up you'll get a certain amount of Ingram points available now you can actually learn certain uh well matter of fact most of the things that you craft are learned through here now I would recommend that for the first starters you go with the stone Hatchet and maybe maybe um at level three well save your points at level three you want to go for claw stuff because this stuff right here will actually help you against the elements a little bit um when you get later on into the game you'll get something called desert cloth armor and that's what you'll be wearing for the majority of your time and desert cloth armor you get at level 28 so this right here this is the stuff that you want to be shooting for once you reach this stuff you want to be getting the best quality stuff that you come in which is where the blueprints and then later on the crafting skill will come in but that's a video for another time all right so now that we've got this now what we're going to be wanting to do is we're going to be wanting to find water now good thing about this uh scorched Earth is the water is very clearly defined on the map so if you see the little bits going through here then I would recommend that you try to go towards one of them now this little Ravine right here is really generally pretty safe so I would recommend for a first time player on scorched Earth go towards this area right down here because you will have the best of um best time actually getting started in the game so that's where I'm actually going to be doing that so I can show you guys what it looks like and then also you notice down in the very bottom right hand screen where you see that it is super hot right now that's what the big giant flame means means we're going to be taking damage from the heat of the weather that's going on I'm slowly dying as I'm sitting here talking to you guys so let's get moving let's get out of this super heat we may actually die before we get there also these plants wherever you see plants generally you can go up to them and you can hit your uh gather button or your use button and you will gather up some berries and I would recommend you do that especially when it comes to like things like fiber and such like that because that's where the plants that's where the fiber comes from is these little plants and also you will GA gather stones and sand off the ground as well sometimes you'll even grab things like uh that have wood in them which is pretty cool that's another benefit but also if you need to gather thatch and wood easily just go up to a tree and start punching it but we're about to die anyway so I don't think yep yep I I think we're about dead let's see if we can get down here into the water and see if we can live yep we are super dead yep all right now's the time where you you wipe yourself off you rinse and repeat and you say maybe we shouldn't have been sitting there talking the entire time where the super heat H um happened but you know it is what it is no sense beating myself up in it I everything I was on my corpse I can actually uh recreate so yeah later on in the game when uh you get a little bit more higher level you'll have stuff that you want to eventually go back and get your corpse but your last death will be marked by that death Beacon right there so you can easily find your corpse and your stuff right let's see if we can get to a spot before we die this time and this is not the way okay that was a micr raptor yeah we're probably going to have to wait until this heat dies down yep let's actually try Midlands right there and then see if we can make it that way cuz the goal is we're trying to go for this area right there all right still super hot all right let's see if we can get our butt over there picking up a little bit of berries along the way and then also another way of getting uh water on scorched Earth is cactuses if you punch it or harvest it you will actually be raising up your water also you will get cactus sap which allows you to get a little bit of food and a little bit of water from it which is very very helpful let's start getting a little bit more fortitude because this super heat is kind of kicking my butt all right I just want to see if we can get over there before we die I may actually oh no that's a that's a raptor all right hey self saucing meal coming through guys all right yeah get off me get off me and we done all right I think I may have actually done it all right but also another thing for scorched Earth are these jug bugs you will see that on the uh some of them they are uh the orange ones these ones are oil if you go up to it and you collect uh um the stuff from his butt you will actually gain a little bit of oil there are also blue ones that will give you a drink of water which is very convenient and very helpful when you just need that last little drink of water all right uh let's cut across here to the left um I ended up spawning over here and I think we should be able to make it this way all right but I have to be very very careful about how I Sprint because sometimes as you're running here watch this the water just Falls super super fast so that's a thing and then there's bugs back there they're going to be trying to come eat me but yeah the water just constantly Falls let's see if we can go down this way all right and now another thing is the jerboas uh they're the little guys that you just heard up top they're little fluffy dudes with uh big ears and big long uh feet uh you can actually tame those guys by punching them in the head and throwing a little bit of berries on them very very quickly great and now I'm completely out of water right let's get a little bit of cactus all right this will gain my water all right see how this is going up as I'm harvesting it yeah it is doing a little bit of damage to me but we're getting Fetch and we're hydrating super super effective it's really good now jaboa is what I was saying about before is once you tame one of those guys you can pick it up and you can carry it around on your shoulder and depending on what call they uh give will let you know which weather effect is about to happen they are very very helpful when it comes to uh scorched Earth especially when you're out doing a bunch of things and you're getting invested in what you're doing and uh if you know say like you're out hunting for deathworms or something like that and then they'll let you know if hey there's a sandstorm about to hit so they'll let you know hey wait until the sandstorm is done before you go fight that deathworm it is really really important all right let's also gather some of this stuff now this fiber is going to be very very important for helping this out all right now here uh let's go a little bit more fortitude and then for here we're going to learn the shirt the pants and the hat now I could learn the gloves and matter of fact I probably should be learning the gloves but they also take hide which means that comes from uh creatures that you have to kill and harvest like the little jboa or the Raptor earlier those guys as well but here now we take this we go uh we craft that that and that and then also since we have enough stuff we craft the pick now the next thing we're going to be wanting to get is the stone Hatchet and then maybe some Spears it is very very important all right let's equip that now you'll notice that as I'm equipping this here look at this my cold resist and my heat resist they're changing as I equip this armor which means it makes it be we are actually going to be with able to withstand the heat a little bit better it is very cool also you can go through and on the emote Wheel by holding uh the emote wheel uh you can actually disable your helmet if you don't want to from there also you can do a whole bunch of really cool emotes and then you can set whichever one up goes for um whenever you press that button then what which one it does it's a really cool system they've got going on in here all right so now uh there's a whole bunch of water down below us but it is a little bit harder to uh get to but there's also this little lip and that little lip is very very important because certain things will fall over there but what we're going to we're going right over by that way there's a little land bridge that we're going to be trying to get under and then seeing if we can actually get through all right let's har use the um pick to harvest up this tree really quick now also another thing I would um like to inform you guys about is or this is very very helpful is pick and Hatchet will get you different resources if you're going to take this pick and harvest this up you'll end up getting more thatch than you would Cactus app but if you were to use a hatchet on it you would get more Cactus app than you would thatch same thing goes for trees you get more thatch than you would wood uh yeah wood w yeah I get it um but also um if you were to harvest a rock with a pick you would get more Flint than you would Stone but if you used the hatchet on it you would get more Stone than you would Flint also stone is one or uh rocks are one of the best sources of actually getting sand in this game just harvesting it up usually with a hatchet you get the most amount of uh you get the most amount of sand with a hatchet all right also um once in a while these things will spawn little crocodiles they're kind of rare in ASA in ASE they were really common but in ASA they're a little bit rare but just be in keep in mind that once in a while you will see a little flying Croc that will jump at you and what I mean by that is a flying crocodile all right let's jump across here and yes they are as evil as they sound CU they grab a hold of you and then they drag you and then they kill you it's great I'm just trying to find a rock that actually knows it's a rock I could be some down here let's jump through here let's get over to this Edge and also notice that while I'm in this Ravine we don't have to deal with the super heat that's all around us because this down this way down here is insulated from a lot of the uh super heat it does get very cold in here at night so you need to make sure that you work your way towards getting a couple campfires here's a jbo right here let me show you exactly how this is done just punch it and punching actually does torpidity where'd you go there you go now you're unconscious and with these we'll give him some berries now um when it comes to taming up things like this if it's an herbivore there the berry you want to go for are these little purple berries the measure berries but since I don't have a lot of them I'm just going to throw all these on there and then also uh the different berries the colored berries these are generally used for dyes and stuff like that also for certain recipes but the purple ones those are the ones that the um herbivores love now the black ones these actually build torpor see how his torpor is now going up that I fed them each Blackberry is worth 7.5 torpor in order to keep keep them asleep but if we wanted him to wake up early the white berries actually reduce torpor so yeah use them accordingly to however you feel that you need to generally you don't need these uh White berries unless if something hits you for a toror attack all right now that this guy's tamed we can actually take him put him up on our shoulder like this and then now he will notify us if uh the weather is about to change he'll start chirping and calling and doing all sorts of cool stuff it's really cute all right let's see if we can get over here now that I jumped off to get this guy we can actually swim across here and also um getting water you can just walk up to the water and then you can uh click your use button on the water and you'll take a drink or you can submerge yourself there I just here like this hold on stop picking up rocks okay well I'm also drinking while I'm picking up rocks just so you know that all right but um also you can submerge yourself in the water and you'll fill up your water that way as well all right so now that you get to a nice and safe there he goes he's chirping chirp again for me dude all right yeah right like that and he's he's got uh one of four different call signs that each one is will determine what the um is all right so now we're going to harvest this up and we're going to get a hatchet and probably a couple Spears but what we really want to get to is some some campfires because campfires because the desert if anybody's ever been in desert is warm during the daytime and freezing cold at night time so we need to get some campfires to actually help us get to help us survive through the night one I would recommend probably two campfires maybe even three because they do stack they're benefits are actually pretty dang cool let's go here put that down there here put that down there a little bit more in fortitude and that's our goal for the very first day is we need to be able to survive the dinos and then we also need to be able to get enough resources and then we also need to survive our first night right and also this sand it weighs a lot you don't need this stuff right away so I recommend just throwing the sand out when I'm earlier in the game eventually you will need that in order to make Adobe and stuff like that all right so now for here let's take these and we'll just put these up here in the area that we claim as ours which is generally a rather safe area I would recommend going with something like this or maybe even right over here so where you have a little bit of a buffer down below or way up here you can actually make little pipes that uh bring you up that bring water up to you but instead I'm just going to put it right down here and there we go now we've got two of these what these things use for fuel is the wood we've been Gathering as well so we just take that and we put that on there I'm actually going to go get a little bit more and we'll put it on there and then this will be good to help us get through the night I want to make sure I have about at least 100 Wood on each one for the very first night because it gets really really cold and once we have this going then we will also then we will also be able to make a few other things while we're doing this all right and I'm encumbered because I'm carrying too much wood right now but it is really important and another thing you want to be uh gather going towards very very early on is you want to be going towards making some Bolas Bolas will actually stop stop things from actually coming at you bullas these right here you unlock them at level 9 they're really easy to craft but they do take hide so I would recommend getting some of that so where if say like a raptor is coming at you you can bullet it and either run away or kill it because it'll be locked in place for 60 seconds which is really really cool uh let me see need to go get enough stuff to craft a couple more Spears now this is also another thing if Spears generally tend to break which is very very unfortunate especially when you're in the b in the um when you're in you know in the act of actually trying to use the spear to defend yourself um Spears generally break quite often like that so yeah all right now here is an easy way of getting hide is either you find a little jboa like over there or you find something like a level five parasaur and you just start stabbing it now it'll run from you oh why are you not running oh now he's decided that he wants to all right where are you oh there you are come here see there you go and now he's dead all right now if we were to harvest this guy up if we were to use a pick we'd get more meat then we would uh oh hide but if we use a hatchet we use more hide than we would wood so yeah I we we'd get more um hide than we would meet and since I need more hide right now I'm just going to get the hide from him and then use whatever meat I get so I can cook it in the campfire to help me get through the day all right so now we're going to take this going to get the one that has the most in it we're going to throw this on there and we're going to light the fire now this will slowly cook our food for us and then help us out a little bit also remember the cactus that we gained from earlier it will give us a a little bit of food it's not a lot it's one point per one you eat but it will also give you water as well but since I kind of want to use this as my spare backup for emergencies I'm actually just going to take a drink from the water down here and then I'm going to wait for my meat to cook all right first one's cooked put it right down there and then I can actually just use that button uh to go ahead and eat that all right so now also this is this is a sand uh Sandbox game and bases are generally a thing that is I mean honestly it's encouraged build something bases will keep you safe while you're on the inside of it it is very very important but also things like sleeping bags and beds these allow you to respawn which are very very important in order to be able to pick where you can respawn very cool another thing that you want to be able to craft is a mortar and pestle very early on they go on to a foundation which I'm going to learn that I'm going to learn that and then narcotics these are extremely important these things work like those little blackberries I was telling earlier but in a more condensed form and since these are five they are actually five times the um worth how much a regular narcoberry Narco is worth 7.5 these are worth 35 and then also spark powder this is another very important thing that uh it takes two flint and one stone and will craft two spark powder these will actually cook things for you you can put them on campfires you could also put them inside forges to harvest your metal that way there you can uh you don't get any residue from that which is kind of cool because when you're um cooking things with wood here let me show you it will burn into charcoal see right there we've got some charcoal but also charcoal every last little bit of this you get early in the game I would recommend you save because you're going to need that for gunpowder later on so you can actually make Firearms it's very very important so yeah and then now uh that we've got that let's uh put another point in there go over like this we go to crafting uh create a foundation and then here this will actually be just a spot now remember just because we're starting here doesn't mean you need to actually live in this spot this right here is just a rather it's a good spot for us to get started right now the foundation this right here uh will allow us to put down a motar and pestle a refiner Force where we can get metal and harvest it and it's very important now from here I would recommend just enjoy the game how fun you will be a little bit stressed at times but once you find your groove it'll ju everything will just kind of Click into place and you'll begin to have just a ton of fun all right but there's a few different things I want you to know all right so silk whenever you're on here um silk it comes from little purple flowers there's none around here but uh up top of there there is a whole bunch of them they're little purple flowers um if you either pick them up by hand or if you get a whip I would recommend you get a whip early on right now I'm not high enough level to show you uh it's right here level 20 uh you can actually smack the whip across the ground uh just whip it and then you'll gather up all the bushes that you whip it's really efficient and really effective um I would recommend you harvest up the silk flowers with that all right so we've already covered Cactus now how do you get metal metal is from around the Maes not these two well on the opposite side we may actually I just threw away my spear didn't I I just threw him a handy dandy laser pointer all right oil bug we're doing this without a laser pointer all right uh around the maces uh these two right here generally don't have a a lot of metal around them but the other ones behind them let me show you on the map uh see the Maes we're looking at here are this one and this one uh these ones don't normally have a lot of resources this one has a lot of salt which is also another ingredient you're going to need but this one right here has a ton of metal but be very careful when you go over there because it is super hot yeah and it's a little gray rock that has a glint to it you can't miss it um it it doesn't look like any of other rocks all right but also once you get a flyer um at level 36 is when you can tame your first flyer and you can get a lam manra you can fly up to the very tops of these maces up here and you can get some Crystal and some obsidian very e very easily and very effectively it's really cool all right so that is the basics and the beginners um what you need to know to get started on scorched Earth I hope the video helps you out I hope you enjoy it if you want to know a bunch of further stuff I have a constant uh constantly evolving uh list of Let's Plays on my channel where I go through I discuss a whole bunch of different things and then also I guide people on how to get um whatever they need and also how to generally play I've been playing this game ever since it very first came out on Arc survival evolved so I know quite a bit I've got thousands of hours into the game so hey yeah hit me up sometime uh and hey I hope the video helped you out if you haven't already make sure you hit that like button I really appreciate it if you're new around here subscribe and until next time this is flinger and take it easy everybody and I will see you guys on the channel
Channel: Phlinger Phoo
Views: 13,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Solo, Ark Starting out, Ark beginning, ark beginners guide, beginners guide, ark new player guide, ark gameplay, ark playthrough, ark solo guide, ark single player, single player guide, ark guide, ark survival, starting in ark, Phlinger Phoo, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Survival Plus, Ark how to play on pc, ark how to play on xbox1, ark how to play on ps4, ark mobile, ASE, ASA, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark ascended, ark scorched earth, ark expansion
Id: 4Bzo8RXNXqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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