Ark: Survival Beginner's Guide 2024

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[Music] hey how's it going everybody I'm flinger and welcome to the definitive beginner's guide for Ark survival evolved Ark survival evolved has changed quite a bit over the years but if you're just currently picking up the game there is a lot to take in all at once have you ever wanted to ride dinosaurs have you ever wanted to make dinosaurs your friends have you ever wanted to run screaming from dinosaurs off a cliff this is that game have you ever wanted to have a free-form Sandbox experience where every playthrough is completely 100 different all depended on what different events you partake in as you are progressing through the game this is that game it is completely sandbox and honestly in my opinion is probably one of the best games that's been made in many many years just because it allows complete freedom to do what you want to do it is absolutely an amazing experience and we're I'm gonna walk you through how to get started in it all right once you have initially installed the game on whichever platform you're playing on be it PC Playstation Xbox or switch this is the screen that you will be presented with now if you do have a or if you are interested in playing with multiple players on a server you're gonna need to go rent a server so where you can play with that there's many different server providers for it and if you need I I'm currently partnered with G portal and Link down below so where you can get 10 off the life of your server it's really good and honestly it really helps me out so thank you very much if you're even considering that I appreciate that but if you want to play just now without any of that you can actually go into host local and then you can host your own single player game or you can run it as a dedicated server so where other people can come on and play on that or you can also play as a non-dedicated session so where it's you and a friend that are playing as well at the same time on your computer or your system and it's actually a really interesting way of playing I love doing it playing this game with friends is extremely fun although I have built my channel up doing single player I've put in over 10 000 hours on single player so it's extremely fun I will tell you that all right now if you just bought the game unless if you bought it in one of the packs the ultimate Arc Edition or the game with all of its expansions then you will only have the island up here but depending on whether whatever pack you bought it you will also have access to some different Maps down below all right if you do not have access to these you can go on to the PlayStation Store the Xbox store Steam and or uh the switch store and you can just download these they're free and once you install them you can play on them it's fjorder lost island the center Ragnarok valgaro and Crystal Isles fartleheim down here that's actually a mod which if you're playing on Steam you can actually get a mod up and going on there and it is really really fun all right I also forgot to mention that it is also on epic game store so if you although epic game store does not allow the use of mods which is unfortunate so if you want mods you have to get the game through Steam I'm sorry Playstation Xbox and switch users as well all right now these individual maps that you can download they come with additional creatures that are specific for that map so fiorder at the top of the list comes with the comes with the desmodius which is a flying bat that can suck dinosaur's blood it's a very fun dinosaur it also comes with the Andrews Sarkis which is a giant pig that has a turret for a saddle very cool dinosaur Lost Island comes with the Sonoma crops which is a shoulder pet that you can use to fly it also comes with the Amargasaurus and the dinopithecus which are the dynamic is a giant monkey which is really cool it can climb walls and uh it's very cool that dinosaur the Amargasaurus they're just really angry sauropods all right uh now we go to the center the center doesn't really have a unique dinosaur that comes with it but that was also the first map that came out that was a modded one that was incorporated in then there's Ragnarok which has the Griffin very cool flying dinosaurs also it has easy access to wyverns if that's also if that's what you're looking for valgaro comes with the dino nikus which is a giant very overly feathery Raptor it's a very fun Mount all right so once you decide which map You're Gonna Play I would recommend for beginners if you're starting out either start on the island or Ragnarok those are probably going to give you the best experience and then also your best introduction to the game this one right here I'm actually going to start out on Ragnarok because Ragnarok actually has a really interesting way that you start up the game all right so once we log in [Music] you'll be presented with this screen right here and also a map of where you can spawn you can uh if you have a preset which you probably won't you can go through and then you can finally tune however you want this character to look and then you can save it as a preset and then you can have this for every single time that you want to make a new character it can look the same or you can go through and you can fiddle with all sorts of things you can make these characters really silly looking and very odd when it comes to how they look and a lot of people do just this all the time so if you're playing with your friends expect at least one of them to do something of the sort all right now that you've got uh that set up you can go through and you can name your character I would encourage you to name them because if not it's going to start off as human and everybody always laughs at the character named human so just name your character make sure you do that now when you start off now there are a few different spots where you can spawn a lot of times it'll say recommended and then even on some maps it'll say if it's easy hard easy medium or hard that's not the level of difficulty for how dangerous it is although sometimes it is it's how easy and how hard it is to establish yourself how to get resources and how to stay alive it's it is the difficulty but it's a little bit more than that there's a few different factors that are put into it so when it says recommended I would honestly recommend them but when it comes around to Ragnarok I would not recommend the ones that they recommend because here in the jungle this is rather difficult up here this jungle here is difficult this jungle here is is a little bit more difficult getting up here and finding a solid base is kind of hard and is kind of challenging Viking Bay is actually a little bit simpler although you do have to deal with some of the alpha variety dinosaurs and we'll get into those here in a minute um but it is rather simple if you're just starting off in Ragnarok I would recommend you start off in Highlands North over here at the very Corner the very top right hand corner Highlands Northeast this right here is a big huge open field with a bunch of Equus which are prehistoric horses running around so that's what we're gonna do for this play through or at least to start off this is the opening screen that you're presented with and it's absolutely amazing I love this screen it is so good all right just that right look that bit right there where you open up and you see that you have that implant on your hand it's really really cool all right so this is what you're gonna see most likely all right now there's going to be all sorts of different dinosaurs and earlier like I said this is a Sandbox that is dependent on your experiences and also the randomness of it so all of these dinosaurs they could be different now the key thing is if you spawn in and you see something bar its teeth and come running at you you turn the other way and Sprint by hitting your left shift key just run and then hopefully you can get to a spot that's safe if not let it eat you let it gnaw on your corpse and then you can restart in a little bit spot that's a little bit further off where that thing's not going to eat you anymore all right now we're going to start by picking up a few things on the ground there's stones and then there's these little twigs and there's also berry bushes now how you do this is you just you just hover over it and then you hit your use key and that'll pick up whatever it is that you're looking at now these rocks right here you're not going to be able to do anything with these just yet because punching them doesn't do anything and trying to pick them up doesn't do anything you're going to want to go over to a tree and start punching it now there will be fallen trees and there'll be um trees that are upright but the upright trees are up there so we're not going to worry about those ones yet we're just going to find some Fallen trees and we're gonna get some thatch and a little bit of wood now we are going to be leveling up as we go through this now now's a good time for me to actually Express or explain what each of these individual stats do all right so starting off with health this right here is your total amount of Health this is your hit points this is how much damage you can take before you die everything in the game has a health bar some of them are a lot larger than others some are a lot smaller than that others all right this right here we would rather not be hit than have to worry about this going down to zero also later on there is armor that you can get into the game which will soak up some of the damage that you're taking so health is not a massive priority in the beginning stamina this right here is how long you can perform actions how long you can run how long you can jump how long you can Sprint how long you can swim all sorts of stuff and we're just getting pushed around by a dinosaur aren't we okay so that happens all right um I'm just glad it's not one with big sharp pointy teeth that's going to want to eat us all right so that's stamina stamina is kind of important but there are other ones that you probably want to level up in the beginning to start off with oxygen this right here is how long you can hold your breath underwater also it is combined with how fast you can swim in the water so if you want to be able to swim faster boost your oxygen stat food this is how much food you can hold honestly food and water are both there it's the food that you can eat and the water you can drink I would recommend not raising these unless you have a specific purpose that is unique to you and then I say go for it because like I said this game is completely free form you can play it however you want to all right wait this is how much weight you can carry right now between all of this with the Rocks the wood the thatch the fiber all of the berries we've looted I have currently 23.7 pounds apparently of weight or maybe it's kilograms it could be grams who knows it's just 23.7 that's how much weight we're carrying out of a Max of 100. now over here on the side you will notice that you have the same things representative of what these stats are now the weights that it's a little bit different because as you gain more stuff you will eventually get up to and you can barely see it right now here let me see let me get over here so you can actually see it with this behind you can actually see this right here is the exact same symbol that they're using right here of wait now as this barbell raises up and it hits the bottom line once it hits that bottom line you will start to move slower and then once it reaches all the way full you you won't be able to move at all so pay very very close attention to that and if you want make sure you boost your weight stat very quickly and early on in the game so where you can just carry more stuff and not be dragged down by what you're carrying it is important melee damage this right here is kind of an important instead but honestly you can circumvent a lot of the different uh uses for melee damage now melee damage it increases the amount of damage you do with anything that's melee it does anything that's ranged like a bow it will not alter which makes sense but a pick a hatchet a spear a sword a pike anything of the sort it will alter the amount of damage it does the amount it increases is rather limited but as you add more points it will increase the amount I generally don't increase by manually damage because you can get weapons that have really good stats later on in the game and it kind of it works against itself so I would recommend not doing melee damage but like I said mileage is mileage may vary and this is your game play it however you want to movement speed in my opinion movement speed is the number one stat that you want to increase early on in the game because movement speed it increases just how fast you go and dinosaurs in this game that want to eat you they are fast so the best um rule of thumb is if you either try to outrun the dinosaurs or you have to outrun your buddy while you're being chased by dinosaurs either or as long as you're running faster than your buddy the dinosaur will take a moment to stop and chew on your friend it is a thing trust me all right crafting skill this one right here I can make an entire video and I have on the effect notes of crafting skill and what this does it determines how good the recipes you make are if you go and you just craft a regular thing it's not going to affect it but if you get a specific Ingram or a Loot drop or a recipe that you can craft that way that has a percentage that's over the base percentage then it will alter that and that's what crafting skill is and it confuses a lot of people in that all right for fortitude this right here is your ability to withstand the environment hot cold areas such like that so if you're going to a really cold area you'll start taking damage and you'll get chilled and you won't be able to heal properly if you go into a hot area it's the exact same you'll get hot you'll start sweating you'll go through your water really fast and then you'll start taking damage and you won't be able to heal properly so fortitude is kind of important but early on in the game since we're starting on a beach we do not need fortitude yes we do have a little snowflake down here in the corner telling us we are slightly cold but we can circumvent that by adding a little bit of armor early on in the game at night time it will get really cold and this may change to an ice cube which means that we are freezing pay very close attention to your health when that happens and then also make sure that you can get a campfire or a torch or something to warm you up to make it through that little bit of say the night time when it gets really really cold surviving your first night yeah there should be an achievement for surviving your first night in this game matter of fact I think there might be it's been so long since I earned all the achievements but yes all right so for first off for my stats what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be just taking both these two levels and I'm going to pop it both of these into movement speed now as soon as you do that it'll open up the next Up tab up here in the side that says engrubs now uh what we're gonna have is we're gonna have a whole bunch of antrimps up here and I'm sorry I forgot to remove this taming journal from this this is actually a mod so don't pay attention to that we have a stone pick a torch and um these ones are the freebies that you get the note the stone pick and the torch now at level two I would recommend you get all three of these they are very very important now let's get all three of these now we do have seven points left seven engram points I would recommend on these right here most of these actually require hide there are several different ones that do not require Hide And since we don't have an easy source of high just yet because we just started then I would recommend the pants the shirt and then once we get a little bit more we can go with the hat because these are the ones that do not require hide you could just pick berry bushes get the fiber from them and then craft them that way so they're the easiest three pieces to get this one right here requires hide the shoes the gloves um require hide and then the water skid requires height as well so I'd recommend getting these three first all right so now that we've got that we've almost got another level while I was sitting here talking XP goes by really fast in this game so now what we're going to be doing is we're gonna um go back to this screen we're gonna go to crafting now in crafting the things that we've already been picking up this um the stone the thatch of the wood will give us the ability to craft the stone pick so let's go ahead and let's craft that and then while we're here we're just gonna craft a shirt and some pants as well and that will level up this up again and I'm gonna take movement speed up again my goal with movement speed is to get up to at least 112 percent and then if you want to go a little bit further you go up to 115 now it goes up by 1.5 percent per point so it's going to take us a little while but 112 is enough to Pace a raptor it's very important 115 will outrun the Raptor so if you want to get away from raptor you need to have at least 112 movement speed just so where the Raptor doesn't catch up to you and constantly eat you it is important 150 you'll be able to outrun them and how long you'll be able to be able to outrun them will be dependent on your stamina so we'll get to stamina a little bit later on but for now run speed will do all right let's put these on now we actually have a little bit of um oh clothing on and you notice that as I increase these my hyperthermal and height my hypothermal and hyperthermal which is your protection from cold and fro cold and heat will uh have Rays so just by putting these on we're now making ourselves a little bit stronger against the elements now I'm going to take this I'm going to put the pick down here on my hot bar and then from here I'm going to use the pick and I'm going to start going and smacking up this rock now The Rock will give us a couple different things that we can't find anywhere else it'll give us a little bit of flint and it'll give us some Stone we can pick up Stones off the ground but we're not going to talk about that too much because we've already covered it a little bit so now that we've got that we can take and we can actually craft up a hatchet the two most vital pieces of equipment and Arc you get off right at the very beginning the hatchet and the pick these will give you almost all of your resources that you will need you'll eventually get better on things that you can use instead of them but these ones right here will give you just about everything all right and while I'm in here I want to build a torch and a spear now Spears they do have the they have the unfortunate side effect of every once in a while they will break on you and when they break it's unfortunate it's right in the middle of uh dinosaurs eating your face you want to kill it you're down to the last hit and your spear breaks and then you're going oh crap what do I do now well if you have another spear back up then it will just immediately slot it right back into your hand so you can just keep stabbing but in my case I don't have enough because I need to actually get more wood so that's my next immediate thing is to go grab wood now when it comes around to the tools there um there are a couple different ones now the stone pick with it you will actually be able to get uh different ingredients from it so well you'll get you'll get the same ingredients but you'll get them in different amounts so if we use this hatchet on this tree we will actually get more wood than we will thatch but if we were to use the pick on it we would get more thatch than we would would I just said wood would yes all right so let's get a bunch of wood and that levels us up but also wood is very heavy so it's going to encumber us if we don't pay too close attention to it all right so now that we've got that let's get back in let's craft another sphere which now we're out of fiber so we're gonna go over here and also crafting does slow you down while you're trying to move so make sure that you don't craft it in inopportune time like when you're about to see something come over the over the grass line over there and start eating you it is kind of important let's get a little bit more fiber and then that and then also I'm just gonna make a campfire and just hold it in my inventory in case if it gets like really cold so I can just throw it down at any moment yeah and the source for the fuel source for the campfire is just wood or thatch they they burn pretty equally and I'm just gonna put this down here so where I can just carry that around if I start getting a little too cold then you'll notice by me using this it actually warms us up okay it doesn't really show it too much because we have to open up the inventory but it will warm you up a little bit see right there it just got rid of our snowflake just by carrying around the torch but I'm not too worried about Dart right yet all right now uh over here on the side you will actually see quick references there's the weight there's the XP there's the water there's the food there's the stamina and there's the health all right uh and they're here just where you can on you can see exactly what all you're lacking at the time now by eating berries you can actually increase your food stat and a little bit of water not a lot of water but a little bit of water and all you do is just Mouse over it or use your reticule for your uh console and then just hold your button and then it'll feed them all up now the different berries the yellow berries the red berries the blueberries and the purple berries they're ju for your use they're just food and water basically a little bit of water a little bit more food like twice as much food as it is water you can see our food is still going up but our water has slow really slowed down now stemberries these is right here the white berries these ones right here they will dehydrate you but they will give you back a little bit of stamina and also that down here they will also remove torpidity torpidity is your awakenedness uh your ability to stay awake so when you're when your torpidity goes up or your torpor goes up you will eventually fall asleep if you hit a certain threshold that's also the case for every single dinosaur you can knock them out and matter of fact that's the taming method for a lot of different dinosaurs is knocking them out now once they're already knocked out give them narcoberries Darko berries will make anything go to sleep so here watch this we eat that and then that gives us a little bit of torpidity 7.5 to be exact now if we eat one of these it'll remove 7.5 torpidity but also drain some water now if you want an easy source of water you can go up to any source of water in this game because every source of water is fresh water apparently even the oceans then you can drink out of it and all you do is just Mouse over it and then just take a drink just press your use button on it and then you'll drink up and then see now we're full now that we've got uh most of the basics out of the way now we come up with how do we get hide how do we get meat how do we stop this Dillo that's about to eat our face from eating our face well he's gonna come right at us because this parasaur is running for his life and he's running away okay good all right so if he were to come towards us we'd have no choice other than to eat it well stab it or run away I would just stab it because it's rather easy all right now um another thing is dodos are an easy and very reusable source of meat and hide and congratulations you are now the reason why the dodos went extinct congratulations and see my spirit just broke shut up all right now we uh uh once this guy's dead we uh come over to his body now he does have a decomposed timer so we want to make sure that we handle his corpse and we Harvest it before the decomposed timer goes away now if we were to use the hatchet to carve this guy up we would actually get a little bit more hide than we would meet but if we were to use the pick to harvest this guy up we would get a little bit more meat than we would hide but since we need hide primarily right now we're just gonna use the hatchet and just carve this guy up and we may just have to get rid of that Dillo all right now the the spear we can actually just throw this if we right click on it all right yeah we're gonna have to get rid of this guy now dillos they are mean these guys right here they spit at you he'll flare up his face like that and he'll spit this green goo at you and if they hit you you'll turn green you'll slow down for um about 10 seconds and then he'll be able to start commencing the chew on you while you are not doing well but the easiest thing to do is just wait for him to spit sidestep it and then start stabbing while you're walking backwards and then you can easily kill them all right let's get a little bit more behind let's finish up our armor all right so now here uh we should have enough stuff so we can just craft that oh no we need a little bit more of this needs more fiber so we'll go over and we'll start grabbing this stuff and then now that we've got that see the dodos are already back up these things they are a very good source of just everything in this game foreign and there we go we've got a full set of armor which will provide us 50 protection and as we get hit the durability of this will go down but we can freely repair it at any time which is really good all right now if you want to be able to hide your hat all you have to do is hold the bracket keys and then you can actually open up the emote wheel which will allow you to just hide your hat now if you uh go over it and then you release the key on the one that will just make it swear if you just single click that key it'll just go away which I do all the time it's very very handy all right another thing that you will notice in this game is that Everybody Poops yes Everybody Poops constantly all the time everywhere even in your house yeah it's just get used to it it's it's better that way all right but also poop could be used you can throw it at people you can eat it yes you can eat your own poop you can eat a dodo's poop and this right here this will instantly kill you yes yeah so if you're trapped in somewhere and you need to get out of it just eat your poop I know it's disgusting but it is a thing it can also be used as foodolite fertilizer to grow your plants later on and that is something we will get into later all right now that we've leveled up a little bit and I've turned off that mod that was causing me to have that see this is where it's supposed to look all right um now we get into actually building up our first Shack it is kind of important there are a few different things but also another thing I want you to pay very close attention to is remember those blackberries I told you about well they are used to make narcotics with spoiled meat so uh make sure that you save all the spoiled meat and all the um blackberries that you get because you will be using them and you make those inside the mortar and pestle but we're not going to get to that yet and if early on if you need to knock something out a slingshot just with using rocks as ammo this right here causes eight torpor per rock that you fling out of it it's actually pretty dang cool I've knocked out some really impressive things with it before um matter of fact my first day in Arc I knocked out an Ankylosaurus with it on the beach with a slingshot now years ago all right but um now that we've got uh this other stuff we're gonna actually start unlocking stuff to build a base or build a little Shack to protect us while we log off which is the thatch uh we're gonna get into the rest of this stuff here in a minute but we don't have enough to I learned the oh we do have enough to learn that but we don't have enough to learn that and also the hide sleeping bag is another thing that's very important because if we were to die right now which may actually happen okay yep all right come on Spirits get made get crafted get crafted we go and if you hit these guys as they're running towards you and just walking backwards it stops them from actually getting a little bit closer and sometimes knocks them back which is really important for keeping them off of you alright so that was a there we go let's see another some tough copies all right and also you'll notice that my dinosaurs are a little bit higher level um that's because I use my preferred dinosaur or my preferred single player settings when I set up uh my my gameplay and I'll put a link down in the description so where you can get a really good source uh really good example of the settings that I use as the ones especially that I use for this video and I think they're really really good for single player and then also for just groups of like two and three so if you're like playing with your kids or your wife or your girlfriend anything like that or your boyfriend then I would recommend you know using those just where you have a little bit easier experience and it doesn't take you days to do certain things in this game all right so now that we've got this I'm at spot right here because the spot remember to build our uh Little Shack so what we're gonna need to for crafting all this stuff we're gonna need fiber thatch and wood for all of the Pieces Just a big mass of a bunch of those so let's go start getting a whole bunch all right she's our pick on a tree to get a bunch of thatch and then now that we've got that increase our weight a little bit more and then let's just actually make a foundation a door a doorway three walls and a roof and then also you'll notice that crafting up stuff gives you a big chunk of XP so if you want to just get some XP really fast it's actually really easy to do it that way I just crafting up a bunch of stuff and now placing stuff down is actually really easy there's recommended snap spots and if you don't like it or if it's facing the wrong way you just press your use again and it'll swap it around right on the I'm encumbered so now if something were to come up and eat me I would have no choice other than to die all right and there we go our own little Shack and I can move a little bit and also we're just gonna place our campfire right here um campfires and uh corpses and stuff like that other than things coming in harvesting up the corpse and then eating it and healing up on it honestly they don't attract they don't like attract anything there's no like blood effects in this game so yeah don't worry too much about that all right so now we're going to cook up dinner which is we're just putting some meat inside the uh campfire with a little bit of wood and hitting light fire and that'll take a little bit of time and then it'll get everything up and going for us and then bases as we get going up uh through the levels we'll actually learn all sorts of different materials it starts off thatch and then it eventually goes to Wood down here right here and then from there it goes to Stone and then you'll get into what they call the tech tree which is a little bit uh well you get into metal and then the tech tree the tech tree is stuff that you have to um defeat the bosses of the uh map in order to unlock now eventually you'll get to a spot where you're like oh hey I need metal how do we get metal and I'm not high enough level to actually show you this yet just by doing this regular play but how you will get metal is well first you'll Harvest it from River Rocks and metal nodes and I'll show you how to do that here in just a sec but how you uh um refine it is in this right here the refinery that you learn at level 20. and then everything that you use for like your metal tools and stuff like that these ones right here that you unlock a level 20 you craft in the Smithy which takes five pieces of metal well Metal Ingot so that's rather rather important all right now for these right here these little uh bits of uh metal right here this is what they call a metal node now you can Harvest it up with your stone pick but I would not recommend doing that um honestly these Little River Rocks down here they're probably really really easy well they are really easy for getting metal out of they have a higher chance of getting metal than say like this rock right here which you can get some metal but the River Rocks just generally tend to have a little bit higher uh higher base of metal so I recommend when you're using a stone pick just use this later on when you get metal picks harvest the crap out of that metal node with the metal pick and you'll get a lot but right now it's just kind of just wasted all right now I was talking about spawn spot all right so this right here the hide sleeping bag what this will do and later on you'll get the bed which will unlock a permanent use of what the sleeping bag does so if we were to die we were to Res we would be respawning somewhere on this map we can select it to be up here and we'd probably have to go find our corpse a little bit closer but it's it's gonna be random where we respawn but if we use a sleeping bag we are able to respawn right where we put the sleeping bag it changes things so much and it makes life so much easier but the sleeping bag is only a one-time use it once you use it it goes away but if you have a bed a bed is infinite use so you can freely use a bed as many times as you want so get the sleeping bag in there put it down set it up and then once you get the bed just pick up the sleeping bag and upgrade it to a bed all right so that's how to get started That's The Beginner's Guide that's what you need to know to get yourself um sorted out now I encourage you to go out and explore and just basically go through and do all sorts of cool stuff I will be doing a couple more videos in this like how to tame dinosaurs and do a bunch of other things and I encourage you to come along for the watch uh stay tuned for those videos and they will be in a playlist down below so hey I hope the video helped you out if you haven't already make sure you click that like button I really appreciate it if you're new around here subscribe and until next time this is flinger and take it easy everybody and I hope you enjoy the game this game is absolutely amazing and there are reasons why there are people that have played it for 15 to 20 000 hours you just get lost in it all right take it easy everybody
Channel: Phlinger Phoo
Views: 117,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Solo, Ark Starting out, Ark beginning, ark beginners guide, beginners guide, ark new player guide, ark gameplay, ark playthrough, ark solo guide, ark single player, single player guide, ark guide, ark survival, Ark: Survival Evolved, starting in ark, Soloing the Ark, Phlinger Phoo, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Survival Plus, Ark how to play on pc, ark how to play on xbox1, ark how to play on ps4, ark mobile, ASE, ASA, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark ascended
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.