10 Mods You NEED To Try In ARK: Survival Ascended

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moders play an extremely vital role in giving Arc that extra kick it needs whether that be making the game less of a grind or complete overhaul mods making the game extremely challenging today we are focusing on Quality of Life mods and in my next video I'll be focusing on Dino and overhaul mods here's 10 quality of live mods you need to try in AR Sur Val ascended let's kick things off with the pull it mod from the mod think about it this mod can be used in crossplay once installed and once accessing yours a dinos or storage containers inventory you'll notice you'll now have new tab options available to you at the top of the screen so let's just say we want to craft a wooden foundation let's go to crafting select wooden foundation engram then you press the icon in the middle this will pull any resources out of your base into your inventory and you can craft yourself your wooden foundation this can be done with any engram or blueprints you want to craft and if you wanted to craft more than one you can input the amount into the box next to the icon now if you want to pull singular resources into your own inventory or whatever storage container you're access in this can be done with the downward Arrow icon so let's say I want to pull some wood into into my inventory click that icon search for wood and this will tell you wherever wood is located in your base click on whichever storage container you want to pull from select the amount and click pull and finally if you're looking to repair your items I have a load of damage Flack in this Smithy select the item you want to repair hit the screwdriver and spanner icon and it will pull the exact amount of resources needed to repair that item up next we have the extended Smithy from the mod arendes can be used for crossplatform you can find the extended smiffy alongside the standard smiffy in your engrams both unlocked at level 20 with the extended Smithy needing slightly more resources required to craft and it's as simple as this standard Smithy can hold 75 slots while the extended Smithy can hold a whopping 2,000 slots next up we have dur Dino finder from the mod hacky van Bane once again can be used crossplatform once installed and once accessing your inventory go to the map Tab and you'll now see a new tab at the bottom right of the screen which is open finder after clicking that you'll be able to search for any Dyno on the map with a number of options to narrow down your search setting the minimum and maximum level you desire so let's say I want to find a giant queen bee search for the be click giant queen bee and then click the search button at the bottom you'll then be able to see all the giant queen bees located around the map and you can click any one of these to track them I never use this mod for a general playthrough as I feel like it's a little too easy but if you are really struggling to find certain creatures it's extremely helpful another mod that can be extremely useful especially when playing the Island map is the custom dyo levels mod from the modder kitsy catty this mod can be used crossplatform by reading the information in the mod description you'll find a lot of helpful additional information of how to customize your iron I settings to cater to your liking it's no secret that the Island map is well known for spawning shockingly lowlevel wild creatures around the map and it can be an absolute nightmare to find a high level of any creature but even without editing your in I sends after installing the mod perform a quick Dino wipe you'll begin to instantly notice the change it will basically balance out those low-level spawns introducing far more mid to high level spawns instead making find in higher levels much easier next up we have the TG stacking mod from payat agono tmat 913 apologies for butchering the names there are three different variants of the mod two items will stack into 1,000 one with 50% weight reduction and one with 90% weight reduction per stack and the third option which is the one we're going to quickly showcase is I am stacking into 10,000 with 90% weight reduction per stack so basically this mod will massively condense the amount of storage space you need in your base as most items resources and consumables will stack into 10,000 and will make it much easier to transfer stuff in and around your base with ammunition and unique consumables stacking into stacks of 500 personally this mod isn't my cup of tea and I do love a good cup of tea but it is evident in the amount of downloads that this mod is a very popular one for most people due to it making life a lot easier the super cry storage mod is up next by Bruno Amar Alum it can be used crossplatform the mod adds an additional fre new items SCS Cryer balls Cryer gun and the cryo terminal all unlocked at level 51 and can be crafted in your own inventory the balls are basically cryopods they work the exact same way however they don't have a spoil timer the gun can be used to shoot and suck your creatures into the balls whenever empty balls are in your inventory basically like a cryo gun you also need the SCS gun to alter any base settings for the SCS terminal these settings can only be altered by anyone with admin access or if playing single player like me of course you'll have admin access this is done by holding r on PC Square on PlayStation and X on Xbox where you need to go to admin settings on the radio menu here we have all the settings for your cry terminal so let's quickly go through every option and what it does when checked most of these settings can be further customized to your liking by altering the options on the right of the screen enable Cryer sickness will determine if creatures have Cryer sickness when thrown out of a ball and if you throw one out during this cooldown they will be thrown out asleep typically they are prone to takeen excessively more damage in this state enable baby autot trap when you place SCS balls inside the terminal and whenever mammals give birth to any babies or any babies hatched from fertilized eggs they will be sucked into one of those balls in your terminal as you can see the terminal just sucked a few of my dirolf babies inside can capture Dino in combat well that's what it pretty much is you don't have to wait for a cool down to capture them you can instantly capture them when in combat cry turbinal can collect fertilized eggs and can incubate fertilized eggs if you have any creatures on mate around your base and they drop fertilized eggs the cry terminal will instantly pick them up once in the cry terminal it will incubate the the eggs down to 1% ready to pop which at that point you'll need a means of hatching that egg manually for example with air conditioners can gain kill XP when deleting dinos this is especially good for people that mass breed as you'll have a lot of throwaway babies you can select any balls with creatures you do not need then click delete dinno at the bottom of the terminal which will delete the dino out of the ball refund you one empty ball and that you'll Survivor some tasty XP can enable mating in range any creatures within the range of the terminal will instantly mate if this set and is enabled can spay dinos in range not really sure what that means honestly I don't know why you want to spay your dinos anyway so I probably wouldn't recommend even selecting that and can capture all dinos in range which of course means any creatures that pop out babies will be captured in balls going straight into the cryo terminal cryo gun capture items in bags you can shoot death caches with a cry gun to transfer those items to your inventory give imprinted deployer which means if you imprinted that baby and then you pull it in an STS ball give it to another player whenever they throw it out it will be imprinted to that player deploy with structure prevention and flyer prevention are pretty self-explanatory you'll be able to throw creatures out of balls in areas that prevent building or prevent flying creatures enable passive generation unfertilized egg generation and poop generation so if you go to my terminal here you can see I've got atinas in here Inc balls inside the terminal which with passive generation will passively generate actina paste and organic polymer over time there's also a basilosaurus in here which will also generate spoil oil so anything like that that's what comes under passive generation unfertilized egg generation speaks for it itself also as you can see in the terminal I've got UT eggs and Rex eggs that's because I have a male and a bunch of females of each species in cry balls inside the terminal and it just passively generates eggs over time and if we move over to my other terminal here a lot of poop is inside it and in here I just have a few cryed up fomas to possibly generate the poop these two SS are what they say on the tin any babies in balls inside the cry terminal will Auto grow and auto imprint beos can convert poop so let's go to my poop terminal here you can see there's a bunch of fertilizer in here also and that's because I got a few dumb Beals in the terminal they will automatically convert the poop into fertilizer over time capturing dinos reports a tribe log if you go into tribe manager you'll see notifications whenever one of your trib mates cry balls any of your creatures and finally distribute fertilizer to crop plots this gives me the perfect opportunity to tell you how to manually set up your terminal settings once accessing your terminal go to the terminal settings at the bottom of the screen and this is where you can manually pick what you want your terminals to do and what you don't want them to do I like to have three separate terminals for different purposes so with this one I got poop generation and be convert poop that's all I use it for in my second terminal I have resource generation turned on and unfertilized egg generation and the final terminal which will collect fertilized eggs incubate fertilized eggs Auto trap babies and have unfertilized egg generation now if you go back to my poop terminal you'll see the distribution settings on the right so if we set this to let's say seven over here you can see I have some large crop plots and give it a sec and it will there you go change to seven so it automatically distributes that fertilizer to your crop plots nothing better than even on a spot of gardening and that's pretty much everything you need to know about the super cry storage mod up next is one of my personal favorites the craf and skill potion from the mod fire solved this mod can also be used crossplatform when accessing your engrams this potion can be unlocked at level one once consumed the potion will temporarily wipe all your enr points and put all levels into your crafting skill stat and if you're one of those people like me that absolutely hate mind wiping due to having to relearn all your engrams again but deep down you know you have to suck it up to be able to craft the best blueprints in the game game while you're going to love this potion you'll have 2 minutes to craft whatever you want and when the time runs out your stats revert back to normal and so do your learned engrams and after you're done you can stick them in the fridge and save them for a rainy day as they do have quite a hefty spoil timer next up is the utilities plus mod from blitzfire 911 it can also be used crossplatform this mod adds reusable versions of the basic equipment in the game all items can be unlocked at the same levels as you done L the vanilla versions so once you craft one of these items you won't have to craft ever again and of course it frees up a lot of inventory space being as you don't have to carry a bunch of parachutes grapping hooks Bowers etc etc making life a whole lot easier when out exploring the mod also adds the utilities plus version of the binoculars which can be unlocked at level three needing only two Crystal and five metaling got to craft and they work the exact same as the tech binoculars and once again personally it's not my cup of tea I do love a good challenge and take pleasure in the pain that vanilla Arc has to offer up next is a super spy glass plus from Caven 87 this Mark can also be used crossplatform first of all there's three different variants to craft all unlocked at level 25 one being the standard spy glass which is used the same way as the basic spy glass a skin that can be equipped to head armor and one that can be used to just toggle it on or off when aiming your Crosshair at any creature it will show detailed info about the creature showing all of its wild stats mutations color regions it's preferred food and how much you would need to tame it shows any Buffs that any creature has active shows information about fertilized eggs shows information about unborn babies when looking at the mother shows latitude and longitude in the top left of the screen shows info about supply drops dropped item bags and Def caches has built-in night vision Predator vision and outline mode these options can all be accessed via the radial menu by holding r on PC Square on PlayStation and X on Xbox when having your spy glass equipped and by selecting the option at the top of the wheel you also have access to customizing your super spy glass plus settings this thing does it all the final mod we are going to show case is the dino plus Nan and Hatchery mod from the mod the Mad collector once again it can be used crossplatform the mod adds the dino plus Nanny the dino plus Hatchery and also adds a selection of new structure variants that are basically upgrades to their vanilla counterparts as you can see the dino plus versions are slightly smaller than the vanilla versions which I actually love I really wish the vanilla Indie Forge wasn't so big so let's compare them in detail real quick here we have the greenhouse structures and the glass Dino plus structures and you can see it's a more polished version of the greenhouse structure with completely clear glass panels the vanilla Tech gen will hold 100 Slots of storage and with 100 element inside will be powered for 150 days whereas the D+ Tech gen will hold 300 slots and with 200 element will be powered for 1,190 days the refrigerator will hold 80 slots whereas the D+ refrigerator will hold 300 and will increase the Spore timer of consumables inside standard smiffy will hold 75 slots the D+ Smithy will hold 300 the fabricator will hold 70 and the D+ also holding 300 the industrial Forge will hold 100 slots and the D+ version once again holding 300 slots so these structures look better and hold a lot more storage space all D+ structures are unlocked at the same level as the vanilla versions and finally let's highlight the two best features of the mod the dino plus Nani and the dino plus Hatchery which can both be unlocked at level one both can either be powered with gasoline or from a nearby power generator once activating Hatchery any creatures on mate around your base that drop fertilized eggs will automatically be picked up by the Hatchery and once inside it will incubate your eggs down to 1% ready to pop which just like the super cry storage terminal you're in need of a means to finish off the incubation process and now we popped out some babies it's now time to show how the nanny Works The Nanny will automatically distribute food to any babies in range so be sure to Ram your nanny full of all that food that your babies like to eat after chucking some berries in the nany if you go to my verzino you will see that the nanny automatically puts berries in its inventory so this mod gets rid of the hand feeding process completely and most of all you don't need to imprint your babies at all the more your baby grows the more the imprint percentage goes up naturally from The Nanny so you won't have to care for your babies ever again and if you're looking for more settings regarding the nanny or Hatchery you can view these options by holding e on the nanny or Hatchery so I hope you all enjoyed the video and I hope it was helpful to you all and if it was please consider liking commenting sharing and subscribing for more our content content I am currently working on some big projects at the moment hence the lack of uploads so just letting you know there's going to be plenty more awesome AR content coming in the next few months and who knows maybe even different games hope you're all having a great week I'll catch you all in the next one take care [Music] goodbye
Channel: BEYPlaysGames
Views: 36,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival ascended, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended top 10 creatures to tame, ark survival ascended top 10 dinos to tame, ark survival ascended tips and tricks advanced players, Ark survival ascended top best underrated creatures dinos, Ark ascended top 10 mods you need to play, ark survival ascended 10 quality of life mods you should check out, ark ascended mod showcase, Ark ascended best crossplay & crossplatform mods for PC Playstation and Xbox
Id: BDmFF0zVyxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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