Scooby Doo the Mystery Begins – Nostalgia Critic

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[Music] [Music] so hyoe like a married life really good my rings starting to decompose those none of it oh my god what was that somebody's trying to kill you critic why hi guys I was just thinking of how an astrologer critic gave a negative review of Fievel goes west and that made me angry just thought I'd mention it okay do you guys realize what this means jinkies mystery where our pick we got some work to do danger level boys that's why it was me okay Roger of course from the previous Scooby Doo reviews nobody cares okay what are you doing we had a mystery to solve I could have been the suspect nobody's falling for it you couldn't even hurt a fly that's not true look what's going on here I mean we had a whole scooby-doo mystery plan we even had a cute and cuddly sidekick Oh pah-pah-pah I know but that's not what people want to see anymore they instead want to see the criminal revealed as early as possible with little attempt to make it look like it wasn't him yeah so too says scooby-doo the mystery begins [Music] often referred to as the third scooby-doo movie this um I was talking oh he usually takes over at this point but I was talking you know you tried to kill me I'll let's place [ __ ] to you but I was told to refer to as the third scooby-doo movie this week will aired in 2009 on Cartoon Network hey remember when we used to run cartoons showing how our gang of mystery solving teenagers met what we got I guess is on par with the other lame scooby-doo movies but there's a certain half-assed nature to a lot of it that makes it feel even more uneventful he'll half the characters don't even look like their original selves that is the one thing you guys got down what the hell is that supposed to mean I'm telling you this movie just doesn't try as hard as the others the other movies were awful - exactly I get out while you still can screw you Roger these costumes took a long time to make and I get most of our costumes took a long time to make and we're gonna solve a mystery while doing this review okay cool by the way here's all the evidence that perfected it let me know if you need help figuring out who did it it was me by the way well we're not gonna let him or this movie ruin our mystery right I don't know the mystery seems pretty killed yeah I feel like the stay black marshmallow man yeah let's just go see if the Flintstones made another live-action movie wait go back Sykes and [ __ ] so let's see if this prequel is just as bad as its other films this is scooby-doo the mystery begins I warned you noted so like I said before the film is actually a prequel to the live-action films rather than a sequel are we ignoring the pup named scooby-doo mythos now it looks like everything takes place in a town called Coolsville but we know that's not true the only population there is as the credits roll shaggy it looks like is late to school and has problems fitting in have a nice trip shaggy yeah you should see how the treating Peter Parker in fact isn't that the same stock bully do they just make him in a factory get a neckerchief or something oh yeah that's supposed to be Fred and this is supposed to be Velma both looking different from their traditional designs you see half of them don't even have to look like the characters anymore oh come on a little change isn't such a big deal when did you shave your head oh he did that a while ago yeah people are used to it and the different wall color that will never forgive things don't seem to get better when they go to school hate this job janitor well go ahead Fred and Velma right down that suspect he doesn't like working there clearly he's a suspect it's totally believable okay that's obviously a fake up I don't see how the real culprit is revealed early like look here shaggy just randomly talking with the principal of the school and friends mr. Rogers do you have any you know what helped me stamp collecting I'm particularly excited about my latest find one-eyed Jack I'm sure this character we just met go into great detail about his interest and backstory will tie into something anything you'll notice that the Jackrabbit has only one eye those are the most valuable huh I'm sure all of this will have a connection to their characters it's totally not just gonna pop up again at the end or there's so many ways this can tell you two their personalities like I said this is how it's done now come on guys wait maybe there's another mystery we can solve watching this like what like how long would it take for someone to figure out it was him just looking at the IMDB page ah jinkies that's a good place to start let the mystery began actually right away he's literally getting captured on the homepage damn it is nothing try come on guys let's see how they're ruining the live-action Tom and Jerry movie this must be problem-solving hijinks meanwhile at an adoption fair guess who's the pet of the day he's very affectionate and he'd bring a lot of joy to any family are you kidding it that thing looks like a way he designed Hudson home or just eat us I give credit this scooby looks more like the cartoon in this version in that Eve looks two-dimensional and poorly animated but sometimes the people's reactions to him were just strange like look at this father and daughter who decide to adopt terrible things but the dog jumping on me and licking me there is no therapy or Church for that Swifter realizing Coolsville looks ironically dull scooby escapes from his cage and goes out on his own coming across a graveyard where this seems to happen all right let's play a game what's more frightening the intentionally scary goes rising up from the grave or the unintentionally frightening eyes and yogi bear's ball sac here you have chosen this goofy runs away from the ghost and comes across Shaggy's house where he sneaks in something out there got you spooked shaggy Scooby's over there what's under that sheet and why now scoobert new oh yeah wonder if people call you scooby i think anything sounds better than scoobert sounds like someone microwaved Burton's scooter from the Muppets it's all levels of in Pleasant naturally the two of them get along and they partake in this terrifying dance animation now let's play another game which of these random faced cats will haunt you till your dying day you know yourself well picture Essen is the scuba bomber and sneaked him onto the bus boy I know this damn dog has been scary enough already in this film do we really want make him look like a slasher from a low-budget horror film at Joyce Creek can we see that film instead Scooby causes trouble though resulting in the bus losing control he'll be fine it had just two days left to retirement who is responsible for this clearly the driver or them you will spend two hours in this room every day starting at 3 o'clock sharp got it well we better start breakfast club or the Power Rangers no talking no texting and no eating even if they cut my budget now I've got to do double duty with a bunch of illiterate let's hear it for the wind like thank God it wasn't the least bit convincing but we have to give some impression the writers were trying some but the room starts shaking as something supernatural seems to be going on [Music] oh no oh those reading from the handbook for the recently deceased again during a pep rally and oh look at that the principal happens to be there too I wonder if a masked character is gonna pop up soon you know it's sad when a lifeless mascot looks more alive than you're supposedly living animal whoever chooses to remain here anyway the password is Fidelio get undressed let the orgy begin the Vice Principal blames our heroes for this scare though because they're right there gives me great pleasure to inform you that you no longer have detentions because now you're all suspended now if you kindly point me in the direction of something I could go about oh yes that's very good scooby-doo where are you oh come on you watch the show it's not right here it's blue that's like saying live long and succeed in material terms or be financially successful I know it's the same thing but it's not the same thing shaking invites everyone to his house to figure out what the story is behind these ghosts there's extra chicken soup in the fridge thanks mom and I'm leaving you with your favorite friend Roger he's going back to the science lab sweet pad check blacklight drawing a Sammy Davis jr. even for shaggy that seems really odd I mean it was clearly Sinatra that coined the phrase go be do but knowing these writers the only Rat Pack they probably know is these guys you are not gonna believe this so they look up who the ghost in the pep rally seemed to be it looks like the loot s's are up to their old tricks again time capsule was that it's a small container used to preserve historical artifacts in order to capture a certain time like nostalgia and the various ways you can cash in on it so they sneak back into the school so they can examine the scene of the crime sheesh even the background is giving him hints on how to write a better movie I took the liberty of borrowing this for investigation jinkies look at this what is it I'm not sure and based on the fact that this is a high school I don't know if I want to find out but the ghost attacked by taking over football mannequins you know those usual football mannequins every school has just ran out okay to be fair I'm a woman from the 1800s I clearly don't know how to play football [Applause] [Music] why do we suddenly look like Snoopy the dogs brass creepy stuff happens in the dark man they're locked in the freezer and the next day they're discovered by the Vice Principal plainly these paranormal culture guys aren't pussyfooting around we'll have to call Peter Piper and his peck of peppers for this the vice principal asked if this was all Shaggy's doing no it was just us the hold on it wasn't just them I was there too so was I yeah I'm Spartacus well I am pleased to inform you that your suspensions have been lifted oh yeah you're now to be executed oh yeah we can do that they end up getting expelled as Shaggy tries to think of who the other suspects could be the school never wanted to be a janitor oh hi guy was totally in a trash can down the hall when he said that I got the shining now I've got to do double duty with a bunch of illiterate guys we got suspects see that I got suspects history's getting good I know everything in the world says one thing but taking out facts proof evidence in character history I really feel there's this allocation he's clearly unbalanced individuals get to there's a mystery here I'm good on Scooby dooby doo where well that one was easy I didn't even need to say a line come on guys let's insert live-action hanna-barbera joke here so hyper is that your real name it's a way of life [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] so the gang wants to interview the suspects but can't be seen at the school so they all work on disguises the Scoobies just eat a fly like a frog you guys have done episodes with the Harlem Globetrotters kiss and Don Knotts how are you finding new ways to make this more insane they're apparently impressed though without Daphne made-over Velma [Music] congratulations you're attractive to a dog achievement unlocked Fred goes as a cool as ice poster Daphne goes as the chick from Blair Witch 2 and I'm not gonna lie I did chuckle when I saw Shaggy and Scooby going as trash cans pull your pants up droopy drawers droopy drawers isn't the name of Scooby's cousin or something or am I thinking of the porno version I find not knowing the answer to either so they spy on the two suspects and find the librarian is clean and the janitors I'm possibly gonna kill someone but hasn't yet so they now suspect the vice principal because of course that's the next probable choice velma can you find out where he lives he lives on top of coolest old mountain it take us all night to ride our bikes up there teachers don't get paid [ __ ] how the hell is he living at the top of a mountain unless he's in the hut waiting to light the beacons of Gondor i don't see how this is possible shaky reveals he can drive them up there because he has a license and is older than he looks because he was held back [Music] well that was unnecessary dive into Scooby's thought process with no more fitting conclusion be something like this so they go to find a car from Daphne's extremely rich family right behind you we can kidnap a ton of kids with that 300,000 miles that's a mystery this machine still runs cool hey did you also know that the Ghostbuster logo came from a graffiti artist in the subway nobody cares is it weird that all I'm thinking about is what that you used was toy cameo front and center is thinking oh my god oh my god oh my god the scene is [ __ ] it goes on and on forever how did this don't get greenlit they drive to the vice principal's house where they have some friendly conversations in the car it's just since we started this investigation so many my theories have been disproved like the theory that I'm attracted to boys you were right about the chemical and you found the name no no not about that stuff about you never forget back to my last joke they make it to the vice principal's house where they split up and search for clues you know I hear scoopy offset does an amazing Julius Caesar his rendition of Ren's run treeman Remy arrears sent shivers down the New York Times critic but you know does the fart stuff to pay the bills rough the ghost appeared to be waiting for them and hi why are you going in plays your ghost that's enough it's like if Freddy Krueger went into the soul of a fly boy I'm a boy [ __ ] I'm a goddamn boy wow you really do suck at this so it looks like they solve the mystery of who did it time capsule it's gotta be what he's after we did it we solved the mystery and with way minutes to spare anyone want to play clue I bet we'll all suck at it but go scare them outside though where they fall into a trap he guesses them and takes them to the high school where he forces them to find the capsule or he'll kill Scooby you'll never get away with his vice principal Grimes yes because those two clearly have the same build of one another Peter Dinklage was my next guess shaggy what are you doing hanging myself I want out of this film who uses my dog and I do anything to save them they'll head down to find the capsule where we come across a very strange big moment are you okay never better has anyone anywhere ever shipped Velma and Fred was that in high demand I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Scooby and Shaggy you have more slash art than these two it doesn't go anywhere anyway as they trick the villain into coming down I think we found it the problem is it's really heavy well all right where is it well come on let me have it I insist that you let me have it and I mean that in a completely on ironic way I get the book from him and try undoing the spells but that only releases more ghosts and funny enough they forgot to write in how this affects our heroes as the ghost never makes their way towards them they just go after random people I mean what are we supposed to say here oh no that lady won't be able to microwave her lasagna it's like saying I need to find a spell to get rid of these monsters each kibble is compelled oh now it seems there's monsters in Australia actually some of these ghosts may get a little too friendly I'm just assuming he was tying her shoe they finally say the spell to send all that goes back but our main villain is still there it's pretty damn good timing if even one thing got delayed this scene would be like you've got to change us anything would be a lot shorter Skippy escapes and saves the day though leading them to discover really the only person left and there's still some how surprised by it principal deal you ruined everything this doesn't make any sense really this doesn't make sense I mean okay this guy dressing up it's a ghost to give time carefully at the real world yeah I'm sure but I did it in scooby-doo really of course he reveals what we already knew that the rare stamp he was talking about in the beginning was in the time capsule and this was all a ploy to get it I feel like there could have been several ways to accomplish this not including raising the dead but he says the thing it would have been all mine if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog are people not seeing mangy anymore I love me too you bring back mangy the students are praised for their work and given a celebration in their honor it was a combination of Fred's leadership Velma's brains Daphne's resourcefulness I am the most important ingredient of all pot our friendship no no it's definitely pot I can't believe it we solved an actual mystery actually you didn't you had the wrong suspect the whole time until you um asked him you escaped death by blind luck but that doesn't look good on the side of a man shaggy however takes some of the dog treats he made earlier and decides to give them a name would you do it for a Scooby Snack yeah I figure you love these treats so much I named him after you somehow I'll manufacture them and get no credit but at least we have an incredibly wacky origin story now we end with tons of scenes either recreating the cartoon or we wish we're in the film we saw and the movie finally ends it's really amazing how much of this does and yet somehow doesn't connect to the cartoon I guess just like the other scooby-doo movies when you really think about it so critic now do you see why you didn't try as hard on this one I don't know Roger maybe we can solve the mystery of why you didn't try it yeah it's pretty obvious the movie is bad but it's bad in a different way from the other Scooby films those movies were at least creative and how awful and unfocused they were this one is just kind of bland and generic on the one hand it makes sense it's a kids TV movie with a much lower budget but it's instantly forgettable the acting is fine for the most part in the effect for a kid's film I guess are passable but in a weird way it's even more infuriating that you can't get that angry at it at least the other two were spectacular ly bad this one is just unimpressive ly bad I don't know if you want to take that as a compliment or an insult but still a Scooby turd I suggest passing up so I guess if we're not gonna do a mystery we might as well put the costumes back you know we're looking forward to doing something with oh yeah Roger still a psycho well well show and you're dead okay well there's only one thing to do in this situation Netflix and chill [Music] [Music] what was it oh that happens whenever somebody dies around here you should really get some rate for that oh let's see who this dinosaur really is let's see who this really is Rob let's see who this Rob really is Oh Rob let me go oh man oh man dinosaur came full-circle kind of guys what are we doing [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you hey Doug Walker here doing the charity shot on this week we are doing City of Hope founded in 1913 city of Hope is a leading research and treatment center for cancer diabetes and other life-threatening diseases designated as a Comprehensive Cancer Center the highest honor bestowed by the National Cancer Institute and a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network City of Hope's research and treatment protocols advance care throughout the nation every discovery they make and new treatment they develop gives patients the chance to live longer better and more fully their patient-centered philosophy guides everything that they do their researchers advance ideas into discoveries physicians bring emerging therapies to patients and students learn to transform the landscape of modern medicine if you look at their site in their YouTube channel you'll see that every day they pursue new and better ways to improve the lives of millions of people around the world click on the link and see why for many city of Hope is where hope begins you [Music] you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 2,276,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, scooby doo, scooby doo movies, scooby doo the mystery begins, scooby doo the mystery begins review, scooby doo 3, scooby doo 3 review, movie review, film review, scooby doo cartoon, shaggy, velma, scooby-doo, scooby-doo the mystery begins, scooby-doo movies, kids movies, kate melton, robbie amell, tamara chambers, malcolm ray
Id: m6VkfwkXvJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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